> Before Corruption > by theflaminggay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Alicorns are powerful right? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis's Origins: Part One 300 years after the Draconequi Alicorn war, middle aged Alicorn Queen named Poison Heart ruled an obscure kingdom just beyond the Everfree forest called the Monarch kingdom. Her kingdom was surrounded by pure majesty as crystals in the shape of flowers grew naturally throughout her land. She ruled her kingdom with 100% loyalty from her subjects; she didn't believe in violence so never trained any pony to hurt another. The only fighting she knew consisted of only defensive spells, and stances to help protect her kingdom from dangers. Only during times of war, which was rare since they had few enemies, she would use the spell learnt through destiny and poison the heart of her enemies. This spell would turn them against themselves and corrupt the mind of the target to destroy them. Every time she saw this happen she was devastated and vowed only to use this spell when in grave danger. Some of her only real enemies were the Crystal Empire, which she despised since they had stolen their main source of income with their "beautiful" crystals. King Rubinus, the king of the Crystal Empire, who had tricked her into loving him creating a young colt named Sombra, also betrayed her. Her spies that she sent to the Crystal Empire learned that King Rubinus had sealed Sombra into a crystal, which could not be broken from the outside. This infuriated Queen Poison Heart, but she knew there was no way to steal her child back with the protection of the crystal army and having no army of her own. Years went by as her hatred grew within her after she learned that King Rubinus had another child, named Mi Amore Cadenza, while she lay in her throne without children. Soon enough though a stallion, unicorn, prince came upon her kingdom in search for a kingdom to keep his subjects safe. Queen Poison Heart accepted and soon married the Young prince named Volcarious, which her subjects were wary about this new presence to rule over them. Volcarious's subjects were highly trained for fighting, but only because they have been fighting every day since their kingdom was destroyed by corrupt beings called Draconequi. They were magical creatures with a special kind of power that caused chaos throughout the land they conquered. As the respect for their new king and fellow ponies grew they learned to follow Volcarious with 100% loyalty like with their own Queen. When word of the Draconequi started to die down, King Volcarious and Queen Poison Heart decided to finally have a child. Their new young unicorn, who was born with inept magical abilities, named Chrysalis now the sole heir to the Monarch Kingdom. Once she learned how to read she was given a magical spell book to sharpen her raw talent. Around the same time her subjects and herself witnessed a large burst of magic come from the Crystal Empire. She later learned that the Draconequi had resurfaced onto the scene of Equestria. Also that her son Sombra, now a young foal, had escaped from his unbreakable crystal and that King Rubinus was killed by the Draconequi. In fear, she sent Chrysalis over to her good friend Princess Luna to be protected by her and the royal guard. Luna took the young unicorn under her wing and mentored her about the magic of Equestria. Sombra also didn't have family when he exited his unbreakable crystal prison, so he ran towards Canterlot when he heard about Star Swirl the Bearded wanted an apprentice. They both became very powerful in the magical arts, honing their skills under their mentor's careful eye. Luna soon grew to love Chrysalis as if she was her younger sister. She also met the young unicorn Sombra when she visited Star Swirl for his advances that he made in magic. She became fond of Sombra, who was all alone under Star Swirl apprenticeship. Chrysalis would sometimes come over with Luna to visit Star Swirl and practice new spells she had learned onto Sombra. Sombra agreed to be her little guinea pig for her experiments, since he secretly had a thing for her. Chrysalis's experiments usually did end in failure, as she didn't know how to control her power. Up until one day when she encased Sombra in an Emerald cocoon; Luna, Star Swirl, Sombra, and Chrysalis were all surprised that one of her experiments was actually successful. With this she released Sombra and gained her cutie mark, which was an emerald crystal heart beginning to be encased in an emerald cocoon, with a black unicorn horn that had holes in it. Chrysalis jumped up in excitement with her newfound ability. Sombra grew jealous of Chrysalis, since he hadn't received his cutie mark. Luna had noticed the jealousy in his eyes and had told him, "It's okay Sombra you will get yours when the time has come it is all destiny." He looked at her with a stupid face forgetting all about the destiny part. Luna eventually learned of some news that her good friend Queen Poison Heart, was dying of an unknown disease. Luna always knew this was going to happen, just by her cutie mark, she was destined to die of some poison in the heart. Luna took Chrysalis with her to go and visit her mother to see her before it was too late. As Luna predicted Poison Heart was dying of a disease growing out from her heart, she was devastated by this realization. They had stayed in the Monarch kingdom up until Queen Poison Heart's death, with her final conversation being, "I heard that you finally got your cutie mark, come here and let me see." She looks down at her daughter's flank and sees her cutie mark. "It's beautiful, please tell me how you got it?" "I got... when I put... Sombra into an emerald cocoon." Chrysalis tries to hold back the tears welling up in her face as she chokes out the words. "He's... my frie- "It's okay I know who he is," coughs as her head falls onto the pillow, "Anyway I want you to remember that Mama will always love you and I will always be with you in your heart." She points over to Chrysalis's heart, slowly then all at once her eyes began to close; her face went pale and her breathing stopped. "MAMA NOOOO don't leave me, wake up mama." She jumps onto her mom's bed and clutches her lifeless body "Ma... ma... noo" She manages to say before tears flow down her face and into her mom's chest. Luna wipes tears off her face and turns towards Chrysalis, but is so choked up that she cannot speak. She clears her throat and trembles to say, "Come on, Chrysalis we have to go now," Chrysalis looks over to Luna and with her eyes tells Luna we can't leave yet. "We have to go now Chrysalis, I'm sorry but we have to." Luna tries to pull her off with own strength but cannot manage to pull the young foal off of her mother. "NO stop... she is still here stop." Luna pulls Chrysalis off with her magic "NOOOOO MAMA!!!" Chrysalis screams. Luna eyes begin to swell as she pulls Chrysalis out of the room and into the carriage. She orders her guards to fly them back to Canterlot as tears fall down her face. She clears her face with her hoof as Chrysalis jumps into chest, "How could anyone do this to her Luna." "I'm afraid it wasn't a pony, but her destiny. It was bound to happen luckily she lived a long life and had you, her greatest accomplishment." Chrysalis cleared her tears into Luna's mane, "I know your pain Chrysalis my parents were murdered by the Draconequi, when Celestia and I were only fillies." A tear rolls down Luna's face as she remembers when the guard told their advisor that their parents were murdered.. When they returned to Canterlot, Chrysalis told the news to Sombra who cried not for her mother's death but about himself being an orphan. Little did they know that they were brother and sister. Star Swirl didn't know how to deal with this news, since he never experienced a loss from someone close to him. So instead of sympathy he gave her a spell book filled with untold knowledge of magic. Again Sombra grew jealous of Chrysalis since now she received a spell book filled with powerful magical knowledge. Of course this jealousy didn't stop him having a crush on her, since she was a pony that craved the love that Sombra felt for her. As they grew in age they eventually both started to have mutual feelings for each other and started to sneak out during the night to break into the forbidden vaults filled with magical knowledge. On their adventures they found many obscure spells that no pony used since a more convenient spell existed. On a few occasions though members of the royal guard would almost catch them, as they were deep inside the magical scrolls. They both eventually found the ponynomicon that was filled with the dark arts of magic forbidden to be used by anyone. Chrysalis advised against reading it and learning the knowledge held within, but Sombra wanted to have more power than his mentor could ever teach him. As they learned the dark arts, Sombra grew more corrupt from the use of these magical arts. Chrysalis did utilize the dark arts and applied it to her emerald cocoon spell, which now could drain the magical and life force of a pony. She also found spells that would help her drain the magical and life force of a pony without the use of imprisonment, but it was ran by the love somepony felt for her. This slowly corrupted her, but not as badly as Sombra since she had no preconceived notion to use it on another pony. As their knowledge of the dark arts grew, Sombra always wanted more not caring about who he hurt. Eventually Chrysalis was starting to be Sombra's guinea pig, but his experiments were (pony version of inhumane → ) inpomane. As he tried to make himself into an Alicorn. His knowledge of the dark arts far outgrew Chrysalis, as he would abandon Star Swirl with the use of an invisibility spell found inside the ponynomicon. He was trying to create a dark crystal called Arrants, which were highly valuable in the Crystal Empire. They were also used to enhance dark magic from the user to help them become more powerful. Chrysalis feared for her boyfriend as he fell further down into the madness of Dark magic, she would try to drain the magic out of him but her spell started to not work as his heart filled with hatred. One day, when Chrysalis refused to be Sombra's test dummy she was hit upside the face by a large black crystal. Dazed and confused, she looked over to Sombra who was jumping up with glee. "I have finally created the Arrant crystal, all I needed was hatred and jealousy towards someone." Chrysalis began to tear up, "Hatred, but I thought you loved me Sombra." "Oh how silly for you to think of that, why would I a powerful dark magic user need love when I can harness the power of hatred. Of course all I needed was the power boosting Arrant crystal and someone to test this spell on." Chrysalis looked into Sombra's eyes, which were filled with hatred as his the white of his eyes filled with a menacing green. His beautiful magenta eyes became crimson red and a purple smoke began to flow out of his eyes. She also noticed that his cutie mark had finally appeared onto his flank. It was three Arrant crystals with a magenta red crest around it. In fear she encased Sombra inside of one of her emerald cocoons and ran off to go get Star Swirl, knowing that it wouldn't hold him for long. Star Swirl went into the forbidden room with Chrysalis just as Sombra broke out of the cocoon. "Ahh Star Swirl great for you to join us." His voice grew raspy as he spoke, "Now it's time to try out a little spell in this book." He shows the book off to Star Swirl. Star Swirl looks at him in shock, "How did find that book?" "Oh none of your concern but since you're here." He fires a magical attack towards Star Swirl just as Star Swirl fired in retaliation with his own magic. Sombra's powerful dark magic pushes against Star Swirl, and eventually Star Swirl cannot bare it and gets hit by Sombra attack. Star Swirl screams out in terror as he feels his whole body start to shake and wings begin to grow out of his back. With his age though he does not survive the transformation and his cutie mark begins to implode onto itself like a black hole. He then turns into a red ruby crystal and gets surrounded by silver, he gets turned into a necklace called the Alicorn necklace. Chrysalis screams in horror, "Oh my god you murdered him." "Well I didn't mean too hahaha. And look I did exactly what I wanted I made an Alicorn." Chrysalis looks over to next to the necklace and sees a filly Alicorn lying on the floor with the same theme as the necklace. Sombra levitates the necklace onto his neck and a purple, black bubbly magic surrounds the Alicorn necklace and Sombra begins to levitate off the ground. A purple, black bubbly magical orb surrounds Sombra and then gets absorbed back into Sombra as two large black wings come from out of his body. His horn looks as if he stabbed somepony; his eyes oozing purple smoke, and his coat become a dark gray as his Crystal coat disappears. "Sombra WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" Luna and Celestia come over to the now destroyed forbidden room of Alicorn magic. "I have done what I was destined to do, I have become an Alicorn." Luna looks around the room and notices Star Swirl's cloak on the ground with a baby Alicorn wrapped in it. She sees Chrysalis shivering in fear of Sombra. "What did you do to Star Swirl?" "Oh nothing just rid of him since he was in my way of becoming an Alicorn." He menacingly smiles at Luna, " And now it's time to get rid of my only other enemy." "Celestia take Chrysalis and the baby Alicorn out of here, I will deal with Sombra." "But Luna that's Umbra's horn you won't be enou-" "I don't care I will deal with him now go!" Celestia ran out with the baby and Chrysalis into the docking port. "Guards I need to you to take these two ponies to the Monarch kingdom where they will be safe." As she says that an explosion happens and Chrysalis looks over to the moon and sees Sombra and Luna fighting each other. "You need to leave now, Chrysalis protect this baby. There's somepony that I know, she lives in th-" A red blast of magic hits the docking port, the docking port begins to break off from the castle, "You