Getting Stoned with Trees

by Warfire Writing Studios

First published

Fluttershy brings Maud along to meet Tree Hugger. It seems that Tree Hugger and Maud have something in common...

Fluttershy brings Maud along to introduce her to one of her new friends, Tree Hugger. At first, Fluttershy sees no connections between the two, but she is in for a big surprise that they have something in common... something she never would have expected...

Contains lesbian sex, teasing, lots of weed... :pinkiehappy: and possible fourth wall breakage.

Even though the picture features a human Tree Hugger, the story uses anthro characters. The picture gives you an idea what Tree Hugger looks like in the story.

Art belongs to Zorbitas on DA.

Getting Stoned with Trees

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“Tell me again why I’m with you, Fluttershy,” Maud Pie asks in her signature monotone voice as they make their way through a path lined by trees on a cool, summer day.

"Because your sister thought it'd be a good idea to meet with my friend, Tree Hugger," Fluttershy says with a smile, her flowing summer dress blowing gently in the wind, same with her pink mane.

“What makes Tree Hugger so special? Besides, this is usually the time of day where Boulder and I just look at pictures of rocks found across all of Equestria…” she replies, wearing a long sleeved pale blue sweater dress, a black belt around her waist while wearing black leggings underneath.

"Well she is a lot like you, reserved and she has strange knowledge that seems to come from somewhere... interesting.”

“‘Strange knowledge?’ What does that even mean?”

"Um... kind of like your knowledge of every kind of stone or rock, but... different," She replies and then grips her hand and leads her up to the door of a strangely painted house. Maud looks at the strangely colored house with a straight face. “Why is her house painted like this? Is it necessary or something?”

"I don't know. But she's really interesting..." Fluttershy says and knocks on the door.

“I’m not sure. She can’t be more interesting as I am... to some ponies anyway.”

"You'll see," Fluttershy says with a giggle as the sound of footsteps come to the door.

Maud shrugs as the door opens, revealing a slender pony with green fur with light red dreadlocks with a goldenrod bandana in them, wearing two pendants, one near her neck and one hanging low on a long chain, a green t-shirt that exposes her toned midsection, a brown coat hanging from her elbows and jean shorts steps forwards and greets Fluttershy. “Whoa Fluttershy! So radical to see you!” she says in an easy going voice, hugging the shorter yellow mare.

"So wonderful to see you too, Tree Hugger!" Fluttershy says and hugs her gently. "This is my friend Maud, Pinkie Pie's sister.”

“Radical. Blessings to you Maud Pie…” Tree Hugger says to the gray mare, still wearing a straight face on her face.

"So you're Tree Hugger? Nice to meet you," she says keeping her same monotone voice.

“Awesome! I like your outfit Maud, and yours too Fluttershy. It’s light and airy, like walking on a rainbow…” Tree says to them, welcoming them into her home.

Fluttershy looks over the first room of Tree Hugger's home and smiles. "Very homey.”

“Thanks. I like to keep things simple and down to earth. It helps me concentrate and give good vibes and energy to all who enter my earthly dwelling.”

"Vibes?" Maud asks as she steps inside and looks over the brightly colored room.

“Like… feelings, emotions, that sort of thing, oh level headed Maud…” Tree Hugger says welcoming them into the living room, having exquisitely carved pieces of wood acting as supports for her house. “Relax in my free thought room while I get you both some fresh drinks to sooth your minds,” she says softly and disappears from sight, entering her kitchen. Maud and Fluttershy sit on the couch and look around at the room, taking Tree Hugger’s advice.

"So what do you think of her so far, Maud?" Fluttershy asks as she sits on the couch by a nicely built side table.

“She seems to talk like me, but…” she pauses for a moment looking at the carvings in the wood, “...more mellowed out. Why is that?”

"I'm not sure. She's just like that," Fluttershy says and blushes.

“Hmmm, maybe. Fluttershy, how did you come to know… Tree Hugger?”

"She and I met when we were studying the Breezies together.”


“They are creatures that are really important to Equestria's ecosystem. They are like honey bees, but for magic.”

“Hmm…” Maud simply replies before Tree Hugger reappears through a thin certain separating the living room from the kitchen with three glasses with a light green hue to it with leaves and lemons in the pitcher. “So, you two digging my room?" she asks setting the drinks before them.

