> Speaking Silence > by Dusk Raven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Night One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She awaited his arrival with baited breath, with butterflies in her stomach, and a sense of dread in her heart. Cheeriliee, Ponyville’s best but only schoolteacher, paced a corridor of her house slowly. She occasionally changed her route, heading to each of her house’s second-floor windows in an erratic pattern, hoping to catch advance warning of him before he entered her house. It was futile, she knew it. He’d most likely enter whatever window she wasn’t at, unless he felt like having her watch his ingress. As her patrol took her to her bedroom, she sighed and glanced at the clock in her bedroom, the only room in the house with the lights on. He didn’t care if the lights were lit, of course – and he had a habit of turning the lights out when he arrived - but starlight wasn’t enough to read the hands of the wall-mounted clock opposite her bed. It was 12:15. 15 minutes past his average time. Key word being “average,” not usual. Being a schoolteacher, she valued schedules, and the ability to keep to them. On the other hoof, he was quite erratic in his intrusions, appearing whenever he pleased, no sooner or later. Even the days when he’d intrude into her home were not set in stone. She left the bedroom and wandered down the hall to the bathroom, switching on the light there as she arrived. The light here was more intense than that in the bedroom, and on nights like this it would serve well to hold back sleepiness, along with a splash of water to the face. She turned on the water in the sink, soaked her hooves, and was about to apply some hydro-stimulation to her face when she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t look all that tired, but she wasn’t entirely awake either. Tomorrow was a school day, and it would be best to be rested. Who knows, perhaps he wasn’t coming tonight. She smiled at the thought, turned the water and lights off, and walked down the hall towards her bedroom. She closed her eyes and yawned, so she didn’t see until she was nearly at the bedroom that the lights were off, and she had just stepped in the doorway when she realized she hadn’t left them that way. She glanced towards the window, and there he was. A faint hint of moonlight followed him, and that – combined with her memory – was enough for her to make out his features. He was a batpony, with an agile yet toned frame, his wings unfolded slightly to his sides, as though having just landed, or about to take flight. His fur was dark charcoal, his mane and tail a pale, ghostly indigo, both long and swept back. His cutie mark was a crescent moon, so slim it was like a curved needle, with a glimmer of starlight peeking over the outer edge of the curve. And his eyes… they were dark blue, like sapphires filled with the deep ocean and the night sky. The pupils were dilated due to darkness, but still weren’t fully round. And now, those eyes were gleaming in delight. Her breath caught in her chest. She was never used to seeing him like this… having him enter with all the skill of a thief – or a vampire, If vampires didn’t need invitations. The faint creak of a window opening would be her only warning, if at all, and then he would seek her out, or wait for her where he knew she’d go. Like tonight. She swallowed. He grinned and approached her, his serial prey. She couldn’t move as he approached her, and there was no point in running anyway. He walked – crept – sauntered up to her, put his hoof under her chin… and drew in, pressing his mouth to hers. She closed her eyes, which only blocked out other distractions and left the feel of his lips on hers all the more intense. It didn’t last long, and she opened her eyes as he drew back. Those first kisses were never the real show, just his way of greeting her. He tilted his head in the direction of her bed, a clear invitation. Or demand. No, a suggestion, one she was helpless but to follow, despite a part of her mind that opposed the very idea. He moved ahead of her, confident that she’d follow, and climbed onto the bed before lying on his side, facing her. She mirrored his movements, facing him, close enough for him to reach out, embrace her, and pull her in for a longer, more passionate kiss. She made a soft noise, a noise born of uncertainty and discomfort, and drew back after a moment. She shouldn’t be doing this. There were several reasons why, not the least being that giving in to her own desires, and the desires of an intruder in the night, just wasn’t the right thing to do. His eyes twinkled and his mouth formed a faint, wry smile. She knew it meant: “It’s cute when you resist.” She knew him well enough to understand his meaning. He wrapped a hoof around her neck, another around the small of her back, and his free wing over her barrel, enveloping her in his embrace and drawing her closer. Now the full force of his kiss was on her – his hunger, his desire, restrained into a controlled, artful passion. He knew what to do to excite her, to arouse that same passion in her. It was working. She was starting to awaken, in more ways than one. After a few minutes, a short while after he definitely could smell her arousal, he drew back. Shifting, he rolled atop her, then lifted himself up on his hooves slightly, enough for him to reposition himself while showing her a glimpse of his length. A last vestige of resistance made its stand in her, and she raised her front hooves to his chest, weakly holding him there. He smiled again, and merely reached a hoof down to her nethers. He stroked her gently, then firmly, then lightly, alternatively stimulating and teasing her. As her desire deepened, her will to hold him back faded. Her hooves on his chest lost their strength, then dedicated themselves to caressing his body. That was his cue, that he’d won this silly little