> Going To Equestria > by Moony Scratch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What the-” I say but quickly stop by a sharp pain in my head. As I get up, very dizzy, I thought I was dreaming because what I saw in front of me was so awesome and shocking I almost fell over. “Its, its, its…” I couldn’t even begin to think how crazy I thought I was, but it was right there, in front of me, I can’t just say no, I mean I can, but, I can’t. It, it was, Equestria, holy shit… “I’M IN EQUESTRIA! HELL YEA!!!” I shouted with great happiness, until the pain came back, then I just sat on a rock and just gazed at Ponyville. “Wait a second… how will I get back?” I said frightened, “Oh yea! I could just ask Twilight to teleport me back.” I kept walking until I stumbled upon my backpack that I had but lost when going through the portal. “Well, I guess that’s where that went.” I said before picking up the backpack. I looked inside and found the food I got from the store, also finding my sketchbooks, pencils, and cat. “Wait, the hell? Sterling?! HOW DID YOU?!” I said as my cat meowed at me and went back inside my backpack. “Sterling! Get out of there now! God dammit cat…” As I got Sterling out of my backpack and put him on the ground, I started to walk again, but with him at my side as we walked to Ponyville. About 20 minutes later we arrived at the center of Ponyville, but I didn’t see anybody there, I went and put Sterling in my backpack because he’s been pawing at my leg for the past 15 minutes to go back in. As I walked over to the burnt treehouse of Twilight Sparkle, I put one hand on my head and saluted to it. “Rest in pieces treehouse, you will be missed.” I said with a tear going down my eye. Suddenly and awkwardly Twilight was standing behind me and asked, “What are you doing?” as I zipped back around to see her. “I was, ummm, nevermind that. I need your help to bring me back home.” I said quickly. “I can’t let you back yet.” Twilight said, “I need your help with something.” she said. “Alright? With what?” I said, “Also, did you have to do it in front of my friends? There probably worrying about me.” “There not.” She said with a straight face. My jaw dropped a bit when I saw them just hanging out in the apartment, talking, eating chips, and playing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. “WHAT THE HELL! THEY DON’T EVEN CARE! Am I really that worthless to them..?” I said with a couple tears going down my face, “I’m, I’m worthless to them. Those fucking assholes!” Twilight looked concerned about me as I fell to the grass crying. “Umm, are you ok?” She said, “Do you want to talk about it?” I just lost all thought, I didn’t care at all, what will happen to me, how I will get back, anything, it’s all worthless. But then I thought of Sterling, my mom, my dad, my dreams, my life, everything, even music and it made me get up, become strong, just to think about what will happen to them. As I got up with tears on my face, I felt stronger than ever before. I saw the ponies appear around me, “What is going on..?” I said. “The reason that no pony was there, was because I told them to hide and wait for my signal to come out. So you didn’t have to worry about them and just yourself.” She said, “So you didn’t feel embarrassed or judged about the way you felt. So it could all come out clean, but you're not alone in this world, you have us, all of us, by your side.” “I, I don’t know what to say… thank you everybody… thank you.” I said as all the ponies around me started to hug me and rub my head. “We are your real friends, we will never abandon you, we will help you every step of the way.” she said, “Welcome to Equestria, friend.” > The Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a couple days, I think 5, almost the end of the week. Me and Twilight are going out to dinner with Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. Were all going to a fancy restaurant, Twilight scolded me for wearing my sweatshirt with a t-shirt over it, baggy jeans, and my beanie, I guess she wanted me to wear a tuxedo or something formal. So we went over to Rarity’s shop so she could make me a custom suit. It took only 30 minutes which surprises me, but then again, it is Rarity. “There you go darling! Perfect! Is it not?” She said. I was amazed about what I was wearing, a purple tuxedo. “Rarity! This is amazing! How did you know? I’ve only been here for 4 to 5 days?!” I said. Rarity replied, “It just fits you don't you think?” “It is perfect, thank you Rarity. The others will be surprised to see me in a tuxedo.” I said hugging her with joy. “It’s what friends do for each other. It was my pleasure.” Rarity said with delight. About 50 minutes later we all got together to finally go eat. “Where’s Spike?” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash asked. “He got sick, from eating ice cream…” Twilight responded. “Yea, when me and Twilight got home he had a huge tummy ache and there were empty ice cream containers everywhere.” I said. “Awwww, is Spikey-Wikey alright?” asked Rarity. “He will be in a day or two” I said. “Can we eat now? I’m starving!” said Rainbow Dash. “Me too.” said Fluttershy. “Alright let's go everyone.” I said. We arrived inside and Twilight was getting us a table, but something seemed off with Applejack, she didn’t talk at all, even when we were waiting for Pinkie. “Is everything ok Appleja-” she stopped me before I could say anything else. “Mind your own business, human.” she said, walking away to go greet Pinkie. Rainbow Dash came over to me and asked, “Is something wrong?” “AJ, just blew me off. Like she was mad at me or something…” I answered. “What did you do?” asked Rainbow, “Maybe that’s why.” I said, “Nothing, she’s been very nice to me and I’ve been nice back…” “I’ll go talk to her.” Rainbow said. “Thanks, that would help, because she’s not listening to me.” I said. “No problem.” said Rainbow. Rainbow went over to talk to Pinkie and Applejack. Then talked about, what I’m assuming was me. 15 minutes went by and we finally got our table, Rainbow flapped over to me and said, “What did you do?!” “Nothing? Why?” I said. “Every time I started to talk about you she said, “Stop talking about that, human” and she changed the subject.” Rainbow explained, “You had to do something, even if it wasn’t your fault.” I tried to think back to when I went to AJ’s farm to see if she need help. Then suddenly I remembered what I did, I said to Rainbow, “I think it's because I, uh…” “Spit it out!” said Rainbow with a loud voice. “I might have walked in on her in the bathroom taking a shower…” I said discouraged. “You, WHAT?!” yelled Rainbow, “THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” “It wasn't my fault... the door was open, and I had to go to the bathroom.” I said sadly, “I didn’t know she was in there.” “DID YOU EVEN KNOCK?!” Rainbow screamed at me. “I had to go really bad…” I said with a tear down my face. “SERIOUSLY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!” Rainbow yelled disrupting everyone else even our friends, “I WILL SOCK YOU IN THE FACE FOR DOING THAT!” “Wait! What are you-” I said before getting punched, hard, in the face. I started to bleed out my mouth and nose, I fell to the ground and moaned in pain. “What’s going on here? Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said, “What are you doing?!” “What does it look like?! I’m beating him up for what he did to AJ!” yelled Rainbow. “Jesus christ! Stop! I’m sorry Applejack! Just make her sto-” I said when bashed my body into the ground as I felt one of my rips break. “Agh! Fuck!” I yelled, “Applejack! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I just really had to go to the bathro-” I yelled over to Applejack, but then bucked against the wall. “Stop Rainbow Dash!” yelled Applejack, “I forgive him. Just stop beating him up!” Rainbow looked me in the eyes and saw how scared I was of getting beat up. I started to cry on the ground, blood, blood everywhere. “I’m, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… I’m so, so sorry!” Rainbow said. “I’m not mad at you Rainbow… I forgive you, it’s what a good friend would do.” I said with a smile on my face. After that, Twilight took me to the hospital and rushed me to the emergency room. I’m in pain everywhere, shit… > The Changlings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s been about 2 weeks since I went to the hospital, Twilight has been helping out by using healing spells every 2 days on me. I am feeling a lot better today, I’m going to go ask how Rainbow is doing. “Hey? Twilight? Hello?” I said but just greeted by a meow from my cat, there's a note on the desk. "Oh, she went to get food… I guess I’ll write a letter saying I’m going over to Rainbow’s." I thought. I wrote the note and went over to Rainbow’s, it took about 12 minutes, but I arrived at Rainbow’s cloud house thing? “Rainbow?” I yelled out, “You here?” I saw Rainbow’s head peek out and she said, “What do you want?” “I wanted to say, that I’m not mad at you, you're still my friend, no matter what.” I said. “Thanks. It makes me feel better.” Rainbow said. “ No problem.” I said, “I got to go back to Twilight’s castle, see you later Rainbow.” “Alright, bye.” She said as I walked to the castle. When I got back, I just wrote and read until Twilight got back, then she told me to put on my regular clothes and come down stairs. When I got down I saw Fluttershy and Applejack on one side of Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity where on the other side. “What’s going on, Twilight?” I said. But they just kept standing there looking at me, with anger. “Ok, what’s going on? Guys? What the hell?!” I said, but they kept staring at me. Until they all jumped on me at once, I tried to hit them off, but they pined down my legs and arms. Applejack was standing on top of me, until her arm became a sword. “What the fuck are you things?