Ever Lasting Night

by Rainbow Heart

First published

Nightmare Moon is the new ruler of Equestria her dream of the eternal night has come true. But a pink alicorn Princess has appeared who misses the joy the day can bring. Could she be able to bring back the Day or will nighttime be forever?

With the main 6 never meeting one another causing Nightmare Moon to succeed her goal. She is now the new ruler of Equestria with Celestia being banished to the moon and Twilight Sparkle never becoming the Princess of Friendship she is the only alicorn in Equestria until one day a pegasus pony manages to turn herself into an alicorn her name is Mi Amore Cadenza but everypony calls her Cadance. Cadance misses the joy the day is able to bring therefore she is determined to bring the day back. She knows she isn't powerful enough to take on the ruler of the Night but would she be able to reach the love that lies deep within Nightmare Moon? Or will she fail? After all Nightmare Moon her dream has come true the eternal night that will last forever.

Chapter 1: How it all Began

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Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aiden her escape and she will bring night time eternal.

Today was that day. It was the summer sun celebration, this year it was hosted in a town called ponyville. Everypony was exited for the summer sun celebration, after all it is one of the most famous days of the year in Equestria. The ponies in ponyville did all they could to make the town look more beautiful then it ever was after all their ruler Princess Celestia would come to their town or so everypony thought. How wrong they were. None of them knew this would be their last day ever. It was time for Celestia to leave for ponyville she had prepared herself and was rather exited. She looked out of the window from her castle in Canterlot with a smile.

''Ponyville....If I remember correctly the dear daughter of the founders still lives there. I wonder how she's doing, it would be lovely to see her again.'' The white alicorn said to herself as she let out a chuckle.

Celestia nodded, it was time for her to go to ponyville. She moved away from the window and walked downstairs to exit of the castle. From the windows she could see the night, she looked at it whenever she passed a window. Oh how she missed the gorgeous nights her little sister could create. Her beautiful star constellations, her shining moon. No matter how hard Celestia had tried she could never recreate the nights like her little sister, her dearest little sister Luna. She missed Luna day and night, it all was so different after she banished her. Celestia still felt guilty about banishing her little sister, but she had had no other choice as she was unable to reach her sister's heart. Celestia released a sigh when she recalled all the lovely memories she had with Luna, she hoped that one day her dear sister would come home. As Celestia was lost in her thoughts she didn't notice one of her royal guards passed out on the floor right away, but she did soon after she passed his body. Celestia felt a rush of worry and immediately turned to the stallion, she lowered herself to see if he had any injuries. He appeared to be hit by magic there was a bruise on his neck. Celestia rose again as she braced herself for anything that could be lurking in her castle, she was prepared for anything.....at least that's what she thought. Celestia rushed further down the hallway to warn the other guards but when she arrived she found them all passed, out every single one of them.

''Who could have done such a cruel thing?'' She asked herself.

''Show yourself! I will not allow you to hurt my subjects! whoever you are come out now and stop this cowardly act!'' She raised her voice as her voice was very demanding and stern and so was the look on her face and her body language. Celestia wasn't going to let the one behind this get away with it.

''Foolish sister do you not recall me?'' A sinister voice said softly from the shadows.

''Sister? Show yourself right now!''

Celestia wasn't going to let her guard down by what she thought was a mere trick in fooling her, yet she would be lying if she said that somewhere inside her heart she did not think it was her sister, or rather....Nightmare Moon. The awful creature her sister had become. The Luna she knew wasn't that selfish and would care dearly about the ponies in Equestria, Nightmare Moon however was a cruel mare who would do anything to get what she desired. Celestia prepared herself to fight as her horn gave off a powerful yellow glow. A figure moved out of the shadows, a black mare with a horn and wings, she was an alicorn with flowing blue starry mane. Celestia's eyes widened with shock when she saw her, as a lot of different emotions went trough her. It was her, Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon grinned at the sight of her sister, she felt a bit of a triumph but she would not be satisfied until she had sent her to the moon just like her sister did to her.

''No it can't be.....'' Celestia uttered

''It's been so long since I've last seen you my sister Celestia. What has it been? A thousand years!'' Nightmare Moon had somewhat of an evil laughter in her tone.

