> The Tight Embrace of Winter > by Monanniverse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Green Ribbon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quill twirled in the air, enveloped by a soft red glow. Christmas made it hard to focus on work; between the warmth of the jumper and scarf wrapped around her body to the gentle motions of the snowflakes outside her window, Amber found it hard to keep her mind centered on writing her paper. Every time her writing dulled, she would take a moment to gaze out into the white fields of winter. There was the twinkling of lights around the hems of each of the roofs of the buildings around her – tweaking between red and green – painting a soft hue over the white canvas that was mesmerizing like a siren to a wayward sailor; dazed by the trickling snowfall, Amber loved to single out one snowflake in particular, the choice was always made at random, hinted to through subtle cues of the shape and grace of whatever hooked her, and follow its descent from the sky to blend in with the sea of others on the once green university ground. Under the light of a lamppost, Amber saw Sunny, her room-mate and best friend. She wasn’t alone. Her lips grazed those of her boyfriend under the trembling mistletoe. Her normally blazing marigold eyes were lost in a strawberry shade and closed lid as she leaned into the kiss. Knowing her personally, it wouldn’t be haphazard to assume that she was the one who had started the exchange but the way her boyfriend’s hooves rested atop her shoulders suggested to Amber that there was more to this Christmas carol. The two separated, the glint of saliva shimmered in the pale light. There was still a longing in those eyes of theirs and they nestled their head together, gently nuzzling each other’s furry coat. Eventually, they had to part. There was hesitation when had to pull away from the warmth of her colt friend but he quickly dispelled her fears when he wrapped his hoof around hers and the pair started their trek to a night of good memories. Amber couldn’t help but let a smile blossom across her features, only to have a pang of loneliness strike her heart. A relationship has never beckoned to her nor had she outright sought it. She stood on uneven terrain, a quagmire of mixed emotions that she neither wanted nor felt the urge to dig her way out of. The very thought of allowing someone infiltrate that close to your being, of letting down your guard, filled her with unfathomable dread. She had brought the topic up with Sunny a while ago, laid out her heart on the table and had asked outright “What if he cheated?” Amber regretted that question and quickly apologized for peeking where her nose shouldn’t go. Thankfully, Sunny didn’t mind and shot back at her with a toothy grin: “C’est la vie.” Regardless, it was impossible to deny the carnality of it all; for she was a mare at the end of the day, and all mares had needs to attend to. She longed for the caresses of a stallion or the tiny pecks he could plant on her body, like a hummingbird darting between the fields of flowers to catch honey. Perhaps ‘he’ wasn’t the right word choice here for the number of dreams that focused on mares numbered those that focused on stallions. There were subtleties to both genders that only accentuated their form and their sex; for stallions, they had their intoxicating musk that addled her mind and left her legs shaking, and for mares, their perfect figure loomed in her mind – the sensuality of it, its supple curves and how every movement they made only highlighted their form. Amber’s marehood burned. The thoughts made her cheeks hot and her concentration weakened – the once translucent glow of red around the quill had dissipated and the clunk of stem on Mahogany sounded. Her eyes eased shut as her lips quivered. She let out a silent moan. Her breath steamed in front of her snout, misting her reddening cheeks, before fading away. A hoof tenderly moved south, barely grazing the flesh which felt aflame. Even the tiniest of touches sent a cacophony of fireworks to spiral in her mind, turning it all into a deep wanting need for more. She stopped just shy of touch her flower, the hesitation caused her mind to scream at her but she resisted the temptation. Instead, her hoof hooked onto the latch of her cabinet and pulled. It was a mess inside, to put it lightly. She honed whatever focus she could muster into a levitation spell and pulled out a roll of green ribbon. It had been one of the many items she had bought in her plight to make her dorm more festive but had bought one too many. She trudged towards her bed, each step of the way a battle against the desire to just lie down right then and there and rub her clit. The chilling wind nipped at her flesh like wild dogs, in particular, at her uncovered behinds. The clash of warmth and cold made Amber bite her lips to stifle a lewd moan. She stained her mattress. The once clean cotton covers were soaked in her fluids as she rolled around. Amber purposefully attempted to twist her body in a way that would scrunch up her bedding, leading to tiny flicks across her fold. They weren’t enough to sate her need, only an appetizer to the main course that simply teased her but would gratify her burning desires until she could complete the next stage. Her magic unfurled the ribbon. It shimmered in the glow of the lamplight, reflecting her gaze back at