> Sunset Shimmer Gets Her Ass Kicked by Sunset Shimmer > by Kilo1901 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Kirameki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer was admiring the various Martial Arts rewards she earned from all over the world. Proudly displayed on the wall of her living room of her modest apartment-home. Due to her career, she's been constantly moving from home to home. Now she is living within a nice apartment complex called: North Villa, along with very nice residents. Sunset has only lived in that place for only a week and a half, and has already earned the love and respect of her neighbors, the Landlord and the employees. Thanks to said people, she was able to display her rewards on said wall. Usually, Sunset would just have them in storage(she has so many), but now that her career came to a close, and has a lot of reward money from tournaments, she decided to settle in this apartment complex, and since she is staying in said place, she decided to display MOST of her rewards on her living room wall. "Hmm, finally, now that all these things are all nicely displayed, time to take a shower." She ventured off to her bathroom. Once she got there, she stripped down and looked at herself on the mirror. The reflection shown a toned bodied woman whose skin-tone is gold-yellow, has fiery-colored hair, a nice set of 36-C cups, and standing at five feet, eleven inches(180cm). As Sunset was taking a shower, she thought of that first decision to dedicate her life in the martial arts, when she was only six. Through the years, she learnt a lot of disciplines..... A LOT of disciplines, she basically learned them all. What astonished most trainers is that of her learning speed. From what token others years of training to master a single discipline, would probably take Sunset only a couple of months or three to master and she learned multiple at a time. Now that she is in her senior year of high school(18), she has learned hundreds of fighting styles and disciplines. While Sunset was brushing her teeth, she thought of the high school she'll be transferring to. It was a high-standard school, but was stupidly easy to get enrolled in. No really, all you have to do is provide your address and name over the phone, then next day, you come in, get your schedule, and then you're off to starting your first day. Sunset finished, puts on her sleep ware and then off to bed she goes. ***** Sunset, now on her way to CHS via driving her car: a Teeyota Pryus. The navigator in her smartphone predicted that the trip would take about fifteen on the freeway, but the rather inconvenient, heavy traffic says otherwise. Sunset squinted her eyes to see that there is a semi truck on its side blocking three out of the five lanes on the free way. Sunset herself predicted that the traffic would add another fifteen to thirty minutes or so to the trip. Good thing she left early. This is a habit she adopted ever since she started her martial arts training. Weather if something happens on the way that would delay the trip, and get a head start on warm-up exercises, studies, etc. Sunset decided to use this time to mentally prepare for her first day at CHS and wonder what the students there a like. Another habit she adapted. ***** Sunset Shimmer, the mighty and beautiful queen who ruled over the students of CHS with an iron fist, and is shit-mean to everyone. Strolling the halls if as she owns the place, standing at five feet six inches(168cm), has a nicely shaped body slightly toned, and a set of 34 C cups. She was wearing her iconic outfit: leather jacket over a mulberry blouse, red and orange skirt and black boots. As she was walking, everybody was shut the hell up and stared at her in a fear-stricken manner. Everybody thoroughly hated the shit out of her, but if you ask a guy if he'd take the chance to have his way with her, if he was given one, he'd probably say "HELL YEAH!!!" The students watched Sunset as she strolls in into the cafeteria, they sighed a breath of relief as they get to see another day. ***** Sunset arrived at Principle Celestia's office after semi jogging and receiving a combination of angry and confused looks from some of students. When Principle Celestia saw Sunset, she was wearing a two-tone black and white tee shirt, blue skinny jeans and dark brown military-styled combat boots, her hair doesn't go past her shoulder blades and she gave out that feeling where you just feel safe with her around. Celestia, confused by the fact that another Sunset Shimmer is transferring into the school who is taller and more built than the original Sunset Shimmer. Not to mention kind, as Sunset referred to older woman as "Principle Celestia" and gave her the most professional hand