Cocks From the Crypt

by The Elusive Badgerpony

First published

Fluttershy and Tree Hugger, in a fit of lust and deviancy, end up desecrating the dead. But the dead do not take disrespect lightly...

Greetings, ghouls and boys! Our story tonight is for you older children in the audience, you college-aged kids with your crazy ideas! Halloween is just around the corner, and with Halloween there comes the crazy parties and the spooktacular ideas for the next act of great deviancy! But too often do we forget that those beyond this mortal plane have feelings, too!

Oh yes, they do indeed have feelings. And this little tale is about two foolish mares who, in their own horny foolishness, anger and disrespect the vengeful dead... And pay the price with their bodies!

So sit back in those comfy chairs and get your favorite skeletal hand ready, kiddies! For I have a tale of the most naughty kind for you...

I'm sorry if this isn't up to snuff with my usual stuff, fellas. School and theatre kid stuff has really bogged me down, and I've not had a whole lot of time to sit down and write something. I figured I'd put something out for the holiday, so enjoy what I whipped up for your trick-or-treating delight! I might want to write a different story starring Tree Hugger, there are nowhere near enough clopfics featuring her

I hope you fellas enjoy it.


Zombie sex, group sex, questionable consent, drug use, Bad End (no gore, though), halloween costumes, and horrible, horrible anthro

A Ghoulish Gang-Bang

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It was midnight on Nightmare Night, and the graveyard was as calm and disquietingly serene as ever. Nightingales and owls sung out into the night sky, creating a chorus with the legions of trilling locusts that filled the tall, unkempt grasses around the old, moss-covered graves. With every whistling breeze, leaves of pumpkin orange and bright, bloody red fell towards the ground, only to disappear in the mysterious mists that swirled about the feet of every grave like a pale, gray sea. The full moon, like a giant eyeball, gazed downwards and shone dimly, just enough for one to see but not enough for them to tell what they were seeing. To the west, hordes of wolves prowled the Everfree Forest, and many of them let out bloodcurdling howls, cursing the moon and anyone who still stood awake beneath it.

Needless to say, poor Fluttershy was shaking in her rabbit-paw booties, and the late-fall chill of Nightmare Night wasn’t all to blame. She held one of her paw-gloved hands to her substantial chest, taking deep breathes, trying to calm herself down. But it was to no avail– her eyes still darted from side to side, irises small as pinpricks, looking for the signs of danger that she knew were there. She hated this “holiday.” It was so scary. So many creepy things that could come out and… and get her. And it was always such a cold night, too. Fluttershy shivered, and pulled up the hood of her costume, the bunny ears on her head bouncing gaily for a bit, before being buffeted slightly by the wind. It was too cold for this. There was almost no reason for her to be out here, and there was especially almost no reason for her to be sitting her at the foot of the biggest mausoleum in town.

Suddenly, there was a small bubbling noise behind her back, and Fluttershy jumped a bit. It took a moment for the source of the noise to come back to her, and she smiled a bit as a hand swathed in bandages gently took hers and gave it a squeeze.

Tree Hugger, dressed as a mummy, finished her immense rip of her bong, giggling airily, blinking a few times. “Fluttershy,” she sing-songed. “You scaaared?”

Fluttershy whimpered, leaning against Tree Hugger, nuzzling her bandage-wrapped neck. “I… No. I’m just cold.”

Tree Hugger tittered. “Fluttershy, like, you can lie to me all you want, but your chakra tells a different story. I can’t see a single fuckin’ bit of red in it.”

The stoned mare blinked a few times, then her tittering renewed. “Mmmh, I wonder what’s blocking it…”

Fluttershy gulped. “N-Nothing. Nothing, except that it’s very, very late at night, and we’re in a graveyard, and there’s mists everywhere, and wolves howling, and winds screaming, and, and, it’s all really, really creepy and it’s getting to me, sure, I’ll admit that much, I’m sorry, Tree Hugger, I–”

“Shhhh,” Tree Hugger said, putting a finger to Fluttershy’s lips, placing the bong between them and turning herself to face her marefriend. “Baby, it’s totally okay. Hey, I’m super stoked you came out here with me in the first place. Your friends say that last year you didn’t even leave the house.”