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!!!” I yelled. Just before one of the things stabbed me, I heard, “GET OFF HIM YOU BASTARDS!!!” yelled Rainbow Dash before knocking out the fake Applejack on top of me. As the other things looked at the twitching Applejack on the floor, I bashed the fake Pinkie and Twilight’s heads together making them fall unconscious and Rainbow got the other two fakes, Rarity and Fluttershy. They all turned into Changelings and got back up for another round. “What?! I thought you and the others got rid of them!?” I said. “We did! They found a way back somehow.” Rainbow said, then throwing one against the wall. “MOVE!!!” yelled Twilight, we quickly got out of the way, then Twilight blasted four of them into oblivion. As the one thrown against the wall crawled away, bad luck for it, it hit it’s head on Fluttershy standing in the way. As it tried to get up Fluttershy bucked it into the wall breaking all of it’s legs. With my jaw wide open, “Flu- Fluttershy? Did you just, holy shit.” “It got what it deserved. Twilight, blast that Changeling away.” Fluttershy said, then Twilight blasted it into ash. I looked over and saw a baby Changeling and said, “What the hell? Is, is that a baby... Changeling?!” “Twilight… blast it.” Fluttershy said. I ran over to the baby and picked it up, “You can’t kill it! I won't let you!” I yelled, “The only way you will is if you rip it from my cold dead hands!!!” “Or, you’re alive one’s.” Rainbow said, sweeping it out of my hands onto the ground. “NOOOOO!!!” I yelled jumping at the baby Changeling. “What are you- NOOO!!!” they all yelled, but it was too late I already huddled it into my arms holding it tight. “What, what have we done?!” Rainbow said. “WE KILLED HIM!!!” Rarity and Applejack yelled. “I’M A MONSTER!!! I TOLD YOU TO DO IT!” Fluttershy yelled then curled up and started crying. “He’s not dead.” Twilight said, “I’ll teleport him back.” “What?!” the others said. I was teleported back from the caves that the Changelings dwell in. “First, tell me that it’s a teleportation spell that you used.” I said before getting jumped on by everyone except Twilight. “Thanks for caring but, you’re all squishing me…” I said, everyone started to laugh including me. “Thanks for caring so much, your great friends to have.” I guess that’s done and over with, at least she didn’t kill the Changelings or their baby. > The Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, two whole weeks I’ve been here, jesus, and I still haven’t found the true meaning of friendship. Someone knocked on my door, “Come in.” I said. I saw a bloody knife in her hoof, “Twi?! What the hell?! What were you doing with that?!” I said getting up out of my bed. Twilight ran up to me and hugged me, she began crying and said, “No one cares about me, they all think I’m stuck up.” “Who?” I said with a questionable stare on my face, “Who would call you that? And are you… oh god, Twi, don’t do it. Understand! I care about you!” I held Twilight tight in my arms and slid the bloody knife under my dresser. Spike came up and ask what happened, I answered, “Go! Get me a letter! Twi has been hurting herself!” Then Spike ran downstairs and wrote the note. Spike came up stairs and said, “Celestia is on her way, along with Shining, and Cadence, she said this was something you can not be apart of.” “Why would Celestia say that? She knows I care deeply about Twilight…” I said. Twilight was still crying and I kept holding her, I tore a sheet from the bed and wrapped it around the cuts. Me and Spike heard knocking on the door, Spike went down to go check, he yelled, “It’s Celestia!” She came upstairs and said to me, “You have to go. You can’t stay here!” “Why? Twilight is my friend. I can’t just leave her side. Thats not what a friend would do.” I said. But Celestia replied, “If you don’t Shining and Cadence will kill you.” “Say what now?” I said with a straight face, “Why would they