shake Celestia has ever received. "You must be Miss Shimmer, nice to meet you." greeted Celestia. "Like wise. Say, on my way here, I've received a couple of angry looks, do people always do that to newcomers?" "Oh, that is because there is a student that goes here who looks a lot like you, as if like your twin. What stands out more, is the fact that both of your names are 'Sunset Shimmer.'" "And judging by the looks, I'm assuming she doesn't have a good reputation here." "Indeed, she is known as the bully of the school. And I hope you are not the same as her." Celestia said that last bit a little more sternly. Sunset nodded, "No ma'am, I am not like that and will never treat anyone in such manner unless they truly deserve it." "I am assuming you got that mind set from your Martial Arts career?" Sunset blushed, though she's has defeated many combatants from all the tournaments she's participated in, some where the best at their craft and she defeated them with flying colors, despite this Sunset is modest, she lets her actions speak for themselves. Unlike some of those egotistical assholes that are in over their heads, Sunset thoroughly enjoyed those people's asses. "Heh, it's nothing I have a passion fo- Wait, how do you know of my martial arts career?" Sunset ask, not too surprised. "Your transcript." Celestia simply answered. "Huh, well speaking of which, may have my Schedule?" Sunset requested choosing not to question where the heck did that lady get her information. It even have all different dojos she attended. "Of course!" Celestia handed Sunset a piece of paper that contains her class schedule along with their room number. Sunset nodded and accepted the paper, "I love to continue this conversation, but I want to use this time to get an understanding of the school building rather than roam blindly through the halls during period switches and end up tardy." "I understand, Miss Shimmer, shall we talk during break?" "You got it." Sunset confirmed. With that note and her class schedule, Sunset left the Principle's office to explore the building. Despite the angry looks she received, she wore a bright smile on her face ready to start the day. The aforementioned looks quickly died out after see that smile. ***** It was third period, Sunset's Pre-Calculus class, The first three periods went without a hitch, despite the weird looks she received. Said looks quickly died out as Sunset put out a good and welcoming vibe and demonstrated her advance intelligence and wisdom. Thanks to Sunset's help, the whole class finished their classwork within the first half of the period. That, and also some students noticed the differences between her and the other Sunset when came to height, body build, hair style, and bust size. Like the her neighbors, Sunset's classmates quickly opened up to her via socializing and new friendships where forged. Though with the bad reputation of the name: Sunset Shimmer, the student didn't want to call this awesome girl the same name of that awful bully. So, they asked her if they can assign a new nickname. Sunset openly agreed to this suggestion as it would be a little confusing with another Sunset Shimmers running around. Sunset gathered with her classmates. "So, what do you guys have in mind?" Sunset asked. "Well, we concluded that you're the exact opposite of Sunset, so we might as well give you a name that is related to the word: dawn." Norman stated. "True that. - Hmm, how 'bout DayBreak?" Teddy suggested. "That's sounds a little harsh don't you think? That name would make Sunset here sound like she breaks things." Sohpisticata interjected. "And she is much more gentle and friendlier than that - Brute." Amethyst Star said agreeing with Sophisticata. "Well, Have I ever told you guys that I participated in martial arts tournaments from all over the world?" Sunset asked. "REALLY?!" her classmates asked in unison. "Yeah, I started martial arts ever since I was six. Won my first tournament when I was eight but it was just a local tournament, when I was ten, it was a state-wide tournament and then it goes on from there." Sunset said modestly all the while blushing a little. "What fighting style did you learned?" Curly Winds asked. "More like: 'how many disciplines have I mastered?'" Sunset said. "Well how many have you learned?" Micro Chips asked. Sunset giggled, "Too many, you guys should see my living room, the walls are filled to the brim with rewards and stuff and still have quite a lot in storage." "Whoa..." her classmates said in awe. "I'll take some picture of the walls and will bring a few medals along to school as well." Sunset suggested. "ooo, that would be cool." Scribble Dee stated. "Yeah. - How 'bout we base your nickname off of your little Martial