Nightfire's Time in the Lamia Kingdom

by Prince Nightfire Grace

First published

Nightfire goes to the Lamia Kingdom to make an alliance with them, and ends up spending some time with their Princess.

After centuries of remaining hidden, the Lamia have sent a letter to Equestria to try and negotiate a truce between their nations, Nightfire; the eldest brother of Celestia and Luna is set n their place so he may try his hoof at negotiations with their Queen and their Princess.

Into the Snake Pit

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“I sure hope that Celestia and Luna had the right idea to send me to this kingdom on my own,” Nightfire says as his large wings propel him through the sky, feeling absolutely free. The wind blowing through every strand of his mane and tail, even the feathers of his wings ruffling as he flies. “If what they told me was correct, nopony has ever stepped hoof in their kingdom that we’re aware of. I’m just going to have to be careful and try and follow their customs. Though I’m at a disadvantage since they could say that anything is a custom,” Nightfire says as he starts letting his mind wander before he looks down at the passing forest beneath him. The Alicorn prince slowly glides down to the forest floor, being mindful of the branches that were in his way and folds his wings to his sides. “Now if Luna drew the map right…” Nightfire says as he pulls the map out of his saddlebags and looks down at the piece of paper.

“Looking for something Your Highness?” A sudden voice asks from above Nightfire causing him to jump forward and spread his wings with defensively as he cries out and turns to face to owner of the voice; the top half of the creature looking like a pony, with ice blue fur and forest green eyes while the bottom half of the creature was long and snake-like. The ice-blue scales on top reflecting the light that was filtering down from between the leaves of the trees as her forest green belly was wrapped around a fairly large branch. Nightfire quickly noticed that the voice was female, and slowly folds his wings back to his sides.

“For-Forgive me, I assume that you live in the Lamia Kingdom?” The dark blue Alicorn asks, his voice even despite the scare the lamia had gotten out of him.

“Yes I am and our Queen has been eagerly awaiting the chance to talk with such a handsome Prince like yourself,” She says, every time she said something that had an ‘s’ sound in to seemed to be lengthened like a light hiss.

“I assume that you’re here to take me to meet her?” Nightfire asks as he watches her slide through the branches of the tree above himself and then down the thick trunk and then coil her tail into a chair of sorts, her pony half resting on it lazily.

“That I am Your Highness. If you’ll follow me I will take you to her,” She says with a smile and as she turns to start their short journey she looks back over her shoulder and wink at him. “By the way, my name is Flower Scent.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Flower Scent,” Nightfire says with a smile and notices the pupil of her eye was almost feral looking, like a cats or dragon. “You have very pretty eyes.”

“Thank you, now we mustn’t keep my Queen waiting should we?” She asks as she blushes a little at his honest compliment. “If you’ll kindly follow me,” She says as she slowly raises up like a cobra and then starts slowly slivering deeper into the forest with Nightfire following close behind, trying not to step on her long tail.

“May I ask you about your kingdom Flower?” Nightfire asks as they walk past trees that Nightfire had to look carefully at to see the symbols and strange carvings.

“I’m not allowed to say anything unfortunately, that is for my Queen to tell you,” She says softly and then stops when two larger lamia sliver out from behind two trees, spears held in their magic. “I come with Prince Nightfire of Equestria. He has business with our Queen.”

“Please move along,” The guard on the left says. His dark red scales and fur seeming to be almost a wine color. His eyes on the other hoof looked dark brown.

“Yes Sir,” She says giving the guard a gentle bow of her head and Nightfire does the same, not wanting to insult one who had already welcomed him with open hooves.

As Flower Scent and Prince Nightfire slowly start making their way past the guards, Nightfire stops and then looks up into the trees and see more of Flower’s kind slithering from above. Their many different scale and fur colors making it seem like a moving rainbow above him. “I assume that my coming has been greatly welcomed?”

“More than you can imagine Your Highness. Do you have your royal attire with you?” The female lamia asks with a grin knowing that he was the first Alicorn to ever come to their kingdom.

“Of course I do, since I am meeting with royalty why would I insult her by not wearing what’s required?” He asks as he opens the saddlebag on his sight side and pulls out his crown and even his chest plate.

