> My Little Pony: Sisterly Convergence > by Hopeful Soul > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony: Sisterly Convergence Chapter 1 As the Princess of the Sun and the Day stepped out on the balcony of the Canterlot Castle, she beheld the breathtaking view her magic created. She saw Luna’s moon going down over the horizon and knew that it was her cue to raise her glorious sun and begin the day for all her subjects. Her horn lit up with a golden glow and after a few long moments of concentration she eventually managed to raise her glowing sun above the mountain peaks, lighting up the sky like a fiery painting, the main colors being red, yellow, orange and even a little bit of purple. All in all, a beautiful sight that she and some ponies get to witness every morning. As the last outline of the silvery disc that was her sister’s to control slipped beneath the horizon, she glanced a dark silhouette to her right. Front hooves flailing wildly, yet not without control, Luna orchestrated the moon to sink and rest. Her ethereal mane waved in flowing motion, the glow of her horn easily visible. Luna had once told her, that at every end of night, the stars sang a different song, and it was her pleasure to guide their voices and lead the moon to a soft rest. Celestia gazed at her sister and before long she began staring at her. She looked so beautiful today, and Celestia had been thinking that most days, ever since Luna had finally returned to her thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. She tried hard to figure out exactly what she was feeling for her younger sister but all her efforts were fruitless. She did know one thing though; whenever she looked upon her sister her heart would start beating faster and she would gain a warm feeling inside her chest, a feeling that made her feel safe and secure. It was if Luna’s presence was all that was needed to bring her out of her darkest days. Having her back made her feel… complete, in a way. When Celestia had banished her, she had banished half her heart to the moon too. Having her sister back, it made her feel whole again. Celestia explored deeper into that feeling. It made her uneasy not to know what she was thinking. That tingly sensation every time they touched, the deep sympathy she felt after a shared meal, the urge to hug her at the most inappropriate times. She soon snapped out of her stupor when she noticed her sister going back inside and instantly felt lonely, even though she knew that her sister wasn’t that far away. It was as if she couldn’t live without her. Luna’s long absence had taken its toll on Celestia, making her more distant for emotions. She had grown apathetic almost, the only light being her newest pupil, Twilight Sparkle. Seeing how Luna cantering back she soon turned and trotted back inside as well. Before long she found herself in the dining hall, where breakfast was already being made for her by the Royal chef, as well as for Luna. Her sister’s eyes followed every move the chef made. Sorting the sweets in a small pyramid at the back end of a carrion two of his assistants had pushed in, followed by three wicker baskets containing a pile of bread each, numerous little cups with jelly and smashed fruits, and butter. Pastries had been arranged in neat order along the table and the chef gave the two ponies behind him a sign. With the united glow of their magic, the three of them heaved the array of breakfast goods on the long table in the hall. At each end, one princess was seated. From the position of the chef though, Celestia sat with the sun in her back, while Luna had the sinking moon behind her. Both sent weak light through the high windows and created a tranquil atmosphere. Celestia let a cup of tea float to her mouth and smelled the rising steam. Chamomile and marigold, her favorite. She glanced up at Luna and found herself staring at her sister once more, this time more fondly. As she sipped from her own cup she seemed unaware of her sister staring at her until finally she looked in her direction. Celestia acted quickly and began eating, hoping she didn’t notice her staring. “Sister? Are you alright?” Luna inquired, curiously. Celestia looked up. “Huh? Oh yes Luna, I’m alright,” she assured her. “A wonderful night as always.” “Why thank you, and your sunrise was equally spectacular,” Princess Luna complimented her. “You are too kind.” Princess Celestia smiled. She levitated a biscuit with butter crumbles to her mouth and took a small bite. “I have to admit sister, when I first came back to Equestria, I was a little nervous,” Luna admitted. “So much has changed in 1000 years, I felt somewhat out of touch…” “And now?” Celestia asked. “Now I see the beauty in all the changes that have occurred and just look outside,” Luna expressed, gesturing a hoof to an open window. “It’s a beautiful day, the land is at peace and the future’s looking brighter than ever.” Celestia smiled. The way Luna was observing her situation and her efforts to blend in gladdened her. She had expected her sister to struggle with society, but quite the opposite was the case. All the dark tales about Nightmare Moon seemed forgotten and only relevant at one special time of the year, resulting in a common curiosity as to who this new old co-regent of Equestria was. Audiences were held almost every night now, though Luna preferred to call them Night Council. The stream of ponies had never once died down in over two months since her return. From dusk to midnight, more and more ponies sought her audience, the majority for gossip and a chance to earn Luna’s sympathy rather than actual advice if truth be told. But such was the way of things. Luna was taking well to all of it. She seemed to posses a spark of life that granted her access to a limitless source of energy, enabling her to pass even the most tiresome guests. She smiled, waved, and gave the necessary courtesies without flinching, an art Celestia had found rather difficult to master. When the bell chimed the beginning of a new day though, she galloped off into the chambers to greet it and it made Celestia smile warmly every time. “So, any plans for the day?” Celestia inquired. “Plenty. However I do need to rest for a while, seeing as how I have been up all night,” Luna pointed out. Celestia nodded. “I understand. You watch over the night…” “And you watch over the day,” Luna finished. “I know. But if you ever need me, I will be there. You know that, do you not?” Celestia nodded again. “I know. Luna… thank you.” “Your welcome.” Luna nodded. She then finished up the rest of her breakfast and let out a cute little yawn that made Celestia giggle a bit. “Well, it appears that it is time for me to turn in.” “It appears so,” Celestia responded gleefully, watching as her sister took to her chambers. “Have a good sleep.” Luna stopped and turned to her sister. “With the Tantabus gone, I am sure that I will,” she smiled. “Have fun with all that dreadfully dull paperwork and love letters, dear sister.” She then gave Celestia a playful little wink. However, playful or not, the action quickly caused a faint blush to appear on the Princess of the Day’s face, though Luna didn’t really seem to notice at all. “Well, good night,” Luna said as she resumed trotting away but soon stopped. “Or should I say good morning?” Luna giggled a bit before she turned and left the kitchen. Soon after she left, Celestia sighed and put a hoof on her heart, which appeared to be beating even faster. She knew now what her feelings for Luna were. They were love, and not just the kind of love one normally feels for their sibling, but romantic love. Celestia silently gasped when she realized the truth; she was in love with Luna… her own sister. Why hadn’t she noticed sooner? Was she really so blind? The thought troubled her. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Siblings had a special bond, but there were limits too. Besides, Celestia had never before shown interest in her own gender, why now?  She felt disgusted with herself for thinking such things, about mating with Luna, becoming lovers… what would their subjects think? What would become of them? If other ponies knew… she really would lose her sister forever… If they found out… Only if… But still… they were sisters… it wasn’t as if she could find out if she felt the same way… or was there? > Love Advice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 With a sigh, Celestia let another pesky piece of paper float on to the messy pile next to the throne. It was already stacked up so much, it bordered to the arm rest. Exhausted, she allowed herself a short moment of quiet to review on what she had settled so far. The usual complaints about theft, robbery and the damage had rushed in as the vanguard, and were immediately sent to her subordinates. Following were invitations to ceremonies, marriages, birthdays and others, which she divided into three piles: Attendance important, attendance voluntary, and attendance absolutely unlikely. What followed those were the obligatory love letters, poems and other forms of literal wooing. Celestia knew that in her position, she had caught the eye of many a stallion, and the fact that she had a unique sort of beauty didn’t help with decreasing the amount of admirers she had. However, in her position as one of two regents, she must not take another mate. She had done so in earlier years, when she was way younger, but it had resulted in more trouble than anything else. Another heavy sigh escaped her as she signed the polite yet firm reject that was the usual response for this kind of letter. If only there would be one among them that Luna wrote… No. It still felt wrong thinking about it. They were sisters, royals, her subjects looked up to them, and even though relationships weren’t confined to monogamy, incest was still morally wrong. On the other hoof, though, the possibility of an offspring was pretty much nonexistent. However, secretly Celestia knew of a spell that could possibly change that, but she knew Luna would never go for it, even if she knew that she felt the same way and that was likely never to happen. She needed somepony to talk to, somepony who knew a thing or two about love and how to deal with it. Of course, she would have to be discreet about who she said that she’s in love with in order to avoid drawing attention and there was only one pony who was an expert when it came to love but she… Her thoughts and concentration ended when she heard somepony knock at the door of her studies and quickly composed herself. “Please enter,” she said. The door opened and a familiar pink Alicorn entered with a smile on her face. Celestia reacted warmly when she saw who it was. “Hello Celestia,” she smiled. “Cadance, it’s wonderful to see you again,.” the Princess of the Day expressed as she approached her adopted niece and wrapped her fore hooves around her, which she returned. “Tell me, what brings you to Canterlot?” “Oh, I only came for a short visit, lots of business to take care in the Crystal Empire if you know what I mean.” Princess Cadance smirked. Celestia chuckled. “Indeed I do, and in any case it’s good that you are here.” “Why?” “I have something… I wish to ask you… your advice as a matter of fact.” “What is it?” Cadance asked, curiously. “You can tell me, Aunt Celestia.” Celestia noticed the guards standing outside the study, probably listening to what they were saying and trying not to show it. She didn’t want any gossip from what she was about to ask so she thought fast. “Not here, in private,” Celestia told her quietly, as she nodded in the direction of the guards. Cadance turned to them and seemed to understand what her aunt was trying to say. “Oh! I understand. Follow me then,” Cadance said as she turned and began trotting toward the door. Celestia soon began to follow her while the guard only gave them a passing glance, seemingly interested, before he regained his focus and continued to maintain his post. Sometime later, Princess’ Cadance and Celestia found themselves wandering outside in the castle garden. The serene and quiet atmosphere filled the air and made the two feel more at ease and willing to discuss whatever was on their mind at the moment. “So, Aunt Celestia, what is that you wanted to ask me?” Cadance asked, still curious. “It is… complicated but… recently I have begun to experience certain feelings…” Celestia admitted, slowly. “What kind of feelings?” Princess Cadance inquired, curiously. “Feelings for… somepony I know…” The Princess of the Sun finally said, she didn’t mention Luna since even though Cadance was her adopted niece she couldn’t take the risk in telling and disgusting her, so she had to lie about the true identity of her pony-of-interest. Cadance looked surprised and excited by the news. “Ooh! You’re in love! That’s amazing! I’ve always wanted you to find your very-special somepony!” she gushed, feeling proud of her Aunt. Celestia smiled. “Thank you, Cadance,” she said, sincerely. “So… who is it?” Cadance questioned, very interested as she nudged Celestia with a smirk. “Who’s the lucky stallion? Or mare, I don’t judge by the way. Love is love, I should know.” “Love is love…” Celestia silently echoed before regaining her focus. “I mean it’s… a mare but… I am not sure that she feels the same way or not… or even how to find out for sure…” “You’re the Princess of the Day, of course she might like you!” Cadance told her adopted aunt, honestly. “Thank you but… even that might not matter to her, I mean… we are so different and I…” Celestia began to say before her voice trailed off, she looked like she was very lost in thought. “Ooh… you got it bad, don’t you?” Cadance remarked sympathetically. Celestia nodded in confirmation. “Well… the first thing you have to do is ask yourself… is this pony truly the one for you?” Celestia quickly began thinking of Luna, about her smile… the way she raised the moon every night… even though they were opposites in many ways, they balanced each other out. And also, after Luna was banished Celestia couldn’t think of anyone else being by her side but her younger sister. She was a part of her and as such, she truly believed that she was the one. She soon turned her attentions back to Cadance and looked at her seriously. “Yes. I do.” The Princess of the Day nodded. Cadance seemed to believe her, she smiled and nodded. “Good. Then the next thing you have to do is find a good time and place to confess and once you do, there’s no going back.” “I understand.” Princess Celestia said. “Thank you for helping me Cadance.” “Hey, Princess of Love.” The pink Alicorn reminded her with a smile. They both shared a chuckle. “Well, I’d better be on my way now. It was nice spending this time with you.” “And I you.” Celestia smiled, as Cadance turned and began walking away. “Good luck confessing your love!” she told her rather loudly. Celestia blushed bright red, hoping that anypony that happened to be close by didn’t hear that. “Cadence!” she exclaimed, embarrassed. “Oh, I’m just teasing, and don’t worry, I have faith that you and your special somepony will be together.” Princess Cadance told her. “Just let love light the way.” As Celestia continued to watch as her niece continued on her way, she echoed the words that she just said to her. “Let love light the way…” She was so busy letting those words repeat themselves in her mind over and over again that she failed to hear or notice her sister, Luna, approaching her from behind. Luna spoke up to get her attention. “Sister,” Celestia gasped, startled, before she noticed it was Luna. “Oh, Luna, sorry, I did not see you.” “It is fine.” Luna assured her before turning her attention to Cadence. “What were you and Cadence talking about?” “Uh… I… um…” Celestia stuttered unsure of what to say to her, and she had a feeling that until she confessed her feelings it would continue to be hard to talk to her own sister. Princess Luna however, failed to notice that her presence was making her sister nervous. Then she got an idea in her head that made her smirk. “Was she giving you some love advice, perhaps?” she inquired teasingly, as she gave Celestia a friendly hip-bump which unknowingly made her blush and stutter some more. “Oh come now sister, you can tell me. Is there somepony out there that has caught your eye?” “I-I… I mean… yes…” Celestia revealed, her blush growing more red. “Who?” “Who?” “Yes, who is it?” Celestia became even more nervous then and there, and while she loathed doing so she had no choice but to lie to her sister about the identity of her crush, knowing that she wasn’t ready just yet. “I… can’t say… but it is somepony I care about very much.” “How wonderful sister.” Luna smiled. “I may have a new brother-in-law, or better yet… another sister-in-law.” Luna gave her a wink to finish her little tease “Oh you!” Celestia laughed as she nudged her sister with her wing. “Well, if you ever decide to tell him his or her name, I will be there,” Luna promised. Celestia nodded. “Understood,” she said. Luna gave her one more smile and then began to trot off. She secretly glanced at her sister interested before heading off while her sister watched her go and intently gazed at her perfectly round rump sway as she walked. She put her hoof on her heart again and sighed. “Let love light the way…” > The Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3         A million stars decorated the canvas of the sky, distant nebulas spiraled, convulsed, and tensed, planets collided and turned all within an eyes notice. The deep darkness that engulfed the scene was impenetrable, yet the light of the stars punctured the fabric. Through this ocean of light and dark, Luna soared from plain to plain, catching a glimpse at one or the other dream. Mostly, she saw confusing slide shows of images, all whirled together. A puppy with three heads chasing a red ball, a yellow filly with a megaphone for a mouth, a sea serpent in bride gown next to a white stallion with enormous muscles. Strange things all of them, but nothing that needed her guidance. It were nights like these she enjoyed spending time in the Dreamscape, her own personal realm. In the leanest of Canterlot Castle’s towers, there was a room just beneath the roof, narrow, so very narrow, where she had set up her headquarters. From this room, furnished only with some blankets, curtains, and pillows, she freed her mind to let it wander through Equestria, guarding the dreams of all ponies into a peaceful direction, so their sleep may be pleasant. Luna herself felt rather unsatisfied tonight. The conversation with Celestia earlier didn’t let her come to rest. Her sister was in love, she had told her so. But who could have been able to catch the eye of her sister? Which pony could possibly be to her liking? Luna realized how giddy she had become. Very well, dear sister, if you won’t tell me, I’m going to find out myself, she thought with mischief. At the speed of a thought, her bodiless self was in Celestia’s private chambers, where said mare slumbered peacefully. Luna concentrated and was inside her sister’s dream. Although Celestia had warned her that she didn’t like it, when Luna came sniffing around in her dreams, she could do little to prevent Luna from doing so. As she found herself, Luna observed the scene quickly. Celestia dreamed of the Canterlot Gardens, lying under a tall oak, a sparrow and a robin sitting on her half stretched wing, singing a duet, while a few beams of sunlight pierced the thick canopy and fell on her alabaster coat. It was such a peaceful scene, serene, tranquil, and elegant as Celestia herself.  Luna watched silently for a moment, not wanting to show herself to her sister. Instead, she stepped closer and smiled down warmly on Celestia. When she stopped to look a little longer, somebody stepped right through her, walking over to Celestia, who looked up, and her smile widened. Only, Luna didn’t stop walking as she had intended, well, not Luna-Luna, but rather Celestia’s-dream-Luna. Shocked, the real Luna watched how her dream self trotted over to her sister, lay down next to her and exchange a kiss. Not the kiss on the cheek how they sometimes did, but a lover’s kiss. She watched the scene unravel, as Celestia draped a wing around her, and Luna snuggled up against her sister’s body. “Well hello, my love.” Dream Luna smiled. Hearing her dream-self say those words made the real Luna’s eyes widen. “Hello to you as well.” Celestia smiled back as they nuzzled. The real Luna backed up as this happened, a look of shock, disgust and disbelief was written all over her face. Celestia sighed and gazed out into the horizon. “What a glorious day, isn’t it?” “Yes, and it’s all thanks to you.” Dream Luna told her. “Thank you, Luna.” Celestia said gratefully as Dream Luna snuggled closer to her. It was Dream Luna’s turn to sigh now. “I’m so glad you decided to confess when you did…” she expressed. The real Princess Luna looked confused. “What?” she thought. “Confessed what? How is this happening?” “As am I. To be honest I was afraid by how you would react, but now that we are together… I only wish I could have told you sooner.” Celestia told the Dream Luna. “Well, we’re together now, and that’s all that matters.” Dream Luna said closing her eyes and nearly falling asleep. “Yes, I suppose it is…” Celestia agreed sweetly. “Now…” Celestia nuzzled her dream sister again, to get her to wake up a little and look her in the eye. “How about a kiss for your marefriend?” “Marefriend?” Luna echoed in her mind, fear beginning to overwhelm her. “Oh, it would my pleasure…” The dream version of Luna smiled again as she raised her muzzle towards her older sister, while Celestia herself began to lower her’s. Luna watched with wide eyes as they prepared to kiss again until finally she could not take it anymore. “NO!” she screamed.  Jolting up from the soft pillows, Luna woke in her chamber, her pulse racing, and sweat on her forehead. As she panted feverishly, images of what was happening in Celestia’s dream kept flashing over and over again in her mind, it was if she was trying to make sense of them, trying to figure out what they mean. But she couldn’t think of anything, nor could she admit what she saw, it was too great for her. “What… what was that?” she quietly asked herself. This couldn’t be true, this mustn’t be true. She loved her sister, of course she did, but not this way. Celestia was a beautiful mare, tall, lean, elegant, but Luna had never taken interest in a mare. She had played with the thought, but actually trying it was written on another page. Plus, it was her sister who dreamt about her. Both herself and Celestia were often the target of desire, she had seen enough dreams. Sometimes it was flattering how her subjects viewed her, yet Celestia longing for her little sister in such a way… This was outrageous. Under all circumstances, Luna had to keep this to herself. For now at least. With a troubled mind, Luna set out to watch over the dreams of everypony, except for her sister’s, those she would avoid for quite some time now. Eventually all the unanswered questions that she had gotten from Celestia’s dream finally piqued her curiosity. She had to know why her sister dreamt such a thing and the only way to find that out was to ask her personally, she knew that she would be in a bit of trouble when her sister learned that she had been snooping around in her dreams but she did not care. As far as she was concerned, Celestia was in more trouble than she was. She quickly got out of her bed, walked over to her bedroom door and magically pushed it open with great force. She trotted out of the room and made her way down the hall with a serious expression and it didn’t look like anything was going to slow her down. After going around a corner, Luna started to go down another corridor and approached the doors of her sister’s chambers. Two guards, who were normally posted outside the doors remained stone faced and focused until they noticed Princess Luna approaching them. “Princess Luna!” one of them said as he and his fellow guard saluted her. Luna stood before the guards, steely eyed. “Is my sister still asleep?” she questioned. “Yes ma’am.” The other guard nodded. “Is there a problem?” “Something like that. I need to speak with her,” Luna told them. “Princess, with all due respect… I don’t think you should be disturbing Princess Celestia’s sleep like…” the first guard began. “I said, I need to speak with her.” The Princess of the Night said even more firmly. “The two of you can leave. Now.” Not wanting to anger their Princess anymore than she already seemed to be the guards quickly exchanged glances, turned and trotted away. Now alone, Luna turned her attention back to the door and sighed before magically opening them and entering the room. The doors closed behind her. Her moon shone its silvery light through the two arched windows into the room and lay like a blanket on her sister’s body. As much as part of her didn’t want to disturb her sister while she slept her mind was set on getting answers and she would get them, one way or another. “Celestia, awaken!” Luna said, loudly , and sure enough Celestia began to wake from her dream, which Luna still personally found revolting. “Oh… Luna? What is… going on?” Celestia asked a bit groggy, as she sat up. “Is everything alright?” “No. I need to talk to you about something.” Her younger sister stated firmly. “It is important.” The Princess of the Day looked concerned. “Oh dear… what is it? Did you find something troubling while you were drifting through the dream realm?” “You could say that.” Luna replied still looking dead serious. “What was it?” Celestia inquired, interested. “It is,” she began, though now suddenly she found it hard to choose the right words. “While I was underway, I-” Again she broke