game she tried to play. He lowered himself onto her, slowly penetrating her. Her breathing picked up as he began to fill her, until he bottomed out inside her, body lightly resting on hers. He pressed his mouth to hers again, and then began to thrust, raising and lowering his hips on hers. What came next was familiar to her. His thrusts were firm but not overpowering, going at a pace that was forceful yet controlled. All the while, he’d caress her sides with his wings, wrap a hoof behind her head, gently slide his body across hers, and kiss her passionately the entire time. All she could do was wrap her hooves around him and pull him into her, not letting go. There were no sounds except her muffled whimpers and moans of pleasure, and the sound of his hips meeting hers mixed with the union of their sexes. Her body had been waiting for this treatment. Whether he knew just what to do to please her most, or her body simply decided that what he did was the best thing ever, she didn’t know. But she needed him, in this moment, needed him to fill her and give her a treatment she'd remember. And he was fulfilling her quite well. This was not a night that she’d last long. With him doing his best to stimulate every inch of her body, she had no choice but to climax. Hard. She screamed into his mouth, bucking her hips up, hooves moving down to his lower back and pulling her into him. She closed her eyes as everything faded except for him and what he was doing to her body. Time seemed to slow as he obligingly pounded her, giving all that she wanted. At last she relaxed, her hooves falling to her sides, utterly drained. Lightly gasping for breath, she let him do what he wished with her limp but sated body. He hadn’t finished yet – he never did before her – but his breathing was already husky, and a few moments passed before his breaths became ragged, and he began thrusting rapidly into her, rough and forceful. She smiled a little at the subtle thrill of his hot seed spreading inside her. At last he too lay still, save for subtly moving to embrace her fully, enclosing her body under his. She was too exhausted and content to move for several moments, but at last she wrapped her hooves around him again, then lay still, basking in her afterglow as he laid soft kisses upon her lips, face, and neck. She opened her eyes to look at the clock. Not quite 1 ‘o clock was as much as she could make out. She turned her eyes to his. He stared into her, the passion in his eyes now reduced to embers, leaving a glow in them that was… contentment, perhaps? Satisfaction? She smiled a little more, another subtle rush of pleasure going through her at having pleased him so thoroughly. Then she yawned, breaking eye contact in the process. As she finished, he began to get up, slowly lifting himself off her. She didn’t react as he lightly stepped onto the floor, then walked over to the window. He stared out it for a long moment… then looked over at her, meeting her gaze. She looked into his eyes for a moment, then shivered, the lack of his warmth reaching her. She rolled out of bed and walked over to him, as he watched. That feeling of nervousness was returning again, as was need… a different sort of need. When she was in front of him, she closed the few inches between their faces and brought her lips to his. A gentle, warm kiss, like he gave her when he arrived. “Stay with me tonight,” She whispered, the first words spoken that night. “Please?” A moment passed. A long moment, in which his normally expressive eyes were impassive. Then he smiled and nodded, and turned to face her. This time, she led the way to her bed, and climbed onto it gently and gracefully. She lay on her side, facing him as he followed her and took position facing her. The pair embraced each other, with every limb they could entwine around each other, and their lips met softly and gently for one last time for the night. Within his limbs, his wings, with his breath on her neck and his heartbeat faintly within her senses, she felt content. She dreaded his arrival, but couldn’t bear to have him leave. > Day One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Cheerilee awoke the next morning, he was gone. Light streamed in from the window, at just the right angle to shine on her and wake her up at the right time – about 6:30, in fact. The place where he had lain on her bed was cold, without even a depression to indicate he had been there. He had also taken the trouble to make the bed behind him, setting the covers in order such that it was nice and orderly… and also, that it appeared that he had never been there in the first place. He was good at cleaning up after himself, often leaving nothing but memories. Cheerilee sighed and stretched before getting out of bed and onto her hooves. She began her morning routine, eating breakfast, then brushing her teeth, then grooming herself to look composed enough for school (on some nights after he visited, this was a difficult task), all while planning her day. This was made somewhat difficult by her fatigue and last night’s passion, though after several nights of this she was learning to adapt. Barely. By the time class for the day began, she was prepared and at her desk, as cheerful and eager to teach as ever. She didn’t let her lack of sleep stop her or even slow her down from doing what she loved. If her students suspected something was amiss in her nights, they did not show it, though over the past couple weeks she’d had a couple of comments as to her evident lack of sleep. But she still had a smile on her face, as happy to perform her vital role as always. Still, she was somewhat… distracted. It wasn’t enough to interfere with her work, at least not to a noteworthy extent, but when she had a moment to herself she would sometimes get lost in thought, thinking about him, and how her situation had come about. And when none of her students were looking