"It's really lovely Tree Hugger. Very nice and colorful. Right Maud?" Fluttershy asks as she picks up the glass and hands one over to her.

“I guess, but I don’t understand why you would ‘dig’ the inside your house. Wouldn’t you do that before you build a house?” Maud asks nonchalantly, not one to understand jokes and plays on words.

"It's a figure of speech, meaning 'to like something'. She's asking if you like the room." Fluttershy says and takes the second glass.

Maud looks at Fluttershy blankly before replying simply with a shrug, “Sure, yeah.”

"Righteous Maud," Tree Hugger says with a smile and picks up the other glass with her hands.

Fluttershy sips the beverage and grins at it’s flavor. “This is good Tree Hugger. Is this green tea with lemon? It’s my favorite kind.”

"Yes it is," She says and tilts back her glass back and sips down her tea. “What do you think of it Maud? Doesn’t it clear your body out and open up your mind to the world around you?”

Maud shrugs and takes a lip of it and lets out a soft coo. "That does taste really good.”

“Awesome! Glad you approve of it. Besides the tea in here, there is something else to open your mind to the world,” Tree Hugger mentions, sipping her drink.

"I see..." Maud says and takes another sip of the tea.

“It’s a secret that you have to let your mind wonder what it is. Because, as some wise dude once said, ‘the mind is a terrible thing to waste.’ So true indeed.”

"Agreed," Fluttershy says with a smile and then tips back her glass. "So Tree Hugger? Can I ask you something?”

“Ask away, little free spirit Fluttershy.”

"What's.... What's that smell? It's almost like smoke.”

Tree Hugger sniffs at the air, grinning to see what Fluttershy meant. “Oh, I know what that is. It’s what I call ‘free floating ideas.’ Chill out you two and let me get you some to enjoy with me…” she grins and disappears into the kitchen, leaving Maud and Fluttershy alone again.

"What do you think it is Maud?" Fluttershy asks with a concerned look.

Maud finishes her drink and looks at Fluttershy with a sly grin. “Oh, I know what that is. It helps me concentrate as I look at my rock collection,” she replies, in a tone that sounded like she put some emotion into her voice. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small rock, placing it on the table. “Boulder would like to enjoy this time together also.”

Fluttershy looks down at the small rock. 'That's still pretty… odd to me’ she thinks with a smile.

“Ah, I see we have a visitor joining us, don’t we?” Tree Hugger says, returning with two medium sized boxes worth of something having a strong smell from them, along with a multi-colored glass tube with a long neck and a spherical base with water on the bottom of it. “Righteous!”

"Yeah... Boulder likes it too," Maud says, a ghost of a smile creeping onto her lips.

“Rock on, little Boulder dude!” the mellowed out mare says, taking a rolled up ‘free floating idea’ and hands one to Maud, already having a lit one in her mouth. “Care to join the free thinking world, Maud?”

"Sure," She says with a smile and takes it. "Thanks Tree Hugger.”

“Rock on,” she grins, taking a lighter and giving her a light, seeing her inhale deeply. Tree takes a good inhale of her "free floating idea" and blows a steady stream of thick smoke from her mouth. “Whoa… come pleasant vibes. Surround us all and let us enjoy being together with each other…”

Fluttershy watches for a moment and watches the smoke float into the air and toward the ceiling. “U-Um… w-what is that you are… smoking?” Fluttershy asks softly, coughing as the air grows thick with the smoke.

"It's called weed Fluttershy," Maud says with a smile.

“‘Weed?' Like… Like the weeds you take out of a garden?” she asks, oblivious of what kind of "weed" they were referring to.

“No Fluttershy. Like, this weed… makes you feel like a free spirit with few to no ill effects whatsoever, even after the ride is over,” Tree grins with bright red eyes, offering Fluttershy her bong. “Care to try some?”

"Um... sure..." She says with an unsure smile as she reaches up and takes the offered item and then places the end of it against her lips and nods to Tree Hugger. She puts her joint into her mouth, holding it between her teeth as she takes her lighter to light the weed in the holder, making the water boil in the reservoir. “Now breathe and open your mind, Fluttershy. Become righteous with Maud and I…”

Fluttershy slowly breathes in, feeling the smoke enter her mouth then slide down into her lungs and then pulls it away and coughs violently.

