> Threatening love > by THEJamiboi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Threatening love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Threatening love To say Charcoal Ashes was a loner would be an understatement. Charcoal, quite literally, knew nopony as a friend. The isolated stallion had moved to the small town of Ponyville in the vain hope that its small population would afford him some peace, the first hour he was dragged out by a loud bright pink pony and it took a lot to convince her he simply wished to be left alone. Though she often knocked on his door in town attempting to befriend him. Finally Charcoal had given up, the dark grey Earth pony had asked around town and had discovered one place the townsfolk avoided like a disease: The Everfree forest. Though dangerous it allowed Charcoal some sweet solitude… So he took it upon himself to build a house deep within, and he reasoned he could deal with anything within. And he was still here after all. Anyway, who was Charcoal? Charcoal was a dark ash coloured grey Earth pony stallion, he had a tussle of messy black hair, and his tail was in a similar state of miss care, and his cutie mark was a small pile of deep white charcoals with a few red hot embers between them. Charcoal worked well in this forest, Charcoal’s job was, ironically, to make his name sake, charcoal. He would cut down a tree, slice it into logs and burn them down into coals for the winters or any time fuel was needed for a fire. It was steady, good, hard work that Charcoal enjoyed and he didn’t have to worry about any laws or having to regrow the trees, since they grew faster than a team of lumberjacks could cut them. Ponyville had tried numerous times before simply residing to the fact the forest would never fall to puny pony axes. So, it was, on one fateful morning Charcoal got up, grabbed his blade signed axe, and set out into the woods. The small pony moved almost as silently as the forest was right now. Charcoal frowned, normally there was at least a bit of birdsong… Or the distant howl or roar of the forest inhabitants but… Right now it was silent… As if the forest had become deserted or hidden away. But not everything was hiding… Or more accurately, the thing everything was hiding from was out. The tree top branches rustled softly, curling downward as a heavy weight passed gracefully over them. For a second a shaft of light passed over a deep dark wood brown tail, which quickly slid back into the darkness… And the poor pony below remained oblivious, way out of range of the quiet rustling. Had Charcoal been able to see what was within the tree tops today… He might have finally decided a retreat was in order, instead of stubbornly staying to fight anything that approached. For up in the trees, a long serpentine body curled around the branches, its thickest part was wider than a pony’s body. The tail was an odd colour, the deep wooden brown tail from before, but its belly was a bright gold colour and along the top of the brown were dark red spots… But the oddest thing was, following the tail up, led to a pony… This was a lamia, half snake half pony, with all the powers of a snake and the cunning and intelligence of a pony. The lamia’s pony body was a darker brown than her tail with a jet black mane with an oddly girlish pink highlight, which covered her right eye, but her left eye shone, as if it could glow, a deep red with a black slit. Oddly the lamia’s name was Chicken Pen, or CP as she preferred, or Mistress Pen to her slaves… CP had left her home for a bit of hunting but the forest was sadly bare, the little animals quickly screeching a call of warning to all within and they had scattered to the winds and dug into their tiny holes… Their scents hidden by the embrace of the ground… Except one. A rather tasty salty tanged scent… But it wasn’t one CP often ate without consideration. It was the scent of a pony, and they were SO much more fun as toys than meals. CP had followed the scent and had easily found its source, a cute little grey and black Earth stallion, an axe tucked to the side of his body. He was wandering slowly through the woods and CP admired the large brute’s soft walking, she had to strain her ears to her the soft clop of his hooves on the grass, it was almost completely masked, if he were just a bit lighter… Ah well, his problem and CP’s fun. CP followed the stallion, tossing around ideas of what she planned to do with him, finally CP decided on a bit of a test… He was an Earth pony and they held strength in high regard… Would this stallion fold when his strength proved fruitless? CP grinned at the idea, but first she’d have to wait for a moment when that axe of his wouldn’t be part of the situation. Charcoal continued his silent walk through the forest, oblivious to the fact he was in the eyes of a hunter and he was marked as its prey. Charcoal reached a random tree and placed his hoof on it, the bark was tough and bumpy, but healthy so it would do just fine. Charcoal unclipped his axe and stood on his hind legs smacking the handle end into the trunk of the tree to scare any critters out of it… Not a sound. “That was your warning don’t blame me when your house falls over.” Charcoal grumbled before swinging, the head of the axe sinking into the tree, before being prised out to swing again. Above CP almost laughed, she had a solution to the axe problem. The stallion was too engrossed in his work now to notice her slipping down from her tree behind him, sliding right up behind the stallion. As Charcoal hit the tree once more, the blade sinking into the trunk, CP struck the handle with the butt of her tail, the whole head of the axe disappearing into the tree and the trunk cracking under the force. Charcoal reacted quickly, which actually surprise CP a little bit. He jumped backwards raising his hooves in front of his body and turn sideway to make himself a smaller target. CP simply smirked as he took in her form and lashed out with her tail. Charcoal was surprised that, during his work, his trusty axe would be embedded inside the tree he was chopping. Instantly noticing the crack Charcoal’s mind told him it had to be a forest inhabitant. Charcoal moved back to fight… Then he saw her. It was a majestic bland of snake and pony and for a moment Charcoal paused to admire the natural beauty of her serpentine tail, the way she had it curled behind her ready to strike, how elegantly she whipped it around… At him! Charcoal returned too late, finding the strange snakepony’s tail wrapping like a blur around his body. Charcoal tried to move to get away but his body was instantly cocooned, the snakepony’s tail curled up and around his body holding him still. Charcoal noticed the tail was holding him oddly gently and comfortably… Not squeezing or really restricting him, when Charcoal moved the tail sort of began to slide, causing a gentle grinding sensation as Charcoal was rotated back into his original position. Charcoal then felt her breath on the back on his neck. “Now who has wandered into my hunting grounds?” CP cooed softly near Charcoal’s ear. “You can talk? Then listen carefully, let me go and there won’t be any consequences, you can go ba-ACKKKK!” Charcoal grunted as CP’s tail suddenly constricted as if turning to stone. It wasn’t gradual like Charcoal imagined most snakes squeezing, this went right to agony. “Do you honestly think you can threaten a lamia?” CP asked in a casual voice, which was more unnerving than if she’d hissed it softly or shouted. Charcoal grunted again and managed to shift his front hooves, pushing outward, placing the flat of his hooves either side of his attacker’s tail. Gradually Charcoal managed to force CP’s tail away, allowing some room around his upper chest and neck. Charcoal sucked down grateful gulps of air, recovering from his constriction. Meanwhile CP’s eyebrows raised up in surprise, she’d never met a stallion so strong… It would be fun to break him. “Now that’s interesting, I’ve never had anypony fight my hold before.” CP allowed her pony half to curl around hanging in the air before Charcoal “Hay, look at me, little pony.” CP said using the end of her tail to tilt Charcoal’s head up. Charcoal scowled, he could free himself enough to breath and the, as she called herself, lamia was no longer fighting to crush him anymore but Charcoal didn’t let up, he wouldn’t lower his guard. CP asked him to look up and he did so on impulse before realising doing what this thing asked wasn’t a smart decision. But too late. Charcoal locked eyes with CP’s and they burned with an intense red glow, boring deeply into the stallion’s mind. Charcoal suddenly felt his entire body tense up then go slack in a matter of seconds. Charcoal’s hooves fell uselessly to his side and CP coiled the stallion back up in the same snug comfy hold. Charcoal’s mind was racing in panic, she’d paralysed him! Her gaze had made him powerless to do… Anything! He could only simply stand there in this lamia’s cocoon as she debated what to do with him… What side dish to serve him with. “W-who are you?” Charcoal was surprise his mouth still moved, it appeared to be the only thing he could still manipulate… Maybe she was letting him, just to see how he’d reacted. CP groaned, she’d hoped the stallion would beg, shout or make idle threats, why did he have to be so boring? “My name is Chicken Pen… My friends call me CP, my workers Mistress Pen… You can call me CP too if you like… Or: AHHH! Please don’t eat me!” CP said in an innocent, spine tingling, cheery voice. “…I’m Charcoal Ashes.” Charcoal muttered simply. “Is that it? Is that all the big bad stallion has to say? I have to admit… I’m disappointed.” CP said pouting. “It was the only response that wouldn’t give you any satisfaction.” Charcoal muttered “Chicken.” He added, smirking at the same. CP blushed slightly and growled “Don’t call me that.” In a low voice. “Why isn’t it your name? It’s ironic… You’re named after what you hunt… Or maybe you are one.” Charcoal smirked as he wriggled under this mare’s skin, he felt his mouth close and lost control of it but Charcoal managed to lock his mouth in a satisfied smirk and soon control returned. “I’m not going to let you beat me, understand. You are just a pony and by the end of this day you will be wriggling around in my stomach as you’re burned alive.” CP threatened. “But you won’t eat me Chicken not until you best me, so this might be a long day… And what happens when you lose?” Charcoal asked softly. “W-when… When I lose!?” CP asked unable to believe the words this stallion was stabbing her with. “Wow you anticipate losing too? You must be real bad at verbal battles.” Charcoal felt CP’s tail tightening and he managed to hold his smirk, even as he began to turn purple “Winning.” He wheezed. CP stopped her constriction at a point that would be agony for a regular stallion, though not a whimper escape this one. CP was both furious and… A little excited he did not break as easily… A tough