''Luna or should I call you Nightmare Moon?'' Celestia returned to her serious attitude.

''Tina are you not happy to see me?'' Nightmare Moon asked being rather sarcastic.

''You are not my sister!'' Celestia said her eyes narrowed angry.

''I wasn't intending to make this a touchy reunion.''

Both alicorns stood ready to battle one another. Both of them didn't show any sign of backing down. Nightmare Moon her horn started glowing too as the two sisters ran at one another with their horns clashing against one another trying to push the other down. Both felt anger towards another, Nightmare Moon her anger coming from envy and Celestia her anger coming from the fact that her sister turned into a monster like this, even though she took most of the blame for it herself. Nightmare Moon was determined to win, she would not fail not again this time her sister would not be able to use the elements against her and she knew it otherwise she would have tried convincing her to return back to her normal self again. Her weaker self who was supposed to be so much better then who she was now. Her old self, Luna. Refused to believe that she had power now and that that was what mattered and nothing else. Nightmare Moon suddenly jumped back and flapped her wings as she rose from the ground, charging her horn with a powerful magic which she shot towards her sister. Celestia was surprised by this but managed to call up a magic shield to protect her in time as her horn glew and shot magical sun-like rays at Nightmare Moon, who dodged them all. The mares flew up as they kept trying to shoot one another down with their magic. The citizens of Canterlot noticed this and looked at the two fighting alicorns in the sky, most of them started to cheer on Celestia. This made Nightmare Moon's anger to grow even greater, she flapped her wings as magic sparked off them gathering as a huge ball of magical energy, she flapped her wings once more shooting the ball at Celestia. It was a very powerful attack as Celestia took quite a lot of damage. Celestia was taken by surprise, magic coming from wings? She had never seen that before but there were things Nightmare Moon knew more about then Celestia. Nightmare Moon started laughing as she shot another beam of her magic at Celestia her magic wrapped around her tightly as Nightmare Moon used a spell to imprison her sister in the moon forever. She wanted to be sure her sister would never ever come back. Nightmare Moon took a lot of pride in her victory as she landed on the balcony of the Canterlot castle she watched the horrified faces of the ponies in the crowd. Naturally they would be scared they had no idea what she was going to do to them.

''Citizens of Equestria remember this day as it is your last.'' She said holding back the chuckle in her voice.

''From this moment forth the Night will last FOREVER! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.'' She started to laugh as thunder struck behind her.

Everypony was confused. Some tried to fight her, a few pegasi tried this, flying straight at Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was not impressed by this, they were fools to try and stop her, and she would make that very clear.

''Stand back you fools.''

Before the pegasi could try and harm her Nightmare Moon had already used her magic to smack them down to the floor. As she shot a sharp shot of magic at one of them, making him bleed. More then that wasn't necessary she thought to herself, soon everypony would love her and no one would dare to oppose her. She would have to destroy the elements of harmony, and she knew just where to find them. But first she had to calm down the ponies who were terrified of her as calming them down would save her a lot of trouble. She straightened herself looking down at all the ponies below her.

''I am your new ruler now. Do not fear my beloved subjects I will make sure no one shall bring you any harm but me, but I won't harm you without a reason. If anypony tries to oppose me again.....well I won't be as merciful like I was to those pegasi. I hope this is all clear.''

The ponies didn't know what to do. They were up against a mighty powerful alicorn who wouldn't hesitate to kill if they were to disobey her. They decided to bow to their new ruler even though they weren't fond of her, but at the moment there was nothing they could do to stop her and perhaps it was better to trust her words for now.

''I shall take my leave for now. I will not live in this pathetic castle that once was my sister's. I shall go back to my own castle and you ponies will build it to how i desire it.'' She had said in a threatening tone.

Nightmare Moon flew up into the starry sky. She was headed towards the castle of the royal pony sisters, the castle she had lived in with Celestia before she had banished her to the Moon. Anger rose inside her thinking about her banishment, but it was all over now, no one would be able to defeat her. She was the only alicorn in Equestria. Once she had arrived at the castle she walked in ready to do what she was going to do. She walked closer to the elements of harmony.

''Ah the elements, the things my sister used to defeat me. But they have no bearers now, and even if they showed up one day. No one will ever know!''