at her face, she allowed her thoughts to venture into territory that made her blush. Because of the infrequent nature of these moments of introspection, her thoughts were scattered. In no particular order, memories of her nocturnal paramour came to her, mixed with the questions about him that that she could ask but he would never answer. He never spoke at all, though he clearly understood her when she spoke. He certainly didn’t seem to mind the various gasps, moans, begging, or combinations thereof, that emerged from her mouth when it wasn’t occupied by his tongue. At any rate, he never said a word, or indeed made any sound that might require a voicebox. The most sound he made was in the throes of passion, when his breathing would grow heavy and an occasional gasp would escape his lips. She wondered if he even could speak. His silence only added to his air of mystery. He was more elusive than a ghost. His hoofsteps made even less sound than his breath, and he could blend into the shadows seemingly at will. He left as little trace of his presence as possible. And nopony seemed to even know of his existence. She had made discreet inquiries as to a possible dark batpony with his cutie mark in the area, but nothing came up. Perhaps sometime, during the weekend, she’d expand her search to neighboring areas, to find out just who this dark stallion was. He himself gave few clues. Aside from his skill at stealth and lovemaking, and his enigmatic schedule, there wasn’t much she could glean about him. On the one hoof, this mystery and alien nature of his made her wary, but it also was… oddly exciting. The whole thing was like something out of an erotic fantasy novel. She hadn’t heard of things like this happening before. Yet despite this, despite his stealthy and untraceable nature, she knew her ghost lover was very real. For a few days she had wondered if he was just an intense dream, but he persisted. Erratically, chaotically, but he had returned many times. She still wasn’t sure what to think or feel about that. Her thoughts and feelings towards him were as mercurial as he was, and conflicting. The idea of what he was – a mysterious stallion who infiltrated her bedroom at night and rutted her when he pleased – was a scary one. But when she thought about how he made her feel during the night, she had to struggle to keep from blushing, breathing heavily, or other indecent signs of arousal. He’d trained her well, it seemed – her body, at least, had been well and truly seduced, and it didn’t take much for it to become ready for him. But the good feelings he gave her weren’t just about the fulfillment of carnal desire. Sexual pleasure alone could not explain her passion when they were together, why she begged him to stay if he tried to leave. There were other warm feelings as well, that were less easily described. There was a feeling she had not felt in some time, nor wanted. It was the feeling of being desired. Not in the sense of fulfilling a role in a community, but a much more personal want. > Night Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inevitably, the school day ended, and she was left with no good reason to put off thoughts of her phantom lover. Perversely, however, it turned out that once she was free to do so, her thoughts did not dwell on him as much. Indeed, she managed to buy groceries and return home with only the most fleeting of thoughts of him. She noted this as she returned home, and irritably wondered why she could focus when she didn’t want to and couldn’t focus when she did. Still, it was reassuring to know that she was capable of focusing on something other than him – it meant there was hope for her yet. She didn’t need this flame burning out from too much obsession. And she didn’t need an even worse possibility – becoming utterly, hopelessly enamored with him. She knew well the tale of Wild Rodeo and Muliet Rose, and had no desire to enact their tragic example. Of course, her thoughts about him were still more common than were convenient, as she discovered to her chagrin while attempting to grade her students’ homework. For some not-hard-to-guess reason, it was far more enjoyable to think about her consort than to do such silly things as work. This combined with her fatigue meant the night was not a productive one. Nothing could stop the advance of time, however, and every heartbeat brought her closer to a deadline, and she had no choice but to do what was necessary. As she put a smiley sticker on the last piece of homework, she glanced at the clock to see that it read 10:23. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. She really needed to get to bed at a decent time for once, she thought. As she turned out the lights in her house and advanced upon her bed, she wondered what he’d do tonight if he came and saw her sleeping instead of waiting for him. But, as she slipped beneath the blankets and closed her eyes, she thought, buck it, he could wait. She needed her rest. Unfortunately, sleep did not come easily, and her thoughts returned to him, in a jumbled but fiery mix of memories of their nights together and the ways he made her feel. Idly, her mind drifted back to the time they first met, as her hoof drifted downwards… - - - - - Her first memory of him was hazy, fluid, like that of a dream, which she full well believed it had been at the time. She had indeed been dreaming that night, a dream where an unseen stallion moved his hooves along her back as she lay on a cot in the Ponyville spa, her space lit only by the moon. She sighed in pleasure as he worked the muscles in her back, melting her stress away with the heat of his hooves. She closed her eyes, perfectly happy to let him work, making soft sounds of relaxation all the while. The feeling started to grow more intense, just a little. She opened her eyes, and the cot was now her bed, and the stallion had stopped using his hooves and was nuzzling