mid-sentence. She sighed, annoyed. “Luna, please, calm down. Take a breath, take some time and tell me what is troubling you.” Just as she was told, Luna settled her still agitated mind to a degree that allowed her to formulate a clear sentence. “I saw you. The dream you. You were dreaming something. Do you remember what it was?” Celestia shuffled in her blankets, folds forming on her forehead as she thought. “I can’t seem to do so. I don’t possess your skills in dream-wandering.” “Well,” Luna said, growing nervous. “There was you. You were lying under a tree in the Gardens, and there was somepony else.” “Oh?” Celestia cocked an eyebrow. Was it only her imagination, the way the light came in, or was there a slight blush appearing on Celestia’s face? “Who was it, sweet sister?” Luna’s lips clenched and formed a hard line. ”It was me. Not the real me, mind you, a dream doppelganger of me. You get the idea.” She blew the air through her nostrils and said, “And I went over to you, laid down beside you, and then I kissed you. Is there anything I might need to know?” Celestia swallowed dryly. She bit her lips, searching for an answer. She knew she should have set up some sort of defense. There were only two options now: Lie to her, and tell her that it was just an unlucky coincidence, and it meant nothing. Or she could tell her the truth. Both seemed to lead to equally disastrous results. On the other hoof, she remembered the times when she bore the element of honesty. Those golden times seemed to have left a spark in her. Celestia braced herself and started for a response. “Luna, sit down here please,” she said calmly, patting the spot next to her. As her sister did so, she continued. “See, the reason I dreamt of you like that is because I… I… I…” Celestia tried but deep down she just didn’t think she had it in her to spit it out and the fact that her beloved sister was staring at her with her gorgeous bluish-green eyes was not helping. “Yes? What is it? Speak up!” Princess Luna practically demanded, growing impatient. Celestia started fumbling the brim of her covers, tried to look away from Luna, but couldn’t. She bit her lip. Why was this so hard? I love you. Easy as that. Only three words, three little words. “I-” she started, “Luna, I-” Again, she broke. “Sister, either you tell me now, or so help me, I’ll invade your mind and find out myself!” she threatened. Back to the wall, Celestia brain short wired. Faster than Luna could comprehend, her head snapped forward and she placed a firm and fleeting kiss on her incredibly soft lips. Luna’s eyes became as wide as dinner plates as this happened and put her hooves on her sister as she tried to break the kiss but Celestia kept her from doing so. While Luna couldn’t believe what was happening and felt completely disgusted as she let out muffled yells, Celestia enjoyed tasting and kissing her sister, considering it a dream come true, before Luna suddenly and finally pulled back, dropping to the floor with a incredibly shocked look on her face. She scrambled back from the bed, dragging herself with her hooves and wings until she reached the door. Breathing heavily, she stared at Celestia. “Sister… what in the name of Equestria was that supposed to mean?! Why did you even do that!!?” she shrieked, her voice shrill with anger, disgust and confusion. Celestia felt a great deal of embarrassment and shame for her impulsive action as well as a great deal of sadness from her sister’s reaction, which was something she had feared greatly. But now that she had done it there was no going back and nothing held her back from finally saying it. “Because… because I love you, Luna,” she finally confessed. Her eyes sought the contact of those of Luna’s, found it, but what other things she found in them, she didn’t wish for. “Sister,” Luna brought forth, “that is not an acceptable reason. In case you overlooked, we are siblings! I may have only been in this era for several moons but even I know that what you just did was morally and socially wrong! What madness has befallen you? Explain yourself!” Celestia saw how upset her sister was and glanced away with a thoughtful look as she tried to think of a way to explain it to her but she couldn’t come up with much… “I… it is… hard to explain… Luna…” she admitted to her. “I am a smart mare, explain it to me!” Luna demanded. “Ponies don’t just do this Tia, especially not you! I have to believe that there is a reason for this!” This was bad. If she didn’t react quickly now, there was a good chance Luna would leave her for a long time. Frantically, she wrought her brain. “Luna, please. Thousand years without you, my moon, it tore me apart and left me broken. I don’t know how to act around you, every time I see you, I’m hot and cold at the same time. I want to jump and cheer when we hug, you brighten up every dark day for me! Luna, believe me, I was just as confused as you are right now. Nevertheless have I come to accept my feelings. Just like the sun and moon we are bound together by a greater force. Won’t you look inside yourself? Look deep, and you will find feelings of similar nature, I am certain. Only, one thing, dear sister: Do not cast me away!” Luna’s gaze was cold and steely, she absorbed everything Celestia said but didn’t say anything, she didn’t even blink. The silence in the bedroom was deafening and it drove Celestia crazy. Now she knew how Luna felt earlier when she took so long confessing how she felt. “Luna please… please… say something…” The Princess of the Day pleaded. But Luna stayed quiet. The only sounds she made were the clopping of her hooves on the marble, and the silent creak as she opened the door to leave her sister’s chambers. Celestia watched her go, tear in eye, and as the door fell shut, the tears rolled down her cheeks. She sobbed into the sheets and her pillow, hugging it close for comfort, however small it may be. Red-eyed and still shaken by sobs, she fell into a dreamless sleep, uncertain what the morrow would bring. Outside, Luna listened to her sister cry, listened as her snorts grew more quiet and finally died down. Only when she was certain that Celestia was asleep, she wandered off into her own chambers, irritated, confused, and very, very tired. > Recollection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4         Now while the Princess of the Sun and the Moon had both locked themselves in their room, following the elder sister’s confession of love towards the younger sister, their niece who happened to be the Princess of Love, was still up writing important letters like her adopted aunt was not too long ago.         She was so focused on doing her work that she didn’t even notice the door opening or the sound of hooves clopping against the smooth crystal floor until the pony entering was right in front of her. Said pony cleared his throat, Cadance looked up and smiled when she saw her husband Shining Armor.         “Uh, hey Cadance,” he smiled.         “Greetings, my love, is something wrong?” Cadance asked, curiously.         “Nah, just wondering if you were coming to bed soon, you’ve been up a while.” Shining told her sounding concerned.         “I know, I know… I just…” Cadance began before she sighed. “I’m almost done with these documents, I don’t want to leave anything unlooked.”         Her husband chuckled a bit. “Boy, who knew being royalty came with so much paperwork, huh?”         Cadance smiled and nodded as she wrote on another paper, her quill levitated above her due to her horn glowing. “Yeah, it’s a lot of work and most ponies don’t realize that until they’ve actually become royalty, kind of ironic in a way,” she remarked.         Shining Armor smiled as well. “Yeah, it is,” he agreed. “Still, even Princess’ need their rest, as do you. You sure you don’t want to come to bed yet?” he asked still worried, as he put a comforting hoof on his wife, whose eyes were beginning to lower and looked sleepy.         Cadance put a hoof on him as well and smiled. “Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m almost done, once I am I’ll go straight to bed, no questions asked.”         That seemed to satisfy Shining Armor for now as he sighed. “Ok,” he said before turning to the door, though he still glanced her way. “But if you need anything, just call, ok?”         The Princess of Love nodded looking grateful. “Ok. Goodnight, love you.”         “Love you too.” Shining Armor said sweetly before he left.         Once her husband had left the room, Cadance resumed working. Though after she said the word ‘love’ it had gotten her thinking, particularly about something that happened earlier today. She remembered her aunt Celestia confessing that she was in love with somepony, a mare, but was having trouble dealing with her feelings.         She didn’t give her the pony’s name and while she seemed ok not knowing the question of who it was still remained in her mind.         Who could it be? she wondered.         Cadence walked away from her desk, her paper and quill still hovering and writing by itself, and started to pace back and forth as she pondered the identity of Celestia’s very-special-somepony.         “Let’s see now… she said it was a mare… a mare who wasn’t enchanted by the fact that she was a Princess and is somepony Celestia apparently has trouble confessing to…” Cadance muttered to herself as she thought and pondered.         There were many beautiful mares in Canterlot, though many indeed admired Celestia for her wealth, power and title and Celestia could usually talk to likes of them fairly easily, so that narrowed down the list quite a bit.         Cadance then tried to remember back to when Celestia first told her, to see if there was anything she may have missed.         She first remembered her saying that she wanted to talk in private, which obviously meant that she didn’t want the guards to gossip about it and she also remembered briefly seeing her Aunt Luna approach her not too long after she left.         That’s when she remembered it and she gasped sharply when she did.         Neither of them had noticed it, since she was practically gone by then, but in the corner of her eyes she had saw her aunts talking. Luna had a certain smile on her face then, presumably she had figured out why she and Celestia were talking, and gave her a friendly hip bump which Celestia blushed to, which was odd since they did all the time and Celestia never…         The Princess of Love then began to put all the pieces together, it all made sense; Celestia’s secretive behavior, the blush she got from bumping flanks with her sister and the fact that her crush was a mare who didn’t care about titles which left one other pony…         However, Cadance refused to believe what her mind was telling her, she shook her head rapidly, looking conflicted. “No… it-it can’t be…” she stuttered, trying to remain calm. “Aunt Celestia and Luna are close but they’re not that close… are they?”         Cadance knew that while love was love, incestuous love between siblings was completely wrong and if word got out about it they would be cast out, ridiculed by all their subjects, they would probably never step hoof out of their castle ever again. Still, part of her was happy for them. If they embraced their true, romantic feelings for each other they would create a love as strong as her’s and Shining Armor’s.         But for the time being, she knew she had to keep this information to herself, regardless of how unlikely it could or could not be. She gazed up towards the moon her beloved aunt Luna raised and put a hoof on her heart.         “Don’t worry Aunt Celestia and Luna… your secret is safe with me,” she whispered. “I hope your love for each other lights the way…”         She closed her eyes and prayed for a minute before she turned and began to head to bed to join her own true love, Shining Armor.         Another mesmerizing night neared its inevitable end, and Luna trotted out onto the balcony, from where she usually lead the moon to rest. Her head hung low with fatigue and other troubles, her otherwise flowing mane lacked the spark, and had tiny knots in it, witnesses from the turbulent night that lay behind her. She relocated her weight onto her hind legs and with a light push, stood solely but firmly on her rear hooves. She drew connections between stars, marking them in which order they would disappear until the evening, the cleared a path so the moon could set in peace. Today, she seemed to lack a certain spirit too. She felt how suddenly her back began to ache, her hooves felt heavier and the stars seemed to disobey her, as they wouldn’t vanish when she ordered them to. With a sigh, she dropped down on all four again, stretching one of her hind legs to loosen the tension that was slowly building up into a cramp. Aggravated, she willed the stars to dissipate and gave an unusual rough shove to her moon to finally make it move downward to the horizon. At the opposite side, she saw the magenta glow of Celestia’s sun peeking over the edge, outshining even the most stubborn stars that still opposed Luna’s command. She knew that her sister was able to see her, and that she was looking at her direction this very moment, but Luna wouldn’t meet her. Too much was happening inside her, emotions battled and clashed, feelings contradicted and voices screamed. It was all way too much for her to bear.  Exhausted, she retired to her bedchambers in her own private part of the castle. Maybe she found rest and answers in her sleep. At least that was what Luna hoped. As she lay in bed, one of the two guards stationed outside the door pushed it close and she pulled her sleeping mask over her eyes. As darkness surrounded her, she soon drifted off into a dream of long past memories. She saw herself as a small filly, when both she and Celestia had been way younger. She was running on a field beneath Mount Unicornia and the bordering mountain ridge. She stopped as she saw her sister, flying a few feet above the ground, hooves above her head and wings wide spread. Her eyes were closed in concentration as by her will, the sun began to set and night settled in. When only half of the sun was illuminating the sky in a red and pink tone, she glided down, next to little Luna and pointed a wing at the moon that was at the other side. “Go on now, Luna, this is your part,” she said, lying one wing on her sister’s back. “I know you can do it.” Luna bit down on both her lips and furrowed her brows. She looked back up to Celestia. “But sister, I couldn’t do it all by self since…” she thought hard, “a very long time.” “Oh Luna, don’t be that way. You have grown bigger every day, and so has your power. Might be today is the day you can make the moon rise without my help.” She winked at her, rubbing her chin on Luna’s head. “No, I can’t,” Luna almost cried. “I’ve never done it and I guess I won’t be able to ever do it.” Her eyes were cast down, her wings touched the ground and she sniffed. She then felt her sister give her a little peck on the cheek, surprising her. “For luck,” she smiled. Luna’s expression lit up like the sun lit up the sky in the morning and she stemmed all four legs firmly on the ground. She set the tip of her horn aglow, extended the aura so it soon engulfed all of her horn, and focused on the moon. She soon felt the extreme weight of the celestial body, and almost gave away under it. But then she felt her sister’s wing on her back and drew strength from it, happy that she was there for her. She clenched her teeth, grunted with effort and finally felt the weight begin to move. Slowly first, but she gained momentum with every passing second. She closed her eyes to concentrate every fiber of her thinking onto giving the moon that one deciding push. Her pulse began to sound like a drum in her ear, beads of sweat were forming on her forehead and her jaw ached, but she wouldn’t give up this time. No, this time Celestia got her back in a different way. And just like she would blow a leave away, it was done. The moon shone brightly in its crescent form in the center of the sky like a silver scythe. Panting, she looked up, taking in the view of the fruits of her labor. This was it, she had done it, and all by herself! Luna looked at Celestia, just to see the faintest glow of a mellow aura vanish from her horn. That was when it struck Luna.         “Hey! You did it again! I didn’t do it by myself, have I?” she asked, just slightly angered. Celestia hid a smile and stroked her sister’s back. “Only a tiny little bit maybe,” she confessed. Tears were starting to well up in Luna’s eyes as she readied herself for a cry attack on Celestia’s ears. Before that could happen though, Celestia pulled her into a tight embrace, forming a cocoon with her wings and shielding her off from the world around them. “My dear Luna, I am sorry. If I hadn’t helped you, night would have taken too long to come, and you might have hurt yourself. I couldn’t let that happen, could I?” She hugged her tighter and blew gently on her mane. “I love you, Luna, and I would never let anything bad happen to you. You know that, right?” “Yeah,” Luna answered leaning against Celestia’s soft warm chest. “I know. I love you too, big sister.” Celestia let go of her and they started for their way home to the castle. “Maybe,” she added while sticking out her tongue playfully, “you’ll get it tomorrow.” “Sister!” Luna cried out and began chasing Celestia all the way back; or rather the few feet before she couldn’t go longer and lay in the grass, too out of breath to run any more. As that memory faded, a new one began to form in Luna’s mind as she recalled another moment in their past, when they were both older, wiser and ready to face the world, starting with the wicked ruler of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra. Back then, she and Celestia had heard about the wicked deeds the evil unicorn had committed in the Empire and the horrendous things he had done to it’s inhabitants; the Crystal Ponies who were at time his slaves. After she and her elder sister retrieved the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony they set out to stop Sombra, but at the moment they didn’t know how to harmonize and use the Element’s power to its true potential. Upon reaching it the two of them confronted Sombra and when he refused to release the Crystal Ponies they quickly fought, each landing solid shots on each other though Sombra quickly gained the upper hand over the two. Luna remembered it like it was yesterday, the wind blowing in her face, the intensity of the blasts being fired in her direction while she swerved and flew around just to avoid being hit by them. She saw her sister flying near her, also trying to avoid the dark magical blasts and black crystals that were rising up below them as they continued to fly straight for King Sombra, standing at the top of the Crystal Empire castle and looking angry as ever. “Sister,” Luna shouted against the wind and the noise from the blasts. “We need to synchronize! He’s stronger than either of us!” “But he’s not stronger than both of us.” Celestia nodded in agreement. “Alright. Let’s give it a try!” “Right!” Luna said as flew even faster. Sombra stood on an elevated rondel, the center gave way to the hall below and he was drawing ever more crystals to enchant and use as projectiles. Most of the glowing shards missed, others came dangerously close though, and his aim was getting better and better. Luna and Celestia set on opposite sides so he couldn’t see them both at once and started spiraling downward from above. They spun ever faster, wings now drawn closer to their bodies to gain more momentum. As they descended, their horns lit up and so did each of their three Elements of Harmony. Sombra saw the princesses fast appearing and his horn glowed in a blood red hue. Splinters, shards and clumps of crystal floated up from beneath and stacked upwards, forming a solid wall of black stone. The building was finished in a second, and Sombra’s figure was hidden under a perfectly smooth pitch black globe. Both Luna and Celestia engulfed their bodies in a azure and mellow light to act as a shield for the collision. Only a few feet separated the sisters from the globe, when suddenly with a sound of a knife sliding over stone, a multitude of razor sharp spikes emerged from the smooth surface. Seeing herself out of ways to dodge in time, Luna teleported. She set her target area to be beneath the rondel, but something went wrong. Apparently, one of Sombra’s spells had interfered with her own, and now she appeared right next to Sombra. A moment of shock passed, then Sombra’s horn lit up and the venomously green glow of his eyes intensified. A beam of energy missed Luna’s head only by a hair’s width. No rational thought crossed Luna’s mind as she reached for the power within her Elements and released the immense energy in all directions at once. The wave crashed Sombra’s shield and broken crystals rained down everywhere. Celestia had also teleported, only her teleportation went right. She dodged a few shards the size of her wing, and flew back up to where the orb had stood only a moment ago. To her surprise all that was left was a crater of double the diameter of Sombra’s spiked ball. The building had taken a massive blow from the explosion, and neither Sombra nor Luna were in sight. Celestia flew to the border of the hole that led downward into the hall and looked deep down. She could see the most faint of a glow, a red one, and leapt headfirst into the dark. On contact with the ground, she immediately made for the glowing horn that without a doubt belonged to Sombra. She was almost there when she heard a groan from somewhere on her right. She changed direction without a second thought, galloping to where the sound had come from. The darkness made it hard to see even for her, so she lit her horn up and found the body of her sister lying on the ground. She reached out a hoof to touch her, and upon contact, Luna scrambled to her hooves, unsure of stance, but as it seemed physically unharmed. The Elements of Harmony lay scattered across the floor. “Wha-” Luna tried, but waved and then staggered. Celestia quickly lent her a hoof for support. “What happened?” “I cannot tell for sure, but it seems you broke Sombra’s defense.” Celestia had had an eye all the time she was with her sister and noticed the dark king rising to his hooves again, too. “We must act quickly now, while he is out of composure.” She contemplated on her tactic for a moment then said, “I will encounter him in close combat, this way, he can’t use his precious gems in an offense. You have to slow him down while I do that. Try everything to narrow down his accessible area, shoot your magic at him, whatever. Only make sure that he is not fast enough to catch or attack me.” Luna nodded. Quicker than the eye could follow, Celestia was gone. Teleported. Next Luna saw her appear right in front of Sombra, striking him in the chest with her wing, forcing him back. A heartbeat later, she appeared from the side, ramming her shoulder into his side, and the king tumbled. The third time though, he anticipated where she would come from and dodged a strike with a hoof that was aimed at his throat. He evaded the following strike too, and was now beginning to see a pattern. He skipped and danced always out of reach for Celestia, and finally stretched out a hoof, hitting Celestia square in the jaw. Celestia fell, and was just so quick enough to escape an iron-gilded hoof that stomped on the spot where her head had been. “Luna! Help!” The cry shooed the last bit of dizziness away from Luna’s mind and she set out to aid her sister. She weaved her magic into the floor and ruptured it in a wide area around Sombra. The lack of his wings and the resulting flightlessness brought with it a huge advantage for them. Like a set of black teeth,  pillars of solid crystal grew from the ground at the height of half a pony’s body. Should Sombra fall, he would be impaled. As she watched how Celestia land hit after hit, she did exactly what Celestia had said and shot one beam after the other at Sombra, trying to hit the ground around his hooves to make him trip. Celestia fought on, and Sombra had a hard time dodging both Celestia’s strikes and Luna’s magical beams, and at the same time not step onto a crack and fall to death. Suddenly though, he stopped, reflected a stream of energy with a crystal from out of nowhere, caught Celestia’s hoof mid-air and pulled her to him. She fell onto her back, and one of the pillars hit her wing. She screamed in agony and wreathed in Sombra’s grasp. “Celestia!” Luna cried. “Foolish mares,” Sombra growled. “How dare you use my beloved home against me? It was a mistake to attack me! You will perish, and I’m starting with you, Celestia!” All of a sudden, the ground started shaking, and the spikes broke at their base, were lifted up and formed a savage wall to deflect Luna’s shots. Sombra let two of the pillars float over and positioned them right over Celestia’s spread out wings. Then they fell and punctured them. The scream that followed sent icy daggers into Luna’s guts. She could clearly see through the wall and what he was doing. Sombra lifted another four pillars, made the form a cross and stuck them into the ground again, binding Celestia’s font hooves. The same he did to her hind legs and neck. Luna watched helplessly, how her sister was stuck to the ground, and Sombra brought forth yet another spike. He positioned it right above Celestia’s chest and let it float there for a moment. “A fitting end for a pathetic mare like you. Any last words?” he asked, voice as cold and hard as steel. Another few times Celestia thrashed against her shackles, but to no avail. Tears ran down her cheeks, as one idea materialized in her pain and