Rumble's Sin

by Enigmus

First published

Rumble searches Thunderlane's room for a confiscated hoof-held game. He finds a peculiar magazine in the process. With this strange, and somewhat interesting, knowledge, he shows his visiting cousin what he has found

(I feel I need to tell you why there's a gore tag here. Spoilers >>> Rumble is playing a violent video game in the beginning. (I suggest you skip it if you don't want to read something that may or may not have a point in even existing.) It has nothing to do with the sex or any other part of the story. This is just an innocent story of young love. Me and gore sex don't mix.)

Rumble tends to be a rather inquistive pony according to most. A search through Thunderlane's room, looking for a confiscated hoofheld game after a rather nasty fight between brothers, becomes more than a little interesting when a certain magazine is found. The small colt learns more about his brother than he ever could have imagined. After all, why would two stallions do that sort of thing with one another? It just seemed... weird.

Rumble's cousin, Solar Sin, is coming over for a long overdue visit. Rumble is overjoyed! After all, he didn't get to spend time with his favorite cousin often enough. But with newfound knowledge at his hooves, will he see his cousin in a new light?

They'll bang, okay?

Fetishes: (Depravity = no bounds known.)
M/M shipping
Orally mutual
Anal play/penetration
I guess there's a tiny scene of rimming. So there's that.

Rumble's Sin

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(Author: You can skip this scene if you just want normal scenes that don't describe the game. Look for the ~~~~~~ down below. That's where things start up. Don't worry, you won't lose much.)

Rumble sat on the living room couch, sticking his tongue out slightly in concentration. He stared down at his lap, feeling beads of sweat trickle down his forehead and slip down his muzzle. Said sweat droplets tickled his face ever so slightly, making him want to scratch. But now was not the time for cheap distractions from his body. No, now was the time to show the object in his lap that he wouldn't fold in any situation! He was determined to win, and win he was going to do.

The flashing lights and sounds heightened, the music becoming increasingly dramatic. He was nearing the boss level at the end of The Reckoning of Tartarus, just a few rooms left to clear. The mobs were becoming more difficult, varied, and numbered as he cleared one room after the other. His years of experience in gaming told him that he was indeed nearing the main boss of the game. As soon as he came to an empty room with two tables on either side of the door. They each had ammo, health packs, and almost every gun in the game on them. The game was giving him a final choice to take whatever he needed for this treacherous fight.

Picking up a legendary edition rocket launcher, Minigun of The Colossus, and two arcane revolvers, he turned towards the last door, ready to take on the horrors that laid ahead. Stopping in his tracks, whilst mentally facehoofing himself, he picked up health packs, arcane packs, and all the ammo he would need for the coming fight. Saving one last time, he grittted his teeth and swore an oath that today a boss would fall! Whether it be thirty minutes from now, or six hours, an overpowered spawn of Tatarus would be vanquished. The digital candlelights flickered in anticipation, a deep shade of ominous red.

This was it. No turning back. Letting out a few deep breaths, he opened the black door to the room that held the harbinger of Equestria's possible demise. Havok, the Lord of Terror turned around to regard the hero that had braved his palace of horrors. It was a beast unlike any Rumble had ever encountered. Its eyes of red shadow pierced the surrounding darkness that was only lit by candles. It had to be at least fifteen feet tall, sporting two massive black hooves that supported two absolutely muscle-ripped legs. The creature resembled that of a minotaur, though more demonic in nature. Its body was a shade of red, somewhat like the color of dried blood.

Its deep voice echoed out, accompanied by the whispers of the tormented souls it had reaped, "So, you have finally reached my throne room. It took you long enough. You have fought valiantly, and admirably, I might add. I respect that. A worthy adversary indeed. But your journey ends here, pathetic mortal. I will rend the flesh from your bones and all you'll be able to do is scream like the pathetic, little morsel you are."

Havok pulled his double-sided axe, aptly named Reaper of Souls, from his back sheath, letting it slam against the ground and created a crack that ripped its way up towards Rumble's character. The crack stopped mere inches away from the colt, the darkness below fillied with an ominous red light. Tartarus was feet below their hooves. Indeed, the rumors had been true. This castle was the focal point from which the demons had poured into Equestria. The gateway in Narnus was just a trick! If Rumble had chosen to head towards Narnus, who knows what ending he would have gotten.

Rumble drew his Minigun of The Colossus, bearing it down upon the nightmarish demon. As soon as he opened fire, Havok dashed to the side with frightening speed. At first, Rumble was completely taken off guard by the supernatural speed with which the minotaur demon darted behind pillars. As he swept the weapon towards the creature in an attempt to at least hit the guy once to draw blood for later tracking if things went south, his eyes widened as Havok was suddenly in front of him. Teleportation?! The Gatekeeper of Solus didn't say Havok could teleport!

Throwing himself backwards to avoid a vicious swing of Havok's axe, he drew one of his arcane revolvers out to deal with the creature at close range. At point blank, there was no way he could miss. He had only but a few seconds to pull this off, he needed to act fast or he would have to go through another set of attacks to reach this one again. And if there was one thing he hated, it was repetitively dodging attacks to get to the ones he could actually counterattack.

Thankfully, due to an echantement he had picked up two days ago, he was able to charge the weapon in half the time it took for the demon to recover. He let loose a volley of arcane bullets, ripping through Havok's tough hide like butter. With a roar of anger and pain, the demon teleported back behind a pillar to no doubt charge up some special attack. A boss didn't stay back like this unless time was needed to pull off a special attack.

Rumble wasn't about to let Havok to do this, however. He was the hero of Equestria, the bane of Tartarus! No demon escaped his wrath, not even the Lord of Terror himself. Rumble used the minigun to rip apart the pillar at the base and at the top. Shards of stone flew off and a cloud of white dust obscured the pony's view. Using a spell of impaling flame, he pushed the pillar on top of Havok. The demon let out yet another cry of pain. Rumble was now grinning at this point, feeling pride in humiliating the leader of the demons in such a way.

His pride was short-lived, however, as the demon used its teleportation abilities to get to the middle of the room. Soon after, Havok used his unholy magic to light up a ritual circle depicting the Eye of Deception. No, it can't be! That was no normal attack the demon lord had been charging! No, this was so much worse. Rumble had experienced this spell only once before, and that was by a lowly wizard. The wizard in question had been consumed and sent to the Void due to him not knowing what he had been tampering with. This was dark magic unlike anything else out there. The Storm of Souls, Havok's signature spell and the reason he was in power in the first place.

Rumble ran behind a pillar, frantically trying to take cover from the hell that was about to ensue. His back slammed against the cylindrical object of white stone, his character's breathing in paniced gasps. Almost immediately, things became deadly silent as if he had happened upon a cemetary. As soon as it had started, the silence had stopped and the essence of Tartarus itself was let loose in Equestria's plane of existence. The screaming of millions of souls ripped through both Rumble's and his character's ears, instilling fear in the both of them. His virtual character's obviously being not real. It WAS a game after all.

A storm of unnatural shadows licked hungrily at every surface it could touch, rotating around Havok like a protective barrier that sucked the life force out of everything. Even behind this pillar, Rumble could see his health bar ever so slowly depleting as his character's sould was being absorbed. Thankfully, he had prepared for just such an occasion. He hurriedly took out a potion of white liquid. It was the life essence of an angel, light in its purest form. Evil cannot best good when one pure of heart walks into the darkness. Ironically enough, Havok's best spell was his worst weakness.

He drank the potion without hesitation and the effect was almost immediate. His character was thrown into third pony view, slowly rotating around in a cinematic fashion. The character's eyes were filled with a white light slightly shooting outwards, the mouth in just the same fashion. A normal mortal would have fallen to the ground and died within an instant. But he was the hero that the prophecy fortold! No amount of light or darkness could vanquish such a pure soul. With only one righteous goal in mind, he stepped out from behind the pillar to face his foe.

The millions of lost pony lives stood behind him in a now visible, yet transparent, form. They stared forth into the maw of of evil, their eyes burning with the rage of justice. The shadows could not pierce the dome of light surrounding Rumble's character. The vanquished armies of all of Equus's nations and the angels stood by behind him, lending their strength for this one last push. The candle of light will not burn out so easily! In that one moment, they were not a candle... but a roaring inferno that knew no bounds!

Suddenly dashing forward with the speed triple that of Havok's, the blinding light of all that was holy aiding Rumble in his struggle. The demon had been laughing prior to all of this, but now he looked on in horror as a mere mortal held the power of light eternal. No, this was no mere mortal. This... pony was the very embodiment of all that was right. There was to be no escape for the tricky demon this time. Letting out a shrill cry of terror, ironically enough given his name, the demon brought his arms up to protect himself. But it was naught. The demon had only managed to bring its arms up a couple inches before it was brutally struck in the chest by Rumble's character's hoof.

The entire ribcage shattered into dozens upon dozens of shards, the chest being caved inwards. A sickening sound of bone being broke, flesh being shredded, and the horrible screeches of Havok were all that could be heard for a second. There was nothing but crushing silence all around them, the shadows being dissipated like the wind on smoke. Havok was flown backwards at a remarkable speed, two times that of even Rumble!

With a thunderous crash and the sudden silence of the demon lord, the wall cracked in a million places and the building shook. The ancient, strength-enchanted walls held firm, but they were hopelessly smashed. The fact that the building was still standing was absolutely amazing. Not stopping to think any further, Rumble used his supernatural speed to dart forward yet again before Havok could recover. Once he was there, he pressed the required buttons to block attack after attack, counterattacking with ferocity no mortal had ever posessed in the history of existence. At least for the game anyway.

Rumble blocked Havok's axe with an arm alone, shattering the ancient weapon instantly. A shockwave of red energy shot out and ripped through all of the stone pillars. The air was nothing but white dust and red mist of evaporating hate energy. Using his powers, he cleared the dust and evil mist away in a second. He was sweating so much right now and his butt cheeks were clenched so tight that outside onlookers would think that he had to go to the bathroom. After weeks of constant experience-grinding and doing every repetitive side quest to obtain the angel essence potion, the time was here. The end of the game was nearly in sight.

Bringing his character's hoof back for one last strike towards the face of Havok, the Lord of Terror. There was only one last button to push and he would win the game. His breaths came out in labored gasps as he brought his hoof down to press just one more button, the last button he'll ever need to push in The Reckoning of Tartarus. He was so happy that he felt that he would jump up with joy and cry out to the heavens. But not now. Now was the time to finish this!





The game had taken most of Rumble's concentration, if not all of it. If he had paid attention, he may have been able to stop it from being taking it away. One moment, the game had been in his hooves, and the next, it had been ripped away from him. For a second, he just stared in confusion, but he managed to piece the situation together. He looked up in horror, seeing that his brother had taken his game and was looking down at him with a scowl.

Rumble cried out, reaching out for the game, horrified that he was not close enough to grab it, "No, no, NO! Thunder, give it back! Please, this is the worst time for you to-"

His pleas to get the game back were cut short by the sound of the music that only happened when your character died. He collapsed back onto the couch in disbelief, his eyes still wide and his jaw hanging open. In that one final second, he had lost it all. He stared up at Thunderlane, hearbroken that all of his hard work had been for nothing. Tears formed in his eyes and his lower lip started to tremble. He hated crying, he really did. But he just couldn't help himself. He let the tears flow and fall where they may, his anger blinding him to what he was about to say.