herself. In it, what she saw wasn’t a unicorn who wanted more than what was given to her anymore but instead, a simple being who longed for the touch of flesh. Amongst shaky breaths, she wrapped the ribbon around her fetlocks before making a loop. She passed the ribbon through the loop to make a self-tightening noose, a trick she had picked up from a dear magazine subscription that would ruin her if anyone ever found out about. Amber looped the remainder several times around her left hoof, then her right. By twisting her hoof around she was able to bind them together reasonably well. Holding the stuff in her magic, she pulled tight a knot and wrapped it around her wrists several times until it felt secure. Being a mere novice in the field of self-bondage as well not being in her prime state to be able to focus on keeping up with how her bondage was coming along, she had done her knots with her hooves in front of her. It wasn’t quite enough to fool her mind into the sense of helplessness that she very desperately sought right now. Stretching her hooves out, she managed to pull her hooves down. She wanted them behind her, but she had trouble squeezing past her hips. She wriggled on the bed, falling over onto her side. With some effort she maneuvered her arms past her hips and brought her fore hooves behind her back. A contented sigh passed her lips. Her fore legs were much simpler to do; her horn lit up again and surrounded the roll of ribbon once more. It came loose from her previous bindings with a satisfying snap. There was a reason she had chosen ribbon over the bundle of rope that she had snuck into her room under the guise of ‘groceries’, above its festivities was the texture that felt smooth on her skin. It glided on top of each layer that she had wrapped around her limbs – the term soon to encompass all of her limbs – and contorted to every tug and pull without indenting itself into her flesh, something that she very much wished to avoid dealing with again. The endless pestering Sunny had barraged her with the morning after her first self-bondage session in the dorm was not a pleasant experience for her. Soon enough, she had secured both of her thighs to her hind legs. She tried to raise herself to a kneeling position but she discovered she couldn't straighten her body and it doubled her over and forced her into a humiliating position. She squirmed again and felt the cord tighten around her wrists. That only left one final incriminating item to don – the magic inhibitor. Her final security boundary was about to be crossed. As a unicorn, she saw her magic as an extension of her being – of her identity – and to forcefully remove this unique of trait of hers felt so demeaning and derogatory and base made it all the more right. She mind tingled as she prepared herself. She had seen pictures of other mares held captive with the very same tool that she now held in her magical hold, each of them with an expression of despair that gripped at her soul. She wanted to understand what they were experiencing. It just felt right. It had taken awhile for her to muster up the courage (and the bits) to pay for the item and even then, just walking into an adult toy store made Amber feel dirty – as if the light act would stain her being. She had taken along with her an encyclopedia and gingerly gestured to the item that she wanted to the store clerk, all the while trying to hide her scorching cheeks. She wasn’t worried about being unable to unlatch the contraption once her play time was over as it was designed to turn itself off after a period set by the user. Now, she was at peace. If you were to walk into the room right now, you would see a poor mare whose ragged breathing and winking lips screamed out for the contact of a lover. Her legs trembled in their bound state in tune with her thumping heartbeat. And if you were lucky enough to catch her attention, she would turn to you with a look of such lust, such craving for your consummation, such a hunger for anything to fill her canals that it would be impossible not to fulfill her wish. But in her mind, she was elsewhere. She imagined that she wasn’t held captive to her whims but instead by a kidnapper who would impale her with their cock. To be taken against her will; she had imagined him sneaking up behind her and smothering her pleas with a rough hoof. A moan escaped her lips. Now, she was a maid, clad from head to toe in a dark satin outfit that fitted her form to the point where it acted more like a second skin – even coming with a pleated skirt that was too short to keep her modesty intact. She imagined that she was a maid in a big house, being punished by a rich gentleman for some transgression. The rich gentleman would leave her there in his salon, or his drawing room or whatever, naked and bound, to reflect upon her inability to polish the silver. Then he would return to find her as she was now, naked and doubled over, exposed for whatever punishment he so deemed worthy. She imagined that she was helpless and exposed, and that perhaps it wasn't the aristocratic gentleman but his son. The son would be surprised to find the maid like this. Perhaps he would take advantage of her. She was only a maid, after all. A moan - a scream - a plea for more. Amber shifted around fruitlessly. Her pussy felt hot and wet and there was no way to touch the burning ring of fire without undoing all the knots