> Motherly Love > by Vinyl_Wubs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Princess Of Parenting (In Training) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking through the tall, elegantly decorated corridors of the ivory Canterlot Castle, Princess Luna’s eyes scanned down every hall she passed, out every window, and through every open door. While her brisk pace had a destination in mind, the Lunar Princess also was looking for a certain somepony. With no luck in finding that pony, she came to a halt outside her sister’s chambers, before sharply knocking. “Yes?” Her familiar older sibling shouted. “Celestia, it is I! Are you occupied?” Luna called through the ornately carved and stained wooden door. “Say yes.” An almost forced whisper that Luna had made no effort to try to hear. A small frown curled her lip. “Yes.” Celestia replied. Luna gritted her teeth, “Have you seen Skylight? We cannot find him.” “No.” The other voice whispered. “No.” Celestia mimicked shortly after. “Perhaps, sister, you should tell our son he whispers rather loudly.” Luna sighed, “Have you been avoiding us?” There was a short pause before he spoke. “No.” “No.” Celestia repeated. “You can stop now.” The kid groaned. “You can stop now.” Celestia continued. Luna couldn’t help but crack a smile, rolling her eyes and opening the chamber door. When she entered her sister’s room, she saw the little rascal dangling from Celestia’s arm, who was writing some sort of business form, absolutely unfazed by the young colt clinging to it. “Skylight, you should know better than to distract Auntie Celestia.” Luna chided, pulling up a chair to sit facing her sister and her adopted son, “Nor should you lie. Why are you avoiding us?” “I wasn’t avoiding you, mommy. I just wanted to spend time with Anny C.” Sky plopped down onto his rear and looked up momentarily at Luna. “I knew she was busy, but she’s always busy…” “Indeed, while sister is rarely free for leisure, she is a Princess, and has the most responsibilities in ruling Equestria.” Luna sighed, leaning down so that her shoulders were level with Skylight’s eyes, “Not all in this world is fun and games.” Sky’s lip shook slightly, his eyes refusing to look up. “I know. I just…” His voice wavered as a wave of sadness hit the young colt. “Perhaps if it was, we would enjoy the times of rest and enjoyment far less. You must work hard to experience greater happiness. Auntie Celestia, though few, when she does take breaks, she cannot get rid of that rather silly grin she gets.” Luna chuckled. Celestia did in fact have one of those grins as she spoke. Sky slowly looked up, his shaking slowing to a stop as he saw it. Sky’s gaze switched back to Luna, a curious expression washing over the tears that were building. He seemed less sad, and more awed. The sight was actually hard to not giggle at, but Luna managed to suppress her own laughter. “If I didn’t enjoy his company, I would have told him.” Celestia said, turning in her chair to look down at Sky. “But your mother is right. It’s rude to interrupt ponies when they’re working. You can get away with it with me, but I’m just making that clear for further notice.” Sky smiled and nodded, standing up and wobbling around before catching himself on Luna’s leg. Once he realized what he grabbed, he wrapped himself around it and hugged her. “Ensure thou remember that. Especially be sure to never disturb any of the Royal Chefs while they work. Even we are not safe from an angry chef’s.” Luna chuckled. Celestia gave a gentle snort before quickly covering her mouth, finally losing her demeanor and laughing along her sister’s joke. Sky couldn’t help it, the joy was contagious. The giggling colt clung tighter to Luna’s leg as he did so. “But then again, it is never a bad thing to have fun with work.” Luna said after her laughs died down, her breath short, “We would recommend, whatever you do, be sure it is enjoyable.” “I already know what I wanna do when I grow up.” He said with a lightly giggle-shaken voice. “Oh? What would that be?” Luna smiled. “I wanna be a guard.” Sky said proudly, straightening up and saluting the tall, blue princess. “W- what?” Luna asked, her voice suddenly shaky, “Why would you w- want to be a guard?” “Cause I wanna make ponies feel safe. And I want to make you happy.” Sky said in a slower tone, his head tilting to the side. “Won’t that make mommy happy?” “Y- Yes, that would make me happy…” Luna whispered, abruptly dropping her usual old english for a more modern, concerned tone, “But being a guard… It is a very difficult thing to train for, and can