She levitated the elements with her magic and put them on the ground as she rose her two upper legs and hoofs into the air as she went down smashing with them on the elements shattering them to pieces. She didn't glance at them as she walked to the window looking at the moon her sister was now sealed in. Celestia was now the mare in the moon, and would be unable to ever break free. A pride filled smile appeared on her face, she had succeeded. She would rule Equestria now.

Years had past. Nightmare Moon had freed her army of bat ponies from the stars they were locked in, as they fought back any resistance the ponies would put up against her. Day time was no more, and ponies started to get used to living in the Darkness of the Night, later they would also surrender to their new ruler, she had gotten more and more ponies by her side. Earning their loyalty. The old broken castle was rebuild to a castle fully themed with the Night and herself. She sat on her throne, she was the ruler of Equestria and she wouldn't give that title away to no pony.


Years later in another part of Equestria two grown ponies walked into a forest. One was a beautiful pink pegasus mare with flowing purple and yellow mane. She had a shimmering pink heart as her cutie mark but her expression was rather sad her soft green eyes filled with tears she was holding back. The mare carried a pegasus filly on her back. A beautiful girl with soft pink fur as her mane was curled up at the end and filled with three beautiful colors; purple,pink and yellow. The filly was fast asleep. Next to the mare walked a stallion a blue earthpony with dark purple hair and his eyes were a soft yet dark shaded purple his expression was rather stern as his cutiemark was hidden by the armor he wore. His face turned to the mare.

''You know this is for the better right?'' He said sounding rather strict.

''Yes....Yes I do....'' The mare replied softly.

She knew she was lying this idea wasn't for the best. Why did she have to abandon her filly? She knew she couldn't keep her for this was her punishment. But even if she were to resist they would take her filly by force and execute her in front of her very own eyes. She would rather abandon her filly with a small chance of survival then giving her no chance at life at all. She looked at her back watching her filly sleep she was just adorable. She looked forward as they approached a dark forest and entered.

''This is your punishment don't try to resist you know what will happen if you don't cooperate.'' He said stern pointing at a tree in the distance.

''How could you do this? You know she's your daughter too.'' The mare insisted as holding back the tears in her eyes got harder and harder.

''I do not care for her. Emotions are for the weak like our old ruler Celestia she ruled with emotion rather then power and we all know what happened to her.'' He said glaring at the mare. ''Now do it!'' He shouted at her.

The mare wanted to protest but the anger in the eyes of the stallion send shivers down her spine. She swallowed slowly walking to the tree where she had to abandon her filly. Even though they only spend a couple of weeks together she was her very own daughter after all. She stopped at the tree as she took the filly from her back holding her in her arms so tight she woke up. The filly looked up in confusion at her mother she had the same eyes as her father. She was uttering some baby words as she kept trying to say a specific word. That word that send the mare into a burst of tears. The filly kept trying to say.


She truly didn't want to put her filly down but she knew she was hesitating and that the patience of the stallion would soon run out. She had no choice she had to do it and she had to do it now. She bend down and put the filly against the tree as she took a couple of steps back herself. She stared at her filly with tears screaming down her eyes.

''I'm sorry Cadance I truly am sorry that I have failed you as a mother and have to do this. But remember you will always be my precious....'' She swallowed to prevent herself from stuttering. ''Mi amore Cadenza'' She looked down crying. ''What means my love Cadance. Goodbye forever.''

The mare turned her back on the filly and slowly walked back to the stallion as she walked with her face looking at the ground. She didn't want him to look at her face. This so called father of her child who showed no care for her whatsoever. She refused to give him the joy of seeing her cry she wouldn't allow it.

''Took you long enough.'' He said coldly.

''You shut up!'' She hissed at him with anger in her voice.

The two ponies left the forest as the mare looked back at it. This was the choice in her life she regretted the most of all or was it the mistake that caused this? She couldn't tell for sure which one she regretted more but it was too late to change it now. She couldn't go back and time and fix it no matter how much she wished for it.

