> Not Exactly A... Relationship > by kitkat0528 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Asking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight blinked frantically when she put in the contacts for her eyes. Her eyes adjusted and she could see fine now. She pulled her hair in a messy bun, leaving two locks of hair curl down by her face. She liked this look. Ever since the Friendship Games. Today was the last day of high school. Graduation day. Since it was the first week of June, it was going to be hot, but, Twilight wanted to look good, under the big black coat and hat. She grabbed a sparkly blue cocktail dress. She hated the old uniforms from Crystal Prep, and she didn't want to wear boring jeans and a t-shirt for today. She was going to a party after. She put on mascara and lipstick. She'd gotten used to wearing makeup and contacts lately, it made her look much prettier. She slipped on some heels to make her look taller, since she was rather short. Twilight inspected herself in the mirror. Nodding at herself in approval, she slipped on the black coat, and the black hat, before grabbing her purse, and throwing her phone in it. Twilight headed out the door to her car. She stepped in, started the car, and left for a day of sitting and waiting for two hours until her name was called. This seemed like enough time for Twilight to talk to her friends. About school, life after this, college, how exciting this is. Twilight smiled at the thought. She parked her car in her usual parking spot, gabbed her purse and headed for the school. She saw her group of friends and sped up to them as they were entering the school. She tapped Applejack's shoulder, grabbing her attention. Applejack smiled. "What in 'tarnation? I haven't seen you in a dress in months!" Applejack said. Twilight laughed at how that was Applejack's first sentence to Twilight. The other girls hugged Twilight, as she hugged them back. "I'm really excited for today, finally, high school is over!" Twilight said. Everyone gasp-sighed in union. "Oh, darling, you got that right!" Rarity said. "But at least it was better than junior high, ugh!" she added. Everyone laughed. "And think about the party after this at my house!" Sunset Shimmer said. They all giggled. "A party for celebrating, being eighteen, graduated from high school, living on our own, and being adults!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. They all let out a "ha-zaa!" before heading into the gym for the ceremony. * * * * Two and a half hours went by, but surprisingly, Twilight and her friends were quiet almost the entire time. Each one was announced at different times. There hands were numb from clapping so much, and finally, school was over. Childhood was over. They all stood up and through there hats in the air, luckily, the gym ceilings were so high, that as Twilight watched, she could see maybe three hats hit the ceiling, only. Twilight and her friends grabbed each other and danced in a circle of joy. Chanting song that they all knew and loved. Many people were doing things like this, rejoicing and celebrating. After a bit they all calmed down and just wanted to talk. To girl talk. To ignore the past and think about the future. To just talk about girl stuff, and go to the party at Sunset's. Twilight was sitting when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She saw Flash Sentury. He put his hands in his pockets and bit his cheek. "H-hello Twilight," He awkwardly chuckled. Twilight nodded. "Hi, Flash. What's up?" Twilight asked with a friendly smile. Flash derped for a second before shaking his head. "I... um... would you.. l-like t-t-t-to go to... Payton And Fidge Bar And Grill? For d-dinner tonight?" He asked. Twilight laughed. "Oh... that... would be nice. Sure, I would like to go," Twilight said. Se glared at her friends. They all burst into laughter. She glanced back at Flash and realized how uncomfortable this probably was. Twilight stood up. "You know, girls, how about I hang out with Flash for the afternoon. Lunch and dinner. Then I promise to come back for the movies and talk and the entire weekend, OK?" Twilight asked. They all nodded frantically, eyes big. Obviously, Twilight knew, that this was going to start the conversation for the next three weeks. Twilight and Flash. The more Twilight thought about, the worse it seemed. Her friends would even come up with a ship name for them. Twilight Sentury or Flash Sparkle. Twilight didn't want to think about it. She shook off all of her thoughts and realized that Flash was