There's No Budging Over Tradition

by Glitter Grenade

First published

After the treaty signing between ponies and changelings, Celestia is stuck in a room with a pregnant Chrysalis and her naughty, naughty hooves.

After the treaty signing between ponies and changelings, Celestia is stuck in a room with a pregnant Chrysalis and her naughty, naughty hooves.

Contains the following fetishes: Pregnancy. Futa. Masturbation. Cum-inflation. Ovioposition. Non-Con.

Requested by a certain anon.

The Only Chapter

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Ten or so minutes after the diplomatic conference came to a close, the press running off with their scoop of the day; the long-awaited annexing of the changelings-owned territories and their citizens, and the room itself, a four hundred year old side-room built specifically tea and other gentle activities was empty outside of her, Celestia and the carpet-humping, moaning Chrysalis.

Soundproof were the walls but the angles made Chrysalis's high-pitched cooing and hitching huffs echo and echo into Celestia's ears like she was right on top of the baffling mare. Rutting her like a dog to a shoe and the changeling was the lucky and terribly vocal shoe. Chrysalis came to the final signing in of her territories heavily pregnant, belly bulging as she strutted in. Celestia assumed that the pregnancy was a ploy, expecting the changeling queen to force a demand or delay for the sake of her children. Read as: pride.

Yet, Chrysalis was quiet on that front. Subdued even. Remaining so until she and the changeling queen were left alone. And this happened. The moaning and the panting and that distracting perfect belly.

Celestia kept her tea cup steady, sipping some well-needed Earl Gray as she tried to be polite.

Tradition stated, that after the signing of a law that involved annexing land, that she, Celestia, was to remain in said signing room until all other parties left. It was a symbolic gesture, Equestria protects what is hers, which had made perfect sense when she came up with it oh say, seven hundred years ago after the sixth war with Griffyfonia.

But now she couldn't leave.

Celestia sipped once more, relishing in the scalding of the tea on her tongue. Pain was good. Pain kept her from relaxing and looking at that debautry without causing a diplomatic incident. But still, she couldn't leave. Not until that mare finished what she was doing. Chrysalis seemed like a prideful being, shameless and pragmatic. Her sense of pride would keep her in check if all else failed.

Who could have guessed she would also be a obscenely vulgar mare.

Chrysalis had her legs cocked open, her back arched as she slid a slick hoof down into her privates. Her enlarged belly bobbed from her actions, hypnotizing Celestia as she tried to keep from staring at the size and the soft-looking fur and the cuddliness... The sun princess had a great affection for pregnant mares and pregnancy. Not that she desired to be pregnant herself, entirely, but that the sight of life being nurtured and carried made her feel rather weak-kneed around mares that were.

The air became filled with the smell of pungent, over-powering sex and the squelching of Chrysalis's ministrations grew loud enough to join her moans, attacking Celestia's ears. It was an assault on all sides.

Celestia clung to her tea-cup and went to pour herself a much needed cup.

As she levitated up the tea pot, Chrysalis's renewed thrusts had her back slamming against the arm-chair. From the light that shone in from the windows over-looking the Canterlot Gardens, Celestia caught something that sent a flush of heat through her body.

Chrysalis's teats.

Oh goodness, her black and hard teats stood out from the tufts of dark fur that lined the mare's belly. Each precious nub strained against the air as they dribbled life-giving milk. Celestia gulped, insanely thirsty. Weren't changelings egg-layers? Why would they have the ability to make milk? Could only queens make milk?

The white creamy-looking substance trickled down Chrysalis's body, somehow emphasizing her fertility and her slenderness and how close the mare was... Ah, Celestia was thinking foolishness. This was some trick. A strange trick. Some sort of changeling seduction method, she wagered. But her body felt hot, eyes no longer avoiding the shameless display. Between her thighs, she felt wetness and struggled to keep both of her hooves on the table.

Ah, what about the tea?

Yes, tea would clear her mind greatly.

Celestia poured and poured but not a single drop would come out the spout. The tea pot was barren. No, empty! It was empty! Celestia squirmed in her seat, thighs rubbing together. Her hooves inched a little from the table. No! Attempting to pleasure herself because of a wanton display would be absurd! She had to think of something. How about conversation? Conversation was good.