her with his snout. She arched her back lightly, and he moved his snout up, traveling up her spine until his breath was on her neck. She gasped lightly at the pleasure, and let out a murmur of “Mmm, more…” Her masseur-turned-nuzzler obliged, pressing into her lightly and moving his snout around her neck, working around it as though seeking the best spot. She led him on with her voice, making increasing sighs and gasps as he approached her most sensitive areas. When at last he hit her sweet spot, she let out a soft moan, her body perking up at the touch. He read the signs well, skillfully exploring her pleasure spots (in the present day he knew her body with heavenly intimacy), and pressed in further, rubbing her neck at her most vulnerable point. As she moaned again, she suddenly felt his tongue, applying wet warmth to her coat and sensitive skin. She closed her eyes, her breathing picking up, and after another lick she suddenly shifted – turning her head to face him, pressing her mouth to his. They remained like that for a long moment, as he slowly reacted to her sudden spark of desire. At first she led in force, but after a few moments he was pushing back at her with an eagerness and desire that thrilled her. Finally, she could take it no more. She rose to her hooves, took a couple steps forward, and bent her forelegs while moving her tail to the side, giving him a view of her moist marehood. She heard a sharp intake of breath from him as he saw her exposed entrance, but he didn’t immediately move in. A couple seconds passed, and then she wiggled her hips slightly, making an annoyed sound of impatience. Then, she felt his breath on her nethers, before he took a deep sniff, breathing in the scent of her arousal. Then she felt his tongue, and she gasped at the sudden feeling of him going straight for her clit. He pressed into her gently at first, almost cautiously. He licked lightly and erratically, as though testing her, or himself. It was only when she made another small noise and pressed back into him that he pushed deeper, licking with more force and pressing his tongue between her nether lips, caressing her marehood with skilled motions. She shuddered in delight as he went down on her, letting out soft sighs and moans, lowering her head to the bedsheets. Soon he stopped, and a moment passed before she saw dark-coated limbs wrap around her barrel, felt his weight settle lightly on her, and then felt his length pushing at her entrance, finding passage easily and pleasurably. She gasped and made an eager little whimper, pushing back lightly against him, making him slide in even faster. He made no sound, but his grip on her tightened slightly, and he withdrew just a little before thrusting into her, beginning their lovemaking with the same steady skill that he had used while eating her out, and which she desired so deeply. He moved smoothly but powerfully, and she felt a rush as she felt him begin to take her. It wasn’t long before she started moaning, and only a little longer before she softly whimpered, “Harder… really rut me…” At this, he slowed down, just for a moment, then pressed in, further than he had gone before, until he bottomed out in her. She felt his balls rest against her marehood as she felt his length fill her. She gasped loudly, shuddering from pleasure. He quickly drew out, then repeated the process, hilting her again, then again. She felt him bury his muzzle in her neck, felt him take a deep breath. And then, he began to really fuck her. He drove himself into her, thrusting harder than before. His cock pushed into her willing body, over and over. Her pussy went wild, now thoroughly soaking his base and balls as well as his length. Her inner walls squeezed at his cock, willing him to make her really feel him rut her. His grip on her barrel tightened, pulling her body into him, moving her up and down his cock even as he drove it in and out of her. She let him handle her, willing him to make her his, with all the skilled, firm desire she wanted from him. He pounded her with both intensity and tenderness, and she began to feel her need growing, then burning. She wanted him to make her cum. And he did, so easily, and she came so hard. The memory of that first orgasm with him would thrill her for a long time to come. She pressed herself back into him, reverse-thrusting as best she could. Her moans were loud and constant, only broken by gasps for air. She didn’t care about anything at that moment but her stallion and how firmly he was fucking her. Then the last of his control went away, and he started thrusting, pounding, hammering her. There was only one thing besides the feel of him driving his cock into her quivering pussy, and that was the rush she felt as he pumped his cum into the deepest parts of her body. At last he plunged his dick as far in as it would go, and held it there, pressing into her body all the while. After a long moment, he relaxed, and she sighed in contentment, letting her legs relax and sinking to the bed. She let out a soft moan as she settled into the warm, inviting embrace of her bed. He lowered himself onto her, still inside her, and embraced her with his body. As he nuzzled her neck and mane gently, she giggled, giddy from the rush of sex and the warmth of her afterglow. She closed her eyes and let her worries drain away like their mixed juices draining from her pussy, and soon fell into satiated slumber. The next morning, she had woken up relaxed and satisfied. Her body hadn’t been sore, and the blankets had been over her. She had blushed and giggled at the incredibly naughty dream she had believed she had had. It had only been later that evening, when washing her blankets and bedsheets, that she had noticed that the expected patch of dried vaginal fluid was stained with a covering of semen. She had spent a moment processing that, and then gasped at the realization that the previous