just standing there for a few seconds while Twilight was lost in thought. She stepped next to him, grabbed his hand, and began to lead him out of the school. > The Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Flash were led to a small booth. They sat across from each other. The waitress handed them their menus. "Okay, so I'm Cherry, and I will be your waitress for tonight. Can I get any drinks for you?" Cherry asked. "Diet Coke," Flash and Twilight replied in union. Cherry wrote this down on a pad and left. Flash looked at Twilight awkwardly. "Okay, so... I guess this is a date," Flash started. Twilight nodded. "Honestly, I think it will... go terrible," Twilight stated. Flash laughed. "Why would you think that?" He asked. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because all year long we've done nothing but say hi to each other in the halls, or throw each other on the ground, nearly kissing. You have to admit, It's pretty bad," Twilight explained. Flash nodded, chuckling. "Well, when you put it that way, we sound like idiots, who don't know how to treat each other," Flash said. "You know? How come we've never done this before? Go on a date, I mean?" "Um... probably because you never had the guts to ask me. I mean, I obviously can't do it, I'm the girl of this relationship," Twilight explained. Flash laughed again. "You're funny, you know that?" He inquired. Twilight laughed, then became stupid-serious. "Why yes," She flipped her hair, "I did." They both burst into laughter, Cherry shrugging at it as she set their drinks down on the table. The night pretty much went on like this. There conversations never went in the awkward direction, Twilight pretty much led the whole thing, but neither of them minded. They even started to debate whether the waitress's hair was scarlet or cinnamon red. They ordered food, ate it, continued conversation, and that's all they did. It didn't go bad, both liked the way it worked out. Flash especially because his dating skills were a lot worse than he remembered with Sunset Shimmer. > Twilight Decides to visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sighed hopelessly, hitting her head on the table. She lifted and turned her head towards her rump. She stared at her cutie mark. Still not flashing. The books have been read, the assignments are done, anything important or even not important are done! Twilight looked back at the table and gasped to see a map of Equestria molded. She noticed Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's cutie mark floating over the crystal empire. "Fu-fudge!" Twilight stopped herself from cursing as she saw Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie entering the giant room. Twilight leaned back in the chair. "You okay, Twilight? You look a little angry..." Fluttershy trailed off. Twilight sighed. "It's been pretty boring here, what about you?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie shrugged at the same time. "I've been busy and happy! Both of us have!" Pinkie exclaimed. Twilight smiled and shook her head. I love Pinkie and her enthusiasm. "Guess you two better go... I have something to go do anyway..." Twilight lied. Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded. They left quickly, knowing that a friendship problem needed to be resolved. Twilight sighed when the door closed and let her head fall on the table when the map magically melted into it. Nothing was happening, nothing was going to happen... "I need to go to the human world," Twilight said. * * * * Twilight stared at the portal in front of her. Waiting for it to do something, but nothing happened. Twilight also thought that she might be waiting for something to stop her, news to come and stand in her way, give her something to do other than this. But no pony and nothing happened, giving Twilight permission to enter. "Here goes nothing." Twilight leaped into the portal, crying out as her body was sucked into an abyss of crazy bending and squeezing. In a flash, she hit the ground, the breath knocked out of her. Twilight wheeze/panted for a second before seeing all of her friends in a group walking up to her. Twilight gasped to see them all wearing uniforms of graduation. Twilight was at there graduation. "I will never get used to that," Twilight said. Twilight saw them smiled at them all. "What are you doin' here, Sugar Cube?" Applejack asked. Twilight bit her lip. "Absolutely nothing has been happening lately, I thought I'd come for a visit!" Twilight said excitedly. Then she changed subject. "Well, in the