> Mission Impossible: Diamond Dancer's Dilema > by RarityEQM > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Briefing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Dancer shuddered as she soundlessly meandered through the wide, ebony colored hallways of Midnight Castle. Soundless. Ugh. It was such a bizarre sensation. It was some sort of audio hallucination, or something like that. She knew what her hoofsteps sounded like, and whenever she took a step, she expected the noise to echo through the sprawling hallways. Instead, it was disturbingly quiet. Haunting, really. The sound of her hoofsteps vanished with every step, almost as if the sound itself was being muted through the somber mood of the castle. Truth be told, she didn't actually like Midnight Castle, or the Dream Realm that it inhabited. But a summons from the princess was a summons from the princess. Underneath her, the floor fizzled and flickered, as if it were just an television with a weak signal broad casting to it. The whole complex of the castle was just a manifestation of Luna's will and emotions, and if she were angry about something, it meant the integrity of the castle was at risk. Still, Diamond trekked on- only a little bit faster, now. The hallways and walls (when they existed) were always colored in black, blue and purple. The floors and architecture resembled the original castle of the two sisters, the current Canterlot Castle, and pieces of Luna's imagination. While spooky and ominous, Diamond had to admit, the miniature fountains around the castle in the shape of constellations were a nice touch. In front of her was space; swallowing her vision with a blackness akin to the night's sky. In the distance she could see tiny twinkling lights, and as she took a step forward, more of the castle cobbled itself together to form a walk way, and behind her the castle disintegrated. She tried not to imagine the ground crumpling away with every step she took. The idea gave her the heebe jeebies. What little influence Diamond had on the castle was spent on using it to navigate through the night colored maze of hallways and passages. As she strolled through the mysterious building, she kept a watchful eye out for doors and additional hallways that sprouted out from the main foyer. There. A large wooden door slowly built itself into view on her left. Staring at it for a moment, Diamond closed her eyes and drew in a heavy breath. "This door leads to the throne room. This door leads to the throne room. This door leads to the throne room." She said it like a mantra in her mind. An echoing record of a phrase that helped hold her focus on this one particular room. If she focused hard enough, she could craft a 'bridge' to Luna's main consciousness in her subconscious state. Or something. Diamond didn't try to think about it often, as it often made her dizzy after a while. Slowly, the filly reached out to tug the large door open, and the grand throne room of Midnight Castle appeared. And there, sitting calmly in the center of the room, was the mistress of the dark herself. Princess Luna. The author of the night turned quietly, when the door to her chambers crept open, and a little Crystal filly poked her head into the room. The girl was scrawny. Tiny really. Stringy with muscles that bled out underneath shaggy silver fur. Strangely, her coat was covered in inky black splotches, as if the girl had been caught in an unfortunate accident with an ink well. She beamed when she made eye contact with the princess and trotted across the room with bright blue eyes and a mane like icicles in the sun. Across her lips was a youthful, goofy little smile betraying her innocence to the world around her, and one that always made Luna smile in turn. The girl known as Diamond Dancer was barely larger than a foal, at no more than ten summers of age, but still stood happily before her, even going so far as to offer an exaggerated, sloppy salute. Diamond Dancer. Night's Errant. Princess Luna's personal gopher when she needed things accomplished for her when she was drinking in time in the Dream Realm. "GREETIN'S YOU'SE DARKNESS!! WHAT CANNI DO FER YOU'SE TODAY?!" the tiny pony bellowed out, with a bright beaming smile. Luna could almost imagine a little tail wagging behind her like a canine greeting its master. The princess chuckled quietly. The energy of youth. "Well met, Errant. I've a task for you. " She said crispy. Diamond saluted again, bashing her hoof into her forehead with enthusiasm. Luna winced. "A task, you'se Ebony-ness? I yam all ears!" The filly shouted. Surely Diamond was afraid Luna might somehow misinterpret her enthusiasm, and decided screaming extra loud whilst sitting next to her was an appropriate course of action. Still, after sitting in solitude for hours, a little noise was almost pleasant. "Yes. Some summers past, we felt the power of a constellation in Equestira. An Ursa minor, and its mother we believe. It was last seen near the town of Ponyville, but we've not felt its energy recently and have become curious. Night's Errant! Seek out the creature and report back to me on its location! If it is still in the vicinity move it away from the denizens of Ponyville." Announced princess Luna. Diamond gave another immediate salute. "Yes, you'se Blackness! So all I gotta do, is find a dangerous creature da size of a large house, get it to follow me, and den come and see you'se. Got it! ...Good ding I've got a one hundred poycent success rate, or else dis would be a dauntin' task!" " The filly chirped brightly with a braggart's tone. Luna, however frowned. "...Indeed. Errant, before thou depart ...tell me of your weekend plans?" The princess inquired. For a moment, Diamond had no response. A question completely out of left field that had nothing to do with a giant roaming constellation. The filly squirmed on the spot. Was this some kind of test? What was she supposed to say? Why did it matter what she was going to do on the weekend?! Why did princess Luna even ask that kind of question? Licking at dry lips and glancing up at the imposing princess, Diamond quickly whittled down her list of interesting activities for the weekend. Which was largely made up (or entirely made up) of doing whatever Luna requested. What was she supposed to say that? What else does somepony do on the weekends? "Whatevah you'se need me ta do!. " She squeaked. That was a truthful answer, at least. Luna frowned even more so, and leaned back on her throne, looking thoughtful while Diamond bit at her lower lip nervously. Oh, no, why is she frowning so much?! That couldn't have been what she wanted to hear! Oh no! "And...thou...hast no comrades? "asked princess Luna quietly. Diamond quickly shook her head. "N-No no, I was born in Equestria." She explained to the frowning, (And now slightly puzzled) princess. She gave a quiet sigh, casting her gaze across the filly. True, Diamond's circumstances were unique. Very unique, in how she'd come to work for the Princess, and displayed an almost alarming amount of loyalty. She held a one hundred percent completion rank to any and all missions, tasks and assignments Luna had given to her and yet ... youth didn't last... "Errant. Are we to understand you possess no cohorts? No Comrades? Errant... where are thy friends?" Luna asked quietly. Diamond sat down suddenly, like a tremendous weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She actually smiled in return and offered the Princess a quiet chuckle. "Ahh, dat