Fluttershy blushed. “I… I never liked Nightmare Night. It’s so… So…”

“Spooky?” Tree Hugger said, with an airy little giggle.

“Yeah,” Fluttershy said, her bunny ears seeming to fall.

Tree Hugger smiled, grabbing the bong and lifting it to Fluttershy’s lips. Fluttershy pursed them, shaking her head, and pushing the bong away, making Tree Hugger’s face fall slightly.

“Hey, c’mon, Flutters, you said you wanted to do this with me.”

“I… I did,” Fluttershy said. “At the time. But… But it’s not just the spookiness of it all. I… I feel like it’s kinda bad, really, cause this is a real graveyard, and there’s miles and miles of real ponies buried here, and we’re just… We’re gonna…”

Fluttershy covered her face with her paws. Tree Hugger sighed, took another deep rip of the bong, and giggled.

“Yo, Flutters, baby, I totally get that. You don’t wanna desecrate the dead?”

Fluttershy nodded, not taking her hands from her face. Tree Hugger only giggled in response.

“Dude, nothing we’re doing is hurting anything. We’re fine. It’s just a bit of smoke and a little bit of marecum.”

Fluttershy pursed her lips harder. “I know, b-b-but… I d-didn’t really have a whole lot of a problem with it u-until we got here. It just… It doesn’t feel right. Maybe you and I don’t believe in it, but places like these are sacred to most ponies.”

Tree Hugger sighed, lazily draping an arm around Fluttershy’s shoulders. “Fluttershy… I feel ya. I know it seems wrong, but it’s not. We’re not leaving anything that won’t get cleaned up or anything.”

“I-It still…”

Fluttershy swallowed. “It still feels… Wrong. Like, if we do this here, we like…”

“Fluttershy,” Tree Hugger said, taking the bigger mare’s cheeks in her bandaged mummy hands, making her squeak as her eyes looked deeply into Tree Hugger’s rose-tinted irises.


“Fluttershy,” Tree Hugger said. “It’s cool. Trust me.”

Fluttershy blinked a few times, her hands trailing down Tree Hugger’s sides, feeling the small, subtle ridges of every bandage that swept across the other mare’s hourglass hips. She wanted to trust Tree Hugger. She really did. She hadn’t told her about so many of her misgivings. What if the graveyard had ghosts? What if vampires swept down onto them from on high? What if monsters came upon them, or a vengeful mass murderer with a chainsaw, or a kitchen knife, or a machete, or a clawed glove, or, or, or… Or so many things, so many things that could happen, tonight of all nights, so many things could go wrong on the one night where evil was allowed to roam free, was allowed to prey on the innocent and destroy those weaker than it.

Fluttershy looked deeper into Tree Hugger’s eyes. No. Tree Hugger was right. It was cool. This was cool. They weren’t hurting anything. And besides, it wasn’t like the supernatural was real or anything. Fluttershy knew that much was true. She could trust her. One of her hands trailed across Tree Hugger’s bandage-covered jawline, as the other feathered down Tree Hugger’s thigh. This was fine. Totally fine. Completely alright.

She didn’t know at the time just how wrong she was.

Fluttershy’s head drifted closer and closer to Tree Hugger, closer and closer to those somewhat parted, beautiful lips, but the kiss that was to be never came. Tree Hugger laughed, and as Fluttershy recoiled away in confusion, the stoned mare picked up the still-warm bong and handed it to Fluttershy. “Here,” Tree Hugger said. “This aughta clear your aura right up.”

Fluttershy shivered. “I… I’m still not sure about this, Huggie…”

“You don’t gotta be,” Tree Hugger said. “You’re scaaared, baby… Let this shit calm you down.”

Fluttershy’s hands held the bowl of the bong, taking a deep breath. “It’ll help?”

