> Snowed In > by RarityEQM > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Staying Frosty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bright blanket of alabaster had dusted over the earth when Twilight Sparkle had woken up that morning. The night before, the forecast said there would be signs of snow. Four inches worth. Perfect for sledding, snowball fights, and snow ponies. A winter wonderland for Twilight and her partner in (magical) crime. They had made so many plans and arranged for so much it wasn't difficult to imagine Twilight's crushing disappointment, when that four inches of snow had turned to four hundred overnight. Well, crushing disappointment, and a much more noticeable vibrant panic upon opening the doors of the library to assess the situation. Twilight stared at the other side of the library's doors. Her mouth hung open, her eyes were wide and she stared. It was a wall. A complete wall of ice. Trixie frowned quietly. "Well, so much for sledding." She sighed, looking past Twilight at the insurmountable icy cage they were trapped in. Twilight rolled her at eyes Trixie's casual dismissal of the situation and pointed at the wall of frozen water. "This? This is a big deal Trixie." Twilight barked, and Trixie mockingly rubbed her chin, taking on a stoic expression of deep thought. "Hmmmm you're right. It appears that something...is...amiss..." She grinned, Twilight did not seem amused. She tore away from the other mage and tossed herself into the kitchen, where she grabbed a radio from the shelf and frantically began searching for stations. Trixie meandered in quietly after her, suddenly dressed in a bright purple bathrobe, with matching slippers holding a mug of something warm. Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Is that my bathrobe?" Twilight frowned when she took notice of the cozy looking mage. Trixie grinned sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders. "Shhh..."She whispered, reaching over to adjust the radio's dial. The ponycaster slowly fizzled in: -st waking up this morning, you'll probably notice snow! That's right colts and fillies we're talkin' a snow day here! But it's not just any snowday! Seems like Cloudsdale is having some technical difficulties up there. We're being advised to stay in our homes and not attempt to go outdoors! We'll have emergency weather teams out here soon, so don't worry everypony. But get cozy though, because it looks like we're in for the long haul. We'll keep you posted as the story develops." The radio buzzed before going silent. Music softly began to waft into the frozen library. A sentimental little jingle bout horseshoes. Trixie hated that song. She glanced across the table at Twilight who seemed to be hyperventilating. "Trapped. Ha...we're trapped. We're trapped in here! We're trapped in the tree Trixie! There's no way out! we're stuck here. STUCK INSIDE!" It started as a calm observation, and quickly plunged into panic. Twilight shrieked, her horn starting to flicker and spark as dozens of spells started to race through her mind. A teleportation spell to get them to surface level, but how much snow were they buried under? How far up did she need to travel? And what about supplies?! You couldn't create food or water using magic, that was a basic rule of hoof. They would have to work quickly. She could burn some of the tree for heat. Maybe her sheets if she were desperate enough, or maybe Trixie's cape. Trixie! What to do about Trixie?! she couldn't just leave Trixie trapped in the tree! She had to go and get help! She had to- "Twilight. " Maybe a flare spell. No, that wouldn't melt the snow fast enough. Maybe they could dig their way out. Tunnel free using whatever they could find. She could get a message to Spike if she wrote a letter. Spike was still at the Canterlot Boutique right? She would need to tell him not to try and come home today. She wondered if Rarity had any way to escape the Boutique, if she could- "Twilight!" Getting free wouldn't be too much of a challenge really. What did she do after that? Try and free the other residents from their homes? Head to Canterlot and see if the Princess needed help? Oh, maybe she could thaw it on her own. She would need to move the sun first... Twilight yelped in surprise when she found herself suddenly being dragged across the kitchen to the foyer. Trixie grasped her by the shoulders, and turned her towards the frozen block of ice that was pretending to be the door. "Do you see this? This is something we can't do anything about, okay? No magic, no digging, no panicking. You heard the radio. All we need to do is sit tight." Trixie cooed quietly, reading the worry on her marefriend's face. Twilight's ears spilled back against her head and she gave a miserable whimper. "W-What are we supposed to do while we wait?" She asked. Trixie felt a sly grin creep across her features and slowly she slid closer to Twilight. "Well, obviously we are trapped here, in the freezing cold. Just the two of us. We must do something quickly to conserve our