ain't my style considering my condition. But it's kay, I'm good!" Diamond explained, and Luna gave an annoyed sigh. Such a little thing; youth. Something she'd taken for granted. Something, she decreed, she'd put a stop to immediately. "No, Errant, I'm afraid things are not ...'kay'. We are aware of thy limited time. Thy mortal candle burns at a nub. Thy twine flickers a dimming light. What cruelty are we to deny youth the joy of youth itself? Nigh, we've become blinded by darkness and years of isolation. Errant! Thy previous mission is now null and void! Thou hath a new goal! Twilight Sparkle is thy newest princess, having discovered the power of friendship. Such power is unknown to us, Errant. Thus, you shall venture into town, and research this new magic and report back. " Princess Luna exclaimed with a satisfied nod of her head. Diamond's mouth dropped open. "W-wait? What? You'se is takin me off the Constellation assignment?! I don't know da foyst ding about magic, or friends... Forgive me for sayin' so, you'se Shadowy-ness, but uh, dis seems far less a priority den da giant bear, doncha dink?" "Diamond squealed, and slowly, the Princess grinned at the filly's distress. "Then truly, thou are unaware of the power princess Twilight wields. Thou sacrifice thy youth in the service of our name; commendable, but we squander your potential. With thy future uncertain, t'would be a greater tragedy to shuffle off thy mortal coil without experiencing friendship. Go forth, mine Errant, complete thy mission. After all, it would be a shame to lose that one hundred percent completion streak, now, would it not?" the princess asked, her grin diabolical. Diamond slowly nodded her head, regardless of the growing whimper bubbling in her throat. "B-but what about da bea-'" Diamond stammered, but was cut off by Luna simply holding up a hoof. She didn't want to hear another word from her servant. "We shall instruct Virga to handle the Constellation. Thou art to focus on thy task. Is that clear?" She asked curtly. Slowly, nervously, Diamond nodded her head and drew in a sheepish breath, before turning sharply on her hooves to march out of the room. Making friends with regular kids in Ponyville...ugh, Talk about mission impossible... > Strategy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Diamond slowly continued to circle the confines of her room, only to stop once every few minutes to glare out the window. Squinting past the blinds, Diamond greeted the sun with wincing eyes and a quiet hiss. Daylight. Bleh. Quietly, the tiny filly twisted the cord attached to the blinds and let the cool touch of darkness flood her room once again. Ever since joining princess Luna's Children of the Night, she found herself slowly becoming more and more sensitive to light. As if the sun lapped up her strength like a thirsty dog leaving her fatigued whenever she was in contact with it long enough. She appreciated the night for more reasons than that, but she enjoyed the idea of her somehow turning into a vampony, which made her giggle. Since she'd been little Diamond had always preferred an ebony sky opposed to a cerulean one, but as far as she knew, she was the only filly in town that did. In turn, it meant either she failed Luna's mission by avoiding the day, or she would have the venture out into the light to find ponies her own age. She shuddered quietly. Neither of the options seemed appealing in the slightest. Ugh friends, why did it have to be making friends?! Oh, what she wouldn't give for a monster to threaten the town. That would be easy; punch it until it stopped moving! Missions complete. But this... Diamond glanced at the tiny mirror sitting on her nightstand. Her fur was glittering and silver. Or it would be bright and gleaming like her namesake if she could keep from crash landing every time she took off. Instead, it was dirty and grayish bleeding into the dark black splotch that spread across her nose. Just at a glance you couldn't tell it was part of her coat coloration, but if you looked closer, you could see it: the discoloration wasn't natural. It spread over her hooves across her ears, over her muzzle, around her neck and along her wings. Her shoulders slumped and for the umpteenth time today, Diamond bounced around ideas to hide her disfigurement. Maybe she could wear a mask or something? No, that wouldn't cover up her wings or hooves. Spray paint? What if it washed off, or if the fumes got to her? Not to mention the other kids would think she smelled funny. Wait, did paint have a scent? She frowned, she'd lost her sense of smell long ago, but common sense (what little she had) told her it probably would smell. She leaned in closer to the mirror, peering past a bright blue eye at the thick black splotch directly underneath it. Hmmm? Make up maybe? Lots and lots of makeup? The filly groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head from side to side hard enough to make her ears flap. "Arrgh, dis is stupid! You'se bein' stupid Diamond! I mean, dis ain't like you'se is fightin' no monstahs, right? Right! Dare just kids, jus' like you'se, right? Right! Dis is a cake walk. Ain't nopony gonna make fun o' you'se and if dey do so what? It ain't like DEY woyk for princess Luna, right? Right! You'se don't mess up on missions! You'se ALWAYS finish da job! Makin' friends is supah easy! You'se is supah dupah cool and everypony is totally gonna love you'se! Right?..." The little girl bit her lower lip peering into the mirror back at her wildly discolored face. "RIGHT!" A voice bellowed out immediately behind her sending the little filly into a raving shriek that followed her spinning around with fur and mane heckled up like a wild animal. She huffed, drawing in a heavy lungful of air while a hoof rested over her chest trying to slow her racing heartbeat. She hadn't noticed him sneaking into the room with her. She'd been so transfixed on her own face she'd momentarily let her guard down. A sneak attack in her own home! Behind her, large brown hooves crept over her shoulders, and the wildly grinning smile of an older stallion slowly came into view in the mirror. "Myyyyyyyyy little sister is the most lovable, adorable pony in Equestria, and everypony thinks she's totally awesome!" The older brother pony exclaimed, pulling his little sister into a warm hug, pressed against his broad barrel of a chest. Diamond immediately squirmed, while her cheeks tinted a bright shade of rose. She tugged, twisted and turned, but the loving crush of her brother's arms held her nice and tightly. She didn't have a chance really. He was a thick chestnut brown stallion, with a blonde mane hidden by a tri-corner hat from ages long gone by. Considerably larger than the filly, he had a disturbing talent of scooping her into his arms at a moments notice. "Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdigan! Leggo! I ain't lovable or adorable! I'm a rough n' tumble pony and a respected warriah of a night! Quit huggin' me before somepony sees! You'll wreck my reputation!" The filly squawked, but Bardigan's grip held true as he nuzzled his little sister's neck "Did I hear my sister saying her daily affirmations? Let's say them together?! I'm awesome, I'm loved and I can do anything!" Bardigan announced happily, the 'squee' in his voice was squeaky enough to hurt her ears. Diamond gave a rough little sigh and rolled her eyes. "How did I end up with the goofiest bruddah in da univoyse?! And me? I'm half a step away from