need to leave now go off to the Monarch kingdom." "Goodbye Celestia!" tears begin to flow down Chrysalis's face as the guards fly them off towards her kingdom she sees Luna hit Sombra with a powerful magic attack blasting him towards the Everfree forest, almost hitting the carriage. Chrysalis noticed that the Alicorn necklace had fallen off of Sombra and into the bog, where the hydra could protect it. Without the Alicorn necklace Sombra knew he couldn't fight off Luna, so he retreated to the only place that he knew was safe. This place was his original home The Crystal Empire, where the meek crystal ponies lay without a ruler to protect them. Chrysalis knew exactly where she could keep the baby Alicorn, where nopony would ever find her. She has the guards drop her off in Maretonia where nopony from Equestria, except for the Alicorn sisters, knew about. She then returned to the Monarch Kingdom just as the sun shone over the horizon. She tried to sneak back into her old room, but knowing her father that was no easy task. She passed by her father's bedroom and noticed he wasn't there. She was puzzled by his absence from his bedroom where he would wallow in his sorrow over the death of his wife. "Hey you've come back to visit me, I thought you only cared for your mother." A voice from behind Chrysalis boomed. Chrysalis looks back to her father in a nightgown full of stains from food, drinks and even his own tears. She looks at his nappy mane, which has not been washed for at least a week, as he levitates a large container of Vanilla ice cream and a giant serving spoon. Chrysalis also notices many new wrinkles covering his forehead and chin, his teeth as yellow as a full moon and his white coat covered in who knows what. Chrysalis walks over to her father and gave him a big welcoming hug, "You know you look like shit dad." "Yes I know, but ever since your mother died, I just don't know how to cope other than to get really fat." Chrysalis just looked at her father and shook her head in displeasement. "I have tried to cope to, but all the things that surround my daily life kind of just distract me. I mean I guess a dark Alicorn possessing my lover and basically destroying my foundation of life in Canterlot; can distract me from my mother's death." "Well I'm just glad that you've finally came back, and that's sounds like a terrible way to cope." Chrysalis just rolls her eyes, "Anyway, let's get you cleaned up before the guard awaken." Chrysalis and her father trotted towards the royal bathhouses to clean up the mess of her father. While Volcarious washed whatever his coat was made of now, Chrysalis went into his bedroom to see the damage three years without a woman's touch has done. As she swung open the door, she was surprised not to really see that much of mess until... she turned the corner. She then saw a 10 hoof tall pile filed with dirty clothes, half eaten pizzas, some crumpled up scrolls, and Chrysalis went to walk over to the pile and touched the unknown white substance. Once she touched it she jumped back and cringed as she saw this liquid coming from a plushie thrown onto his bed. She levitated one of the scrolls over to her so she could read what it had said, Dear Chrysalis, I don't know if I can live anymore without your mother. And add that I haven't seen you since her death, why don't you visit me anymore. Yes I know you're busy learning the magical arts of Equestria or some shit at least that's what Luna told me. Anyway I'm writing this to just tell you that I'm going to... just end it all... I'm going to kill myself... Most likely when you come to visit me I will be dead already and there will be nothing you can do---- "Chrysalis what are you reading." Volcarious interrupted abruptly Chrysalis threw the scroll across the room then turned towards her father and rubbed her mane with her hoof, "I'm not reading anything I was just looking at your mess in this room." "Oh okay yea it's been like this for a while," Volcarious trotted over to his bed but as he passed Chrysalis he said, "So how did you like my suicide note, also yea I get lonely so I uh used that plushie, yeaaaaa it's weird but what else am I supposed to do." Chrysalis just cringed at the thought of his father with that plushie and to make matters worse the plushie was of this rainbow Pegasus, of which I have never seen. I mean I have one right next to me and it's sooooo cute, anyway back to the story. "Oh how did you know I was reading that lovely note about oh I don't know your death. How about we clean this room of your now." *Cue cleaning montage and music to go along with it. * Later on, when the sun was about to set Chrysalis and her father had finally cleaned up every little spot of dirt in his room and some other liquids too. Chrysalis went into his closet to see what kind of clothes he had to wear; she noticed that he only had color variations of his nightgown. She went through the closet to see if he had any other kinds of clothing, which to her dismay he didn't. "Here I'll just throw these away for you." She levitated the varied colorful nightgowns out of the closet and put them into the large garbage disposal just outside the window. She then noticed a large box labeled 'Do not open' in big red letters. "What's this, father?" He looked over to the closet and saw the large box and immediately jumps onto the box with fear in his eyes. "It's nothing, I swear, now give it to me." "Um... how about no." She levitates the large brown box with her magical grasp and runs out of his room into the main hall. She felt her father's magical grasp grab her by the legs and trip her. Flinging the box across the room and bursting it open to find that what was held inside had not been used in three years. She levitated the contents of the box with her magical grasp and inspected it, "Why was this hidden away from everypony? Mama gave this to you as a wedding gift, father." Tears started to swell up in Volcarious's eyes as he remembered the day that she gave it to him. He used his magical grasp to levitate the majestic crystal orchid necklace onto his neck. (Ooh I just love a functional accessory ~Rarity). Once it touched his clean white coat, he was immediately lifted off the ground and surrounded by a golden honey magic aura, which had consumed him. A bright golden light filled the main hall and Chrysalis's father landed back onto his hooves. Now in full kingly attire, golden anklets on all of his legs. Honey crystal shoes now adorned his hooves; a majestic honey crystal crown laid rest on his now fiery red mane. Golden honey stripes ran all over his body and a large gold and white cape lay atop his now slender body. His coat now shone with crystal like qualities, and two large honey crystal wings sprung from his back. He levitated with his magical grasp a massive crystal honey sword bathed in flames with a matching hilt to go along with it. (you know what else is massive and on fire *wink wink* *nudge nudge*). "Ooh I forgot the feeling I felt when I had this necklace on, I feel like my young self again." Chrysalis was speechless by the transformation her father had just gone through. Before she could speak though she was interrupted by one of the royal guards. "Your majesty you have to come quick, I think one of those Draconequi are attacking the kingdom." As he finished his sentence a chaos beam was fired directly where he was standing and was completely vaporized by the attack. Volcarious was stunned but eventually said, "Enh I didn't like that guy that much anyway." Chrysalis immediately hit him with her hoof and shook her head. "But he had a family, a wife and two fillies." Volcarious just shrugs and says with his head enh whatever. "Anyway so he said something about the Draconequi right? How about we go and fight that." He flies out of the hole in the castle walls and goes to fight the Draconequi. Chrysalis galloped to main door and flung it open to see a mare with her two fillies standing there. "Ooh princess Chrysalis have you seen my husband." Chrysalis just stared at them knowing that he was just vaporized like a minute ago... But luckily she was saved of an awkward situation by the chaos beam when it hit the rest of the guard's family. (awkward). She saw her father in the sky fighting off the magical chaos bringers, but to no avail as his lack of fighting experience soon rendered him useless. He still didn't go down without a fight using his massive honey flame sword to slice off the multiple appendages sewn about the Draconequi. Their chaos beams were mighty powerful (southern accent out of nowhere) but not enough for the newfound abilities Volcarious had from his Alicorn status. He flung his sword straight into the heart of one of the Draconequi instantly killing her. This infuriated one of the other Draconequi and he immediately kicked Volcarious in the face blasting him down to the ground next to Chrysalis's hooves. "Father you need to get back up." Chrysalis ran towards her father to help him up from the immense power that the Draconequi had. Volcarious sprang up as if his heart was as strong as multiple stallions. He then fired a powerful flamethrower from his horn towards the leader of the Draconequi and as the wife of the leader fell to the ground he grabbed the sword out of her chest. He flew up to the leader and sliced the heads of the other Draconequi that had gotten in the way. He swung his sword towards the leader of the Draconequi and clashed with his horn. His sword was shattered by the power being emitted from the Draconequus's horn. He was surprised by the power of the chaos bringer but didn't give up and used his horn to clash against the Draconequi leader's horn. They then both pushed off each other and Volcarious fired his most powerful flamethrower attack towards the Draconequus and the Draconequus fired his most powerful chaos beam towards Volcarious. As their beams crossed paths with each other's a large spirit bomb, (Dragon Ball Z), was created from the middle of the blast. They both fired their magical attacks towards each other trying to obliterate the other. With his old age though he couldn't hold out forever as his attack started to weaken and the spirit bomb grew closer to him. He opened his eyes in fear and gave up by ending his attack and throwing the crystal orchid necklace over to Chrysalis right as he was vaporized from the chaos beam. The Draconequus flew down to Chrysalis's hooves and laughed maniacally, "Oh you poor princess now that your father is dead how will you ever defeat me." Chrysalis emerged from the rubble that the Draconequus caused when he landed with full honey crystal coat, "With the power of my parent's love." She was surrounded by a purple crystal heart aura as she fired a powerful sea blue attack toward the Draconequus. The Draconequus was hit fully by the blast and started to be encased in an emerald crystal as his chaos power was being drained out of him. His life force and chaos power drained out of him and into Chrysalis as the power of her parent's love fueled her with immense power. After the chaos and life force was drained out of the Draconequus he crumbled into dust finally being destroyed by Chrysalis. She trotted over to her scared subjects as they shook in fear from witnessing that tremendous use of power. She went up to her subjects and raised their head with her hoof, while she stared into their eyes giving them reassurance that they were safe. Everypony in the kingdom eventually felt safe and went towards the castle where the new Queen of their kingdom lay. They then all bowed down simultaneously to congratulate Chrysalis with her victory over the wretched Draconequi. Once all of her subject's heads touched the ground, she immediately felt a sensation fill her whole body. She then suddenly was encased in one of her own emerald crystal cocoons. She awoken in a very peculiar room, which looked as if she was in space. She noticed that no other pony was here with her in this room, until she saw a hall filled with her lifetime events. She passed them noticing every deed she had committed, every hardship she faced, and every time somepony looked up to her. She then noticed that some other pony was with her in the mystical place. She saw a large white unicorn, no wait those are wings this pony was an Alicorn. As the Alicorn came into the light, Chrysalis grew in confusion on why she was here. Then the Alicorn began to speak, "Ahh Chrysalis it's so nice to see you." Chrysalis opened her eyes to reveal that Celestia was standing in front of her with a welcoming smile. "Oh it's you Celestia." She jumped into Celestia's arms with glee, "But wait why am I here and what is this place?" Celestia looked down towards the midnight blue mare, "You're destiny has brought you here, this place is where I watch what all of Equestria does during the day. But I usually pay attention to special some ponies, so I'm not spying on anyone really. Only powerful unicorns and pegasi that may grow out of control, of course I cannot keep my eye on everyone, I mean it's not like I'm a god or anything." "So what am I doing here exactly?" Chrysalis confusingly said to the white Alicorn. "Oh yes that I almost forgot. Uhm anyway you were always destined to become the Princess ever since your birth." Celestia smiles towards Chrysalis as she shows her basic life story. "And now that you have finally defeated the wretched Draconequi, you have fulfilled your destiny and you are ready for an ascension." "An ascension? What does that mean?" Chrysalis looked at the white Alicorn with confusion set once again on her face. "It means, well how about I just, well show you, or you experience it yourself." As if her words were magical Chrysalis began to levitate in the air and then was surrounded by a midnight blue, crystal heart Aura. She felt magic course through her blood and the given to her by destiny embracing her entire body. She felt two wings starting to grow out of her back as she was transported back into the emerald crystal cocoon. She then broke free of this makeshift prison and flew high into the sky. She flew back down to the ground and saw all of her subjects staring at her in awe and disbelief. She wondered why everypony in her