and ruining the fantasy of helplessness. She felt the urgent need to rub against something. Her eyes shot around the room, tongue hanging limply as her breath clouded her vision. She needed something - Anything. Her pillow was on the floor nearby. Shuffling on her knees, she moved closer to it, hoping to straddle it and rub her tender folds against it, but she found that her ankles were bound together so tightly that she couldn't spread her knees apart effectively. She groaned in anguish as her plans for release was inhibited by her bonds. Yet, wasn’t that why she loved bondage so much? The feeling of being in the moment, consumed by the primal notion of lasciviousness, wasn’t that why she found herself coming back time and time again? Yes, she whispered to herself. In a fit of clumsiness, Amber fell off of her bed and onto the soft carpet floor. She found herself on her sides again, with the pillow clutched between her hind legs this time, and wiggled her legs until she could cross her ankles. The ribbon was much tighter around her ankles now. With her ankles crossed she could now flip over onto her stomach and flatten her crotch against the pillow. Face pressed against the carpet, hooves still tied behind her, she hunched her pussy ineffectively against the pillow, imagining that this was the only form of relief allowed by her captor. There was a knock on the door. She shot up. Her heart raced. She stared at the door as if it was a beast that had found its prey. “Sunny?” it was a boy. There was more knocking. Oh god. “Sunny? Amber? Anyone home?” The questions echoed in the empty dorm room. Amber sat there, still straddling the pillow, hardly able to breath. She simply waited for him to leave, daring not to make a sound. It’s alright, it’s alright; the door is locked, if you stay quiet and don’t move, he would think no one is here and leave. Her thoughts desperately tried to rationalize her pounding chest. Her throat tightened. The sound of a key turning the lock rang in her ear. Almost at once, the door swung open. A blade of light seared through the orange glow of her room, directly spearing the mare with her hooves bound. A flush filled her face and she immediately struggled with her bindings in an attempt to salvage whatever scrap of dignity she had left, but the ribbon only dug in tighter. Panicking, she managed to lift herself off the pillow, but only succeeded in falling over again with a thump. She gave up on getting free of her bindings and settled down. Her eyes rose up to face the intruder, to try and convince him not to reveal her darkest secrets to the whole school. “Amber? Are you okay?” He had cried out upon getting over the shock of seeing her bound like this. It was Anon, the human studying at the university. “Yeah!” Her voice was shrill and she expediently corrected herself in a softer tone “fine. I'm fine. I'm okay. Thanks!" He hesitated in the doorway. Amber could hear voices in the hall, coming closer. "God, I told you I'm okay! This is my room! How did you unlock the door?" "I just needed to borrow a book. I thought you were out. Sunny gave me the key-" "Well come back later, okay?" She dared not meet his gaze anymore, instead, resolving to glare at the ground – praying for it to open up and swallow her right then and there. Anon didn’t say a word after that and the voices in the hall faded into distant mumbling. He wasn’t gone. His eyes only stared at the stains on the edge of the pillow, damp with her essence. The room stank of sex and it was obvious what she had been doing. "Do you need some help?" "Look, Anon, this is super embarrassing, but I'm really okay." Amber still dared not to meet his gaze with her own, too embarrassed by the whole situation. "Okay. It's just- are you alone in here? Is someone coming to untie you? Is Sunny..." "No! Look, I tied myself up. I was just fooling around, okay? I can get out. I was just bored, you know?" She lied to him, instinctively biting her lips. She turned back around to him. He is being so bloody persistent! Her mind raced to find a way to minimize the damage, concluding that it would be best if she were to confront him directly and asking him politely to leave. Her eyes shrunk to pinpricks upon noticing where his gaze led. "Yeah, that's cool." Instead of leaving, Anon took a few steps inside the room and closed the door behind him. There was an awkward pause as neither of them knew what to say. Amber had never been so embarrassed in her life. She tried to think of some way to explain why she was tied up naked on the floor, wrestling with her pillow in order to get off. Why did it have to be Anon? He was sort of cute and he was going to think she was the biggest weirdo ever. "Now that you've got a good look you can go, okay?" "Look, Amber, I'll leave if you want me to, but those knots look pretty tight. Are you sure you can get out?" The question had struck her by surprise and she cocked an eyebrow. "Of course, see?" Amber wiggled and strained but the ribbon was stronger than it looked. It held firm and continued to bind her hooves in place, arching her back and pushing out her chest. It had worked itself into knots that she couldn't easily pull out. How had it gotten so tight? She realized she'd have to pull her arms back under her legs and pick at the knots with her teeth if he wasn’t going to give her the luxury of waiting for the magic inhibitor to wear off. It