The abandoned filly crawled around as she tried to fly but couldn't pull it off just yet. Hours had past as the filly started to cry. Confused and abandoned where had her mother gone too? She was too young to understand what had just happened all she could understand was the fact the she was all alone now. The filly wouldn't stop crying for hours long. Later she tried to fly again with all her might flapping her wings as hard as she could and before she knew it she slowly lifted herself from the ground. Surprised and yet utterly amazed by what she had just done she flew around but not that fast. She had never flown before after all. While flying around the filly got scared in the dark of the night as another outburst of crying came by again. She fell on the ground when she had clapped her wings shut. She kept crying and crying but for a long time no pony would hear her.

''What is that weird sound I hear?'' A voice from an earthpony said.

Curious to find out what the sound was about the earthpony approached the crying sound. A brown earthpony with black spiky mane a mare it was. Her eyes were a dark shade of blue as she had a triple set of raindrops as her cutie mark. Her eyes widened when she saw the pink filly who appeared to be all alone.

''My my what do we have here? Are you lost little one?'' She asked but the filly didn't reply and looked up at her confused.

''I see still too young to speak.'' She looked around to see if she could spot anypony but noone was in sight. ''Hello? Is anypony there?'' She shouted but no one replied.

''So you're abandoned. Tsch'' She frowned. ''I hate the kind of ponies who do this to their innocent child! You know what? You're coming with me. I would be the same as the ones who abandoned you if I just left you here wouldn't I?''

The mare face hoofed after realizing she was talking to a filly who couldn't even talk yet. She did a sigh and slowly came towards the filly who was a bit scared. The mare was rather nervous she thought it would be more easy then this.

''Uhmm I won't hurt you trust me. I swear!'' She said in a desperate attempt to get the filly's trust.

She tried to grab the filly again and surprisingly it worked. The mare smirked a bit proud as she put the filly on her back.

''Now don't you fly away okay! I'm bringing you to a village......Even though it's an earthpony village ah then you'll be the first pegasus! Change is good they say'' She said while walking away.

The mare walked with the filly further and deeper inside of the forest as after a while she arrived in a village where all bunch of earthponies lived. The mare walked in waving at some of her friends who waved back but where surprised to see her with such a bright colored pegasus filly on her back the mare stopped in the middle of the town as she raised her voice.

''Can someone get the village leader? Please!''

A stallion nodded and went to get an older mare. A pretty light purple mare with a straight long red mane as her eyes were a bright colored orange. She went to the mare and the filly smiling kindly her cutie mark was a tree but not a normal tree. It had a pretty brown trunk but the flow of the twigs where the leaves grew on made the upper shaped like a heart as the leaves were an autumn red color.

''Rain Drops it appears you have brought a companion?'' She asked kind looking at the filly.

''Well actually I found this filly abandoned in the forest. I swear I looked around I shouted even! There was no pony!'' Rain Drops said.

''I see''

''Please Heart Growth could she be raised her? You don't know who can be trusted these days.'' Rain Drops insisted.

Heart Growth chuckled kind. ''Oh my dearest of course I see no problem with it even though we are all earth ponies we do not outcast the other races now do you know her name?''

Before Rain Drops could even answer the filly spoke and said.

''Mi Amore Cadenza.''

Both Rain Drops and Heart Growth were surprised to hear the filly speak all of sudden. Rain Drops was way more surprised though as Heart Growth later laughed about it.

''I see well....We'll just call you Cadance but ofcourse we will remember your name. She sure is a pretty filly.'' Heart Growth said petting her head with a hoof. ''You're welcome here little one. Oh and Rain Drops you did a very good deed for not abandoning her.''

Hearth Growth smiled as Rain Drops got a bit of a blush on her face looking away embarrassed.

''Well it just was the right thing to do you know! Well Cadance this is your new home now we'll be sure to treat you well!''