fear driven brain. With her magic, she opened her saddlebags and passed her three Elements over to Luna. “Sister, use them! I know you can do it!” Luna sprang forward and caught them in her levitation. Quickly, she pulled out her own Elements as she saw how the pillar fell. It stopped inches from Celestia’s fur, held by her magic. Sombra noticed and forced his own power down onto the crystal, cringing it nearer and nearer to Celestia’s wildly beating heart. “Don’t kid yourself, she has never succeeded in doing something on her own. She will fail as she always does, and then both you, and the rest of Equestria will be doomed.” Sombra’s words struck a chord in Luna’s heart and she froze to the spot. Suddenly, it was awfully cold in the hall. The dark seemed to be even darker, and all the light, as faint is it was, seemed to fade more and more. Maybe it was true. When she thought about it, she really never had done anything all alone. When she thought she had raised the moon alone for the first time, she found out that Celestia had manipulated the sun to ease the job on Luna. Her first time talking to a stallion was revealed as Celestia setting up the poor guy on a date, she had arranged. Luna’s decision on founding a garrison of guards for her and her alone was sprung of by Celestia’s suggestion. In the end, it was Celestia holding her hoof like a filly. “Luna!” What was that? “Luna!” It was coming louder this time. “Luna!” There was definitely somepony calling her name. “Luna!” Yes, that was her! Celestia was calling her! “LUNA!” With a gasp, Luna awoke from the vision Sombra had made he see. Her mind cleared in an instant and she saw the thin shield Celestia had erected in the short time she had to save herself from her impending death shatter. The spike was now only held by her levitation, and it was surely coming closer. A heartbeat later, the tip touched her fur, and then a drop of blood formed and ran down her chest. And then, the crystal was gone. Along with the crystals that had formed the wall as a shield from Luna’s magic, the crystals that had held Celestia were gone too. She was free. Celestia sat up and flexed her wings. Her wounds were still there, apparently. As she looked again, Sombra’s horn came rolling to her side. She inspected the dreadful object and tipped it away with a hoof. The next she saw was her sister. She was hovering above the ground, eyes glowing in a bright white light and her mane and tail flowed in a wind that could not possibly be there. Luna’s hooves touched the ground and she collapsed. Celestia rushed over and caught her. She hugged her tight and held her head, waiting for her to open her eyes. As Luna finally did, she recognized her and looked around groggily, seeing only half. “What happened? Is it over? Have we won?” Another tear rolled down Celestia’s face. “It is, Luna, it is. We won!” Luna went limp and leaned her head against Celestia’s chest. “That is good.” She opened one eye and looked up at her sister. “Looks like I finally did something on my own.” Celestia sobbed, hugged her closer and said, “Yes you did, and you did great! I am so proud of you.” The Princess of the Night quickly became teary eyed as well as she also hugged her sister tightly. They continued to embrace, even while floating in the middle of the smoking wreckage surrounding them. It was a good day for the two of them back then, and although Sombra managed to make the Empire disappear with his final curse it was brought back and freed by Twilight, Spike and her friends later on. They also faced Discord together and during that time their synchronization was stronger than ever. It was if they were meant to be together… And that’s when it dawned on Luna. They were meant to be together… deep down she always knew… just like her sister always knew. They were partners, sister’s, best friends as well as opposites and also two sides of the same coin. That was an inescapable fact. Ever since she was a filly she idolized her older sister. She sought her out when she was distressed, happy, sad or scared… and she was always there for her. She couldn’t imagine how much pain she caused her when Celestia was forced to seal her in the moon and Luna deduced that during that time Celestia didn’t just miss her but her feelings for her had begun to grow. Then Luna got to wondering… what if what she thought was great admiration for her sister… was really her beginning to have her own romantic feelings towards her sister? And what if her jealousy over everyone appreciating her day more than her night was really her being upset over the fact that her sister was paying more attention to everypony else except her? She also realized that everything she had done since her release from the darkness inside her heart was actually her subconsciously trying to impress her sister, to get her to notice her and spend more time with her. It was then that Luna began to really ponder her feelings and how she really felt about her sister; she was beautiful, smart, always by her side and while she knew that incestuous relationships were wrong on so many different levels there really was nopony else worthy of her and her sisters when she thought about it. Also, because of their long lifespans it’s only natural that they should seek mates that would live as long as they did. Then there was that kiss… Luna slowly raised her hoof and touched her lips before rubbing them and licking them with her tongue, the taste of her sister was still there and it was making her heart beat a few ticks faster. She gasped when she realized the incredible truth… “I’m in love with Celestia…” The Princess of the Night realized as she put her hoof on her quickly beating heart. “But… but I can’t be… can I?” Luna examined her feelings for her sister again and again and no matter how she sliced it, the result was the same; she did enjoy that kiss from Celestia and ever since they were fillies she didn’t just idolize her she loved her… more than a sister should. And while part of herself was still somewhat apprehensive about it, her growing feelings for Celestia had now become too great to ignore any longer. She then stood up with a determined look. “I must tell her how I feel… I must!” She flung the sheets away and got to her hooves, storming off through the doors and the halls of Canterlot Castle. Morning would soon come, and she felt the tiredness dragging her to the floor. But she mustn’t hesitate now, this was of utmost importance. She arrived at her sister’s chambers, which she had fled earlier, giving the guards no more than a glance before she stepped inside. The clamor of her approach woke Celestia from her sleep and she eyed her sister in her delirium. “Luna, what’s the matter?” Luna lost not a single second. “Sister, there is something I need to tell you!” “Alright… what is it?” Celestia inquired. Luna took a deep breath before she said. “Celestia… Celestia, I love you.” > Act of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5         “You what?” Celestia asked incredulously, stunned by the words her sister just told her not too long ago. The two sisters stared at each for who knows how long until Luna finally broke the silence again.         “You heard me… I love you… big sister.” Luna stated with a serious face which she had on since the moment she stepped into the room.         “B-But… you said that…” Celestia stuttered as she got out of her bed and walked over a bit before stopping. “You said that what I was feeling was wrong, and that… you didn’t feel the same way as I…”         “I thought I didn’t, but as I examined my feelings for closely I realized that I did.” Luna admitted. “All my thoughts and memories of you make my heart beat faster, I assume it’s the same with you.”         As Luna put a hoof on her heart, Celestia mimicked her with a sad face. “Yes… you’re right,” she confirmed. The two of them looked down towards the ground sadly before gazing up at each other, this time with eyes full of love. “So… what do we do now?” Luna asked, closing the distance to her sister’s bed and looking somewhat unsure. “Do we go out and tell all of Equestria about our blossoming love for each other?” Celestia’s eyes went wide. “Heavens, no! That is what we must not do of all things.” She said. “Our subjects love me dearly, and you too, but the revelation of a beginning romance between us would surely upset them.” “So going out in public to have a dinner is out of the question, I guess?” “Of course it is, and anyway does either one of us ever go out into those restaurants in Canterlot?” “I suppose not,” Luna admitted. “Not with a chef like ours.” “We must keep this a secret so long as I can tell for sure that we will be accepted.” “What about your pupil, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked. “I recall you two being very close.” “Indeed we are,” Celestia answered. “But I think something like this would be somewhat difficult for her to process.” With a hint more determination in her voice, Celestia said, “No, I will not tell her until the time is right.” Luna nodded, inching closer to Celestia’s face. “So… we are the only ones that know?” “Until I decide further, ye-” She was cut off as Luna kissed her firmly, yet gently on the mouth. Celestia looked breathtaking in this light. Not exactly night anymore, but not yet morning, her mane a wild tangle of strands falling all around her face like a multicolored frame. The kiss only lasted for so long, but for Celestia it felt like a year. The one year she had wrought with herself what exactly she was feeling for Luna. During that time, Celestia gratefully returned the kiss and two of them instantly felt a spark, a spark of love to be exact and they only pulled away to get a breath of air. As they stared at each other panting, a loving look slowly began to appear on their faces before they engaged in a quick hug. Luna broke the silence between them once more. “So… this really does change things between us… doesn’t it?” “For the better, I hope.” Celestia confessed. Luna got closer to her and smiled. “You decide,” she said before they engaged in an even longer kiss. The Princess of the Night was a bit surprised when she felt something poke her lips, begging for entrance. She quickly realized that it was Celestia’s tongue and opened her mouth to allow her older sister’s tongue to enter before quickly swirling around it with her own. Their tongues played and wrestled each other for a long while before they finally broke apart again in order to breath, although a bridge of saliva was created between the two of them as a result. They smiled and stared at each other warmly and lovingly before Celestia suddenly glanced away looking uncertain which concerned Luna. “Sister? What’s wrong?” she asked. “Luna… I have a… proposal to make.” Celestia revealed. “A proposal? What kind of… proposal?” “I want to show you just how much I love you, and there is only one way to do so.” Princess Celestia stated, seriously. “What is it?” Her younger sister inquired. After a long pause Celestia spoke in a firm tone. “Let me make love to you.” Luna gasped, stunned by this offer. She backed up a bit, looking nervous. “I-I… b-but… that is a rather big thing you are offering dear sister… plus it’s so sudden and I…” “Please Luna, it would mean the world to me.” Celestia pleaded. “And if I happen to hurt you in anyway we can stop, I promise you that.” “I don’t know sister... I still have concerns about this.” “Don’t worry. You surely have seen this in a pony’s dream before, haven’t you?” “That is true, and still…” Celestia’s forehoof pushed gently against the fur on Luna’s chest as she urged her backwards to lie down on her canopy bed. Faintly, she could feel the pounding of Luna’s heart against her hoof, as well as the light trembles. Hesitantly, Luna gave in and sunk down into the soft pillow. She chewed her lip, her jaw quivering, but Celestia was persistent. As Luna was lain down on the silken sheets, she felt her wings expand slowly, and a tingling in her belly that spread quickly to her loins, making her shiver. A deep crimson blush had crept on Celestia’s cheeks as well, giving her a much younger appearance, innocent, almost shy. She licked her lips as she bent over the smaller alicorn beneath her and set her mouth to Luna’s neck. A sharp gasp escaped her, as Luna felt her sister nuzzle at the delicate spot right under her jaw bones. “Sister,” she whispered weakly, “I-” “Shush,” Celestia intercepted, kissing near Luna’s collarbone, “no more words now.” And with that, she pressed her lips on Luna’s, merging together in this instant. As their soft lips met, Luna gave in to the feeling. She closed her eyes and focused everything on the sensation of Celestia softly nibbling her mouth. The kiss from before was nothing in comparison. It was a shy attempt at showing affection, but this kiss right here was a lust driven battle of tongues. Luna opened her mouth to the intruder, greeting her sister’s tongue with her own. She shifted her head and licked the wet muscle exploring her mouth. She only now noticed the taste. Sweet, somehow, yet the suppressed ferocity with which she felt her feathers being tussled, her lips lightly gnawed and sucked at aroused her and left her wanting for more. Luna cinched her hind legs around Celestia’s waist and drew her closer in for more intimacy. Just like her own, Celestia’s wings were fully extended, and her mane covered half of Luna’s face. She broke the kiss and blew at the hair. At once, Celestia removed herself from Luna, making for a small cupboard next to the bed. She opened the drawer with her magic and let two rubber bands float out of it, one white, the other black. With the help of her telekinesis, she twisted her mane and fixated it with the white band and slowly walked back to Luna, tossing the remaining rubber band over to her. Luna raised an eyebrow, but did what her older sister just had done. With a playful grin, she turned her head, inviting Celestia over to the place she had rudely left. At once, Celestia was at her again, this time kissing the middle of her neck and from there on went downwards. Her muzzle grazed Luna’s chest, her breath tickling as she went over her belly and finally ended up in between Luna’s hind legs. “A-ah, sister, do be careful,” Luna whimpered, her forehooves drawn to her chest, legs wide spread, as she carefully observed Celestia’s movements. Her mane was made into a firm bun at the back of her head and above her flushed cheeks, Celestia’s eyes gleamed with lust. Ever so slowly, she lowered her head, taking in the musky scent from Luna’s marehood. Her own private parts were already letting out beads of excitement, which was only increased when she beheld the view of Luna’s bare loins. The flesh was of a deep dark shade of blue, the fur growing there lighter by an idea, covering the topmost part of her beautiful slit. The outer lips were still dry, although slightly parted, granting vision on the pink delicate flesh beneath. At the bottom, a few lonely drops had formed a trickle, which only now managed to reach the sheets. “Luna,” Celestia whispered, her breath hitting Luna’s mound, “you are so beautiful.” The Princess of the Night smiled weakly, closing her hind legs more, urging her sister to go to work. Eagerly, Celestia reached out with her tongue, wetting the hair at the top and brushing it out of the way. She drew a wet trace at the left side down wards, went back and repeated the procedure on the other side. Next, she traced the right outer lip from bottom to top, savoring the softness and the ripe, nutty taste, then did the same with the left one. “Uh, ah! Celestia, stop teasing, I beg you! Please, I cannot take much more.” True to her words, Luna’s pussy had started oozing more and more drops of her love-juice. Celestia was quick to catch it with her tongue and spread the fluid all over her sister’s entrance. Her motions only caused the younger alicorn to start moaning and breathing audibly, soaking in the air through her teeth. Celestia wasted no more time and dug her muzzle into the folds of Luna’s flesh. She flickered her tongue out and in, probing the hole, testing it, pushing in, pulling out, inside again, deeper. She set back, sniffed and the smell excited her more, as she soon felt her own juices creeping down in her thighs. Back in her sister’s loins, she licked the bottom of Luna’s marehood, got her tongue closer to her rear entrance. With a light buzzing sound, her horn lit up and engulfed Luna’s clitoris in a mellow aura. Celestia brushed only the brim of her hole, and yet Luna was convulsing the muscle, her tail swishing to one side and the other. She was now moaning freely from the magical stimulation and her sister’s teasing. Meanwhile, Celestia had shed the golden armor from her hoof and started pleasuring herself, rubbing and scratching her own pussy vigorously. As she felt her sister getting closer to the edge, she removed her mouth and sat back on her haunches, watching Luna squirm and turn, as Celestia now spread her magic over her sister’s whole pussy, letting the aura dig inside, deeper and deeper. Her hoof worked her own slit and was soaked with her juices, which came flowing out more steadily than ever. As Luna’s moans turned into screams and her sighs turned into gasps, Celestia enwrapped her horn into her magic, let it vibrate and penetrated Luna’s tight cave. Luna shrieked loudly and her orgasm washed over her, the tides of pleasure carrying to the horizon of her lust, and washed her ashore in the bed to bath in the bliss of her afterglow. Luna panted feverishly as she and her sister both attempted to catch their breaths. Both of them felt at peace, having finally made love to each other and despite the fact that it was wrong it also felt so very right to them. Eventually they looked each other in the eye lovingly and smiled before engaging in another sweet kiss between them. Luna broke the kiss and spoke. “Oh sister… that… that was amazing…” she expressed. “Thank you… it has been a while since I have done such a thing… but I’m glad it was with you, my darling little sister...” Celestia smiled, warmly. “Big sister…” Luna muttered, touched. Then, slowly but surely, they managed to stand up straight again and looked ready for another round. “My turn now.” Luna declared. “Go ahead.” Celestia said, offering herself to her sister. Luna then crouched low to the ground before pouncing on her sister. They both landed on the bed and laughed while Luna set herself on top of her sister and put her hoof in-between Celestia’s legs, making her gasp as a wave of pleasure rushed through her body. Celestia then decided to return the favor by lifting her hoof up to Luna’s crotch and touched her special spot. She smiled once Luna gasped sharply. They both shared a smile before they resumed kissing again. Both of them then began rubbing each other’s crotches with their bare hooves over and over again, making them more and more aroused and sweaty. Celestia even started kissing down Luna’s bared neck while the Princess of the Night sucked on her horn and licked it. The two of them then plunged the tip of her hooves deep into each other’s loins, causing them both to cry out at the top of their lungs. They panted for a bit before gazing into each other’s eyes and locking lips once more. And so they remained as they were for the rest of the day and slept together for the entire night, with bright smiles on their faces. > First Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6         The next day, Celestia was the first out of the two to wake up, though since she had yet to raise the sun it wasn’t technically morning, more like dawn. But still, she could see her peacefully sleeping sister still lying next to her with a smile on her face which made Celestia smile also. She tried not to move much, since she didn’t want to wake her, and instead continued to stare at her lovingly. Celestia loved that fact that as of last night, Luna was no longer her little sister, but her lover and soulmate and as much as she wanted to give her a kiss again, she knew she was tired and let her sleep a little longer, not that she cared since she had always loved watching her sleep. Eventually she slowly sat up and felt her heart beating harder and faster, she put a hoof on Luna’s chest and quickly found out that they were beating at the same time, which made her want to squeal with joy. Knowing it was time for her to raise the sun, Princess Celestia slowly and quietly slid out from under the covers of her bed, put on her golden accessories and crown and began to make her way to the balcony. Upon reaching said balcony the tip of her horn, which was recently sucked on by her sister much to her happiness, glowed with a golden aura before extending to the rest of it. She lowered her head and reared up as she lifted the sun out from behind the mountains, signaling a new day. And this new day was particularly great since it was also the beginning of her and Luna’s new and romantic relationship as a couple. She smiled gently towards the horizon before making her way back inside. When she reentered her bedroom and closed the doors behind her, she saw that Luna was just beginning to wake up so she trotted over and nuzzled her awake. “Good morning.” Celestia said, softly. Luna giggled as she felt her sister’s warm coat. “Morning to you as well, my love,” she cooed. Celestia beamed hearing her say that, it was just like her dream. “Slept well?” “Yes. Better than I have in years.” Princess Celestia expressed as she put her hoof on Luna’s. “Especially now that you’re here.” “Oh…!” Luna said, touched as she and her sister shared a kiss before a knock on the door interrupted, as well as startle them. “Hello? Princess?” A voice called out. The two sisters eyes both widened as they gasped sharply. “It’s one of the guards.” Celestia realized, beginning to panic. “Oh no! If he sees me in here and in your bed he’ll…” Luna began to say, greatly worried. “No time! Quick! Hide yourself!” Celestia told her sister/lover quickly. In an eye’s notice, Luna had ducked behind the bed and then crawled underneath it before laying herself low to the ground, in the hopes of not being spotted. She held her breath in nervous anticipation, listening to every word the guard said to Celestia as soon as he entered the room. “Your highness, there is an ambassador from the Griffon Kingdom. He speaks of debts unpaid and demands you to answer him and his people,” the guard announced in grave tone. Luna heard Celestia sigh in slight frustration. “Again? Oh… when will these foul Gryphon’s ever learn what humility is?” she asked. Quickly she added, “Do not ever tell anypony I called them by this designation. Swear it!” The guard saluted. “I swear on my honor, your majesty!” Celestia nodded, gratefully. “Thank you, that will be all for now, thank you for telling me this and inform the Ambassador that I will be there shortly.” “Ma’am.” The guard nodded before he turned and trotted away, before closing the door behind him. The two sisters breathed a sigh of relief and Luna got out from under the bed. “By the stars… that certainly was a close one.” Luna remarked. “Indeed. I almost feared that we were going to be exposed.” Celestia confessed to her sister, clearly afraid. “It’s much too soon…” “As do I.” Luna admitted. “But luckily, it appears that our secret is secure.” “For now…” Her elder sister added, solemnly. Deep down she feared what would happen if other ponies learned of their new relationship. One thing was for sure; it wouldn’t be pleasant. “Yes… for now… but until then, we will continue to be happy; together.” Luna said with a smile, trying to look on the bright side. Celestia turned the smile as she and her sister held hooves. “Yes, together,” she agreed. Luna then drew a little circle with her hooves as she looked down and blushed. “So uh… what should we do now?” The Princess of the Day then began to think. “Hmm, a good question… we’ll figure it all out later, for now we must maintain public appearance, nopony must suspect that something is going on,” she instructed. “So we must act as if everything is normal between us.” “Agreed. Still, to commemorate this new relationship of ours, maybe the two of us could have a… interpersonal affair?” Luna offered, hopefully. Her sister raised a brow. “As in… a date?” “If you wish to.” Princess Luna nodded. A coy smile appeared on Celestia’s face. “Little sister, that is a great idea. But we must be careful. No open display of affection in public, touches only when inevitable and no exaggerated laughter. We must appear as regal as we can.” “I agree,” Luna agreed. “A different matter now: Where should we go for this special occasion?” “Hmm, a very good question…” Celestia mused. “Tell me, what is your favorite restaurant again?” Luna thought for it. “Well… I can’t remember the name exactly… but I do know that it is high-class and that Twilight Sparkle took her old friend Moon Dancer to it.” “Ah, yes, I know the one.” Celestia smiled. “Great! So after the meeting with the Griffon ambassador we shall head there around… eightish?” Luna inquired. “Sounds wonderful.” Princess Celestia expressed as she put a hoof on her sister’s cheek. “And I promise; I will make this date as memorable as I can.” “You don’t have to, sister.” Princess Luna tried to tell her new marefriend. “Maybe not, but you are worth it.” Celestia expressed to Luna, lovingly. “Oh sister…” Luna breathed as she raised her head while Celestia lowered her’s, preparing to kiss until they heard another knock at the door, annoying Luna. “Princess, the Ambassador is growing impatient.” The guard on the other side of the door announced. “I’ll be right there!” Celestia called out. Luna sighed. “Honestly… these guards have the worst sense of timing,” she