want to kill me?” “They don’t know who you are, you where seen as a threat when you first came to Canterlot, we did not know what or who you were.” Celestia said. I looked at her with the most serious face I could think of and said, “No.” “What?!” Celestia said, “But they will-” I quickly cut her off, “I don’t care, Twi has been there for me, I WILL be there for her. Understand, I don’t care what will happen to me. I will not leave.” I said. Then everyone heard another knock on the door, “I give you the best of luck then.” said Celestia. “Yea, me too.” said Spike, “I’ll go open the door.” Spike walked downstairs and answered the door, it was Shining and Cadence, I held onto Twi’s hoof, and hoped for the best. “We came as soon- what the hell is that?!” said Shining, “Get off of her! I said... GET OFF!” I just stayed quiet and kept holding Twilight. “Whats going on? What and who are you?!” said Cadence, “Celestia, please, get him out.” “I’m sorry, but I can not, you have to get him out yourself if you really want him out.” Celestia said. Shining hit me off of Twilight, “Why did you do that?!” I said, “What the hell is wro-” before I could say it, Shining bucked me into a wall. I started to bleed, I said before he hit me, “WAIT! I’M HER FRIE-” but it was too late, he bucked me into the corner of the wall. “Wait stop!” Cadence said, “Here, it doesn’t have to be bloody, he has been trying to talk. Here, I will cast a shield spell.” Cadence casted a force field spell, and I was trapped inside. “Can I talk now?” I said, “Or are you going to try and kill me some more?” “No, go ahead talk.” Cadence said. “Alright… here's my story…” I told them everything that happened from now and when I arrived in Equestria. “Wow, you’ve had a rough time here.” Cadence said. “Yea, I’m sorry again about going crazy, and bucking you into the wall.” Shining said. “Its ok, Celestia had a protection spell on me, it didn’t hurt a lot. But, it still hurt.” I said hugging Celestia. Twilight woke up and Shining, Cadence, Spike, and I hugged her. We were all very happy to see her well and ok, this has taken a turn for the worst, damn… > The Question > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve been here for one month, I wonder what's happening at home, probably not much. I do miss home, but Twi says I should stay here. Pinkie is having a huge party tonight, she invited all of us to join and some other ponies. About 4 hours later, the party starts me, Rainbow, and Fluttershy get there early. “I’m so glad you guys could make it!” said Pinkie, “It’s going to be a blast!” “Can’t wait Pinkie!” Rainbow said. “Yea I’m you excited that I could yell!” Fluttershy said while breathing a lot of air and then, “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” with a very quiet voice. “Wow Fluttershy, that was, umm…” Rainbow said, then Pinkie kicked her hoof, “Great!” I just walked over to a chair, sat down, pulled out my MP3 player, and listened to music. About an hour and a half later everyone else showed up, “So? Who’s the DJ?” said Rainbow. “Yea where is she or he?” said Twilight, “The party needs some music.” “Ummm, could you help me?” Pinkie said to me, “The DJ is a little late could you…” “Sure, where is the stuff?” I said to Pinkie, she replied, “Over there.” “Ok, for you and another pony that I wish I could meet, someday.” I said, I walked onto the stage and started to warm up. Everyone started cheer and before I knew it, I saw her, the one I look up to, the one that is the best, Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch. I stopped and looked at her, I was in a daze that I couldn’t break, “Hey! Come on Vinyl! Show that guy who’s the best!” said Pinkie. Vinyl looked at me, I felt my heart skip a beat, I backed up and said, “The table is yours, Vinyl.” Vinyl got out, the bass cannon, she hooked it up and blasted the music, she looked at me with a smirk and yelled, “I’m the best DJ in Ponyville! DJ-PON3 owns this beat!” After a lot of ponies left, about 3 hours later, it was just me, Derpy, Vinyl, Applejack, Twilight, Lyra, and Bon Bon. Lyra and Bon Bon left to go home because they were too drunk, Twilight had to go home to check on Spike, and sadly Derpy left. It was just me, Vinyl, and Applejack. Me and Vinyl talked while I forgot that Applejack was at the bar, I had to go get Applejack, I told Vinyl that I live with Twilight and she could drop by to see me anytime. I went over to the bar and saw Applejack drunk as all hell, she was about to be kicked out for “disturbing the peace” I thought that was bullshit, but I had to get her out anyways. So I told