kingdom just stared at her like if they had seen a ghost. She then looked to her right and then to her left and noticed that she had wings. She gasped not realizing what Celestia was talking about. She has ascended from an Unicorn into an Alicorn, making her now the Princess that would protect her kingdom and the power of Love. End of Part One . > Ruling the Monarch Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis’s Origins: Part Two Anyway to recap the last part so you aren’t lost or if you kind of zoned out during certain parts of the story. So basically long ago a Queen Alicorn met this Unicorn and they had a child, who they named Chrysalis. In fear of chaos bringers she sent her child over to a good friend of hers, who was Luna and her sister Celestia. During this time, Chrysalis met Sombra and they practiced dark magic. Her mother, named Poison Heart, died of a heart disease and sad moment takes the feels out of you or not. Also Sombra killed Star Swirl and created a filly Alicorn and the Alicorn amulet. Fights ensue and Chrysalis is sent back to her father where he looks terrible after being grimaced from the death of his wife. Cringe worthy jokes happens. A crystal orchid necklace is found in a box transforming the father into a badass just as a guard gets killed by magic. Dark comedy happens. Father dies, then Chrysalis fights the chaos bringer and beats him. She then gets teleported to magic room like Twilight does and becomes an Alicorn. End of Part One. Now we shall start Part Two, also you basically don’t have to read the first one now lol. (unless you want to see fourth wall jokes). With the death of the Draconequus and her father; she was now all alone with a whole kingdom to protect. She knew all sorts of spells to protect the kingdom learned from Equestria’s book of magic, but first she had to have her kingdom rebuilt from the destruction. She proclaimed to her subjects to start reconstruction immediately, so they could have their homes again. While they reconstructed the city back from disrepair, Chrysalis was curious about any secrets held within the castle her father left for her. She entered the the main hall, noticing that the ceiling was still not fixed, and that the main dining tables were thrown about. She trotted over to the thrones of her mother and father in the back of the room. She reminisced over the death of her parents, but didn’t let it take her over like her father before her. So she morphed the two together and sprouted two large emerald crystal like structures to protrude the back of the new throne. She let out a tear, knowing she was destroying the only thing to remember her parents by. She trotted over to the master bedrooms to see what could be found. She went into her mother’s “main” bedroom and had noticed that it was left as it was when she had died. She felt tears swell up in her eyes as she remembered about the times she spent with her mom. Yes they were short, but just enough to affect a young mare and her future. In remembrance of her mother she searched for pictures of her in her prime and when she was around with her. She placed candles around these pictures and set them onto a book stand, which once held the books her mother had loved. The tears had started to flow down her face as she threw her mother’s bed out the window, in anger that she couldn’t do anything for her mother but be there for her. She then used a magic spell which changed glass windows into stain glass windows. So she changed her mother’s bedroom window into a stain glass window piece representing her mother. She then created a stone version of her and placed it under the stain glass window. She surrounded the statue with all the things her mother liked when she was still alive. She then trotted outside of the room and sealed it with a spell only she could break. She trotted over to her father’s “main” bedroom and saw all the progress they had done just the night before. She could not resist the tears, which were flowing down her face as she changed his room into a memorial of him just like she did with her mother. She trotted out of his room and began her sealing spell, but in the corner of her eye she noticed something shiny coming from where her father’s bed used to be. Chrysalis trotted over to see a large steel door which could only be opened by someone in the family. She opened the hidden door open to see a large staircase leading somewhere down towards the basement. She decided to follow these stairs and down she went deep into the castle in search of something that would have to be sealed away like this. As she went further she noticed paintings across the walls, which she could not see without light. She then saw the torches along the wall and bursted them to life. She used her magical grasp to lift one of the torches over to her and looked at the painting, which was of her mother, father, and herself. She trotted further down to see that most of the paintings were just a family portrait. Except for a few which showed herself as the Alicorn she is now, but how could they know that before she was even a young mare. She trotted all the way down to the bottom of the stairwell and saw a room just filled with books. She read the titles noticing that they were all books about the dark arts and it’s power. Chrysalis thought to herself, Why did my parents have these books? What would they need them for? one of them had the title of How to predict the future. Is that how they knew, no this had to be somepony else’s doings. That door looked as if no one had opened it in years. She looked throughout the small room, but to no avail; she could not see any other way to get into here other than the way she came. In frustration she threw the books all over the place noticing that one book still accompanied the bookshelf. She saw that it had no title so she tried to levitate it over to her, but instead it moved the bookcase over to the side and revealed a long walkway. Of which she did not know where it lead only that she had to follow the torches already lit by frequent use. Curious of what she would find down the long tunnel, she began to trot on down. As the tunnel kept going on and on and on she began to gallop this was to no avail. She eventually heard laughing as she breathed harder and harder. As she galloped through the tunnel the laughter just grew louder, she knew no way to rid of this horrid laughter. Not knowing how or why it even started, she just continued to gallop, this was not fast enough to outrun the laughter though. As her hooves grew weak, she felt as if the tunnel was closing around her. She looked back to see that the tunnel was actually condensing, so she sprang up and started to flap her wings to xget out of there as soon as possible. As she flew down the tunnel; she took out the torches as the darkness slowly engulfed her. She felt as if now that the shadows around her were dragging her down into the depths of Tartarus. She eventually saw a light at the end of tunnel and pushed on through the darkness pulling down on her wings, the laughter bursting her eardrums, and trying to outrun the tunnel closing around her. Her whole body felt as if it was about to give up and implode on itself as her lungs try to take oxygen in. Chrysalis then finally gets to the end of the tunnel crashing into the wall and taking out all of the torches. When she gets up she uses her magic to light the darkness surrounding her, she then sees a large stone door. On the door is a blue crystal heart decal sealed by King Rubinus long ago to keep his daughter safe from the evils of Equestria. Chrysalis decides to try and open the door, to her surprise she successfully opens the door revealing an expansive room filled with darkness. She lights the torches inside to show off the walls lined with books and scrolls. Chrysalis trots over to a peculiar shape in the dim light, as she gets closer to the object she sees that it’s a large unbreakable crystal containing two ponies. A mare holding her young pegasus, who had a pink, purple, blonde mane snuggling close to her presumed mother. Chrysalis then notices a wooden table with a scroll tied with a bow and a tag that says To: Chrysalis. She walked over to the and levitated it towards her face it read, Dear Chrysalis, I’m guessing you’re all grown up now, and well it’s finally time to tell you the truth. Before I met your father I uhm well I had a colt with the now/then ruler of the Crystal Empire. King Rubinus had sealed him away inside of an unbreakable crystal in spite of me. I didn’t want to tell you about this until I had died knowing how angry you would be with me. During your time with Luna I learned that my son/your brother was going to be the apprentice of Star Swirl the bearded. If you have not guessed by now who this stallion is, then I will tell you. Your brother is Sombra, hopefully when you read this you on good terms with him. Love, Mother. “What Sombra is my brother… how could that be? I… I don’t understand…” Chrysalis confusingly said, as she saw out of the corner of her eye a stairwell leading up. Chrysalis walked over to the large corridor with a stairwell going up to a stone ceiling. She teleported up to the top and tried to open the large stone ceiling which she felt could be opened. But to no avail she could not open the stone ceiling not even with her magic. With no way to continue further she decided to go back the way she came, just when light shone through the stone ceiling. Chrysalis looked up to see Sombra, and not wanting to face him after the realization just discovered she ran out back towards the tunnel. Sombra heard her and immediately teleported to the bottom of the stairwell.He then galloped around the corner to see Chrysalis and grew a large Arant crystal in her path. She turned around to see Sombra staring with no life in his eyes towards her. “Where do you think you’re going?” Sombra hysterically said to her as laughter tried to escape his snout. Sombra fired a strong magical attack towards Chrysalis; she retaliated with the, an emerald aura to her, same power level firing back towards him. There beams crossed and blasted against each other until Chrysalis blasted it towards the tunnel wall. It then began to crumble down as it collapsed, she knew this as her opportunity to fly away. She heard a large explosion come from behind her as Sombra chased her down the long tunnel. Chrysalis then pivoted back around and sent a magical attack towards Sombra surprising him and crashing him down into the left tunnel wall. She then bursted herself away as she felt the tunnel starting to collapse around her from their battle. She saw the door in which the dark magic was held and flew through it and then made an emerald cocoon around it to try and stop Sombra from pursuing her. She then flew to the top of the stairwell back into her father’s room. She sealed the steel door with her magic and then levitated her father’s memorial out of the room into the hall as Sombra blasted at the steel door. She then saw his crazed eye peek out of the bottom of the steel door, so she flew into the hall and encased that part of the castle into her emerald cocoon spell. Chrysalis then blasted the cocoon back to the Crystal Empire just as it was starting to crack from Sombra’s magic. She flew to the outside of her castle to seal up the giant hole which was once her father’s bedroom. She saw a large emerald crystal explosion come from far in the distance and heard hysterical laughter also coming from the same direction. With the fear of the tunnel collapsing and Sombra chasing her she did not notice that she grabbed the dark magic books from the room at the bottom of the stairwell until she went back into the hallway. She remembered about her father’s memorial and set the stuff into her mother’s room. She then went into the main hall and sat at her throne with the books at her side. She went through them and looked through them seeing that they were all defense and offense books to use in times of mortal danger. With these new training tactics at her disposal she decided to have her subjects know how to protect themselves. She went out into time square and notified her guards to gather everypony, so she could tell them about her new discovery. “Now that everypony is here, I need to tell you all about these books I found deep in the caves of our kingdom. For many moons our kingdom has been one of pacifism, but now we must learn how to protect ourselves. Since I fear that we will be attacked by an impending force coming from the north. With these books I think we can finally learn the basics, and soon the advanced arts of fighting. Now I need one pony from each race, the fastest Pegasus, the most powerful Unicorn, and the strongest Earth Pony. Three ponies from their respective race rose up to the challenge and trotted out of the crowd. “So you are the fastest Pegasus, the most powerful Unicorn, and the strongest Earth Pony?” “Yes M'lady we are those.” They all said in unison. “I’m Blaze Burn, one of the fastest Pegasi in our kingdom.” The fiery burgundy red coated, flame blue maned, pegasus said. “And I Rosen Bear, the most powerful Unicorn in our kingdom.” The dark as the night coated, midnight blue with royal purple maned, unicorn said. “Finally I Airola, the strongest Earth Pony in our kingdom.” The sun-bright yellow coated, lime green maned, earth pony said. “I want you three to come inside we need to discuss our strategy.” The three ponies trotted over to the main hall following Chrysalis to her throne. “Okay I need to create a formidable army to protect this kingdom, knowing that I won’t be enough to defend this place. With these books I think we can create what I’m seeking. This book will help you and whoever you think is powerful enough to wield the destructive power of the dark arts.” Chrysalis tosses one book over to Rosen Bear. “The Arts of Defending Oneself with the Help of Demon Possession, questionable title for what looks like to be volume what one of a ten. I wonder what the other nine are about.” Chrysalis shuffles through the pile of books and find the next nine books in the series. “Ooh look here I actually found the next nine, hmm… The Arts of Resurrecting the