“It’ll help, babe. It’s purple. The best…”

Fluttershy’s fingers closed around the base of the bong’s shaft, and she let out a small shiver as a breeze went through her ears. “If you say so, Huggie…”

She brought the bong over her lips, and Tree Hugger lit it for her, and she took the biggest, largest rip that she possibly could. Instantly, a rush went through her body, and the first of many pleasurable rattlings in her spine coursed up into her body, and before she could blow the smoke out, Tree Hugger captured Fluttershy’s lips against hers, and the two were locked in a deep, smokey kiss. Small puffs of thick, piss-smelling smoke billowed from between their mouths as the two of them locked together in the most salacious way. Fluttershy’s body felt numb, and yet all the same it felt more sensitive. Her fingers were ablaze with the almost ribbed texture of Tree Hugger’s costume as her hands trailed down her lover’s sides again, pulling her close. Fluttershy let out a flustered little giggle, that devolved into an uproarious laugh that forced the kiss apart, pressing Tree Hugger’s more slender body against her plush, plump form, letting the warmth of her bigger body radiate against her marefriend. Tree Hugger was right. Everything was gonna be okay. She had no reason to worry about a thing.

“Feeeeeling better?” Tree Hugger said.

“Nnnnh, yeah,” Fluttershy moaned, her hands resting on Tree Hugger’s rear.

“Awesooome!” Tree Hugger said. “We’re gonna have a totally fuckin’ awesome time, babe, trust me… The stars have aligned, your aura’s changing to a nice, warm pink…”

“Tree Hugger, who’s that?”


“That,” Fluttershy said, pointing to a figure in the distance that slowly stumbled towards the two of them.

Tree Hugger turned around, narrowing her eyes, blinking a few times. “It’s… Like, I dunno, but…”

She stiffened in Fluttershy’s grip. “Dude, like, he’s… He’s got a real bad vibe, hon…”

Fluttershy shook in her skimpy costume, giving Tree Hugger a squeeze. “M-Maybe we should leave…”

“Naaah,” Tree Hugger said. “If some dude just, like, wants to hate… Then nah, we should be totally fine–”

“Tree Hugger, there’s like three dudes there now!”


Tree Hugger rolled off of Fluttershy entirely, eyes wide, looking out over the expanse of the graveyard. One by one, more and more bodies seemed to come towards them, more and more stallions seeming to converge into a larger and larger crowd. Fluttershy was paralyzed with fear, for as they came closer and closer, it became more and more apparent that they were all entirely naked, their faces all slack-jawed and open-mouthed, their eyes all focused on the two scared shitless and high-as-fuck mares standing in front of the mausoleum.

“Oh shit,” Tree Hugger said.

Fluttershy swallowed as the hordes only grew. “There’s s-so many now…”

Tree Hugger didn’t waste a second. She pulled Fluttershy off of the steps of the mausoleum, charging towards the only opening in the crowd of encroaching stallions she could see. She tripped on a grave, not knowing that such a simple slowdown could doom the two of them, and doomed they were, tumbling heads-over-heels over the dirt that was placed over the buried legions.

Fluttershy groaned. The weed, combined with the force and speed of the tumble, made her mind a jumbled mess. She tried to rise to her feet, and that was when something grabbed Fluttershy’s ankles. She screamed, trying to pull her feet away, but to no avail, and as the fog spilled away, they revealed her captors to be disembodied, decomposing hands, that soon became bodied as the graves beneath Fluttershy’s and Tree Hugger’s feet began to shift, and angry faces began to pop out. Fluttershy kicked at the monster’s head, but to no avail. It’s steely death-grip refused to go slack, and the moaning of the legions of the dead only grew.

“Help!” Fluttershy screamed. “Somepony! Anypony! Help meee!”

The hands began to crawl upwards. Fluttershy felt them squeeze against her flesh, their fingers cold and without a pulse, stiff, dead flesh that slowly groped it’s way up her body as the legions of stallions came closer and closer. She thrashed about wildly, screaming, the hood of her bunny suit flying back and her mane whipping in the increasingly harsh wind, her thoughts muddied by the drugs pounding through her system, only amplifying her panic. She looked towards Tree Hugger as she struggled, and saw that her marefriend was completely in shock, not moving, totally still. How could she be so calm? Where was she getting this from?!

Tree Hugger was humming.