“Your belly is beautiful. How soon will you give birth?”

Chrysalis's emerald green eyes were half-lidded, face flushed as she slowed her motions to meet eyes with Celestia. Celestia wished she didn't. Reflected in Chrysalis's eyes was herself looking no better than the mare going to town on herself. Her face was red, eyes dilated and her own breath... She hardly realized that she too was breathing so fast. If one of her ponies walked in right now, they could say that she sounded aroused. Time to breath slower. In. Out. She felt hotter, wetter. The oxygen filling her lungs sped the blood in her veins. Her body tensing, stiffing as it thought of all the ways to give itself relief- In! Out!

“Oh, I- Eggs.” The source of all her trouble said, distracted. “Petulant eggs.” Her free hoof went to her nipples, squeezing them to Celestia's unwanted delight. The sun princess caught the faint whiff of sweet milk and licked her lips despite herself. How would that milk taste on her tongue, she wondered. “I don't give birth so easily. For something like that, I would need a host to assist me.” She purred, rubbing her belly. “We queens don't do labor.”

“I see.”

“We changelings have a history of capturing creatures, especially ponies to feed off their love and emotions. But we also ensnare. Do you know what ensnaring entails?”

“I'm afraid not.”

“It's a rather pleasurable experience.” Chrysalis said, smirking as she climbed off her seat. Celestia watched her, entranced at that milk-covered belly as it swung from side to side once the changeling was on her hooves. “We isolate a pony.” Chrysalis stood at her side, whispering into her ear. “We invoke and encourage sexual feelings to lower their guard. You've been watching me this whole time, Celestia. Can't I watch you? Aren't you, horny?”

Celestia shuddered, her hooves finally sliding from the table. Chrysalis pulling her chair back from the table, bringing her fully into the judging sunlight cascading from the window. What if anyone else saw? What about her dignity? Didn't any of that matter! “Well?” Celestia fumed as she gave in, her hoof timidly stroking her pink folds. She opened her pale thighs, her body trembling as she humped herself.

This was disgraceful and embarrassing and... Chrysalis sat between her legs, her amused eyes watching Celestia have at herself.

“I'm not feeling ensnared.” She huffed. “I'm mostly feeling stupid.”

“Nobody feels ensnared.” Chrysalis said, blatantly sniffing Celesitia's cootch and salivating like... Celestia couldn't help but imagine a pair of puppy ears to with the puppy love look that Chrysalis was sending to her lower extremities. Where was the shame? Celestia wasn't used to be so lewdily propositioned- “Can I... assist?”

“Be my guest.”

Chrysalis pushed Celestia's hoof aside, pushing her muzzle directly into Celestia's cunt. “Ah!” Celestia moaned, feeling the mare's snake-like tongue explore her tenderest of places. The tongue played with her clitoris, wrapping around it and tugging on it gently. It felt so good. Celestia huffed, pleasured and intoxicated as she leaned back, her hips jerking forward. Celestia tried to slow herself.

It wouldn't be polite to spew her fluids all over her newest ally.

Her body twitched and she came rather suddenly, a cry escaping her lips. So goes that plan. Celestia slumped over, falling onto the floor with all the grace of a napkin. “What do you want, Chrysalis? The treaty's been signed. I've honored most of your reasonable wants. There's no need for all this...” Celestia was pushed onto her back, her wings splayed out under her. The sun princess started to sit up but Chrysalis perched over her, her belly a unmovable weight.

“Get off me.” Celestia warned, her horn glowing. “I said-” The changeling queen leaned forward, spitting green goo along its length. Her magic vanished, the green goo quickly hardening. “I-” Chrysalis spat goo over her limbs, trapping her to the floor. Celestia writhed under her restraints, annoyed and for some reason, excited. Her lower lips ached, more juice flowing from between her legs as if she hadn't just came.

Chrysalis wiggled her cum-covered snout. “You.” The mare leaned over Celestia's face, pressing wet kisses into her cheeks. “Are.” Then her mouth wandered to Celestia's neck, nibbling as Celestia tried to pull away. “Ensnared.”