body heat. "She purred, Twilight's eyes widened and she instantly bounded over to the fireplace. "Right, right! Heat. I should have thought of that. Oh, what can we burn, what can we burn? Oh, Trixie! Go upstairs and get my bed sheets, we can start with that!" Twilight explained. The poor pony had bent over to inspect the fireplace. She didn't hear Trixie sneaking up behind. Didn't see the diabolical grin crisscrossing her muzzle, as she zoomed in on the plump purple target lifted in front of her. Twilight didn't realize there was no escape, and Trixie made sure that there was no escape to be had. The purple prodigy squealed in surprise at the sudden tackle, throwing them both to the floor, where Trixie pinned Twilight easily against the ground. "OH Twilight...mmmm, you're so cold. Fear not, Trixie will save you!" Trixie purred leaning down to gently, slowly glide her tongue across Twilight's nose, who quivered and blushed furiously underneath her. Now she was starting to get it. "T-Trixie, this is serious. We can't just...we can't um..." Twilight stammered quietly, biting at her lower lip as Trixie slowly trailed loving kisses along her neck, nibbling here and there gently. "We...Can't... We have to focus..." Twilight whimpered as Trixie's kisses became more adventurous. "Shhh, don't try to speak. Trixie won't let you freeze. Even if Trixie has to keep you warm allllll night long with her own body." Trixie whispered quietly, and thrilled at the reactions she was receiving. Twilight was melting like butter in her hooves, and she was getting endless satisfaction out of teasing the poor girl. Twilight sputtered sheepishly, and felt her hips give a little involuntary grind against Trixie's. "Mmmm don't you worry Twilight. Trixie will do everything she can to heat you up. Even if Trixie has to use her tongue, Trixie will do whatever she has to...to make sure...mmmmm we survive..." Trixie whispered, her voice trailing off as she worked her lips from Twilight's shoulder towards her chest and further down. Twilight gave a quiet sigh and bit at her lower lip, as new quivery feelings started to tickle through her frame. Her cheeks were turning redder and redder as her mind slowly unraveled at what Trixie was getting at. The blue pony had made her way down to Twilight's belly now- kissing gently in lingering little smooches. "W-Wait, we can't...I, I mean n-not in the library." Twilight stammered shyly glancing at the books, and the space where they worked everyday. It was wrong. They couldn't just...not here... but Trixie quickly shook her head, resting her hooves on Twilight's thighs, dangerously close to squeezing around her rear end. "Shhhhh Shhhh...You are clearly delirious from the snow and the cold. Trixie is going to take gooooood care of you." She whispered, and Twilight gave a submissive whine. She didn't know what had gotten into Trixie, but she hoped they'd be rescued soon. ...Well...maybe not too soon. > Something Sweet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The library was pitch black when Twilight jerked her head up from under a sea of soft blue blanket. She blinked sleep drenched eyes and drew in a wide and lazy yawn. For a moment, the ebony coating of the library confused her. Was it night? Had she really slept for so lon- no, no, it was coming back to her. It was late morning and they were snowed in. The library no-the town, was completely buried underneath tons of snow. She had just found out and she'd started to panic. That's when Trixie had helped 'calm' her down. Twilight grinned. "Sateen-Kaari, Lumos," She mumbled under her breath; one of Trixie's spells. Of course she didn't actually need to say anything, but somehow, reciting the verbal incantation because it was Trixie's seemed to make it special somehow. Her horn gave a spark and each and every candle in the library flickered to life. Colors of reds, and blues, greens and yellows danced eagerly at wicks in a beautiful spectacle around her, and Twilight's grin grew wider. She gave a wistful sigh, looking down at the gently sleeping mage at her side. After Trixie had helped calm Twilight down from the initial shock of discovering they were trapped, she had tugged a blanket from the couch atop them both. Twilight had quickly dozed off after that, but now she was wide awake. Wide awake and beaming ear to ear. She was happy. No, not happy. What was beyond happy? Euphoric? Yes! Yes, she was euphoric! She bounced to her hooves and danced across the floor into the kitchen, swinging her hips with every step. The kitchen. Why the kitchen? She had no idea, but this sudden new found energy radiating through her demanded she do something with her time. Her horn gave a flicker and the oven sparked to life. What to make, what to ma- brownies. No! Cookies! Why not both? Both sounded good. She'd make both! Oh, and icing, they had some icing, didn't they? She could even do a cake!! They were trapped in a tree, she had the time! She giggled quietly to herself and tried to calm down, but everything seemed so wonderful and