be very dangerous.” “But I’d go through all the danger in the world to make sure you don’t have to. And that’s why I want to be one, so other ponies don’t have to be in danger.” He continued, smiling up at Luna. “Skylight… I have no qualms about myself being in danger. I am very capable of handling danger myself, or with Auntie Celestia’s help. What worries me is the thought of you being in danger.” Luna said quietly. “And if needed, Miss Twilight and the elements of harmony will be there.” “But you don’t need me to protect you!” Sky giggled as if the thought was absurd. “You and Auntie are too big and cool. You could kick a whole battalion of guards’ butts. I don’t wanna do it for you, I wanna do it for everyone else.” “That is v- very brave of you…” Luna stammered, debating on whether or not to try and dissuade Sky from joining the guard. Glancing up at her older sister, Luna tried to give all that she was feeling into one glance. Celestia seemed to have the same pained feel, but masked it much better. “It’s very brave, but we are as vulnerable as any pony.” Celestia started, shifting Sky’s attention to his aunt. “I’d be proud, and I’m sure your mother would too, if you became a guard.” “But… I thought you were tough enough to protect yourselves?” Sky questioned, his curiosity burning even brighter. “Nope, just as defenseless, though a little more cautious. How does that make you feel?” Celestia hummed, kneeling down from her chair and to the ground in front of the child. “Like… I’m scared.” Sky mumbled. “And why are you scared?” “Because I don’t want you to get hurt.” Sky’s speech slowed as the realization struck him. Celestia simply smiled and glanced up at Luna. “I worry for you every moment you are not in my presence, and if you were to join the Royal Guard… I cannot know how much more I would worry.” Luna sighed. The small earth-pony stared up at Luna for a few seconds before rushing up to hug her again. Celestia looked at sky, then up at Luna. The gaze from her older sister only had a hint of concern, but reeked of a passive disdain. Luna could tell that Celestia was on Skyline’s side. “Is this what you… truly want to do?” Luna asked softly. Sky looked up, an almost painful look on his face as he spoke his next words, “I wanted to be one because I didn’t want ponies to get hurt. But I don’t want to be a guard if it’ll hurt you, mommy.” Celestia put her thumb up to her mouth, biting gently on the nail. The sun princess couldn’t take her eyes off the young colt after his sweet words. “I… I cannot stop you.” Luna whispered, “But know that if you… find it overwhelming, and do not wish to continue this path, it is not a sign of weakness to seek out something else you enjoy.” Luna sighed deeply. “I love you Skylight… Go on, you might only be eight, but I'm sure they can at least give you a tour. Go to the enlistment office, and tell them you want to look around. My permission.” Skyline gasped, hopping giddily. “Really?!” “Yes, really.” Luna smiled, “Just don’t sprint. The staff will get annoyed.” Skyline nodded and walked slowly to the door. The longer he walked, the faster his pace increased. The moment he disappeared from their vision, they heard the rapid pattering of his footsteps alongside a crash outside the door. “Sorry!” Sky’s voice was heard. Celestia just smiled and shook her head. Luna chuckled, before devolving into tears. “S- Sister… Have I made a… a horrible mistake?” Celestia rushed up and pulled Luna into the embrace of her warm, older sister. “Oh, Luna…” She sighed, gently guiding Luna the bed and sitting her down. “H- He’s my son… I don’t care if he’s not from my womb! He is my child!” Luna wailed. “Luna, look at me.” Celestia tilted Luna’s head up, being met with her younger sibling’s tear stricken eyes. “You have done all you can, but you can’t hold him back. Let him chase his dreams, but never stop worrying. That’s the best you can do as a parent…” “I… I’ll try, sister.” Luna sniffled, “But, for all our sake, p- perhaps it is best that you keep a more watchful eye over myself. You are aware of what might happen if my emotions run too high.” “I know, Luna. I may not have a son or daughter to worry about. But I’ve always had my precious, younger sister…” Celestia said softly. Luna chuckled slightly, “Thank you sister… But you do almost know what it is like to have a daughter. Twilight Sparkle, even as a filly, and myself consumed by the nightmare… I can remember her dreams about you.” “You partake in her dreams? How often may I ask?” Celestia’s subtle sadness quickly turned to a burning curiosity as she sat