“Well anyway I must tell you of at least one of our customs that hasn’t really been done in a long while since it may startle you at first,” She says as she leads him past a few trees that looked to be grown together to form a house. “Upon first meeting you she’ll do three things; first of course is bow, of course you’ll be expected to return the gesture.”

“Alright, and the other two things?” Nightfire asks as he dons his crown, the cool but light steel resting against the top of his head, just behind his horn.

“Secondly, before you can take your seat she’ll smell the air around you with her tongue. It’s to ensure that you’re truly here for peace instead of war,” She says as she stops, a cool breeze blowing through the trees making her shiver and kind of curl around herself to keep herself warm.

“Ok, I’ve seen stranger customs but that’s ok,” Nightfire says thinking back at the times he’d been to the Griffion Kingdom all of those years back. “Are we close to where I am meeting your queen?

“Yes we are, and that’s why I’m telling you this now so your aren’t caught off guard by her requests,” The ice-blue lamia says as she looks ahead and sees two guards come forward, no weapons visible as they stop and bow before them.

“Prince Nightfire, our Queen will speak with you now,” The one of the right say, his almost black scales reflecting little of the light that was shining through the leaves of the tall trees.

“Of course,” Nightfire says and turns to the one who had led him this far into the Lamia Kingdom and nods his head respectfully. “Thank you for leading me this far and I do hope to speak with you again.”

“If you’ll follow us we’ll take you to Her Majesty,” The guard on the right says and turns to start leading the Prince to the palace they’d made for themselves in the deep forest.

“Wait,” She says as she reaches out and then pulls her hoof back slowly. “The last thing you need to know is…”

She stops suddenly as Nightfire puts a hoof to her lips, then her eyes look up into his and see that they were happy. “I’m not too worried, I’m sure it can’t be anything to bad.”

With those words spoken Nightfire turns back around and flaps his wing and glides after the guards who hadn’t even noticed him turn back around.

As Flower Scent watches the Alicorn Prince she smiles and touches a hoof of her own to her lips. “I wish… I wish that I could’ve been the Queen when you came to see us.”

Nightfire walks with the two guards silently while watching how they moved. ‘If things go wrong I think I’ll be at a disadvantage. Since they are part serpent, I’m willing to bet that they move as fast.’ Nightfire thinks to himself as he then sees a large wall slowly become visible through the trees. “So, that’s where the Queen is.”

“Yes Sir, and she’s prepared a feast in honor of the truce and allegiance between the two kingdoms.”

“A feast? Well I will admit I am a little hungry,” Nightfire says as he hears his stomach rumble.

The two guards smile a little as they continue leading the Alicorn Prince through the forest to the large walls. After a few more minutes of walking, or in the guards’ case, slithering, they reached the tall walls. “Inside you’ll be led by the Princess.”

“Thank you,” Nightfire says and looks up as the door slowly opens, being pulled by invisible ropes. Nightfire smiles seeing the excellently built palace, the walls seeming to have been built from the very trees. The roof of each section covered by leaf canopies, thick enough from what he could see that they’d keep out the rain and weather. As Nightfire looks back down before him he sees a Lamia sitting in her coils. Her small but elegant crown resting behind a horn that protruded from her forehead, indicating that she was a Lamia that could use magic.

“Prince Nightfire, it’s an honor to finally meet one of the royal family,” She says as she slithers forward and bows her head to him respectfully. “My mother is looking forward to talking with you of the terms that we both have.”

“I’m sure she is Your Highness,” Nightfire says and nods his head back to her respectfully as he looks into her eyes and sees her eyes; dark blue, her fur and the top of her snake-like body the same blue as Nightfire’s own fur and her belly scales a snow white. “I was told that you’d take me to meet with your mother so we may discuss what is needed.”

“Yes I am, my mother wanted one of our family to greet you at the gates but she was convinced to let my childhood friend meet you instead,” She replies with a smile. “My name’s Shooting Star.”

“It’s an honor to meet you,” Nightfire says and takes one of her hooves and kisses it gently.

The Lamia princess smiles at his chivalry. “Follow me your Highness, my mother is waiting for us.”

“By your lead Your Highness,” Nightfire says with a smile and starts following the Princess as she leads him to the palace and through the lavish hallways. “May I ask you something Princess?”

“You may ask me anything you wish, so long as it isn’t too personal.”

