> In which me & a friend attempt the WORST POSSIBLE THING. > by Key Lime Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > de beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It were a beautiful day in Twilight library. She was just making tea for her and spike when a knock at the door. "who it is??" she said "Rarity and the others" came the reply so Twilight use her magic to open the door and let her friends in. Applejack was like, "hey I got jam to make so just tell her fast, okay?" Pinkie nodded and said to Twilight "plz can you do a spell where you summon de sexiest men in the universe for us!! All the guy sin this town are dummmmmmb except Bg macintosh but hes gaaaaay." Pinkie sed happily. Twilit nodded and ehr horn glowed a magial purple. Then there was a big flash of ligt and then!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! iT WAS bVb! RARITY FAINTED FROM THE SEXYNESS! RAINBOW DASH STOPPED BEIN A LEZZO. FLUTTERSHY SQUEAKED. (here is a pic of them if u dont kno bvb and if u don't get out my sight!!!!) "were are we?2 jinxx said. "I dont kno man but dese ponies are cute!" cee eee said loudly "OMFG ASHLEY I JUST SAW A UNICORN!!" andy yelled and pointed to twilight. "Greetings and welcome to equestria. Apparently u r de sexiest man in the universe so mak babby with us plz?" Twiligt said. The bvb lokked at eachother and srugged. "why not?" ashley said They all picked a pony but dere were only 5 of them and 6 ponies so twilight din't get anyone!! ((okay i don't like twilit much NO FLAME WARS PLZZ!! trolls AND haters go awaeyy!)) Twilight criyd but den she said "I will summon more sexy men all for mee!!!" SPike nodded and asked if she cud summon a saxy women for him aswell as he hated rarity now she was with ceecee. ((OKAY I HATE Spikity its a crap pairing and dat canon part was rubbish and shudn't hav happaned!!)) Twilits horn strated to gloeee..... > meanwhile with derpy hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- derpy was in the kitchen making muffins wiating for doctor whooves to come back from his figting the pony-daleks. suddenly when she opened the oven a man popped out! It was sharlock!!!!!!!!!! and jawn!!!!!!! but noone else. "I deduce you like muffins" Sherlock sed in his sexy british voice. "why?" dorpy sed "muffin crumbs on you.!!" Sherlock joked and jawn laughed and storked Sherlocks hair. "you r a babe sherlock me luv you 5ever!!" john said seductivley. "Hey i kno you! Sherlock and john!! John appljack is makign jam so go there now if you wantted too!!" dorpy sed. Johns eyes went red and flashed with a menace that noone had ever seen before. CLaws grew out his hand and chainsaws from his arms!!!!!! "MUST. GET. JAM." He said and flew off in the sky with a jetpack from his back (like alisaa from tekken6 if you don't play dat game GO AWAY)) ((dis what she look like i think she kinda look like fluttershy if she were a human!! XD)) "Why wer u in my oven??" Derpy asked# "Looking for clues." Sherlock said puling out a deerstalker hat from nowehre. "Time to solve this murder mystery!!" "who died!!!!??!?!" dorpy sed "...PRINCESS CADANCE!!! SHE DED AND I THINK THAT IT WAS THE HULK WHO DID DONE DO IT!" Sherlock yelled he dont normally yell but he was best friends with princess cadance becuz he actually stopped the changelings by using his amazign dectectective skillz. "the hulk was at fluttershy haus!!!" We better go there! but sherlock was shaking violently!! "what wrong!" derpy aks. "I'm turning into a pony! I can't hold this body form!!" "DO YOU NEED A MUFFIN>!!!>!?" derpy asked but it was too late then therew was a BOOOOOOOOOOOM and sherlock turn into a poni (he look like dis)).! The two of them walk over to fluttershys house dey listen through the window... "HULK SMASSSHHH!!" "now listen mr hulk that is not a nice thing to say jsut control your anger..." fluttershy sed camly. She went over to ashley who was feeding the goats. (GOATSSS!!!) But he gave the goats dse wrong food and dey were ded. "oh ashley..." fluttershy said "i likke it when you kill animals. KILL THEM ALL!!" fluttershy yelled in a voice dat scared ashley so he ran away to someplace else. Fluttershy calmed down and went to feed her pokemon. they came into fluttershy haus because the world of pokemon was bein taken over by LOKI and dey had to run away SSUDDENLY dorpy and sherloeck jumped at fluttershy pinn her to the ground. "WHERE IS HULK>" derpy asked spreading her wings agrressively. "In the kitchen. making sammiches." Fluttershy sed she hated conrontation. But the hulk and turned back into bruce banner by now as he wasnt angry so derpy couldn't tell who it was so they went to find john. > and then there was a secret reveal! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- celestia was in her catsle when suddenly a bright flash of light and it was the avengers, except hulk as he is in fluttershais haus. "what are you doing?" celestia said who find herself atttracted to Thor "we must stop loki from taking over this land but we need your help" black widow sed in a calm voice and celestia nodded. "I will get luna and we can all talk aboot this" Celestia said calmly, calling for her sister who appared by teleporting next to her. Luna looked a loki and she had wide eyes but celestia slapped her and whispered violently in her ear "HE is MINE." Luna frowended and sent out her pokemon gyrados!! Celssta grinned and sent out her flareon and the two of them fought hard but flareon won ((IT IS THE BEST POKEMON AND CAN BEAT EVYTHIGN.)) Celestia grinned and looked bak at the avengers but they were gone! "Oh no!! they are loose!" Celestia cried out ~ Andy was happy with pinkie in the bakery makin tastee treats when suddenly jawn flew in with his jetpack "are you eppaljeck?" he akes "no i'm Pinkie