night had been real. There had been one thought going through her mind, over and over: A strange stallion came into my home and had sex with me. In the present, that same thought went through her head as she imagined that first night, and she gave a gasp of pleasure as her hoof coaxed her marehood into soaking the sheets once more with her juices. She wanted him, needed him, in this moment. She wanted that experience again – his skilled, gentle, but firm motions, his complete attention on her, and the fierce passion they shared. And she wanted that feeling she had when he made love to her, the surreal sense of being in a dream, despite the pleasure feeling so real. A part of her knew it was wrong, that he shouldn’t be doing this to her and she shouldn’t be letting him. But what she felt was only desire for his return. > Day Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheerilee’s daytime routine resumed itself as normal. She ate breakfast, brushed her teeth, looked over her school material for the day, and then set off for the schoolhouse. She was better rested than she had been the day before, so this time it all came more easily to her. Her level of rest – as much rest as a dutiful schoolteacher would ever permit herself to have, anyway – also showed during her day at school. Her thoughts were much more focused on her students than they had been the previous day. During lectures she was on-point, and during “free work” time she was not only ready and able to help each student with whatever they wanted to learn, but also looked to see who needed help finding something to do. This behavior was evidently too peppy to escape notice, however, because after the end-of-school bell, she was approached by Sweetie Belle, followed closely by Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Sweetie asked her, with a smile on her face, “So, is there somepony you’re looking forward to seeing?” Cheerilie jolted just a bit. “What do you mean?” How did she know? Did somepony see? Does anypony- “Saaaay, this afternoon?” Sweetie's smile widened, and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo began to smile as well. Oh. Yes. My picnic with Big Macintosh. Which is today. “Oh, y-yes... that.” She blushed slightly. “In fact, I need to hurry and make myself ready, so if you'll excuse me...” She turned and trotted off to hide her flustered state. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, meanwhile, showed no signs of discomfort at being brushed off, and called after her, “Have fun, Miss Cheerilee!” - - - - - Cheerilee was early this time. She was always punctual, of course, but as it turned out, getting prepared for an afternoon picnic with Big Mac didn't take as much time as she had led the Cutie Mark Crusaders to believe, and she'd arrived at their meeting spot with time to spare. Unfortunately, this meant she had more time to think about the whole business with... his visits at night. She had picnics with Big Macintosh on a regular basis, every Friday afternoon after school. They had been going on for long before Cheerilee's mysterious visitor had appeared, ever since shortly after the whole “love poison” incident... and yet for all the time spent together with Big Mac, Cheerilee still wasn't sure if she was interested in him romantically. Since she had time before Big Mac arrived to the picnic, her mind seemed to decide that dwelling on him – and him – would be a good way to pass the time. Why hadn't she made advances on Big Mac, despite their closeness, she wondered? Was she afraid of commitment, of going into a long-term relationship, potentially marriage and a family? That might explain why she enjoyed her batpony suitor so much – he was somepony who seemed to have no existence outside her bedroom. No family to meet, no shared living arrangements to make, no worries about their future... just pure, passionate rutting, and nothing else that could get in the way of their mutual lust. Another side of this was that she could focus all her daytime activities on her school and students. She didn't have to worry much about spending enough time with a boyfriend, or keeping the house clean for two (or more), or anything else that might complicate or take time away from her job. Her students deserved nothing less than her full attention and effort, and she enjoyed giving it. She wondered if that was what was meant by “married to the job.” Aside from the occasional late nights and fatigued days caused by her “affair” with a certain batpony stallion, it seemed to be a happy marriage. He really was an ideal discreet lover, at least if Cheerilee was any judge. He asked for nothing but her bed and her body, and rewarded her well for her gifts to him. So why was she not completely satisfied? Why did something feel... just a little off about their “relationship?” Unfortunately, as she prepared for a long, private soul search, Big Macintosh arrived, carried a picnic basket. Cheerilee was slow in responding, and he had set down the basket in front of her before she could speak up. “Hello, Big Macintosh.” “Hello, Miss Cheerilee.” If he thought there was anything odd about her hesitation, he showed no sign of it. She had to admit, she liked the way he simply accepted things without comment, apparently seeing no issues worthy of mention. The two set up their picnic and ate in relative silence. Something Cheerilee had learned during the love poison incident was that Big Mac was uncomfortable with small talk. He would answer questions with his versions of “yes” and “no” but he didn't speak up much unless there was something that needed to be spoken about. Instead, she spoke, and he answered, occasionally speaking up about something noteworthy, but he mostly just listened to her without telling her to stop or showing signs of boredom. ...Cheerilee was starting to wonder if she had a thing for quiet stallions. Two ponies wasn't enough to form a pattern, but it was noteworthy, and kind of funny. Big Mac had been growing more and more verbose with her over time, of course – his laconic nature was in part due to shyness - but he was still mostly a listener, and a great listener too. Sadly, despite the fact that Cheerilee trusted him as a friend, she still didn't feel right telling him about... him. It was, admittedly, a bit of a weird thing to tell someone, and not just because of the lewd details. A mysterious, silent batpony stallion sneaking into her home and rutting her on whatever night he felt like it? A batpony who left no trace but stains on her sheets and embers in her heart? There were probably more than a few ponies in town who wouldn't believe Cheerilee if she told them. And others who might take... drastic actions in response, and Cheerilee couldn't blame them. But of course... she would probably have to tell Big Macintosh. Not just because he was her friend, but also because, despite her hesitation to turn their relationship into anything more... it was entirely possible that Big Mac saw her as more than a friend, and was interested in a romantic relationship someday. Perhaps his shyness had gotten the best of him and he was waiting for her to make her own affection (or lack thereof) known. Still... how should she go about telling him that she wasn't sure they should be a couple? “I'm sorry, Big Macintosh, but I think we should stay friends.” No, she'd have to say why, he might ask and he deserved to know. But that too was problematic: “I'm seeing someone else.” Or maybe, “I'm not really sure who I want in a partner so I'm seeing what other stallions are like.” Or maybe just an unabridged, “I know we've been going on picnics for a long time but I don't think I'm interested in you, and I only realized that once a batpony stallion whose name I don't even know started coming into my room and fucking me senseless at night.” Hmm. This could require some thought. Perhaps she could tell him next week. She needed to think of a good way to explain this whole situation she found herself in... hopefully there was a good way to explain it all. “Miss Cheerilee,” Big Macintosh spoke up. “You seem to be thinking about something.” Being a good listener meant being observant, it seemed. Cheerilee wondered, with a bit of embarrassment, how out of it she must have been to make him speak up about it. “Yes...” She sighed and looked at him. “I've... been trying to think about... what exactly I want in a partner... in a boyfriend.” Big Mac stared at her for a moment without comment, then nodded. Cheerilee took that as an invitation to continue. “I... well, I haven't been in love in so long, I haven't really thought about what my ideal stallion would be like. I've been so dedicated to the school and my students that I haven't looked for anypony, and wouldn't know what I'd do if I did I fall in love with somepony.” Big Mac nodded again, speaking up this time. “I'm sort of like that myself. I spend a lot of time on the farm... it keeps my mind off things like that. And I'm too shy to ask a mare out so I tell myself I prefer it that way.” He glanced aside, with an almost imperceptible, but wistful sigh. At the same time, his face seemed untroubled, as if gracefully accepting his status as a bachelor. Cheerilee nodded. “Can I ask you something, Big Mac? It's about... well, helping me figure something out.” Big Mac looked into her eyes, curious. “Eeyup.” “What's it like for you when you fall in love? I mean, what is it you feel towards a pony you really like?” Big Mac sighed. “To be honest, I'm trying to figure that out myself.” Cheerilee frowned thoughtfully. “Oh? Why is that?” “Well...” He hesitated, before speaking in a softer tone. “You remember a few months ago, when me and my fam' went to visit Pinkie Pie's family for Hearth's Warming?” Cheerilee nodded. “I do.” “Well... I told you about her family, right? It's just, one of her sisters...” He blushed, most of it hidden by his red coat. “She's very pretty, but also quiet and sweet and gentle and... while I was there I felt like I understood her. Even though we barely said a word to each other, it was like we didn't need to. That we could communicate what was important.” He chuckled lightly. “I don't know if it was body language or something, or if we actually understood each other that well. But I've been writing her every couple of weeks since then and... I'm still not sure how I feel, or even if we'd work out. I work on an apple farm and she works on a rock farm... I'm not sure there's much overlap.” Cheerile nodded. “I see... sounds like a lot to think about.” She had mixed feelings about this crush of his. On the one hoof, it meant he wouldn't be too upset when she told him about her own “crush.” That being said... the way he talked about how Pinkie's sister made him feel made her just a little... envious. She wished she could have such a connection with her silent stallion. “You said you had a... connection of sorts with her?” “Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded. “That sort of thing means a lot to me. I don't talk much with most ponies unless its necessary... but I really like being with a pony and feeling that I don't need to say anything at all.” He smiled at her. “I like that about us too, Cheerilee. Just... being able to spend time together without needing to talk all the time. Just being happy together like that.” Cheerilee blushed. “Th-thank you, Big Mac. I really enjoy spending time with you as well. I think a lot of other ponies would feel awkward being around somepony who doesn't talk much... but I don't mind.” “Eeyup.” He tilted his head to the side, smile fading slightly. “Cheerilee, are you...?” Cheerilee shook her head. “I don't really know. There's somepony I met recently, who's interested in me, but... I'm not sure how much I'm interested in him. I wasn't really sure why, but