Chapter 2: As a Pegasus among Earthponies

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Some years have passed since Nightmare Moon came back and took over Equestria. It took a while before ponies got used to the everlasting night, at first nopony knew how to tell when the morning had arrived nor the midday or how the day and night cycle would work now at all. So the unicorns set up a system to divide the day. The unicorns decided that 00.00-12.00 would be the morning but the Princess of the night decided the name of the morning to be changed to Night's Dawn, midday (12.00-18.00) was now called midstars, evening (18.00-24.00) would be called Night's Fall. Furthermore how ponies would know it was a new day was through how fill the moon was, if it had changed you'd know it had been a new day or well rather a new night.Nightmare Moon had commanded the ponies to rebuild the castle of the two royal sisters and make it in a way it would be dedicated to her. Nightmare Moon ruled rather cruelly yet she had a just heart, but many ponies still wished to have their day back....to have their Princess of the Sun Celestia back. Cadance had been raised by the earthponies, she was accepted by them all,she had lots of friends and was loved by many but now she was in her teenage years she would discover how different the three pony races could be.

It was a beautiful Night's Dew, the pink coloured pegasus had still been sleeping in her cottage. It appeared she was having a rather nice dream until she heard a vague voice call out to her.

''Cadance!'' The voice said in a loud tone, but Cadance still stayed asleep.

''Cadance it's time to wake up! Do I need to spill some water over your face or something?''

Cadance murmed as she started to slowly wake up, but clearly she was still half asleep. Suddendly her eyes widened she could feel a watery substance being splashed at her face. Cadance let out a shreek of the sudden splashing not to mention the water felt rather cold on her face. She looked around confused.

''Uhhh is somepony there?'' Cadance asked a little disorientated.

''Yes there is somepony here and that somepony is me.'' Rain Drops had said with a small smile on her face.

Cadance laughed, ofcourse she should have known Rain Drops would be the one to do this who else could it be? Rain Drops might have been a little awkward but she was dedicated to her duties and she always aimed to be on schedule but, ofcourse she would make exeptions. The two mares laughed for a moment.

''Is it Night's Dawn already?'' Cadance asked polite.

''Yes it is and remember you need to get yourself ready to clear the sky when it's about to become midstars. Don't be late!'' Rain Drops hissed at Cadance.

Cadance let out a chuckle, she smiled she loved to see how every pony's personality was unique and different it made life much more intresting.

''Very well I won't forget I promise, also goodmorning Rain Drops.'' Cadance said kindly.

Rain Drops stuttered nervous did she really forgot to say goodmorning? That was rather impolite she thought to herself. She laughed a little nervous and gave a smile back. ''Yeah goodmorning to you too Cadance, But if you don't mind I need to water the crops.''

''I do not mind whatsoever go ahead goodluck.''

''See you around then'' Rain Drops said before leaving Cadance her cottage.

''Still I wonder how she keeps getting into my cottage.....It's not like leaving my keys under my mat infront of my door really that obvious?'' Cadance asked herself.

Cadance got out of her bed as she stretched both her body and wings. She walked up to a mirror smiling at herself. She felt positve about this day, things were always very peacefully here.

But somewhere deep inside her she felt empty but she didn't really understand why, was it because she's never really been outside the village? Was it because she was the only pegasus here? Was there something she was searching for? Did she want to find love? Cadance looked at herself in the mirror trying to figure out this feeling she had and then something hit her. She never really knew who her parents were, what they were, how their like or even what their names are. This thought made Cadance her smile slowly fade.

''I wonder if I'll ever get a chance to meet my parents or even a chance to learn more about them....'' Cadance said to herself.

She let out a sigh, she closed her eyes and reminded herself how many positive things there were in the life she had. Her friends,Lady Heart Growth who always has been kind to her and not to forget her sisterly figure Rain Drops. She wouldn't let herself be down for long another great night was waiting for her and she was ready for it.

She grabbed her brush as she started to brush her beautifully multicoloured mane, as she hummed a little to herself. When she was finished she nodded and walked down the stairs out of her cotage. The style of her cotage was a mix of red and pink with the elements of crystals and hearts mixed into it. She had always found love very important and crystals always beautiful. Cadance took a look at her cutie mark a blue crystal heart, she smiled it, she really was proud of her cutiemark.

Cadance then left her cottage looking around the village most ponies that lived here started to get up and back to work too. Cadance saw how they worked together to manage their crops, the crops were always in perfect condition and their harvest never failed. Cadance believed it was because of their teamwork and hard work or atleast that's what she thougt, she herself was never that good with harvesting for some reason even if she copied what the earthponies did hoof by hoof. Sometimes it succeeded but it never was as perfect as how the earthponies did it, deep down she wondered if there was a reason for it.