Pie and dis is the Beirsack!!! ((XD))" She sad and jawn flew off in look for applejack. "dat was weird." Andy said. ~ Twilight tried summonin sexy men but fdailed ((she dint relally she just summnd them sumwhere else...fidn out later where!!)) she cried and spike comforted her when dsudenly ashley broke into the door. "FLUTTERSHY WNT MAD!!" he sed to twaloght. Twilight grinned "NOW HE IS MINE!!" she yelled oot loud and ashley ran away "everybody here is crazzy!" he yelled trying to find rarity. Rarity was actually with jinxx and rarity is secretly a punk and a scene girL!!! her scene name is Rarity BrokenHeart and she looked like rlly cool. sweetue belle got in de way but rarity pushed her out a window. suddenly captain america burst in the door and spied rarity he thought she was good lookin for a pony but skipped the thought over "hav any of you seen LOKI??" He said madly "No I don't know ehere what i do know is the pokemon ran away from there wworld as loki took over so they are here...loki is probably trying to take over here too!!!!!" She said Then she opened her oven as they wee making muffind and LEstrade came out!! "Not my division." He said and walked back in but the portal shut and he burnt to a crisp. "oh." Rarity said and sighed. "That would be a tough stain to clean upp!!!" She said "THanks but can you help me look for Loki i kno hes here sumwhere!!" Capt. America said and rarity and Jinxx nodded. "I'll get my pokemon Ho-oh he can help" Rarity said and she relesed him inside. "roarr" he said "perfect!!" capt america said and the three walked out the door. Rainbow dash, fluttershy, twilight and their bvb members and their pokemon and derpy hoovs and sherlock and all de avengers (as well as hulk but he were bruce)) were all there. "whats goin on guys?" jinxx said "WE KNOW WHO LOKI IS!! HE'S IN DISGUISE!! IT'SS...!!!!" "PINKIE PIE!!!" hawkeye explained how loki killed pinkie and used her body so he could learn aboot this werld and control her so he could take over and rule over calastia dn luna! he also killed cadance!!! "We must kill her!!" Rainbow dash said and ceecee nodded "Wait a min lets be calm" sherlock said but fluttershy interupt him " no there is no time we have to get there now!!!" she yelled like she did in that gala episode Celestia and Luna flew down on there chariot. "Hello" Luna said. > the finle showdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dey all burst into sugarcube corner. "OKAY LOKI WE KNOW WHATS UP!£ they all yell at Pinkie who ws really loki. Loki threw off his disguise as pinki and he was there, twiddling a moustacjhe "LOKI'D!" he yelled loudly and relaesed his pokemon a lvl 100 shiny charizard!!!!!!! Everyone release their pokemon, and bvb fight with their fists bcuz dey r strong!!! Suddenyl applejack appeared with a worried look "jawns tryign to sex me up so he can hav mah jam!" she said in her southern accent next moment jawn burst in and grabeed appljack. THor knew what to do and he said, "John. Jam tommorrow, jam yesterday, but never jam today." John deactivated from his destruction form and shook his head realizing he was a pony. "oh well dey have bigger dicks!!" XDXXDXDXDXD John stared at sherlock and he blushed. lol they were gonna have a sexytime. with horses cawk. YAYAYAYAY. loki coughed and they all faced him, but he was back in his pinkie pie skin, up to no good, started makin trouble in the neighbourhood. got in one little fight and her mum got scared she said "get back to the rock farm pinkie". Loki spun around. "I'm loki, pinkie is ded." Pinkies mum ran away crying and loki went back and turned to the others. "you thhink you can defeat me>???" She said and hit ashley in the face he died. "NOOOOOOO!!" I luvved him 5...no, 6ever!!" Rainbow dash cried and burrowed her faec in his hair "too late rd we have to get loki!" twialaght said. Twilight sent up her pikachu and it used iron tail and pinkie fell over luna sent her gyrados to finish the job but loki commanded his charizard to attack and the gyrados ded straight waway! celestia frowned. "I HAV HAD IT WITH THSI!" she said and cast a magical bveam of light from her horn engulfing the whole of equestria!! When the flash ended, she was gone. but where? ~~ Two humans sat at their computer, laughing at the horrible story they had just written. "Look at the grammar!" One of them said, a boy with dark hair in a quiff style. The girl laughed and said, "I have to text Ellie about this." Suddenly there was a bang at the door and Celestia herself walked in, angry eyes and all. "Why the buck would you do that? Seriously? You made me look like an ASS. Horrible writing, all Out of character...undo it all. Now." Celestia commanded. "But it's just a story, right?" The boy said and Celestia hummed thoughtfully. "Put it this way," she murmured, "Every single fanfiction that you humans write, I can see in my mind. And this one was the last straw. I'd had enough so I used every single 'Celestia' in fanfiction to get me, the REAL Celestia, here. The girl sighed. "I don't even like ponies. Why did I ever agree to this?" She said and Ceelestia glared at her, reminding her there was a 6ft tall fuckin evil mofo pony right next to her. "Okay, we will post it as a warning to let everyone know that we, as humans, will never do something like this ever again." The boy said and Celestia smiled. "Good. I have to go now." "WAIT!!!" THe boy said "ANY SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3????" "Oh, yes." Celestia said. "Season 3 will include....ponies." TROLLESTIA'D!! and... LOKI'D!! ~~ Oh wait I said this will include romance and gore. Uhh.... Pinkie found Lestrades corpse in the oven. She fell in luv with it and they got marryd. That's kinda like romance and gore...right?? RIGHT?? ~ de end C: