> Campout at Sweet Apple Acres > by Crystal Moose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Chapter In Which Spike Becomes A Man! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike grumbled as he tossed and turned in his sleeping bag. Stupid Twilight. Stupid Chrysalis. Stupid adult games that he wasn’t allowed to play. Why would adults even make up games if others couldn’t play? It was just rude. Now he was stuck sleeping over at Applejack’s, hanging out with the cutie mark crusaders. Sure, they were kinda cool, and fun to hang out with… but it was not fair, just being cast off aside when Twilight needed some “alone time” with Chrysalis. At least he got some comics out of the deal. And he wasn’t going to let Twilight read them, they would be just for him! See how she likes being left out. It was kind of cold and quiet in the barn. Applejack and Granny Smith had said he had to sleep in the barn, which was unfair. Applejack said it wasn’t right for a gentlecolt to share a bedroom with fillies. Granny Smith had said something about not wanting ‘dreggins’ sleeping under her roof… whatever that was about. So the crusaders got to share a nice warm bedroom in the house, while Spike got to sleep in loft in the barn. Right above the pigs. Things were totally looking up for Spike. “Ugh!” he groaned. “I should have held out for more than just comics!” “Oh, you’re still awake?” Spike jumped, tripping himself over his sleeping bag and tumbling over the edge of the loft, falling straight into the pig sty. “Why me?” the little dragon groaned. “Spike! Are you alright?” The little dragon peered up and found Scootaloo looking over the edge of the pig pen at him. “Yeah, just… just peachy!” he replied, trying to wipe the mud and slop off of his scales. “What are you doing up?” “Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are… playing adult games,” she replied, rubbing a hoof across a forearm. “I think they thought I was asleep.” “Ugh! Everyone’s playing games except Spike,” the dragon groaned, throwing his claws in the air. “Spike just gets to stay in the barn and fall in pig shi—” “We could play a game,” Scootaloo said, before covering her mouth with a hoof. “What?” Spike asked. “You mean, you… and me?” Scootaloo drooped her head. “Never mind, you probably don’t want to play adult games with me either…” “No way!” Spike replied. “I totally do! I love, uhhh, adult games. They are the best, and I would totally want to play them with you.” “Really?” Scootaloo asked. “With me? You’d really want to play adult games with me?” “Uhhh, yeah, totally,” Spike replied. “But, I uhh, don’t know if the rules I know are the same as the rules you know… so you might need to teach me yours.” “Yeah, totally, of course!” Scootaloo clopped her hooves together. “I, uhh, know a few rules, I think.” She helped the little dragon out of the pig sty, and gave him a peck on the cheek. “But first, I uhhh, think you need a bath.” Spike climbed into the steel tub, letting the warm water sooth his scales. There was a definite benefit in being a dragon, and having a pretty strong flame— it’d taken only a minute to warm the water in the old tub to a comfortable temperature. “Oh that feels so good,” he moaned as he lowered himself into the water. “You don’t know how cold it was in that barn.” “I think I have an idea,” Scootaloo grumbled as she shivered in the cold night air. “It’s not fair, why did I have to sleep in the barn. I mean, couldn’t I have stayed in Big Mac’s room, or something?” “I think it’s because Granny Smith is a racist,” Scootaloo replied. “She is?” Spike asked. “Yeah, she always calls me ‘that cloud beater’ when she thinks I can’t hear. Applejack’s always pretty embarrassed about it.” “Huh, who would have thought?” A silence fell over the two as Spike continued to wash himself off. “Y-You going to be in there forever?” Scootaloo asked. “The water’s still warm,” Spike moaned. “Why don’t you just get in with me?” “No thanks.” Scootaloo sniffed at the tub and scrunched her nose. “I think I’ll be right.” “Well, you’re going to get cold.” “Y-You could always warm me up,” Scootaloo said, giving Spike her best bedroom eyes. “What?” “I dunno, it’s something Sweetie Belle was saying to Apple Bloom before they, well, you know…” “Oh!” Spike said. “Oh, okay. Ummm, let me get out, and we can see about… warming you up.” The dragon climbed out of the tub and shook himself off. He grabbed Scootaloo by the hoof, and led her back to the barn. The pair climbed up the ladder to the loft where Spike had been trying to sleep. Spike breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he hadn’t dragged his sleeping bag down into the pig sty with him. Scootaloo sat nervously on the sleeping bag, rubbing her hoof across her foreleg. If Spike had to admit it, she looked really