She was humming meditation tunes, the tone of her voice fluctuating as the cold, dead hands rose up her legs, squeezing her thighs, groping her ass. Fluttershy was confused for a moment, then felt the hands on her do the same, and her screams became punctuated with yelps.

“H-Hey! Wait!” she cried, but to no avail, as the legions of undead came closer. There had to be at least fifty of them in the crowd that slowly circled around them, all of them stumbling like drunkards, letting out unearthly moans. Fluttershy’s struggles renewed as she felt the hands that had clasped her ass pull her against the stonelike, dead chest of the creature holding her, squeezing her hips, grinding what had to be an undead cock against the fluffy tail of her costume. Her eyes widened in fear and realization. There were undead cocks surrounding them, closing in, more and more, stiffly standing out in front of their masters, proud as can be.

Fluttershy glanced towards Tree Hugger again. Still humming. There was no escape at this point. A deep, harsh dread filled the pit of her stomach. There was no escape. They were going to be doing this whether they liked it or not, and Fluttershy’s stomach churned at the realization that here, surrounded by ghoulish creatures in the dead of night, she had never been this aroused before.

She bit her lip. She hated to admit it. She hated to admit that, underwearless as she was beneath the costume, she was soaking the crotch of the bunny leotard, the cotton absolutely soaked with her mare juices. She tried to blame it on the high, but that was hardly substantial. No, it was the cold, dead hands massaging her chest, the lack of a heartbeat belying the strange, supernatural strength that her captor held, squeezing and pulling and nuzzling against her neck with his mouthless snout. This was impossible. This couldn’t be real. But every single powerful grope, every single stroke against her body with those numb fingers only got her more excited, only gave her more shame.

No. No, this was impossible. This had to be a dream. Fluttershy’s struggles renewed. She thrashed in her captor’s arms, wailing into the night sky. “Anybody! Please! Anybodyyy!”


Fluttershy stopped, dead still, letting out little whimpers whenever the ghoul behind her groped her chest. Tree Hugger squeezed Fluttershy’s hand, looking at her with a steely, serious eye, which was especially difficult to do with such a slackjawed, dead-stoned expression.

“T-Tree Hugger, I-I-I knew we shouldn’t ha–”

“Jus’ let it happen, Fluttershy,” Tree Hugger said.


“Fluttershy,” Tree Hugger said. “Mmh, Look at me. I’m not scared. I’m… Nnngh, I’m actually…”

“No,” Fluttershy said. “No, not you too. This c-can’t, nnnh, this can’t be turning you on too…”

Tree Hugger let out a grim little chuckle. “S-Sorry…”

The hands tore off the chests of their clothes, exposing Fluttershy’s generous Gs and Tree Hugger’s heavy Ds to the cold, nightmare night air, and the two mares gasped in tandem. This was real. Oh, this was very, very real. Their Nightmare Night, once cold and dreary, was going to get hotter.

“B-But Tree Hugger,” Fluttershy whimpered, but her protests died in her throat as the hands of her captor squeezed her nipples, twisting them cruelly, her thrashes becoming involuntary now.

“Aahnf,” Tree Hugger groaned, stumbling back into her own fiendish molester. “I-It’s okay! It’s okay, nnngh, Fluttershy…”

“A-All I, mmmgh, w-wanted was youuuu,” Fluttershy moaned, unconsciously grinding her ass back into the ghoul’s immense cock. It had to be sixteen inches at least, and still it grew, stiffer and stiffer, lifeless and yet more alive than anything Fluttershy had ever felt… Her blush grew along with her fear. She didn’t know for sure what the legions of undead intended with herself and her marefriend, but she knew for certain that her hymen, her precious penetrative virginity, was gone the moment the hands had first taken ahold of her.

“I-It’s okay,” Tree Hugger moaned. “L-Let’s just sh-share this once, alright?”

Fluttershy groaned. “I… Alright… B-But what about h-h-help?”

