> In the wrong place > by House Paint > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > making an entrance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday night, and I was working at my job at the gas station. I normally worked the shift around midnight, and I also normally liked it. It was raining horribly, and I wanted to leave. I watched out the window, the pattering of the rain on the ground in between the pumps and the building itself. Nobody ever came in anymore, and the only time they did was to get a soda, but I didn't mind that too much. I liked being alone to watch the rain fall and the cars drive by. I heard a ringing noise come from my pocket, obviously my phone that I didn't care to ever use. I pulled it out and looked at the screen, it was my mom. I set it down and watched it ring and vibrate on the table. I hated how the only time she ever called me was to yell because she was pissed because she liked to search everything I owned if i didn't take it with me. It stopped, and I went over to my bag and searched it for something missing. I practically put my whole room in there. My laptop wasn't there, I knew I was gonna get some major crap because of my still trying to get off of porn and me cussing crap loads on the internet. I always left my pages open, and logged on, and I was going to pay. I sighed and pulled my ghettoberry out of my pocket and looked through my collection of pony pictures. They always made me smile, even when I had drawn them. I turned it off, and took the battery out. This needed to be disposed of properly. I opened the door, hearing the soft ding of the bell attached to it. The rain drenched me in just a few seconds. I looked at the battery sadly, this was my last one. I lobbed it in a random direction, and lost sight of it after just a few feet. I couldn't keep my eyes open in the rain because I had gotten contacts instead of glasses. I heard a crack in front of me, obviously the battery landing on the pavement. I returned the phone to my pocket one last time and walked back inside. My shoes, soaking wet, made a squishing sound every time I stepped, I knew I needed to mop at some time anyways. I picked up my bag and went to the bathroom to change into my spare clothes. I came out of the bathroom, my clothes in a plastic bag in my backpack, and heard the door ding. I went over to the counter, sat down, and pulled out my kindle fire for internet. I didn't see anybody around, but it didn't really matter to me, I was just there to clean and take up space when the station is empty. I heard somebody walking around, but their shoes made a soft click instead of a squish. I thought about it for a second, and thought they might be wearing some fancy shoes or high heels. I went back to facebook and the other interwebs. I heard the person come up to the desk and ask how much something was, I put the Kindle down and looked at the counter, he had put a danish cream thing there. "Its two dollars and somethin cents," I didn't pay attention to the price of things, but I knew it was around that much. "Dollars? You mean bits?" He must have been a brony, so, being one myself, I gave the only logical answer. "Why of course, now I must ask who is best pony?" I looked up again and saw he had a hoodie on, with the hood up, and he was looking in the other direction. He had his hands in his pockets, I heard the jingle of spare change, and awaited pay. Three gold coins landed on the counter. "Keep the change," I caught a glimpse of his hand as he threw the money down, it wasn't a hand. I inspected a coin and saw not a president, but Celestia on it. I put it all together instantly. "Wait!" I yelled after him before he opened the door. I threw my body over the counter and tackled him. Turns out football would did actually come in handy. I got my hand lodged under something I assumed was a wing. He struggled away from my grasp, but I just kept holding on tighter. "Just listen to me bro!" I always said bro when talking to somebody I didn't know their name, or they were one of my best friends. "What do you want from me?!" He turned around and looked at me for the first time. I couldn't move, but I didn't let him go. "S-s-s-Sandstorm?" I stammered, on the verge of screaming. It was my dream come true, but also my most hellish nightmare. I had always dreamed of meeting a pony, and him in specific, but I knew that he wasn't real, proving my theory of me being insane. His eyes shot wide, it was really him. "How do you know my name?" he went back to glaring. I stood up and the kindle. "Let me show you something, and if you try to get away i'm not afraid of tackling you again," I opened my picture gallery, I had all of my pics saved on here as well as my phone. I clicked on my "Sndstrm" album, and clicked on the video I made that had all of my pictures of him changing to music. I handed it to him. "I drew these, and made the songs, now just watch it." "It's me, and Fluttershy, and..." He had reached the point where I had drawn everypony that I could fit on one piece of paper. "How do you know what me and all of my friends look like... it is a entirely different world..." His eyes started to water, I acted like I didn't notice, and took it from him. "Ill show you when I get the chance to talk to the other bronies, but for now, just mess around on this," I went back to my homescreen, and after giving him a short tutorial of how to use it, let him figure out the rest. A few hours later, I got his attention away from the magnificent device, "time to go, my shift is over, and you are comin with me if you want to use that more." I took the kindle from him, and put it in my bag. "So where are we goin?" he had followed me, my plan had worked. "My place," I walked out of the back door and went to my tiny chevy truck, climbing in. He had enough common sense to go around to the other side and get in. I never had too much of a need to drive there, I only lived about a block and a half away, but I was late last night. After the extremely short drive I stopped for a minute, I needed to tell him about my problems first. "okay, so when I'm going in, I need you to just stay out of my mom's line of sight, I really don't want her more mad at me," He nodded and followed me to the door. I threw the door open, I needed to be really dramatic about my entrance and act like nothing happened. "I"M HOOOOOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!!!" I threw my arms wide and yelled loud enough to wake everybody up this side of Canada.