huffed. Celestia smiled at her sister/lover. “Don’t worry, we can do as much as you want, when we’re alone,”  she said, suggestively, which made Luna smile also. “Now, let’s get this matter over with.” “Right.” Luna nodded as they magically opened the door and proceeded out together side by side. They also wrapped their tails around each other while smiling at each other. Later that evening, while the citizens of Canterlot mingled about and enjoyed the bright lights and fancy attractions that their beloved city had to offer, the Princess of Love, who had arrived not too long ago, was currently having a walk just outside the castle walls. She looked very tired. Whew… glad to be away from all those royal affairs today… she thought to herself, relieved. I should probably let Aunt Celestia and Luna know that I’m here again. She then remembered another reason why she had come all this way. “Oh! That reminds me, I need to ask them a question… are they truly in love or… is it something else? I have to be careful about how I ask… such a question is not so easily asked, especially when it comes to family…” All the while, she was so lost in thought, and consumed by the scenery Canterlot was popular for, that she hadn’t exactly payed attention to where her hooves were carrying her. She had wandered off from the main road to avoid being held on by passersby to give autographs, photos, and what else. As she looked around, she found herself in a rather young part of Canterlot. The houses built here could not be older than ten years maybe, the restaurants had a modern look about them and many young ponies strolled around, some by themselves some in groups and some with only one partner. Cadance enjoyed watching the last sort. It was always to her delight to see love being in bloom, and where else than here, in the capital of Equestria? As she spied a couple exchanging a quick kiss over a shared cup of ice cream, her heart jumped and she felt that certain warmth that came when she was close to open love. She walked on, keeping her head a little lower than usual, but it didn’t help her in not being recognized. A nod here, a waving pony there, but not one had asked a favor of her so far. This might actually turn out to be her new favorite spot. Until she saw them. Through the gold-framed windows of the lilac restaurant, behind the purple curtains, she spied a couple that looked awfully a lot like her two aunts. The powerful magical aura she was feeling in the surrounding area also indicated the presence of Celestia and Luna. As she inspected the restaurant closer, she noticed that safe for the two of them, the room was entirely empty. “What in the…” Cadance began to say before somepony spoke up. “Hey, Miss, business is closed toda-” The voice broke upon realization who was being addressed. “I-I’m sorry, your highness, I didn’t see you properly,” a white unicorn stallion stood at the entrance, one hoof still holding it open. “I have orders to refuse service to anypony today, on personal wish of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. With your highness, though… Would you like me to inform them of your presence?” Cadance shook her head. “No, there is no need for that. Just serve them as dutifully as you can.” The stallion bowed his head and went back inside, leaving Cadance on the sidewalk. That was truly intriguing, if not suspicious. She had to investigate. She saw a far off spot inside the restaurant and thought it would be a good place to hide, so she charged up her horn and performed a teleportation spell to get to that one spot. Luckily neither of her aunts noticed it or saw her and continued eating their dinner. The way they were smiling at each, laughing and holding hoofs and tails but only until the waiter she met earlier arrived… it was almost like… they were on a date. “Now what do we have here?” Cadance whispered to herself. Celestia continued to laugh before levitating a spoon up and using it to scoop up some potatoes and lift it up towards Luna. “Care for some more potatoes?” she offered. “Why thank you.” The Princess of the Night smiled in a cute manner before she opened her mouth and allowed the spoon to come in. While Celestia pulled it out, her sister moaned happily as she enjoyed the food that was fed to her. Celestia laughed again. “This is just like the days when we were fillies and I was always feeding you.” “Except this time I am older and much more mature.” Luna said, proudly. “Also I’m not making a mess out of the place, remember?” “Yes, mother and father we’re not pleased the first time.” Celestia recalled. The two giggled and sighed as they allowed memories of their parents to flow into their minds. “I certainly miss them…” Luna mused, sadly. “As do I…” Celestia nodded, also looking down. “Do you… think they’d be proud?” The night Princess questioned sounding unsure. “Luna, of course they would, especially of you and how far you’ve come.” Celestia told her sister sincerely as she held her hoof. “I meant about… us… and… this…” Luna stated, gazing at her sister’s hoof on her own and the romantic restaurant they were in. Celestia quickly figured out what her sister meant. “Oh… right…” She took a look at her plate and the delicious food there, sorting her thoughts and choosing her words. “I guess… they would just have to deal with it. They would be happy in the end, for our sakes. Mother and Father were always selfless when it came to us. They loved us, and I am sure they would have understood eventually.” She levitated another spoon of potatoes up in front of Luna’s face and asked, “Potato?” Luna smiled thankfully, rather for her sister’s words than for the offer. Cadance had seen enough. In a flash, she stood outside the restaurant again, walking up and down the sidewalk. She stopped. “I wonder if they already…” Cadance mused, then flew off in an instant, heading toward Canterlot Castle. Upon arrival, she galloped into Luna’s section and cast a spell, marking spots where large amounts of love was found. Several spots lit up as a result of the spell and it led all over the room. As they lit up and she saw them forming a definite trace, she began following the dots. Some of them lit brighter and in a more intense color, signs of bursts of feelings. She traveled square across the castle until she stood before the entrance to Celestia’s sector, ornamented in bright yellowish and pink colors. The closer she got to Celestia’s bedchamber the brighter the orbs shone. When she opened the door, Cadence peaked inside. Immediately, she had to cover her eyes. The light that shone on the bed was so glistening, she was glad only she was able to see it. That meant only one thing. So they had given in to their lust. Oh, Celestia and Luna, what will become of this? Cadance thought with mixed feelings. She trotted off, intentions battling in her heart, toward the kitchens. She had a hunger for something hearty. > Expression of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7         After a lovely and romantic dinner, Luna and Celestia soon made their way back to their castle and seemingly went back to their individual rooms, as a way to not get the guards suspicious. But as soon as Luna closed her door Celestia immediately appeared in front of her in a bright flash. They both shared a smile, embraced and gave each other a short kiss.         “That was a wonderful dinner sister.” Luna expressed.         “Thank you, and I do hope we can have more like it someday.” Celestia said.         Luna nodded in agreement. “As do I, though we must still be careful and have dinner together only certain days, so nopony will be suspicious,” she stated, seriously.         “Agreed.” Celestia nodded. She then lifted her sister’s chin and smiled. “But now that we’re alone… I can do what I couldn’t do in front of other ponies…”         The two quickly and firmly pressed their lips together and once again, they felt electricity flow through their bodies, and it was enough to make them shake. Their tongues danced inside their mouths while they each let out a moan of pleasure as held each other closer. As their make-out session continued, each of their horns lit up and slowly took off each other’s armor and crown. They also stepped out of the metal slippers on their horns and walked backwards towards Luna’s bed.         Though, before they could go any further, and as much Celestia hated to do it, she broke the kiss and looked Luna in the eye seriously.         “Wait,” she said. “Before anything else happens… I wish to try something.”         “What is it, sister?” Luna inquired.         “Now… it may seem a little strange… but I hope it will pleasure you.” Celestia started to speak very slowly.         “Sister…? Are you alright?” The Princess of the Night questioned sounding concerned.         “Yes, just… let me step back.” Celestia requested as she walked backwards a bit. Luna watched her with a raised brow. “Now… this is not an easy spell to perform, nor do many ponies know about it. They consider it… shall we say… unorthodox.”         “Why would they call it that?” Princess Luna asked her, concern peaking through her voice.         “You’ll see.” Princess Celestia assured her as she closed her eyes and began to concentrate. The tip of her horn glowed and quickly ran all the way down it, lighting up the room a significant amount, much to Luna’s amazement.         Light then began to swirl around Celestia and slowly lift her up into the air, Luna didn’t know what was happening but judging by what she was currently seeing, it was obviously big. Celestia raised her head and took a breath as the lights completely enveloped her in a cocoon of light that slowly got smaller and then…         Flash!         The bright light that emitted from the cocoon of light after it burst briefly blinded Luna. She rubbed her eyes and tried to see if her sister was alright.         “Celestia?” It took a moment for Luna to regain her vision, but what she saw when it finally came back puzzled her. She looked at her sister, bathed in the pink glow of her spell, which slowly dissipated into the dark of the early evening. There she stood, seemingly all normal, but for one small detail. Or rather, an enormous detail. Between Celestia’s hind legs dangled a proud and fully erect twelve inch stallionhood. At the base a set of alabaster balls, as big as peaches. A little trickle of pre-cum oozed from the tip and ran along the downside of the cock. Luna gasped. “Sister, what is the meaning of this?” Celestia chuckled awkwardly. “Now you see why it’s considered… unorthodox. Basically, it allows same gender partners to mate. Only me and a few other high level unicorns know this spell and it’s one that is very rarely used since… there hasn’t been any… same gender partners like us in a long… long time…” She shuffled and got closer to Luna, who stood frozen in place, eyes focused on the impressive rod of meat between her sister’s legs. “I promise you though, if this is too much for you, there is something I can do about the size.” Luna shook her head to clear her mind. “How does it feel?” she asked. “Strange somehow,” Celestia responded. “But not unpleasant. Heavy, yet stimulating. I don’t know, it’s strange.” “Do you still have your… mare-parts about you?” “Well, yes, I do.” A coy smile appeared on Luna’s face. ”Pray tell, sweet sister,” she cooed, “does the possibility exist in which you teach me this spell of yours?”         “Possibly…” Celestia mused, surprised by how interested her sister was. “Why? Do you wish to swap places every once in awhile?”         “Maybe…” Luna smiled a cheeky smile.         “Well… I could… but there is one thing that needs to be considered before we go any further.” Celestia told her.         Luna raised a brow. “One thing?”         “Yes… just one little thing…” The Princess of the Day said before her voice trailed off.         The younger sister waited but noticed that her sister seemed to be afraid to finish her sentence. “What? What is it, Tia?” she asked, concerned. “Never mind, it can wait, first…” Celestia breathed, “first you need to turn around and put your lovely rump of yours up in the air.” Luna smiled. “As you wish.” She slowly turned around, bent down and lifted up her derriere for her big sister to see and admire. Celestia smiled a bright smile. “Oh my… what a lovely moon, and I don’t just mean the one you raise every night,” she told her, teasingly. Luna giggled at the compliment. “Why thank you sister, and since it is the Night, which I am the Princess of… I believe I have a little bit more then you do during this time, correct?” Tia nodded. “You do now.” “Good.” Luna said, she then turned away and raised her nose up, trying to act as Royal as she could be and made her big sister laugh. “Then as Princess of the Night, I order you to… Kiss. My. Rump.” Celestia bit her lip as she tried to hold back her excitement and then got her head closer to the Night Princess’ rear. “As you wish, Princess…” The Princess of the Day leaned her head forward, pressed her lips firmly against her little sister’s rump, she felt her shiver as she made contact and swirled her tongue around the flesh of her buttocks before finally separating, creating an audible ‘popping’ sound that left a wet kiss mark on Luna’s cheek. They both giggled a bit. “Now that gives new meaning to the term ‘rump-kisser’.” Luna remarked, smiling. “Indeed it does…” Celestia said, returning her cute little smile. “Now… watch this.” She lightly put her hooves on both sides of Luna’s flank, gently squeezing her cheeks together before finally leaning forward and licking her right cheek as if it were a lollipop, causing her to gasp sharply. Celestia could actually feel Luna’s whole body shake and tremble as she did so, especially when she started touching her filly parts once again. “Ah! Ooh! Yes! Yes! That’s it! Keep going sister! Lick me!” Luna cried out. “You think you’re excited now… just wait,” Celestia smirked as she stepped closer then stood up on her hind legs a bit before lowering herself onto her sister’s back and wrapping her forehooves around her barrel a bit. Her hind legs set themselves firmly beside Luna’s own hind legs while her new ‘equipment’ pointed itself directly at Luna’s mare parts. The two sister’s moaned as their bodies came into contact. They could feel the heat radiating off each other and Luna rubbed her back against Celestia’s belly as she tried to settle in and handle her sister’s weight while her haunches pressed up against her rear. The Princess of the Day then whispered in her younger sister’s ear. “Ready?” Luna nodded. “Ready.” “Be warned though, this spell not only manipulates a Pony’s privates so that same gender ponies can mate… but it also creates the small possibility that the Pony currently being… rutted… could end up pregnant.” That caught Luna’s attention as she raised a brow. “Really? Is that so?” “Yes.” Celestia nodded. “And if it does happen then their might not be any way of hiding it from our subjects. We could become pariahs…” Luna paused before speaking. “But there’s a chance that it won’t, correct?” The elder sister nodded again. “Yes, though there’s really no way to be sure until the time comes…” “Is… there no way to prevent it from happening?” “There is this one spell that prevents the semen from shooting out. The downside is, there won’t be a cumshot.” “I guess I can live with that,” Luna said, weighing the arguments. “As long as you finally start drilling, that is.” A lustful grin spread Celestia’s mouth and she set her horn aglow. The aura wrapped around her stallionhood and quickly disappeared after a few seconds. “Does it feel different?” Luna asked, neck bent to have a look at her sister. “Not all too much,” was the response. “What holds you then?” “I was wondering too.” “Then… do it.” Luna declared. Celestia obeyed her sister’s request and slowly began to push her new member into her sister’s vagina, causing her to gasp sharply as she felt it rub against her walls. Celestia went as slowly as she could, not wanting to hurt her sister, and when she began to close in on her womb she began to pull out which enacted a cry from Luna. She soon thrusted it back in and then out and began humping her sister like a real stallion. Each time her sister went in and out of her Luna grunted, gasped and panted while the walls inside of her began to tighten around her sister’s new penis. “Oh sister… you’re so tight!” Celestia moaned, as her thrusts increased and she started to gain even more depth. Luna moaned as her sister continued to thrust into her, which became harder and harder with each passing second. She could actually feel her sister’s new genital pound against the entrance to her womb and while she knew the magical protection spell her sister casted would prevent impregnation, deep down she actually wanted to have a foal with Celestia. But because her sister was so afraid of the consequences that would come with it she kept it to herself. Her moans became even louder while Celestia’s new balls slapped against her rear over and over and both her and her sister’s bodies soon became hot and sweaty as they panted and moaned together. “Oh yes! Yes! Keep going, sister! Keep going!” Luna begged. “Please! Do not stop!” Celestia had no intention to as she thrusted even harder into her sister, pounding her sister’s bottom with her crotch and making both cheeks ripple and shake. Luna felt like her whole body was on fire as her sister continued to make love to her. She felt an emptiness when her sister pulled out and then pure joy when she thrusted back in and it was getting her closer and closer to reaching her climax. “Oh sister… I’m close! Keep going!” she cried. “Don’t worry! I will!” Celestia responded, loudly. “Oh… I may not be able to ejaculate with this protection spell on… but I still feel close to cumming myself!” “Oh, by the moon, this is glorious!” Celestia slammed into Luna as deeply as before, but was now starting to gain speed. Her thrusts picked up a quick pace and the constant wet whap of her artificial balls pounding against Luna’s behind         added fuel to her fever. Relentlessly she drew in and out of her sister’s love cave, until suddenly, she felt a tingling at the base of her dick, then at the tip, until they combined and spread over her whole lower body. Like a wild animal, Celestia fucked Luna until finally they both let out a cry at the top of their lungs while juices began to leak from both of their vagina’s. They both panted while sweat dripped down their bodies and Celestia slowly pulled her magically created penis out of her sister. Then, in a brief flash, it vanished. Luna noticed this and looked surprised. “Yes. As you can guess it only lasts until after the deed is done.” Celestia said. Luna sighed. “Well, it was nice while it lasted…” “Yes, it was…” Celestia agreed. A playful smirk appeared on Luna’s face. “Remind me to return the favor soon…” “You sure you can do it?” Celestia inquired, interested. “Do not worry about me my love, for I am a fast learner.” Luna assured her. “Well we’ll see about that my darling sister.” Celestia smiled sweetly before yawning. “Well, it’s late, I suppose we should retire for the evening.” “I suppose so.” Luna nodded feeling a bit tired herself. “You don’t mind if I…” Celestia began gesturing to Luna’s bed. Her younger sister quickly understood and smiled. “Why of course!” she said before her horn started glowing and the bed suddenly increased in length. Now it was able to fit two ponies instead of just one. “Oh! Impressive.” Celestia complimented. “Thank you.” Luna smiled as she magically pulled back the covers and began to get in, along with her marefriend. Pretty soon Celestia was spooning her sister and wrapping her forehoof around her, which made her snuggle even closer. Celestia sighed. “I’m so glad I got to share this experience with you…” “Me too.” Luna breathed. Her expression then changed to worry. “Still… at times I wonder… what would happen if somepony else found out about… us…” “Do not worry sister…” Celestia said, soothingly. “Nopony will ever know… and nopony has begun to suspect a thing. They still think we are acting like close sister’s and even if somepony does find out… we’ll deal with it together.” Luna let her sister’s words sink in and was quickly comforted by them as she smiled peacefully. “I never knew how much I needed you…” she expressed quietly. “Don’t ever leave me. Ok?” Celestia leaned forward and kissed her sister’s cheek. “I promise… I will never, ever leave you again…” she whispered into her ear. And with that, the two quickly fell asleep, snuggled tightly together and also having a pleasant time galloping together in the dream realm, not realizing that somepony had figured out their secret. But whether or not she would tell them or anypony else remain unclear… for now. > Telling the Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8         The next morning in Equestria, things seemed to be pretty normal, aside from the two rulers of the kingdom currently sleeping together after a long night of love making. Both of them were confident that their secret was secure and nopony else knew about it, but this was not the case…         Following, Celestia once again raised the sun as she and her sister engaged in a lovely make out session before the Princess of the Day had to go back to her room to maintain appearance. They were soon interrupted when they heard a knock at the door.         “Uh… who is it?” Luna called out.         “Aunt Luna, it’s me, Cadance.”         Luna gasped, turned and Celestia and whispered, “Cadance! Hide!” Celestia nodded and quickly crawled under the bed, like Luna did when she was in her room not long ago.         The Princess of the Night quickly put on her accessories, slippers and crown and got out of bed to face her niece. “Please enter,” she requested.         The doors then magically opened up and the Princess of Love entered; she looked very serious.         “Hello Luna,” she said, seemingly calm.         “Cadance, what a surprise.” Luna remarked. “What brings you here so early?”         “I wanted to ask you something,” her niece said.         “Ask me something?” Princess Luna echoed. “Like what?”         “Well… I…” Cadance began to say, trying to find the right words to begin her question until she notices something rather odd. “Hey…”         She walked around Luna, who began to become a little nervous as she turned around, and saw that the bed had doubled in size. Luna mentally slapped herself for not remembering to restore the bed to it’s normal size.         “Uh… why is the bed so big?”         “Huh? Oh! Oh, that? Well I… just… needed some more room, you see? I tend to get a little bit restless when I sleep so I…”         “It looks like it could fit two ponies…” Princess Cadance remarked as she observed the bed closely.         Luna pretended to mimic her and faked noticing it. “Hmm, it appears you are right,” she said. “I suppose I made it too big, eh?”         “Yeah… I guess so…” Cadance started to say before her voiced trailed off after she looked down and noticed something else. “What is that?”         “What? What is what?” Luna questioned, quickly.         “It looks like somepony is under your bed…” Cadance said as she began to lower her head down.         Luna then began to sweat bullets as she became more and more nervous. “What? Preposterous! There’s nopony…”         Before she could finish Cadance had already gotten to floor level and spoke her lover’s name;         “Aunt Celestia?”         Luna gulped and leaned down also and saw that Cadance had indeed spotted Celestia under her bed and it appeared that she was in the middle of generating a teleportation spell, in a desperate attempt to flee but Cadance caught her before she could finish. Her horn then ceased glowing when she noticed her niece, currently frowning at her.         “Oh… hello Cadance, it’s nice to see you…” Celestia said, smiling and chuckling nervously. She also blushed a bit while Cadance continued to stare at her seriously.         “Why are you under Aunt Luna’s bed?” Her niece questioned, bluntly. “And why aren’t you in your own room?”         “Uh… well… it is… a rather long story and I…” Princess Celestia started to say.         “Later, first… come on out there.” Cadance said.         Celestia sighed. “Alright…”         Both she and her sister looked worried while she crawled out from under the bed and stood next to her sister while their niece leaned back up to look them both in the eye. There was a period of silence between the three of them before it was soon broken.         “So…” Cadance began. “Something happen that I should know about?”         “Uh… well I…” Luna began.         “Were you two sleeping together?” Cadance questioned, bluntly.         Luna tried to come up with a good excuse but her nieces serious eyes were making it hard. “Well… kind of… you see…”         “Luna… had trouble sleeping so… I decided to sleep alongside her to comfort her, like we did when we were growing up as young fillies.” Celestia finished.         “Yes. Yes, that… that is exactly it…” Luna added, playing along.         Cadance still remained a little suspicious as she raised a brow. “I see…” she mused. “By the way… last night… did either of you do anything… special at all?”         “Special?” Celestia repeated.         “Yes, like… did you go out and… see the sights or… had a meal of some sorts?” Cadance inquired, interested.         “Uh… no, we uh… we were in the castle… all day…” Luna said, extremely nervous now.         “And all night.” Celestia continued as she and Luna smiled guilty smiles.         “Really?” Cadance asked, doubtfully. “Because when I was out in Canterlot for a midnight stroll... I could have sworn that I saw two ponies inside a closed out restaurant, eating dinner, and having a date… ponies who looked just. Like. You two.”         