might take a while. It dawned on her. She was living out her fantasy. Here she was, tied up and helpless. For real, not just pretend. Now that the moment of surprise was past, there was warmth that spread through her pussy as she realized what she must look like to Anon. She had succeeded getting her crotch up off the pillow but now she was in an equally lewd position: lying on her side; knees bent; she was forced to arch her back and push out her chest at the same time that her ass was also on display, bisected by the green ribbon - gift wrapped. How fitting for the festive holiday. She wriggled again, testing the knots but only pulling them tighter. She knew the first step in freeing herself was to pull her hooves back in front but she didn't do it. It would be awkward and ungraceful and she discovered that with Anon in the room she preferred to be prettily tied than awkwardly flailing around. She wanted to be the damsel in distress. Amber wriggled and strained, aware of Anon eyes on her. She considered raising herself to a kneeling position, but thought better of it when she realized that she would have to stick her bare bottom straight up in the air to do it. She gritted her teeth and stared daggers at the man standing over her; his hawk-like eyes watching her every movement. Amber bit the bullet. “Fine, I-I’ll admit it. I’m a little bit stuck,” she said “Just cut me loose, alright?” Without so much as a peep, Anon knelt down behind her and set to work on the knots. He was taking an extremely long time with the knots, so much so that Amber wondered if he was going slowly on purpose. “Don’t you have a knife or something?” “No. Don’t you? Kind of risky tying yourself up without an escape plan, isn’t it?” He dug his fingers into one of the hooks of the knot, unknowingly grazing a sensitive spot on Amber’s legs, causing her to squirm in his hold and causing him to lose all of his progress. “Hey! Stop, you’re making it worse.” Just, kill me now, God. "I can't help it." She mumbled, mainly to herself more than to the man behind her. "Do you do this often? Tying yourself up?" "I just wanted to see what it felt like," Amber replied. "So what does it feel like?" Her voice hitched in her throat, “I-I…” It was everything she had envisioned. The sense of control he had over her was intoxicating. Her senses felt alive, as if they had just been born, everything felt fresh. The air in the room smelt differently; she could pick up his scent where there once was none; she could feel his hot breath just behind her left ear like the waves of the ocean crashing against her shores; every touch her made upon her supple flesh felt heavenly, as if she was being groomed. Electricity shot down her spine to her nethers when one of his fingers had trailed across her back. She let out a petite whine escape her lips before catching it half-way out of her mouth. What had she done? She prayed that he hadn’t noticed her depraved act. She prayed that he would continue to unbind her and free her from this self-imposed hell. But she knew, from the way he had suddenly stopped working, she knew that he had caught it. “S-sorry! I-I-I didn-mmph!” His lips had met hers. He had held her chin in with his two fingers and leaned in to capture her in his will. Amber was drunk. She couldn’t think straight. Her whole existence now centered on this man, this intruder in her life, who was claiming her as his own. She could feel the texture of his lips, its coarseness a stark contrast to her smoothness. Their lips parted for a brief respite, a trail of saliva bridging the two before collapsing once he invaded her space. He snaked his tongue into her mouth, darting across the gap to siege hers – she felt him explore her in a way that she only a foreigner could do, to find the nooks that she didn’t know existed in her wall. She whined a delicate sound as she accepted his sovereignty. She was now that helpless maid and he was the rich aristocrat. She was now the captive and he was the kidnapper. She was the prey and he was the predator. And she loved it. Instead he rolled her over onto her back so that her hooves were pinned under her butt. Amber squeezed her knees modestly together. His eyes roamed freely over her body. Amber said nothing. He gently pushed her hair out of her eyes. Tentatively, he touched her ribs. Despite herself, she relaxed her legs slightly, allowing her knees to part. It just felt right. Her body’s cries edged her on. Anon ran a finger down the inside of her thigh, stopping short of her throbbing cunt. His touch on her leg was intense, like lightning streaking across the sky, his touch felt so fleeting yet its essence clung to her mind even after he had departed. Her breath was sharp; she hated him for teasing her like this. She wanted him to take her. No one had ever touched her body like this before, to use her body and treat it like an object and treat her not as a person but as a toy. The amount of control her has over what emotions she felt when and where sent her mind reeling. Her modesty had long since been abandoned and throaty cries now escape her lips, some even whispering his name. Amber stared into his eyes, inviting him. He leaned down and kissed her. It was a quick kiss, again, a tease rather than a fulfillment. They kissed like that for some time, Amber lying on her back with her legs folded awkwardly and her hooves pinned beneath her. She whined