> Bookworms and Doctors > by Mindpalace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Visits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Moondancer were in Twilight's castle in Ponyville, laughing. Ever since Moondancer agreed to give friendship another shot, she and Twilight had begun to meet up every Sunday. Originally, their friends accompanied them, but quickly realized that it was better to leave Twilight and Moondancer alone to catch up. Of course, them not understanding advanced quantum physics helped make that decision. Moondancer pushed up her glasses. "Twilight, I would like to thank you for getting me to try friendship again. Its been wonderful." Twilight beamed. "I'm glad to hear it." "I just wish our other friends were here," said Moondancer Twilight smirked, remembering her friends looks when they started discussing all the things she and Moondancer learned from the books they had read. "They can sometimes have a hard time relating to us." "Know anypony who can?" Twilight thought for a moment. "Actually, yes. And he should be here any minute now." As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Twilight and Moondancer walked to the door and Twilight opened it with her magic. Outside stood an earth pony. He had a light brown coat and a dark brown mane and had a hourglass for a cutie mark. He also wore a white collar with a green bow tie. "Ah, Twilight! Good day! Who's your friend?" he asked. Twilight smiled. "Good morning! Moondancer, meet Time Turner. Time Turner, meet Moondancer." Time Turner took Moondancer's hoof and shook it. "Hello Moondancer! Nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you, Time Turner," said Moondancer. "Please, my friends call me The Doctor. No idea why." He turned and kissed Twilight affectionately on the fore head, just to the side of her horn. "I call me the Doctor too." He turned back to Moondancer. "Still no idea why." Twilight smiled at his eccentric behavior. "I have the books you wanted to borrow Doc. Come in" Time Turner, the Doctor, entered. "Well then. Alonss y!" Moondancer looked at Twilight. "Who's he?" "Oh, one of my friends here in Ponyville. Trust me, he's really, really smart." They all entered the main room, where Twilight and her friends usually met when dealing with official friendship business. The map was currently switched off, and was just a table. "Twilight, where did you get the bits to afford a holographic projector? They cost a fortune!" asked Time Turner "It came with the castle," replied Twilight "So you just got a free holographic projector? That's not fair! I want one!" said Time Turner. Moondancer looked at him. He did seem smart, given he was able to notice the holographic projector while it was off when Twilight's friends apparently thought it was magic while it was on. Maybe this was an opportunity to make a new friend. It was an hour after they had met the Doctor, and Moondancer was laughing. Hard. He never knew anypony could be so charming. This Doctor pony was smart, eccentric, funny, witty, likable, and kind. and very good looking Moondancer frowned. Where had that thought come from? She had just met this pony. Twilight noticed the frown. "Something wrong Moondancer?" "Oh, um, nothing. I'm fine." The Doctor took a sip from the tea he had made for all three of them. " So, Miss Moondancer, your read a lot of books correct?" "Yea," replied Moondancer. The Doctor smiled. "Okay" Moondancer was confused, then realized that he was probably quoting a book. She ran through every book she had read in her head, trying to remember where the word "Okay" would be important enough that it alone would suffice as a quote. Then she smiled and replied. "Okay" The Doctor smiled. "Good job. Didn't expect you to get that." Moondancer saw the challenge and accepted it. "Hit me with another one. I read a lot." The Doctor thought for a moment, putting his hoof to his chin. Then he smiled. "After all this time?" Easy. "Always," she replied. She then decided to counter with her own quote. "Does this mean you’re going to make love to me tonight, Christian?" At this, The Doctor blushed and stuttered. "W-well, um, uh, fhsfjhgjhflasefnsg," he said, falling into gibberish. Moondancer smirked. "Oh, so you've read it. Did you enjoy it?" The Doctor was at a loss for words. "Um, uh, well, yes-NO! No I didn't! I mean I haven't read it!" Twilight looked at the two of them, surprised. She had never seen Moondancer flirty, and had never seen Time Turner become flustered. This entire situation was new. But Moondancer seemed to be enjoying herself, so she decided it was alright. Moondancer was having fun. She didn't know why she was having fun, she had never taken pleasure in flirting before. But she was having fun, and that was enough for her. Plus, she was flirting at a very smart, very attractive pony, so why shouldn't she enjoy herself? The Doctor was still stuttering. "Well, I-I should be off! Um, th-thank you Twilight for the books. Thank y-you Miss Moondancer for the, um, t-the, yeah, thanks." And with that he rushed out the door. Twilight closed it and looked at Moondancer. "What was that?" Moondancer smiled. "Something new." The Doctor rushed back to the TARDIS. He opened the door, closed it, dropped of his books, and went to the bathroom to fill up the bathtub. He then proceeded to dunk his head into the water. When he