“What is your mother like?” Nightfire asks, remembering his own mother.

“She’s wise, beyond her years and has served our kind well over the years. She’s been training me so that I may one day take the throne when her time has come,” Shooting Star says solemnly.

“I see,” Nightfire says and remains silent throughout the rest of the walk.

“My mother is right through here,” The Princess says as she looks at two large doors and uses her magic to slowly push them open and reveals a large elegant hall, a long table filling the room, and on the furthest side from the door, the Queen sat, her long golden coils shifting ever so slightly as she looks up and smiles warmly at the Alicorn Prince.

“Prince Nightfire, welcome to my kingdom!” She proclaims as she spreads her forelegs open wide in invitation and starts slithering toward him. Her amber eyes looking into his, the pupils much like the others he’d had seen by now. Once she stops before the Alicorn Prince, she bows and then lifts slowly and sees him bowing to her in turn. “I’m sure that you had little trouble finding my kingdom yes?”

“I was able to find it without difficulty, thank you for making it easy for me by sending us a map on how to find you,” Nightfire says with a smile and looks between the Princess and her mother.

“I’m sure you’ve noticed that my daughter and I don’t look much alike but I’ll explain that all in good time. Now come, I’m sure you must be hungry.”

“Yes I am thank you,” Nightfire says and follows the Queen as she leads him to the head of the table and then has him sit to her left side and flinches as the Queens tail slides against his body.

“Something the matter Your Highness?” She asks with a smile as she feels his warm body against her scales.

“N-Nothing Your Highness. May I ask your name?” He asks and then looks back and sees her large coil slide against his flank.

“My name is Gold Coil,” She says and slowly a few ponies come in, carrying a few platters on their backs, or in their magic. The ponies catching Nightfire’s attention.

“What are these ponies doing here Your Highness? I didn’t think that other ponies had found this place before.”

“These are ponies that came to seek us out, their ancestors came seeking us out and since then they’d stayed with us. We offered to shelter them and they serve us,” Gold Coil says as she watches them as they slide the platters onto the table before the Royals.

“So they are here willingly?” Nightfire asks watching their movements and sees that they’re sluggish at best. “Why are they moving so strangely?”

“You see Your Highness-“ Shooting Star starts only for her mother to clear her throat.

“You see the ponies that live with us are put under hypnosis if they are willing, some love more than anything to be put under,” Gold Coil says as a Pegasus whose eyes were slowly spiraling with color.

“Hypnosis?” Nightfire asks as he looks closely at the other ponies and sees the same colors in their eyes.

“Yes. If you’re willing I’d like for my daughter to show you how pleasurable it is,” She says with a smile.

“I’ll… I’ll have to take a raincheck on that Your Majesties,” Nightfire says hesitantly.

“I must tell you Your Highness, I’ve asked ponies who had come out of hypnosis and they say that it’s the best feeling they’d ever felt,” Gold Coil says with a smile.

“I trust you, but I… I just don’t think I could be hypnotized,” Nightfire says as he lifts the lid of the tray before him and sees a large salad and a bowl of fruit. “What kind of fruit is this Gold Coil?” Nightfire asks as he lifts the fruit with his magic.

“It’s a common one around here. I believe you ponies would call it watermelon,” She replies and lifts up a piece of fruit and bites into it, her fangs flashing a little in the light.

***A few hours later***

During the dinner the two royals discussing everything that needed to be and after a few hours, Nightfire excuses himself from the table and walks out and looks up at the sky. “Things are going great, but I am kind of uncomfortable around this place. Hypnosis? I’ve never seen ponies like this in my whole life.”

“Excuse me Nightfire?” Shooting Star asks as she slithers up behind him. “We didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with our talk of hypnosis,” She says as she slides up beside him.

“It’s alright, I just guess it’s something I’d never thought ponies could possibly enjoy,” Nightfire says softly as he looks into her eyes, his ears folding slightly against his raised.

“I know you can’t understand it, but would you like me to show you how enjoyable it could really be?” She asks as she tilts her head to the left a little and smiles a little.

“Um… I guess it can’t hurt anything… alright,” Nightfire says as he gives her a small smile.

“Come with me and let’s go to my room. It’ll be better if we do this in private,” She says as she turns back to the palace and looks up at a large windowed room. “Follow me,” She says and gently wraps the end of her tail around his neck and squeezes gently.