Dead… Crushing One’s Spirit… Forcing Somepony to… Yea okay these are f*%ked up, but they just might be useful.” Chrysalis tosses the nine books over to Rosen Bear, “Ooh wait there is a disclaimer on the back of this one it reads, Disclaimer: may cause corruption of the heart, soul, and mind. With purchase of this series you are not allowed to sue us if any of your family or yourself: kills others, kills self, resurrects the dead, summons demon, becomes crazy, thinks that they’re humans, or destroys Earth. Hmm that seems very specific… Anyway I think we should be fine.” tosses book towards Rosen Bear, but the second it touches her face a mini explosion happens. Chrysalis cringes at the now burned mane of Rosen Bear. “I don’t think your mom was always a pacifist I mean look at the author.” Chrysalis looked at her with question, “I’m not lying here look for yourself.” Rosen Bear tosses them over to Chrysalis. “Oh my you.. I mean what are you talking about this isn’t my mom.” Chrysalis blacks out her mother’s name and writes a new one then tosses it back to Rosen Bear. “I think you looked at it wrong.” Rosen Bear looks down at the new author name. “Who is this Flaming Gay? Never heard of him.” “I don’t know who the hell he is I just made it up for all I know he might not even exist.” Chrysalis just shrugs at Rosen Bear clearly not knowing who she wrote on the book. “Uhm anyway I think these books will be helpful to you Blaze Burn.” Before she tosses them to Blaze Burn she checks the author’s name in case it was her mom’s again. Nope just somepony called B. T. Cynical, who are these ponies anyway. “Thank you Queen Chrysalis.” Chrysalis rolls her eyes at Blaze Burn, “This will be helpful to train the pegasi of our land how to fight with the use of the weather.” “Blaze you don’t have to be so formal you can be casual with you Queen, firstly just call me Chrysalis.” Blaze slightly blushes, but immediately stands back in attention. “Sorry Que.. I mean Chrysalis and I will try to calm down.” Again Chrysalis just rolls her eyes at him. “And finally Airola I want you to train all of the guard ponies, and the strongest mares and stallions of the kingdom to wield weapons and wear armour.” She tosses over the books of weapon wielding, “These should help you in your endeavor.” Airola looks at one of the titles of the books, “Sisterly Love clopfic by: Chrysalis, uhm… what’s a clopfic? and why did you write one?” Chrysalis immediately levitates the book out of Airola’s hooves and throws it behind her throne. “Oh… uh… nothing… it’s nothing I swear…” Chrysalis breaths in a large breath and then releases it, “Anyway I want you three to train these ponies as soon as possible, I fear that my brother will soon attack us.” “Ooh so that’s who it’s about.” Chrysalis just glares at Airola filling with hatred for her. “Uhm anyway before I was rudely interrupted by somepony *cough Airola cough*, I want you to use the lessons inside these books to keep our kingdom safe.” “What will we do if the dark magic consumes the unicorn using it.” Rosen Bear said with concern for her friends easily susceptible to evil ways. “We will deal with that when the problem arises. For now we must do what we must to protect ourselves from outside threats. Blaze Burn I need you to send a letter to Celestia so that we can have a sustainable source of income. Now go off and do your part for our kingdom.” “Yes, Queen Chrysalis.” they all said in unison then trotted out to do their duties. So now we’re going to follow the actions of Blaze Burn, Rosen Bear, and Airola as they tell the news to their respective races and exactly what is needed of them. Blaze Burn walked over with Rosen Bear and Airola to their crowds of ponies to explain what their plan of action is for an impending attack. “Pegasi we have received our news from Queen Chrysalis who has told us to learn about what’s inside of these books. So I need every pegasus with high endurance and stamina to meet me at my house. Suddenly the majority of the pegasi flew up above with Blaze Burn to his house sitting right next to the watch out tower on the castle. “Okay we will start the weather controlling class today. We will learn how to manipulate the weather so that it can be used against our enemies” With the tests that strifed out the weak pegasi that could not handle killing another pony. And the ones that could not keep up during the exercise a strong aerial army was beginning to be formed. They learned how to control the scariest of the weather like natural disaster such as: tornados, hurricanes, (darude) sandstorms, and lighting. these newfound powers gave the pegasi a sense of safety and nobility over the other pony races. Chrysalis saw that this sense of power was getting to their heads, so she had to put them in their place knocking down Blaze Burn into the Commander instead of the General. Blaze Burn had a sense of honor so he accepted his demotion even though he did not like the thought of it. Their sense of nobility soon died down when each race was treated equally, and when snootiness was coming from one race they got less food for that month. Their government worked as a slight monarchy and socialist party but without the negative repercussions. With the force of the aerial armed forces ponies knew not to mess with this new up and coming force, but with the past they had with the Monarch Kingdom they didn’t mess with them anyway. Trade prospered throughout their land as the pegasi delivered the flower crystals that surrounded the kingdom in trade for food, money, and clothing. With the Crystal Empire still under oppression from their King Sombra, the Monarch Kingdom was the only source of crystal jewelry which was valuable in Canterlot. As the power of the pegasi only grew, soon enough some became curious of what this impending danger Blaze Burn was talking about. They ventured out of their kingdom in search of “dangers” that they were being trained for. In their search they flew all across Equestria, which only included of: Canterlot, Monarch Kingdom, Cloudsdale, Yakistan, Griffonstone, and The Crystal Empire. They knew that Canterlot and Cloudsdale were harmless, since they were the two lands that they traded with. So these pegasi flew to Griffonstone in search of a danger that would be building inside of their walls. They were only greeted with Griffons of many kinds just inviting them in to spend their bits. They soon left with only replicas of the idol of Boreas and a loss of bits. They traveled to Canterlot to sell of their idols for some bits to continue their search. They then head towards Yakistan, where they met loud perfectionist Yaks who were proud of tradition and their homeland. With only one place left to visit on their map of Equestria being the Crystal Empire, they knew exactly where to go next. They headed towards the Crystal Empire in search of the danger spoken to them by their commander. They flew over to the Empire and saw that it was surrounded by large blizzards which would freeze their wings making them unable to fly. They wrapped themselves in the yak fur attire bought at Yakistan to keep them warm and ventured into the blizzard. They eventually saw a huge dark purple crystal welcoming gate leading towards the town made of crystal homes engulfed in a dark purple crystal hue. They saw crystal ponies with their manes flattened and their hooves chained to each other as they harvested giant black crystal like structures. One of the pegasi named Night Dancer, a midnight blue coated, black and blue maned, pegasus, went up to the crystal pony. She had asked him, “What is happening here.” The crystal looked away from the large black crystal and looked over to the three pegasi, his eyes suddenly widened. “You have to get out of here now or you will be doing exactly what I’m doing. You should if never came here.” The crystal pony shudders and then cowers in fear when he sees a bat pony fly above them. The bat pony looks down to see the new comers and immediately rushes towards the castle. “You better chase that pony or get the hell out of here.” Night Dancer and the other two ponies fly up into the sky and chase after the blue bat pony. The bat pony pulls out a dagger and pivots around stabbing one of the pegasi, “Lotus Snow nooo.” Night Dancer turned towards the bat pony and fires a lightning bolt towards the pony electrocuting him to death. Night Dancer looks over to Paisley Hazel signaling her for them to leave. But when she turns to her a bubbly black purple magic hits her blasting her towards the ground. “Oh what a shame that your “friends” are dead now. Hi, I’m Sombra the one who’s going to kill you now.” Night Dancer looked over to Sombra which pure fear in her eyes, as Sombra maniacally laughed at her. Night Dancer then swiftly managed to dodge some of Sombra’s attacks and retaliated with lightning, but Sombra knew how exactly to deal with this and made his beam larger and vaporized Night Dancer. Well, that is what happens to the pegasi when they get too curious. So let’s learn about the Earth ponies and how they react to Chrysalis’s demands. Airola Murkimus (yes that’s her full name) walked over with Rosen Bear and Blaze Burn to their crowds of ponies to explain what their plan of action is for an impending attack. “Earth ponies, Queen Chrysalis has appointed me in training all of us earth ponies to learn how to be skilled with weapon use. I want you guys to meet me at the armory everyday at 4pm to train and master your choice of weapon. Now follow me as we will train for our first day.” Airola and half of the earth ponies followed her towards the armory to begin their training. “Okay so today will just be the basics on how to wield, use, and practice with your weapon. As earth ponies we really only have the choice of using swords and spears with our limited use of our hooves. Now everypony choose their sword or spear of choice and will get started with our class.” Throughout the weeks of training the earth ponies went through they learned how to use the enemy's weight against themselves. Their understanding of many fighting styles put them leagues above the other ponies as they learned only things that complimented their race. The earth ponies learned how wield their weapons with ease without the use of magic of uplifting forces of wind. They soon mastered the arts of the sword and spear within a year. All stances and techniques were learned by the earth ponies as they became the hoof soldiers, the frontliners, the backbone of the army. With their higher understanding of weapons and armour most had a secondary hobby of being a metalsmith which created extra income for the earth ponies. The earth ponies who could not fight or were not cut out of being in the army were put to work as farmers creating food for their families and to sell. This was good pay and an easy way to keep everyone happy as food was distributed equally throughout their kingdom. Most earth ponies never really cared about educating themselves about this impending danger that Queen Chrysalis always talked about, since they were always taken care of. The few conspirators believed that Chrysalis was lying about this so called “danger” since no one messed with the Monarch Kingdom in the past and haven’t messed with them now. These conspirators wanted answers so they searched throughout the whole kingdom, reading every book available to them. This helped them with nothing, and not being able to access the books that the unicorns had acquired, since it needed magic to be opened, they didn’t have much to base the danger off. They took guard positions so that they could get an inside look on what is happening inside the castle. This of course only really lead to the complaints of the ponies around the kingdom and whatever gossip Chrysalis heard from Luna or Celestia. No substantial information was ever talked about in front of Chrysalis’s royal guards, so the conspirators were left with nothing. The only way to find out the truth would require them to explore the lands surrounding them, which was a troublesome task at first. Until they found replacements for them during their daily training, so they packed and left on an adventure in search of the so called “danger”. They brought food, warm clothing, and their weapons and armour also tons of bits to buy things on their travels. They traveled all across Equestria seeing every uncharted bit of it from ocean to ocean. They knew of really only three kingdoms, the one they lived in and the two they traded with. Knowing that it couldn’t be the ones they traded with, which meant that there was another that Chrysalis was talking about. They went to the northeast in search of another land that Chrysalis would be referring to, the only thing found was the kingdom called Griffonstone. Even with the persuasive vendors around Griffonstone, they managed to escape with no bits used and useful information about a kingdom, no an Empire just southwest from Griffonstone. With their new info they headed straight for this empire knowing that this had to be the place that Chrysalis was talking about. As they grew closer to the kingdom, blizzards started to form around them so they wrapped themselves within wool clothing keeping them warm. Until they saw a purplish black hue glow from a large crystal castle surrounded by homes of the same color. The earth ponies trotted over to these crystal homes and saw ponies the same hue as their kingdom. They were all earth ponies with chains around their necks and hooves. Lightning Walnut walked over to the crystal pony and said, “What has happened here? Why are you chained up to each other?” The crystal pony looked over to Lightning Walnut and said with pure fear in her eyes, “We are slaves, and soon he will make you his slave or death will come to you.” “What do you even mean b--” Suddenly lightning bolts hit the ground destroying a large black crystal. Lightning Walnut looks up to see Night dancer firing lightning bolts towards an Alicorn with a magical aura of a bubbly purple black. He then hears a ear shattering scream as Night Dancer is vaporized into nothingness. We see the Alicorn turn towards us, he then stares into Lightning Walnut’s soul with his glaring eyes. The