resurfaced, he ran his hands through his mane. That Moondancer interested him. She was witty, curious, smart, and very well-read. And very beautiful. > Booky-Wooky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moondancer and Twilight were in the Everfree Forest, walking to the ruins of the Castle of the Two sisters. Twilight had decided that she should take Moondancer to the library in Celestia and Luna's old castle. Needless to say, Moondancer liked the idea. "I can't believe your taking me to the library in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters! I've read about it, and it sounds amazing! I can't thank you enough!" said Moondancer enthusiastically "It's the least I could do for my friend." came Twilight's modest reply. "It's just so exciting! Is it really as good as the books say it is?" asked Moondancer. Twilight smiled. "Better." Moondancer was excited. Very excited. She had always loved books, and here one of her best friends was taking her to what was supposed to be one of the biggest and greatest libraries in Equestria. This had to be one of the best days of her life! Could it get any better? "Oh, and Time Turner is supposed to meet us there." Apparently it can. They arrived at the ruins about an hour later. Moondancer galloped up the steps excitedly and was just about to open the door with her magic when a certain earth pony opened the door and walked outside. Straight into Moondancer. Time Turner crashed into Moondancer, sending the both of them rolling down the stairs. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they landed in a very intimate position. Moondancer was under Time Turner with her hooves folded in front of her. Time Turner had one hoof resting on Moondancers barrel. Their faces were inches apart, and they could each feel the others warm breath. A very small part of both their heads noted how this was a cliche in many a book. Twilight raised a hoof to her mouth and coughed. "Uh, guys?" At this, both ponies seemed to realize how this must look to Twilight. Both quickly got up, blushing furiously. Moondancer pushed her glasses up with her hoof and Time Turner straitened his bow tie. "Oh, well, um, sincerest apologies Miss Moondancer, I didn't see you," said Time Turner, stuttering slightly. "Uh, erm, yes, of course. I'm fine," came the reply of Moondancer, stuttering as well. "Oh, and good morning, Twilight!" greeted the Doctor. Twilight was looking back and forth between the two of them. Were they... yes they were! The body language, the blushing, the stolen glances, it made sense! "Do you guys like each other?" she asked. Both Time Turner and Moondancer's blushes, which had died down somewhat after Time Turner had greeted Twilight, were renewed. "Well, um, n-no, yes, I think, b-but, well, uhm," said the Doctor. "Uh, What do y-you m-mean like? Define like. The word like could have multiple implications," said Moondancer. Twilight squeed. "You do! You do like each other! Oh Celestia this is wonderful! To of my friends like each other!" The Doctor tried to think of a way out. "Uhm, Twilight, we should probably get inside. Dangerous out here." Twilight was beaming. "Oh, your not getting out of this one Doctor!" There's always a way out. "Oh, I think I left something in the castle. Meet you ponies there!" He dashed back to the castle, shutting the door behind him. Twilight's word were echoing in Moondancer's head. Like. Each other. Like each other. But she knew it was true. She liked Time Turner, really liked him. More than a friend. Behind the doors to the castle, Time Turner was banging his head on the door, each bang accompanied with a simple "ow". Twilight stood there, fangirling. Hard. Twilight and Moondancer entered the castle, and together the three of them made their way to the library, with Twilight beaming and Moondancer and Time Turner trying to avoid eye contact. Eventually they made it to the doors of the library. "Now, Moondancer, get ready for a treat." And with that she opened the doors with her magic. Moondancer couldn't believe her eyes. Rows upon rows of shelves contained a massive amount of books. She stared at the brilliant room with her eyes wide and mouth open, glasses slipping down her nose. "It's beautiful." And without further ado, they galloped in, eager to learn. Twilight looked at her two friends, Moondancer and Time Turner. They were sharing a book, each with a hoof holding one side. They looked perfect for each other. Twilight bit her lip. She knew what she was planning to do might be a little gray on the moral scale, but she wanted her friends to be happy. Finally making a decision, her horn started to glow. It wasn't a full on love spell. That would be much harder. No, this spell merely activated certain urges in two ponies. It gave them nudges. Twilight was trying to nudge them into a specific action. Moondancer and Time Turner looked up at each other's eyes. Time Turner was enchanted. That frazzled hair. That brilliant mind. Those cute glasses. Those beautiful purple eyes. So, very purple. Moondancer was hypnotized. That spiky hair. That genius brain. That cute bow tie. Those deep, blue eyes. So, very blue. They leaned in closer. Part of their minds were telling them that this was not them, that somepony was amplifying their emotions. But they didn't care. Their faces were centimeters apart now, and both closed their eyes.