cute. Nervousness wasn’t an expression he’d ever really associated with the brash little pegasus. “So?” Spike asked. “Y-Yeah,” Scootaloo replied. “How did you— what did?” “Maybe… maybe you can come here and sit next to me?” Spike nodded, then sat down next to Scootaloo. “What next?” Scootaloo blushed. “Ummm, close your eyes and face me.” Spike turned towards the blushing pegasus and closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure what type of game you played with your eyes— A soft pair of lips pressed against his. He opened his eyes in shock, seeing Scootaloo kissing him. Scootaloo was kissing him. He thought they were going to play adult— “Oh!” Spike said, pulling away. “You’re talking about sex! Adult games is sex!” “What?” Scootaloo asked, pulling away. “Adult games… sex. Now I get it.” Spike laughed. “I was wondering how something like yahtzee or scrabble would get all ‘hot and sticky’.” He shook his head. “Why didn’t she just say ‘Spike, go away, I am totally going to bang my marefriend tonight.’ It’d be so much simpler.” “So does that mean you don’t want to—” Spike looked at the pegasus again. She sat there, an impatient look on her face, but the slight twitch of the corner of her mouth told Spike she was a little nervous of rejection. “Ummm, well,” he answered nervously. “I always thought my first time would be with Rarity, but…” He examined Scootaloo, like really examined her, for the first time. “Definitely!” he said. “Y-you mean it?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean, yeah, of course you mean it!” “Yeah! Definitely,” Spike replied, nodding. “You’re cute, you’re awesome… so yeah, I’m interested if you still are.” Scootaloo wrapped her arms around the little dragon, mashing her lips against his again. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Scootaloo pressed herself against Spike’s scaly body as they writhed against each other in his sleeping bag. Their kissing was passionate and aggressive, if somewhat sloppy… neither of them having had much practical experience in the past. The little pegasus’ wings stiffened as Spike’s long tongue massaged her own. She stretched her rear leg, rubbing her fetlock low over Spike’s body. “Uhhh, what are you doing?” Spike asked. “Oh, sorry,” Scootaloo said, retreating into herself a little. “The magazine said that boys liked that.” “They do? Why?” “It… ummm… it’s supposed to feel good on their ding-dong?” “What’s a ding-dong?” “You’re thing. Between your legs.” “The thing between my legs?” Spike pushed gently away. “Oh, you mean like Big Mac's… ummm, yeah. Dragons… dragons don’t have them.” “You don’t?” “No, we don’t.” Spike laughed. “I thought you were trying to scratch my belly, like a dog or something.” Scootaloo pulled away, and stuck her head between Spike’s legs. “WOW!” she exclaimed. “You really don’t! So, how do you pee?” “Ummm, out my butt,” Spike said as he pulled the filly from out between his legs. “Don’t you?” Scootaloo burst out laughing. “No! That’s so gross!” Spike turned away. “Well, fine! If I’m so gross, I guess we can just stop playing.” “Aww, noooo!” Scootaloo draped herself over the little dragon’s shoulders. “Let’s keep playing… I promise I won’t laugh anymore.” “You better not,” he said with a huff. “So, ummm, how do dragons… you know…?” “With our mouths,” Spike replied, rolling his eyes. “Oh, okay.” Scootaloo held a hoof to her chin. “So, pretty much like what Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom do.” “I guess.” Spike shrugged. “Okay, I’m back in the game, I know what we’re doing!” Scootaloo turned around, facing her rear towards Spike. “Show me what you got!” Spike took a deep breath, and dove in. Chrysalis wrinkled her nose at the smell of burned flesh that clung to their bodies. “How did you think this was a good idea?” she asked the little dragon. “I thought that was how it was done!” Spike replied as he shoveled another load of dirt into the hole. “I mean, the books said—” “That your marefriend would like a hot gout of flame up her wazoo?” Spike sniggered. “Wazoo?” “Well, you can’t call them ‘horrible, smelly axe wounds’, I know that much now.” “I was just going by what the book Twilight gave me on dragon mating said.” “Of course, a book.” Chrysalis shook her head, then levitated another shovel load of dirt into the hole. “She thought a book would tell you how to please a mare… no wonder she had no idea what she was doing tonight.” Chrysalis patted down the last of the dirt with the back of her shovel and looked around. “Now, let’s get out of here, the Everfree is not the best place to be in at night.” Spike picked up the two shovels and slung them over his shoulder. “So, wanna go get a burger before I take you back to the farm?” Chrysalis asked as she led the way out. “I’ve got this crazy hankering for grilled chicken."