Thunderlane's face softened up just a bit for a second, but hardened up in just as much time, "H-hey, don't cry. I told you, like, four hours ago to clean your room, do the dishes, and take out the trash. You've been paying this game nonstop for weeks and haven't been doing your chores. I have to constantly remind you and even then, I have to watch you minutes after to make sure you're actually doing what you're supposed to do. I've about had it up to here with you, mister. Either you're going to-"

Rumble screamed at his brother in rage, his vision blurred by tears of frustration, "NO! I spent weeks grinding and doing every little side quest! I would have skipped a lot of them, but the potion of angel essence can only be obtained if you do them! It's the only way you can get the true hero ending and it's gone! All thanks to you! The game will tamper with the save and when I load it up again, I won't have the potion! It's GONE, Thunder! And it's all your fault!"

A shocked Thunderlane stood there with widened eyes as he heard his little brother, his sweet and innocent flesh and blood, scream at him with such intense hate. Rumble watched with a red face as his brother glanced at the game in guilt, then reached a hoof out to comfort him. He brushed the hoof away and buried his face in the couch, openly weeping at the loss of the true hero ending. Admittedly, it wasn't something to cry about, but he was just so angry that he didn't think about that.

Rumble felt the weight shift on the couch, no doubt because his brother was sitting down next to him. He felt a hoof rub reassuringly on his shoulder, but he was going to have none of that. A hoof wasn't going to get back weeks of hard work. He jerked upwards and, without thinking of his actions or the consequnces, slapped Thunderlane across the face. Almost immediately, he recoiled in horror at what he had done. The game had been important to him, but to lay a hoof on his brother in such a way? Even he was disgusted by his actions.

Rumble tried to remedy the situation, true guilt and regret in his eyes, "Thunderlane, I-I swear, I didn't mean to! I would never hit you, you mean the world to me! Thunder, please, I'm sorry!"

Thunderlane sighed a bit, shaking his head angrily, "Go to your room, Rumble. Stay up there and think about what you did. I'll bring dinner up to you in an hour. You don't have to do chores today, but we are going to have a talk after you eat. I know you didn't mean it. I get that. I know you would never do that knowingly. But for now, just go to your room. No arguments, just... go."

Rumble wanted to say something, anything, to get his brother to forgive him. But he knew that no amount of puppy dog eyes or sorries were going to fix what he had done. It was best to just go to his room and wait this one out. Sniffling, he wiped a hoof across his nose, still slightly hyperventilating from his intense crying session. He got up and shuffled over to the stairs, his head hung low in shame and his eyes red from the tears. How could he do such a thing?

Walking up the stairs and getting out of sight of Thunderlane provided a sense of relief for the small colt, as he didn't want to be in the same room as his brother right now. Not because he was angry about the game. No, he was already passed that. What really ate at him was the fact that he had struck the one pony in this world that he looked up to more than anyone else. Sighing sadly, he walked over to his room and opened the door. He headed inside, making sure to close said door behind him, and ran to his bed. He jumped onto the bed and buried his head into the pillow, going right back to crying.

How could he make up for what he had done? In one moment, he had screwed so much up. How long would it take to make up for that one moment of childish behavior? His brother probably hated his guts right now. With that thought foremost in his mind, his crying intensified. He curled up into a ball with his hooves wrapped around the pillow, wondering how things got so messed up so quickly.


Thunderlane sat on the couch, staring at the wall for the longest time. He wasn't mad at Rumble anymore and he knew that the kid would never have done that knowingly. He was a sweet, innocent colt that wouldn't even dream of harming a fly. Still, rules had to be enforced and consequences had to be given out. If only their parents were still here, then maybe he would have a better idea of how to deal with Rumble. He shook the thought of his parents out of his mind, still not fully over their untimely deaths. It was best to deal with that stuff when he had ponies around him to comfort him.

Thunderlane looked down to the small game system in his lap, feeling guilty for having deprived the colt of such an achievment. He played a lot of games, too, so he understand that this must have royally sucked. Still, being hit in the face was pretty bad, so they were even now. Still, he had to show a little force when the kid acted out, or... at least that's what he thought. Maybe he had it all wrong? Maybe Rumble's instant guilt was enough of a punishment? He just didn't know enough to be a real parent. He didn't have the experience necessary to make the right decisions. Or he did and he just didn't know if they were right or not.

Well, at least it wasn't all bad. Solar Sin, Thunderlane's younger cousin and Rumble's slightly older cousin, was supposed to come over today. If the trip went according to plan, his aunt should arrive here in about an hour. Maybe Sin, everyone just called the colt Sin, would be enough to calm Rumble down. They were practically best friends after all. And his brother definitely didn't want to see him right now, so Sin was his best shot here. He glanced back down at the game for a moment, then got up, sighing.

Thunderlane went over to the stairs and started climbing them, deciding that being quiet, though he wanted to, wouldn't make a difference. He made it to the entrance of Rumble's room, which was closed. He wanted to open the door, wrap Rumble up in a hug, and tell the colt that everything was okay and that he wasn't angry anymore. But he decided against it, not wishing to upest his brother any further. He placed the game on the table next to the door that held decorations that used to be his mother's. Rumble often looked at these for comfort, so maybe it would be seen here.