next to her sister on the edge of the bed. A sight which made Luna grin only slightly. “Not as often, unless I wish to speak with her. But I can remember her dreams nearly twenty years ago, the night after you took her as your own personal student. I hadn’t felt such hope or happiness in many years. It became a hobby, you could say.” Luna explained, “I would watch other’s happy dreams, and look through their eyes. It made my thousand years… much more bearable.” A small smile touched Luna’s lips. “Twilight Sparkle became… a favorite of mine. I hadn’t an idea of the filly’s identity, dreams looked much… different with the nightmare plaguing my mind. I was even unable to recognize you within her dreams.” Luna looked up at her big sister, “But… even still. I must never lose myself again, that is why I must ask you to keep an eye on my emotional well-being during Skylight’s time with the Guard.” “You have my word. And don’t think I don’t worry too, he is my nephew after all.” Celestia laughed gently, hugging Luna a little tighter. “Oh, I nearly forgot. If you encounter Discord, please tell him to stop ‘teaching’ my son.” Luna smirked, “While it is very amusing, and slightly cute when he believes one of Discord’s lessons as fact, I must insist that he keep his mind mostly within reality.” Celestia’s lips twisted comedically as she spoke, “Was it the one with there being no female guards because they all turn into stallions?” “Oh no, far worse. Skylight came to me, excitedly telling me about how chocolate milk comes from cows that have been bathed in molten chocolate for thirty days, and thirty nights.” Luna laughed, her mood lightened significantly. Celestia snorted once again, covering her mouth and shutting her eyes tightly. “They make quite the pair, when I see them together… I was worried that Discord would be a bad influence, but… Damn the notion of me saying this, if Discord wasn’t always telling tall tales and making things up, he’d make a very good teacher.” Luna said, her voice completely sincere. “Very true. I was planning on taking him on a pic-a-nik. Would you care to join us?” Celestia inquired. “Sister, I was absent for one thousand years, and I doubt that anypony else pronounces it as ‘pic-a-nik’.” Luna smiled, “But, perhaps something to distract myself is exactly what is needed…” “Hey, you used to love it when I said it that way.” Celestia snapped playfully, rolling her eyes. “I believe I grew out of that fondness upon my twenty sixth birthday.” Luna lightly patted Celestia on the back, as if comforting her, “There there sister, you’ll learn how to be… ‘cool’ someday.” She giggled. “I’m cool! You have no idea just how ‘cool’ I am. In fact, I don’t know how your hand hasn’t frozen yet… yo.” Celestia paused, staring at Luna as if trying to hold something back. “Careful sister, your old lady personality is showing.” Luna snickered, covering her mouth to prevent herself from bursting into laughter.Putting a balled fist to her own mouth, Celestia gently bit on her knuckle. “That was bad, wasn’t it?” “Absolutely disgusting.” Luna smiled widely, “Teenage ponies all over equestria have taken ill due to your pure uncool-ness!” Celestia shoved Luna, making the younger princess fall back onto the bouncy mattress. Quickly joining her, Celestia was giggling like a schoolfilly in almost perfect harmony with her sister. “C- Celestia! Cease this at once!” Luna cried through laughter as the sun princess tickled her sides. “But stopping wouldn’t make me cool, would it?” Celestia’s tongue poked out of her mouth, climbing on top of her sister and pinning her under the weight of the white alicorn. “It would i- increase your chances of not finding yourself in a giant bowl of jell-o when you wake up!” Luna hiccuped in between her manic laughs. A squeaky giggle was all Celestia could reply with, her hands slipping from Luna’s sides, to between the sheets and her back. Luna was giggling too loudly to care about the embrace she and her laughing older sister were now sharing as the excitement slowly settled. “Sister… It has been a long time since we have found ourselves in… this position…” Luna giggled, softly, gazing up at Celestia with adoration in her eyes. Luna cooed at the feel of her older sibling’s warm hands in her hair. “Yes, it has…” Celestia’s tone had reduced to a little louder than a mumble, her smile barely noticeable, being replaced with a gentle, but bright longing in her gaze. “Perhaps, we could relive those days?” Luna asked shyly, her face flushing gently. Even Celestia could feel her face growing hotter, along with the