> The New Elements of Harmony > by omegafan101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Rise of Hatred > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many years have passed… Long ago, there was peace and harmony throughout the land. It was protected by six heroes, otherwise known as the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty. Apple Jack, Element of Honesty. Flutter Shy, Element of Kindness. Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter. Rarity, Element of Generosity. And Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic. Otherwise known as Friendship. These six heroes worked together to fight the most powerful of evils, even to the point of turning a Lord of Chaos to the side of good. However, there was one evil that the even the Elements struggled against. Lord Tirek. Tirek had the unique ability of sucking the magic out of every living being. It took hard work and dedication, but in the end, the Elements stopped him. However, another evil, one that all thought had died before, rose again and freed Tirek. Tirek, now weak, worked for this old evil, and continued on his conquest for world domination. However, Tirek had always planned to overthrow this old evil. But he was too strong, for he had found the secret 7th element, the most powerful, one that is not used for harmony. The Element of Hatred. Not even Tirek could stand up to this, so he continued to work under him, until there was nothing left. The Old Evil, now called Hatred, combined with Tirek’s power destroyed Equestria, leaving very few ponies left. The Elements were all destroyed, killed in the fight, all except, for Twilight Sparkle. The Element of Magic, however could not stand up to Hatred and Tirek, not alone, even if she was a princess, her power was at it’s best with her friends, her friends that were all killed in the fight. It seemed like there was nothing left to do… However… Legend states that when the Element of Hatred rises, and the Elements of Harmony have fallen, six new heroes will rise and save the land of Equestria. But these six new elements have a long way to go, all of them were mere children when Tirek rose for the first time, and none of them, have ever thought of fighting this kind of evil. We do not know what elements they represent, or even if the actually DO represent the Elements of Harmony. But we can only have faith, and I, will train the personally. It is my duty, as the original Element of Friendship after all. I only hope we’re not to late… > Chapter 1: The Six New Elements > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and her six students were hidden in an underground bunker, were none of Tirek and Hatred’s dark minions can find them. Twilight’s six students were supposed to be the New Elements of Harmony, but she didn’t know who represented which Element. But she knew that she could trust them in defeating Tirek and Hatred. Apple Bloom, younger sister of the Element of Honesty. Sweetie Belle, younger sister of the Element of Generosity. Scootaloo, adopted Younger sister of the Element of Loyalty. Babs Seed, cousin of Apple Bloom and the Element of Honesty. Dinky Doo, Daughter of the great heroes Derpy Hooves and Dr. Whooves. And Button Mash, one of Sweetie Belle’s most trusted friends. It’s been many years and all of them have grown to full mares and stallion. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all share the same cutie mark, representing their ability to help others find and understand their cutie marks. Babs Seed’s cutie mark is a pair of scissors, representing her mane styling ability. Dinky’s cutie mark is five golden stars, representing her unique magic ability. And Button Mash’s cutie mark is a joy stick, representing his gaming ability. “I’m bored!” said Button Mash, “I thought we were supposed to be heroes, not sit around in a secret base. “Would you shut up Button!?” Sweetie Belle said, “You’re acting like a little kid.” “Look,” Twilight started, “I know you want to fight Tirek and Hatred-“ “You’re damn right we do!” Scootaloo said, cutting of Twilight, “I’ll make them pay for what they did to Rainbow Dash!” “But,” Twilight said, continuing her previous statement, “They’re just to strong for you. You still need more training.” Dinky stepped up to Twilight “Miss Twilight, with all due respect, there’s nothing left to for us to learn. Don’t