> Uncharted Territory > by Scorpentor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Black and White > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compass Draft surveyed the barren landscape passing rapidly beneath him. The heated air rising from the Zebrican plains pressed against his sand colored wings, allowing him a leisurely flight with minimal need for flapping. His eyes, on the other hoof, were busy methodically scanning the ground for any landmarks that might be useful for navigation. He wasn’t lost though, quite the opposite in fact. True to his name, Compass was blessed with an uncanny sense of direction. This, combined with his vivid memory and exceptional penmanship, had led him into the field of cartography. That, in turn had recently led him to the still largely uncharted continent of Zebrica. To call Zebrica “unexplored” would be unfair. The native Zebra, who had lived there for thousands of years, had thoroughly explored the continent and kept detailed records of their rivers, mountains, and villages. However, because Zebras lacked the ability of flight, their records did not include very many actual maps. And the few maps that they did have, were crude, and often inaccurate. Recognizing Zebrica’s need for skilled cartographers, Compass left his home in Equestria intent on putting his talents to good use. He had only arrived a week ago, but in that time he’d already managed to survey nearly the entire Zeerae River. With any luck, by day’s end, he would be done with it completely. Unfortunately, he was so focused on taking in every detail of the river’s vast delta that he completely failed to notice the manticore until its stinger was fully embedded in his withers. It felt as if his blood had suddenly been replaced with molten lead. Compass fell from the sky, his spasming wings failing to keep him aloft.  The pain from the sting was so intense that he barely registered his violent collision with the ground. Compass desperately tried to return to the air, but by some combination of the poison and the impact, his limbs refused to cooperate. He watched helplessly as the beast landed gracefully in front of him, and began slowly circling its prey, waiting for the venom to take full effect. Blackness encroached on the edges of Compass’ vision as he struggled to remain conscious. Just as the last of his sight faded he saw a cloud of red powder collide with the manticore’s face. He heard an anguished roar, and the beating of wings, and then... nothing. Zel stood over the unconscious pegasus quivering in utter disbelief of what she’d just done. The chili powder had been just as likely to draw the manticore’s ire as it had been to scare it off. And she didn’t even know this pony! To her complete surprise something inside her refused to just watch him die. This same part of her now demanded that she treat the enormous swollen wound on the strange stallion’s back, even though that meant dragging him all the way back to her home. Thankfully, the stallion was far lighter that he looked. He hardly weighed half as much as she did, despite being nearly a head taller. The trek back to her hut proved far easier than she had feared. Soon enough, she had managed to get him onto her bed, and treated with a dose of antivenom and a fresh bandage. Crisis momentarily averted, Zel was finally able to get a good look at her unusual guest. She had met several ponies before, but never a pegasus. She curiously ran her hoof across the base of his wing, feeling how his coat gradually transitioned into soft down. She recoiled her foreleg when the sleeping pony abruptly rolled over, dreamily mumbling something about somepony named “Fleur.” She stood motionless with her hoof suspended in the air. A moment passed, and it became apparent that the stallion was merely dreaming. She let herself relax. Another moment passed, and the exact nature of the stallion’s dream was revealed by his bulging sheath. Zel blushed furiously, but didn’t avert her gaze from the developing erection. She’d never seen a stallion’s member from this close before. She felt compelled to watch by a mix of curiosity and a second, less familiar emotion. She sat enraptured as inch after inch of the phallus emerged in front of her, until nearly a foot of his mottled pink flesh was visible. She realized that her hoof had been slowly reaching towards his penis without her noticing. When the stray hoof reached its destination, the stallion let out a soft murmur. His