Applejack to go home but she said that she didn’t want to go alone, she wanted me to walk her home, she was afraid that something would happen to her if I didn’t. “You could keep me safe. You're so big and strong.” Applejack said while hugging my arm, “No one would dare to mess with you.” “Fine… I’ll walk you home.” I said, then we walked out of the bar and headed to AJ’s farm. About half way there she asked me a weird question, she asked, “Do you like me?” I thought she asked me because she was drunk, but she sounded fine when she said it. Being the guy I am I said, “Yea, I’ve always liked you.” She looked at me with a grin and asked, “No, no, do you like, like me?” I stopped dead in my tracks, looked at Applejack, she saw me blush, and she said, “Awwww, do you have a crush on me?” My eyes were wide open and I said, “Um, well, it's, ugh, yes…” I put my hand over my mouth and shut myself up. “Its ok, I like you that way too.” she said. I didn’t talk until we got to the farm and she told me, “If you want to come in for some coffee you can.” “Alright, I’m starting to get tired anyways, I could use it.” I said as we walked inside. She made us some coffee, we drank it, then there was a heavy storm, Applejack asked, “You could stay over tonight... in my room.” I kind of got lost in thought, I didn’t exactly hear what she said, but I replied with, “Sure, if you want me to.” Applejack got excited and I snapped out of it, then I realized what I said but it was too late, I didn’t want to be mean so I just went on with it. About 30 minutes later she told me I could come up so I, walked up stairs, opened the door, and asked Applejack, “Where am I sleeping?” She said, “Here, right next to me.” I felt a little weirded out from our last conversation, but I went with it. I usually take of my shirt before bed so I can cool off, but this was the one time where I will sleep with my shirt on. I turned off the lights and got into bed. I woke up the next morning, but Applejack wasn't in the bed. I got up out of bed, I felt a breeze on my legs, that’s when I realized. I wasn’t wearing my jeans. I heard a knock on the door, I quickly got my jeans on, and opened the door. I saw Twilight when I opened it, “Why are you here?” she asked, “I was worried about you!” “Sorry Twi. Applejack was nice enough to let me sleep here. I had to walk her home.” I said. Twilight looked at me strange and said, “You slept in the same bed?” “I guess, by the way have you seen AJ?” I said, then Twilight pointed her hoof over my shoulder, and I saw AJ getting up. “How didn’t I..? Whatever, how you doing Applejack? Feeling better?” I said. AJ replied, “Bad. Still a bit hungover.” “If you two are done talking, I think we should go home.” Twi said. “Alright, just give me a couple minutes.” I said, Twi said I could and closed the door. Applejack came over to me and said, “See you later.” “You too AJ.” I said, then I walked downstairs and went with Twilight back to the house. “Did anything happen last night?” Twilight said. “No… not that I know of. Why?” I said, Twilight just kept quiet until we got home. Wonder what’s up with her, and, did something happen? > The Same Question > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s already been 5 months since I’ve got here, nothing has really happened in the last couple of months. Anyway today I’m going to go hang with Vinyl and whoever else she brings. “Hey, Twi! I’m going over to Vinyl’s today!” I yelled upstairs. “Alright, just be back home before seven! Remember Pinkie is throwing a party!” Twilight said, “You got that?” “Yea, yea… see you later Twi.” I said, as I walked outside. It took a while, about 30 minutes, to find Vinyl’s house, the only way I did was by following the music. I was hoping that they didn’t lock the door, they didn’t, thank for the love of god. When I opened the door, I saw Octavia sitting by herself, I went to go ask her what was wrong. “Hey, um… Octavia? Is it?” I said. She looked at me and said, “Who are you?” “I’m Vinyl’s friend.” I said. “Well, its nice to meet you Mr..?” said Octavia. “Oh, um, see, I, have to, go, bye! Hope we can talk again soon.” I said. I hurried upstairs and went to hang with Vinyl, when I got upstairs I saw some other guys that she was hanging out with. “Hey kid!” Vinyl yelled over to me. She stopped the music, and ran over to hug me. Why? Well, I don’t really know. Maybe because she thinks of me as a brother. Anyway, she told me to do my magic up on the stage, or that’s what she calls it anyway. I was there for 4 hours and when I looked at the time, it was 6:45! “Aw damn! I got to go, I’m going to a