His ears perked up a bit, hearing silent sobbing coming from the other side of the door. Sighing, he went back downstairs and went over to the living room couch to sit back down. There were so many things he wanted to say to Rumble, but it was best to just leave things as they were. Solar Sin was the best chance he had here. Not too long and they'd both be running through the house, laughing and wrestling like they always did. That was the idea anyway. At this point, one could only hope.


Solar Sin walked through the dirt streets of Ponyville, a massive grin on his small muzzle. It'd been a month since he had last seen his cousin and best friend, Rumble. When he had first heard that they were going to Ponyville for a week, and might even move there so his dad was closer to work, he was overjoyed. He really hoped that it was the latter of the two. Being able to spend time with Rumble every day for years to come was a prospect that almost seemed like a dream.

He looked up to his mom, "Hey, mom... do you think Rumble will like his present? It's not a game, a new comic book, or something else really cool. So I'm really not sure if he'll like it.

His mother chuckled and nodded her head, "Oh, he'll love it, honey! You put so much thought into it. I'm proud of you for not going for something that you could just buy. There's a lot of love in what you got for him. It's kind of cute how two are such good friends that you do this sort of stuff for each other."

Sin's cheeks turned to the color of red, looking away slightly, "Moooom, it's not cute..."

His mother giggled a little, ruffling his mane playfully with a hoof as they walked, "Alright, alright... but Rumble will love it, I promise."

He really did hope Rumble would like the present, and his mom seemed to be sure that it would be okay. Still, it made him really nervous thinking about it. He looked down at his chest, brushing a bit of dirt off his tan body. He wanted to look his best when he finally got to see Rumble, so he had spent a bunch of time making sure everything was perfect. His dark, brown mane was short like Rumble's, but it didn't spike up in the back like his best friend's mane. Their tails weren't all that differently shaped either. His eyes were a dark green, resembling that of the trees in the Everfree Forest.

After what seemed like hours of walking, though it was only about ten minutes, they eventually made it to the door of Rumble and Thunderlane's house. He could hardly contain his excitement as he knocked on the door four times in quick succession. It felt like an eternity of waiting, but eventually Thunderlane opened up the door. Without so much as saying hello or a 'how do you do?', he leaped forward and wrapped his older cousin up in a hug. Thunderlane just laughed and returned the hug, patting the colt on the back.

Thunderlane eventually let colt back down on the ground, looking him over, "Whoa, you're getting so big! Say... did you grow an inch? Or am I just getting shorter?"

Sin laughed a bit, "I grew, cousin Thunder! It was, like... one day, I was just taller! One of these days, I'm gonna' be taller than you!"

Thunderlane ruffled up Sin's mane a bit, "Oh, is that so? Well, when that happens, you can help clear out the gutters. My ladder's really short, so I need someone really tall to do it. Think you'd be up for it?"

Sin's smile was wiped away from his face at the prospect of work, but he wasn't going to say no to Thunder, "Y-yeah... sure..."

Thunderlane just laughed and playfully, yet gently, punched Sin's arm, "Hey, I'm just pullin' your tail, Sin, " his eyes shifted towards the older mare in front of him, "Hey, auntie, how's it going? It's been way too long since you guys last visited here. And I'm sure Rumble would love to see Sin again."

Sin's mother chuckled a little and hugged Thunderlane, "Oh, I'm doing fine, sweetie... and yeah, I think Rumble would love to see you, Sin. Go on ahead, Thunder and I have a bit of catching up to to do. Don't worry, we'll unpack. You just go visit your cousin."

Sin looked over to Thunderlane for confirmation, who said, "Don't worry about it, sport. We'll do all the unpacking. Rumble's up in his room, but, uh..." his face fell a bit, but for what reason Sin couldn't tell, "he's not in the best of moods right now. But don't worry, I'm sure he'll perk right up when you surprise him. After all, I didn't tell him you two were coming by."

Sin's eyes brightened up and he immediately started running towards the stairs, hearing the two behind him chuckle. He didn't care, however, as the moment he had been looking forward to for a long time was about to come. Storming up the stairs as quickly as he could, he took a right and flung open Rumble's door. He stoppd in his tracks, looking around the room for his cousin. Thunder had said that Rumble was in here, so why wasn't that the case?

He called out, looking under the bed, in the closet, and everywhere else in the room he could think of, "Rumble! Rumble, where are you! Weird, he should be here. Maybe he went to the bathroom or something. Oh! Idea!"

Sin started to grin evilly and went over to the bathroom that was across the hallway, expecting the door to be closed and the light to be on. But it was open and it was dark. He had wanted to scare Rumble as a joke, but apparently that wasn't going to happen. Scratching his head in confusion, he looked around the long hallway, wondering just where his cousin could be. He saw a new hoofheld game system where his aunt's favored decorations where they usually were. His face fell for a moment when he remember what had happened to Rumble's parents. His cousin had been crying off and on for months. But now was not the time to feel sad, that time passed by years ago.

Sin, after some careful observing, eventually found that Thunderlane's room door was open. Maybe Rumble had to get something out of there? It was the only door open, so it made sense to look there first. He didn't rush in his walk towards Thunder's room, as there weren't many places Rumble could be anyway. He looked into the room hesitantly and saw his best friend sitting down on the bed opposite of the door. He was about to say something, but stopped when he saw that his cousin was reading a magazine. Why would Rumble go into Thunderlane's room for that? The guy had his own room for that stuff.

Sin got up onto the bed as quietly as he could, then carefully slid towards Rumble. He might be able to scare his cousin after all! Surprisingly, he managed to get right behing Rumble. Deciding to wait to scare his friend, he peeked over said friend's shoulder to get a look at the magazine. His eyes widened as he saw just what Rumble was reading. Well, he wasn't entirely sure what the magazine was about, but he had an idea. On the current page, there were two stallions grasping and rubbing at each other's... sheaths? No, that was wrong. These were long and hard, almost like thick poles of flesh. And they were coming out of the sheaths.