The two sisters gulped when they realized that their niece knew more about them than they’d realized and that she had spotted them on their date without either of them even knowing it. They quickly tried to think of a new lie.         “Uh… you must be mistaken…” Celestia tried to say.         “Am I?” Cadance questioned, still doubtful.         “Yes… you… must have seen two ponies that… look like us and…” Luna stuttered. “Used their likeness of us to… make sure they were the… only two ponies there…”         The two sisters smiled big and nervous smiles but their adopted niece continued to have a straight face. Then she raised a brow at them.         “So… let me get this straight… you two were in the castle all night yesterday… two ponies who look exactly like you both go on a date and trick everypony into thinking they’re you two to be alone in the restaurant and Luna slept with you because she was scared like she was when she was a filly?” Cadance asked, flatly.         “Well… I’m sure there were some doubts about them being us…” Celestia pointed out, with a false smile.         “And I was not scared.” Luna stated, firmly.         Cadance then started to become agitated. “So missing the point!” she told them. She face hoofed and continued to give them a displeased look. “You’ve both been lying and talking around it during this whole conversation. Now I want answers and they had better be the truth this time. Why were two at that restaurant and why were you sleeping in the same bed together!?”         Celestia and Luna were both stunned by their adopted niece’s angry tone and exchanged glances. They both knew that they could not lie to her any more and were faced with the hard reality that somepony knew about them and what they’ve done. Both of them sighed, deciding to tell Cadance everything, and nodded to each other in agreement.         “Alright…” Celestia relented, as she stepped forward. “We… wanted to keep this just between the two of us… for… obvious reasons… and only tell when the moment was right. But… I suppose that moment is here.”         “That moment has passed. Now, tell me… are you two in love?” Cadance asked, bluntly.         Her two aunt’s closed their eyes and lowered their heads and as they did so, Cadance noticed their ethereal tails wrapping around each other. They soon looked at Cadance sad but happy looks on their faces.         “Yes. We are.” Celestia revealed.         Cadance was stunned, while she had suspected and practically figured out the truth, she was deeply surprised to hear her Aunt flat out admit it. “How…? Why…?” she questioned, trying to comprehend it. “Y-you’re… you’re both sisters!”         “We know, Cadance.” Luna nodded.         “But regardless, we are in love.” Celestia stated. “And I believe I have been in love with Luna ever since she was a young filly. I just didn’t know it yet.”         Her younger sister smiled at her, touched, though Cadance was still upset by this.         “But… but you two understand how wrong this is?” Cadance questioned.         “You were the one who told me love was love and to let it light the way.” Celestia reminded her.         “Yes, but I didn’t know that the mare you were crushing on was your own sister!” Cadance exclaimed. “It’s wrong!”         Luna nodded. “We know, we discussed it at length just a few days ago.”         “It’s true. Luna felt the same way you do when I confessed.” Celestia revealed.         “But after a while I realized that I too felt the same way as she.” Luna added. She gazed up at her sister. “And we have been together ever since.”         Princess Celestia smiled and shared a nuzzle with her younger sister. Despite seeing the obvious and pure love between the two and feeling touched by it, Cadance still shook her head rapidly.         “Stop! Just stop!” she said, loudly. They both turned to her surprise. “Listen, I know you two think you’re in love, but are you sure it’s love and not lust you’re feeling?”         The two sisters gasped in shock when they heard their niece’s question.         “Well of course we are sure!” Luna told her, firmly.         “Cadance,” Celestia began, warmly. “I know this is difficult to grasp or understand but…”         “No, you two listen! Do you two understand what would happen if ponies found out about you two? How they would react?” Princess Cadance questioned, concerned. “You would be ostracized! Ponies would never look at you two the same way again. They would turn their backs on you…”         “Don’t worry, Cadance.” Princess Celestia comforted her. “Nopony is going to find out. At least not until the time is right.”         “That is… if you do not speak a word of this to anypony, will you?” Princess Luna questioned, raising a brow suspiciously.         Celestia put a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “Luna, please.”         “What?” she asked. “I am simply asking. Besides, we don’t know if…”         “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony, but still…” Cadance said before her voice trailed off. “I’m… just not sure about this… I mean… it’s an unnatural love and…”         “But it’s still love, none the less.” Celestia countered, calmly.         “I… well…” Cadance tried to argue, but found herself unable to. She sighed, defeated. “I suppose you’re right…”         The Princess of the Day then put a comforting hoof on her adopted niece. “Cadance, I am so sorry for not telling you right away, but me and my sister truly do love each other and while I can’t ask you to understand why… I do request that you respect it, and see just how happy we are together.”         Cadance gazed at her eyes and saw the light of love glow in both of their eyes, which increased as the two continued to rub against each other lovingly. As much as she hated to admit, she did see the genuine love connection between the two and once again sighed in defeat and frustration. “Ok… while I don’t understand how or why this happened… I do see the love and I respect it, and truly do wish you both nothing but the best. And… I’m sorry for how I acted.”         “It’s alright Cadance, as mentioned before I also reacted the same way you did when Celestia told me her feelings.” Luna assured her.         “So… nopony else but me knows?” Cadance inquired.         Celestia shook her head. “No. Nopony else but you.”         “And as stated before; we’d like it to remain that way, for obvious reasons.” Luna said.         “Until the time is right, that is.” Celestia added.         “And when will that be?” Cadance questioned.         “I do not know…” Her aunt Celestia admitted. “But whatever happens… we’ll face it together.”         Luna smiled, touched. Cadance was also touched by this and smiled also. “Well Aunt Celestia… it seems you truly have found your special somepony…” she expressed. “I’m proud of you both.”         Princess Celestia nodded, thankfully. “Thank you my dear niece, we’re very pleased to hear you say that.”         “Indeed. And to celebrate…” Luna began before she put a hoof on her sister’s cheek and pulled her down for a kiss. Cadance smiled and glanced away awkwardly, letting the two sisters/lovers enjoy their moment, before a thought then popped into her mind.         “However… there is one other thing I’d like to ask…” she said. The two ceased their kiss and turned to her. “Did you two happen to… do it… yet? I mean I used a spell to try and determine if you did or not but still...”         Celestia and Luna exchange glances and tried to answer but just thinking about it caused their cheeks to turn red, which was more than enough to answer Cadance’s question. The Princess of Love blushed also.         “Uh, never mind! That’s… that’s not important,” she stammered, quickly. “What matters is that you two are happy and together.”         “Indeed we are.” Luna nodded.         “Yes, and we’re so happy that you’ve come to accept our love.” Celestia expressed.         “Well… I’ll admit it’s gonna take a little… getting used to… and I’m not fully comfortable with it yet…” Cadance admitted. “But I do see how much you love each other and because of that, I won’t stand in your way and I will do my best to make sure that nopony else discovers it.”         “And we have faith that you will.” The Princess of the Night nodded, thankfully. Her sister nodded also.         “Thanks.” The Princess of Love said, blushing. Then, another thought popped into her mind, an intriguing thought at that. “So… just wondering here but uh… have you two ever thought of… marriage?”         Hearing this caused the two sister’s eyes widen greatly, their pupils shrunk to pinpoints and their ears fell down flat. As if they had studied it, both yelped in unison. “Marriage?!” > Becoming more daring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9         A week had passed since Cadance discovered her aunt’s secret and upon agreeing to keep it her secret, things returned to normal in Canterlot Castle. Well… as normal as things could be. The idea of marriage that their niece offered to them did intrigue the sisters a bit, however they knew that the law against it was strong and they were settled with the never ending cycle of day and night and the symbolism that came with it so ultimately they decided against it.         As the days passed, the two sisters became more and more adventurous in their sexual escapades. Making love in various spots all over the castle and not just in their bedroom’s. Because they were rarely caught, the two slowly started to get more cocky, believing that their secret would remain between themselves and their niece alone.         Little did they know that in one moment, very soon… their whole fortune would tip.         It was an average day at Canterlot Castle. The sun was up, the birds were singing once more. The only thing that was amiss was that the two Princesses were seemingly nowhere to be found and the Royal Guard was searching high and low for them but with little to no luck.         Two of them soon met up at the front of the castle.         “Any sign of them?” The first one inquired.         “Negative.” The other replied.         “Where could they be?” The first guard wondered out loud.         “I do not know, they have been behaving quite strange as of late, but regardless we must find them; quickly.” The second guard stated. “Before the subjects begin to ask questions. The Princesses… mean everything to them.”         “Indeed. They are ponies to be admired.”         “Yes. Which is why we must find them. At once!”         “Yes, sir!” The guard saluted before they both separated.         Little did they know, that they were actually closer than they thought. More specifically in the castle garden, where all the many animals that lived there were hiding in the bushes, shaking and watching as the two currently missing Princesses were both on top of each other and engaged in a make-out session. Their tongues swirled around each other over and over while they exchanged saliva.         While they were kissing, some worried thoughts began to pop up in Luna’s head. She spoke during the short breaks they took while taking a breath.         “Sister… are you sure this is…” she began.         “Yes!” Celestia expressed as she started kissing Luna again, only for her younger sister to break it, briefly though.         “But what if we…” Luna started to say, concerned that somepony might walk in on them.         “Oh, we won’t!” Celestia assured her, eager to continue locking lips with her sister.         As they kept on making out, their mare parts began to rub against each other every few seconds or so, causing them both to heat up and get sexually excited. Eventually, the lower halves of their body became so hot that they ceased kissing, stared into each other’s eyes and panted.         “Sister…” Luna breathed.         “Yes, my darling?” Celestia inquired.         “I think… I think I’m ready to try it now…” Luna revealed.         “You’re ready to try that spell?” Celestia asked, a bit surprised.         “Yes!” Luna expressed. “Please… let me rut you… like how you rutted me!”         Celestia contemplated it for bit, on one hoof she was concerned that her sister may or may not use the safety spell in order to prevent impregnation, but on the other hoof she was excited by the idea of having her sister’s own penis inside of her, so much so that she went with the latter right away.         “Alright, let’s do it,” she said.         “Yes!” Luna quietly cheered to herself as she got off her sister and helped her back up also before stepping back, preparing to perform the spell. She took a breath and sighed. “Ok… here I go…”         The tip of her horn glowed and quickly ran all the way down it, lighting up the area. Celestia closed her eyes as this happened, so that she would not be blinded while excitement built up inside her.         Like her sister, light then began to swirl around Luna and slowly lift her up into the air, Luna raised her head and took a breath as the lights completely enveloped her in a cocoon of light that slowly got smaller and then…         Flash!         As soon as the spell was over and the bright light finally faded, Celestia opened her eyes and gazed upon her sister, who looked slightly weakened from using such a high level spell but what she saw  between her legs more than proved that she managed to pull it off.         “Well…? Did it work?” she asked, feeling strange.         Celestia smiled. “Oh, I am fairly certain that it did,” she said as she pointed below her.         Luna looked down and gasped when she finally saw it; an erect, dark blue piece of stallionhood and balls that was as long as the one she had more than a week ago.         “I-I did it! I have a stallion’s genitals!” Luna expressed, happily.         “Yes, and now you can feel the joy I felt when I mated with you.” Celestia declared, proudly before she turned around and pointed her flank in Luna’s general direction. “So, what are you waiting for? Mount me, my love.”         Luna smiled brightly, then as she approached her sister she smirked whilst staring at her rather big behind.         “Hmm, your royal bottom has gotten bigger by the way. Have you been eating cake?” She teased as she turned to Celestia flirtatiously. Celestia blushed bright red as she turned to Luna. “I… I… get cravings!” she said, hoping she would believe it. Luna simply smiled. “I only mean that it looks like it’s gotten softer and more succulent… now there’s much more to love!” Luna beamed. “Oh Luna, you are such a tease!” Celestia said, amused. The Princess of the Night then reared up a bit, placed her hooves on her sister’s royal tush and began to rub it playfully. Celestia shuddered as her hooves rubbed her rear in circles, ebbing and molding it over and over, causing the Sun Princess great pleasure. Luna then giggled like a little filly. “So squishy and soft… like balls of clay…” she remarked. “Oh sister… stop teasing me… just do it!” Celestia practically cried out, already beginning to feel wet and excited. “Very well…” Luna cooed as she pulled herself further up and laid her belly halfway across her sister’s back, whilst keeping her forelegs around her sides and lining up her new penis with her sister’s dripping entrance. Celestia turned and gazed at her sister before they both shared a smile. “Dare I?” Luna inquired, suggestively. Celestia faced forward, looking determined. “Do it.” Heeding her sister’s wish, Luna thrusted her lower body forward and plunged her new member into her sister’s vagina, causing her to cry out as he rubbed her walls. She felt it pull out slowly, leaving her wet and wanting more until the next thrust came, which was even faster, making her grunt. This quickly became a pattern as Luna began to thrust in and out of her sister every few seconds and made her grunt each time, just like Celestia did for her. As she felt her sister’s inner walls clench around her hard flesh, Luna increased in speed, wanting the feeling to grow; this urging, tingling feeling right at the tip. She huffed as she felt Celestia’s love cave becoming tighter all off a sudden and tapped her on the back. “Sister, what are you doing?” Celestia asked. “You mean this?” Luna moaned of the sudden tightness around her new accessory. “I have acquired knowledge about something fantastic. Did you know that mares are able to control the muscles inside our vaginas? Look.” Again, the flesh clenched around Luna’s meat rod, making her squeal in pleasure. “That is… truly fantastic,” she said, panting, a deep dark crimson blush all over her sweaty face. “Yes, it is…” Celestia agreed, blushing as well. “And the fact that we’re doing it in a public place makes it even more exciting, does it not?” “You have no idea how right you are, dear sister…” Luna expressed. She picked up the pace again, shoving her stallionhood to the medial ring into Celestia’s delectable pussy. So good it was, Luna almost felt like she would get sucked in, which sparked a feral instinct in her and she began driving her cock ever deeper. As Luna’s length ventured deeper, Celestia bolted forward as the tip reached her most deepest part. She squealed and made for a jump, but Luna’s hooves had clutched her firmly and were drawing her back onto Luna’s loins, impaling her on the rock hard stallionhood. “Oh Luna… I’m getting close…” Celestia breathed. “As am I…” Suddenly, Luna perked up her head. “Oh! I have an idea! Sister, turn around, I want to see your beautiful face as we cum together,” Luna huffed, her eyes shining with lust. Celestia bent her neck over and placed a kiss on Luna’s lips as she herself reached out. “That is a wonderful idea, my dear.” “Then let’s do it.” Luna declared. “First; lay down.” Celestia nodded as she bent all four of her knees as she lowered herself to the grassy ground. Using both her hoofs, Luna began to turn her sister over, all while keeping her stallionhood inside of her. Both sisters moaned as the penus moved all around inside of Celestia in a complete circle. Once it was done, both of the two sisters stared into each other’s eyes, smiled and resumed their earlier make out session, whilst Luna continued to thrust into her sister’s now very tight vagina. When they ceased kissing, their cries soon became louder and louder as each of them neared their climax. While she was thrusting, Luna began to wonder if she used that ‘magical condom’ spell on her new penis before she began but she quickly figured that she probably did and continued on. “Oh… Oh! Luna! I’m close!” Celestia exclaimed. “Oh… me too!” Luna yelled. “L-Look… look into my eyes sister…” Celestia panted. “Let me see your face when we cum together…” “Ok…” Luna breathed as she and her older sister locked eyes with each other while their hearts beat faster than ever before. “Oh Tia… you are so beautiful… if it were possible… I would ask you to marry me right here and now…” “As would I…” Celestia confessed, lovingly. “Now… finish inside me!” “Ok!” The Princess of the Night said, as she pounded against her sister even harder and even faster. Pretty soon, juices were beginning to leak out of Celestia’s entrance, and as they panted feverishly they both felt their climax’s nearing. “Oh sister… here it comes… here it comes! Here--” Before Luna could finish and ejaculate inside her sister, a voice from close by spoke up, catching them both by surprise. “Uh… your majesties?” Celestia and Luna's eyes widened as they gasped and quickly turned to their side where they spotted the castle gardener standing, and presumably watching, just a few feet away. “Mr. Greenhooves!” Celestia said, fearfully. “Oh no…” Luna muttered under her breath, fearfully. They were caught in the act! Now their reputations would be forever ruined… Luna shivered, looking scared until she heard… “What are you doing on top of your sister there, Luna?” The old pony inquired, he didn’t seem to get what they were really doing, nor see the Night Princess’ new member, which gave them a small chance to come up with something… “Uh… we were just…” Luna started to say as she tried to come up with a good lie. “Playing.” Celestia finished, quickly. “Yes… we were… just playing… like when we were fillies.” Celestia put on an innocent smile, while Luna smiled a guilty one and after a moment of pondering Mr. Greenhooves seemed to buy it and smiled also. “Ok! Well, you kids have fun!” he told them as he waved before leaving. The two Princess sighed in relief once he was finally out of earshot. “That was close!” Luna expressed, before a cocky grin appeared on her face. “But it appears that we can truly ‘do it’ anywhere and not get caught!” “It would seem so.” Celestia agreed. “Now please… finish inside me! All this waiting… it’s driving me crazy!” “Very well!” Luna declared as she picked up where she left off and sure enough they became close to climaxing again. They panted heavily as the thrusts increased in speed until finally… they finally reached their goal and let out a long scream as they came together. Far off, Mr. Greenhooves could hear their scream as clear as day. While he was a bit surprised at first, he soon settled into a smile and a chuckle. “Boy, sure must be a fun game that they’re playing… wonder if my brother would be up to playing something like that?” he wondered out loud as he continued on his way. > In public > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Following their little romp in the Castle Garden, Princess’ Celestia and Luna met up with the Castle Guards who were out looking for the two of them and were quickly reminded of the Friendship Parade was about to begin soon.         The two immediately teleported back to their bedrooms and rushed to get ready, after all they had to be presentable to their subjects at all times and because this was a very special event they worked hard to make themselves look beautiful for everypony, as well as each other.  Both applied their usual make up before magically putting on very billowing looking dresses, Celestia’s was similar to her Gala dress and Luna’s was the same color as the dress she wore at Twilight’s coronation. Once they were done they both stepped out of their rooms and made their way down the hall where they soon met up with each other. Upon seeing how beautiful the other was both Princess gasped, blushed and instantly became aroused. They approached each other with loving smiles on their faces. Celestia lifted up her sister’s hoof and kissed it, like her subjects usually did when they greeted her. “You look beautiful, sister.” Luna mimicked her sister’s actions and kissed her hoof as well. “As do you, my love.” “I must say, your performance in the Garden’s was most impressive.” Celestia commended her. “Why thank you.” Luna nodded. “I’m just glad that Mr. Greenhooves bought that little lie.” “As am I.” Celestia agreed. “It seems we can do it nearly anywhere now, and our subjects would never suspect a thing!” Luna expressed, growing excited. “I know how you feel, still we must try to control ourselves while we are out there…” Princess Celestia noted. “Agreed… though it shall not be easy…” Princess Luna admitted as she looked back and rubbed her behind. “My filly parts are still hot… and just looking at you… fills me with lust!” Celestia lifted her sister’s chin. “And I promise, I will tend to them and your lust, after the Friendship Parade, alright?” The Princess of the Night sighed. “Alright…” she muttered before her elder sister/marefriend leaned in close to her ear. “But who knows? Maybe when we get a break we can make up for lost time…” she whispered before giving her a wink. This made Luna giggle a bit and blush. A guard then approached from nearby. “Your majesties, the event is about to begin.” “We’ll be right there.” Princess Celestia told him. The guard nodded and trotted off. She turned to Luna. “Come on, let’s get going now.” “Alright, but… maybe one kiss? Just to tide me over?” Luna requested with a cute face that Celestia just couldn’t resist. “Ok,” she said with a chuckle before cupping her sister’s cheek and engaging in a quick kiss. “Ready?” “Ready.” Princess Luna nodded before they turned and began walking down the hall together and only wrapping their tails around each other’s for brief moments. Later, outside the Friendship Parade had begun. Streamers floated down and flew through the air which was filled with the cheering voices of all the ponies that were present and having fun. The parade was made to celebrate the long period of harmony between all the different kinds of ponies that made up Equestria and everypony was having a marvelous time during it. The crowds all gathered on both sides of the street while multiple parade floats moved down the road for all to see. All the ponies were amazed by the different kinds of floats that were made, but they were even more excited when they saw the Princess coming down. “Look it’s the Princess’!” “They’re so beautiful!” “They’re the best!” “Yeah, I’ll say!” As they were pulled down the street in their chariot by the Castle Guard, they both smiled and waved to their subjects, trying to maintain a professional demeanor, though Luna was greatly bored by the whole thing, though nopony but her sister/lover noticed. She sighed and Celestia turned to her. “Something the matter?” she asked. “Yes… this is just so… tedious, and I feel like a prop of some kind” Luna admitted. “I just wish something even more exciting could happen… now I understand why Twilight Sparkle wanted more out of being a Princess…” “Just be patient, it’ll all be over soon.” Celestia told her, quietly so that their subjects could not hear her. “I know… but are you sure we can’t have a little bit of fun while we do this?” The Princess of the Night questioned while raising a brow. “I already told you; no.” Celestia stated, firmly. “Now please, try to stay focused.” Luna sighed in defeat then her face lit up with an idea that made her smirk to herself. While nopony was looking, Luna moved her tail to behind her sister and managed to get it under her sister’s dress and in-between her sister’s legs where she began to stroke a certain part located between them. As this happened, Celestia suddenly let out a small but sharp gasp as her body became rigid and straightened while her face started to become red. She rubbed her hind legs together while she tried to keep herself from squealing and as she did so Luna continued to tickle her vagina with the tip of her tail, which was hidden by her dress.. “Luna… no… please… stop...” Celestia silently begged. “Stop? What? This?” Her sister inquired with fake innocence as she stroked her sex even harder, causing Celestia to squeak, which caught the attention of the Guard pulling their chariot. “Princess? Is everything alright?” he asked. “Uh… y-yes… everything f-f-fine…” Celestia stuttered, trying to smile normally but her shakiness still caused the guard to raise a brow at her. She turned to Luna and spoke through her gritted teeth. “Luna… this isn’t the time… ponies are looking at us…” “Relax sister…” Luna whispered, seductively. “We won’t get caught, I promise you. Besides, doesn’t the thought of doing it in public just excite you? Knowing that you could get caught at any moment? I know I’m already wet…” As she said this, her tentacle like tail moved up and down the back of her sister’s hind legs before moving up and going in-between her legs before giving her belly a little tickle. Celestia held back her giggling and bit her lower lip while Luna began to stroke her haunches and apply a bit of pressure as she moved her tail across her flank. Celestia’s blush increased when she realized that what Luna was doing was making her excited. “No…” Celestia whined through her teeth, trying to keep herself on her hooves while all four of her legs started to become shaky. Much to her dread, some ponies did begin to notice something off about her. “Hey, what’s wrong with the Princess?” “Is she ok? She looks like she’s trying to hold something in or not fall over or something…” Celestia’s blush increased to new heights as she realized her sister was fully intending on making love to her right here and now, in front of their adoring public no less, and as much as the princess hated to admit it, the thought of performing such a forbidden act was making her wetter by the second. Luna’s tail continued slowly teasing her marehood, and it took all of Celestia’s willpower to keep her smiling facade up for the public. “Told you this would be fun,” Luna whispered out of the corner of her mouth. Her tail made its way back to her belly and Celestia fought to contain her giggles as Luna tickled her. “Your majesty, are you sure you’re alright?” one of the guards escorting her inquired, “you’re looking very stressed at the moment.” “I’m…” Celestia gasped as her sister’s tail made its way back down to her warm wet spot of pleasure, and she covered it up with a cough. “I’ll be fine thank you. I just need an early night tonight.” The guard nodded, satisfied for the moment and Luna moved closer to Celestia in order whisper in her ear. “I very much doubt you’ll be getting an early night tonight dear sister,” Luna said softly kissing her on the cheek and causing a few “awwws” to come from the crowd as the ponies observed what they believed to be an affectionate sign of sisterly love.     “You do realize that… nnng… you’re going to pay for this, don’t you?” Luna just smirked and pushed her sister further to the edge by inserting the tip of her tail into her now extremely wet pussy. Celestia bit down on her lip in order to stop the moan of pleasure that was threatening to escape from her throat. but it was becoming increasingly harder to remain silent as Luna began exploring deeper inside her. Eventually she managed to get the tip of her tail to touch her love button, which caused her to squeal even louder then she did before. The guards and some ponies look at her with surprised, confused and concerned expressions. “It’s alright everypony, I’m fine,” Celestia assured her loyal subjects, “just please focus on enjoying the parade.” Celestia’s cheeks were burning brighter than ever at the near call they just had, and she shot her sister a brief angry glare. “You’re so paying for this, Luna.” Luna just smiled innocently and flicked the tip of her tail against Celestia’s clit once more. This time the princess was able to hold in any verbal manifestations of her pleasure. “It shall be truly worth it my dear sister. Especially as I now get to witness you all hot and bothered in front of our loyal subjects.” Still annoyed, Celestia quickly whipped Luna’s behind with her own tail, making her jump and yelp in surprise. They both smiled at each other suggestively. “You wish to play rough now, do you?” Luna’s tail began stroking her sister’s pussy with increasing speed, which sent massive jolts of electric pleasure throughout her entire body. “We can play rough then.” As they began to approach the end of the street, Celestia’s pleasure was beginning to reach its peak, and she felt herself ready to fall into a world of orgasmic bliss any second,  though she was still able to throw Luna a dirty look. The Princess of the Night simply smiled, smugly. “Just you wait, young lady, once we’re alone you are so making this up to me.” Celestia promised her. “Oh? What are you gonna do, dear sister? Spank me?” Luna teased as she quickly jabbed her tail further into her sister’s vagina making her gasp loudly as she came even closer to her release. She noticed some of her subjects and guards giving her looks of concern, and sometimes surprise and she gave them reassuring smiles. “Don’t worry, Celestia,” Luna whispered, your ordeal is now over.” Celestia braced herself for her sister’s next assault on her pussy, but instead Luna completely pulled her tail away leaving the Princess of the Sun teetering on the edge of her orgasm with no way to relieve herself of the sexual frustrations. “Why must you be so cruel?” Celestia asked, in a harsh whisper. “I was so close.” Luna’s smug smile became even bigger and she began smiling and waving at their loyal subjects, completely ignoring her unsatisfied sister who was looking at her with a frustrated look of complete disbelief. Celestia tried her best to hide her frustration of being sexually denied as best as she could throughout the event, though her sweatiness and tense looking face begun to draw suspicions in some of her subjects. Eventually, while everypony was currently partying and having a good time, Celestia and Luna watched from the back, pretty much alone, and that gave Celestia the perfect chance to touch her sister and teleport them both away. They both reappeared inside a storage closet located in the castle in a flash, with Luna now kneeling in front of her sister and both of their dresses were gone. Celestia also removed their crowns, slippers and accessories, leaving them both completely bare. Luna was alarmed. “Sister! What…?” “I told you that you would pay, and now that we’re alone…” Celestia mused as she stroked her sister’s behind with her hoof. “I think I should punish you the way I did when we were little.” Instead of looking scared, Luna gained a look of intriguement. “Hmm. Interesting. It seems you have also grown as bold as I have in this relationship.” “Yes. Maybe you were right, after our encounters with Mr. Greenhooves and the Parade it is clear that nopony will ever know the truth about us.” Celestia said. “Exactly. For we are just that good.” Princess Luna smiled, proudly. Princess Celestia nodded in agreement. “Yes… now hold still while I deliver your punishment,” she told her as she raised a hoof and then quickly brought it down onto Luna’s rump. SMACK! Luna moaned with pleasure after feeling her sister spank her. Several more spanks followed which sent waves of pleasure throughout Luna’s body, she could already feel herself getting wet while her rear slowly gained a red, hoof-shaped mark on her flank. Celestia smiled while Luna cooed each time she felt the stinging smack of her sister’s hoof on her hindquarters as well as kick her legs. Both sisters soon began to giggle like fillies. “Why you naughty. Naughty. Little. Filly!” Celestia said in between spanks, still smiling and having fun while her sister continued to moan each time she ‘punished’ her. “Oh yes! Nnng... Oh yes, sister! Hnng! Spank me! Spank me harder!” Luna pleaded. “Ah! Please! Ah! Do not hesitate to smack my royal tush! Hmm! I deserve every swat!” “Yes, especially after you nearly made me orgasm in front of our subjects.” Celestia stated, a bit sternly like a mother as her smacks increased in speed. “And for that, you must be punished.” “Ooh! Yes! Punish me, sister! Like I said; I deserve it!” Princess Luna cooed like a dove, already beginning to become wet from the spanks. Meanwhile, while the Princess’ continued to have their little fun and ‘punish’ each other, the castle guards began searching for them again while trying to keep everypony calm. They were all worried when their Princess’ vanished like that and many assumptions were being made, assumptions that the guards were trying to tell the public weren’t true at all. “Calm down everypony, the Princess’ will be back soon, I promise!” One castle guard said before another one approached him. “Sir, there’s been no sightings of either of them yet,” he informed. “What!? Oh… I can’t believe this is happening again!” The guard said, aggravated. “Yes, not only have the Princess’ been acting strange lately but they’ve also been randomly disappearing…” The other guard pointed out. “And when they come back they look sweaty and exhausted.” “You think they’re up to something?” “Maybe… I can’t be sure.” The guard told his comrade. “Maybe we can…” “Sir!” They both turned and saw a third castle guard rushing over to them, out of breath. “Speak! What is it?” The first guard questioned. “Sir, we were searching down the halls when we heard the strangest sounds coming from one of them.” The tired guard revealed. “Strange sounds? What did they sound like?” The second guard inquired. “Like… somepony was hitting somepony!” The third guard said, a bit fearfully. “The Princess’! They could be in danger!” The first guard realized, alarmed. “Then we’d better get over there.” His second comrade stated. “Right!” The other two said as they all began to trot back towards the castle. Around the same time, while the guards had begun to make their way towards the hallway that the loud noises were coming from, the sounds of somepony being hit had turned into moans of pleasure, the reason being that they’re beloved Princess’ were currently in the middle of a another romp. Both Luna and Celestia grunted as they continued their love making session, with Celestia laying on top of her younger sister and inserting her magically formed member in and out of her vagina, which was currently leaking sex juices while the two sisters panted feverishly. Celestia’s own white balls smacked against Luna’s lower regions over and over again which reignited her need to orgasm once again. “Oh Luna… I’m close… I’m close again!” she expressed. “Good! Now… don’t let anything stop you this time dear sister! Finish inside of me!” Luna begged. “I will! Oh, I will!” The Princess of the Day exclaimed as he moans became louder and louder as she raised her head before lowering it and engaging her sister in a passionate kiss. They’re moment was only ruined when they began to hear frantic hoof steps coming from outside the door. They ended the kiss and listened closely, both looking spooked and quite concerned. “What was that?” Luna asked, alarmed. “I don’t know but…” Celestia began before they started to hear yells outside and getting closer to them. “I think it came from over here!” “Then let’s start looking, check every door!” “Right!” “Oh no! The guards!” Princess Luna cried. “They must have heard us! Do you think they…?” “Let’s not jump to that conclusion just yet, first let’s clean ourselves up, they will be knocking down this door any second.” Princess Celestia said, quickly as she put her crown, slippers and accessories back on as well as her sister’s before using her magic to make her penus disappear. “Ooh… maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…” Luna admitted, a bit shameful while her sister began to brush and clean her sweaty coat as well as her own. “We knew the risk doing something like this, all we can do now is act our best and make sure that they don’t suspect a thing.” Celestia told her sister as she also made their juices disappear. “If they believe we are normal, then we should have no problems.” “If you say so…” Luna sighed. Celestia then put a hoof on her cheek. “I love you, Luna,” she said, sweetly. This comforted Luna as she smiled. “I love you. Celestia…” They attempted to kiss again but before they could, the door slammed open and they turned to the castle guards, standing on the other side. “Princess’!” The elder sister then spoke in a casual tone. “Oh hello soldier, what seems to be the issue?” she inquired. “We’ve been looking all over for you two!” Another guard said. “Where have you been?” A third added. “And… why are you in a closet?” The lead guard questioned, raising a brow. “Oh, me and my sister were both getting a little overwhelmed so we teleported to a more… quieter place, to gather our thoughts.” Celestia explained, calmly. “Uh… yes, yes, that-that is correct.” Luna nodded, stuttering slightly. “Why didn’t you tell us?” The guard asked. “Well… the thing we were discussing were very… secret.” Luna replied. “Secret?” “Yes. And to discuss them privately we picked the most unassuming place we could think of.” “Huh, I suppose that makes sense.” The second guard admitted. “But what about the noises?” The third one questioned further. “Noises?” Princess Celestia responded, trying to sound surprised. “Yeah, noises like… somepony getting hit and the moaning,” he continued. “We thought somepony was hurt.” “Goodness, we’re sorry but… we didn’t hear anything of the sort.” Celestia told them. “Maybe you should all take a short break to… gather your thoughts.” Luna suggested as she and Celestia made their way out of the closet and passed their servants. “Uh… if you say so Princess, thank…” The guard began to say before he turned and noticed something about Princess Luna that made him stop; redness all over her hindquarters and halfway across her cutie mark. He also noticed that her legs were a bit shaky and she and her sister were breathing heavily. But after he shook his head, to his surprise they both had their dresses back on, now fully covering their rumps. “...you…” Celestia looked back towards him and smiled. “You are most welcome,” she said, before shaking her rear at them teasingly followed by a playful wink before she and her sister left. The guards were surprised by this action, and a bit flustered, some even blushed. By the time they shook their heads and regained their composure the Princess’ were gone and the guards were all left with unanswered questions. > The Break Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 Several days later, after the two sisters were nearly caught making love to one another, the two were currently lying in bed together like they usually did ever since they first became a couple. During the gap between then and now the two were almost caught a few more times, one was where Twilight came for a visit and nearly saw them kissing and another time was when Cadance and Shining Armor arrived. Luckily their niece managed to get him away before he could see the using their horns to penetrate each other.         But despite many close calls they’ve gotten, the two were still very much in love and currently snuggled up together in a cute manner. They both remembered to lock the door this time, so that nopony could enter without their say so.         At the moment, Celestia was currently staring up at the ceiling with a love sick look on her face. She began to think of what else the future had in store for them both, she even considered actually getting married like Cadance suggested, having a baby, creating a family and coming out to their subjects.         However, deep down she knew that they couldn’t and that those thoughts would never come to be, as their subjects would probably never accept them if they knew the truth…         She then heard a yawn and was surprised to see it coming from her sister.         “Oh! Luna! I did not know you had awoken,” she said. “I’m sorry if I disturbed your slumber in some way.”         “No, it’s alright sister, I just woke up on my own…” Princess Luna assured her as she turned to her sister and smiled at her fondly.         Celestia returned the smile, feeling relieved. “Good…”         “So… I see you were deep in thought.” Her younger sister observed.         “Uh… oh… yes…” Celestia confessed with a sigh.         “What about?” Luna inquired, curiously.         Celestia paused before speaking. “Our future…”         Luna was a bit surprised by this, but also understanding. “Oh… interesting… as was I.”         “Oh?”         “Yes… specifically… about the times… we were almost caught…”         “Ah, yes, they were indeed very close… but we managed to not draw any suspicion.”         “Maybe… but I fear that we may have just been lucky.”         “Luna…” Celestia breathed, as she stared at her sister, who had a somber look, sympathetically.         “And it’s been happening more and more often lately… pretty soon somepony other than Cadance is going to find out and it will be the end for us both.” The Princess of the Night stated.         “That will never happen, Luna.” Celestia told her sister, seriously as she cupped her face with her hoof. “I won’t let them.”         Luna looked into her eyes seriously and unconvinced. She entangled herself from her sister and got out of the bed hastily.         “Luna?” Celestia said, surprised and confused. “Where are you going, sweetie?”         “I am returning to my room, before any guards show up to wake you.” Princess Luna stated, firmly as she got her crown and other accessories back on.         “You don’t have to. Surely you can stay just a little longer.” Princess Celestia tried to urge her.         “No. I’m going back to my room, end of discussion.” Her younger sister said very firmly as she magically opened up the doors and began to step out.         “Luna…” The elder sister began to say before Luna closed the doors behind her, leaving Celestia baffled and concerned by her sister’s behavior. “Oh dear…”         While her big sister continued to try and figure out why she was behaving in such a manner, the Princess of the Night continued to trot down the hallway quickly and with purpose. As she went down another hallway, she passed a few guards that were still standing at their stations and managed to overhear them whispering about something behind her back. She made she not to let them know she was listening as she walked and listened carefully.         “So, did you also hear about the time when Sky Flier saw Princess Luna’s rump bright red?” One of them said, making Luna freeze and let out a small gasp.         She knew that day. That was the day of the parade where she had the stupid idea to tease her sister out in the open and in retaliation Celestia playfully spanked her before they began to make love again. They were almost caught in the again that day, and this time by the castle guards and not some senile old pony they could trick. Luna then decided to keep listening.         “Yeah… what do you think did that?”         “I hear Princess Celestia spanked her.”         “Really?”         “Yeah!”         “Huh, I heard that she had gotten a rash or a sunburn that day…”         “Heh, oh I’ll bet got a ‘sunburn’ alright.” The guard joked. The two of them laughed until they caught the sight of Luna giving them both a death glare and resumed looking stoic as they usually were. Luna then resumed walking down the hallway and thinking while the sun’s rays shined through the open windows, indicating that Celestia had begun raising the sun as usual.         “Oh sister… I do love you, but what if somepony does find out about us? I know she thinks that she can prevent such a thing from occurring but…” Luna thought with a sad expression. Her thoughts stopped for a while as soon as a certain memory of a dream she had flashed in her mind. A dream involving she and her sister being caught in the act and spanked in front of their subjects. “This dream I keep having… what if it comes true? What would we do then? Celestia would probably try to take all the blame for it in order to save me… I can’t let that happen!”         As she thought this a determined look then appeared on her face while her eyes narrowed. She knew what she had to do next and what she had to say to her sister, and it would not be pleasant for either of them…                  It soon came time for breakfast and like always, things were already set up for the two of them and Luna was already at the table, waiting for her sister. However, she had not touched any of her food and instead stared at it with a sad look on her face. She was so lost in thought in fact that she barely even registered her own sister/lover entering the kitchen as well.         “Hello, my love.” Celestia said, sweetly. She did not seem to notice her sister’s certain state of mood.         “Hello.” Luna responded, apathetically. That was when Celestia saw how sad her sister looked.         “Luna? What is wrong? You’re not eating.” Celestia observed, concerned.         “I’m fine…” The younger sister said, glancing away.         Celestia looked at her little sister sternly. “Luna. You’re not fooling me, I know something is on your mind and troubling you so why don’t you tell me?”         “I said I’m fine.” Princess Luna insisted, only more firmly as she gave her sister a look. A look that just screamed ‘Don’t ask me again’.         “Please Luna, talk to me… don’t make me have to enter your mind.” Princess Celestia warned her.         “You promised me that you would never do that.” Princess Luna said, with quiet anger.         “But I should have 1000 years ago, then I might have been able to help you better. And ever since you came back I’ve never had another reason to read your mind to know what you were thinking… until now.” Celestia told her. “Now… tell me what’s wrong.”         Luna sighed in defeat, not wanting to be angry with or argue with her sister any further. “Alright… it’s about… us,” she revealed.         “Us?” Celestia echoed, both surprised and confused.         “Yes… I keep getting these… thoughts in my head…”         “What kind of thoughts?”         “Bad ones…”         Celestia raised a brow. “Oh?”         “Yes… where you and I are discovered and… humiliated and disgraced before our subjects…” Luna revealed, shivering at the thought.         “Luna… I told you; I won’t let that happen.” Celestia told her, firmly.         “Yes, but what if it did!?” Luna exclaimed. “What if one day we get too reckless and end up exposed? And what if it’s my fault!? I can’t let that happen!”         “It won’t!” Celestia insisted.         “You don’t know that!” Luna shot back.         “Luna… we can’t keep fearing what might happen.” The Princess of the Sun said. “Ask yourself; is what you said a thought… or a fact?”         Luna lowered her head, unable to come up with an answer for a while until finally… “You may be right… maybe I am confusing a thought with a fact… but still… the danger of us staying together, especially with all the things the guards have said, is too great.”         “What are you saying, sister?” Princess Celestia asked, fear beginning to fill her voice.         Luna pushed away her plate, got out of her seat and began to turn away. “I am saying that we are done. Goodbye, sister.”         As her sister began to trot away and out of the kitchen, Celestia continued to sit where she was with a slack jaw and wide eyes, obviously shocked by what she had just heard and it seemed to be taking a while for it to sink it. When it finally did sink it, Celestia was soon full of sadness and confusion.         “Luna! Luna, wait!” she cried out as she got out of her seat and began to gallop after her younger sister. Eventually she used a teleportation spell and appeared in front of her sister in the middle of the hallway. “Luna, what do mean by ‘we’re done’!?”         “I am saying that I am ending our incestuous relationship sister, that is all, end of discussion,” Luna stated, firmly.         “But… but why Luna…!?” Celestia questioned, distraught.         “I have already told you the reason why.” Princess Luna told her sister. “Continuing this relationship now is growing far too dangerous and we must stop before somepony sees and exposes us.”         “And I already told you that I wouldn’t let that happen!” Princess Celestia exclaimed, upset.         “I cannot take that risk, this is not just for my safety but for yours as well.” The Princess of the Night said. “Now, please let us stop before this gets any more difficult.”         Luna turned and attempted to walk away once again but she stopped as soon as her sister raised her voice at her.         “As if this isn’t difficult enough already!? Don’t forget; your the one breaking up with me, not the other way around.” Celestia stated, frowning.         Luna turned to her again. “Yes, I know, you the one being… as the more modern ponies of this age call… dumped,” she acknowledged. “And I realize that the one on the receiving end of the break up is usually the one in the most amount of pain but let me assure you that this is as much painful for me as it is for you.”         