you think it’s time we stop Tirek and Hatred?” Twilight had to think, she knew her students were ready, but didn’t want to send them out yet, out of fear that they would suffer the same fate as her friends. “Alright,” she said, “I guess you’re ready…” "All right!” Apple Bloom screamed. “So how do we find the Elements?” Babs asked. The Elements of Harmony had been scattered across all of Equestria after the Tree of Harmony was destroyed. Not even Twilight knew where they were. Twilight began to speak, “It won’t be very easy, but Dinky may be able to cast a spell that can help you track them one at a time.” “Right, you taught me it a while ago,” Dinky said, “If I can just concentrate…” Dinky horn lit up, she was concentrating as hard as the could until a burst of magic was produced, “It’s… Somewhere in the Crystal Empire…” She said, tired from the spell. “I don’t know which one it is or it’s exact location, that’s all I can tell you.” “That’s all right,” Twilight said, helping her student up. “Alright everyone, I guess this is goodbye.” “You’re not coming with us?” Button Mash asked. Twilight shook her head, “I’d only get in your way, I have complete faith in you that you can stop Tirek and Hatred and avenge all who perished.” The six heroes gave their teacher one last hug before leaving. “Well, I guess this is it…” Apple Bloom said, as the six came back onto the surface, ready to end the suffering. “Good luck my students…” Twilight started to cry, “I believe in you…” > Chapter 2: Many Years Ago > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many years have passed… A battle was fought before the fall of Equestria, with Hatred and Tirek’s power growing, the Elements of Harmony knew they need to stop them before it was too late. Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof on the castle door, “HATRED! TIREK! COME OUT HERE YOU COWARDS!” She screamed. The door opened, and out came a figure all too familiar to the elements, Lord Tirek. “Where is Hatred, Tirek?” Twilight asked. After Tirek cam a regular sized stallion looking figure in a dark cloak, covering his face, Hatred. “This is hatred!? He doesn’t seem that powerful.” “If you could feel his power like I can then you wouldn’t be saying that Rainbow…” Hatred spoke, “What brings you here, Elements?” “You know why we’re here!” Rainbow said, “To kick your butt!” “You really think it will be that easy!?” Hatred laughed. It was a wicked, dark, and twisted laugh. “Enough stallin’,” Apple Jack said, “Let’s get this over with.” The six friends started to glow, and transformed into their rainbowfied forms. The elements used their power to create a huge ray of magic and blasted it at Tirek. Tirek countered the blast with one of his own, creating a collision. However, Tirek was still not strong enough, and was starting to lose. It seemed that the Elements had defeated Tirek and Hatred again. Or so they thought. “This is just pathetic!” Hatred blasted his own, smaller, ray of magic at the Elements. This small ray of magic caused the six to lose concentration, grow weak, and revert back to their normal forms. “What… happened…?” “Did you really think that would beat someone as powerful as me?” Hatred boasted, letting out his disturbing laugh again. “Friendship may be a powerful magic… But Hatred… Is the most powerful of all…” “Y-You’re wrong…” “Oh? Am I?” Hatred began to charge up another energy blast, aimed directly at Twilight. “GET AWAY FROM HER!!!” Rainbow began to charge at Hatred with all of her speed, but what happened next, no pony could see coming. Hatred redirected his aim at Rainbow Dash, firing a red beam that hit her directly… “No…” Twilight said, in place of Rainbow Dash, their beloved friend, was nothing… “What did you do to her?” “She’s gone, don’t worry, you’ll be joining her soon.” “YOU BASTARD!!!” Apple Jack lunged at Hatred, overcome with rage of her friends death. “Apple Jack! NO!” Apple Jack was gone in seconds… “Well, it seems you all need to learn a lesson, how should I put this… How about… Dear Princess Twilight,” Hatred started charging up another beam of magic, “Today I learned,” Rarity was gone, “That when you try to stand up to the most powerful being in Equestria, nay, the universe,” Pinkie Pie had disappeared, “You lose everything you’ve ever loved…” Fluttershy, gone with the wind, “Your faithful new lord of Equestria,” he started