party tonight with Twi at Pinkie’s.” I said throwing on my sweatshirt, “See you tomorrow Vinyl?” “Sure, scrub.” She said with a smirk, “You could be better.” “I don’t have time to argue, bye Vinyl” I said running out the door to Twi’s house. About 5 minutes of running later, I got to Twi’s house. “I’m here!” I yelled, but I didn’t need too because Twilight was standing right infront of me. “You got here just in time! You got lucky.” Twi said. “Sorry, I was having fun with Vinyl and her friends.” I said, “So, when are we leaving?” “Right now.” Twi said. “What?! Right now?! I’m not even ready!” I said running upstairs. “Were talking about one of Pinkie’s parties.” Twi said. I stopped and looked at what I had on. A T-shirt with a sweatshirt over it, baggy jeans, headphones around my neck, and a cross necklaces. “I’m ready to go when you are.” I said with a dumb smirk on my face. I laughed nervously a little as Twilight stared at me. “Let's go.” she said opening up the door. “Alright, Twi.” I said. When we got there I saw Octavia and Vinyl inside. Octavia looked down and I saw Vinyl talking to her. Octavia eventually cheered up and danced with Vinyl, I did always like Vinyl but I know I can’t have her unless it's as a sister, or like one at least. About 5 hours later, we all went home, except me and AJ, again. “AJ, you ok to walk home?” I said. “No, can you walk me again?” AJ said, “It would be nice if you did.” I thought about it and I didn’t want the same thing to happen again, I agreed but said I wasn't staying over. As me and Applejack walked home, she asked me the same question that she asked last time we were alone. “Do you like me? Or think I’m cute?” AJ said. I mumbled something, but she couldn't hear. “Hmmm? What was that?” AJ said, “Spit it out.” “Yeah. I do, for both questions.” I said, I started to get nervous. “Awwww, you're cute too.” AJ said. “Thanks AJ, you’re great.” I said. What did I just say? Do I really want to get in a relationship with a pony?! I hope I didn’t pull myself into anything that I’ll regret. > The Last Entry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I’ve been here for 3 years now. Twilight and her friends have done so much over the 3 years I’ve been here. Twi called me up and told me to get to town square, I put Sterling, my cat, into my backpack, and everything else that I brought with me. It took a while but I got to town square. “Sup Twi. Why did you call me over here? And why did I have to bring my stuff?” I said. I saw all my friends that I meet at Ponyville and other places. “Holy crap. Why are you all here?” I said, a lot of them were sad and crying. “Whats going on?” I said, out of them all I saw a pony that was like a sister to me, Vinyl. “We're all here to, wish you a happy goodbye.” Vinyl said. “What? You want me to leave Ponyville? What the hell?! I thought we were all friends!” I yelled. Not knowing what’s going on, Twilight came up to me and said, “It's time, you should know for what.” I didn’t believe it, was it really time to go? Go back… home? Everyone said their goodbye’s to me, I teared up every single time. Then when it was AJ, Pinkie, Rainbow, Spike, Flutter, Rarity, and Twi’s turns. They all thanked me for being there for them. I saw a pony I’ve only seen a couple times, it was Derpy. “You may not have know it but you’ve helped me out too. You defended me when others were mean to me. Thank you for that.” Derpy said kissing me on the cheek, I blushed, and hugged Derpy back. Twilight opened the portal to Earth, I said with a strong voice, “Goodbye, everypony! And thank you all! I love you all like brothers and sisters!” “Hey Twi?” I said. “Yea?” Twi said. “Could I come back sometime?” I said. Twi smiled and gave me a book. “This is how you can talk to me on Earth. Take it, and feel free to come back anytime!” Twi said. “Goodbye. Also, before I forget, I never told you my name.” I said as everyone was surprised I still haven't told them my name. “My name, is, Moony. Remember me, goodbye. Till a new day, with a new dawn, I'll come back.” Those were the last words I said before stepping into the portal and going home. I am back home, I felt a vibration from the book, when I looked into it, I saw a message. “I think you’ll be expecting company, Moony.” I was confused. What did she mean by company? Just before the portal closed, a grey mare flew right into my face, it was Derpy, of course. “I could never leave you! You’re like a brother!” Derpy said. “Don’t worry, you can live with me, we can be a family, together.” I said, then I was hugged by Derpy. Time for the next chapter of my life to begin.