Alicorn lands in front of the three earth ponies just as they are in full armour with swords and shields wielded. The Alicorn maniacally laughs, “Do you really believe that a flimsy piece of metal is going to stop me? Ooh aren’t you too cute.” He then fires a magical attack towards the pony on Lightning Walnut’s left side, but that pony deflects the attack with their magic resistance shields.Anger begins to fill in the Alicorn as purple smoke begins to flow out of his eyes. The Alicron then creates a large black crystal within the shield breaking it within itself, it then shatters to a thousand pieces all over the ground. The pony to Lightning Walnut’s right and Lightning Walnut shift out of their stance and charge the Alicorn just as he vaporizes the other pony. Lightning Walnut’s sword clashes with the Alicorn’s horn while the other pony’s spears hits the Alicorn’s armor and immediately shatters. The Alicorn then force pushes them away and then bum rushes the other pony stabbing her with his horn and then blasting her face with his magic. He then turns to Lightning Walnut with a crazed look in his eyes as his face twitches a large crooked smile grows upon his face. Fear fills within Lightning Walnut as the Alicron rushes toward him having his shield block the full magical attack nearly shattering it. The Alicron then madly slashes at his shield, which then shatters into a thousand pieces and cuts off Lightning Walnut’s arm piece off. He then defects the Alicorn’s horn with his sword as each of them clash with each other. Lightning Walnut gets pushed back by the Alicorn’s horn. “Now before I kill you, I want you to know the name of your killer. I’m Sombra are you ready to die.” Sombra then begins to charge a large magical attack and then rushes for Lightning Walnut. Lightning Walnut readys himself with his death, Sombra’s horn clashes with Lightning Walnut’s sword and it starts to weaken from the constant magic coming from Sombra’s horn. He feels the sword weaken and decided to trip up Sombra knocking him down to the ground. With this the attack gets blasted towards a crystal house destroying it. He then forces the sword into Sombra, but nearly misses and hits is diamond hard armor which shatters the sword into a thousand pieces, “Hahah now you’re dead.” Sombra quickly pivots back onto his hooves and bucks Lightning Walnut into a crystal house. He then flies over to Lightning Walnut and punches him square in the face, then pins him down with his back hooves while he wraps his front hooves around Lightning Walnut’s neck. Sombra then pushes his back hooves from his body and tears off Lightning Walnut’s head from his body as his spinal cord is snapped up from his throat down. Blood drips down from his severed head, Sombra then creates a Arant crystal pike and sticks his head onto it. He throws the body into the starving crystal ponies arms as they start to eat his decomposing body. He then places his piked head right where the crystal heart used to be, which is now hidden deep inside the castle. The crystal ponies that had eaten Lightning Walnut cheered towards his severed head as they were just fed by Sombra finally. Uhm… anyway hopefully the story of the unicorns finding Sombra won’t be so gruesome. Well the pegasi were vaporized, while the earth ponies were brutally murdered then what is next. Rosen Bear walked over with Airola and Blaze Burn to their crowds of ponies to explain what their plan of action is for an impending attack. “My fellow unicorns I have been told from Queen Chrysalis that we must learn new spells to defend ourselves from an impending danger building on our horizons. She has appointed us unicorns to master the arts of magic and dark magic to use against our enemies. Now the unicorns who think they're ready follow me to my home where we shall meet from now on.” All of the unicorns followed Rosen Bear to her cottage near the crystal flower gardens. “We will start with the basics today, so who doesn’t know how to levitate objects/ponies?” About half of the unicorns raise their hoof, “Well today’s going to be a long day.” The unicorns practiced their magic nearly every day and night trying to better themselves, to become a powerful unicorn able to protect their Queen. Some unicorns were not able to learn how to levitate ponies so they were sent to be with the earth ponies that tended the lands and generated food for everypony. After the unicorns mastered levitating objects/ponies they moved onto minor teleportation, being able to teleport when an attack is coming your way. As there training continued, more and more unicorns dropped out or were kicked out since they were not able to complete the task needed of them. After teleportation was mastered they went to the next step conjuring an attack to injure leading to killing your enemy. At this point, only 30% of the unicorns they originally started with were still learning these new ways to defend and the retaliate with your own damaging spell. When the use of dark magic was applied to enhance their magical prowess, problems soon arose and help of the Queen was necessary. Queen Chrysalis then set a spell onto the books so that only unicorns could open these dark magic books so that the pegasi and the earth ponies could not see the secrets held within. Even with tight restriction though the unicorns who dropped out still managed to create copies of the dark arts books. This led to unicorns coats slowly changing into a darker shade of their original coat. Each time dark magic was used their body, mind, and soul grew darker. Especially the mind as the dark magic corrupted the user’s mindset twisted them into darker beings who cared none for other’s lives. The spells deep inside the dark arts books showed ways to drain somepony’s life force, but only if they had a deep love for the user. The unicorns who were actually being trained to use these spells only used the moderate level form of the spell which had to be conjured up through the horn. Most citizen unicorns used the basic form of the spell which was conjured up through the horn but it only provided life force. As for the dropouts who seeked revenge for being kicked out started with the moderate form, eventually mastering this form and moving to the advanced. They would show that they were capable of protecting their Queen, even if that meant sacrificing somepony else. The advanced form of the spell didn’t need to be conjured up it just naturally drained the magical and life force of another pony. It still did have limitations like that the other pony must have some kind of connection with the user. These users slowly went mad and grew corrupt from the constant use of this spell, which killed the ponies that loved them without them even knowing. Mysteriously ponies started to end up missing or dead in an ally, when investigations were taken they found out that there was no plausible way for them to be dead. They questioned ponies close to the dead ponies and soon learned of the crazed corrupted unicorns draining all of the power out of ponies who felt anything towards them. Chrysalis needed a solution to deal with these murders of her ponies, so she decided to keep the corrupt unicorn inside of her emerald cocoons to drain the magical force held within them. This cleared them of the mental insaneness, but started to corrupt Chrysalis since she was the pony that all this power went to. But even with this imprisonment, Chrysalis still could not keep the murders in check. When the task of draining the magical force of somepony that was crazed became to straining they were exiled out of the Monarch kingdom to live on their own. Of course some of these unicorns still remained hidden as their dark magic knowledge only grew with time. When the majority of their training was completed, the unicorns were now challenged with free time to ponder and be curious about the lands around them. They wanted to know of what dangers were told to them, since no other kingdom wanted to destroy or rule their little kingdom. They searched throughout their magical books in search of questions left unanswered, but to no avail they were left empty hoofed. They studied every book in the library, this still being useless since only Chrysalis knew about this impending danger on our horizons. They then elected themselves to be personal guards of Chrysalis, but this was still not helpful. Because the guards were never around when important knowledge was spoken between Chrysalis and the other Alicorn princesses. They even asked the other races of ponies inside their kingdom, but this was useless since they knew just as much as the unicorns. With no knowledge around the kingdom, they eventually ventured off their land to the other lands surrounding them. Even though they traded goods with Canterlot, they still questioned if they would be a threat. They learned that this land was of no threat after a week of investigation, so they tried Griffonstone which was just a bunch of Griffons wanting bits. These three unicorns learned about a kingdom northwest of Griffonstone so they ventured off in that direction. As they got closer to this kingdom the griffons told them about blizzards started to engulf them. To keep themselves warm they decided to just quickly teleport to get closer to the kingdom. When they got to the kingdom they saw that these earth ponies were cowering in fear as some of their homes collapsed. One of the unicorns named Moonlight Almond walked over to the fearful pony and had asked, “What’s happening here, why are you so afraid.” The crystal pony stood their speechless and just pointed upwards to a dark Alicorn vaporizing a pegasus pony. She then saw the Alicorn fly down a block to the right of her. She then sees the Alicorn force an earth pony with the her guard’s armor on and notices that it’s Lightning Walnut. She gasps at the horror of him being torn into two pieces and then being fed to the starving crystal ponies. She and the other two unicorns gallop near the center of the town being blocked by crystal ponies. Moonlight Almond then fires a powerful magical attack towards the Alicorn hitting him in the side blasting him down to the ground. The Alicorn gets back up with pure hatred and rage flowing from his eyes throughout his body. He licks his lips and then fires a magical attack towards them, they teleport out of the way and dodge his attack. They then fire three magical attacks towards him creating a smoke around him as he is hit by the attacks. He then flies out of the smoke towards the pony on Moonlight Almond’s right. This pony fires at the Alicorn while the Alicorn fires back at him too. Moonlight and the other unicorn destroy a home and blast it into the Alicorn as the unicorn was about to be hit by his attack. They stand next to injured unicorn and glare at the Alicorn crushing the house into a thousand pieces. The Alicorn then fires a powerful magical attack towards the three unicorns as they retaliate with their most powerful attacks and crossing the streams against his. The Alicorn is far most powerful though and his beam starts to overpower the unicorns, but just as they're about to be hit Moonlight teleports away which dooms her friends. The Alicorn flies over to where Moonlight teleported to, “You ponies are all the same thinking you can take me, Sombra down with your puny magic.” Sombra then crazily laughs at moonlight as he fires an attack towards Moonlight. Moonlight swiftly teleports away and dodges the attack. “Is that the best you got” Moonlight taunts she then feels a hoof wrap around her neck. “Oh you wish that was just it.” Sombra flies high into the sky with Moonlight wrapped in his hooves, then once he is higher than the castle drops her. Before she could hit the ground Sombra flies down and spears her in the stomach as she lets out a scream. Sombra then flings her body off her into a crystal home, temporarily immobilizing her. He then flies into her stomach pushing out her internal guts, just as she fires a magical attack straight into his face. “Oh you think you can defeat me now, we have just begun.” He pushes his hoof against her throat, “Now it’s time for the real pain. Don’t worry this will hurt A LOT.” He materializes a rusty hacksaw and starts to cut off her bottom hoof, she screams from the writhing agony she feels pulsing from her leg. Sombra then hacksaws her other back hoof and then flings her into a crowd of crystal ponies who start to eat at her open wounds. Sombra then blasts the crystal ponies away from Moonlight and chains her down to the ground. He sees her tears flow down her face, he then bends down and licks them off of her face. He then fetches for an ax and begins to slowly chop off her front hooves. She tries to scream, but the pain is unbearable and she can not let out a word. Sombra then levitates a hammer and starts to smash her horn, he sees the blood coming from where her hooves used to be. Her horn is then smashed into a thousand pieces as she lets out one last ear shattering scream. Sombra then bends over close to her ears, “Now I have shown you exactly what I could do, so let’s finish this.” Sombra flies high into the sky and then lands on Moonlight’s head crushing it under his hooves splattering her brains across the floor which is already covered in blood, guts, and hooves. Well, that was horrible anyway hopefully I don’t get flagged for that. Well now we're going to cut back to the Monarch kingdom when Blaze Burn, Airola, and Rosen Bear learn about the gruesome deaths their friends just went through. Spies that still resigned in the Crystal Empire had seen the carnage that took place when the three races of ponies fought Sombra. These three ponies saw the emblem that crested the bags, that the foreigners had carried with them resembled the crest of the Monarch Kingdom. With this they decided to return to their kingdom, in fear that Sombra would find them and have them executed. They left when Sombra was distracted with torturing some poor pony of whom they could not see. With this they ventured away from the Crystal Empire and traveled back to the Monarch Kingdom; where they knew it to be safe. When they returned, they noticed how changed the kingdom looked since it actually