rest of her body. The two sat up, still enraptured in each other’s arms. “Goodness… how long has it been?” Celestia asked, moving a hand up to caress Luna’s left cheek, slowly and gently circling her thumb in a more loving manner. “Not… Not since before my banishment, I think…” Luna mumbled. Pausing for a decent chunk of time, Celestia finally broke her entranced eye-contact. “You have been free for some time, but I don’t think I will ever stop saying this… I missed you so much Luna.” “I missed you too Sister…” Luna cooed, gently rubbing her hand around Celestia’s wings. She felt the feathers engulf her palm, tickling it gently before the blanket-like warmth spread slightly up her arm. Her sister found herself squeezing the base of Luna’s wing with her right hand, the left that was on her cheek slid down and tightened around the smaller alicorn’s waist. To Luna, everything in that moment was pure bliss, the sound of the sheets rustling beneath them, the touch of her older sister, and the beauty in her eyes. “Celestia… I love you…” Luna whispered. “Oh, my dear sister.” Celestia sighed quietly, moving her head closer and making the first slow, but powerful move. Their lips were like melting butter, sliding around one another’s. The sun princess’ wings lept out, blanketing her sister like the most luxurious of sheets. The feathery hug only tightened when their tongues began to dance with one another. Beneath the velvety wings, Luna felt hands sliding around under her clothes, the feel of her sister’s hands in such a primal state made her whimper quietly. Their lips parted barely an inch, both alicorns panting, Luna feeling a burning in her heart. “Sister… It has been far too long since I felt your lips on mine, b- but we have never… You have never graced us with your tongue before…” “A crime I shall never commit again. Your tongue is a gift that deserves to be opened, and one I shall always cherish.” Celestia replied with a slow, wet kiss that seemed to last longer than the mere seconds it was. Luna simpered as happiness overwhelmed her mind, letting her older sister take control. The tender touch of fingertips on her hips made Luna’s wings twitch. The taste of Celestia once again flooded her mouth, and she was sent spiraling down into sweet ecstasy. When her mind returned to the light, she felt the weight of her sister atop her. A feeling that was a slice of heaven in itself. “Sister… I fear that if we continue, I shall lose myself in your embrace~” Luna hummed gently, raking her fingers through Celestia’s gently billowing hair. “Why is mommy and auntie touching like that? Is it like a hug?” Celestia and Luna shared the same grimace, their heads snapping to the doorway. Standing there was the stallion they recognized as the primary recruiter of the royal guard. It seemed both he and Skylight had been watching. For how long, they didn’t know. In one swift motion, Celestia’s wings had retracted, and the two had sat up to a more formal position. “Skylight… Please excuse us for a few moments. Go have some candy as congratulations…” Luna said in a sickeningly sweet voice, fire burning in her eyes as she and Celestia stood. “I just forgot my tie.” Sky scurried into the room, disappearing into the closet. Luna and Celestia cocked their heads to the side as he reappeared with an untied tie wrapped around his forehead and running down the side of his head. “I wanna look adult when I sign up.” “Around the collar, Skylight.” Luna chuckled, trotted over and setting the tie neatly under his dress shirt’s collar, unbuttoning the first button, “With a regular tie, I always did find that having the top one unbuttoned gives one a rather dashing look. Though never with a bow-tie. If you ever wear a bow-tie, make sure all of the buttons are done up.” Luna instructed, giving her son a gentle smile. “And take it from the coolest aunt in Equestria… Bow-ties are cool.” Celestia insisted. “But are not always the most appropriate attire.” Luna countered, patting Skylight on the head. The colt’s face was beaming due to his mother’s approval, hugging her waist tightly. “Now, be a good boy and run along.” Luna smiled, kissing Skylight on the forehead. When the giggling colt disappeared out the door, the guard was still standing there, eyes shut tightly, standing tall and awaiting a thousand lashes. “So… What. Is your name?” Luna asked without turning to face him, her sickeningly sweet tone returning. “Slick B-breeze, mi’lady.” He uttered, his voice cracking slightly. Luna trembled with fury as her horn began to glow dimly. Cringing at the crackling magic, the