apocalyptic levels of awesome at any given time! I'm lightnin' in a jar! Eoyfquake in a can! IM DA MIRACLE MARE!" Diamond exclaimed, throwing out her tiny chest with a bright convincing smile. The stallion nodded his head slowly and a sly, sharp grin made its way across his lips. "Alright Miracle Mare, Err, I forget how'd you get that nickname again? " He asked with a puzzled frown. Diamond (who had finally peeled herself free of his grip) ran her hooves through her spikey little mane and gave a huff of irritation. "As if you'se ain't heard dis story. My friends from Manehatten set me up wif dat name when I used to live dare. You know, when I won dat highest flying contest. When I met da Wondabolts, remember?" She gave a haughty snort. Bardigan made an exaggerated show of taking off his hat in shock. "Really? You lived in Manehatten? Where they called you the Miracle Mare? You've met the Wonderbolts? You won a flying contest? You did alllllll of that? I wish I had that many interesting stories to tell! Whelp, since it's about noon, I should get some shut eye. I guess you're up so late working on some sort of top secret project for princess Luna, huh? It must be tough being a member of the Night Court. G'night Little Gem." The older pony explained, leaning in to peck his sister on the forehead, before bouncing out of the room on his hooves like Pinkie Pie. With a quiet groan, Diamond let herself collapse on her bed, her face colliding with her pillows. Aside from the briefly amusing interlude of her brother dropping by her room, she was not one step closer to figuring out a good way to make friends. She caught herself idly wishing she were like Bardigan, it was easy for him to make friends. He could walk into a room and just start talking and instantly everypony in a fourty yard range loved him. He just had such a way with words, and speech and he always had a story tell. She wished she had stories like he di... hey wait-a-minute... > Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle gave a gentle sigh, imagining a sweet summer breeze that would gently ripple past. It would be a warm sunny summer afternoon. The sort of comforting summer afternoon where fillyhood memories were etched out and to be cherished forever in time. The kind that lazy, gentle summer's afternoon that - "Snails I swear if you don't hurry up with that pool I'm going to make you eat your own tail!!" - didn't resemble this one at all. She sighed again casting a wary glance across the playground. There, Diamond Tiara helped 'supervise' Snips and Snails who were disastrously trying to inflate a filly pool at the bottom of the slide. Next to her, laying out on her back and drinking a lemonade was Silver Spoon, who lazily watched the antics of Diamond Tiara's minions. Diamond Tiara had an amusing (but insane) idea to turn the playground into some sort of water park. If Sweetie had to guess, she imagined Diamond Tiara had asked to go one, got turned down and decided she'd build her own; Which consisted of dragging in an inflatable swimming pool and stuffing it under the slide. "Ok, Snips the wrap the hose around the ladder, so it goes down the slide and into the- ...the pool is upside down you guys." Diamond Tiara sighed quietly glancing at Silver spoon for ideas. "Good help is so hard to find these days. " Silver murmured taking a sip of her lemonade as the two boys tried to 'fix' the pool. Snips was trying to turn it over while Snails tried to turn it the other way. Deflating it crossed neither of their minds. In the process the pool somehow trapped Snips underneath it with the hose wrapped around Snails like a rope. Not to far from them, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were idly spinning about the merry-go-round complaining about summer boredom. Not content with spinning in circles, Sweetie had set herself up on the swingset, rocking back and forth in the lazy afternoon. She originally had been bored too, but not now. Now she was fixated on the new filly that was slowly wandering over to them from across the playground. She was small and thin, with strange blotches all over her body. Frankly, she looked sick, but if she was out and about instead of being home in bed, Sweetie figured she couldn't be. She looked as if she were trying to edge closer, but at the same time keep herself as far away as possible. She edged herself around a tree and peered past it at the playground. Sweetie offered a smile and a little wave of her hoof, but the instant they made eye contact, the mystery filly ducked back behind the tree. Weird. Well, it would be weird if Sweetie didn't live in Ponyville, where monster attacks and magic incidents were the norm. A shy filly hiding behind a tree wasn't particularly interesting, but the fact that'd she'd never seen the girl before caught Sweetie's attention. She knew most of the colts and fillies around town, and this one was definitely new. "Hey, you guys...?" she chirped quietly... *<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>* Diamond Dancer quietly peered out at the playground from behind the tree. This was simple. This was incredibly simple. All she had to do, was walk up to them, and start talking. That's it. Just tell one of her stories. How about the time she met the Wonderbolts? Yeah everypony liked the Wonderbolts! Just talk about how cool Fleet Foot is, and you're set. This was easy! Deep breaths. You got this. You're totally- "HI!" barked a cheerful voice behind Diamond Dancer, which sent her rocketing into the air. That was twice somepony had managed to sneak up on her in one day! Slowly, Diamond twisted around to eye the culprit who had managed surprise her. She was about Diamond Dancer's size with bright white fur and a mane full of pink and purple curls. She looked non-threatening enough and she was offering a brilliant smile that put Diamond slightly at ease. See?! She's not making fun of you! You got this! "Uh...Hi," Diamond Dancer mumbled sheepishly, glancing down at her hooves shyly. Did making friends always feel this awkward? How did ponies do this? What was she supposed to say? What did normal fillies talk about? Before she could dwell on the moment any longer, however, Sweetie took the reigns on the conversation. "I'm Sweetie Belle! Are you new in town? I've never seen you around here before!" She announced with that same bright smile she had before. Diamond Dancer bit her lower lip. She'd been in town for almost a year since she made the trek to Ponyville. Working the night shift and sleeping during the day didn't give much time for socializing. What was she supposed to do? Tell the filly that she was new in town? Diamond Dancer didn't want the first thing out of her mouth to be a lie to this potential new friend. But the truth? I just need to make friends with you for the afternoon, then you'll never see me again. Ugh. No. "I'm Diamond Dancah, And uh, no not new, just, uh, don't get out much, I sleep during da day. " She chuckled nervously and Sweetie Belle tilted her head in confusion while one eyebrow slowly raised over her forehead. "Wow that's...weird. Uh, I mean, uh do you want to come swimming with us?" She asked with an awkward grin, gesturing over towards the slide where the 'pool' was fleeing from an angry Diamond Tiara. Sweetie Belle's grin doubled in size and she coughed. "Uh, I meant hang out on the swings? The pool is, um...closed. " Sweetie corrected with her very best squee. Diamond Dancer released the breath she'd been holding