Two ghouls approached the girls from the crowd. Their bodies were scrawny, their defining features long rotted away, but their lengths stood long and proud, and they stroked them idly as they approached. Fluttershy’s stomach was doing backflips. This was so surreal, and yet every powerful grope, every soulless moan, every whiff of their dirt-covered bodies sent her body into overdrive. She was helpless, and she was loving every moment of it, and that was the scariest thing she had encountered that night.

Tree Hugger never replied to her question, as she had been bent over, the bandages covering her ass and privates in an impromptu skirt being torn away by the frisky, now energized legions of the undead, and a zombified cock already fucking her throat ever so slowly, her eyes rolled up into her head. The image struck Fluttershy with no small amount of disgust, and yet an overwhelming arousal caused her to buck her hips with every thrust of her marefriend’s facefucker’s powerful, undead hips.

“I… I guess it’ll come s-s-sooner or l-later,” Fluttershy said.

A hand grasped at Fluttershy’s crotch, and ripped away the bottom of her costume. She gasped as her glistening cunt was exposed to the night air, but that gasp soon led into a yelp as she was lifted beneath the knees, her legs spread, presenting her to the ghoul that stood in front of her. Fluttershy whimpered. Her arms wrapped around the neck of her holder, and, with a submissive sigh, she thurst her hips forward, her eyes still on the gagging Tree Hugger, her ears turning down as the sounds of harsh facefucking filled her ears.

“B-Be gentle,” Fluttershy said as the hellish zombie stumbled towards her. “I’m a vir–”

His cocktip had slid inside her before she could even finish her sentence, and Fluttershy’s scream of pleasure and pain was soon drowned out by the monster’s dead, flabby, plastic-seeming lips pressing against hers in an unholy kiss. Alarm and ecstasy mixed in her body, moans and screams melded together as the monster’s powerful thrusts slammed into her, spasms going through her body as it’s animalistic grunts filled her ears and it’s huge, thick length pounded into her. It was so thick, and so long, and it just slammed against her insides three-thirds at a time, the pace pounding, but slow, letting her feel every single inch of cock. Her hips jittered, begging for more, and sweet, delectable mare juice dribbled against the undead shaft, along with a small, pinprick leak of blood. But the monster that she was caught with hardly took notice. It was only using her for it’s own pleasure, and yet Fluttershy couldn’t help but enjoy it. She leaned back into the ghoul that held her, squeezing around his neck, her tongue hanging from her mouth as the one fucking her pulled away.

“Aaah,” she whimpered. “D-Don’t be so c-cruelaaah!”

Her moans turned to squeals as one powerful undead hand slapped against her rear, sending ripples throughout her thunderous thighs. Every thrust of stiff, decomposing cock sent Fluttershy’s loins into overdrive, causing her big, thick clitty to wink. She tried to look into the clouded eyes of her first, but he only let out a grunt, looking downwards to focus on his task, squeezing her ass harshly as his brother held her higher to give him more leverage. Her misgivings fell away with every slam against her cervix, pain pounding into her mind again but swiftly ignored. He was huge, so huge, he deserved to take her as aggressively as he pleased, for she and Tree Hugger had defiled the land of the dead, and this was the punishment that they deserved.

Fluttershy’s eyes wandered to her marefriend. The ghoul that had been facefucking her had redoubled his efforts, pounding into her face. Fluttershy could see blood slowly oozing from her marefriend’s nose, no doubt the result of a particularily harsh thrust. And on the other end of things, the ghoul that had held her had decided instead to give her a treat, turning her hips to the side and fucking her sideways, giving Fluttershy a fantastic view of the action as powerful undead cock defiled her marefriend right in front of her. The air was thick with the musty smell of dead flesh mixed with living, and Fluttershy drank it in through her nose like fine wine.

“M-More, please,” she begged. “I w-wanna get fucked h-h-hardeeeeaaaah!”