perfect and cozy, she couldn't help but to smile. Twilight lifted up on her hind legs and leaned against the counter and tried to take a cleansing breath. Somewhere in her mind, she theorized the nervous energy of her original panic was somehow being processed into hyper activity. The sort of hyper activity that had ponies freaking out in a crisis. She'd been that way too, until Trixie happened. Now it was all positive energy. Like some sort of 'turbo afterglow.' Instead of being trapped inside of a frozen tree, Trixie had helped her realize they were secluded together in a frozen tree. Their own little winter wonderland, undisturbed and untouched from the entire world. A little slice of heaven, really. She gave another sigh and turned towards the doorway to the kitchen, where she heard a quiet shuffling. "I thought we agreed you weren't allowed near the oven without parental guidance," Trixie snickered from the door frame. Twilight turned and stabbed her tongue out at the other mage, but still couldn't stop the grin that overthrew her cheeks. "Humph. You won't get any brownies, if you keep talking like that," Twilight snipped. Trixie wandered over and gently wrapped her hooves around the other girl's hips, leaning in close to whisper into her ear. "Mmmmm, consequently Trixie also won't get any brownies if you set the house on fire with us inside it, " she whispered with a teasing grin. Twilight tore away from her with a gruff snort and narrowed her eyes. "I can bake Trixie. I've been practicing, and Pinkies been helping me, " Twilight snapped. Trixie's lips twisted into a sly, sinister grin, and she leaned against one of the counters. "Alright. Bake something," she said. Simple enough. That was an easy challenge. Twilight grinned, and tossed her head loftily towards the upper cabinets. "I am going to bake...........ummmm........cookies! Yes. Just you watch!" Twilight announced boldly. Milk wafted over from the refrigerator, along with eggs, butter, and flour from various directions. "Baking powder, baking soda, salt, um , eggs, butter, flour, OH, and chocolate chips..." Twilight rattled off the checklist in her head. Trixie smiled warmly and nodded, taking a step back and crossing her arms, leaning against the adjacent counter. She had a front row seat and this was going to be fun. "Good, good don't forget the onions, "She added casually. Twilight rolled her eyes and offered her marefriend a snort. "I TOLD you I know how to bake Trixie," Twilight announced, now starting to get slightly irritated. Her horn glowed and the upper cabinet opened and three onions floated out and hovered in the air. She paused. "Wait-a-minute..." Twilight grumbled. To Trixie's credit she did not smile or giggle to give the game away. She had a perfect poker face for when Twilight glanced over at her in confusion. To Twilight's credit she was fairly sure the recipe for cookies didn't call for onions. Fairly sure. But, then, what if Trixie had been telling the truth? What if she just wanted to help, and what if you did make cookies with- no. No that was silly. No. She was positive you didn't bake cookies with onions. But...But Trixie had said it so casually...and what would she have to gain from tricking Twilight into ruining a batch of cookies? No. No. Maybe she was forgetting something. It wasn't onions, but it was something, right? Okay, wait. Let's go step by step: Sugar, flour, eggs-. Trixie disrupted her train of thought with a sinister giggle. "Problem my dear chef? Trixie would loooooove to try one of your cookies." Trixie cooed teasingly. Twilight gave a grim snort. She'd never heard of onion cookies before. No, this was silly! Wait, Pinkie made onion cookies once but they were horrible. But was that because of the onions? Or was it just Pinkie's recipe? She'd never paid much attention in school about cooking. How did they get those tastes to go so well together? No, you're over thinking this. All logical reasoning pointed away from adding the onions to cookies... but that didn't mean she wouldn't add them anyway. She grinned quietly, and blew the blue pony a loving kiss. Trixie would get the first taste, she was Twilight's mare friend after all. I'm not adding onions Trixie, har har har. Now you shoo. I've got the oven preheated. I'll let you know when they're done." Twilight explained, waggling a hoof dismissively towards Trixie. Trixie gave a little harrumph that her prank failed and stuck her tongue out in turn. "So close." She grinned, before trotting out of the kitchen. Good, that gave Twilight the chance to add something else to the batch. There was some tomato juice in the fridge...she could soak one of them in that, ooh, maybe add some parsley to the dough, then play dumb, and pretend she made the cookies exactly how Trixie wanted them. She giggled quietly to herself and shook her head. She quickly combined the ingredients, making one specifically for Trixie. In a little less than ten minutes, she found herself, looking over the tray of perfectly aligned little dough balls. She popped