shaft was hot and firm to the touch, gently throbbing in time with his pulse. Zel recognized the faint, but unmistakeable scent of male arousal, though she had no idea how she was able to identify it. She moved her probing hoof to her nose, and she couldn’t help but shiver as her mind swam in the heady odor. She moved her muzzle closer to source of the intoxicating fragrance. Sniffing wildly, she filled her lungs with the aroma, but she wanted her more. She extended her tongue towards the pillar of flesh in front of her, and gave it a delicate lick, unaware of Compass’ eyes fluttering open. “Gah!” Compass shouted in surprise. He reflexively propelled himself skyward, only to slam directly into the hut’s low ceiling. He reached to rub the new bump on his head, but was stopped by a sharp burst of pain shooting through his still injured leg. Zel, meanwhile, was frozen in place from sheer mortification. Her mouth hung open with her tongue still extended, and her eyes were locked on the panicking pegasus. His eyes, in contrast, were darting around the room, taking in the traditional tribal décor before finally coming to rest on the motionless Zebra mare in front of him. She had a lithe build, and soft angular features. Both common for her species, but her markings gave Compass pause. Her stripes wrapped around her legs as if they were trying to ensnare her, and her glyph mark was some form of four armed spiral. Neither of these details were typical of any of the Zebra tribes Compass was familiar with. Determining a Zebra’s tribe was essential for interacting with them effectively. Jagged, zigzagging stripes would have indicated the Shazza tribe, and Compass would have known to aggressively demand an explanation, and to avoid showing any weakness. However, short, curved stripes would have meant she was a member of Zindi tribe, and taking such a hostile approach would more than likely result in a physical altercation. But continuous spiraling stripes? Compass’ limited cultural knowledge left him at a complete lost. “Who are you?” Compass asked, in the most neutral tone he could manage. The Zebra mare remained completely motionless, like a deer caught in a bright light. Except for her eyes, which diligently followed his engorged cock as it swayed back and forth. “Alright then…” Compass said, as he slowly moved towards the hut’s exit, “I’m just going to leave now…” “Wait!” Zel called out just as the stallion reached the door. He stopped, and turned to face her. She continued in a rushed whisper, “I’m Zel of the Grevys tribe. I saved you from the Manticore, and I’m sorry I was playing with your… um… thing.” Compass knew he should have just kept walking. Despite this, his hooves stayed firmly in place. Maybe it was Zels bright red, vunerable face, maybe it was the pain still radiating from his legs, or maybe it had something to do with the weeks worth of need built up in his loins. But, whatever the reason, Compass decided to stay and see where things might lead. “So... um…” he started, unsure of how to proceed in such a strange situation, “you like dicks?” Zel flinched at that final word, her cheeks blushing even deeper. Truth be told she had liked his… dick. ahh! Just thinking the word sent a shiver down her spine. It felt so wrong, and so naughty. “Yes” she finally croaked, ashamed by her actions, and even more by her base thoughts, and desires. Compass knew the situation was unusual, but she clearly wanted to play with a cock, and he most certainly wanted to have his cock played with, so why not? “Would you like to touch it some more?” His voice was equal parts hopeful and wary. He decided to go for broke, “With your mouth?” Zel stared transfixed at the gently twitching phallus in front of her. She had an open invitation to just walk over and put it in her mouth. To explore its surface with her tongue. Just the thought of it stirred a powerful wave of desire inside her. She took a moment before deciding to act on her impulses, but her body was already walking towards Compass. She walked with a sultry, exaggerated gait that her hips seemed to perform on their own accord. Meanwhile, Compass had shifted his weight onto his haunches, leaving his rigid stallionhood on full display as it gently bobbed in time with his excited breathing. The look in Zel’s eyes did nothing to quell his arousal. It was a sensuous mixture of one part trepidation, and two parts unbridled, animalistic lust. Zel was less than inch away from Compass’ crotch. His rod twitched eagerly in response to her warm breath. She pressed her broad tongue against the fleshy surface, and felt his heartbeat as she traced up along a particularly pronounced vein. When she reached his glans, she was overwhelmed with his masculine flavor, and wrapped her lips around his cock, savoring every ounce of the erotic taste. Compass threw back his head with a uncontrollable gasp. The mare’s mouth felt amazing. Her tongue was slightly coarser than a ponies, giving a pronounced texture to every lash of her tongue. She may have lacked technique, but if she was this good now, just imagine her with experience. The thought made Compass let out a small small moan, and a large spurt of precum. The spurt did not go unnoticed by Zel. She greedily swallowed the mouthful of liquid and immediately raised a hoof to Compass’ balls to coax out more of the potent elixir within. She could almost feel his seed sloshing around as she massaged his fleshy orbs. A small drop of his precious fluid escaped down his shaft, and Zel’s mouth pursued it. Her lips got as far as his medial ring before his girth began to make her gag. She tried to surface for air, but felt a firm hoof on the back of her head holding her in place. She felt his balls tighten, and his hips pushed his cock even further down her throat. And then he came. A week’s worth of cum flowed out of him, bombarding the back of the Zebra’s throat with a torrent of sperm. The excess leaked through the seal between her lips and his dick. As his orgasm subsided, Compass fell on his back, basking in his blissful afterglow, and unpinned Zel from his softening cock. The mare coughed up a lungful of cum, and began panting for breath. Despite her minor lack of oxygen, Zel couldn’t stop grinning.  She felt absolutely exhilarated! But as she came down from the thrill of the debauchery, she became painfully aware of the burning need in her own nethers. She eyed Compass with the same hungry look as the manticore from earlier. > And Red All Over > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compass was lying on the floor, basking in the afterglow of a much needed blowjob.  Zel on the other hoof. was more desperate for relief that she had ever been in her entire life. She instinctively lowered a hoof to her marehood, and frantically rubbed her exposed clitoris. Despite her extreme state arousal, she found her own hoof profoundly unsatisfying when such a virile stallion was right next to her. Compass was brought back to reality by a sudden weight on his pelvis. He opened his eyes to see Zel sitting on top of him, grinding her dripping sex against his own softening member. With his mind no longer clouded by libido, he became acutely aware of the fact that he had exchanged less than fifty words with the strange mare who was rabidly humping him. “Ahem,” He gave a short cough to get her attention.   Zel looked down at the prodding expression on Compass’ face, and suddenly ceased her grinding, having come to the same realization that he had. The two shared another moment of awkward silence as Zel’s blood flowed from her crotch to her cheeks. She lept off the spent pegasus, and scrambled backwards, until her back was against the wall. The crushing weight of Zel’s intense humiliation pressed down on her. But given the utter mortification she felt when Compass had first woken up, this embarrassment was comparably manageable. “I’m sorry!” she blurted out. She wasn’t sure exactly how much she was apologizing for, but it felt like the thing to say. “It’s alright.” Compass responded, “You don’t have to be sorry. That was great.” “No, but- we- I… It was?” “Yeah. I mean I was pretty pent up, and you’re really cute so…” Zel could physically feel the heat coming off her cheeks. Compass gave Zel a moment to respond, but when it became apparent that she wasn’t going to, he continued. “I’m sorry, I never properly introduced myself. I’m Compass Draft.” He gave Zel a friendly smile to try and put her at ease. “My name is Zel.” She squeaked out. “Yeah, you mentioned that. From the Garvies tribe, right?” “Um, no. We’re called the Grevys.” Zel corrected, with a modicum more confidence in her voice. “I haven’t heard of them before.” Compass tried to direct the conversation to a topic that Zel seemed comfortable with. “Could you tell me about them?” “Um, well,” Zel started, “We’re a recent offshoot of the Grendarree tribe. There were only few dozen of us when I left.” The was a hint of