“You are not making any sense.”

Chrysalis simply said, “Come for me.”

Celestia blinked. Her body arched of its own accord. The ecstasy flooding into her body as she came noisily on the spot. “That is the result of several changeling aphrodisiacs you've been breathing in, Celestia.” The scent! So that's why- “It should only take a week or so to sweat out but I imagine by the end of our time together, you'll be scheduling regular doses.”

Great. That's just... great.

“Why are you doing this?”

Chrysalis's eyes twinkled. “Tradition makes a slave of us all, doesn't it? We don't get to pick and choose what we follow.”

The changeling moved from her perch upon Celestia, making herself comfy between her legs. A flash of green magic and Chrysalis gain a bulbous, long and thick swelling cock. The male member was slightly transparent as it jutted from the mare's pussy. It was obvious what it was. A sort of transportation device.

“Low queens submit their eggs to high queens.”

The cock prodded at Celestia's entrance, taking its sweet time by grinding against her in a frenzy. Celestia couldn't stop herself. She rocked against the shaft, shameless panting as her eyes fluttered closed.

“Do you like my offering, Queen Celestia?” Chrysalis murmured, her voice soft and certain. “Do you promise to take care of my children and their children?”

“I do.” Celestia promised, moaning. “I will.”

“Then-” The cock pushed, sliding inside of her with ease. “accept them.” Inch by inch, the magical appendage filled her, the bulbs pressing against her inner walls. Celestia gasped, her hips shaking as the cock stretched her insides painfully and pleasurably. It was maddening. She tried to squirm but the changeling commanded her to be still and her body obeyed her.

Once Chrysalis was fully mounted, Celestia had thought the worse was over.

But then Chrysalis pulled out, all out, and slammed right back in. Celestia howled, her nerves on fire as each thrust rattled her core. Tears formed on the side of her eyes as she threw her head back. Chrysalis fucked her fast and rough, her cock plowing inside her. Celestia felt warm liquid shoot off inside of her and her flat belly began to rise.

A little pudge appeared.

Celestia's eyes went wide, her mouth opening to shout, to exclaim, to be more than lustful sounds but Chrysalis caught her mouth, smashing their lips together. Their tongues fought, saliva spilling everywhere before the changeling's fangs bit her tongue soundly. Celestia's mouth went numb. Then a mouthful of sugary fluid was forced down her throat. Celestia couldn't stop swallowing, each gulp surprisingly not making her sore.

Chrysalis must have injected her with a toxin to prevent that.

Celestia felt bloated and full but the fluid kept flowing and flowing. Finally, Chrysalis broke her hold and resumed fucking her in earnest. Celestia's belly was now bigger than ever, the pudge transformed into a late-night stay in the castle's pantry after a long day. Chrysalis rolled her hips, her cock twitching as something round-shaped passed through it. The eggs. Chrysalis's belly rippled as her thrusts slowed. Celestia's breath hitched, feeling life being passed to her. Each egg brushed against bundles of sensitives nerves, leaving her gasping and clenching as they went deeper inside.

Her belly bulged, trembling as the eggs seem to adjust themselves within her. Some eggs bumped each other, the movement oddly cute. Adorable. Then others made themselves still, resting. They were hers now. All hers. She wished that her hooves were free so she could welcome them to their new home. Celestia smiled and looked up at Chrysalis who smiled back.

The mare pulled out and covered Celestia's belly in kisses. Celestia sighed, soaking in the affection.

Minutes passed. The sun, frozen outside abruptly lowered into a sunset. Luna had finally noticed. Great. That was a incoming headache. Wait, no bad thoughts. Stress would be bad for the babies.

“You could have just told me. We could have done this somewhere respectable.”

Who was Celestia kidding? She would have talked her way out of this tradition if she had the chance before experiencing it. And she wouldn't mind experiencing it again.

“What's the fun in that? You may have made me into your low queen but you're still a pony.” Chrysalis said, retaking her place between Celestia's legs. “The eggs need constant stimulation for the first six hours. I hope you weren't planning on signing any more treaties today.”

"I think," Celestia purred back, "I can make new arrangements."