''Uhmm miss Cadance...'' A voice behind her said it sounded like the voice of a mare.

Cadance turned around friendly as infront of her stood a mare in her adult years. Her coat red as roses her mane a pretty blond color and her cutiemark that of a hibiscus.

''Oh yes ma''am is there something you need help with?'' Cadance asked her.

''Yes please Cadance...you see my foal is ill and I need to find the right herbs so he'll feel better but my husband is currently out of the village to deal with the trades. You know how busy that can be. I hoped you could babysit for a while until I'm back?'' The mare asked as she sounded rather worried.

''I would love to. It's important your son gets back into good health right away. Please don't worry I'll go to your cottage right away.'' Cadance said smiling.

''Thank you so much Cadance! You're always so helpful the key is under the mat. I will hurry now thanks again.'' The mare said as she dashed away in a hurry. Cadance could tell she really cared about her foal.

Cadance walked over to the mare's cottage in a rather hurried pace. In this village everypony pretty much knew where everypony lived so her cottage was easy to find for Cadance. She finally arrived at the mare's cottage pulled up the mat with her hoof as she grabbed the key opening the door. Cadance went inside the house and closed the door behind her, she thought to herself what was the name of the colt again? She recalled it was Happy Trader. She could already hear the poor foal cough, the coughing came from upstairs.

Cadance quickly flew up the stairs as she then landed and slowly walked into the foal's bedroom. A young colt laid there his coat brown with his mane a beautiful rose colour red like the coat of his mother, he was an earthpony too and indeed he appeared to be very ill. Cadance patted him with her hoof.

''Don't worry little one I'm sure your mother will be back soon....I think it will take an hour or so, so please hang in there okay?'' Cadance said in a kind and calm tone smiling at the colt who slowly nodded back at her but did not reply a word.

Cadance was determined to watch over the young colt in case anything would happen to him, she would make sure he had enough water and food. And so she did but the young colt fell asleep after a while, Cadance had checked a couple of times to make sure the colt still was breathing. Looking at the sleeping colt and his sweaty head made Cadance worry, she might not have known the colt but she knew he would be special and unique too. She couldn't help but to worry for him.

After one and a half hour there was a knock on the door, Cadance imidiatly went downstairs to open the door the mother of the young colt had come home holding medicine in her hoofs.

''He's still okay right? Please tell me my little Happy Trader is still okay.'' The mare said worried.

Cadance nodded reassuring. ''He's sleeping in his bed and he is still breathing, I can see he's fighting hard.''

''Thank you so much Cadance. I don't know what I would have done without your help.'' The mare said before she rushed upstairs.

Cadance decided to wait a few moments as the mare later returned downstairs. Cadance looked at her. ''Will he get well soon?''

''I'm quite sure he will thanks again Cadance.'' The mare said with a soft smile.

''It was no problem really, but do you know what time it is?''

''Close to midstars''

''I wish I could stay longer to make sure both of you are doing okay, but I need to bust the clouds right now.'' Cadance said giving a bit of a nervous smile.

''You've helped us enough Cadance.'' The mare replied smiling.

Cadance returned the mare's smile with a smile of her own. Cadance left her cottage as she flew up into the sky busting the clouds it was nothing unusual for her, it was something she did almost every day. It took her a while before she was done she wasn't as fast as any of the famous fly group the shadowbolts. She was far from their level.

When Cadance landed she overheard a sentence that really did strike her attention.

''I really wish we would have day again.....'' A passing by stallion said to his friend.

Day? Cadance had never heard of anything like that before. What was this thing called day? Cadance kept thinking if she had ever heard phrases like that before, but nothing came to mind. She knew there was only one pony she could ask and that was Lady Heart Growth.

Later that midstairs Cadance stood in the room with Heart Growth, she had aged since she was a filly but that had only made her wiser and gain more knowledge about life then Cadance did at her current age.

''I have a question.....is it okay if I asked it?'' Cadance asked politly.

''Ofcourse my dear is there something troubling you?'' Heart Growth replied.

''Well earlier today....I heard something which really struck me as well.....odd...''

''And what is that my dear?''

