> The Joint fleet of Equestrian Harmony > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Launching Command: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ”The time is at hoof; there is no more uncertainty, or reason to hold back. Our ships are completed, and ready to hit the space!” I pointed out. “Yes, Pinkie Pie; we are prepared, and ready to go!” Twilight Sparkle responded with a court nod on her head, acknowledging the inevitable certainty behind the words spoken. “These ships, they are imbued with the fashionable beauty!” Rarity pointed out, smiling at the ingenious in my design. “Simply awesome, at least 200 times cooler than expected!” Rainbow Dash added. “Ah reckon, bucking powerful!” Applejack conceded. “Adorable, yet inspiring!” Fluttershy put forth. . “Engage thrusters, we are taking off!” I declared, looking at the view screen. There are six faces on the screen, side by side with the respective ship of the commander. Each ship in the colour of its commander, mine obviously a bright pink with darker details. “Engage the screen!” I added; punching in the second command and observed the screens coming online one by one, only visible by the glistering effect of what appeared to be water covering the hulls of the respective ships. Outwardly; all the ships are appearing to be identical, which is exactly the way it should be. Only by colour and name could you possibly tell them apart. Yet, internally; there are substantial and critical differences between our respective ships, just as there are differences in our respective personalities. I can never deny the differences between my respective friends; but this is why they are my friends, and the ultimate value in them all. “Final check: closing and sealing the hangar bay!” I commanded. “Final check concluded, hangar bays are securely sealed. We are ready to enter space!” Twilight Sparkle responded. . “Approaching vacuum in; ten seconds, five, four, three, two, one, entering hard vacuum!” I pronounced. “By Luna, the black sky is overwhelmingly beautiful. The view from the surface could never compare with the crisp clarity we have up here!” Rarity breathed in awe. “This is awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Into the void; towards new alleys, and new enemies!” Fluttershy prompted, with a distinct shiver to her voice. . “Acquire standard orbit!” I commanded. “Standard orbit achieved!” Twilight Sparkle echoed. Of course, I had already known that these ships are fully operational; no need to test them in order to prove the obvious. I had overseen the final development and design of these ships in person. Knowing the mathematics and each detail from the original calculations performed by Twilight Sparkle, and the preliminary work she had performed. Only taking over the project, upon the instant of insight hit home and I knew exactly what we had been doing. Just like I can fly; despite being an Earth Pony, as opposed to a Pegasus. Naturally performing the ancient arcane magic of the Unicorn by the same account. Yet, staying true to the Earth Pony I had been born to be; not just as the farmer of happiness and friends, but to the deeper sense of who I am, while using my mane and tail in the manner others thought was exclusive to the Alicorn. While they commonly thought only Unicorns possess actual magic, Princess Celestia had explained just how wrong they had been; I am one third of what the Alicorn is in magic; or, so they told you. . “Twilight, since we are all in position; would you take over command of the fleet?” I prompted. “As you please, Pinkie Pie; I hereby relieve you of the fleet command!” she responded. “I am relieved!” I responded; giggling at what I had just said, without saying anything about it right now. “Systems are at nominal mode, and all is green!” Twilight announced, after looking over her systems’ monitor. “Confirmed, Twilight; everything is clear!” I responded, affirmative. As I stood relieved, as I relinquished my command, I noted the date in the log. This is the birth of a new era; where Ponies such as myself are free to roam the space, jumping from planet to planet at will. . “Scanning system!” Commander Twilight Sparkle announced; prompted her systems to evaluate the stellar objects, in her immediate surroundings. What her systems told her is the obvious, there is a star owned and controlled by Princess Celestia; there is the planer commonly referred to as Equestria, inhabited and largely controlled by Ponies; and the moon, owned and controlled by Princess Luna. Further out, there are numerous comets and asteroids; the once seen by Ponies on the planet, every time they were close enough to be observed directly. Most of the stellar objects were void and with little to no interest; other than the wonder and bewilderness form observation, or the more scientific reasons. “Even if currently uninhabited; the Moon does hold a potential, aside from residual traces that now have reached stable levels from the time of Princess Luna’s banishment there!” the artificial computer generated voice declared, with some curiosity. The Royal Princesses in the castle coughed, and Princes Luna afforded a brief giggle as response on the announcement. . “What was that? Come again!” Shining Armour inquired. “Apparently, the Sun and the Moon bear traces of the respective banishments of Princesses Celestia and Luna. Yet, the more pronounced effect is clearly from the Moon!” Princess Twilight, Commander of the fleet proclaimed in response. “Are you just telling me; that our former banishments respectively left traces in our respective stellar bodies?” Princess Celestia demanded. “I am afraid, that is what my instruments are telling me. I can’t argue against what my eyes are telling me, the signs are clear. Yet, I have no idea; as to how Pinkie Pie tweaked the instruments, or how her part as scientific head of the project is affecting our readings!” Twilight Sparkle responded. “Is there any chance additional ships could be built, or that we could board one of your ships in order to investigate your findings further; in order to verify your results?” Princess Luna inquired. “You do have the original blueprints, and the explanation as to how each ship was modified. All the required materials are also present and at your disposal. You could have your ships prepared in haste, if you deem it necessary!” Pinkie Pie, Commander of her ship declared. “A simple confirmation, or yes would have sufficed. Thank you for the additional details, nonetheless, Pinkie Pie!” Princess Celestia responded. . Celestia hastily turned from the screen and called up the recently established hangar; where the ships had been developed, assembled and completed. “I do need additional ships!” Celestia expressed. “How many, and when would you need them?” the voice responded. “For now, I need two ship; ready for launch as soon as you can have them in the air!” she explained. “I am on it; the two first will be ready for you in about a week, if nothing out of the ordinary comes up!” the voice responded. --- --- ---