Art career?" Starlight suggested. "Where did most of the tournaments take place?" Bright Idea inquired. "Mostly Japan and China." Sunset answered. "Where you given a nickname within that community?" Velvet Sky asked. "I was mostly referred to with my original name. Though, one of my masters from Japan would always call me Kirameki." Sunset giggled a little at the nostalgia. "Hey, that's a suggestion." said Teddy. "Does it mean anything?" Scribble Dee asked curiously. "It just means 'Shimmer' in Japanese." Sunset said. "Hmm... How's 'Kira'?" Sophisticata suggested. "That works. Kira Shimmer..." Curly Winds said the new name out loud. "How about just Kira? Saying the whole thing is a bit of a mouth-full and doesn't flow right." Norman implied. "So, Sunset, how's that name? You Like it?" Bright Idea asked. Sunset happily gave her classmates her approval of the nickname, stood up and introduced herself as 'Kira' to them. "Nice to meet you, Kira" Kira's classmates said in unison all the while smiling brightly and giggling. Kira then proceeded to give her each of her classmates the most professional handshake they have ever received. "Say, guys, what dose Sunset look like?" Kira asked. It's been three periods and she hasn't encountered her yet. "Oh, she just little shorter than you and has longer hair. Also, she's wearing her little iconic leather jacket - She shouldn't be hard to miss. After all, she looks almost exactly like you, except for the details I mentioned earlier." Velvet Sky informed. Kira nodded. With that, the now ringing bell indicated that third period is now over and has started Break. She requested to her classmates to spread the new name to the rest of the student within this school as well as the staff, they happily obliged. Kira smiled and started for Principle Celestia's office to continue that little conversation from the beginning of the day. ***** Sunset, was about to leave an unused classroom where she usually would molest Fluttershy once or twice a week. The poor, naked girl looked at Sunset with sadness, shame, embarrassment and fear in her eyes. "Remember, you keep that little mouth of yours shut. Or else, Angel gets it." Sunset seductively commanded. As Sunset closed the door and locking it, leaving Fluttershy inside, Angel slowly poked his head out of Fluttershy's backpack to reveal that his left ear is half an inch shorter than the other. He got out the backpack and quickly bolted to Fluttershy's side, he hoped onto her lap and looked at his master's now watering eyes. It was not long until Fluttershy broke down completely, tears streaming down face freely burying her in her palms. All Angel could do is nuzzle his caregiver's stomach, the rest of Fluttershy's pets quickly joined Angel on trying to comfort their master. ***** Sunset was sauntering the halls yet again until she saw what looked to be her human counterpart happily chatting with a group of student, each individual student from different cliques as well as Principle Celestia, all of which are listening her double talk. Most likely a story she's telling them. Sunset bolted to the nearest set of stairs up to the second story of the school building so she can eavesdrop on the chatting girl from a balcony to see what's she's talking about. Upon further analyzing her double's physical appearance, Sunset notice that her double is taller, well-built and has shorter hair than she does. "Yeah, it took him a week to recover from that punch. Even though he was a total jerk, I visited him regularly until he recovered fully. The reason why he was so unpleasant is because of the way he was trained." Kira said as she was telling her story. "Did he really liked his training?" Principle Celestia asked. "More like: Did he truly believed in his training? The answer is, no he didn't. I, myself don't always enjoy training. Sometimes, I would get pissed off at my masters." Kira replied. "Have you ever charged at one of your masters?" Teddy asked. "I did, but that was the first and last time I would ever attack my masters." Kira shuddered. "Why?" Scribble Dee and Starlight both asked. "Just - If you get into martial arts training, don't EVER attack your master. Just Don't." Kira said all the while shuddering. Celestia and the rest of the group nodded, heeding her advise. Kira continued, "Anyways..." ***** A Hospital in Beijing, China "That punch was quite impressive...and painful." Li Jie said, grasping his bandage wrapped chest. "I'm, really sorry. You got to my head." Sunset said, bowing her head in apology. "No need for that, I wouldn't blame you for your anger. I'd do the same if I was you." he frowned to himself. "Something tells me your master is the reason why you're all mean to everybody." "Be Stern he