''I heard a stallion saying he wanted the day back, but I don't understand what is day? I was wondering if you could tell me.'' Cadance asked hopefully looking at the elder mare.

There was a silence for a while. A silence that made Cadance feel a little uncomfortable for she did not understand why there was a silence at all. Had she said something wrong? Was it a taboo? Was it something that even Lady Heart Growth could not know? Heart Growth looked down as she let out a sigh but then looked up at the pegasus with a soft smile.

''I can trust you with this information can I not my child?'' She said.

Cadance nodded at her as she was rather confused by all of this.

''It is something we ponies are not allowed to speak about....You see there used to be something called the sun, it was something as a bright flame that could light up the entire world. When you could see the sun we would call it day.'' she said.

''That sounds wonderful but how did the sun fade? Did it die? I'm sorry this just makes me really curious.'' Cadance said as she let out a nervous giggle.

Heart Growth laughed. ''Well it is something that intrests many....''

''You see Princess Nightmare Moon rules over the night that's because she control the moon and the stars. But she once had an elder sister called Celestia who controlled the sun. The two ruled over Equestria in harmony back then Princess Nightmare Moon was known as Princess Luna.''

''Princess Luna?'' Cadance said in a confused tone.

''Yes, Princess Luna but one day she turned against her sister...All I know is that Celestia defeated her younger sister and banished her into the moon but.....she came back for revenge and now she rules over all of Equestria.'' Heart Growth said in a somber tone but she kept her smile.

Cadance was left confused. ''But Princess Nightmare Moon seems to lead Equestria very well, were things better with Celestia?'' She asked.

''Yes things were a lot better....Cadance have you ever wondered why only earthponies live her besides you?'' Heart Growth asked kindly.

Cadance sought for an answer but she couldn't find any. ''Well....no.''

''It is because Nightmare Moon wants a clear diversion of the three races, we are allowed to live together but things aren't as harmonious as they used to be.....''

''I see.....'' Cadance said looking down.

''But the kindness in the hearts of ponies hasn't died out yet...We can live together in harmony if we just open up to one another.'' Heart Growth said smiling.

''Thank you for telling me this.'' Cadance said smiling. She felt really happy about the fact Lady Heart Growth was willing to share this with her but she was especially inspired by the last sentence she had said.

Cadance gave her a nod as she left her cottage. She took a stroll around the village as she spotted Rain Drops at a shop. Cadance galloped over to Rain Drops with a smile this caused Rain Drops to back off as she was rather startled by that.

''Woah! Hey call out before you just dash at me will you?'' Rain Drops said

''I'm sorry'' Cadance said chuckling.

''Atleast it isn't as bad as the time we had to teach you how to fly....jeez how many times you didn't fell out of the sky on somepony for once!'' Rain Drops said laughing.

Cadance felt rather embarresed by this as her cheeks reddened but later she couldn't help but to laugh along too.

''Want to walk home together?'' Cadance asked with some of the laughtern still hearable in her voice.

''Sure!'' Rain Drops exclaimed.

The two mares started walking next to each other talking about lots of things and stuff until a certain subject rose above....

''So what are your thoughts on the whole Princess Celestia and the day being gone issue?'' Cadance asked as she thought there was nothing wrong with asking it.

Rain Drops stopped for a moment as she looked rather serious about the subject. ''Heart Growth told you?''

''Yes she did....is there something wrong with that?'' Cadance turned around looking rather confused.

''Sigh....just never speak about it again okay?'' Rain Drops said holding the anger she had inside down.

''but why not?''

''I said never speak about it again! Or do you want to end up dead?'' Rain Drops said angry.

Cadance looked rather shocked at Rain Drops. ''I'm sorry...I didn't know but what do you mean?''

''Ugh just let me cool down before I'll hurt somepony's feelings or break their legs....'' Rain Drops hissed as she dashed off away from Cadance. Leaving her confused and rather hurt.

Later that night when Cadance laid in her bed she was confused by many things. End up dead? Princess Celestia? The day? Nightmare Moon being a bad leader? Not allowed to speak about these things? She couldn't grasp anything at all about it, she was so confused by all of this and there weren't many answers to this but she wanted to know, but was she allowed to know? Cadance let out a sigh she decided that a good rest would probably make her feel a lot better.