sadness in her voice as she finished her sentence. “Left?” Compass inquired “Well, um, I was, uh, kind of….” Zel seemed incredibly ashamed of whatever she was about to say next. “Banished…” “Oh.” There was a moment of silence before either said anything more. “What happened?” Compass finally asked. “Well, since we were such a small tribe, the Chief wanted us to expand. But the whole reason we broke off from the Grendaree was because we didn’t believe in conquest, so…” Zel trailed off. “The Chief wanted to keep all of the mares pregnant” Compass finished for her. “Yeah…” Zel said to the floor. Compass approached Zel and held her in a tender embrace, “I’m sorry. That sounds awful.” “I was just never interested in any stallions. Well, until…” Zel’s voice trailed off into an incomprehensible mumble. “Until now?” Compass offered. Zel just nodded in response. Compass rubbed that back of his neck awkwardly. “Thanks.” “I… Uh. I’m still, kind of hot. Down there.” Compass performed a quick mental check of his nethers before responding, “I’m still pretty spent. But we could still-” “Actually.” Zel interrupted softly.  “I, um, might have something that could help” Compass raised an eyebrow, but otherwise didn’t respond. Zel opened a small cabinet on the edge of the room, revealing a well stocked collection of dried herbs. She rummaged through the contents for a moment, before emerging with a small vial of light pink powder. She uncorked the bottle and smelled its contents.”Still good” she said to herself, before turning to Compass and continuing, “This is cha-uzazi-jani It should help recover your, er... stamina.” Compass took the the vial and gave it an exploratory sniff as well. Judging the odor to be inoffensive, he poured the contents into his mouth. The dry powder instantly absorbed all of his saliva, but with moderate difficulty he eventually managed to swallow it. “Not too bad, how long will it take to-” He cut himself off once he noticed Zel’s face. Her bright red blush had completely drained from her face, and she was wearing an expression of shock and horror. “What?” Compass asked nervously. “That- that was enough to last a month…” There was a tense moment of silence before Compass responded, “Okay so what’s going to- AGH!” He screamed as a deluge of blood suddenly rushed into his violently expanding penis. Meanwhile His testicles swelled larger than his hoof, and showed no signs of slowing. He fell to his side, and his engorged cock slapped against the ground, coating the floor in a puddle of precum. “Fuck!” Compass cried in pain, as he grasped his grapefruit sized balls. “Okay, okay.” Zel tried to calm herself down, “We just need to, err, relieve the pressure!” “Hurry!” Compass shrieked, rolling on to his back to give Zel better access to his intense need. Zel took a deep breath, and grabbed hold of Compass’ visibly throbbing stallionhood. Compass moaned at the contact. The mere touch of her hooves on his monstrous erection felt orgasmic by itself, and once her hooves began to stroke him, he gasped so deeply that his lungs began to burn. But the pain in his testicles and chest, was nothing compared to the pure, unearthly pleasure that filled his mind, and barred entry to any other thought. Compass’s dick was so swollen that Zel had to be mindful of the bulging veins on its surface as she delicately rubbed Compass into a delirious state. Compass’ tongue lolled out of his mouth, his hips pumped vigorously, and his hind legs twitched spastically in the air. Compass let out a sudden scream of pleasure and broke out in a fit of convulsions. Zel could feel the torrent of cum racing up his shaft and a moment later her face was plastered with sperm. The following salvos hit her square in the chest, as did the next. When Compass’ writhing and emission finally subsided, Zel’s stripes had nearly completely vanished under a thick coat of semen. However, despite his prodigious load, Compass’ rod remained as hard as stone, and his balls were still painfully swollen. Zel wasn’t content yet either, infact her libido had risen back to its former height. She licked her lips in anticipation, and was met with the salty flavor of Compass’ cum. Compass was still trembling on his back, lost in a mix of pleasure and need, so Zel took matters into her own hooves. She stood over quivering form, and even with her knees straight, she could feel the tip of his engorged cock brushed against the soft fur on her stomach. Scooting forward brought his