I think, after what you said... I just don't know if I understand him or not... or if he understands me. And I'm not sure how to find that out.” She sighed. Big Mac put a hoof to his chin in thought. “Well, does he know what you like? And does he know what you don't like? That's important too. He should know how to make you happy, but also know what makes you sad – and that he shouldn't do those things that make you sad.” Cheerilee frowned as she thought. “...I guess I hadn't thought about that. He tries very hard to please me, but... there's more to a relationship than that. I guess I need to find a way to see if he respects me. If he's willing to avoid displeasing me, even if it involves something he wants...” The two sat in silence for a few moments longer, neither saying anything... until Cheerilee broke the quiet first, with “I'm sorry, Big Mac, I didn't mean to just... unload all this stuff on you when we're trying to have a picnic.” Big Mac simply smiled. “It's all right, Cheerilee. You needed to talk about it, and I'm happy to listen – and speak when I need to.” Cheerilee giggled a little. “Well, you are good at that. I guess no matter what... between some ponies, things do need to be said.” She closed her eyes in thought. “And I need to think of what to say to him later...” “Well...” Big Mac extended a hoof towards her. “I'm here if you need help with that. I don't know if I'll be of much use, but it's the least I can do.” “Don't worry.” Cheerilee took his hoof. “You've been a great help already... but I want to think about this on my own. I'll have to make my own decisions at some point, after all...” > Night Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheerilee checked the clock in her bedroom. Eleven-thirty, nearly time. She glanced towards the small desk next to her, upon which a piece of paper, an inkwell, and a quill lay. This time, while she was still nervous... she definitely hoped he'd come. Perhaps talking with Big Mac had emboldened her. She now felt it was okay to pursue somepony other than Big Mac - and talking with him had also made her think. If she was going to continue this little relationship with her nocturnal partner, she'd definitely need more than sex. Even if the sex was amazing. Movement in the corner of her vision prompted her to swing her head towards her bedroom window. The faintest of creaks came from it as it opened, and a familiar batpony stallion stuck his head in, his eyes easily finding her, standing next to her desk. He smiled faintly, and gracefully climbed in, before quietly shutting the window behind him. Early tonight, Cheerilee thought as she smiled at him. She then glanced at her desk, at the paper and quill, but when she turned back to him he was already right in front of her. He put his hoof underneath her chin and tilted her face up, quickly pressing his muzzle to hers. The kiss became more heated as he pressed more and more firmly into her, and he opened his muzzle to lick her lips. As he pushed his tongue onto her mouth, she obediently opened it, their tongues quickly meeting and pressing together. As the kiss continued, and Cheerilee let out a soft moan of pleasure, it occurred to her that the pen and paper would have to wait. She wanted more than sex from him, but right then she'd happily take the sex first. After another moment, the stallion pulled back, leaving Cheerilee lightly panting. He gave her a light grin, and shifted his front aside, and his hindquarters towards her, letting her see his unsheathed, hanging member clearly. He put a hoof around her head and gently pulled her closer, making his meaning clear to her. Cheerilee dutifully ducked under him, opening her mouth and dragging her tongue along his length. He reached a hoof to her flank, stroking her with his hoof as she caressed him with her tongue. After a minute of this foreplay, she took his tip in her lips, opened her mouth as wide as she could, and stepped forward, letting his shaft push into her mouth. As Cheerilee took his length, he shifted again, facing her fully and placing his front hooves on her back, mounting her from the front and letting her take him more fully. She started bobbing her head forward and back, letting his dick slide along her tongue, while pressing her lips closed and gently sucking on him. She felt a certain sexual giddiness at the idea of taking his dick in her mouth, and soon she pressed further, letting his tip tease her throat with each motion, filling her mouth with his stallionhood with each bob. Finally she took a deep breath, and pushed even further, feeling his tip press past her mouth and enter her throat, before bobbing her head rapidly but shallowly, keeping his tip from leaving her throat. He started shifting, however, pulling back, while giving her rump a couple light pats. She backed off carefully, his dick leaving her mouth, leaving it feeling empty, before he backed up off her in turn. She stood up, concerned that she'd done something wrong - but he smiled at her and licked his lips, before giving her a quick kiss. As she blushed at the unspoken compliment, he nodded his head towards the bed, and she eagerly trotted to it before lying down on it and rolling to face him. He approached a little more leisurely, but didn't keep her waiting long, as he hopped up onto the bed and positioned himself by her hindquarters. He faced her, sat down, and licked his lips again, before lowering his head to her nethers and drawing his tongue along her folds. She sighed softly, spreading her legs as he teased her for a few moments. Next he went for her winking clit, and as he caressed it with his tongue she squirmed a little in pleasure, her hind hooves wrapping around his neck. After another minute of him licking at her, she let out a needy moan, her legs trying to pull him deeper into her. But he withdrew from her, escaping her grip with as she let out disappointed