After a bit more careful examining, he could see something sliding down both of the stallions' poles. It was like a drop of water, but clear and it darkened a path of flesh, making it easier to see. He honestly had no idea what was going on here. He had been so invested in discovering what was going on in the picture that he had completely forgotten to stay quiet or scare his cousin. When he finally paid attention to Rumble, his friend was looking straight at him. The tip of their muzzles were touching and they just stared at each other for the longest time. Something about them touching muzzles like this made Sin blush profusely.

Rumble dropped the magazine and wrapped Sin up into a tight hug, giggling happily, "I can't believe you're here! Sin, when did you come into town? And why didn't my broth-..." he stopped right there and continued with something else, "Anyway, again... when did you get here?"

Sin, the joy of talking to his cousin making him disregard what he had seen in the magazine, "We just got in! Like, twenty minutes ago, we arrived in town. We just got here, though. At your, uh... your house. So, how have you been, Rumble? It's been way too long since last we saw each other!"

Rumble nodded a bit, his eyes shifting downwards at the magazine that was still in his hooves, "Oh, I've been okay. It's been pretty boring around here. Everyone's been pretty busy, so I haven't been able to hang out with anyone my age. Buuuuut... you're here now! Oh, oh, oh! You gotta' check out this magazine. It's super weird. I found it under Thunder's bed when I was looking around for my game. It's the new Ponyboy 2.0. Thunder and I had an... an argument and he took it away."

Sin pointed out towards the hallway, "I saw it out in the hallway on that table with the dolls and other stuff. You know, where her stuff is at."

Rumble seemed surprised to hear this as he looked up towards the hallway, indeed seeing that the Ponyboy was on the table next to his bedroom door, "Huh. He gave it back to me and I didn't even notice. Anyway, we'll get to that later. Here, look at what my brother had under his bed..."

Rumble openly presented the magazine, giving Sin a much better look. The tan colt took the reading material in his hooves, blushing as he saw this all again. He turned the pages, his eyes widening as he saw a much stranger sight. The same pair of stallions were together again, this time one mounting the other as if he was going to perform a suplex. But instead, his rod of hard flesh was shoved all the way inside of the one on the bottom's... butt? Okay, that was just plain weird. They seemed to both be enjoying what they were doing immensely, however, so maybe there was something to it he didn't understand.

Sin looked under the picture and saw a paragraph detailing what was going on, almost like a story. It used a few words that he didn't understand, though he managed to get the name of the poles that the stallions had. A cock. And apparently the cock was being shoved deep inside the... asshole. He giggled a little at the silly names, wondering if this was some kind of joke book for grown ups.

He decided to read out loud, "Jasper rocked his hips back and forth, sliding in and out of his moaning coltfriend. The slick feeling of his lover's asshole pleasured him beyond words. It was like a thousand needles of joy were prickling in and around his cock, focusing heavily on the head. He could feel himself become closer to cumming, and his lover was begging to be filled. How could Jasper say no to such an adorable face? With one final push, he-"

Sin stopped mid sentence when he felt a hoof on his shoulder, "Rumble, why did you stop me? It was just getting interesting. I wanna' know what the stallion under Jasper wants to be filled with."

Rumble looked down at Sin's crotch for some reason that the tan colt could not fathom. He looked down to where his cousin was looking and he saw what looked to be a smaller version of the other stallions' cocks. Now that he was paying attention to it, he could feel it throbbing and twitching, almost as if it was alive. He brought a hoof down to move the cock around to get a better look, but jerked in surprise when he felt a jolt of... something shoot throughout his cock. Despite it being weird, it felt good.

Hesitantly, he brought his hoof down to stroke himself, hoping to get some more of what he assumed to be pleasure to fill up his pole. Soon after, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he laid down on the bed, so he could do this strange thing without having to keep himself upright. With each jolt of pleasure, his cock twitched and throbbed quicker and more frequently. He glanced over to Rumble, who was watching all of this, fascinated by what was going on. His cousin's cock was also coming out, but why, he hadn't a clue. It just seemed to happen when you thought about this weird stuff.

A voice called up from the top of the stairs, which was identifiable as Thunderlane's, "Hey, guys, we're gonna' go out to town. Do you think you'll be okay by yourselves for a bit?"

Rumble called out to Thunder, his eyes never leaving Sin's throbbing mass, "Y-yeah, we'll be okay, Thunder! You two just go on ahead, Sin and I will, uh... we'll just be here playing!"

Thunderlane didn't exit the top of the stairs or look into his room, "Alright, I'll see you two in an hour! Maybe two hours if we're held up! See you two later!"

With that, the stallion trotted back downstairs, oblivious to the fact that the two cousins were most likely going to be doing some very dirty and inappropriate things together. Sin sat up and looked down at Rumble's cock with curiosity. They were both feeling, erm... pleasured, or whatever it was called, so maybe they could do some of the things that were in the magazine? For some reason, the idea of him being inside of Rumble's butt... asshole... excited him in ways he didn't quite understand. But his cock sure did with all of its throbbing and twitching.

Rumble was looking at Sin in the strangest way, almost as if he was hungry. Hungry for what, though? Was he thinking about doing the same thing as Sin was thinking about? Sin's eyes darted back down to the magazine, a hoof resting against the base of his cock. He moved another hoof to the side and turned a page of the magazine, curious at to what happened next. The same pair of stallions could be seen, only this time they were kissing each other. They were even slipping their tongues into each others' mouths, though he could barely see that. It was only after half a minute of observing did he see something white, like the clear stuff from earlier, dripping out of each other's butts.