Celestia continued to glare at her sister’s still seemingly calm and cold face. “Somehow I find that very hard to believe.”         “Trust me when I say it is the truth.” Luna assured her.         “Then why are you…” The Day Princess began, her voice beginning to crack up.         “Because…” Luna started to say as she turned her head, refusing to meet her sister’s heartbroken gaze. “I love you too much to risk something happening to you and I’m sure you feel the same way about me but if you won’t end this relationship then I will.”         Tears began to form in Celestia’s eyes. “Luna…”         “From now on we are nothing more then co-rulers of Equestria and sisters, they way we’re supposed to be and not in love, not anymore.” Princess Luna said once more in a firm tone before she used a teleportation spell and vanished leaving her sister alone to cry in the middle of the hallway.         When Luna finally arrived back in her bed chambers, at first she seemed calm, cool and collected like she was not to long ago but in just a few short seconds tears began to flow down her face. She sobbed softly at first but it soon became louder as she threw herself on her bed and continued to cry, devastated by what she had to do. > Converge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12         A couple of days had passed since the two sister’s broke up, though to most of the castle’s inhabitants things were carrying on like they usually did, even the rumors about what the two of them were doing in the closet had stopped. However, despite this Celestia and Luna’s relationship had become something very different.         For Celestia, she began her day like she usually did since that day, she woke up, gazed at her sister longingly as she lowered the moon and when she left she then raised the sun and went back in as well.         The two occasionally passed each other in the halls but didn’t say much to each other, mainly a simple ‘hello’ or ‘good morning/night’ or not at all. They behaved the way they usually did during Royal events and both put on fake smiles appearing to be happy, but inside they were both equally depressed.         It was clear that nothing was ever gonna be the same between the two of them.                  Later, in the afternoon, Celestia was once more walking down the hallway by herself, mainly staring at the floor as he hooves each took one stop, barely looking ahead of her. Because she was so distracted, she didn’t even notice somepony coming her way causing them to bump into each other.         “Oh! Apologizes…!” The other pony said.         “No, it’s fine it’s… my fault…” Celestia began to say before her voice trailed off while she stared at the pony she bumped into; her sister, her mane now done in a ponytail.         The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, the air around them was filled with an almost deafening awkward silence and the two of them both blushed faintly while turning away slightly and shuffling their hooves a bit.         Eventually, Celestia spoke first. “Um… hello… Luna.”         “Celestia…” Luna responded.         “How… how are you doing?” The Princess of the Sun stammered a bit.         Luna only shrugged slightly. “Fine. Yourself?” she inquired.         “Oh the usual…” Princess Celestia sighed.         “Ah… well I’m sorry to hear that.” Princess Luna told her, sympathetically.         “It’s alright, I’m… managing…” Celestia tried to assure her.         “Good.” The Princess of the Night nodded, pleased.     Then came the really awkward question. “So uh… speaking of… ‘trying new things’... have you… found somepony?” Celestia inquired, somewhat nervously.         The Night Princess was completely caught off-guard hearing that question. “What? Oh, no! No, nothing like that! To be honest I haven’t done anything… ‘exciting’ since… since…” she tried to say but couldn’t seem to find the words.         “Since we put an end to our forbidden love…” Celestia finished, depressed.         While a bit surprised, Luna did nod in confirmation. “Yes… since then…” she said. The two sisters lowered their heads sadly before speaking again.         “Are you… are you sure that there is nothing I can do or say to change your mind?” Princess Celestia asked, hopefully.         Luna shook her head, firmly. “No. I meant what I said and I am not changing my mind, now drop it,” she told her sister, sternly.         “Alright…” Celestia sighed, sadly. “But Luna… I really do miss you… I miss us… I miss touching you and having fun with you, and I can’t believe that you don’t feel the same.”         “I don’t.” Princess Luna insisted, though she was caught off-guard when her sister put a hoof on her cheek.         “Look into my eyes… tell me that you don’t love me like that anymore.” Celestia said to her sadly but seriously.         Luna blushed red again as she gazed into her sister’s beautiful purple eyes and tried to say ‘no’ but for some reason she couldn’t. Eventually she managed to use one of her own hoofs and move her sister’s away while turning away from her. “No. And I don’t,” she stated. Celestia narrowed her eyes, unconvinced. “Listen, Celestia, I know this… break up… has been hard on you… and for what it is worth, I actually enjoyed some of our romps… but there comes a time when we must move on…”         “But Luna I just-” Celestia began.         “Now, if you’ll excuse me…” Luna said, as she walked around her sister in an aloof manner. Celestia was saddened by her sister’s words, then her eyes lit up as soon as she got an idea. She turned to Luna and got a little smirk on her face while her tail began to slither towards her younger sister, who suddenly stopped and gasped while her face turned bright red. “Wha…”         She began to twitch and shake a bit while behind her, sister’s tail was inserting itself inside of her and her big sister just smiled at her arousement.         “Come on Luna, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten this? From the parade?” Celestia inquired.         “N-No… please… stop this…” Luna begged through her gritted teeth.         “An eye for an eye, dear sister.” Celestia said while as she unfolded her wing and stroked it down her back and above her flank, which she poked causing her sister to yelp loudly.         “Sister! Stop! Somepony could walk by and see us!” Luna told her, fearfully and trying her best to keep herself on her hooves and not fall over while sweat dripped down her face.         “Then you best look into my eyes this time and then say that you still don’t miss our previous relationship.” Celestia countered, firmly. Her serious face then turned into a playful smirk. “Or… you can say that you like this and want more.”         “I… I… I don’t!” Luna insisted a bit more loudly as she managed to hop forward and get her sister’s tail out of her filly parts. She glared at her sister, who continued to smile at her.         “You still haven’t looked me in the eye.” Princess Celestia sang as she lowered her head and raised her buttocks into the air. “Come on Luna, you know you want it…”         Luna stammered uncontrollably as she tried her hardest to divert her eyes away from her big sister’s big, white and perfect looking posterior. That fact that it was always much bigger than hers and got more looks always aggravated her, then she remembered the first time she touched it when they were together, like she was touching gold. At the moment, it looked so juicy and touchable and the fact that her sister was shaking it in front of her was not helping matters. Eventually she managed to push those thoughts out of her mind, closed her eyes and turn away, using her all her willpower. “No!” she said, stubbornly and obviously upset. It was clear that her resolve was starting to melt “I don’t!” Celestia then saw how much her sister was struggling and sat up with a concerned face. “Luna I…” she started to apologize but Luna wasn’t gonna hear it. “Just… leave me alone!!” The Princess of the Night exclaimed as she quickly galloped down the hall. “Luna! Wait! Please!” Princess Celestia cried out but her sister was already too far away and probably wouldn’t listen if she wasn’t. Feeling ashamed and also a bit angry, the Sun Princess lowered her head, turned around and resumed walking to wherever she was needed. Some time passed and soon enough both Princess’ were sitting in their throne room, their gazes focused solely on the doors in front of them and not at each other, with nearly emotionless expressions on their faces. If they weren’t breathing one could swear that the two of them were statues. Both were hiding their uncomfortableness of being around each other and were trying to pretend that the other one wasn’t there, while also holding back their more stronger emotions, which could prove dangerous... Eventually, the doors opened and a guard known as Glimmering Shield stepped through.         “The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia have arrived,” he said just as the dignitaries finally walked in.         “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” The Duke acknowledged.         “A pleasure to see you both again.” The Duchess added.         “Likewise.” Celestia nodded.         “I suppose this meeting shall begin, correct?” Luna inquired.         “That would be most preferable, thank you.” The Duchess of Maretonia agreed.         “And will the other Princess’ be joining us?” The Duke of Maretonia asked, curiously.         “Our newest Princess, Twilight Sparkle is currently… indisposed.” Princess Luna said.         “And our niece Princess Cadance is still taking care of business in the Crystal Empire.” Princess Celestia explained. “And in any case, we are sufficient.”         “Very well, that’s fine.” Maretonia’s Duke said. “Pardon me, I’ll get straight to the point; has their been any other threats made to the kingdom or it’s capital?”         “No. For the most part things seem to have returned to normal.” Luna assured them.         Hearing the word ‘normal’ made Celestia’s eyes turn to her sister before glaring at her. “Yes… ‘normal’...” she repeated in a tense tone. Luna returned the glare but stayed silent while the Duke and Duchess exchanged confused glances.         “Well… that’s… good to hear.” Maretonia’s Duchess commented, slowly.         “Yes, very good.” The Duke agreed. He bowed his head along with the Duchess. “You have our thanks.”         “No, need to thank us.” Princess Celestia said.         “Yes, Princess Twilight and her friends are the true heroes when it comes to keeping Equestria safe.” Princess Luna agreed. “We can always count on them.”         “Well, it is always nice to have somepony you can count on.” The Duchess smiled.         Celestia subtly glanced at Luna. “Yes… it is.”         “Anyway… under my guidance, the economy in Equestria has completely recovered since the Changeling Invasion.” Luna noted.         “Well, that’s good to hear.” The Duchess commented.         “Yes, but… on the grim side, Luna has recently and brutally dumped her own very special somepony.” Celestia revealed to them. Everypony in the room gasped, sharply.         “Why is she bringing up such a thing now!? How could she…?” Luna muttered under her breath so nopony could hear.         “That’s terrible!” The Duchess of Maretonia remarked.         “Whatever did you break this poor stallion’s heart?” The Duke questioned the Princess of the Night.         “I-I…” Luna stammered.         “She kept it hidden from everypony, but was too afraid that they might get found out and broke it off.” Princess Celestia said. “I happened to… overhear them when it happened and decided ponies should know, but not right away, of course.”         “Celestia, what are you doing?” Luna whispered to her through gritted teeth.         “Being honest, unlike you.” Celestia whispered back, sourly.         “I uh… don’t believe this is an appropriate direction for our discussion…” Maretonia’s Duchess pointed out.         “Agreed.” Princess Luna stated, firmly.         “Is it? It sounds to me that you still have much to learn about relationships, Princess.” The Duke of Maretonia told her.         “Yes. Yes, she does.” Princess Celestia said. “No break up is without pain, somepony always manages to get hurt and without even realizing it, Luna has no doubt hurt this gentlepony’s feelings.”         Luna growled and then suddenly exploded with anger, directed at her sister. “I was just trying to keep you safe!?” she exclaimed, loudly. When she calmed down she quickly realized that it was in front of the stunned Duke and Duchess and blushed with embarrassment.         “ ‘You’ Princess?” The Duchess echoed, confused.         “Uh… I meant… him… yes, that was what I meant to say… apologies, I misspoke and… was unable to control my temper…” Luna bowed her head.         “Odd… because we could have sworn you said…” The Duke of Maretonia began.         “Ahem, um, enough about us, why don’t you tell us about the current affairs of your land now?” Princess Celestia inquired. “We’re quite interested to hear if everything is running smoothly and if we can help in any way.”         “Um… alright, if you say so.” The Duchess said before she and the Duke both began to go on and on about the affairs of Maretonia. Luna turned to her sister and attempted to quietly scold her but as soon as she saw the sad look on Celestia’s face she stopped and began to let her words about her sink in. She too became saddened while the dignitaries continued talking. Later on, after the meeting was over, both Princess’ went to their rooms to be alone, barely acknowledging each other. In Luna’s room, now nearly pitch black, the Princess of the Night was currently laying on top of her bed, and crying into one of her white pillows which she was hugging rather tightly. Her tears stained the fabric on the pillow, but she didn’t care, she was in too sad of a mood to care. “Oh Celestia… I am so, so sorry…” she said to the pillow, pretending that it was Celestia, which she had been secretly doing ever since the two of them broke up. “I never wanted to end our relationship… I truly did love it… making love to you, going on dates… being closer than we had ever been… and while I admit the possibility of being caught was a thrill, I simply could not risk it and had to end it but in doing so… I broke your heart. And for that, I am very sorry…” She then began to think of all the moments they had as a couple, the dates, the kisses, the times they made love… everything she told Celestia that didn’t miss but in actuality… she did. She then sighed deeply. “Oh… what should I do…? I’ve ruined everything with Celestia…” Luna sighed. “She was right…  I knew nothing of relationships… but I do now. If I could only travel back and stop myself from ever…” The Princess of the Night briefly considered doing just that but she knew full well that time travel was not something to be messed with so she pushed that thought aside and focused on the pillow she called Celestia.         She sighed again. “Perhaps this is all my fault… all the times we nearly got caught we’re my ideas… breaking up the relationship was just my way of trying to avoid facing up to my mistakes…” Luna confessed to the pillow. “And in the process… I hurt the one pony I love most in this world… all because I was so selfish… oh Celestia… please forgive me…”         Luna then pulled the pillow forward for a kiss and began making out with it. Then before long she got on top of it, wrapped her hooves around it and soon because rubbing it up and down her barrel plus her vagina as well, arousing her instantly.         “Oh sister… oh Celestia… my love!” she panted, feverishly as she continued dry humping the pillow and began to get very sweaty. Eventually, while her arousal was high, she realized that something was missing and when she realized what that was her eyes popped open before narrowing and looking determined. “Buck it.”         Her horn glowed brightly before she quickly teleported herself out of her room.                  Around the same time, Celestia was also in her room and laying in the spot where she usually read Twilight’s friendship reports only this time she was looking at what appeared to be an old photo album full of pictures of her and Luna, all while looking sad and depressed.         Next to her the fire place burned, illuminating the room with a warm glow while still surrounding the Alicorn Princess in darkness. Celestia slowly begins to cry as she looks at each picture and eventually a tear drops on the last page. She eventually wipes her tears and sighed.         “Well… Luna is still with me… in my memories…” she muttered as she levitated the book back to the shelf from whence it came. “Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have one more chance with her… and to tell her how sorry...”         Then, as if on cue, after a brief flash her younger sister suddenly appeared close by, surprising her and making her stand up,         “Luna!” Celestia gasped, startled as she walked over to her. “W-What are you doing-mmph!”         Celestia was cut off when Luna promptly pressed her lips against hers, her eyes widen with shock for a moment but eventually she gave in and happily welcomed it by returning the kiss and letting her tongue dance with Luna’s inside their mouths.         As they continued their make out session, both of them began to strip off each other’s crown, slippers and accessories using their magic, leaving them both bare. While still locking lips the two of them began to back up towards Celestia’s bed and when Luna leaned forward Celestia fell back and landed on her bed with Luna on top of her. They then separated their lips, with a saliva trail connecting them before they stared into each other’s eyes.         “Luna… but why…?” Princess Celestia began to say.         The Princess of the Night shushed her. “Quiet now, don’t ask too many questions, just do everything I say, alright?”         “O-ok…” Celestia stuttered.         “Good. Now… I’m going to sit up, then I want you to as well… and then turn around and let me see your tush.” Luna told her. Celestia gasped quietly in surprise. “Is that not clear?”         Celestia nodded in response.         “Good. Now… let’s get started.”         Luna slowly got off her sister and backed up a little on her bed to give her some room while she sat up too before turning around and lowering her head while raising her rear in the air toward Luna. “L-Luna… like this?” she inquired.         The Night Princess giggled a bit as she took in the sight of her sister’s big, white and flawless behind. “Stick your rump out more, please? And raise her tail” she ordered.         Celestia inched back towards her sister a little, bringing her bottom closer to her while also raising her long and flowing tail to give her a clear view. “L-Like this?”         “Yes. Just like that.” Luna nodded, satisfied before leaning forward and before Celestia knew it a wet and rough tongue pressed against her cutie mark and licked, making her shiver. Luna smiled before lightly sinking her teeth into her flank making Celestia squeal while leaving behind a little red mark.         Then, slowly and gently, Luna’s hoof found it’s way to a certain spot between her sister’s legs and pressed against it. Her hoof easily covered her slowly wettening crotch and as it moves up and down it, Celestia grunted.         “Nn!”         “Ooh, looks like you’re getting excited already.”         “Nn… hah, ah… Luna…”         As Luna continued to touch and toy with her sister Celestia’s sensitive spot began to throb and leak juices. When Luna plunged the tip of her hoof into her, an electric shock was sent through Celestia’s body and she stiffened up right away.         “Aa… nn… hah… nn!” Celestia moaned with pleasure. “Yes… harder Luna… harder! Ah!!”         “Oh I will.” Luna promised with a smile as she began to make little circles inside of her sister, turning her on even more.         “Anh! Luna… please, don’t tease me there… ah! Nn… ah!” Celestia gasped. Her thighs were now tightly pressed together and shaking as the sexual pleasure she was feeling continued. She could feel her climax nearing and knew that she could not stop it. “Nn! Luna… I can’t… I can’t hold it… ah! Mm… hah… aah! ”         Celestia finally hit her peak and squirmed and shuddered as she climaxed while Luna allowed herself to be sprayed with Celestia’ love juices, though she did not seem to mind and smiled at her sister. “Feel good?” she asked.         Celestia panted. “Yes…”         “Good… now hold still…” Luna began before she drew her hoof back and smacked Celestia’ left flank, making it ripple and shake while her sister cried out in pain. “Ow! Hey! Luna, what are you…!” Celestia started to say before Luna spanked her rump again. “Ah!” “Come on dear sister, when’s the last time you got a good spanking, huh?” Luna questioned her teasingly before spanking her a third time. “Oh! Hmm… this wouldn’t happen to be payback for that little spanking I gave you in the closet, would it?” Celestia inquired, interested. “Now Celestia… what makes you think… that?” The Princess of the Night questioned as smacked Celestia’s cheek even harder, leaving a red hoof shaped mark on her flank like the one she had when her sister spanked her before. “Aah!” Celestia cried, beginning to feel aroused. “Oh… keep going!” “My pleasure!” Luna smirked, as she brought her hoof down on her sister’s right flank. “It is time to make this tush nice and red, don’t you think?” “Oh… yes…” Celestia expressed, eager for more. “Do it.” Luna complied and resumed spanking her sister’s backside over and over, making the Princess of the Day squeal and moan with each spank. Her breathing also became heavier and her legs vibrated rapidly as they struggled to keep her bottom sticking up in the air. Luna almost thought she was hurting her sister, but the little smile she saw on her face assured her that she was enjoying it. Princess Luna smacked her six more times and it made Celestia cry out each time. “AHH! Oh, yes! AHH!! Don’t stop! OUCH! Keep going sister! AHH!!! That’s it, Luna! Punish me! Punish me good! OWWW!! Harder, please, harder! AHH-HAAAH!!”         Luna pulled her head back and smiled at the sight of her sister’s now glowing red glutes. The redness spread all the way to her flanks and neared her thighs and the Day Princess herself look exhausted as she panted feverishly while her body sweated.         “And now…” she began as she began to stand up on her hind legs, put her forehooves just above her sister’s vividly red and slightly bruised rump, making Celestia wince a bit. Luna’s horn then began to glow.         Celestia looked a little bit nervous. “Uh… L-Luna… w-what… what are you doing?”         “Just reintroducing you to an old friend.” Luna said with a sly grin as the lower half of her glowed faintly while a stallion’s member and a pair of balls appeared on her. Celestia gasped when she felt it poking it her entrance.         “Is that…?”         “Yes. I figured out how to use the spell more quickly, saves time. And now…”         “W-Wait! You haven’t yet used the protection…!”         Before she could finish Luna had thrusted her new equipment into her without warning. The sudden penetration made Celestia cry out and moan while her sister wrapped her hooves around her midsection and rested her head between her wings as she pulled her penus out slightly and then thrust it back it then in and then out again. Each time her sister rutted her Celestia let out a moan that slowly got louder and louder with each thrust.         Luna smiled as she continued to rut her sister. “How’s that? Feels good doesn’t it?” she asked as she began thrusting at an even faster rate, making the Princess of the Day jolt forward and back every few seconds.         “AH!” Celestia exclaimed, as she struggled to keep herself up. “Oh… sister…”         “Now… how about we really get you excited?” she offered in a cheeky tone as she began to thrust even harder than before. She slowly pulled it out, but stopped at the ring before thrusting back in again.         Celestia’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as her vagina began to get very wet. “Oh dear!” she expressed.         “That’s right sister, feel the depth of my love for you! Surrender yourself to me!” Luna told her. “Raise your voice higher! Higher!”         Celestia began to do so while her lower body began to feel numb. What Luna was doing to her, coupled with the soreness she felt every time Luna’s hips slammed against her rump made her more aroused.         “Yes! That’s it! Does it feel good?” Luna asked in a crazy yet excited tone.         “Y-Yes…” Celestia squeaked.         “Good! Now I’ll make you cum, sister!” The Princess of the Night declared, as she went faster than ever before. “Now climax sister! Climax!”         It didn’t take long before she did. After a few more thrusts Celestia quivered and shook as she let out a long scream while her sister ejaculated inside of her. Letting out a long moan as she came, Luna once again closed her eyes and smiled as her lower body was sprayed with her sister’s juices.         “Oh sister… that was… that was so good…” Celestia panted, relieved to feel the pleasure of sex after so long.         “Good…” Luna sighed as she slowly became very sleepy.         “But… why…?” Celestia breathed before she and her sister fell over and laid together on top of her bed, covered in love juices and happy to be close to each other once more. > Grand Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 The next day, Celestia slowly opened her eyes and when her vision cleared she saw her little sister wrapped in her forearms while the two of them were partially covered in love juices, along with the sheets. The bags under her eyes suggested that she had stayed up most of the night right before drifting in and out of sleep and silently crying.         