them into the oven and bit her lower lip with a dark grin. She couldn't wait till the look on Trixie's face. She chuckled to herself, she'd been spending way to much time with that mare and it was starting to sho- She squealed when something firmly tugged on her tail. Twilight yelped in surprise as her rear end began to lift into the air, surrounded by a pale glowing aura. She was lifted up and spun around, before being unceremoniously deposited her so she was sitting on the kitchen counter. And sitting next to the counter, and looking oh so smugly was the owner of that aura, dressed in a simple apron that read "Kiss the cook" on the front. She lifted up on her hind legs, and peered up at twilight, bracing herself against the counter with her fore hooves. "I'm here to help, " Trixie purred quietly, resting her fore hooves on Twilight's knees. Twilight tilted her head in puzzlement and Trixie simple gestured towards the oven with an impish smile. "I'm gonna help you pass the time while your cookies bake. "Trixie whispered with a husky moan, before dipping her head down and gliding her tongue ever so gently over the soft, tender petals of Twilight's privates. The purple pony gave a gasp of shock, bracing herself by grasping the the edge of the counter with her hind legs dangling off, while Trixie gave her exposed sex another lick. She was practically eye level with Twilight's tunnel in this position. "W-What? No, h-hang on..."She whimpered, but Trixie only increased her grip on the pony girl's knees, spreading them nice and wide while she treated herself to another sample of Twilight's personal flavor. "We can't do this here! T-the kitchen-" Twilight babbled while she squirmed helplessly from those lovingly teasing licks. Trixie peered up at Twilight momentarily, before her lips twisted into a dark grin. "Now, normally, Trixie would think twice about such an absolutely filthy act. Good little girls don't do this sort of thing, do they? But everypony knows, Twilight is a naughty librarian who loves breaking the rules! And having sex in a public library!? The kitchen of all places! How shameful! What if somepony walked in on us?" Trixie giggled, and perked her ears when she heard the tell-tale sigh of arousal under Twilight's breath. It took Twilight a couple of panicked gasps. What if some pony DID walk in on them...wait.. they were snowed in. The threat, (and her arousal) for that brief moment were all to real though. The idea of getting caught, knowingly doing something wrong and so terribly naughty... Her cheeks turned a vibrant shade of red, and her hips gave an involuntary thrust towards Trixie's muzzle. "T-That isn't fair! God, does everybody know about that?!" Twilight whimpered, gasping for breath as Trixie's tongue found its way into her tunnel. Trixie gently wrapped her lips around Twilight's and suckled soothingly, gliding the gentle slope of her tongue over that snug little mound in slow maddening circles. "MMMmmh, whole town. Trixie only knows about it from Doctor Whooves. Quiet little bookworm loves to break the rules. Very kinky." Trixie murmured, and fought to keep her lips from twisting into the gentle curve of a giggle as Twilight's face grew redder and redder under the teasing talk. Twilight wildly shook her head and shifted her hips, trying to push Trixie out from between her thighs, but her mare friend was relentless. "N-No, I-" She stammered bashfully but Trixie shook her head, refusing to hear Twilight's modest protest. "Oh, no, I'm staying right here. I know Trixie's mare would never orgasm from such shameful, naughty thoughts as being taken somewhere public. Twilight Sparkle doesn't have an exhibitionist streak. Something so filthy would never turn Twilight Sparkle on," Trixie snicked while Twilight gave a needy whine of pleasure. Instead of trying to push Trixie away, she wrapped her legs around her neck and squeezed her even closer. Slow licks. Loving licks. Wet, sloppy passionate licks! These were the kind of daring acrobatics Trixie's tongue preformed for her wildly captive audience. She slathered her tongue softly over Twilight's delicate lips in gentle little flickering motions. She darted her tongue in, and out, twirled it around, and collected Twilight's dew with her taste buds, purring all the while. She only paused when she felt Twilight shuddering above her. The purple mare was biting at her lower lip, with her head pointed towards the ceiling and holding her breath. She didn't know why she always held her breath when she was closing in on a climax. It possibly had something to do with the lack of oxygen or the overwhelming pleasure, but either way her senses all seemed magnified, and not only did Trixie know this, but Trixie took advantage of this. "Thaaaaaat's it...cum for Trixie...You're getting close... Mmmmm you're gonna make such a sticky mess..." Trixie purred, as her swirling, flickering tongue brought Twilight to an ecstatic plateau. She twitched and squirmed and wiggled her butt as Trixie's tongue lewdly explored Twilight's musky inner