look suitable to live in. It seemed that the kingdom thrived since their departure, but they did not know of the new ruler. The three spies trotted over to castle’s front steps, but were immediately stopped by two royal guards. “Where do you three think you’re going?” The guards glared down at the three ponies. “We’re here to speak with King Volcarious and tell him the news brought to you from the Crystal Empire.” “He is no longer in reign, only his daughter Queen Chrysalis.” The guards stood unmoving. “Well then, we would like to see Queen Chrysalis.” the pony that looked as if the leader of the spies. “State your name and we will retrieve the Queen to see if she knows you.” The guards said in a stern voice. “I’m Misty Muffin one of the royal spies appointed by King Volcarious sent to check on the Crystal Empire.” She shyly said. The pegasus guard whispered to the unicorn guard and then motioned his head towards the castle. The unicorn guard then trotted over inside the castle and returned with the Queen as she levitated a large scroll. “Ahh Misty Muffin it says here that you and your team was let go last year.” Chrysalis said while furrowing her brow. “Uhm yes, but we noticed that something monumental happened over in the Crystal Empire. Since we saw nine ponies of the three races bein-” “Queen Chrysalis, Queen Chrysalis.” Blaze Burn, Airola, and Rosen Bear all said in unison as they galloped over to the steps of the castle. “One moment.” Chrysalis walks over to the clearly frightened ponies. “What is it, what has happened.” “Three pegasi have been missing in my advanced flight class for three weeks.” “Three unicorns have been missing in my dark arts class for three weeks.” “Three earth ponies have been missing in my weapons class for three weeks.” Each of the leaders of the pony races said. “How peculiar, that three of each race has gone missing.” Chrysalis began to ponder what could've happened to them. “Queen Chrysalis that’s exactly what we were about to say. Nine ponies from your kingdom were seen in the Crystal Empire, fighting Sombra. They all died in the process of trying to defeat him, but he quickly disposed of them.” Misty Muffin finally said before being interrupted. “Why would they ever think that they could even take down Sombra? He is going to find their bags, which has the crest of the kingdom. Sombra is going to know that we basically started a war with him.” Chrysalis galloped into the castle as she left the three leaders on the steps. “Was that the impending danger she was talking about when we started this whole operation.” Rosen bear says trying to lighten the mood. She then sees Chrysalis gallop out of the castle nearly crashing into her as she levitated a book titled How to create a shield around your kingdom: For Dummies. “Sorry Rosen Bear, but I need you gather every unicorn in the center of town.” Chrysalis then pushed through Rosen Bear into the center of town. Rosen Bear then teleported to every unicorn’s home and demanded them to gather in town square, Queen Chrysalis’s orders. Once they all gathered around the center of town Chrysalis had proclaimed, “I need you to spread this around so that everypony knows the spell they have to use.” the royal guard passes the spell book around the large crowd of unicorns preparing them to use it. “Okay now that everypony knows the spell I want you all to fire it at my horn when I say so.” Chrysalis let a deep breath in and then out and said, “Okay I’m ready use the shield creating spell.” All of the unicorns then fired all of their magic towards Chrysalis as collided with her horn she felt a great magic fill inside of her. She then started to levitate off the ground and her eyes turn to complete whiteness as she fired an Emerald aura magic towards the sky creating a self sustaining shield. The spell created a large Emerald crystal cocoon around the entire kingdom, protecting them from magical and physical attacks. When it was completed Chrysalis then landed back onto the ground and the magic of the unicorns was sent back to their respective owners. “We should have improved resistance to any attack made by enemies of the Monarch Kingdom. I will now leave for a cordial visit with Princess Celestia and Luna, I will leave these three ponies in charge, you all know them as your military leaders and they will assume control while I’m gone.” Chrysalis then trotted over to her castle and ordered a guard to ready a carriage for her departure. She made sure that her subjects went back to their normal duties and entered the carriage. She then had two pegasi fly her over to Canterlot, when she reached the shield she opened a hole with her magic allowing them to leave. They flew over to Canterlot, but first noticed a little town just below Canterlot where a Draconequus was causing havoc. She did not have time thought to try and stop this Draconequus knowing that Sombra could be a bigger a threat then the chaos bringer. She landed at the footsteps of the castle and entered noticing that the guards were boarding carriages leaving Canterlot like if they were going to war. Chrysalis ran into the main hall of the castle and screamed to the top of her lungs, “Celestia! Luna! Are you here?” She looked up to the throne noticing that they were not sitting there, she ran upstairs towards where their rooms were and saw that they weren’t there. She looked throughout the castle with no signs of either of them until suddenly the whole castle flipped upside down and started to warp. She saw a royal guard burst from one of the walls and hitting the ceiling knocking out the pony. She looked at the hole in the wall to see Celestia and Luna fighting the Draconequus, but their Alicorn status was stolen them by the Draconequus. How could that be? What kind of power did this Draconequus have to just steal their power. Chrysalis thought to herself, she then saw a bright flash of the colors of the rainbow come from Celestia and Luna as it hit the Draconequus. Suddenly everything went back to normal as the castle flipped back to standing upright, and Chrysalis then plummeted towards the ground. She immediately flew up to where the hole that the guard had crashed from to see Celestia and Luna looking over at the Draconequus. She noticed that they were crying and regretting defeating this specific Draconequus. Chrysalis was confused by their affection for the Draconequus, a being that had murdered many ponies of the past. Chrysalis then remembered of a being of who could do the same, so she galloped over to Celestia and Luna. “Celestia! Luna! I have important news to tell you.” They both looked back at her, wiping their tears off and getting out of a sitting position. “What is it Chrysalis?” Luna said as she walked over to the Alicorn mare she once raised. “It’s about the Crystal Empire, Sombra is creating an army.” Chrysalis said with urgency trembling in her voice. “How do you know this?” Celestia’s booming voice asked. “Well, before my father was murdered he had let go of spies that were sent to the Crystal Empire, and they saw Sombra murdering ponies from my kingdom and bat ponies or something.” Chrysalis tried to remember what exactly they said to her. “We will deal with that as soon as possible, but for now why don’t you go find that Alicorn what is mare now.” Celestia advised while they would prepare themselves to defeat Sombra and his “army”. “Oh yes, her I will do that immediately then goodbye for now Celestia and Luna.” Chrysalis trotted over to the carriage she had arrived in and ordered them to fly to Maretonia. Chrysalis still wondered why that particular Draconequus had gave them such feelings of sadness. On their way to Maretonia, Chrysalis had noticed something emanating from the Crystal Empire. She then ordered her guards to check out what exactly that was. As she grew closer to the Crystal Empire, she had noticed that the blizzards had almost disappeared. She then saw a black purple bubbly aura surrounding the entire kingdom as magic gathered at the summit of the castle. She realized that this was not a normal light as suddenly Sombra flew to the top of the castle and then hovered there for a second. “Chrysalis, it’s finally time that you learned your lesson about sending spies and attack ponies to try and defeat me.” Sombra then levitates five ponies in the air and the crush them making their bones protrude out of their bodies. He then tosses the ponies down into a crystal house demolishing it in the process. “I’m going to teach you the lesson now.” As the words exited his mouth the castle fired its charged magic into Sombra filling him with the magic of the crystal ponies. He then fires the giant magical attack towards Chrysalis, but she creates a large Emerald wall in front of the attack momentarily deflecting it away from her. She releases the two guards as they fly towards the ground, she then flies at top speed towards her kingdom reaching it just as her Emerald wall shatters. She lands into time square and stares at the gigantic magical attack coming straight for herself and her kingdom. All of the ponies of the kingdom join her in the center of town while the attack grows closer and closer to the kingdom. The attack finally hits the shield, which was barely created three days ago, the earth shakes as the attack goes throughout the whole shield. At first, the shield is not phased until a crack shows itself and then shatters it into a thousand pieces. “Rosen Bear, Blaze Burn, and Airola I need you to gather your forces we have company to take care of.” Chrysalis notices far in the distance that Sombra, is charging straight for her kingdom with an army of bat ponies, cannibalistic crystal ponies, and Arant crystal ponies just as the sun begins to rise. End of Part two. > Sombra's Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis’s Origins: Part Three Recap of part two, yes I’m doing this again and if you’ve got a problem just put it down in the comments. Anyway after Chrysalis becomes an Alicorn she decides to explore the castle now appointed to her by her father’s death. She creates a memorial for her mother and father. But while she was in her father’s room she finds a hidden steel door leading to a long winding stairwell. at the bottom of the stairwell Chrysalis is confronted with tons of dark magic book, she gets flustered and knocks down all the books. With this one book stands and she tries to move it, but instead reveals a long cavernous tunnel. She ventures down the tunnel to be soon consumed by laughter, darkness, and the collapsing of the tunnel. She then finds a filly pegasus and mother alicorn contained safely inside in an unbreakable crystal. Chrysalis then finds a scroll that her mother wrote to her telling her that Sombra is her brother. She then sees a door on the other side of the end of the tunnel and decides to walk into this door to find another large stairwell corridor. But to her dismay it was blocked by something so she decided to leave, as she was leaving though the stone ceiling moved away to reveal Sombra. Sombra then chases her sister down the tunnel. Once they get into the room with dark magic, Chrysalis creates a wall to try and stop him also she grabs all the books and flies them with her. She gets to her father’s room and throw out the entire memorial into the hallway then encases that entire room into a spell sealed stone prison and throws it towards the Crystal Empire. After this she wants to create an army with her ponies so they can defend themselves. The pegasi learn how to control the weather with the utmost perfection and some get curious and go to the Crystal Empire. A fight happens and they all die. The same happens to the Earth ponies and the Unicorns, well the last unicorn gets tortured. Anyway once Chrysalis learns about this she creates a shield around her kingdom. Then goes to Canterlot which takes a day to visit Celestia and Luna and tell them the news about Sombra. When she gets there she sees them fighting a Draconequus who then gets turned to stone. And they cry, reasons unknown, she asks for help but they say their busy so they can’t do it. She stays until the next day, and then leaves towards Maretonia. When she is halfway between her kingdom and the Crystal Empire she sees something peculiar happening at the castle so she investigates. Then a large powerful attack imitating from the castle towards her kingdom. She flies really fast towards her kingdom and waits for the blast to hit the shield. At first nothing happens, keywords: at first, then the entire shield shatters to a thousand pieces. They set up their army to get ready to fight Sombra’s army just as the sun is rising. Anyway that’s the recap of part two hey it looks like you don’t have to read it now, but the details it what’s important lol. As Sombra’s army grew closer to the Monarch Kingdom, Chrysalis knew that she needed a battle plan to keep the citizens safe from the battle about to ensue. “Commander Blaze Burn, I need you to take a squadron and search for the force field generator somewhere in the castle. Our main goal is to protect the city.” “Yes Queen Chrysalis, I will get that done right away.” “Blaze wait I also want you to take one thousand members of each race to go and guard the kingdom. You will be a final defense if we fail at defending Sombra off.” “Uhm yes Queen Chrysalis, hopefully it won’t have to come to that.” Blaze Burn then flew off to gather the forces together. “Yes, hopefully it doesn’t have to come to that. Commander Airola and Commander Rosen Bear, I want you to lead the three races. Will have the earth ponies as our frontlines trying to keep the unicorns as safe as possible. We will have the earth ponies surround the unicorns who will fire powerful magic towards our enemy aiding us with long range. With the pegasi overhead protecting them from any aerial attackers. I will fighting off Sombra by myself I do not want help from you guys, plus I need you to lead an army of 46,980 troops.” Chrysalis demands of them making it clearly that she will not take no for an answer. “But Chrysalis, he will be to power- “I don’t care I have to face him myself and plus you’ll only get in the way.” “Bu- Yes Queen Chrysalis we will do our best to accomplish your