whine. But now he stepped over her, the two staring into each others smoldering eyes for a moment before he lowered himself onto her. She felt his tip tease her lower lips as it had teased her throat, and then he pushed into her, eliciting a moan from her. She wrapped her front hooves around his shoulders, pulling him in and kissing him as he started to thrust into her. She let out happy, eager noises as they kissed, as he made love to her, as his pace increased and she grew closer and closer to climax. Finally she cried out into his mouth, wrapping her hind legs around his hips and pulling him into her as she came, desperate to hold him and have him fill her. But as her strength faded, as her orgasm petered out, instead of finishing he pulled out - he was breathing heavily, his dick was faintly twitching, but he hadn't finished. Oh, she thought, this is going to be one of those nights. He smirked and reached a hoof down, teasing her folds and circling around her clit. It wouldn't be enough to get off to, but it kept her from relaxing, and kept her aroused. She squirmed under him, occasionally giving him disapproving glares - but he just smirked in return, and her eyes kept drifting to his dick. When his stallionhood had stopped twitching, when the flare had gone away, he stood up, and nudged her side with his hoof. Obediently, she flipped over onto her stomach, and when he grabbed her rear in his hooves, she lifted up her rump. He quickly rewarded her by mounting her and pressing his shaft into her marehood again, making her gasp in delight. This time, Cheerilee was passive as he rutted her, letting him grip her hips and pull them into his, pushing his length in and out of her. But he was skilled as well as passionate, and he worked his shaft into her at different angles, making each thrust a different experience. She moaned and closed her eyes, letting him have his way with her. She soon felt her orgasm approaching again, and she pushed her hips back into him as she came, moaning and whimpering in pleasure. But she hadn't even finished her orgasm when he pulled out of her, and the hoof that followed was no substitute for his powerful, skilled cock. She looked back at him, reproachfully. He'd do this now and then (though never on a school night, thankfully!), where he'd hold off finishing and edge himself while making her cum over and over. This could go on for hours if he wanted it to. Again, he grinned at her, stroking her with his hoof as she collapsed onto the bed. He continued stroking her, building up that need in her, until he nudged her side with his hoof again. When she rolled onto her back, though, he did something different - he spun around so his mouth was still above her pussy, but his cock hung over her, enticing her. He backed up a little, letting her look upside at his shaft, before lowering himself, pushing his cock into her open and eager mouth as he started licking at her pussy. This time, neither of them went for foreplay. As he pressed his tongue into her entrance, she took his cock as deep as she could, letting it fill her mouth as she eagerly sucked on it. She gripped his flanks with her hooves, pulling him forward, making him go deeper into her as he pushed his tongue in and out of her tunnel. This time, she was intent on making him cum, into her mouth and throat - for the first time in their little affair. She pulled and sucked his cock in deeper and deeper, letting out muffled sighs and moans as he brought her closer to another orgasm. Finally, before she climaxed, she pulled his hips forward, forcing the tip of his cock into her throat again, bobbing forward and back, her lips meeting his base and balls as she took him in as far as he would go sucking him intensely as she moaned. He let out a faint but audible gasp, giving her a thrill of delight that turned into ecstasy as he begin to thrust into her, the head of his cock flaring inside her as he pumped his cum down her throat. She wrapped her hind legs around his head and pulled him into her, making him tongue her even deeper as she came with him, her juices soaking his tongue and mouth. After a few long, mindless, frenzied moments of passion as they facefucked each other, the pair slowly relaxed. Cheerile eased her grip on him, and he pulled back slightly, his tip sliding out of her throat and pouring the last of his cum into her mouth. His breathing was barely audible, but husky, and she was panting. As he pulled out of her all the way, she let out a satisfied sigh and looked down at his face. "That was amazing..." she said, with a smirk. He looked back at her and smiled - he looked like he was blushing, but she couldn't be sure in the darkness. But he spun around to be face-to-face with her, and kissed her warmly. She kissed him in return, the couple opening their mouths in unison and wrapping their tongues around each other again, her vaginal fluids in his mouth mixing with his semen in hers. After a few minutes of sloppy, dirty kissing, Cheerilee wrapped her hooves around him and pulled him down to lie next to her, before rolling on top of him, embracing him, and snuggling into him. He made no effort to resist, wrapping her in his own hooves and resting his chin on her head. She let out a soft, happy noise of contentment, and nuzzled his chest while he stroked her back with his hoof, and gently wrapped her in his wings. As the two settled down, she pulled back and raised her muzzle to meet his, giving him one last, short but sweet kiss before settling into him again. Cheerilee turned her head to glance at her desk, and the paper, inkwell, and quill on it. She would get to them soon, but for now, they were both exhausted and needed rest after their night of passion. Perhaps he'd wake up before her, but with her on top of him, he'd most likely have to rouse her before he himself could get out of bed. Then, maybe she could get some words out of him...