Nightfire shivers at the gentle squeeze of her tail and follows her closely, for some reason he liked the touch of her scales around his neck. ‘Why am I feeling like this?’

As Shooting Star leads the Alicorn Prince through the halls of the palace, getting some stares from the palace servants, many of them unicorns and Pegasi, some of whom had rings of color in their eyes while others had a blank stares as they went about their work. “You see Nightfire? Doesn’t it look fun, to let your worries go and only letting the one who put you under to worry about?” Star Shooter asks with a smile as she looks back at Nightfire who was watching the ponies as they walked pasted them.

“Tell me… why am I suddenly craving your touch?” Nightfire asks as he lifts a hoof and slowly strokes her tail, which had given another gentle squeeze around his neck forcing him to sigh softly as the breath was squeezed from his lungs.

“You know? I never completely understood why some ponies started craving our touch the second we touch them but, I can see that you really are enjoying it,” Shooting Star says with a smile and turns down a hall and stops before a large single door. “This is my room, now go inside and lie on my bed while I freshen up ok?”

“Y-Yes Princess,” Nightfire says as he feels her tail slowly slide off of his neck as she slithers into her bathroom and closes the door leaving him alone in her bedroom that could’ve almost passed off as a room back in Canterlot Castle. Slowly he walks up to the large bed and slowly presses a front hoof against it and feels it just barely give under the light weight of his hoof. “Such a soft bed, nothing like Canterlot but it’s something,” Nightfire says softly and then slowly gets onto the bed and sits down on the soft sheets while waiting for Shooting Star. ‘Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should’ve sent Luna instead, after all she is one for talking with new allies,’ Nightfire thinks to himself as he then slowly spreads his wings and flaps them to lift his forelegs off of the bed and then still them and ‘crash’ onto the bed. Slowly his mind starts wandering about why he loved the way her scales felt against his body. ‘Was it something I ate? I mean these may be native fruits but that doesn’t mean-‘

“Nightfire, are you ready?” Shooting Star asks with a singsong voice as she slowly pushes open the door and reveals her sparkling body, her scales reflecting the light of her room as the sun slowly sets outside covering the window of her room in a red glow.

“Shooting Star… you look, amazing,” Nightfire says as the glow of the setting sun shining through her dark blue mane.

“Thank you Nightfire,” She says and blushes a little as she slowly slithers to the bed and then slides up onto the bed and sits on her coils as she looks down at the Prince of Equestria. “Now in order for this to work, I need you to close your eyes and just listen to my voice. Can you do that for me?” She asks as she lifts his chin gently with the end of her tail.

“Y-Yes I can,” Nightfire says softly and slowly closes his eyes and deepens his breathing, like he was about to meditate. As he does as she instructs, he feels the tip of her tail leave his chin and begins to open his mouth to say something but soon her hoof covers his lips.

“Please don’t talk Nightfire, unless I ask you too alright?” She asks gently while not wanting to be rude.

The Alicorn prince nods slowly and then closes his mouth and continues doing as she instructed.

“Now Nightfire when you open your eyes I was you to stay calm and let me do what I’m going to do next ok? I promise you’re not in any harm and not a hair on your body will be harmed. Do you trust me?” She asks in a soft voice and starts sliding her long tail behind him.

“Yes… I trust you,” Nightfire says softly, keeping his voice soft and from echoing in her room.

“Please open your eyes,” She commands with a smile on her face.

As Nightfire opens his dark blue eyes and looks into hers, he sees a great void of colors in her eyes that soon start reflecting in his own eyes. “Wh-What… is going on?” Nightfire asks as he feels his mind start clouding over as his will starts fleeing from him.

“Just keep watching my eyes Nightfire. Doesn’t it feel good just to look into my eyes and let your worries just disappear?” She asks as her tail wraps around his neck and gives him a gentle squeeze.

“I do-don’t und-understand. Wh-What’s happ-happeneing?” Nightfire asks as he continues staring into her eyes, the pupils of his eyes already shrunk down to pinpricks and then vanish, the colors now completely filling his vision.

“Keep looking Nightfire… and don’t try to look away. I remember you saying that you couldn’t be hypnotized right?” She asks as she smiles and the coil around his neck give a light squeeze.

