By Equine Train: The Intermix - An Unexpected off Chance

by Ponyess

First published

Upon hearing of the Carousel Boutique and Rarity in Ponyville, I ended up on the train there in search for a new ensemble for me and my pet Human. Easy as that, but who else would even consider crafting what I had in mind?

In the aftermath of the interbreeding between Ponies and Humans in Equestria; Magic had it, that we now have numerous different forms of the offspring. I am the bipedal Pony.

Ponies, just like Humans; likes to have pets, and I had chosen the quadruped Human as my companion. A bit off and exotic, but that is the way my stripes are aligned.

I happen to be one of the Ponies who likes to wear clothes; if it is a fashion statement, or a remnant of the Human cultures; but this is who and what I am. With that said, I like my companion to have something to wear as well, something specifically made for her; that is.

Finding good clothes is a problem, so when I hear of Rarity in Ponyville, and her Carousel Boutique; I just had to go there, on the off chance she actually could, and chose to help me.

A Prelude Episode of the Arrival: 1 (1)

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I patiently sit in my chair on the train to Ponyvile, where I hope to see Rarity at the Carousel Boutique; since I had heard that she was crafting clothes that just may be fitting me and the style I had chosen for myself, and my companion.

Sadly; it isn’t easy to find a seamstress that is making clothes for me as a bipedal pony who is thus walking upright. All the regular clothes made for Ponies fall the wrong way for me. I have the same problems, when I am looking for clothes for my Human companion. This is getting to me.

Exiting the train was a breeze, even though I do have a few eyes following me most of the way along the streets on my way to the Boutique. I guess I am used to it, Ponies are supposed to trot on all fours, while I constantly am walking on my hind hooves.

In the end, I had managed to find my way to the address I was looking for, the map is actually quite helpful to me. I can read where I am to make a right or left turn in order to get, where I had intended to go. Not that Ponyville is all that large, but it certainly is a bustling community; to say the least.

Once I reach the Carousel Boutique, I can clearly see why it is one of the local landmarks, not so much for the height, as opposed to the new Royal Castle on the outskirts of the village, but once you see it, you know where you are.

As I stepped into the Boutique, I had seen several suits and ensembles lining the right and left showcase windows respectively. What I see is pleasing me, even though these clearly are crafted for quadruped Ponies exclusively, but I know that is also the majority of the customers; not just hers, but all over Equestria.

After a moment of looking around, enjoying the fine to magnificent works of hers, hanging in the windows, I find the mare I had been hoping to see.

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique. Is there anything I could help you with?” she put forth, as she noticed me going over the wears in the window.

“Rarity, I presume? I was hoping you could help me crafting something for me and my pet Human to wear?” I responded.

“Yes, that is me. Depending on what you hand in mind, I should be able to help you out. I just need the measurements, in order to get your suit to fit you!” she prompted.

“A casual suit composed of a top and a skirt would be nice. I would love to have panties as well!” I started cautiously.

“That should be exceedingly simple, but requires your specific measurements!” Rarity explained.

“Pull out the measuring tape and measure away. Could as well get the process going?” I prompted enthusiastically.

I could see the tip of her horn going alight; before the clear, blue light of her magic spread out along the entire length of her horn. Then the light struck out and picked yup the measuring tape, pulling it into proximity of me.

“If you stand still and relax; so that I can get the exact measurements, please!” she instructed me kindly; in a ladylike, measured voice.

“Okay!” I responded; pressing my hooves together softly, permitting my arms hang limply by my side.

“There, that is perfect; with just a little practice, and you could be a model!” she prompted with a smile.

I could feel the slightly cold tape snaking around my body; around the top of my chest, over my waist and hips. Then over my shoulders, and my arms; before she measured my thighs and hooves.

“There, that should be all the measures I need!” she pointed out, as she scribbled down the figures on a slip of paper.

“Now, it is time to look at the fabric samples!” she added, directing me to the next room; where I could see numerous bolts of cloth of various fabrics, and colours were lined up in shelves like books in a library.

“For casual wears, I think cotton would be the choice. As to the colour; purple would be just right, for me. Black for my companion, though!” I pointed out, as I looked around the various fabrics she was keeping in stock.

“Of course, this would be just right for you!” she responded, before she measured my Human companion, or pet.

“On second thought, I would love to have something more formal in a shiny, glittering silk; to go with my first choice. If it is possible, an exercise suit in a more flexible, elastic fabric would also be nice. If that isn’t too much to ask of you?” I added.

“If you need them, I am the mare to make them for you!” she prompted, decisively.

“You are doing the work, so if you feel you can handle it, I am not complaining!” I responded.

“Exactly; and by fairly agreeable prices, even for a village like Ponyville!” she pointed out.

“When you put it like that, is it possible to get two sets of boots for fall and winter, respectively?” I inquired eagerly.

It isn’t as if I was going to Ponyville every other week, so I could as well get a full load, for my wardrobe.

“You are in luck, I feel confident in promising you these too!” she put forth.

“From what I have seen; I am coming back for more, next time I am in Ponyville!” I added.

“Unless you have just eaten, I would suggest you have a bite while I work. There are a few establishments to choose from, in town!” she suggested.

“Thank you, Rarity; I think I could enjoy a light meal, while I am waiting!” I agreed.

“Thank you, and welcome back!” she added, as she saw me walking out the door.

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