“The first hit is always the hardest for pure lungs like yourself…” Tree grins, taking a hit and blowing smoke afterwards into the air. “But once you get used to it, it will clear sailing in the times that have to come…”

Fluttershy coughs again and then after a moment and manages to keep her breath in her lungs. "That hurt," she says weakly.

“It might at first, Fluttershy. But once you get used to it…” Maud pats her on the back, taking her joint out of her mouth, blowing the smoke through her nose, “it’s all good,” she then offers her the joint with a hit. “Take one, maybe this will work better.”

The timid mare looks down and then back into Maud's eyes. "Slowly?" She asks.

Maud nods with bloodshot eyes. “Mmhmm…”

The yellow Pegasus mare leans forward again and takes the end into her muzzle and nods as she starts taking a slow inhale.

“Open your mind up and let it roam free Fluttershy…” Tree Hugger grins, finishing off her joint, blowing smoke onto the table before taking a hit from her bong.

Fluttershy pulls away, holding her breath, keeping the smoke in her lungs the breathes out and coughs softly. "Th-That's... better," she says softly, not noticing her own eyes become slightly bloodshot.

“Awesome…” Maud grins, taking another joint and lighting it, seeing Tree Hugger let out a soft cough, but blowing some smoke out of her mouth in rings, a skill she learned when she began to smoke weed.

"Wh-What is this feeling?" Fluttershy asks as she lifts her hand and sees it blur before her and makes her giggle gently.

“It’s the positive vibes flowing through your body, little one. Do not fight them… let them roam freely and open your mind…” Tree Hugger grins at her friend, seeing her slightly bloodshot eyes.

Fluttershy smiles and continues waving her hand before her and then sees the bright colors start seeming to come at her, the colors making her smile brighter. "Th-This is amazing!”

Maud and Tree Hugger give each other high fives, seeing their friend becoming adjusted to the “good vibes.” Tree grins and looks at her, “Tell us what you’re thinking now, Fluttershy.”

"I'm thinking... that these colors are making me want to... let my mind go free," She says as she leans back against the couch and looks up at the ceiling.

“Awesome. Question for you two,” Maud asks, taking a hit from the bong, coughing a bit. “D-Do you think rocks… are the most awesome thing… in the world?”

"I don't know... yes," Fluttershy says as she looks down at Bolder and smiles, her newly influenced mind making Maud's pet rock move on it's own even though he really wasn't.

“I think so… Especially the ones that sparkle in the bright sun of Celestia…” Tree Hugger sighs happily.

"This is so awesome," Fluttershy says and looks up at the ceiling and chuckles as she watches the fan.

“Rocks are… awesome. Rocks are… love. Rocks… Rocks are life…” Maud chuckles, blowing smoke through her nostrils, looking at Boulder on the table.

Fluttershy takes another joint in her hand and takes another long and deep breath, the smoke filling her lungs then she breathes out through her nose, small rings starting to form.

“W-Whoa… You blowing rings already Flutters?” Tree asks, seeing her amateur smoke blowing skills.

"Beginner's l-luck?" She replies happily as she looks over at Tree Hugger and chuckles.

“Radical! Question dudettes… Do… Do you think that… the answer to life is like… like a number that no pony would like… expect?”

"I thi-think that you're right," Maud says as she takes another hit off of the joint in her hand.

“What… What do you think that number might be?” Tree Hugger says, deep in thought, blowing the smoke through her nostrils.

"I don't know... maybe it's so-something that w-we'd never think of..." Fluttershy says with a chuckle.

“Like… Like something with a-a four a-and a two maybe?” Maud suggests, laughing softly, before looking down at Boulder, “What d-do you think Boulder?”

The two other girls look down at Maud's pet and then giggle. "Totally... that's s-so right," Tree Hugger says as she looks at her tall glass bong. "Wa-Want to try this?”

Fluttershy and Maud nod softly with a grin. “Y-Yeah… why wouldn’t we?” Maud grins. “S-Sharing is caring right?”

"Yeah..." Fluttershy says as she scoots forward, barely sitting on the edge of her seat.

Tree Hugger puts more “good vibes” into the holder of her bong and lights it, making the water in the reservoir boil, creating smoke, taking a good breath of it, coughing as she blows rings with her mouth. “Hmmm, share the good vibes, fellow citizens. There’s plenty for everypony…”

"Could I go next?" Fluttershy asks as she looks at the bong happily.

The mare nods happily, offering it to her friend.

"Thank you..." Fluttershy says and holds the open end of the bong to her lips.

Tree Hugger nods, seeing Fluttershy take a nice long hit from her bong.

As she sucks in a breath, the strong, thick smoke fills her lungs before she moves back and looks at the ceiling and lets out a long breath.

“Righteous Fluttershy! Gnarly!”

Fluttershy let's loose a torrent of smoke and coughs softly, the hit having gone down the wrong tube and holds a hand to her mouth.

“Okay there Fluttershy?” Maud asks, taking a hit.

"Y-Yeah," She replies and leans back and looks up at the ceiling once more. "That was... great.”

Maud grins and looks up at the ceiling with her, blowing smoke at the fan. “I-I like… have a question for you two.”

"Go for it," The two others say with smiles.

“D-Do you like… get the feeling like… like there are others writing what we… say and do now and… stuff like that?” Maud asks a deep question, lighting up another joint.

"I th-think so too. Maybe th-they know about the hidden things we've done." Fluttershy says with a smile and then looks up at the ceiling. "You hear us? Don't you?”

Tree Hugger chuckles softly, looking at Fluttershy. “M-Maybe they know what we’re gonna do next and like… write about it in detail to turn others on by it?”

"Hmm?" Fluttershy asks.

“I wonder if they expected this…” she grins, throwing her light green shirt to the side, revealing her bountiful breasts to Maud and Fluttershy.

"No bra? That's awesome," Maud says with a smile and slowly starts pulling the sleeve of her long sleeve shirt down over her hands then pulls her shirt up over her head and tosses the shirt to the side, revealing her smaller but perky breasts held up by her lacy black bra.

“Hmmm rock on, Maud. Nice…” a bare chested Tree Hugger grins, taking in some of her joint and blowing the smoke around in a circle.

Fluttershy blushes in her 'free' state and watches as Maud reaches back and unlatches her bra, letting her breasts fall a little and tosses it over where her shirt was. "What do you think? Like what you see?”

“Hmmm, I love what I see. I’ve always thought that…” she takes in a hit, “clothes are like… a prison for the body. They’re… They’re hiding your inner beauty within from the world. You… You shouldn’t be ashamed to hide it from everypony, am I right?”

"Yeah. That's how it has always felt," Maud says and then looks at Fluttershy who hadn't taken off her long dress.

“Let your beauty show itself Fluttershy. Unchain yourself from the world that demands you cover up what you were born with…” Tree Hugger says to her with a grin.

The long pink maned mare says and then slowly pulls down the straps of her dress over her shoulders and then starts to pull it off only to pause. "I ho-hope who's reading this will like this.”

“Why wouldn’t they, it’s not like they can actually see us. There isn’t like… an artist that can draw this or… whatever.” Maud says, blowing thick smoke into the air after lighting a new joint.

She smiles and then pulls her long dress over her head and revels her white bra and panties.

Tree Hugger nods with a grin. “Rock on Flutters. Now show us what you have underneath those unnecessary clothing items…”

She smiles and then slowly reaches down for her panties and then pulls them down slowly, revealing her bare ass and wet nether region and then unbuckles her bra slowly.

Maud grins as she sees her strip of her clothing, looking at her bare, curvy body. “Hmmm, you have a nice body Flutters…”

"Thanks..." She replies and covers her marehood with a hand and looks at Tree Hugger who was still partly clothed.

“Don’t be afraid to show your natural beauty, young one. Roam free with no worries in the world. Let all who see your body be aroused and let their minds think of how beautiful you are…” Tree Hugger says, beginning to unzipper her jean shorts and wiggle them off, revealing a small bush, the same color as her dreadlocks in her mane and tail, near her pussy, kicking her shorts to the side, near her shirt.

"Oh my... you look beautiful," Fluttershy says and then licks her lips slowly as Maud reaches forward and slides a finger down Fluttershy's back, sending shivers down her spine.

“Thanks Flutters, you look beautiful in your natural self also. You know… everypony is special and beautiful in many ways and we must embrace them as they are…”

"This is true," Maud says as she leans forward and kisses the base of Fluttershy's neck and then blows into her ear gently.

Tree Hugger approaches Fluttershy from the front and wraps her arms around her back, feeling Maud’s midsection along with Fluttershy’s back, running two fingers along her spine, making her shiver as the two mares hug her from either side. “Y-You know… I feel like I am hugging a tree right now. Were you a tree in a previous life or something, Flutters?”

"Maybe I was..." She replies and shivers softly as she feels the two hug her from front and back before she bites her lip softly, feeling Tree Hugger sit on top of her lap and then shivers as her juices leave a damp mark on her leg.

“Hmmm, a-are you like wet?” she asks, blowing some smoke into Fluttershy’s face. “That’s radical Flutters.”

Fluttershy moans softly and then slowly kisses Tree Hugger's lips and then feels Maud gently bite the back of her neck.

Maud grins and licks the back of the yellow mare’s neck as she makes out with Tree Hugger. As she does so, she begins to work her black leggings off her and takes a free hand and rubs her pussy with it. “Hmmm, y-yeah… B-Betcha didn’t see this twist coming, didn’t ya, you two? A teen rating, my flank!” she looks up to the ceiling, talking to the imaginary writers that do not exist in this story.

Fluttershy moans into the kiss with Tree Hugger and looks up at the ceiling and then feels the dreadlocked girl reach up and fondle her breasts slowly.

“Hmmm, you feel so… beautiful Flutters…” she says, taking a hit from her freshly lit joint and blowing smoke on her perky and curvy breasts. “Has like… any stallion looked at you like this?”

"Y-Yes they have..." She replies and coos softly.

“W-What do they think of them, hmmm?”

"Th-They ar-aren't in-interested I-in me because of who I a-am... I'm only a sex toy to them..." She replies and kisses Tree Hugger's neck softly and then feels Maud reach around and slide her fingers along her spine.

“Bummer…” Tree Hugger says with a sad sigh, kissing the top of her breasts. “When I look at you, I see a free spirit waiting for the right pony to come along and fly alongside you and not only accept you from the outside… but from the inside also.”

"Th-Thank you..." Fluttershy moans softly as their minds begin to make time feel like it's going by quickly.

“Hmmm what do you see when you look into this free spirit’s mind, Maud?” Tree asks, looking into Maud’s eyes, seeing a spirit who is down to earth and loves to learn and study about rocks, one of the fascinating features of Equestria.

"I see... the summer sky. A light wind blowing through your mane and over your naked body," Maud says then after a moment she leans forward and bites into Fluttershy's ear lobe gently.

“Hmmm, so gnarly Maud… I also see a spirit with the grass gently kissing her naked body. I also see various critters wanting to come to her and seek her gentle touch and care…”

Fluttershy smiles and then slowly pulls Tree Hugger up into a deep kiss, her tongue finding its way into her mouth and slides against hers.

Tree Hugger moans into the deep kiss, wrapping her arms around the back of the mare’s pink, flowing mane, her joint between her fingers as they share the deep tongue battle, making the sensation twenty percent hotter, er, higher as opposed to cooler and lower.

Slowly the three girls start toying with each other's bodies and as that happens, they feel as if two writers somewhere are watching them... along with their readers. Maud continues to finger her wet pussy as she teases Fluttershy from behind as Tree Hugger grinds along Fluttershy’s leg, feeling her own lips become wet with pleasure. Fluttershy moans deeply, feeling like she was their plaything, but enjoying the feeling of being such.

‘Hmmm, this mare’s movements are so radical. It feels like she’s done this with another mare before. Could she like… have done it with a mare before…?’ Tree Hugger thinks to herself as she twirls her tongue with Fluttershy’s, beginning to pull away from the kiss.

Fluttershy coos as the kiss is broken and looks into her eyes and pants heavily as Tree Hugger lifts another lit joint and holds it up to Fluttershy's muzzle and she takes a quick but deep hit.