wishes.” Airola interrupts Rosen Bear of finishing her sentence. “Now I don’t want Sombra to find out about our protection of the unicorns, so I want you guys to march in no particular order. Now, we will march towards them to keep the fight as far as from the kingdom.” They all begin to follow Chrysalis as she marches towards Sombra’s army. She calls over the commanders again, “Another main goal of this is to try and not kill the cannibalistic crystal ponies they have been starved and don’t deserve our persecution.” “But it would actually help them if we killed them, they would finally be relieved from any torture or pain they witnessed throughout their lifetime.” Rosen Bear suggested. “You are correct, especially since it can take weeks maybe months to get to the stage at which they are in. Also in desperate times where they needed food they may have committed horrific acts they wish to forget.” As they march towards the Crystal Empire, Chrysalis notices as Celestia raises the sun and Luna lowers the moon that Sombra’s army grows closer. Which will lead to the inevitable battle that awaits them both, a fight between brother and sister. Chrysalis’s and Sombra’s army come to face each other, she then flies up to the dark grey Alicorn’s level to be able to stare into his soul. “So Brother, I think this is the first time, we have seen each other without fighting. Oh wait it seems that you brought an army with you nevermind.” “And likewise with you Sister bringing, ha what you call that an army, I call that somepony I eat for breakfast.” Sombra grins while Chrysalis glares at him. “It seems to me that there is no clear definite leader to your pegasi there.” Sombra motions for a squadron of bat ponies to come by his side. “I’m the leader, do you doubt my strategical plans.” She retorts in reply. “But how will you lead when you’re distracted with fighting against me.” Sombra then sends the squadron towards the sky and sprouts three enormous Arant crystals surrounding both their armies. He then rushes Chrysalis with his horn clashing with his as the fight begins. “Take positions” Chrysalis yells towards the ponies below her. She then notices that purple bubbly electricity begins to flow throughout the Arant crystal to another until they all flow between each other. Then the three streams of electricity fire into the middle of the sky above the fight, they all meet and start to form into a enormous purple bubbly electricity power ball. As the electricity ball charges Sombra pushes Chrysalis off of him and fires an attack towards Chrysalis. She temporarily surrounds herself in one of her crystal emerald cocoon absorbing the attack into her. In retaliation, Chrysalis fires an attack towards Sombra who blocks it with his arm plating. Chrysalis, begins to feel a strong sense of magic coming from somewhere above her, so she decides to look up seeing that the purple bubbly electricity power baw is at full strength and size. A pulse from all three Arant crystals are sent pulsing through them all the way to the power ball, once they reached the power ball it was sent flying downwards towards the real meat of the battle. All of the ponies down below look up towards the sky as the power ball grows closer to the ground, once it hits the ground a mini earthquake happens as purple electricity begins to flow through the Arant Crystal ponies. “I need you to take a squadron towards each of those crystal structures before they destroy us all.” Airola commands three of the twenty captains to do immediately. The first squadron runs through a group of cannibalistic crystal ponies, they start to get surrounded by theses ponies as some begin to naw at their hooves. Some of the outlying members begin to pulled into the crowd of crystal ponies. As they surround the pony they just dragged into their group one of the crystal ponies holds them down while the others grab his hooves. They then start to rip off his hooves while he writhes in agony, with crimson blood spewing out from where his hooves used to be. But they do not allow the pony to die, they continue to eat at him, while his bloodcurdling scream pierce the ears of some sympathetic ponies a part of his team. They turn back knowing that they can’t just leave him there to die. But that was their mistake as they are then dragged off by more crystal ponies, she tries to pull of her sword but one of the ponies bites her ear off and then another kicks her stomach in so hard that her skin begins to tear. The crystal ponies see this as an opportunity and start to strangle her as they open a hole leading to her digestive tract and begin scarfing down her intestines. She tries to scream, but the pain is so unbearable that she can’t let out one breath and then one pony crunches down on her jaw cracking it in two. Another pony then rips her head from her spinal cord strewing her internal neck contents on the floor to be licked by scavengers. With the horrors that these ponies can carry out without caring; they pull out their swords and begin slicing through whatever is in front of them. On accident one of the ponies in the middle of the squadron slices a member in front of him as blood splashes all over his face. They finally reach the first Arant crystal structure, after leaving a trail of crimson blood, internal organs, and thrown about appendages. They walk inside of the structure to see a large winding staircase leading to the firing mechanism, with time to finally breath a couple of the ponies barf over in the corner. They begin to climb the stairwell as they see a pulse of purple bubbly electricity pulse through the structure all the way to the top and then fire outwards. They feel a large earthquake as the entire structure begins to shake nearly knocking them over the stairwell. Once they reach the top they remove the explosives inside their saddle bags and attach them to the firing mechanism. They then run down to the bottom of the arant crystal structure and detonate it destroying the firing mechanism, but not the structure. They then notice the pulse of purple bubbly electricity go through the tower, they know that can’t be could so they gallop out of the tower. And when it was to fire the electricity a massive explosion obliterates the top of the tower and then flows throughout the entire tower knocking it down towards the crystal and earth ponies. The Earth ponies gallop away like if they graduated from the prometheus school of galloping away from things. *sin counter ding*. About three of the seven earth ponies left rolls out of the way while the crystal ponies and the rest of the earth ponies get crushed by the arant crystal tower. They then see the purple bubbly power ball fault and fall over then imploding onto it self weakening the arant crystal ponies. They then remember that they’re just standing around while a bunch of starved crystal ponies surrounds them. They each pull out their swords and wait for the starved ponies to rush them slicing their heads off as they galloped closer. Unfortunately they do not hold out and are overwhelmed by like 10 vs. 3, but before the last sight of a crystal pony's mouth the stallion see another arant crystal tower fall down. With the destruction of the second arant crystal tower, which weakens the arant crystal ponies, the purple bubbly electricity power ball then implodes onto itself, but then explodes vaporizing three pegasi squadrons and five bat pony squadrons. Sombra sees the the destruction of the towers and decides to change one of the towers into a firing laser, which continuously fires at will. Before he can carry out the spell Chrysalis hits him blasting him into a bat pony who then gets blasted towards the ground. Once the bat pony hits the ground his internals become externals all over the ground. “You have to pay attention Brother, there is no downtime.” Chrysalis taunts Sombra for his mistake of turning his back to her. “Oh don’t get too cocky I still have one last tower, which helps my aran-” He is interrupted when he hears and feels the purple bubbly electricity power ball imploding onto itself and then been contretrated as beam directly hitting Sombra. Sombra is then blasted to the ground landing on a earth pony and a crystal pony instantly crushing them to death. “Hmm it seems like you’re one to talk, you have far too much trust in your power enhancing crystals which can be destroyed fairly easy.” Chrysalis smirks down to Sombra making him jump up and fly up to her filled with rage. Meanwhile in the Monarch Kingdom… “Uhm Blaze, we have searched almost every square hoof of this castle and we still can’t find the shield generator.” Berry Burst, a magenta ombre coated, pink violet maned pegasus said. “Well we have to keep searching, since in the unlikely event that the attack is brought here we need to have that shield up. As part of the military are main goal is to keep the citizens safe, we can not let them get injured or worse killed. So keep searching!” Blaze boomed. “Yes sir!” Berry Punch then flew over to the throne to see if there was a secret switch of some sort. Blaze trots over to the window in search of incoming enemies, allies, or both. He sees a squadron of some pegasi coming over the horizon and figures that it’s backup which they did not need. But as these “pegasi” grew closer he noticed that they were no ally, they were foe. “Berry Burst, I need you gather the troops to the main throne room, we need to get things ready we're having company over.” “What’s that supposed to mean sir?” Berry Burst said with puzzlement. “As in, there is a squadron of bat ponies coming directly for the kingdom.” Blaze said to Burst. “I want you guys to keep looking for the shield generator I will take care of the bat ponies.” “Sir it’s a whole squadron, you won’t be able to do it alone I will come with you and I’m not taking no for an answer.” Berry Burst said in a stern voice. “Whatever, but you will have to be prepared to give up your life for the betterment of the kingdom.” Blaze said to the hesitant pegasus. “Now let’s go!.” Blaze and Berry flew out of the castle towards the squadron of bat ponies, they pulled out their swords and readied themselves for their impending death. Blaze flew straight into the squadron with Berry following shortly after. Blaze set his sword ablaze a started to slice into the surrounding forces, while they clashed swords with his. His sword steadily melted the steel swords of bat ponies leaving them open to attack, which he swung towards one slicing their hoof off. He then flew around him and sliced their wings off sending them crashing towards the ground. Blaze went face first into a group of bat ponies that were filled with rage awaiting for an opportunity to kill this pegasus. He swung his sword through the other’s swords as from behind him he was being stabbed in his hind hooves. But this did not stop him he only grew in strength from the pain he felt. Flying up high in the sky and sky bombing down towards a unobservant bat pony who was then impaled by the force of the blade. He pulled the sword out of the bat pony and flung it towards another impaling them straight in the heart. He grabbed the sword out of the pony and started spinning in a circle until a sudden dagger hit his heart making his chest bleed out. He looked over to Berry who was being surrounded by the bat ponies, so with his final breath he lit himself on fire and flew over to the bat ponies dispersing them and burning them all. Berry saw his body fly towards the ground and felt a fire burst from her soul which filled her with hatred for these bat ponies. She then flew into five of the bat ponies immediately slicing their heads off flinging their body towards the ground. Suddenly the bat ponies found a strategy and all rushed her at once stabbing deep into her whole body impaling her on all eight swords, but with her final breath she flung a dagger deep into one of the bat pony’s hind legs. The bat ponies all pulled out their swords from Berry and flew towards the castle. The remaining squadron of pegasi saw the bat ponies who were coming straight for them so they went deep into the castle with the bat ponies shortly following them. Two of the pegasi pivoted backwards and fired their crossbows killing one of the leading ponies and the injured pony. The other’s dodged the arrows and went around slicing both their heads off. Three more pegasi went towards the group of bat ponies and tried to slice their sword through the group, but they only managed to kill one of the bat ponies as they three died. The bat ponies then remembered about a power that was gifted to them from Sombra, with the use of dark magic. They all joined hoof together and fired two massive bat wings which filled the majority of the narrow tunnel leading to the shield generator. The wings flew down the tunnel towards the group of pegasi, as three tried to fly above and three tried to stay close to the ground, the other seven backflipped over the bottom wing watching the other six pegasi get sliced into two. They started to gallop as they noticed that the tunnel was beginning to become narrow and enclosed. As they galloped closer and closer towards the shield generator room with the bat ponies quickly gaining on them. The bat ponies then threw a bola hitting two pegasi who were immediately stabbed by the bat ponies except for one who managed to wiggle out of the bola. He quickly caught up to the rest of the group who were in the shield generator room, they searched to see that it was at the other side of the room, but it had to be activated with switches that were throughout the room. They all flew to the five switches around the room while the other guy flew towards the shield generator. They managed to flip one switch on each side of the room until the bat ponies attacked, they were all equally matched by the bat ponies. As they clashed swords the remaining pegasus flew around the room flipping all the switches until he was close to the last one when a dagger went straight into his wing knocking him down to the ground. The bat pony who threw the dagger was immediately killed by one of the pegasi who was immediately executed by one of the bat ponies. That bat pony saw the downed pegasus and galloped