and gently nodded her head with a slow smile creeping across her muzzle. That actually sounded like fun. *<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>* It was only a short trek from the tree to the playground with Sweetie in the lead, humming happily as she walked along. Diamond, swallowed the bubbling panic that was rising in her throat and marched along behind Sweetie Belle as confidently as possible. Up until this point, she never realized just how shy she felt around other ponies her age and it was only getting worse the closer they got to the others. Then again, she'd been okay talking with Sweetie Belle, This was just a slightly bigger challenge. Two instead of one. She just hoped they were as nice as Sweetie Belle. "This is Diamond Dancer. " Sweetie Belle explained, gesturing to the quiet filly behind her. "She sleeps during the day. Diamond, this is Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Sweetie announced proudly. Scootaloo tilted her head to one side curiously, standing up with her hooves on the bars of the Merry-go-round. "You sleep during the day? What are you, a batpony?" She snickered quietly. Diamond Dancer quickly shook her head as if worried they might get the wrong impression, but Scootaloo's lips twisted into a warm grin when she caught sight of Diamond's dismay. "Aww, don't mind Scoots, she's jus' kiddin'" The other girl interjected. Apple Bloom. Diamond Dancer slowly sat down adjacent from them with a wry grin, and a silence spread through the conversation like a virus. "So, uh, you sleep during the day? That's... different. Why are you awake now?" Apple Bloom asked softly. Diamond Dancer rubbed the back of her head nervously. "I uhh wanted to see da town during da day? Heh...It's a lot more busy den I thought it'd be." Diamond Dancer sputtered the first thing that came to mind. That was a true enough answer. Sure. Of course she couldn't explain the mission; that would just make it seem like she was using them, and that was no way to treat anypony especially somepony you wanted to be your friend. She waggled a hoof dismissively and forced an awkward smile. "So, really, what's up with sleeping during the day, is that just like, your thing, or is there a special reason behind it? Cause I know what I said before, but if you were half bat pony or something, that'd be totally awesome!" Scootaloo piped brightly. Diamond Dancer shook her head again and ruffled her wings to display her feathers. One or two of them drifted lazily to the ground and it forced a gasp from Diamond Dancer. It was an obvious sign of illness in a pegasus and that was a conversation Diamond Dancer most certainly did not want to have. Originally she had decided not to mention Princess Luna at all but now seemed like a great time to bring her up, if it distracted them from noticing her feathers. "W-Well, yeah, I mean, I work for Princess Luna, and she's up all night, so, I gotta be too. "She said smartly. There wasn't any way to hide the pride in her voice, so she wore it openly, puffing out her chest a little. The reaction was immediate, as she knew it would be. The three now all had eyes on her. "Whoa!" "You work for princess Luna?!" "Awesome!" "Yeah! I totally woyk for da Princess! I'm a membah' of da Night Court! I'm go on super dangerous missions, n' stuff! I outrank all the other guards in the castle! Whenever she needs somedin' done, she calls on me!" Diamond said somewhat smugly. Those were true statements. All of them, except maybe her importance to princess Luna. And it's not like any of the guards cared what she had to say, but there wasn't any reason they needed to know that. "The pool is ready!" Chimed a sing song voice. " Oh, who's this? And, geez, what happened to your face?" Diamond Dancer lifted herself up onto her hind legs, resting her front hooves on the merry -go-round. Approaching them was a smaller pink filly wearing some sort of spiky-hat-princessy-thing. One that Diamond Dancer forgot the name of. "Diamond Tiara, meet Diamond Dancer. Diamond Dancer works for the Princess, she's in the Night Court!" Apple Bloom answered cheerfully. Even though Diamond Dancer didn't know either of them very well, she could feel a strong sense of animosity between the two. She offered "Other Diamond" a nervous smile and the pink pony sneered in return. "Well we obviously can't have two Diamond's running around. That'll get confusing fast. So I'll be Diamond Tiara, you be....Dee-dee. "Diamond Tiara demanded. Scootaloo tilted her head and looked like she were about to object. Why did Diamond Dancer have to change her name to Dee-Dee, why didn't they call Diamond Tiara DT? But Diamond, err, Dee-Dee was quick to smile and nod her head. As far as she was concerned, as long as the conversation wasn't about her disfigurement she could care less what they called her. "Dat totally woyks for me!" She said almost instantly and hopped off the merry-go-round and turned towards the slide where Diamond had approached them from. The pink filly however, took a step to the side, standing in Dee-Dee's path. "Hold on, I didn't say YOU could come swimming with us." Diamond snapped. This time, Scootaloo leapt up to her hooves with a snarl etched over her features and her ears splayed back. "Hey, not cool! Why can't she come swimming with us? " She demanded. Diamond crossed her arms, and shot a glance at the 'other Diamond' and gave a haughty snort. "Because we don't know anything about her, or where she came from, or what that gunk all over her face is? What if it's contagious. " Diamond Tiara snapped defensively. Sweetie Belle sighed and rested a hoof on Diamond's shoulder. She could almost see where she was coming from, it was a stretch, but she could almost see it. Still she smiled at Dee-Dee and gestured to her. "So, let's find out! We know she works for the princess and she's on the Night Court-" Sweetie explained before Diamond Tiara scrunched up her nose, and interjected with a groan. "How do we know she's really on the Night Court? She says she knows the princess, but come on, why would Luna pick her? She can't be any older than the rest of us. And how do we really know she works for Luna? I've certainly never seen her around here before!" Diamond pointed out. Sweetie Belle winced when she noticed the fur on the back of Diamond's neck starting to heckle up in growing aggravation. "Or, she just wanted to hang out and make new friends." Apple Bloom added with a quick smile. Dee-Dee Immediately liked Apple Bloom. "Yeah, lay off her, let's go swimming already," Scootaloo begged, rolling onto her back on the Merry-go-round letting her head dangle off the edge. "That's what I said five minutes ago! What's the holdup?!" A new voice rang out. Another silver filly appeared. She had long, alabaster and silver hair, which was tied in am intricate braid and dipped down over her shoulder. She marched up and sat impatiently next to Diamond Tiara, glaring directly at Dee-Dee behind the stupidly cute blue glasses that she wore."And who's this?" She added with a snort. Diamond Tiara birthed a wiiiiiide grin at the sight of Silver Spoon, and pointed her hoof at Dee-Dee. "Hey Silver. This is Dee-Dee, she works for the princess, and she's in the Night Court. Aren't you, Dee-Dee?" Diamond Tiara snickered in a mocking tone. Dee-Dee's ears splayed on either side of her head and she gave a quiet huff of irritation. "I yam so in da Night Court! I'm Luna's number one, and I do go on dangerous missions! I beat up a pack of timberwolves once, zombies, demons, and even a dragon!" Diamond barked. The stories were all true if exaggerated. In some cases immensely but true. "Who cares, let's go swimminnnnnnng!" Silver Spoon whined while impatiently prancing in place. Dee-Dee couldn't help but grin. It was the first time she appreciated somepony saying "Who cares" about her life. The pretty filly strolled up to Dee-Dee and gave her a glance over before shrugging her shoulders. "I care! I don't make friends with liars. " Diamond snorted. Silver Spoon's jaw dropped open and she turned towards Diamond with an incredulous look. "You lie all of the time." Silver Spoon exclaimed forcing Scootaloo into a soft snicker. "That's different! I never claimed to have beaten up a timber wolf, or a dragon that's just crazy." Diamond growled shaking her head and leveling her eyes at Dee-Dee. "Crazy, but true! I'm a Servant of Shadow!" Dee-Dee snapped with an angry growl. Diamond Tiara's lips twisted into a sinister grin, and slowly, she started to circle the new girl. "Uh huh. On the Night Court, AND you beat up a dragon, ANNND you're a Servant of Shadow. You must be Equestira's very best soldier. Which is weird, since I don't remember a statue of you anywhere. What day is your holiday on? I mean surely Celestia must have honored you with a national day in your name, right?" Diamond asked, staring at Dee-Dee the entire time. She didn't dare drop eye contact, and Dee-Dee stared right back. "Foyst of all, Da Servants of Shadow ARE da Night Court. Dare da same ding just different names. Secondly. I ain't got no holiday or nothin. I don't hang out with Celestia, and Luna doesn't really do da holiday ding. But it's kay. I don't mind. "Dee-Dee explained. Diamond Tiara wrinkled her nose. She was getting tired of this. "Oh come on. Look at her! She doesn't work for Luna. Hooves up, who believes any of this?!" Diamond snapped, glancing around the group of six. Not a single hoof raised up and Diamond smi- Damn it Sweetie Belle Standing next to Dee-Dee, Sweetie Belle had timidly risen a hoof. She shot Dee-Dee a warm smile and drew in a deep breath turning to look at her friends. She made eye-contact with Apple Bloom, who slowly raised her hoof as well. Cutimark Crusaders forever, right?" The two glanced over at Scootaloo, who already had her arm pitched towards the sky. Right! Diamond gave a miserable groan. Didn't they understand she was trying to protect them? Why did she look so weird and where had she come from to think any pony would believe her outlandish tails? Diamond decided to crush this rumor before it started. "Oh yeah? Prove it; Spend the night in The Castle of the Two Sisters." Diamond snickered, glaring at Dee-Dee. It was absolutely insane, and she knew it. It was Timberwolf season soon and there were documented reports of full grown stallions wandering in and never returning. She grinned sharply and waited for Dee-Dee to come up with a reason why she couldn't go. "Accepted. Dis is easy street! I meet at dat castle all da time ta get missions from Luna. I can totally spend da night dare!" Dee-Dee grinned smugly crossing her arms. Scootaloo frowned. "No way, that's crazy! That's way to dangerous!" She growled glancing at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who both nodded in agreement. Diamond grinned her favorite little sinister grin. "Oh, but it shouldn't be a problem for a Servant of Shadow. You guys have all these secret special abilities right? Like blending into shadows themselves and disappearing? I mean, You know what? Since you all believe her, you should go to, to make sure she stays the night. I know a pony like Apple Bloom, who is sister to the ELEMENT OF HONESTY, would never lie to us. You do that and you can totally swim with us. " Diamond paused, glancing at Dee-Dee pleadingly. This was getting out of hoof. Back down stupid! But Dee-Dee didn't budge, glaring at Diamond quietly. One hundred percent mission success rate. She had to accept or fail Luna's mission. There wasn't really a choice in the matter. Dee-Dee nodded her head again and forced a smile. "Ha- piece of cake!" Dee-Dee chided while the Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed slightly less that reassured. They stared at each other for a second, before Diamond nodded her head. "...........o-kay then...last chance to back out..." Diamond offered. Dee-Dee didn't move, although Sweetie Belle looked like she were ready to cry. "Humph! Come on' Silver, let's go swimming and leave them to discuss what they'll put on their tombstones." Diamond snarled angrily. "Finally!" Silver Spoon snapped, and turned sharply on her hooves towards the slide where Snips and Snails were lazily floating around. "Ya'll... Ya'll know whatcher doin' right? You got a plan?" Apple Bloom asked nervously, scuffling a hoof into the dirt. Dee-Dee turned and flashed her best smile. "Absolutely! I yam one hundred poycent confident!" She spit each lie out like poison. Scootaloo looked unconvinced, and Sweetie Belle was staring at her hooves. "S-So meet me outside da forest at eight okay, bye!" Dee-Dee squealed, quickly turning and racing towards her home without the barest hint of anything resembling a plan. She really hoped this new friendship wouldn't end up tragic. She really really hoped. > Side Op > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle winced when she saw Dee-Dee again later that night. The little silver filly was prancing in place, in front of the entrance to the forest mumbling to herself. Psyching herself up. Sweetie realized as she, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom approached the playground. Dee Dee was going to go through with it... "All right, remember the plan ya'll. Goin' into the Everfree forest at night, is a bad idea. We talk her out of it no matter what!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, to echoing nods from both Sweetie and Scootaloo. "This is totally insane. I can't believe Diamond even suggested that." Scootaloo sighed. Sweetie nodded her head. "I can't believe Dee-Dee accepted. We've gotta stop this before somepony gets hurt." She added. Again there were nods all around as the group strolled up to Dee-Dee. A cheerful gasp escaped the filly giving away her wild surprise that the Cutie Mark Crusaders actually showed up. She offered all of them a bright and brilliant smile, while Apple Bloom and the others frowned. "Hey, Dee-Dee. Uh, listen, we've been thinkin'" Apple Bloom began, but Dee-Dee cut her off with a wide and confident smile. "Me too! I know what you'se gonna say. 'Dis is way too dangerous' and I couldn't agree more!" Dee-Dee squeaked, and giggled at the sighs of relief and the slumping shoulder of the three other fillies. "Really?! Hahaha whew, that's a relief! We were afraid you were gonna go through with it! We told out parents we were having a sleepover in the clubhouse tonight, you wanna come?" Apple Bloom beamed happily. To her ultimate dismay, Dee-Dee turned back towards the forest with a smug grin. "Naw, I'm spendin' da night in da castle!" The plucky filly smirked. Sweetie Belle instantly shook her head, darting in front of Dee-Dee to wedge herself between the filly and the forest. "Y-You just said it was too dangerous!" She exclaimed. Dee-Dee however, simply shook her head. "Uh, yeah. Too dangerous for you'se guys. Not me. I'm a Soyvent of Shadow remembah? I said I was gonna spend da night, in dare, so I'll spend da night in dare. You'se guys don't worry bout me. !" Dee-Dee explained and side stepped Sweetie Belle. Without another word she marched headstrong into the Everfree forest and vanished into the darkness. "W-Wait! Dee-Dee! DIamond Dancer!" Scootaloo called, but the other filly was already gone. The trio exchanged nervous glances and Apple Bloom hesitantly took a step towards the forest. "Alright, I'm goin' in after her. Ya'll go tell Applejack!" Apple Bloom explained, trying to cobble together a plan as quickly as possible. Things were going wildly astray insanely quickly. She'd really hoped Dee-Dee would see reason and not take the stupid dare and while she was going to kick herself for this in the morning, Apple Bloom was not about to sit idly by and watch somepony get seriously hurt. They could have had a fun night all sleeping over in the club house. She sighed, shooting a puzzled glance at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who hadn't moved an inch. "We're not letting you go in there alone. Cutiemark Crusaders forever!" She yelled like a warcry. For what they were about to do, it might as well have been one. *<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>* The darkness of the forest was overwhelming. Like some sort of living, breathing all consuming shadow and enveloped everything; from the trees to the ground. It was all darkness. Not that Dee-Dee seemed to mind. Or even notice. She marched along confidently as if she were in her own home. Cautiously the three other fillies followed behind her. They had tried to talk Dee-Dee into spending the night with them instead of a drafty old castle, but Dee-Dee turned out to be painfully stubborn. No she was determined to do this, like it were some sort of mission. After a good ten minutes of pleading and realizing it was hopeless, the trio reluctantly followed Dee-Dee deeper into the forest. Dee-Dee seemed much more relaxed than she did before, chipper and far more upbeat. Sweetie Belle wondered idly, if it was because she was out during the night instead of the day. "Soooooo......are.......you from Manehatten? You sound a little bit like my cousin Babs." Apple Bloom chuckled nervously, as they walked along. She figured even if they weren't in the club house, having popcorn and smores, they could still get to learn about Dee-Dee. "Yeah, but Babs is comprehensible." Scootaloo snickered quietly and was immediately elbowed by Sweetie Belle, who snickered too. Dee-Dee's ears flickered, and for a moment, Scootaloo was afraid she overheard them, but if she did, she made no mention of it. "Sure am! I left cause I wanted to meet princess Luna! Came all by myself, too! "She explained proudly. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged glances before Scootaloo sped up to walk in step with Dee-Dee. "So aren't your parents worried about you? I mean, being in the Night Court, all those dangerous missions you were talking about, coming all the way from Manehatten by yourself?" The orange pegasus asked. Dee-Dee shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Maybe if I had any. " She said crisply and continued walking without breaking stride. Oh. Sweetie Belle, who was exceedingly good at finding new topics of conversation smiled nervously and stepped up to join Dee-Dee's other side. "So, heh, Dee-Dee, what exactly IS a Servant of Shadow?" She asked quietly. Scootaloo immediately perked her ears. The conversation suddenly much more interesting than the previous had been. "Yeah, I've heard they were like some super secret group that has to do with Luna, but I've only heard rumors. Do you really travel through shadows and feed bad fillies to Luna?" she asked. Dee-Dee hunched forward with a sharp snicker and quickly shook her head. "What, really? Don't tell me you'se believe dat junk! Da Soyvents of Shadow are Luna's royal court. I mean, you'se see Celestia's court every day, right? She's got da treasurer, advisers, lawyers. Da woyks, ya know? Well, Princess Luna don't need none of dat stuff, it all happens durin' da day anyway. She runs da night and patrols dreams and stuff. But sometimes she needs stuff done for her, while shes doin' dat. Dat, is what da Soyvents of Shadow do: whatevah Princess Luna needs. We soyve da princess of shadows, get it? I yam one of Luna's Top monstah huntahs and we don't kidnap fillies to feed dem to Luna! We're not even secret, but we don't get talked about a whole lot cause all da stuff we do is at night." Dee-Dee explained. Scootaloo's face lit up with an eager grin. Ok, honestly, that sounded kind of cool. And it made sense, but that still didn't explain why Luna would have chosen Dee-Dee to join. "Really?! What about all that stuff about being specially trained?" She asked as Dee-Dee lead them through the blackened trees and shadowy flora. "Uh...Y-Yeah, of course we're specially trained. Sometimes da night, can be much much more dangerous den da day." She explained and froze, her ears twitching gently. The three fillies all stopped behind her, waiting patiently while she looked left and right, and furrowed her brow. "...What?" Apple Bloom frowned, but Dee-Dee didn't seem to be listening. Not to her at least. She'd narrowed her eyes and perked her ears gazing into the darkness back the way they came. She stepped forward, then two, then three steps all the while listening tensely. Apple Bloom perked her ears too, but all she heard were frogs and crickets in the distance. Dee-Dee seemed like she was listening to something very specific but Apple Bloom couldn't quite tell what. She leaned forward peering into the darkness before she took a slow step back. "Dare is someding following us," she said ominously. Instantly the Crusaders were on high alert; bodies tense and ears perked ready to run at the slightest sight of some horrific monster. Dee-Dee didn't look alarmed in the slightest. She did however, look extremely confused. "A-Actually...is dat...is dat a chicken?" Dee-Dee asked in confusion, gesturing down the path where the other Crusaders looked. Sure enough, in the darkness of the forest and the night, there was an ebony silhouette of a chicken standing on the path. It wasn't moving, but the Crusaders seemed horrified. "Dats weird. Ain't dat weird? Now why is dare a chicken in da forest?" Dee-Dee murmured and squeaked when Apple Bloom violently shoved her forward.Gogogogogogo! "THAT IS NOT A CHICKEN! MOVE IT!" She shrieked, barreling down the path as fast as her legs would go, Scootaloo, Sweetie, and Dee-Dee following right behind. The group threw themselves through the darkness running wildly down the darkened paths- and right into a timber wolf. > Failure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was bad. This was all kinds of bad. Dee-Dee, (who could not for the life of her understand why they were high-tailing it away from a single chicken), came to a skidding halt with the rest of the ponies when they ran directly into a lone timber wolf standing on the trail. What a lone timber wolf was doing in the middle of the forest was beyond her. A scouting mission, maybe? Perhaps there was a new pack in town? Regardless, its timing couldn't have been worse. The four fillies were trapped now; a looming timber wolf standing in front of them, and apparently some sort of highly skilled assassin chicken slowly approaching from behind. Quickly, Apple Bloom pulled the girls into a nervous huddle and drew them as tight as she could together, trying to keep one eye on the timber wolf, and another on the slowly approaching cockatrice. She flashed Dee-Dee a sheepishly hopeful grin and nodded her head encouragingly. "A-Alright miss monstah huntah. Looks like yer up," Apple Bloom chuckled. Scootaloo flashed a hopeful smile and nodded her head enthusiastically. "Yeah, knock 'em dead Dee-Dee!" She squeaked. Dee-Dee offered the group a shaky smile and bit her lower lip. She stole a glance at her surroundings and made herself aware of the exact position of the slithering chicken and the stalking wolf. " Are you'se kiddin'?! We gotta git outta here! " The silver pony squeaked. Apple Bloom gave an irritated grunt. She knew it... "Sounds like you're scared!" Scootaloo jeered. Dee-Dee rapidly nodded her head. "I yam flippin' terrified! Ain't you'se?!" The little pegasus squealed. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, easing herself towards the front of the group. Exactly what she was planning to do was a mystery to her, but she had to do something! She couldn't let her friends become a timber wolf's snack, or turned to stone or....that was it! Quickly, the little filly turned towards the cockatrice, and gave an exaggerated scream. "Oh no!! We're in real trouble!! If that cocktrice gits to us, it'll turn us to stone, but at least that way we won't get eaten by a timber wolf! Boy, I'd be mad if some chicken took away MY next meal!" Apple Bloom barked at the top of her lungs. For a horrifying second she caught sight of the empty hollows that inhabited the timber wolfs gaze. Her blood froze, but just for a second. Its cold, haunting glare passed over the group of fillies and settled on the approaching creature. To Apple Bloom's ultimate relief, the wolf sauntered past the group and slowly began to circle the cockatrice. It made a clucking, hissing sound and rose up, looming over the wolf while behind it, the four fillies quietly crept away. They broke into a cold run the moment they were far enough and they didn't stop until they reached the Castle of the Two Sisters. *<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>* "ALRIGHT YOU!" Apple Bloom barked. The group had finally stopped running, and settled down in the courtyard of the castle for a much needed break. "First thing in the mornin' ya'll gonna march back to the school and tell everypony the truth! Ah ain't gonna git muh cutie mark eaten tryin ta protect some pony lyin' ta me! This is dangerous, and there ain't no reason ta be here a'tall! Do ya'll even realize what kinda trouble we're in!? A timberwolf has our scent now! And for what, Dee-Dee?! What are we out here for?!" Apple Bloom snarled. She could hear Applejack's voice echoing in her thoughts. All she wanted to do was protect her friends, and she didn't particularly favor ponys who put them into danger. Real danger. She gave a snort, glaring at Dee-Dee who had turned away from her and was staring into the distance. "I...I ain't nevah said for you'se ta come with me. I'm da one dat told you'se it was too dangerous. You'se is da one dat followed me! Any ding dat happens to you'se is not my fault. "She said flatly, crossing her arms. Apple Bloom's mouth dropped open. She'd never ever wanted to physically strike somepony but Dee-Dee was surely testing that boundary. Her voice was cold and indifferent, hiding behind a false pretense of blame. The utter NERVE of this filly! She was just about to scuffle up her bow feeding this other filly a dirt sandwich, when she caught sight of Sweetie Belle, whom gazed sadly at the pony she had thought her friend. The rage fizzled quickly enough after that. Sweetie Belle didn't need to see them fighting. It wouldn't help anything now, anyway. "You are not cool." Scootaloo said and turned sharply on her hooves to enter the castle. Dee-Dee's ears wilted to either side of her head and she turned around, mouth open and searching for something, to say really. She shot a pleading glance at Sweetie Belle, who sadly shook her head, and turned to join Scootaloo in the safety of the castle. "Listen...Ah ain't gonna leave ya'll out here ta git eaten. You stick with us, ya'hear? " Apple Bloom growled coldly, and waited for Dee-Dee's compliance. While she was less than fond of the new girl, she still didn't want her ending up as a timber wolf's snack. The little silver filly hesitantly turned and peer quietly at Applebloom, before she shook her head. "I'll...I'll jus stay here." Dee-Dee mumbled sadly. Apple Bloom frowned, and slowly stepped over and rested a hoof on Dee-Dee's shoulders. She was tired and cranky and she certainly didn't want any more arguing. If she had to carry this girl to safety so be it, but enemy or not, she was not going to allow somepony to get hurt on her watch. The shield on her flank didn't wasn't there for decoration. "Well since it's so dangerous around here, I'm sure a filly like you would want to keep an eye on us, right? Wouldn't Princess Luna be upset if she found out you let somethin' happen to us?" Apple Bloom sighed, rolling her eyes. Dee-Dee frowned. Apple Bloom was right, even if Dee-Dee could tell that she didn't believe a word of what Dee-Dee was saying. "Right behind you." Dee Dee groaned with a sullen sigh. Quietly, she trudged in behind Apple Bloom, where the four of them searched for a place to rest until morning. > Front Lines > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo gave a quiet groan, pulling herself up from a restless slumber. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, plus one Diamond Dancer, had taken refuge in a bedroom that may have once been a servants room. Everything inside was dilapidated, of course, but the door was made of strong wood and shut completely. It would make for a fine position to fortify, and so they barricaded themselves inside. The pegasus had finally stumbled into her dreams, only to be awoken by a sound. Not the sound of a timber wolf, or the sound of something dangerous, but a sound she was all too familiar with. The sound of hopeless sobbing. It was slightly muffled, but she could still hear it. Down an empty hallway that echoed quiet suffering. Every warning flag Scootaloo had was going off. She knew she shouldn't leave the safety of the group. She knew it was a bad idea to follow that sound and to climb past the barricade into the night. She knew all of this, and yet she still found herself sneaking down the hallway. A few doors down, Scootaloo found an open room, which seemed to be the source of the sound. She perked her ears and braced herself up against the wall. As slowly, and carefully as she could, she stuck her head out and peered into the open room. Diamond Dancer was sitting on a cracked and element eaten bed. She was sobbing quietly into her hooves, with her back turned towards the door. Scootaloo took a few quiet steps in, but Diamond -Dee Dee, didn't seem to notice her. She could, however, make out the miserable sound of blubbering woe, though. "M-My poyfect record! Ruined. I failed da princess. She'll kick me back out into da streets! All because I couldn't make a lousy friend. And now everyding is ruined and I got everypony inta trouble and everypony haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates me!!" The filly sniffled into her hooves. Scootaloo bit her lower lip and opened her mouth to say something, but stopped short. What was she supposed to say? Shouldn't she still be mad about getting dragged into the forest in the middle of the night by this imposter of a pony? She should have been. She should have been furious about the danger she'd been thrust into. Dee-Dee could have gotten her, and her friends killed! Instead, she coughed into her hooves and sat down. Dee-Dee sniffled quietly and rubbed her nose with a wing, before she slowly turned around. Scootaloo forced a tender smile. Maybe they could try again...it was worth it, after all, right? Friendship? "I don't hate you." She said after a pregnant pause. That was the truth, sort of. She didn't particularly like Dee Dee, but she didn't outright hate the girl either. Dee Dee sniffled quietly and peered across the room at the orange pegasus. Before drawing in a breath to try and compose herself for the following conversation. "You'se oughta. I'm nuffin but trouble." Dee Dee sighed quietly. "I shoulda nevah told you'se guys I woyked for Princess Luna as a monstah huntah. Dat...dat was a lie. " Dee Dee sputtered. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and took a slow, cleansing breath. She was less frustrated with the lie, than the fact that Dee-ee thought she would be dumb enough to fall for it. Which she did. "Yeah, we sorta figured when you ran away from the timberwolf. But, why though? We would have hung out with you. You don't need to impress us or make up stories." Scootaloo cooed quietly. Her fury for this other girl had started to melt, after seeing her being remorseful about the entire situation. Diamond looked up and tilted her head. "Really? Dat woulda been nice ta know before da fact. I figured, well, Diamond Tira said it herself. Why would you'se wanna be friends with a pony that has gunk all over her coat?" Dee-Dee sighed and Scootaloo chuckled coldly. "It's no big deal! I honestly thought it was your pelt! Actually, I think it looks kinda cool! Sorta of like freckles." Scootaloo grinned, and almost giggled at the faint tint of pink that rose over Dee Dee's cheeks. "Just so you know," she added "Diamond Tiara doesn't represent the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She's not a part of the group." Scootaloo explained. It dawned on her that Dee-Dee could have thought Diamond Tiara was a member of the CMC. It made a lot more sense to why she was trying to impress them. Especially if she thought Diamond Tiara was the leader. Scootaloo shuddered at the thought. "Just tell us the truth next time. And don't worry so much! We can-" Scootaloo began, but Dee-Dee shushed her with a sharp hiss and sat up with her ears perked in alarm. Scootaloo frowned, and prepared to give Dee Dee a piece of her mind! How DARE she shush her! But before she could say anything, Dee-Dee sat up, deathly still. Her ears twitched like radar dishes and she listened intently. Listening for something, or listening to, something, Scootaloo wasn't sure. But Dee-Dees face paled. Well, as pale as a silver pony could get. Now Scootaloo was curious. "...What are we listening for?" She whispered after a few moments. Dee-Dee listened for a second longer, before she quietly started to shuffle herself under the broken bed frame, motioning for Scootaloo to do the same. Insistently motioning for Scootaloo to do the same. Demanding, that Scootaloo do the same with the sort of body language she was projecting. Scootaloo almost shrugged it off as just odd behavior, but the way the filly scrambled so madly under the bed, startled her own nerves. What had this girl so scared so suddenly? Under the bed, Dee Dee, gestured towards the door to the bedroom. Scootaloo peered over at it, and her stomach twisted in such a way she thought it was trying to crawl out of her mouth. A large, black and brown nose slowly pushed its way into the room. A timber wolf. A big timber wolf. How had Dee-Dee known it was coming? Scootaloo pondered asking the trembling girl, but aside from visibly quaking, Dee-Dee didn't make a sound. She had become deathly still and her breathing was steady and rhythmic, whereas Scootaloo felt like she was hyperventilating. The creature slowly made its way into the room; its claws click-clacking on the cracked and broken stonework beneath it. It paused, glancing left and right, as if scanning the room for something. Them. It was looking for them, Scootaloo realized with a cold shudder. She stole a glance at Dee-Dee, who seemed to be frozen with fear. What were they going to do?! What if it saw them...what if..-She was snapped out of her thoughts when Dee-Dee elbowed her in the side, and leaned in close. Her voice was barely a hint of a whisper. "Run back to Apple Bloom and Sweetie. I'll distract it." She hissed to Scootaloo's ultimate dismay. What? She was going to sacrifice herself for her?! This filly was far crazier than she thought!! "Are you nuts?! No way, just stay here. Maybe it'll leave." Scootaloo hissed, but Dee-Dee bit at her lower lip. "No. Its got our scent. Dats how it followed us in here. I...I don't know what it's waiting for, though. It should know were under da bed...what's it doin?" Dee-Dee hissed. Indeed, the timber wolf creature was staring at the broken bed intently. It snarled, and growled, but made no move to approach or attack them. What was it waiting for? A moment passed. And then another, and another still. The wolf didn't move from the doorway. Was it watching them? Waiting to see what they would do? Dee-Dee frowned quietly. Maybe they coul- The door swung open, Another wolf joined the first, and then a third. Scootaloo whimpered. That first wolf had been a scout. It followed them from the forest. It had led the pack to their scent. Stalked them throughout the castle. Now they were trapped in the bedroom. Dee-Dee groaned. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. She should have been keeping watch instead of throwing a pity party for herself! "Dee...they're lookin' at us Dee..." Scootaloo whispered. She was right. three timber wolves stood staring at the broken bed and the delicious fillies underneath it. "Ok. Here's da plan; we go for da window. We dive outside and circle around to the otherside, and we'll carry Sweetie and Apple Bloom somewhere safe!" Diamond hissed. Scootaloo frowned quietly and swallowed a raging cry of despair struggling to free itself from her lips. "N-no! I can't...I mean w- we can't..." She squawked miserably. It was a nightmare come to pass! The safety of her friends counted on her ability to fly! And she couldn't. Dee-Dee gave a quiet sigh. "I guess if eddah' of us could fly, we'd have done so to escape dat timbah wolf." The silver filly chuckled coldly. Much to Scootaloo's ultimate surprise. But she had a point; neither of them flew off when confronted with the cocktrice. "So how did you plan to get us out of the window if you can't fly?!" Scootaloo hissed. Dee-Dee shook her head. "I was gonna do my best ta fake it. " She groaned. The timber wolves started to move in. Snarling at the two fillies with a greedy hunger glinting in their eyes. "Ok, new plan! Go for da door, and don't look back. Real quick, I'm indestructible. Yeah, I know, it's a lot ta take in, just go with me here. You'se shoot for da door, I'll distract dem, trust me, I'll be fine. Do dis all da time." Diamond chuckled sheepishly and started to wriggle out from under the bed. Scootaloo yelped, and grabbed the other fillies tail. "Are you crazy?!" She hissed. Dee-Dee rolled her eyes. "What did I just say?" the silver pegasus groaned. She batted her tail from Scootaloo's grasp and gave a little snort. "Just git ready ta run da moment it's clear!!" Dee-Dee barked. To Scootaloo's horror, she marched towards the three timber wolves.