“That’s a good mare. Keep those good, good vibrations rolling along…”

The normally timid mare moans and then tilts her head back and blows out the long held smoke from her lungs and then sighs happily.

“Feel good, Flutters?” Tree Hugger asks, taking another hit of her joint, returning the favor.

Fluttershy coos and then slowly turns her head around and kisses Maud's forehead.

Maud grins and looks back happily at Fluttershy, kissing her cheek softly. “You look so adorable w-when you’re high Flutters.”

"Th-Thank you..." She replies, slowly feeling the two of them start teasing her most sensitive spots.

Maud begins to cup her breasts from behind with her hands as Tree Hugger takes a hand and teases her sensitive clit, hearing her coo cutely.

Fluttershy moans and coos lustfully and then slowly rocks into Tree Hugger's fingers, sliding her clit along the fingers inside her.

“Hmmm, you enjoy this Fluttershy? Feel those… good vibes flowing through you?” Tree Hugger grins, blowing smoke into her face after taking a hit.

Fluttershy breathes in the smoke that her friend had just blown out then leans back and blows it back out, in small circles.

“Hmmm, righteous…” the green pony grins, rubbing her fingers along her clit, feeling her juices coat it. “Awesome job Maud. Make her orbs feel pampered with your loving touch…”

Fluttershy moans as Maud grips her nipples tightly and rolls them around while massaging her breasts as she humps into Tree Hugger's loving fingers.

The two mares continue to pleasure their friend making her feel like she was floating in the clouds with no worries.

"G-Girls... I'm g-gonna!" She moans deeply and then throws her head back as she screams softly and feels her juices shoot out and cover Tree Hugger's fingers.

Tree Hugger moans softly, feeling her fingers become wet with her nectar, letting her enjoy her orgasm while high. “Radical… let all those worries exit your body Fluttershy and let them come out… like sweet, sweet honey.” She lifts her a finger to her mouth and sucks on it, tasting her slightly sweet juices. “Care to taste Maud?” she offers the gray pony one of her fingers to suck on.

Maud leans forward and takes one of Tree Hugger's fingers into her mouth and suckles on it slowly and tastes Fluttershy's juices. “She's very... sweet and herbal."

“Lastly, some for you Flutters…” she says, putting a finger in Fluttershy’s mouth, letting her suckle on her finger.

Fluttershy groans and takes the finger into her mouth and gently suckles her own juices from Tree Hugger's finger.

“You enjoy yourself?”

She coos softly and then nods. "Those negative feelings... are gone.”

“Rock on. Now enjoy your bliss and become one with the clouds…” Tree Hugger takes her joint and takes a long, drawn out hit, filling her mouth with smoke before leaning down to kiss Fluttershy’s lips and blows the smoke into her mouth from the kiss.

Fluttershy coos softly and sucks down the smoke from Tree Hugger's mouth and into her lungs before leaning back and then lets out a long breath.

Tree Hugger gets off of her leg and offers Fluttershy a freshly lit joint to enjoy.

"Th-Thank you..." She says and takes the joint as Maud releases her and takes her own joint and takes a deep hit from it.

“Anytime, Fluttershy. How did that feel?”

“Amazing. Do you think that whoever reads this will enjoy it?" Fluttershy asks as she looks at the ceiling, her wings resting against her sides, pinned between her and the couch.

“Whoa like… what are you talking about Fluttershy?” Maud asks, blowing thick smoke from her mouth and into the air.

"I... I think that some are going to like this," She says and takes a long hit from her joint.

“Really? You think that? Wait… Wait… D-Do you think whomever is like… enjoying this, will like… wish it was real and like… drawn out by somepony?” Maud suggests a preposterous idea.

"Maybe..." Fluttershy says and then slowly closes her eyes, enjoying the high.

“That’d be like… mega stalker like… But I-I’d love to see the looks on like… their faces when they finish this…” Tree Hugger chuckles softly, blowing smoke into the air and closes her eyes softly, taking a deep breath.

Maud nods and closes her eyes to enjoy the high, same as Fluttershy and Tree Hugger.

The three mares sigh happily, enjoying their highs as the readers continue to read this sentence that has no relevance to the rest of the story and should stop reading it because it’s the end of the story.