> Adagio Gets Her Rocks Off > by Lucky Seven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ... And Her Rocks Get On Her > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio let out a sigh. It wasn’t a sigh of disappointment or defeat, but one of relief. Her shift had finally ended, and she was looking forward to her two day vacation. While not the nicest of ponies, her manager had the decency to let his employees off on time. Shouting a quick “Bye!” towards the kitchen, she made her way out of the restaurant she’d come to call a second home lately. The Hoofington Plaza was certainly a fun restaurant, but not a very fun job. Sonata had been the one to get her an interview, something she was eternally grateful for since it provided her with the necessary income to finally move out. She’d heard enough of Sonata and Aria’s playing, as Sonata had called it, since they had crossed the portal back to Equestria. Having her own place meant she could finally have some peace and quiet, and that was something she’d never take for granted. As she began her quick trot home, her thoughts wandered to her coltfriend. He was obviously waiting for her as he did every day, something that made her love him even more. It didn’t take long for her to reach the door to her home, and the lock clicked open as she turned her key. It was dark in the house as she made her way inside, and she spotted two figures sitting in the living room. “Honey, do you have company over?” The response that came was curt, something that she wasn’t used to from her coltfriend. As she made her way to the fridge to grab a soda, she decided that being snarky was the best answer. “Don’t you take that tone with ’me’, or I’ll kick your friend out!” She shouted back. She could sense him wincing all the way from the kitchen, and chuckled inwardly. He wasn’t as tough as he tried to seem, and she found it pretty adorable. What she heard next caused her to blush intensely. “You brought him here for ’what’?” His reason, while legitimate, still wasn’t enough to satisfy the former siren. “Honey, I know we discussed trying that, but I’ve never even ’met’ Holder’s Boulder before.” He persisted, still, and Adagio finally relented. “Alright, fine, I’ll give it a try. But I want to get to know him first, Tom.” To Tom, that was fair, and he beckoned for her to to come into the living room with them. After a moment’s hesitation, she slowly clip-clopped along the tile floor and took a seat between him and his guest. A small smile formed on her face as she wrapped a hoof around her coltfriend, happy just to be in his embrace after a long day of work. “Tom’s told me a bit about you, but it’s nice to finally meet you, Holder’s Boulder. Though I do wish the circumstances were less… ’strange,’” was the word she decided to settle on. To his credit, Holder’s Boulder seemed rather sympathetic, introducing himself to her in a fashion that came off as friendlier than what her coltfriend had said. “‘Holdy’, huh? I guess I could call you that. Not like it’s any worse than Sonata calling Aria ‘Ari’,” Adagio chuckled. Holdy was certainly a gentleman, something she could certainly grow used to if they ended up doing what Tom had suggested. “Are you sure you want to do this, Holdy?” His answer didn’t surprise her. She was a very attractive mare, after all, and all of the stallions in Ponyville seemed to pine for her. Tom was the only one for her though, which was what made this so much harder for her to decide. If he wanted to do it, she wasn’t the kind of mare to disappoint. “Alright, I’ll do it, but only on one condition. You two aren’t to tell ’anyone’. Is that understood?” Her companions were mutual in their agreement, so it was time to get started. The idea of a threesome had already caused her to become wet with arousal, and she quickly discarded her work uniform. Positioned behind her, Tom became but a tool for her to rub her soaking wet folds against. Not that he was complaining, of course. In fact, he voiced his approval with Adagio smirking in response. “Yeah… You like that, baby?” He did, that much was sure. Instead of trying some more dirty talk, Adagio focused on the one towering in front of her. Holdy was pretty big, and best of all, rock hard. Planting kisses along his body, she moved down until she was kissing him in only the most erotic of places. The whole time, she kept rubbing her backside against Tom, an action that was quickly taking its toll on her. Letting her tongue escape its confines, she began running it along Holdy, and she could tell that he liked it. He wasn’t the only one that did, though. The pleasure of her continued ministrations on Tom was reaching a climactic end. She wouldn’t let it end this quickly, not by a long shot. Bringing her rubbing to a halt, she instead started grinding against his hardness. Like a sweet honey, her nectar began leaking onto her coltfriend, filling the room with a pleasant aroma. It didn’t take long for her grinding to pick up the pace, and she was beginning to near her ever-growing climax. The mere thought of covering her beloved Tom in her juices was enough to send her over the edge, and she began convulsing between her two lovers. After what felt like minutes of bliss, she finally collapsed onto the sofa, caked in sweat. Breathing heavily, all she could manage was, “That… was… amazing…” Tom and Holdy agreed, and she smirked. “So, big boy, you down for staying the night?” His answer seemingly satisfied her, and she dozed off shortly thereafter, a small smile gracing her features. She had the best coltfriend in the world, and his friend wasn’t bad either. Tonight had certainly rocked. “Aria, why is Adagio rubbing up against a rock and licking another?” “I guess she’s finally gone over the deep end,” Aria sighed, staring at their friend through her window. “Let’s just go home and bang.” “Okay!”