She was caught in a nightmare– no, not a nightmare, a dream, a glorious wet dream of the most fantastic kind. Thrust after thrust, groan after hellish groan, the slapping of dead, flabby thighs against thick, big fat ones, all of it was driving her further and further into insanity. It took her a moment to comprehend that the supernatural shaft inside of her was swelling, was flaring out against her cervix, and with one last, powerful thrust, the monster that had taken her broke through the last barrier. Fluttershy threw her head back, and let out a loud scream, impossible sensations coursing through her writhing body as she came, femcum splashing against her captor. She felt something lukewarm spray inside of her, pulse after pulse coursing into her, her heartbeat rapid while her mate’s was nonexistent, and she knew that she wasn’t alone in orgasm. The ghoul holding her, though, wasted no time. He pulled Fluttershy off of her first cock, and slid the shaft of his own against her spread entrance, thick dollops of cum dribbling from her cunt, a yellowish, off-white substance that smelled like rotten eggs, but felt as heavenly as any of Rarity’s fancy massages.

Fluttershy panted. “Y-Yes,” she said. “M-More… Gimme more, please…”

“Yeah,” Tree Hugger groaned beside her, mouth dribbling with the stuff, swallowing it down. “Yeah, give us both more…”

The horde closed in, and Fluttershy took a deep breath. Soon, there were so many cocks, she didn’t know how to handle them. Two in her hands, stroking them gently, feeling every bit of numb, dead skin stretch beneath her grasp. A few adventurous ghouls slammed both of their cocks in her pussy at once, and Fluttershy was aghast with the gloriously full sensation of it all. Cocks ground against her hooves, pressed into her ears, slammed into her face. She had lost track of Tree Hugger long ago. All that mattered where the legions of zombified cocks that surrounded her, that she needed to care for, to deal for. Cocks that took her everywhere. Cocks in her pussy, cocks in her mouth, cocks in her tight little ass, all of it, everywhere.

One after another, they came, their foul-smelling zombie spunk splattering against Fluttershy’s face, pouring into her womb, oozing out of her ass. And yet, with each ghoul that orgasmed, Fluttershy was never given time to rest, as another cock would take it’s place. And then another. And then another… The faces blurred together, the cocks all felt the same, the same huge, thick dicks that pounded and destroyed her without emotion, without care. Time was immaterial. All that mattered was the ride to her next powerful orgasm, the next shuddering and release, the next squealing, writhing climax that only lead to another, and another, and another. Zombie after zombie, cock after cock. She lapsed in and out of consciousness, trying to breath, trying to keep up with it all, but it was impossible. It was the gang-fuck of the century, and it was all slipping through her fingers.

She was being taken doggystyle. A ghoul beneath her pounded into her well-stretched cunt, as one above her slammed over and over into her ass. Another pounded into her immobile face, and she sucked him like he was some sort of delicious taffy, stiff and yet pliable with her tongue, lapping at his rapidly pounding length. Fluttershy saw then that the sun was rising over the horizon, and took notice of Tree Hugger, taking three cocks into her cunt at once as she gave a fourth zombie a boobjob. She was close, so close, to just one last orgasm, one last cum, that was all she wanted, to cum one last time before the sun arose, before she was seen with the legions of the undead.

Their thrusting intensified. Their bodies, cold and dead as they were, began to heat up. Fluttershy noticed that she was slowly sinking into the ground, along with her captors, but she was too aroused, too satisfied over and over, to care in the slightest. They would find her. She knew that much. They would find her someday, completely and totally satisfied, filled to the brim with zombie spunk. She felt the zombie in front of her cum into her mouth, and she swallowed down his smelly spunk. It tasted of egg whites and spoiled milk, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to gag, even as the earth above her closed, and the undead’s fucking renewed. She wondered, briefly, what became of Tree Hugger. If she was alright. But she knew that, so long as it was these cocks fucking her, Tree Hugger would be perfectly alright.


They were never seen again.

Not for lack of trying. Fluttershy’s friends tried to find her for almost a year, but after a while even they had to face their worst fear. The sudden disappearance, and assumed death, of a longtime friend and compatriot was a hard pill to swallow at the time, and would be a hard pill to swallow at any time indeed, especially with how curious and sudden it was.

All that remained of Fluttershy and Tree Hugger was a lonely, still-smouldering bong in front of the mausoleum. And legend has it that, on each Nightmare Night, one can hear the moans and groans of a legion of ghouls, and the squeals and happy moans of a pair of satisfied mares, coming from that very cemetery.