“Y-Yes I di-did say that,” Nightfire replies he breathes out, the coil squeezing his neck gently.

“Well Nightfire, what do you think is going on now?” She asks as she slowly unwraps her tail from his neck. “Please stand on your hooves and keep them close together,” She says with a smile.

Nightfire nods and slowly does as she commanded, his hooves so close together that he’d fall over if anything startled him.

“Good now just hold still and keep looking into my eyes. Let the colors sink into your mind,” She says as she starts moving her tail around his rear hooves and starts slowly wrapping them up. Slowly she begins slowly swaying her head and smiles happily as Nightfire begins following her movements, not even feeling the coils around his rear hooves.

“Sh-Shooting St-Star… th-the colors are beau-beautiful,” Nightfire says softly, almost like a whisper as he continues following her head with his own.

“Thank you… now just look up and let my coils continue their work. Do you feel them around your rear hooves?”

“Y-Yes I do…” Nightfire says as he shuffles his wings gently as the coils start to thicken as they climb up his body. All of his rear hooves slowly become encased with her coils and soon they slide against his flank and the end of his wings.

“I want you to answer me honestly, do you like the way my coils feel against your body? Because I really enjoy the warmth your body is putting out,” She says and then taps his forehead gently with a hoof. “I want you to come up from this feeling and answer my question.”

Slowly the rings of color in his eyes slowly to only two rings at a time as he feels the heaviness in his eyelids begins vanishing. “I ca-can’t de-deny that it fe-feels good, but I’ve ne-never tho-thought I’d exper-experience something like this,” Nightfire replies weakly. “I can-can’t look awa-away from your eyes.”

“Good, now let’s put you back under,” She says as the colors in her eyes begin to speed up once more and his eyes reflect the colors again, his jaw relaxing as he looks into her eyes. “That’s a good stallion,” She says as she continues swaying back and forward like a cobra.
Nightfire groans softly and soon the strong and thick coils reach the middle of his large wings pinning them to his side.

“Now I want you to stand on your back hooves and keep your front hooves at your side ok?” She asks as her coils stop just at the middle of his wings.

Nightfire nods slowly, not breaking eye contact as he gently pushes with his front hooves and wobbles before the Alicorn feels her hoof against his chest. “Th-Thank you…”

“You’re welcome now hold still,” She says as she starts coiling him back up, her coils sliding against Nightfire’s forelegs, back, wings and torso as she gives a gentle squeeze forcing some of the breath from his lungs in the form of a moan. “You seem to really enjoy this, but I must take you out and make sure I haven’t pushed you too far,” She says and then the colors in her eyes vanish and so do the colors in Nightfire’s eyes. “Wake up Nightfire.”

Nightfire blinks and looks up into her eyes and pants softly. “This feels good… and I wa-want you to keep going,” Nightfire says softly and smiles at her as she leans forward and presses her forehead against his.

“Are you sure about this?” She asks with a smile, her tongue flicking against his lips.

“Yes, and if you must know… I used to have a harem cen-centuries ago and I us-used to let them tie me up,” Nightfire admits with a blush on his face.

“You’re a naughty stallion aren’t you?” She asks as her eyes start filling with the colors that Nightfire had been a victim to earlier; willing but a victim nonetheless.

“Y-Yes… I’m a nau-naughty sta-stallion,” Nightfire replies softly and hos eyelids grow heavy as the colors take over his eyes again, several rings now filling his eyes while when she first started he had only five due to the proximity of her eyes to his.

“I’m glad that you are, now tell me how much you want to be mine,” She says softly, making him strain to hear her as the strong coils now slide over the middle of his forelegs and give a little bit of a stronger squeeze to the Alicorn in her coils.

Nightfire slowly feels his lips form a grin as he pants softly and feels how much harder it was for him to get his breath back into his lungs. “I wa-want to b-be yours… and on-only yours,” Nightfire says as the coils now slowly reach the top of his chest and then the tip of her tail slides against the bottom of his jawline.

“Such a strong stallion,” She breathes into his muzzle and pushes her forked tongue into his muzzle and wraps it around his and gives it a gentle squeeze.

Nightfire moans happily at the squeeze and the kiss that she pulled him into, the tip of her tail joining the rest of her tail at his torso and starts working its way up his body and after another few moments, the tip of her tail wraps around his neck as the coils around his body starts working his body, squeezing gently in a patters, from his neck and down to his rear hooves causing him to coo in pleasure into her muzzle.