Rumble flipped the magazine around to face him, then started to read, "They laid in each other's embrace, swapping spit and each other's love. They were both full of each others' cum. No, it was not just cum. It was the representation of the love they shared for one another. As they drifted off into sleep, all they could think about was how great the future was going to be."

Rumble slowly looked up at a blushing Sin, blushing quite heavily himself, "D-do... do you want to kiss? Like them?"

Sin moved his haunches to sit near Rumble, though they were facing in two different directions. Bringing a hoof to his cousin's cheek, he brought the blushing colt in for a hesitant kiss. Whatever hesitance they had before washed away immediately and now they were kissing freely. He had kissed his mom on the cheek plenty of times and had even had it on the lips every once in a while. But it was always less than a second and nothing quite like this. This was more... intimate. And everything about it felt right.

For the longest time, they sat there with their lips connected without truly knowing what to do. Sin, however, had seen exactly what the stallions had been doing. Parting Rumble's lips with his tongue, he slipped inside and started to explore. He didn't really know what he was doing, but decided that simply exploring seemed to do the trick. His tongue rubbed against his cousin's equally small muscle, feeling the bumps that he assumed were Rumble's taste buds. He hadn't realized it before, as he was too concentrated on the act itself, but he was moaning rather loudly. And, surprisingly enough, Rumble was doing the same thing.

Sin eventually pulled back with what little free will he could muster, gasping for breath, as he had been holding it in the entire time, "O-oh... oh wow. Rumble, that was amazing. Let's bring the magazine into your room and, uh... you know. Do what they did. It looks like a lot of fun and if the rest of it's anything like what happened to me and what we did, I'm all for it."


Rumble opened the door to his room, his heart beating out of his chest. The things they had done were weird, but for some reason, it was fun. He couldn't put his hoof on exactly what had been going on in that kiss, but it was just... fun. And, honestly, he was feeling something other than friendship for his cousin. He wasn't a fool, he knew what coltfriends and fillyfriends were, but with his own cousin? He wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, Sin was... cute in his own way. It was weird to think that way about his cousin, let alone another colt. Fillies were often cute, but he hadn't paid too much attention to other colts.

As they walked into the room itself, his eyes drifted towards Sin's bouncing penis. Whatever Sin had done to himself, it had apparently felt good. Or, at least, that's what he assumed when Sin was moaning like a ghost. The guy certainly wasn't trying to scare Rumble, that'd be silly. No, that had been something else entirely. And for whatever reason, he had loved every second of watching it. It had filled him with a strange sense of excitement he had never felt before.

Rumble sat in the middle of his bed, placing the magazine down next to him. He turned the page back to where the stallions had mounted each other, his once softening member hardening up at the sight. Now that he had an idea of what was going on in these pictures and what happened when you did them, it didn't take long for him to feel excited again. He looked over to Sin for a moment, then back at the picture. Were they really and truly going to do this? Apparently so. He looked down at the words down below for a moment. It said something about loosening up the stallion's butt with a tongue. That was really gross-sounding, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. So... maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounded.

He turned the pages a couple times and got out of the two stallions' section to find two entirely different ponies. They were both stallions again, but this time they were doing something rather peculiar. They were laying on top of each other, but mutually sucking each other's cocks. One was facing one way, and the other was facing the other way. He wasn't sure he was up for butt play just yet, so this would probably work out. He didn't exactly relish the thought of licking Sin's tailhole.

He looked over to Sin and said, "Get on your back. I'm gonna' lay on top of you. My thing is going to be in your face and yours will be in mine. According to the picture, we just take them into our mouths and suck. And apparently go up and down. The words below the picture say to do that."

Sin hesitated for a moment, but did as he was told. He laid on his back, flat as a board, and as nervous as a chicken in a cage full of foxes. Rumble put the magazine off to the side and climbed on top of Sin, making sure he was facing the opposite direction of his cousin. When he was in position, he went cross-eyed as he tried to focus on the head of Sin's member. It was a lot bigger up close and seemed more than a little daunting. But he was the brother of Thunderlane and that meant he had to be brave. He was just about to take the tip into his mouth when he jerked in surprise, feeling Sin's hot, wet mouth take him in.

Groaning at the foreign feeling of pleasure, he slipped the head of Sin's penis into his mouth. It was a strange taste indeed. It was almost satly in nature, but in a different way than one would expect something salty to taste. The feeling of his cousin's soft cock skin was unlike the rest of the body. He lowered his head down, making sure his tongue explored every inch. He could still feel Sin back there doing the exact same thing. As the seconds ticked by, the pleasure started to become more and more intense. It was all he could do to not scream out with joy.

Once Rumble had about three-fourths of Sin's member in his throat, he lifted his head up to the tip, letting his tongue graze the little hole on the top of the head. It was oozing the same clear stuff that was on the other stallion's penis. It held a more potent taste of saltiness than the actual cock, but it also had a sweet undertone to it as well. It actually tasted very pleasant, as if he was getting a small treat before dinner. And in that moment, he realized that Thunder had completely forgotten to cook dinner. Again. He didn't stay on that train of thought for long, as a sudden surge of pleasure started to take hold of his small colt cock.

Diving his head back down, he started to bob up and down on his cousin. His slober trickled down the side of his mouth as he went up. The droplets' freedom did not last long, as he was already going down and picking up any stragglers left behind. He repeated this process for a while until his own pleasure started to reach heights he didn't know were possible. Gasping and moaning, whilst being gagged by his cousin's adorable, little penis, he shuddered as he felt something powerful take over his body.