She silently sighed. “What if… what if this was only a moment of weakness?” she wondered. “What if… once she wakes up, she realizes what she did and leaves? I… don’t want to be alone again…”         As a tear dripped down the white alicorn’s face she squeezed her sister tighter, while the Princess of the Night slowly opened her eyes and smiled at her. Celestia then saw that her sister had woken up and gasped.         “Luna! I…” she started to say before she was silenced by Luna leaning forward and kissing her. She quickly gave into the kiss and let her tongue dance with Luna’s inside their mouths before separating and allowing themselves to breath again.         Luna giggled a bit. “Good morning…” “And morning to you as well. Oh, how I have missed this…” Celestia expressed. “As have I…” Luna admitted with a sigh. Celestia then frowned with confusion. “But… I have to ask... why did you… I thought you said we were…” she tried to say before Luna lifted a hoof. “Wait. Please. Just let me speak first.” Princess Luna requested.         “O-Ok…” The Princess of the Day nodded.         “First things first; I am so, so sorry about the things that I have done and the things I said…” Luna expressed. “I never meant to cause you this much pain, I was merely trying to protect you but instead I see that it has had the opposite effect, and…”         The Princess of the Night’s voice trailed off as raised her body slightly and glanced away sadly, confusing Celestia before she finally began to speak again.         “The truth is I was actually trying to protect myself…”         Celestia then looked surprised.         “I was a coward. Instead of staying by your side I put my own well-being and reputation ahead of yours and ‘jumped ship’ as it were, before we could go any further… but now I see that I made a mistake, and for that… I am sorry.”         Princess Celestia raised a hoof and put it on her sister’s cheek. “Luna… you have nothing to feel ashamed for…” she told her softly, surprising her. “You were actually right… we were taking too many risks and would have surely been caught if we weren’t too careful… but I was to in love with you to see that.”         “And… are you still now…?” Princess Luna asked, hesitantly and with tears in her eyes.         Celestia smiled a tearful smile also. “Yes…”         Luna smiled back. “Good. I couldn’t stand being that alone again…” she expressed.         “And you never will.” Celestia assured her before they gave each other a short kiss, then Luna sat up.         “Now, if we are going to restart are romantic relationship, we must have a few certain conditions.” Luna instructed.         Celestia sat up also. “Alright, what are they?”         “First, All our  love making has to be done in our rooms with every protective and private spells and charms put into place. When we’re in public we must keep our displays of affection to a minimum. Victory hugs and affectionate sisterly nuzzles are allowed but no kissing, understood?” Luna inquired. Celestia simply smiled. “Yes,” “So you agree?” “If it keeps you by my side… then yes, though I do have a condition of my own. Something I should have asked a long time ago and also joked about a few times… but I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you Luna” “And that question is...?” “Luna… will you marry me?” Princess Luna absolutely stunned by what her sister had just asked. She was proposing… she was actually proposing to her! Many thoughts zoomed through Luna’s mind, so much that it was almost overwhelming. She knew it would be strange since they were sisters and it would be scandalous if news ever broke about them… but at the moment she was far past caring and filled with joy. Her eyes teared up as she smiled and finally answered her sister’s question… “Yes…” Celestia too was filled with joy when she heard Luna’s answer and responded to it with a passionate kiss that her younger sister happily returned. They kissed a few more times before falling back onto the bed and letting their legs twitched as they began their newest romp. Six months later… With their secret relationship now reforged, the two sisters were once again happy as could be and no longer in a state of depression. The two followed the new terms of their agreement to the letter, having displays of affection only when their alone and using special spells to make sure nopony overhears them. Also during that time, they secretly planned out another important event; their wedding day, which was scheduled to happen soon… Celestia gazed at the clock somewhat anxiously before she continued to check over all the census reports that were delivered to her earlier that day. A gray unicorn pony that her mane in a bun and wore glasses approached her. “Your highness?” she spoke up. The Princess of the Day glanced up at her. “Oh, Raven, sorry, I didn’t see you come in.” “Is… everything alright your majesty? You seem somewhat… distracted.” Raven observed. Celestia sighed. “Well… I suppose I am… the reason being that I have a very important meeting just a few minutes and I’m worried I might not make it…” “You do?” Raven said, surprised. She levitated a notepad over to her and skimmed through the pages. “I did not see any… oh! There is a meeting happening soon! My mistake.” “It’s alright. It… just came up, that’s all.” Celestia told her. “Are you sure you can complete all this paperwork in time, your grace?” Raven inquired. The Princess of the Day nodded. “I am,” she said with a smile as she began working even faster. “Hmm, must be a very exciting meeting your majesty, for you seem to be positively glowing.” Raven observed. “Thank you.” Celestia nodded, gratefully. “May I ask your majesty, did something good happen to you recently?” Raven questioned, curiously. “For the past few months I’ve noticed that your mood has improved dramatically, it’s like your bubbling with happiness.” “Let’s just say… I met somepony.” Celestia said, blissfully. “Somepony I thought I had lost forever…” Raven’s eyes widened. “Oh! A special somepony your majesty?” she asked, interested. Celestia giggled. “You could say that,” she smiled, which confused Raven even more and before she knew it all the census’ were done. “There! All done, and with one minute to spare. Raven, could you let everypony know that my meeting has begun?” Raven nodded. “Yes, your majesty.” “And remember; nopony is to interrupt it until it is all over, is that understood.” “Of course, your grace.” “Thank you, now wish me luck.” Celestia said with a short giggle before turned and walked out of the room. Raven was once again confused. “Wish her luck? But what would she need luck for? It’s just a meeting… isn’t it?” she asked herself before she began to deeply ponder if it was or not… Celestia raced down the hallways as fast as she could toward the castle’s exit, she didn’t want to be late, especially not to her own wedding. For the last six months she and Luna had been planning everything, the cakes, the dresses, the decorations, the music and they even convinced Cadance to act as their officiant with the condition that they tell Shining Armor. While the sisters’ were at first hesitant Cadance assured them that he could keep a secret… if he knew what was good for him. They couldn’t get bridesmaid’s or a best mare but they were satisfied with just Cadance and Shining Armor present and were eager to be married. As for the location, they decided to hold it in the place where their bond was briefly broken; their old castle. To them it made sense to be wed there since it would finally repair the rift between them and allow them to begin again as each other’s wives. Upon exiting the castle Celestia opened her giant white wings, leapt and took to the sky. She soared over the fluffy white clouds and through the blue sky, high enough and fast enough so that nopony would see her and that she would make it in time. She soon arrived at the forest and eventually the old castle, which was still in the state of being repaired, but to them it was good enough. Celestia found an opening and swooped inside before finally landing. That’s when Celestia saw her; her baby sister, right in front of her wearing a long light pink dress with pink flowers around her neck and around her crown, all dressed for her wedding and she was the one she was marrying. Looking at her filled with Celestia with great joy, her eyes quickly teared up but she quickly wiped them, wanting to save till they both said ‘I do’. At the moment, she was standing in front of a mirror, applying some make up and not noticing that her sister had arrived just yet. She eventually stepped forward and spoke to finally get her sister’s attention. “Luna?” Luna gasped as she turned to her. “Sister!” she said as she turned away, blushing red. “You… you can’t see me!” “And why pray tell not?” Celestia inquired, a bit confused. “Because! It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!” Luna told her, a bit hotly. Celestia giggled, amused. “That only applies to groom’s, dear sister, and I am a blushing bride…” she began before she used her magic to magically change into her wedding dress which was much like her sister’s only light blue and her mane was braided. “Just like you…” Luna turned to her sister filled with emotion. “You… you look beautiful…” “Thank you.” Celestia smiled, blushing. “I never thought the day would come when I would finally be married…” “Neither did I… but I’m glad it’s to you.” Luna said, tenderly. “Likewise.” Celestia nodded, sweetly. “If only our parents could be here to witness this…” “I’m not sure they would approve, sister… they would probably be a ashamed…” Luna noted a bit depressed as she turned her head away, only for her sister to cup it with her hoof and turn it to look her in the eye. “Luna. Remember what I told you; you’re the only one whose approval I care about.” Celestia told her, firmly. “And anypony who disagrees with that can come talk to me.” Luna smiled, comforted by her bride’s words. “Thank you… my love,” she said appreciatively as she levitated the bouquets over to them which they put under their wings. “Come on now, let’s go and get married.” Princess Celestia declared, warmly. “Yes, let’s.” Luna agreed as they both turned and began to walk out of the room and to where the ceremony was being held. In the part of the castle where they used to throw grand balls, multiple floral decorations were set along with a long red carpet that led from the entrance to the impromptu altar. The whole area was filled with a warm, reddish-pink glow and there was only one seat and that seat was mainly for Shining Armor who was pacing back and forth, looking confused. Cadance, who was adding some of the finishing touches to the altar, then noticed her husband pacing. “Shining Armor? What’s wrong, honey?” “N-Nothing, I’m fine honey it’s just… I still can’t believe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are getting married… and to each other…!” Shining Armor remarked, still stunned. “And how could they have kept this a secret for so long? I should have seen it… but I didn’t! Why…” Princess Cadance giggled a bit, amused. “Well honey, let’s just say that your bam is easy to boozle.” “Huh?” Armor said, confused. “Come on, time to take your seat, the wedding is about to start.” Cadance told him quietly as she led him to the chairs. Once that was done, she used her magic to start the organ set close by which then began to play wedding music just as the doors to the room magical opened and the two brides began to walk down the aisle side-by-side with the bouquets still under their wings and big smiles on their faces. Cadance smiled at her two adopted aunts proudly and with tears in her eyes, while did feel that two sisters getting married was rather unorthodox she was also the one who suggested it to them and was happy that they had decided to take the next step in their relationship. Shining Armor also became touched and teary eyed, like he usually was at weddings, as the two sister’ took their places at the alter. Cadance stood in-between them before clearing her throat. “We are gathered here today, to celebrate the union of two sisters, both very different in many ways yet they love each other just the same, and it’s clear that that love has grown far beyond sisterly love and can be ignored no longer.” Cadance expressed, smiling. “I’ll admit that when I first learned of this I was reluctant to accept it, I considered it ‘unnatural’... but now I see that I was wrong and hope that one day, this love will be known and accepted by all but until that fateful day arrives…” Cadance then levitated a pillow with two rings on top of it and held it up in-between Celestia and Luna. They both smiled brightly when they saw them. “Let us be thankful that these two have finally found their soulmates…” The Princess of Love finished. “Even if they are related.” “Thank you Cadance.” Princess Celestia said to her niece, gratefully, “And so, in front of me and my husband... Princess Celestia, do you take Princess Luna to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Cadance asked the Princess of the Day. “I do,” she said, tenderly as she magically placed the ring on Luna’s horn.         Cadance then turned to Princess Luna, who was tearing up. “And Aunt Luna? What say you?”         “Yes! I do as well!” The younger sister cried as she put the other ring on her older sister’s horn using her magic, who was also crying. “Then I’m happy to say that by the power vested in me; The Princess of Love, I now pronounce you both wives for eternity.” Cadance declared to her two smiling adopted aunts. “Now, seal your love with a tender kiss.” The two Princess nodded then turned to each other. “Ready?” Celestia asked Luna. “Oh yes, ready.” Luna nodded. The two then pulled each other close and kissed passionately while Shining Armor suddenly burst into tears of joy while his own wife comforted him and newlyweds continued their kiss while the sun and the moon began to converge above them. After the initial ceremony, it was time for the reception which included cutting their first slice of their wedding cake, which was similar to the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness cake that Mr. and Mrs. Cake entered in the National Dessert Competition and topped with figures of Luna and Celestia.  Using her magic on the golden cake cutter, Celestia cut a piece of wedding cake and levitates it towards Luna, who attempted to take a bite before her sister poked her in the face with it, covering her muzzle in frosting. The two laughed at this. Following the cake, it was soon time for their first dance together as newlyweds. As lovely classical music started playing, the two couples stood on their hind legs, wrapped their hooves around each other and began to do the waltz whilst staring into each other’s eyes lovingly. “Well Luna? Is this everything you wanted?” Celestia inquired. “Oh, yes big sister! It is!” Luna expressed as she held her sister turned wife tightly. “And now… everything changes… our lives, how we work, how we live… everything.” “I know, but whatever happens… we’ll do it together.” Princess Celestia told Luna firmly. “After all, we are a married couple now…” Luna nodded with a sweet smile. “Yes, we are… and perhaps the day will come where everypony knows…” “Maybe… but there will always be ponies who would disagree with our love…” Celestia reminded her. “I know…” Princess Luna sighed. “But to be honest… there is only one pony whose opinion I care about… and that’s you, my love.” Princess Celestia said, lovingly. Luna was on the edge of tears once again as she hugged her sister/wife. “Oh Celestia… “Oh Luna…” Celestia breathed as they continued to sway and hold each other close whilst their adopted niece and her husband watched them, smiling. “Oh… look at them... they are so sweet together!” Princess Cadance gushed. “Yeah… I guess they are.” Shining Armor admitted. “It might be a little weird but… I think I can get used to it.” “Glad to hear it, and trust me; there is nothing they can do that will surprise me now.” Cadance stated to her husband, confidently. Upon noticing that the music had changed, Cadance and Shining Armor froze and stared with stunned looks on their faces as the two sister turned wives began dancing in a way that way that was similar to the final part of Cadance and Twilight’s special dance, which involved shaking their rumps at each other. “Uh… maybe I spoke too soon…” Cadance confessed, sheepishly. Eventually they stopped, with Luna’s butt still up in the air and Celestia facing it. Luna then spoke in a deep voice. “Do you Princess Celestia, take this butt to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Celestia giggled and nodded. “I do,” she responded, continuing the little game they seemed to be playing. “Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you butt and wife!” Luna declared, still talking deep which continued to make Celestia laugh. “You may now… Kiss. My. Rump!” “As you wish. But first I must lift the veil...” Princess Celestia said as her horn glowed and the lower part of Luna’s dress, AKA the ‘veil’, then rose up and revealed Luna’s bare behind. “And now…” The Princess of the Day then lowered her head and firmly kissed Luna’s ‘moon’, not caring that Cadance and Shining Armor were nearby watching. They both then broke into hysterics. “Wow… who knew my aunts could be so dirty?” Princess Cadance remarked, amazed and a bit bewildered. “Yeah… I’ll say…” Shining Armor added, smirked before he and his wife also began to dance in a crazy manner while the newlyweds began to rump bumps with each other. Later that night, Princess Celestia, along with her sister and now wife, Princess Luna, were at the train station along with Shining Armor and Cadance, who were both seeing them off for their honeymoon. Cadance embraced each of her aunts. “Have a great trip.” “We will.” Luna assured her. “Yes, I have a feeling that it is going to be glorious.” Celestia smiled while glancing at Luna, who smiled back. “So… your honeymoon is also the day you go to visit Saddle Arabia, huh?” Armor observed. “Yes, and it was no accident that the days coincided.” Luna revealed. “Oh! You planned it ahead of time! Very clever.” Princess Cadance commended them. “Thank you. And believe me, we are going to cherish every minute that we have alone time.” Princess Celestia smirked as she affectionately elbowed Luna, who giggled. This caused Cadance and Shining Armor to blush. “Ok…  but the train may cause some fuss when you arrive.” Shining Armor pointed out. “We know, but it’s a price we’re willing to pay.” Princess Luna said. “In order to sleep in solitude and have some fun...” Celestia said in a seductive manner while glancing at Luna who shared her sultry smirk. “Gah! Ok… too much information… sorry…” Shining Armor apologized as he turned away, looking a bit squeamish. The girls giggled at his expensive. The train’s whistle then began to blow. “Well, we’d better get going now.” Princess Celestia said as she and Luna turned and walked towards the train. “Farewell!” Luna cried. “Bye! See you soon!” Cadance waved. “Have fun!” Armor added. “Oh, we will, don’t worry.” Celestia said with a giggle that she shared with her sister as they stepped into the train. Shining Armor then realized something and face hoofed when he figured it out. “Gah! Got me…” he bemoaned. “Yeah, you walked right into that one.” Cadance told him, amused as she continued to giggle at his expensive which he seemed to take very well as smoke puffed out of the train before the wheels started turning and the train started moving. The rulers of the Crystal Empire continued to wave as the train rode off until it finally vanished from sight. Inside the train, Luna gazed out the window and watched as Canterlot became smaller and smaller and then gazed up at the starry sky and sighed. “I can’t believe we finally did it…” she said. Her sister, now wife, sitting next to her smiled. “Indeed we did.” Celestia nodded. “And to think we actually joked about it.” Luna remarked. “And were previously startled by the notion.” Celestia added. “Yes, I know what you mean. But I’m glad we did it.” “As am I, now we’ve transcended beyond sisters and become each other wives I have little doubt that we will never be apart again.” Princess Luna expressed as she embraced Celestia, who returned the hug and nuzzled her. “Yes… that sounds wonderful…” Celestia sighed as she and Luna stared at each other lovingly before kissing once more. “Now… ready for some fun?” Luna gained a certain smile on her face and giggled. “You bet I am!” she declared as she and her sister magically removed their dresses. “And I believe it’s time I gave you my wedding present.” The Night Princess’ horn glowed and in a brief flash something appeared and it seemed to be a long, smooth stick with both ends resembling the tip of a stallion’s member. “Tada!” she said. Celestia’s eyes lit up when she saw it. “Ooh!” “I know, right?” Luna remarked, excitedly. “Now we can both enjoy the thrill of having one inside of us.” “Indeed, but first…” Celestia began before silently gesturing to the door of their compartment. Luna quickly understood what she meant. “Oh, of course!” she said before her horn glowed and a blue wave swept over their part of the train before vanishing. “There. Now the area is sound proof and nothing can get in or out without my say so, nor can they see inside. We are safe.” “Yes… and now… we need to get our special areas nice and wet.” Celestia stated in a sultry manner. “Ooh!” Luna said, interested. “Alright my wife, assume the position.” Celestia instructed. Luna nodded, turned and lifted her ass into the air while keeping her face down. “Now… hold still.” Celestia got closer to her sister, stuck out her tongue and licked up her sister/wife’s vagina in a slow but tasteful manner. “Ah! Goodness sister I… Aahhh!” Luna reacted as Celestia stuck her tongue inside of her next and swirled it around. “Ooooh, Celestia!” “Not your sister Luna, your wife, remember?” The Princess of the Sun reminded her. “My wife… even better.” Luna sighed, as her wife licked the juices that were leaking from her as they continued to make love. “Hmm, sweet like nectar.” Celestia commented. “Now it’s my turn.” Luna declared as her horn glowed. Then in a brief flash their positions were switched, now Celestia was the one lowering her head and raising her rump right in front of Luna who groped her sister’s ass before pulling herself close and licking her pussy also. “Oh yes Luna! Yes! You-ah! You are doing great!” Princess Celestia panted as her sister began to lick even faster. “Mmmmmmmm! Oooh! Aah! Aah! Luna! I can’t hold it in much longer! I’m… I’m…” As Celestia moaned with delight she got her love juices all over Luna’s face. She simply smiled. “Well, I’d say we’re wet enough for the new toy to get in,” she remarked, while Celestia blushed red. “Shall we?” Celestia nodded while Luna turned around and mimicked the pose her sister was doing before both she and her sister magically levitated the double ended dildo over to them and made it float in-between their rear ends. “Alright, on three…” Celestia stated. “One…” Luna began. “Two…” Celestia continued. “Three!” They both finished as they slammed their butts against each other and managed to get the dildo to penetrate them both, causing them both to cry out. The two wives/sisters then began to bump their booties against each other over and over causing both ends of the dildo to pleasure them both as it moves up and down their walls and gains more depth inside of each of them. “Oh! Oh, sister! This… this is great!” Luna panted. “I know! It’s a wonderful gift sister, thank you!” Celestia said while gasping and moaning. “Your welcome… my darling!” Luna cried out as pressure began to build up inside her while her arousal increased each time the flesh on her glutes slapped against her’s sister’s rump. “Oh! My darling wife and sister! I love you!” “Aah! Me… me too! I love you too!” Celestia exclaimed at the top of her lungs as they both began to speed up and practically race each other to their climax while the sounds of flesh meeting flesh got wetter and louder. “Oh my darling… I’m close! Let’s do this together!” “Yes! Let’s!” Luna declared as their thrusts got even faster before they rump bumped one last time and harder than ever before causing it to practically poke their wombs. They both let out primal yells as they immediately orgasmed at the same time and shuddered as they leaked juices that got all over both their cheeks. They both panted, out of breath and growing weak at the knees, but still they turned and smiled at each other. “That… that was…” Celestia said, through pants. “Better than the rest…” Luna finished. “Exactly…” Celestia nodded. “I do hope we’ll get some chances to do more of this while we’re on our honeymoon, I-I mean… visit to Saddle Arabia.” The Princess of the Night confessed. Celestia turned to her sister/wife, brought her close and cupped her cheek. “Oh my darling sister… of course we will… after all, it may be just a royal visit… but it is still our honeymoon and we’re going to enjoy every moment of peace we have and every moment we’re alone, I promise.” Luna smiled, teary eyed. “Thank you, sister. I love you…” “And I love you… always… and forever. I always have.” Celestia told her softly before bringing her into a kiss which she returned as always. They continued to kiss again and again before Luna caused Celestia to fall back, which resulted in Luna being on top of her but still they continued to make out, happy to be back in each other’s lives again and overjoyed by the fact that they had both found their soulmate… even if they are technically still related. Fin