and begged him to stop these short dabs to be replaced by long embraces of their feelings. She was totally naked. How and when mattered not to her, for in her mind, there needed not an answer. She was glad to have her body so exposed to him. They kissed and kissed, tenderly at first, then with increasing passion. Amber couldn't reach out and touch him, as much as she wanted to due to her bindings; so she concentrated all of her attention into her mouth, to please her master. She wanted more. She needed more. She relaxed her legs, allowing her knees to splay widely, her spread open pussy exposed to the air. She mouthed to him her desires, her mind unable to conjure up the sentences needed to express her want to be filled. Against it all, Anon stroked her belly and Amber shuddered. Lightly he caressed the inside of her thighs but never going so far as to touch her flower. “Please! I need you, please, just, stop teasing me and just fuck me Anon! Please!” She choked out between her cries. That seemed to convince him. With one finger he traced the outline of her labia. Her cunt was slippery and wet. Her head swam with confusion. She didn't know whether she wanted him to touch her there or not. His finger continued its slow journey up her slit. It brushed against her clit, as if by accident. Her cunt throbbed mightily, that one small touch on her clit magnified out of all proportion. Since her hooves were trapped under her ass, which had the effect of brazenly pushing her pelvis up off the floor, all she could do to guide him along was to plant suggestions through her actions “Yes~! Like that Anon…” Amber gratefully spread her thighs wider as Anon traced her inner lips and the little hood that covered her clit. He didn't rub her steadily like he was trying to make her come. He seemed content with exploring her pussy at his own pace. Finally he took her clit between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it gently. Crying out immodestly, she arched her back and lost herself in the pleasure of his finger on her clit. With all her limbs useless, she felt as if her entire being was concentrated in her cunt. She shuddered as his fingers moved through her slippery pussy and then returned to her clit, touching it with slow, deliberate motions. “Please…Ah~ please don’t stop..!” With all inhibition gone, Amber gave herself up to this boy whom she barely knew. She cried out as waves of pleasure wracked her body. Her mind became a void without thoughts. Her body tensed and she strained against her bondage. The ribbon bit cruelly into her fetlocks and ankles as she strained against her bonds but she didn't care. She loved the feeling. A symphony of emotions racked her tender frame as electricity coursed throughout her body. Fire seared her lips and her mare juice sprayed out on the carpet, as if to extinguish that carnality. Her orgasm sent her spiraling through a high that soared above any measurable league. When it was over, Amber lay on the floor beneath him, limp and spent, but still tightly bound in her brazen position. For a moment she thought he was going to fuck her. She wanted him to fuck her. The words "fuck me," were on her lips, almost spoken; but that was when he pulled a small pocket knife out of his pocket and knelt down. Amber shuddered to see the blade in the vicinity of her unprotected vagina. She balled up, trying to shield her body from his weapon. Instead, Anon touched her hooves, cupping them in his hands. "Your hooves are cold. Come on." He sawed at the ribbon around her wrists, freeing her limbs from its festive bondage. Amber sat up. She felt suddenly modest and she attempted to cover herself using her hooves, eyes dashing away from his to stare at a non-descript item on the floor, face flushed cherry for the final time of the night. Anon pulled off the bed sheet and draped it around her which she took kindly, pulling it around her body to hide the deprave act she has just committed. He knelt on the floor in front of her. He took her hoof in his and examined the marks where the cord had cut into them. “You could have seriously hurt yourself. See here? You could have cut off your circulation.” Amber turned to where he was pointing to; a deep mark bled her fur a dark purple colour. But that wasn’t what held her attention, the way he held her hoof, with such tenderness and kindness and care did. She could feel his pulse through his palm and she couldn’t help but count along to the strong thumps. “You alright there?” “Huh?” She came back to reality, to stare into his eyes properly for the first time since he had stumbled into her dorm. She was lost in it. The dark tones had caught her gaze and she pondered what thoughts laid behind them, there was strength behind those eyes of his; yet, she also found from the glints more than that – she found something above simple lust. Her hoof rubbed the back of her head. “Um, please don’t tell anyone about all of this, okay?” Her voice hung for a moment. “Look, I barely know you Anon, but, you were really sweet tonight. I’d like to see you again, if you want to as well. I mean, you could have taken advantage of me but, you didn’t. I don’t know what I felt tonight. I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe…” He brought her into an embrace. “Take all the time you need.” And with that, he gently kissed her once on the cheek, chastely, and left with his book in hand.