He closed his eyes as tightly as he could, feeling something shoot violently out of his own member. The feeling was so surreal that he halfway wondered if he was having some sort of vivid and lucid dream. His entire body was shaking as he emptied something into Sin's sucking mouth. He bucked downwards instinctively, hoping to keep this feeling from going away. He felt Sin's own cock head flare up and shoot something as well. The colt back there was making so many adorable sounds, much like a ghost as before. But this time, they were more primal. More... wanting. Everything in his mouth suddenly tasted thicker and saltier than it had been before. This, however, was bitter and hard to swallow. At least compared to the other stuff anyway.

But, being the trooper he was, he swallowed as much as he could and pulled off of Sin, gasping for air. He looked down to see globs of clear liquid dripping out of his mouth. There were also a good amount of white spots in the strange liquid as well, but it was different than what was in the other stallions' butts. Theirs were fully white, not a single bit of clearness. Maybe it had something to do with the cousins being significantly younger. He was just guessing, really. He looked back at a panting Sin, smiling when he saw his softening cock resting against his cousin's right cheek.

After a bit of panting tiredly, Rumble got off of his cousin and proceeded to lift up the colt's rump to get a better view of the pucker that lay in between the two cheeks. Spreading them apart, he watched it for a bit. It was almost cute in a weird sort of way. He really wanted to do butt stuff, so he needed to do this for that. The stallions in the magazine did it, and they were experts in this sort of thing. Well, one would think so if they managed to get into an official magazine for that stuff.

Reaching out with his tongue, he let it push against the small pucker. Okay, that was a much weirder taste than the other stuff. It wasn't terrible by any means, as Sin seemed to be exceptionally clean back here. But it would definitely take some getting used to, that's for sure. His eyes drifted upwards to look at Sin's short, now fully erect again, cock. He would rather be sucking on that, but he could do this. It would just take a bit of doing.

Sin was in a moaning fit while his legs shifted from side to side, up and down, "R-r-rumble... you're l-licking my butt. D-don't stop! Please!"

He poked and prodded the squirming colt's entrance with his tongue for a bit, slickening it up for what was to come. After a little while of licking, it actually started to taste somewhat okay. Well, it wasn't good or anything. It just wasn't a chore to continue doing it. Needless to say, he had gotten used to it. Once he felt that Sin's tailhole was wet enough, he pulled away and immediately positioned himself. This was either going to be the most amazing thing in the world, or the weirdest. He really hoped for the former, not the latter.

Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, he blindly positioned his little cock against Sin's entrance, feeling the rump cheeks press agains the side of said cock's head. Holding onto his cousin's legs for dear life, he started pushing. It was definitely a tight fit and it took a bit of doing, but he had finally managed to get the tip of his tip inside. He looked to Sin's face, seeing a mixture of pain and pleasure. But his cousin didn't move to stop him, so he took that as a sign to continue. He felt the ring of his best friend's anus stretch and form around his cock, making him groan.

Moving his hooves to grip Sin's hips, he thrusted forward to get more of himself inside of the hot opening. The feeling of flesh surrounding flesh was almost otherworldly in nature. It was hard to believe that something so amazing had eluded the two colts for so long. Still, Sin did not try to stop him, so that meant he could go even further in. His groans grew in volume as he slipped more of himself inside of his cousin. It was just so hot inside of his friend, almost like a comforting furnace.

Rumble rested his head against Sin's right leg, nuzzling into it every so often. After a while of sweating, thrusting, and groaning, he had finally fit all of him into his friend. It was an amazing sight, seeing Sin reduced to a moaning mess. The pained looked on the colt's face seemed to have gone away for the most part and was replaced with one that of pure pleasure. He did want that amazing release from before, but he wanted to fulfill Sin's needs more than his own. He wanted to make his cousin feel so good.

Gasping loudly, which turned into his loudest groan yet, he slid out of Sin slowly. Once he was back at the tip, he thrusted forward into the now screaming colt. In fact, at this point, the were both pretty much screaming. Well, maybe not true screaming, but it was pretty darn loud. He repeated this process over and over, feeling his cock throb with pleasure. The walls of Sin's asshole tickled him in all the right ways, demanding an even quicker and deeper thrusting.

As Rumble felt himself near that glorious edge again, he moaned out Sin's name in an attempt to show the world just how much he loved his cousin. And definitely not in a way cousins usually love each other, that was for sure. It took a more few thrusts, but he managed to orgasm. And it was the best one yet, far exceeding the one they had previously shared. He could feel himself emptying his load, though it felt small and insignificant compared to the last one, into Sin's hot asshole. As he was doing this, he saw his friend's bouncing cock spray a tiny bit of white-spotted ejaculatory fluids on the chest in front of it.

As this all happened nearly at the same time, they both cried out in unison, "I LOVE YOU!!!"

After they had both calmed down from their pleasured highs, they stared at one another with massive blushes. Out of everything that had happened since they had discovered that magazine, expressing their love for each other was what made Rumble the happiest. To know what it was like to love someone in a way that didn't mean family, it filled his little heart with joy. This was it. For the first time in his life, he had... a relationship. And not just any relationship. A coltfriend that just so happened to be his cousin.

Gritting his teeth, he slipped out of Sin. This caused a bit of leftover pleasure to hit him like a ton of bricks. But compared to everything else, this was bearable. Too tired to go anywhere else, he snuggled against his newfound coltfriend lovingly. He nuzzled into Sin's cheek, smiling happily. Whatever they had been before was no more. Now they were hooked to each other more than they ever were. Now it was just hoping that one day Sin would move up here.