Shooting Star slowly breaks the kiss and then rests her head beside his as she nuzzles his cheek, her eyes breaking contact from his weakening the hypnosis.

Nightfire coos softly, and feels the hypnosis weaken a little as he tries to turn his head and lock eyes with her again only for the tip of her tail to wrap around his muzzle and keep him looking forward.

“Just keep looking forward like the good pet you are understood?” She asks and moves her tail up and down to help him.

Nightfire coos as her tail slowly squeezes his muzzle and then lifts her head and presses her forehead against his once more. “Does my pet want to feel even better?”

Nightfire nods gently, the strong coil letting him nod of his own power as he feels the coils around him massage his muscles and ease his mind.

“When I say the word ‘pleasure’ you’ll feel instantly horny and you’ll either get hard or stay hard. When I say ‘cum’ you’ll orgasm, regardless of if you’re hard or not, dry orgasm or actually shooting your cum into the air or into me.”

Nightfire nods his head and feels the trigger words sink into his mind, only for her to use against or for him.

‘Now let’s see if this will work,’ Shooting Star thinks to herself and then slowly lifts his muzzle so he was looking up as she raises herself higher into the air and grins lustfully. “I know that you’d just love the pleasure of being able to fuck me now wouldn’t you?” She asks and feels a warmth against her coils as Nightfire squirms inside her strong tail, his cock hard and pressing against her. “A naughty stallion indeed,” She says as she shifts and exposes his cock, feeling the hard flesh between her strong coils as she reaches down and strokes it slowly with a hoof. “I bet you would love to just fuck me now, make me squirm and beg you to keep going, to fill me with your hot cum.”

Nightfire moans into her tail as he feels his cock spasm and experiences the first dry orgasm he’d ever had. The hypnosis making it even more intense as he struggles in her coils.

“That’s a good stallion, and I can imagine that it was the best you’ve felt yes?” She asks teasingly and then slowly lowers herself down to level her muzzle with his hard cock and moves her tail to force, or maybe the better word would be encourage him to keep his eyes locked with hers. “Do you want me to let you achieve orgasm? Take your cock into my muzzle and let you just fill my muzzle?” She asks teasingly as she tightens the coils around his chest and then releases his muzzle and lets him suck down the breath he needed.

Nightfire slowly sucks down the breath he needs and then moans deeply as she takes the head of his cock into her muzzle and slide her tongue along his head, sucking the pre from his cock like a milkshake through a straw. Nightfire moans happily and gives a small thrust, the best he could do in her strong coils as they keep him almost perfectly still as she leans forward more and takes more of his hard cock into her mouth.

Shooting Star moans and before getting to far ahead of herself pulls away and strokes his cock with a hoof as she looks into his eyes. “Close your eyes, and no matter what my pet, keep them closed and stay inside your trance.”

The Prince nods his head weakly and closes his eyes as he sees the colors on the inside of his eyelids, keeping him deep in his trance.
‘Good now I won’t have to worry about him making me nervous,’ She thinks as she slowly lowers herself back down to level her muzzle with his hard cock and while still stroking it, takes it back into her warm muzzle and bobs her head slowly on it, moaning all the while; tasting his pre on her tongue and groans deeply. After sucking on his cock for a few short minutes, his cock leaking pre onto her like a tiny stream, she reluctantly pulls away and licks her lips. She then slowly raisies herself up and slides a hoof down her pony body to find her marehood and shivers as her hoof slides over her lips which were flustered and engorged with blood. “This will feel so good…” She says and then uses her tail tip to stroke his mane to keep him deep in trance as she lays him onto his back, the coils acting like covers while his cock stuck straight up.

Nightfire coos softly and the feeling of floating making him squirm and then the feeling of his mane being pet made him coo in delight.
Shooting Star smiles and then lines herself up with him and slowly presses down, his cock pushing into her slowly, making her coo happily and grip his body tighter with her coils, forcing air from his lungs. ‘St-Stay in control… he ne-needs air to live…’ She thinks as she slowly feels the coils that were still keeping him wrapped tightly up bump into her body and leans down and kisses the Prince deeply on the lips, her tongue slowly opening his muzzle. Quickly her tongue struck in and wrapped around his tongue tugs it into her muzzle and she sucks happily on it while sharing the pre that she had been sucking from his cock. Slowly she begins lifting herself off his thick cock and then when only the head of him was still inside, she drops back down and buries the rest of him back into her.

