
by SoSoft

First published

Rainbow Dash is different to everypony else, but having an all powerful princess for a friend helps.

This story has been completely transformed.If you pardon the pun.

I realised that using the theme of transgendered people for senseless clop was a bad move, so I completely reworked it. I just don't believe in removing something I worked on when I submitted it, so it will remain.

In the mean time, go ahead and check out the new and improved story! (Once it's approved of course.)

For his whole life, Rainbow Dash has struggled with being different, in his mind, he sees himself as male, but his body refuses to reciprocate this image. He has spent his whole life in the body of a mare, when all he wants is for his outside to reflect what he feels inside.

Luckily, he has an insanely smart, insanely powerful friend that can help him.

The Change

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1 - The Change

For his entire life, Rainbow Dash has been a little different. He knows this, and he's struggled with this since he was born. Ever since he was a little colt filly foal, he's always been at war with himself. On the inside of his mind, he, in all rights and purposes was male, he thinks like a stallion, he talks like a stallion, and he has lived his entire life as a stallion. Only, one problem...

His body is that of a mare.

On the inside he is a strong confident stallion, who works hard and strives for all he is worth, but on the outside, society sees him as a mare. 'That's not so bad,' somepony who's comfortable with their body might say. It is though, they don't understand what it's like, being told that you're a mare just because of what's on the outside, being told that you shouldn't like certain things because it's too 'stallionly' for a mare. If he were a stallion and was told the same things, he'd just get pissed off.

And he is, so he does.

Dash sighed, 'I really shouldn't get so worked up about this, there really isn't much I can do about it.' Throughout his life he hadn't come across many ponies that are like him, ponies that have a body that's the opposite to their minds, but those he did were depressed, lonely, and at visual constant war with themselves, the kind of war that leaves scars. While he does feel sorry for these ponies, and he knows what they feel like, he doesn't let what's on the outside dictate how he should feel on the inside. Some things are the same whether you're a mare or a stallion.

'I would still be able to feel the dirt beneath my hooves,' he thought to himself, and remarked on the sensation of simply walking. He could feel his hooves strike the ground, he could feel the pressure of his body weight pushing down on them, and he could feel the small amount of dust get kicked up when he lifts his hooves. That would be the same no matter what kind of body he has, and he took refuge in the feeling.

He shook his head; he had to get his mind back into the present. He was walking along the dirt path through town to get to Twilight's castle; she told him that she wanted to give him a surprise. He didn't know what it could be, but he knew what could've brought it on.

A few weeks ago, Rainbow Dash decided that it was time to open up about himself to his friends about his stallion-inside-a-mareness. His friends, as to be expected, were all supportive of him, and they all understood what he was going through. From then on they all referred to him as a stallion, and they supported him when the weight of the constant conflict inside got too much. He's sure that even if he didn't have female hormones raging inside his body and mind, he'd still get teary about the kindness and support he got from his friends.

Twilight though, Twilight reacted a bit differently. She wasn't mad or anything, she respected Dash and what he told her, but her empathy caused her to become somewhat depressed. By the time Rainbow had stopped talking, Twilight looked positively downtrodden, but before he could say anything to her, she got that look in her eye. It was the same look she gives when she sets her mind to something, the same look she got when Rainbow Dash needed to study for the Wonderbolts exam. It was the 'I know what to do,' look.

So, it causes Rainbow no pause to find that a few weeks after Twilight had set out to achieve something, she'd be calling Rainbow to her castle. He didn't want to get his hopes up, but it would be really awesome if Twilight could help beyond what the 'therapists' his parents sent him to could do. Thoughts of drawn out therapy sessions about what's okay to enjoy as a mare, and how the things he's feeling are all made up, that particular therapy session didn't end well, for the psychiatrist that is. He shook his head again; he didn't need to think about them, they only made things worse.

Throughout his track of thinking he didn't realize how close he had gotten to the castle, time just got away from him when he was thinking. It's a good thing he was moving though, otherwise he'd have fallen asleep, like he has multiple times in the past.

"Welcome to the castle sir," one of Twilight's guards addressed the approaching pony. He was taken back for a second, the guard addressed him as 'sir' not 'ma'am', and he didn't remember telling anypony else about this. Oh Celestia, if Twilight told everypony he'd get really pissed off.

"Better not keep Princess Twilight waiting sir, go right in," the other guard said as they both stepped back and opened the front door with their magic.

"Thanks guys," Rainbow said, putting this behind him for now, if Twilight told everyone then he'll beat her up later, it's not the guards' fault that they got his pronoun right. He entered into the massive crystal castle that housed the town's resident princess. He looked around, 'I wonder where Spike is...' usually the little tyke would be available to straight up answer the door, no matter who came around. He must be off doing some sort of errand or something. Oh well, it didn't matter anyway; Twilight was there to greet Rainbow at the door.

"Rainbow Dash! How are you today?" Twilight greeted her friend warmly, she ran up to Rainbow to give him a familiar hug.

Dash was taken aback by the act of affection, though he didn't reject it. 'Wow, she must have really felt bad for me, Twilight's not exactly one for greeting with hugs, that's more Pinkie's shtick,' he thought before speaking, "Eh, I'm not too bad. What did you call me here for?"

Twilight stopped hugging Rainbow and gestured him to follow her, "Well, I couldn't stop thinking about what you told us a few weeks ago, I mean, it must be really hard to not have your body reflect who you are on the inside," Twilight began to explain.

"Yeah, it sucks pretty bad sometimes," Rainbow dash said, his eyes not wanting to lock on to anything specific as he avoided thinking about that particular subject too hard.

Twilight continued, "So it got me to thinking about what I could do to fix your little problem,"

'You and all those "doctors" Twilight,' Rainbow Dash scoffed quietly at his friend's remark.

Twilight didn't hear him scoff, so she continued unabated, "and I think I may have a magical slash alchemical solution for you."

This got Rainbow Dash interested, his ears perked as he suddenly looked towards his friend. He then got a bit worried, "Did you make a spell or something?"

Twilight bobbed her head as she considered Rainbow's words, "Yes, mostly, but it's more of a-" she stopped her speech as she noticed that they were approaching their goal, "actually, I want it to be a surprise." Twilight stepped ahead of her friend to reach the door before Rainbow, she opened it and allowed him to go first, "Stallions first," she smiled and giggled.

Rainbow rolled his eyes and shook his head, but couldn't keep a smirk off his face, he entered into the staircase the door opened up to, and travelled down the stairs. 'This must be her new laboratory,' Rainbow thought, he hadn't actually seen her lab in the crystal castle before now, 'I wonder how different it is from the tree house lab.'

"Whoa!" Rainbow exclaimed as the full room came in to view. This lab wasn't just different from the old one; it was massive! There were so many different machines scattered about in an orderly fashion, they were all shut off of course, but Rainbow could imagine all the sounds and lights that would fill the room if they were turned on. He didn't realise he was standing at the bottom of the stairs staring on in shock until Twilight broke his reverie.

"Just imagine how I reacted when Princess Celestia told me about my Laboratory allowance," she moved passed her shocked friend, and gestured her head to point in the general direction of even more machines that Rainbow had no idea what they did. "Come on Rainbow, follow me, and don't touch anything!"

Rainbow shook his head to snap himself out of a stupor for the third time in an hour, he hadn't noticed but he was in fact about to touch some device that looked like an arcade machine for all intents and purposes. Disregarding it, he followed his scientist of a friend through the forest of inactive and confusing machinery. He passed a multitude of different hulking masses that he couldn't even begin to understand what they did, there was one that looked like a claw with a hose on it, one that looked like something you'd be brainwashed in, and one that looked like a glass box with a spike in it.

He quickly stopped trying to understand what the machines did, it's not like he'd have to worry about using them anyway.

"Okay, now, Rainbow," Twilight cut into the stillness of the lab air, with an excited tinge to her speech, "I want you to close your eyes."

Rainbow looked at Twilight incredulously, he began to become a little nervous at the way Twilight was acting.

"Just trust me, close your eyes and wait here," Twilight implored.

"Okay," Rainbow said hesitantly, he closed his eyes and waited for Twilight to come back. It took her only a few moments before she returned to him.

"Open your eyes."

Rainbow opened his eyes and looked upon the glowing glass vial that Twilight held in her magic. It was blue; very light blue, probably bluer than Rainbow's own coat when sunlight hits it directly. He had no idea what it was, so he asked Twilight, "Uh... What is that?"

Twilight beamed, her bright smile contrasting the brightness of the potion, "This," she waved the vial slightly, "is a transfiguration potion that uses a magical matrix to reconfigure the body of the drinker based on an updated strand of the user's DNA."

Rainbow imagined hearing several small explosions of sound; because the terminology flew over his head so fast it broke the sound barrier, twice.

"It's a what the what now?" was his intelligent response.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "It's a transformation potion."

Rainbow's eyes lit up, "Really?!" she asked loudly, "Does that mean what I think it means?"

"If what you think it means that this will turn you into a stallion than yes, it does-" Twilight barely managed to complete her sentence before she was interrupted by a crushing hug from her troubled friend.

"Thank you-thank-you-thank-you-so much Twilight!" He cried out in happiness. The emotion overloaded his mind and leaked out the corner of his eyes. Normally he would be embarrassed by his emotions, and how inadequately his mare body could contain them, but honestly, he was just too happy to care.

"It's okay Rainbow, this is what friends do for each other," Twilight rubbed the head of the overwhelmed pony in her hooves. It was a short moment before Rainbow broke away from the hug, rubbed his eyes, and cleared his throat.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"It's ok," Twi assured before offering Rainbow the vial, who quickly nabbed it out of her magical aura. Twilight then slipped into a lecture mode as she began to tell Rainbow about the potion, "now, before you drink this potion there are a few things to consider, one, the changes will be steady yet harsh, two, the process will be very painful, and three-"

Twilight looked over to see Rainbow holding an empty vial in one hoof with its lid in the other. Twilight blanched at Rainbow's brashness, before facehoofing and quickly getting to Rainbow's side, letting her friend lean on her. Rainbow then blinked, a strange feeling washed throughout his body, "Wha- what was that you said about painful?" The world seemed to rotate around his mind, becoming unsteady and out of focus. "Wooaahhh," he droned, "this just feels weird."

"When will you learn to wait until after I've the instructions and warnings?!" Twilight yelled at Rainbow, as she led him to a safe area where he won't break anything when he eventually thrashes about in pain.

"I don't know why you'd have warnings I mean, this just feels we-" he coughed. His throat suddenly felt like it was on fire. He let out a strained yell as the pain sunk its claws further into his throat and spread up to his head and down to his barrel. The feeling of burning lit up his mind with fire and pain. It was mind numbing. The pain quickly spread down his body, lighting his fore hooves, wings, and hind hooves on fire, burning in constant severe pain. All of his muscles tensed and stretched, they pulled and pushed without cause. In the period of three seconds after his speech was interrupted, he was on the floor, writhing in agony.

Twilight had to work extra hard to make sure that Rainbow didn't do any permanent damage to his body before it could finish changing. As he thrashed about, Twilight used her fine control of telekinesis to make sure that Rainbow's movements were slowed, so that if he were to swing his foreleg to the floor, instead of breaking the bone due to the speed, it would just press against the ground. It took a good majority of Twilight's concentration to keep him from hurting himself, and of course, hurting his surroundings.

Meanwhile, the sound of bone warping was overfilling the mind of the thrashing pegasus, his entire body just ached without mercy, the strain of his muscles adding to the pain in his bones. He then felt an electric chill spike down his back as the vertebrae of his spine expanded, pushing against one another as they rearranged themselves to form a stronger line. The chill was unexpected, yet no less painful.

Having finished on the lower parts of the spine, the electricity travelled up his back towards his head. Passing through and up his wings as it did so, forcing them to shift slightly to better brace his changing body. They grow bigger and stronger to allow them to hold a heavier frame suspended in the sky. His wings burned with pain as the muscles inside became taught and stretched, repurposing themselves to better suit the new shape.

Next it moved to his head; where his cranium began to reshape. His snout stung horribly and became increasingly more painful as his nose grew out into a larger, squarer shape. His jawline followed with it, enlarging, becoming more robust and strong. The rest of his muscles in his head grew to accommodate the new shape. His teeth followed through, arching terribly as they expanded to fit his new jaw-line.