guard started to shake. The feel of Celestia’s hand on Luna’s shoulder brought the mare back to a more sensible state of mind. Ignoring her sister, Luna continued, a bright flash of light appearing next to her, and in its place hovered a rapier in its scabbard. “Tell me what reason you had as to disturb my sister and I without knocking…” Luna slowly said, drawing the blade with one smooth motion. “Y-your son wanted a tie, so I escorted him ba- back to your chambers.” The guard sputtered quickly. “Sister… I shall… Leave the lecture to you.” Luna seethed, gripping the handle of her sword tightly. “Perhaps you should catch up to Sky and escort him. I shall deal with Slick here.” Celestia suggested. Luna clenched her teeth and slammed her sword back into its scabbard, dispelling it with a flash of her horn, “Very well. But only because I feel if I were to punish him, he would lose a couple fingers.” Luna sighed, trotting over to the large ornate doors. As Luna closed them behind her, she could sense her sister’s anger start to boil, and decided to quicken her pace towards the Enlistment Office. Minutes pass, her thoughts wandering to her son. What his future held. What had caused his desire to be a guard. Whether he would be successful as a guard. If he would find it fulfilling enough to be a life career. When she reached the hall, she heard the pitter-patter of small footsteps. Peeking through the cracked door, she saw several guards standing still, watching as a familiar colt ran in circles around the room with a steel helmet on his head. “I’ma guard now!” Sky shouted happily, nearly tripping one of the older stallions. A small slew of laughter followed suit before Skylight was hoisted onto the captain’s shoulders. “I can tell. You nearly took out my best pony.” The captain chuckled, looking over at the stallion that was nearly trampled, now rubbing his leg. Watching from the door, sadness and joy filled Luna’s heart as she slowly walked into through the open door.Seeing Luna enter, the guards stood to attention and saluted. Skylight’s helmet was on backwards, and he was essentially blind. When he turned it around, he smiled and returned the salute, his hand hitting the metal helmet with a loud ding. “Ow…” Sky mumbled, shaking off the pain and returning to smiling. “I mean… Princess!” “You do not need to salute me. I am still your mother.” Luna chuckled, taking the oversized helmet from Sky’s head, and ruffling his hair. Sky was beaming happier than any colt she’d ever seen. He held his arms out and bounced impatiently on the stallion’s shoulders. Luna smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, picking him up. “Your son is quite the rambunctious bundle of energy.” The captain grinned, shaking his head slowly. “I’m sure once he starts training, he will become a bit calmer.” Luna said, “All of that energy will have something to be aimed at.” Sky’s face twisted to what could only be described as awe. “I can shoot energy?” His voice was breathless, seeming to become lost in thought as his mind wandered. “Oh, no, I’m sorry to have gotten your hopes up.” Luna giggled, ruffling Sky’s hair again. The child seemed oblivious to his mother, aiming his palms forward. “Pew, pew!” He mumbled aloud. Luna crooked an eyebrow, before shooting a small beam of light, hitting Sky directly on the nose, “Pew. Now remember, you’re a guard now. You must learn to behave.” His shoulders sinking down, Skylight nodded. “Cheer up. I’ll invite Auntie Cadance, Uncle Shining, Cousin Twilight and all her friends for dinner this weekend.” Luna smiled, knowing how much that would cheer up her son. Sky’s ears perked up, bouncing happily in her arms. “I’m sure Uncle Shining will be so proud. I’m sure you’ve heard he was captain of the royal guard in Canterlot.” “I’ll be captain someday!” Sky stated eagerly, straightening his back and trying to be as tall as possible, regardless of being carried as he was. The guard captain cocked an eyebrow and just smiled. Putting Sky down, Luna spoke. “Maybe you will, but no using your position as prince to climb the ranks. You’ll have to do that on your own.” Luna instructed. “But I’ll get good at climbing. There’s this reeeally big rock wall I was reading about.” Sky assured. “I’ll use good positions for my feet.” Luna rolled her eyes and gave a low chuckle, kneeling down and scruffing her son’s hair. A gentle laugh was passed around from guard to guard as Sky gazed up at Luna with his hair covered eyes. His mouth turning to a small O as her lips gently pressed to his forehead. “I’m sure you will make me proud.”