said. Show no mercy - Attack your enemy until he couldn't stand..." Li resisted his teacher's word with bitterness. Sunset placed her hand on Li's shoulder, showing sympathy. "I swore to myself, as soon as I get defeated I'd quit Chinese Martial Arts." Li continued. "Your not quitting anything you worthless lout." said a man's voice from behind Sunset. The duo turned to see a tall man wearing a black Martial Arts uniform. He fast-walked passed sunset and approached his student. For next minute, Sunset watched the man sold his student harshly about how bad he is and complaining about not getting the prize money. What happens next shocked Sunset as the master yanked his student from the bed and starts beating him. After Li was reduced into a wounded heap on the floor, the man turned to Sunset and started for her. Angered but calm, Sunset took her defensive stance. "YOU!! What are you doing here you whore!?" the man barked. Sunset didn't say anything but only stood firm in her stance. The man went on how Sunset didn't deserved the money and calling her a bunch of other shit. Eventually, anger overwhelmed the man and he initiated his attack on Sunset. Deciding that attacking back is not worth it, Sunset dodged, blocked, and evaded the Dickface's attacks. Attacking his pride instead of his physical being, the fighting went on for a minute until Sunset's master barged in for his student's rescue. Pushing the Asswipe away from his student and pinning the Pease of Shit on the floor, Sunset's teacher shouted: "GET SECURITY!!!" he commanded. Also noticing the pained boy on the floor: "AND A DOCTOR!" Sunset nodded and sprinted to the hallway shouting for security and a doctor. Soon, said people came rushing to the room Sunset dashed out of. ***** "They got the man and arrested him, and Li was immediately cared for. A week later, my master took Li as his new student. I bid Li good luck and soon left China." Sunset concluded. "Oh, that's good to hear." Scribble Dee said, giving a sigh of relief. Surprisingly and strangely, Sunset felt relief for the student her double was talking about. Her eavesdropping skidded to a halt when the school's bell was blaring loudly indicating that fourth period has started as all the students started off to their perspective classroom. Sunset decided to have another visit with her captive while Kira cruised to her next classroom along with her friends. Sunset strolled happily and evilly down the hall of the upper story. The left, upper wing of the building is mostly used for storage for class supplies, band and orchestra instruments, and other stuff. The place also has empty, unused classrooms. During the day, little to nobody is seen within said wing, a perfect place to keep a sex slave... ***** Kira arrived at her fourth period class, human anatomy. She's had her mind set on becoming a physical trainer and a chiropractor so choosing to take this class is a no-brainer. As of now, Kira knows how rid pain from the neck via adjusting, and knows every lethal and nonlethal spots on the human body to hit along with all of the sleep pressure points. All she needs to know of the human body is more detail on the organs, muscle structure, joints, and the spine. Hey look, the teacher is talking. "Alright guys, lets continue lookin' at the skeleton. Uh, where did we left off?" Doctor Surg started. "The Spine," one of the students answered. How Convenient Sunset thought, perking up. "I knew that. Anyways, lets have a look at our fr- Dammit Spitfire." Doc muttered that last bit. "Uh, hey you, new student!" he hollered. Kira turned to face the teacher, raised an eyebrow, and pointed to herself doing the "Me?" gesture. "Yeah you, since you're new here and shit, can you get Jerry for me?" Doc requested. "Jerry?" "Yes, Jerry. Our favorite skely buddy. What? You never heard of him?" "I'm new he-" "Hey, Ask me if I give a care." "D-do y-" "OF COURCE I DO! Welcome to Canterlot High school Miss Sunset Look-a-like!" he exclaimed. "Thank, you?" "Your very welcome Miss Kira. Now that we are properly acquainted, can you do me a favor and retrieve Jerry for me?" "Where can I find him?" "SpitFace Probably hid him in the storage wing, usually near where the Drama Club put their stuff. He's wears a bow tie." "All right, I'll-" "REPEAT YOUR ORDERS!" Kira stood at the attention stance and repeated her orders as she was told at a semi-shout tone. Doc looked at her, stunned at first then notice her attire then raise a brow. "You've been in the army so somethin'" "Naw, my kick-boxing trainer trained me like that." "What dose-" "It doesn't, that was just her way." "Okay, in that case, you can be on your way." With that, Kira ventured out of the classroom starting her quest for the storage wing.