time of day-" Twilight looked at the sun"-and judging what your wearing... You guys have just graduated high school!" "YES!"All of her friends sang. "It was so boring, the best part was being called, then it was back to sitting and waiting for it to end. Also, your human self is on a date with Flash," Pinkie Pie explained. "Pinkie!" The five friends yelled. Twilight was silent, mostly because she didn't here what was said. Rarity gasped. "I just realized something! Darling, we need to get you out of that dress! I've always hated it, looks terrible on you, we need to change it!" Rarity grabbed Twilight's hand. "Everyone, to... oh... Sunset Shimmer, I'll drive Twilight to your house, since she can't drive-you know, since um... Ponies don't drive cars, right?" Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head. What did "Um... what's a... car?" Twilight asked. Rarity laughed. "Twilight, it's a... machine that we use to get around, our bodies aren't like ponies, they aren't made to walk a... very long ways strait. Anyway, Sunset, do you mind if Twilight and I take a small detour?" Rarity asked. Sunset shook her head. "Of course not, Rarity." * * * * Twilight grabbed the seat belt and wrapped it around herself. She was giddy with excitment. How does it work? How could it work? What's up with all idea's? And, as Twilight looked out the window, she became quite mad. Lyra was driving human Lyra, or was that pony Lyra? Lyra was in the same car as her copy, Lyra. How did that even work? Twilight shook her head. This was all too confusing. Twilight then gasped and tensed, grabbing the bar above her head, realizing that the car was moving. "Delaid reaction," Rarity commented. Twilight narrowed her eyes at Rarity. How could she be perfectly calm? They were moving, really fast, and- wait? Was Rarity on her phone? Twilight gasped again. "Rarity! Put that device down, and keep your eyes on the road!" Twilight yelled. "Sheesh, Twilight. We are going to be just fine. I've been driving for two and a half years, nothing will happen," Rarity explained. Twilight slowly let go of the bar and sank into the chair. Rarity smiled at Twilight. "Better." Twilight watched the road, the double yellow lines seemed to go forever. Twilight kept her eyes on the yellow line, and when a car blocked it, Twilight turned her attention the car, until it drove away. Before Twilight knew it, they were at Rarity's shop. "Rarity?" "Hm?" "Don't ever put me in one of those again." "Can't promise anything." Rarity opened the door to her shop and rushed to a rack. Twilight looked at the sign next to it saying, "Casual." Rarity began humming a song that Twilight found familiar. "Hello from the otherside! I must have called a thousand times!" Rarity sang. Twilight lifted a brow. "How do you know that song?" Twilight asked. Rarity laughed. "Well, aren't there, like, copies, of everyone? If there is an Adele in this world, of course you guys have her, right?" Rarity asked. Twilight nodded. "Right." Rarity then shoved a shirt and pants into Twilight's hands and pushed her into a dressing room. Rarity pulled the curtains and Twilight sighed. "I promise you don't have to pay any money," Rarity said. Twilight laughed and shook her head, before slipping the outfit on. Twilight pulled the curtain and quickly headed out of the shop. Rarity came out after Twilight and tilted her head to the car, signaling that Twilight had to go in. Twilight gulped before opening the car door and stepping in. "This sucks." * * * * Twilight opened the door to Sunset Shimmer's home. Twilight loved the way human houses were built. Their structure, style, colors. Twilight wondered why human houses were so boring when it came to painting your house in the human world. "So how was it?" Pinkie popped up in front of Twilight as soon as the door opened. Twilight's brow lifted. "Uh... fine?" Twilight said, confused. Pinkies jaw dropped. "Fine? Fine?" Pinkie gasped. "What happened? was he mean? Was he boring? Flash-" Rarity slapped a hand on Pinkies mouth. Pinkie kept on talking, not noticing the hand on her mouth. Rarity thanked herself for being so quick. Twilight didn't need to know about any of the date. "Pinkie!" Rarity hissed. "This is pony Twilight!" Pinkie's muffled questions and comments became silent. Rarity slowly let go of Pinkie's mouth. "Right! She's pretty early to be here, too," Pinkie sighed. "Dinner doesn't start for, like, and hour and a half." Twilight shook her head. What in the world was she talking about? What could human Twilight be doing right now?