Nightfire shivers happily feeling her suck on his tongue and ride his cock, somehow the hypnosis wasn’t forcing him to be unaware of the pleasure he was receiving from the Lamia Princess. His cock throbbing hard inside her as he gives weak thrusts up into her and feels the tips of her fangs drag against his tongue, and a kind of liquid land on his tongue and slid to the back of his throat.

“Swallow,” Shooting star moans softly and lifts her muzzle from yours and lets the hypnotic colors sink deep into his mind and he opens his throat and swallows the poison of hers then almost immediately feels his lust skyrocket. As he lets out a low moan his cock shoots deep into her. “Oh th-that’s good… cum my pet! Cum for me!” She cries out in pure ecstasy.

Nightfire shakes inside her strong coils as he cum again and again inside her, her hypnotic commands making him able to have two powerful orgasms, his cum flooding out of her pussy, feeling it slide down his cock and puddle on his crotch and against her fur and scales. The hypnotic colors leaving him momentarily as he looks into her closed eyes. The colors coming in spirals of only two to three. “Pr-Princess?”

“St-Stay in tr-trance… gi-give me a mo-moment…” She moans deeply and then humps and grinds into his still hard cock, sending bolts of pleasure through her body, from her dripping pussy to the end of her tail to the tip of her horn and then opens her left eye enough for the colors to take his eyes over again.

Nightfire’s eyes fill again with her colors, several rings of pulsing colors filling his vision. “Y-Yes Mi-Mistress,” He says softly, his muscles going slack with relaxation, and groans softly as her tight pussy spasms around his cock, spilling her juices all over him, her tail and the bed beneath them.

“Th-That’s a good boy…” She and lays her head beside his and pants into his ear softly, making it flick with each outward breath. “You re-really know ho-how to pl-please…”

Nightfire, unable to reply, due to the colors having relaxed every muscle in his body only nods with a dumb smile on his lips.

“Ma-Maybe I sh-should see ho-how long we c-can keep going. Wou-Would you like that?” She asks and presses her hooves gently into his hooves as she lifts her pony half up and looks down at him with a lustful grin. “Do you know what that was you swallowed earlier?”

Her coiled pet nods his head first and then tries to speak, however only a low moan comes out, even his vocal cords having been relaxed to keep him comfortable.

“The poison, and do-don’t worry. It isn’t me-meant to kill. Ke-Keeps you ha-hard and lu-lustful, be-better than m-my own hypnosis,” She says and slowly pulls herself off his impressive cock and then reaches down with a hoof and wipes away the cum that was on her lips. “Filled me up, I lo-love that,” She says and then with her forked tongue, begins slowly licking up the hot cum, causing Nightfire to groan in excitement. “Don’t worry, we-we’re not close to done yet,” She says with a grin.

***Three hours later***

“Th-Thank you for th-that Nigh-Nightfire…” Shooting Star moans, lying next to the Alicorn Prince, still coiled in her strong coils. Having experienced several of her most powerful orgasms thanks to both his cock and his skilled tongue.

“Y-You’re we-welcome… miss Star,” Nightfire pants heavily, his fur drenched with his sweat and their juices, his eyes no longer reflecting the spinning colors and was in control of his body once more. “I’ve ne-never had or-orgasms like that…”

“N-Now imag-imagine having or-orgasms like th-that every day…” She replies softly and rolls her coils to relax Nightfire once again.

“I can im-imagine… that’d be very nice…” Nightfire says and shivers happily. “Ca-Can you… please put me ba-back under till morning?”

She perks her ears up at his request and then slowly slithers her head back so she could look into his eyes again. “Again?”

“What can I say?” Nightfire asks with a smile and then leans up and licks her nose gently with his tongue. “I kind of like the feeling of your coils.”

“If you want to feel them again,” She starts with a grin as her eyes start filling with the beautiful colors again and seen they start reflecting in Nightfire’s eyes again. “Then who am I to deny you that pleasure,” She says as she puts him under again for a long night of fun for the two.