Once finished on his head, the electricity left it and travelled down the front of his neck, causing his neck muscles to expand and redefine themselves, making his barrel become less swan-like and more powerful, more bull-like. His arms were next; they extended downwards slightly giving him more height. They then grew thicker, forcing his bones and muscles to grow, being sure that his legs could withstand his new body weight.

The pain travelled up to the base of his spine, changing his stomach as it went, causing it to lose its feminine qualities in favour of a larger masculine frame. His flank followed suit, it lost its petite mare-like curves, growing slightly to match the rest of his body with its stallion-like shape. It finished its work on his flank by traveling down his legs, causing them to mimic his front legs of their size and shape, letting his whole body be able to stand at a higher height than before.

The electricity then flowed into his crotch, as invasive as it was before. He could feel himself losing the teats he was given at birth, the little mounts shrunk and flattened, being replaced by skin no different from the rest of his body. The following sensation was even stranger, pain flared up in his lower body where his ovaries were, as they crushed and reformed, travelling down his body to just at the end of his closing vagina.

He felt his skin stretch as the eggs that were once inside his ovaries repurposed into sperm creating proteins. They began to grow, the skin covering them became darker and stretchier, letting the new testicles fall and be held by the skin. He could feel the skin stretch to accommodate the growing size of his new gene containing orbs. Finally, as the last of his ovaries filled out his testicles, he could feel the expanded orbs press up against and stretch the skin holding them. The skin then sagged, stretched and repurposed to better hold the impressively sized additions.

The sensation left his new ball sack and travelled just north slightly to where his vagina had closed and shrunk, causing his clitoris to shift to just above the testicles. An odd sense of overwhelming pleasure cut through the haze of pain and agony as his clit began to expand, growing outwards and becoming longer. The exposed skin on the growing clit then became slightly harder and less sensitive to form what more resembles a stallion's penis. The pleasure grew in conjunction with the size of his new appendage, Rainbow's wails of agony quickly shifted to groans of pain and pleasure.

He had only now noticed that sometime through his thrashing he had pushed himself onto his stomach, he became aware of this through the sensation of cold stone pushing up against his sensitive growing addition. He could feel it pressing against the ground and his stomach as it increased in length and thickness; it lifted his hindquarters slightly due to its increasing size. Rainbow let out one last moan as his dick pulsed the last of its expansion.

Then, as quickly as the pain started, it vanished, and Rainbow was left on the floor panting with exertion. He was exhausted. The full weight of his transformation had yet to hit his tired mind. He preferred sleep to the realisation that he is now, as he had wanted to be since birth, a stallion. His breathing slowed as he gave in to the dull ache that once was splitting pain, letting the pulsing of his heartbeat be the instrument of his calming serenity. His transformation had finished, and this pseudo-mare had become a fully complete stallion.


An uncomfortable, yet not unwelcome feeling came over Twilight as she had witnessed her friend's growing stallionhood, her mind sauntered into lust filled territory as the stallion lay immobile on the floor. She imagined the feeling of that gigantic phallus penetrating her over and over, causing her mind to reel in imagined pleasure. She really wasn't expecting it to be that big. The slowly silencing scientific part of her brain drew the probable conclusion that Rainbow's latent magical energy could be heightened due to his connection to the Elements of Harmony.

The quick deduction snapped her mind back to the task at hoof and away from lust filled fantasies involving a certain newly formed stallion. She shook her head to clear away the last of the clouds in her mind and moved to pick her friend up in her magic. Stallion in magical tow, she made her way out of the laboratory and down the hall of the crystal castle to get to the guest bedroom. She gently placed the stallion in the bed, tucking him in comfortably. His exhaustion letting him continue to sleep undisturbed through the movement, as his body recovered from the painful transformation.

Twilight looked at the form of her exhausted friend, and noted the complexity of his new body. As pleasurable as being fucked relentlessly by an incredibly large cock might be, Twilight has something more orgasmic to set her mind to; finalizing the experiment evaluation! So with a flick of her horn, she summoned her designated clipboard with the transformation notes, along with a quill and a few inkwells, and set to work outlining the results.

Today was a very productive day.