charging one last beam, aimed at Twilight, “Lord Hatred…” Twilight was to busy crying about her friends to realize what was going on she thought to herself, and it seemed that time slowed down. All of my friends, she thought, They’re all dead… Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy… They’re all gone. All because of that monster, Hatred… I don’t even know who he is… All I know is I hate him… This is my time, Hatred is going to kill me, at least I’ll be with my friends again… Twilight! A new voice spoke, inside of Twilight’s own head. What!? Who’s there!? A stallion with a long white beard and a blue cloak appeared in front of the Princess of Friendship, it was, Starswirl the Bearded! Yes Twilight. Am I dead? No, I am merely a vision, but you soon will die. Why are you here? Because, there is still a way to stop Hatred, there are six young ponies still in ponyville. These six ponies will grow up to be the new Elements of Harmony and defeat Hatred. How do I find them? Star swirl began to disappear, Starswirl? Starswirl! NO! I need you, how am I supposed to find them!? Starswirl! Starswirl disappeared, leaving Twilight alone again. I need to find those ponies, I can avenge my friends, defeat Hatred and Tirek… They can save the world… Twilight noticed that Hatred had fired his beam, death was moments away, But none of that will happen… Twilight started charging her own beam, and time started moving regularly again, “If I. Don’t. FIGHT BACK!” Twilight fired her beam and collided with Hatred. The beams created an explosion that sent both of the ponies flying back. Hatred got up and noticed that the Princess had started to run away. “What are you doing!?” Stop her!” Tirek screamed. “No need,” Hatred said, “I’ve done all I needed, destroyed everything she loves, struck fear into her heart. There’s no way she can stop us without her friends. Nothing can stop us now.” * * * Twilight flew back to ponyville, or what was left of ponyville. Her castle was toppled down, Fluttershy’s shack was destroyed leaving the animals homeless, Sweet Apple Acres was reduced to nothing but shriveled up trees, even the school house was destroyed, with the bell laying on the ground. “What did he mean?” Twilight asked herself, there can’t possibly be anypony left here, let alone six fillies. Twilight began to walk away, until she heard voices, “Come on Sweetie Belle!” one of the voices said, “Keep trying!” Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Twilight thought. “Well why isn’t Dinky helping!?” Sweetie Belle asked. “She’s unconscious!” another voice said. Scootaloo? Dinky? “I’ll help you Sweetie Belle!” another voice said. “What are you gonna do!? You don’t have a horn!” yet another voice said. “Oh, right…” Button Mash? Babs Seed? Twilight began to notice that there was a green aura surrounding the bell. She used her own magic to lift it up, revealing the six fillies trapped underneath. “Hey I did it!” Sweetie Belle said, “Oh, wait…” “Twilight you’re back!” Apple Bloom said, “We need help, Dinky’s unconscious!” Apple Bloom noticed an absence of five other ponies, “Where’s my sister?” Twilight began to cry, she couldn’t bare to tell them about her friends death, but she had too, “They’re dead… They’re dead..” The five were shocked to hear that only one survived of the six greatest heroes in Equestria, they all hugged Twilight and started to cry as well. That’s when Twilight realized something.. “You six… You’re the New Elements!” She said. “Wh-what?” Societal said. “The six of you are destined to find the Elements of Harmony and defeat Tirek and Hatred. As the New Elements of Harmony!” “B-but how!?” Sweetie Belle asked, “We’re only fillies!” “I know, but you’re Equestria’s only hope, it won’t happen now, you all need training, but in time, Hatred will fall, thanks to you…” Twilight heard screeching, “Oh no…” “What was that!?” Babs asked, “Hatreds dark creatures, their evil killing machines! We need to get out of here!” Twilight teleported herself and the fillies to the cave where the, now destroyed, tree of harmony once lay. “We can stay here, I’ll train you until you’re ready.” Twilight created a magical barrier around the casam and sealed them in. Dinky suddenly came too, “What happened? Where am I?” She asked, still dazed. “Dinky,” Apple Bloom said, helping the unicorn up, “We’re about to go on a crazy adventure…”