straight for him, but was stabbed multiple times in the hind quarters. Slamming his face straight into the stone floor, breaking his snout. One of the pegasus was clashing swords with another bat pony and could not reach the bat pony’s heart without he himself getting stabbed. So he let the sword of the bat pony into himself, but managed to stab the bat pony also impaling him deep through his chest. Another bat pony backflips over a pegasus slicing through his body from her head to her tail, and then flings his sword into a pegasus fighting one of the bat ponies immediately killing him. The other remaining pegasus flies up above the bat two bat ponies trying to kill her and then flies to the center letting them stab her as she also stabs them with her dagger. She takes one the bat ponies with her and severely hinders the other. The last pegasus flips the switch providing power for the shield generator and then gallops over to the generator. On his way the severely injured bat pony flies up to him, but the remaining pegasus flings his sword directly into his heart. He reaches the shield generator and is about to press the button to start it up, but he feels a dagger stab into him from behind. He grabs his dagger and swiftly swings it backwards stabbing his assailant straight in the neck. He begins to feel weak, but with his final breath he starts up the generator and falls down to the ground. The generator begins to shake as streams of power comes out of each switch console and then one stream of power comes from the top of the generator and fires throughout the castle. It then creates a giant shield around the entire kingdom protecting it from magical attacks. Meanwhile during the real battle… Head count of each army, well while you were gone tons of ponies on each side died starting out with 46,980 on Chrysalis’s side and 93,980 on Sombra’s side. Well in the time that the Arant crystal towers fell and the time that the shield generator fell. Well now Chrysalis has 32,886 and Sombra has 65,786 so a 30% loss on each side, seems fair I guess. “Commander Airola I think we have to retreat.” A dark cyan earth pony said. “Why would that be it seem to me that we're doing fine.” Airola said to this pony. “Yes, but our frontlines are beginning to be weakened by the crystal ponies.” “Well I can only give you orders from the Queen herself, so you have to figure something out.” “I don’t know why you keep trying Sister, you know that you are going to lose and every last one of your subjects will be dead by the end of this day.” “Oh Brother, but you’re wrong and I still have many hours on my side it’s barely the afternoon anyway.” Chrysalis then notices an emerald glint coming from the corner of her eyes, the shield is fully operational.It seems though that Sombra also saw this happen, so he licked his lips and started to rush towards the castle. Chrysalis grabs him out of the midair with her magical grasp and throws him down to the ground. “We have to retreat, the shield is finally back up and running.” Chrysalis’s army begins to retreat back to the kingdom at full galloping speed. “Chase them you fools we can not let them retreat.” Both armies gallop all the way to kingdom and just before they reach the kingdom Chrysalis’s army pivots around quickly pulling out their swords in a fashion that it would immediately slice the enemy. The unicorns fire a massive laser into the enemy army killing off a couple thousand. This maneuver surprises Sombra “Ahh I see you wanted us to chase you clever plan Sister.” “It was all a ploy, and now we have reinforcements, new supplies and less ponies to deal with.” Chrysalis grins knowing that she turn the tide of the battle. “Arant crystal ponies execute order 32.” The second the words left his lips all of the arant crystal ponies moved over to a section of land started to create a giant arant crystal cannon. “But I have a more clever plan, since with all of my warriors I have placed explosives inside of them for me to detonate with a flip of a switch, Why am I telling you this, well it’s because a squadron of mine escaped from the arant crystal encampment before I locked us in. And that squadron went towards your kingdom, to kill of the squadron you sent to make the new shield.” “But how do you know that they ever got near the new shield maker” “I’ll will just have to see for myself.” Sombra then pulls out a switch labeled squadron 13 BP and pushes it. Chrysalis turns around to see explosions come from the bottom of the castle, and then suddenly the entire castle begins to shake and start to crumble from the lack of a foundation. Chrysalis watches in horror as the only memory of her parents was kept inside, which was now being destroyed by somepony she was related to. She then sees the statues of her parents fall out of the room and crash down into the street, she lets out a tear. But this sadness doesn’t last long as she feels hatred flow through her veins. “ HOW COULD YOU, YOU BASTARD!” She then rushes towards Sombra with an emerald bubbly aura around her horn. She clashes with Sombra’s horn aggressively, while Sombra begins to succumb to the force that Chrysalis is pushing against his horn. “THAT WAS OUR ONLY MEMORIES OF OUR MOTHER!” She then blasts Sombra down to the ground and continuously fires her attack towards him. “FIRE THE CANNON!” Sombra yells over to the arant crystal ponies surrounding the arant crystal cannon. It then sparks to life as purple bubbly electricity pulses through it and then getting to the top of the of cannon it fires a purple bubbly electricity bolt towards the city hitting a large section of the city. Killing countless innocent lives, families filled with fillies old colts and mares. All murdered within a blink of an eye, Chrysalis looks over to see that the mid right section of the suburbs has been blown to bits. She stops firing her attack towards Sombra, as she and her army gazes in astonishment, a good chunk of the army runs over to the section of the city to see if anypony survived the attack. To their dismay, their husbands, wives, fillies, family members, and memories all destroyed they begin to cry over the destruction of their homes. While everypony is distracted by the chaos he had cause he commands the cannon to be fired again. “Fire it again.” Chrysalis overhears this and feels the hatred flow through her blood again, How could he be so cold hearted… Chrysalis then looks over to the cannon about to fire and decides to fire her magic attack towards one of the legs instantly destroying it and knocking it over on it’s left side. It fires into Sombra’s army killing off the majority of the crystal ponies and crushes every arant crystal pony. “AAAAGGGGHHHH charge this stupid bitch’s army you f$*king retards.” The remaining members of the army rush into Chrysalis army fighting to their heart’s content. Sombra straightens his hair which was all frazzled from his anger. “Actually forget her army head straight for the kingdom itself.” “I know that your loved ones just died, but I need you guys to think about the other citizens and stop those bat ponies and crystal ponies.” Her remaining army recuperates and chases down the assailants. She notices Sombra pull out a rectangular device about to push it and destroy everything that she fought for. She blasts a magical attack towards him and then rushes towards him slicing into his arm shattering his armor. She also tries to slice his head, but he slightly moves and she only gets the side of his jaw. “I will not allow you to murder any more innocent families.” “When did I ever need your allowance Sister, I do what I want.” Sombra maniacally laughs. “I am no sister of yours no matter what my mother says, there is no way I’m related to the likes of you. .” She puts on the crystal orchid amulet that her father had once had which clothes her with the honey crystal armor that her father once had before her. “With the help of my mother and father, I will kill you.” She was surrounded by an emerald crystal heart aura, which also embroidered her sword, she then flew over to Sombra and swung her sword into his front hoof armor shattering it. Sombra then felt the magical and life force start to drain out of him when the sword hit him, he knew any hits from the sword would drain him of his magic making him weak. He then bucked Chrysalis in the face a flew away trying to retreat back to the Crystal Empire, but Chrysalis wasn’t going to take his shit. She flung her sword at him, which hit him in the middle of his wings dropping him to the ground instantly. He let out a horrific scream of pain as he hit the floor, “Now you can feel how it feels to be betrayed by somepony you thought was very close to you.” “Oh but think this whole time that you have been fighting me, where is Celestia and Luna, some ponies you take as close to you. There has been no sign of them, they left you to fend for yourself, they do not see you as an equal they see you as somepony to manipulate and use to carry out their dirty work.” Sombra then pushes off Chrysalis and stands up. “No shut up you're wrong.” “No and you know I’m, why else would they not be here at this moment. They want you to weaken me and then they’ll swoop in and kill me taking all the glory a praise. They are just using you, Luna brainwashed you to think that she loves. She does not care about you she only cares about herself.” “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up, you’re only saying that because they betrayed you they won’t betray me were too close.” “How can you be so sure of it, just face the facts Sister they left you here to die. They wanted me dead I was a power in their way of complete conquest. You stepped in the mix when you visited them, you confirmed their suspicions about me. So they let you leave, they said they were busy and would fiddle with that when they have time. They only said that for you to solve the problem yourself, and knowing that you couldn’t either 1:Couldn’t bare to kill your own Brother, or 2: That I would kill you and destroy your kingdom. With you out of the way, and me in a weakened state they would be able to kill me and then have nothing in there way for complete conquest. Celestia, also made you an Alicorn so that you would have the power to weaken me. She obviously doesn’t know you my Sister.” Sombra walks over to Chrysalis and pulls her chin up to look into his eyes. “Now you can join me and we can destroy Celestia together or refuse my offer and we will both be destroyed by her.” “My kingdom has taken to many countless deaths we can’t go against Celestia and her army, and I can’t kill Luna she raised me she is like a sister to me and she told me that she loved me as a sister.” Chrysalis began to tear up remembering all the good times Luna and her had with each other. “Fine, you have made your choice, but heed my warning your kingdom will fall just like mine will. Luna was also just messing with your head so that you could trust her and wouldn’t go against her in the situation you will soon meet. Anyway Sister farewell I’ll see you in a thousand years, just remember that I only attacked your kingdom since you were in my way of complete conquest also. And that I do love you I just can’t show this love anymore that part of my soul has been destroyed.” He then steps onto a carriage with two bat ponies pulling it and leaves the battlefield. She then turns and walks back to her kingdom not noticing Sombra place a curse over her kingdom.She contemplates the ideas Sombra was talking about, Could he be right about Celestia? Was she really a tyrannical overlord? She flies to the center of the destruction and calls everypony over for an important public speaking. Once all the citizens of her kingdom has met in the center of the city she says, “We have won the battle against my brother and his forces, unfortunately we have received many negative consequences with our victory. We must rebuild our city and prepare it again for another incoming battle that will happen soon. I know of this by some scouts that I sent to the Crystal Empire. We must be quick for in fear, we do not have much time.” She let’s them disperse towards the crumbled part of the city as she walks over to what remains of her family’s home. She walks over to her shattered throne and moves it out of the way as she sees a stain glass piece of her mother’s head. She levitates it and takes a closer look at it as her eyes begin to swell. She notices her statue head out of the corner of her eye and walks over to it. “It seems that no matter what I do mother. I still can’t stop the inevitable and now including me my whole family will be killed. Your close friends will betray me, they want complete conquest and they will do anything they need to get it. Just like your death it was all destiny.” She wraps the statue head in her hooves and holds it close to her chest as tears stream from her eyes. She sits like this for a couple hours and then gets up and walks back over to the center of town. She begins to cast a spell, and fires it towards the destroyed castle. It begins to form back into the castle it once was before until she hears a large boom of magic come from her left. She immediately drops the castle ruins and looks over to the Crystal Empire seeing the same rainbow she saw when the Draconequus turned to stone in Canterlot. A large burst of air hits her and everypony in her kingdom as all of a sudden the entire Crystal Empire just disappears. Suddenly the ground beneath her began to shake as she felt something surge through her. A blast of magic fires into the air and the entire kingdom shakes, her coat starts to change as it becomes a black sleek looking skin like substance. Her wings change from pegasus wings into green insect wings with holes throughout her body and horn. She feels her throat begin to become dry and her voice become raspy. She looks over to her subjects who are now all encapsulated in emerald cocoons. Then suddenly the sky disappears along with the ground around them, and she is then encapsulated in her own cocoon. She then is sent to blackness and nothing, for a long set time of a thousand years in Tartarus encased within her cocoon like the rest of her subjects. End of Part three