glans ever closer to her lustful opening. She shivered as his dick swept across her sensitive teats. As soon as Zel had lined up her dripping sex with Compass’ own, he proved that he still had some remaining awareness of the outside world, and jerked his hips into her. His shaft slipped inside her passage, and Zel squealed at the top of her lungs. Compass’ rigid member ripped through her hymen, but she hardly noticed. His enhanced girth was stretching her to her absolute limit, and she loved every second of it. She took a breath as she flexed her knees and drove him deeper inside her. She didn’t exhale until his medial ring coerced a gasp from her as it forced her even further open. Zel was almost disappointed when she felt Compass press against her cervix. She longed for those last few inches of cock. Zel took a moment to savor the profound fullness inside her canal, but Compass had other ideas. He placed his hooves on her hips, and lifted her rear. He groaned as he slammed her back down against his crotch. He rapidly lifted and dropped again. Then again. And again. ‘“Oh, yes!” Zel moaned in pleasure. The sensation of her body being used by a stallion like this was shockingly erotic to her. Her entire body had become an instrument of gratification, dedicated to the sole purpose pleasing her partner. Every one of Compass’ lewd cries inspired Zel to higher and higher levels of satisfaction, rising in lockstep with Compass’ own cresting pleasure. Compass howled in delight, and he sprayed his creamy essence into Zel’s virgin marehood. His load showed no signs of decreasing from his previous emissions, and quickly overflowed Zel’s womb. Compass’ seizing was so severe that Zel was ultimately thrown from the violently bucking bronco beneath her. Despite Compass’ devastating orgasm, his pillar of flesh immediately speared back into Zel’s ravenous pussy, showing now no signs of slowing. Zel lifted her head and buried her face in the tuft of soft fur on Compass’ chest. She listened to his rapid heartbeat, and ragged breathing. And she could even make out the beating of his wings fluttering behind him.  Zel squirmed on the floor as her climax barreled down on her. And then the dam broke, and she was flooded with the relief she’d been craving. Her velvet walls clamped down on Compass’ cock, and drew out yet another orgasm. His jizz poured out like fuel onto the inferno of Zel’s ecstasy. It wasn’t until the stars had faded from Zel’s vision and her euphoria had settled into bliss, that she noticed the lack of movement in her nethers. “Are you,” She had to pause to take a breath, “Okay?” “Yeah,”  Compass responded with a distinct warble in his voice, “I feel a lot better.” He withdrew his shaft, releasing a river of semen from Zel’s passage. Despite his three consecutive orgasms, Compass’ dick remained hard. But along with his testicles it had reverted to it’s usual maximum size. Zel rose to her hooves, her shaky legs just barely supporting her. “So, no more pain?” “No more pain.” Compass confirmed. “Still horny as tartarus though, but I’ll manage it” “Or…”  Zel said with a mischievous smirk, “I could manage it?” She gave Compass and endearing smile, and sensual flick of her tail. “Yeah.” Compass grinned.  “That could work.” ~oOo~ It wasn’t until early the next morning that the two lovers finally exchange each other’s embrace, for that of sleep. And even then, only due to biological necessity. When Compass awoke he found Zel tenderling press against him in his sleep. As much as he wished he could have stayed like that forever, he still had a map to finish. A task which he was now a day behind schedule on. He didn’t feel right about leaving Zel without saying goodbye, but he couldn’t bring himself to wake her pristine sleeping form. He quietly exited the hut, and took to the air. He paused a moment to get his bearings, and was preparing to leave when he heard a voice call after him. “Wait!” Zel Shouted, “you’ll come back, right?” Her voice had just a hint of sadness. “Of course!” Compass beamed. “I’ll be passing by again in just a few days. I’ll definitely stop by.” Zel smiled and waved the pegasus goodbye until he disappeared over the horizon. Once she was alone again, she sighed in contentment over the entire wonderful ordeal. But eventually her responsibilities called her back to reality. She would have to go foraging for a certain she had recently run out of. She had a feeling she might be need some more of it in the near future.