tunnel. The little unicorn bookworm tiptoed towards the threshold of an orgasm, tossing her head back with another quiet moan that only increased as Trixie's suckling grew in intensity. "Yesssss moan for me, " She hissed huskily, watching with eager eyes as Twilight threw her head back and moaned. She clutched at Trixie's mane and tried to catch her breath, but Trixie's suckling was heavenly and wicked at the same time pushing her helplessly towards her the zenith of her pleasure. "Louder. Trixie commands it! No pony is going to hear us, let it all out! Show me how good this feels! Tell the world how much you love this! YES!" She purred, pursing her lips around the vulnerable little nubbin of Twilights clit. It was all the encouragement Twilight needed to throw her head back with a passionate cry of pleasure! A scream of pleasure, really and a high pitched one at that! Her orgasm rippled through each and every inch of her frame, and Trixie was rewarded for her efforts with a mouthful of Twilight's honey. Twilight's eyes gently rolled back into her head and she cooed pleasantly while twitching with every after-gasm that tickled at her core. Trixie licked her lips, and wrapped her arms around Twilight's hips, helping to pull her down from the kitchen counter, as the oven's timer chimed throughout the room. Twilight offered Trixie a warm grin, and leaned against the side of the counter, trying to catch her breath and looked pointedly towards the oven. "Oooo, just in time! The cookies are done, would you like to try one?" Twilight beamed innocently. > Cuddles and Cocoa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fire gave a warm and gentle roar as it illuminated the shadows of the two ponies cozily nestled in front of it. It was evening, and although they had been snowed in all day, Trixie had to admit it: she hadn't had so much fun romantically, in her entire life! Sitting across from her, Twilight had the cutest expression on her face; her tongue hanging out, eyes closed with her mouth wide open. Directly in front of both of them were levitating mugs of cocoa; the one with the soft blue aura hovered in front of Twilight, and the one with the gentle purple aura floated in front of Trixie. Trixie grinned quietly and glanced down at the bag of mini-marshmallows sitting next to her and plucked one into the air. It hovered there for a moment, cradled by her magic, before it arced itself towards Twilight's face. It bounced off of the little unicorn's nose and the purple pony gave a helpless giggle. "You missed, my turn!" She squeaked, collecting a marshmallow of her own which she tossed towards Trixie enthusiastically, who had copied the same pose Twilight had moments ago. The confectionery wobbled through the air and missed Trixie by a mile. Instead, it splattered messily into a cup of cocoa sitting in front of her, resulting in deliciously chocolate splash damage all over Trixie's muzzle. "Bonus!" Twilight cheered. Trixie grinned quietly and leaned forward, and Twilight claimed her bonus prize. She took her time, leaning in to slowly dot her lips along Trixie's cheeks, suckling at her fur and the cocoa flavoring it at the same time. Trixie closed her eyes and gave a warm sigh and tried to fight the urge to kiss Twilight back. She failed. Miserably. They tussled for a bit, rolling over one and other with words and giggles melting into loving kisses and gentle squeezes. knock knock knock The mares perked their ears. Was that...the door...? The two peered at each other curiously, before Twilight glanced at the door with a bewildered expression. "Come in?" Trixie squeaked, tugging herself out from underneath Twilight. The front door to the library shifted and twitched, shuddering before it was forcefully opened from the outside and the boxy muzzle of a rescue stallion poked his head in. "You filly's alright in here?!" he called out. Trixie gave her disheveled mane a toss, flicking an errant strand of silver out of her face and flashed a charming grin. "We're fine. Just fine! Thank you." she grinned. Twilight tossed a lazy smile at the pony clad in rescue gear and nodded her head. "Yes, we're just fine. I'm sure there are other ponies in town that need help more than we do. We'll just...sit tight." She murmured with a cozy churr. The Rescue pony paused at this, looking around the room at the baked cookies, the blanket and gently flickering fire, and the two ponies who were nestled together. He smiled. "We'll be back in a few hours." he chuckled, and gently closed the door back. Trixie and Twilight immediately burst into giggles, before Twilight found herself pinned against the floor again from a sudden tackle. "Twilight, this is urgent! The rescue ponies will be here in a few hours! Until then We MUST conserve our body heat!!" Trixie wailed, nuzzling into Twilight's neck. The purple prodigy wrapped her forelegs lovingly around Trixie and kissed the tip of her horn. "Mmmm, I think I can figure out a solution for that." she giggled, losing herself in a feverish kiss from her mare friend.