> Clop fest > by cocksucker69 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the clop begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day in ponyvile. All the ponys had something to do but Twilight. Twilight was rubbing her self off with a book when. Out of fucking nowhere spike walked in with his dick fully erect. He started to fuck twilight like he was Obama fucking America. His dick was burning with twilights candy vag. Then rainbow dash busted through the door yelling I'm ready to fuck. Rainbow dash started to rub herself off with spikes tale. Twilight orgasmed all over spikes dick. Spike used the candy juice as lube and started to fuck harder. He soon cumed harder than the tsunami that hit japan. Rainbow dash started to drowned in spikes dragon juice. After the orgy they all started to play cod mw3. After the match rainbow dash left to go rape scootaloo. Spike asked twilight if she wanted to have seconds and she said yes. They started to fucking again when some human wearing white robe with a pointy hat walked in. He yelled for the clan and killed spike. Twilight was sad that she didn’t get to orgasm. But she started to rubber self of again. Apple jack was bucking apples when her brother big mac walked up behind her. Time to fuck, Big mac said. Apple jack moved her tail and said. Lets get started! Big mac rammed his big red cock in Apple jacks small pussy. Big macs massive dick was to much for Apple jacks vag. Big mac orgasm all over Apple jacks body. That was a good fucking sister, eyup. Said big mac but Apple jack had passed out from the good fucking. Big mac grinned as he mounted his sister passed out body. Rainbow dash found scootaloo lying next to the CMC clube house. Rainbow dash didn’t wait for scootaloo to get ready for the big fucking she was going to endure. Rainbow dash started to scissor scootaloo. Scootaloo finally woke up and started to yell for help. But Rainbow dash started to 69 with scootaloo so she couldn't yell for help. Rainbow dash orgasmed on scootaloos face. Rainbow slowly got off of scootaloo. Dam that felt good. Said Rainbow dash. It was a fucking horrible day in china. And all the slaves ponys were horny and the slave master. Dave. Was slaping his blood penis all over the office. One of the slave ponys named. Twilight spackle. Was hot the smallest dick in the world and her boss was a pimp. She walked over to the slave master pimp and said. Let me ride your blood penis into my urine stained ass. And he said ass. He started to fuck her so hard applejack was jelly. His cum went in her thing that babys come from. And this is how nyx came to be Jimmy was a normal brony. He always loves to clop to them because there tight asses and rainbow hair. One day like all normal HIE's he was walking to school. As he walked to school he was thanking about how no one loved him and his parents beat him and stuff. Out of know where a eighteen wheeler made of lighting was about to hit him. Before he could move he got hit by the by the eighteen wheeler made of lighting sending him to equestrian. He woke later tied to a chair with a big red stallion standing in front of him. It got on its back legs and shoved is dick in his mouth. Jimmy was gay so he didn't care so he started to lick the big pony cock. Ten long minuets later he came. It was to much for Jimmy to take and he drowned the big red pony thing then started to fuck is ass. From that day on Jimmy's body became big macs sex toy Fluttershy was making her rounds of ponyvile. She was a hooker, a cum dumpster. She had her normal customers. Ponyjoe was one, he liked rim jobs really sloppy rim jobs. And we cant forget Twilight sparkles who loves shutting on shy face. The job was hard but her customers were harder. Out of know were a random mare walked up and asked if she could rape her. And rape she did, ten dildos four anal beads and one bottle of hot sauce later they were done. As the mare walked off shy was unable to move because she was dead. So children don't rape (No sex in this one!!!!!!!) It was a lovly day in Detroit. The smoke was dark,the guns were shooten and little chuck was sitting on the roof, standing rely. He was going to jump, if he could kill imself his fat ass wife would get all his money.so he shouted out screw you life and leapt from the building and died.(sad day in Detroit) he then found himself on a table surounded by differant colored pony's. He then leaped up and ran through the window, then he was telaported into the house agin by twilight. What the fuck girl thing he said. Twilight replyed like a smart ass, oh I just used mathematical conturbulation consect to bring you from the coordenates you were at and telepoted you here. Chuck then replyed, you fucking cunt im not a smart ass like you fuck off and get out. She then left with a sad face. Then that swag thing Raainbow Dash said,hey that was rude, go apologize now. in rage chuck grabbed her neck and started to punch her with anger. Stop you ruffian, said Rarity the Eastern cunt. Chuck then stoped and got up and left. He then came to PInkie Pie, the more happy one. She had never saw him befor so she gave him a cupcake to greet him. Chuck staring at this magical gift, he proposed to her of course she said yes. three weeks later the were married THE END OF CHAPTER ONE!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this fan fic because i didn't. Leave hate and love n the comments and have a good day > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cock sucking gay pride meeting today in Ponyvile, and there leader cock gobbler. He was a big and well how may i put this he was a trany. He loves dick so much he could gobble 80 nigger dick in one hole!!!!!! But lets put that aside for now, i know we all want to talk abut the black dick hole but we got gay porn to talks about. A pony by the name of Gayben, NOT Gab newel, Gayben. he was a fat ass nigger that made fucking bad game that you fucking run around and hit shit whit you dick. He love long cocks on the beach, to talk to hookers on the pmail, he owned about ten anal plugs and dildos that he use every day at work. One day he was walking to work but a wild African nigger made of pure sperm and hot coco. His penis was was sooooooooooooooooooo big that he had to put straps to hld it in the air. The nigger was mad because gayben over in the corner now didn't make Half Cock 3™ no he made the worst game ever. Its name was pota 2™. Lets jest say the he wanted pay back so he mounted gayben and started to pound his little fat ass cock. Well it the nigger about fifteen hours to cum but it was glories, it was so much that it put the (GAY) back in gayben. After about an hour of talking about there feelings he decided to give the nigger his one and only copy of Half Cock 3™... I got bored so i made this.