Sin rubbed a hoof across Rumble's cheek, a smile plastered upon his muzzle, "You know, I was thinking. Thunderlane hid that magazine for a reason. We were never told about this stuff either. So I think that means we weren't supposed to do it, especially not with each other. I think we should wash up and put the magazine back where we found it. Let this be our secret. I don't want them to take me away from you... I know that's not likely, but I don't want to take that risk."

Rumble nodded, having been thinking about the same thing, "Yeah, I think we should do that. There's no reason to take any risks when we don't know all of the facts. Anyway," he rested a hoof on Sin's chest, "let's go get that shower taken. If we stay here any longer, we'll probably fall asleep. And what would Thunder and your mom think if they saw us all messy?"

Sin giggled a bit and got up, "Considering that cousins aren't supposed to date, I'm pretty sure they'd freak out. Come on, let's go, I wanna' take a shower with my new coltfriend."

Rumble blushed a bit at hearing Sin actually use the word. He wordlessly followed his cousin out of the bedroom, through the hallway, and into the bathroom. It still sucked that Sin would have to go back to his house in maybe a week. That's how long his cousin usually spent over at his house. He honestly wasn't sure what he would do without Sin. He didn't want to be anywhere but with Sin. Watching his rump as they walked, he decided it wasn't what they had done that made him want to stay with the colt. It was the love. And there wasn't anything in this world truly like one's first love. Well, for right now anyway.

Sin went to get out a towel from under the sink while Rumble turned the shower on and made sure that it wasn't too cold or too hot. Once everything was set up, they stepped into the shower and let the warm water splash against their bodies. Sin had brought up the idea of washing each other, giving the reason that if they could do the other stuff, why shouldn't they be able to wash each other? Rumble didn't see any reason to not do it, as they've obviously done weirder things thus far. They turned the showerhead toward the wall of the shower, so when they lathered each other up in soap, it wouldn't all just wash off.

Through the entire process, they were both blushing, their faces resembling small tomatoes. While ponies saw each other naked all the time in public, it was still weird to shower with another one. Still, it was most definitely a lot of fun. Once they were done with the actual washing of their bodies, manes, and tails, they laid down in the tub to cuddle for a while. Rumble wanted to fall asleep right there, but the impact of water upon his body was enough to keep him up. They laid there for the longest time, not saying anything, and not moving. Just cuddling, letting time slide right on by.


Thunderlane had went shopping with his aunt to get some much needed groceries. Unfortunately, he totally forgot to feed Rumble and Solar Sin, which kind of sucked. More for them than for him probably, but still. He parked his cart full of groceries off to the side of the door and then opened said door. Heading in with a load, he started heading towards the kitchen. The colts were on the living room floor, wrestling like they usually did. And like usual, Rumble was winning. He put the sacks full of food down on the kitchen floor and then turned around to go get yet another load.

He was shocked to find that Rumble had started hugging him out of the blue. He had no idea where this loving attitude was coming from, but repaid it in full regardless of his surprise. They were like that for while. They just hugged, something they hadn't done in a very long time. Sin did it a lot, but Rumble had always tried to be more of a 'stallion', as the other colts and fillies put it. He had always tried to tell Rumble that being a stallion or being a mare didn't matter. He had told Rumble that being a stallion or being a mare should only mean being a pony. Nothing else, just a pony. To be judged by your individual actions and not let silly genders get in the way of everything. Still, the kids teased the poor colt from time to time, so it made it difficult to instill that teaching.

Rumble eventually pulled back from the hug with tears in his eyes, "I'm... I'm sorry I hit you, Thunder. I don't want you to be mad at me anymore. W-we're brothers a-and that means we have to stick with each other forever. Right?"

Thunderlane was fighting back his own tears, "Forever's a long time, Rumble. But I think I can manage that."

They hugged it out for a minute or two more before finally pulling back to look over at Sin and his mother. They were both smiling in the brother's direction, as if nothing had happened. But through all of their suffering, their happy times, the times that made them laugh... they were family through it all. And no more words were needed to be spoken for there to be an understanding. You sometimes just knew and that was good enough.

Sin's eyes widened a bit and he looked up at his mother, "Hey, mom! We totally forgot! Rumble's present, we gotta' give it to him!"

Sin's mother took a rectangular, wrapped present from her saddlebag and gave it to her son. Sin accepted the present and walked over towards Rumble. Thunder smiled at this whole thing, thinking it was adorable that they did these sorts of things for one another. It wasn't uncommon, really. They usually brought each other gifts whenever it came time to visit. This time, however, it seemed more special than it had ever been before. He couldn't quite put his hoof on what it was, though. It was mostly just the way they looked at each other.

Sin handed the wrapped gift over to Rumble, who accepted it with excitement. Thunder watched as his brother ripped apart the wrapping, trying to get at the present itself. Once all of the wrapping was gone, it turned out to be a framed picture of Sin and Rumble. He watched his brother stare at it for a while then look up at Sin with teary eyes. There was definitely something different about these two, though he still couldn't figure it out.

Rumble darted forward and wrappd Sin up in a tight hug, making the tan colt yelp in surprise. Just as with the hug between brothers, this, too, lasted for quite a while.Thunderlane decided to give them some room and went outside to get a load of groceries. Sin's mother was also going to do the same. This left the two colts alone together doin whatever else they had planned for the rest of the day. When Thunderlane went back inside, they were just standing right where they had been when he had left. They were blushing as well. Shrugging, he went over to the kitchen and put the sacks down.

Thunderlane asked, stretching out his back a bit, "So, what did you guys do when we were out?"

The two colts looked at each other for a moment, then looked to Thunderlane with grins, saying together, "Wrestling."