little toy… If he could be taught some obedience… He must have a weakness. CP’s tail uncoiled from around Charcoal’s body, except for a single coil under his neck to hold his head up to keep eye contract and a pair of coils around both his front hooves so he was held up like a slack puppet, the coils curling around Charcoal’s legs. “So… You think you can beat me hmm? Not with physical strength?” CP asked and Charcoal smirked. “Course I can Chicken.” Charcoal said with a smirk. “My name is CP Charcoal, have the respect to call me that or shall I mess with your second name?” CP asked in a low voice. Charcoal shrugged. “Fine CP, happy?” Charcoal asked exaggerating the letters. “No… You’ve insulted me repeatedly… Challenged me!” CP said and chuckled darkly “There are many ways I could break you, make you experience unimaginable and indescribable pain… I could simply eat you and make the process slow… But I don’t want to do that… I don’t think I’ll be making you a meal tonight… No what I’m going to do is make you call me Mistress.” CP said curling her forked tongue around the word. “Mistress?” Charcoal asked, confused and CP nodded grinning. “I’m going to torture you with what ponies just love…” CP looked down, her eyes kept glowing. CP didn’t specifically have to be looking at Charcoal anymore. Charcoal couldn’t see what was happening but there was a sudden sensation of something cold tapping softly against his upper chest, just under his gaze. It waved backwards and forwards over his body curling around his chest and exploring his back, making the stallion shiver. Charcoal blushed at the reaction he couldn’t stop. “Oh, do you like that, is your spine sensitive?” CP hissed the word sensitive dragging it out seductively. “I-It’s a natural reaction to something cold!” Charcoal said but even he could hear the lie in his voice. CP smirked as her tail curled in a spiral further down Charcoal’s body “W-when… When you said you’re going to torture me… With what ponies love… Y-you didn’t… Didn’t mean what I think you did… Did you?” Charcoal asked nervously as CP’s waving tail began to touch the base of his stomach, his lower body quivered slightly as the stallion continued to stare into CP’s eyes. CP however glanced up, with a very wide dangerous smirk “Figured it out little pony? Yessss… I’m going to rape you.” CP said in an almost childish tone. Charcoal turned deep red and CP approach him, tilting his head up with a hoof as her forked tongue rolled out and along his cheek “Why… Does the idea make you feel embarrassed? That you’re about to be used for my amusement? Just call me Mistress, and I won’t do a thing.” Charcoal bristled and CP smiled, the stubborn stallion was oddly amusing to toy with. “I am not calling you that.” Charcoal muttered determinedly. “We’ll see.” CP whispered and let her tail snake a little further down. CP’s tail tip batted against Charcoal’s penis, before curling and pushing up the limp organ “This need rectifying, it’s no good being limp.” CP cooed with a slight blush and narrowed eyes, a wide perverted grin on her face. “Y-you witch!” Charcoal cried his face turning a deeper shade of red. CP glanced up at him and winked as her tail formed a small ring around Charcoal’s penis, pushing down to the base then running back out along it slowly. As CP’s tail moved Charcoal’s penis slowly grew, the more times CP completed a run with her tail the more blood was pumped to Charcoal’s dick, making it larger with each passing second and pump. “And there we go, you’re shamelessly stiff from a monster like me.” CP taunted as the ring of her tail tip sat comfortably at the base of Charcoal’s penis, pressing into his balls a little. “You’re just taking advantage of a natural reaction… I’m not enjoying this!” Charcoal cried scowling, staring at CP intensely. CP wasn’t bothered by the glare in the slightest but did whisper “So you won’t make a sound?” She teased and Charcoal shook his head defiantly. CP clenched the coil around Charcoal’s penis down tightly and Charcoal grunted as the tough muscles pressed into the blood filled organ… Blocking it. CP then curled a coil around and buried Charcoal’s penis inside, still with the ring on. Charcoal felt the soft muscles envelope his penis and, had he been able to move, he would’ve smacked his face against one of CP’s coils to help stop the sound his body made. Instead it sounded like a suffocating cough. “Like that? It gets better.” CP taunted and the giant coil began to shift, parts of the coil rippling and pushing inward while others remained still until they changed in a steady clockwise rhythm. Charcoal’s whole body quivered but he manage to restrain any sound from escaping him. “How amusing,” CP whispered “You actually managed to keep quiet… This might be a bit more difficult than I thought.” CP mused, raising several smaller coils up into a tube. CP allowed the large coil to clench down which caused an amazing sensation for Charcoal, the stallion grunted in defiance again and his head flopped down. CP pulled the giant coil away and pushed the tube over Charcoal’s penis before constricting it so it fit snugly around Charcoal, every scale tickling a sexual nerve. Charcoal tried to fight it but his body refused to cooperate, a soft satisfied sigh escaped the stallion’s lips and he blushed, scowling up at CP, who smiled innocently down at him. CP then began to rock the tube of coils backwards and forwards, and it took only a few seconds for Charcoal to close his eyes and tilt his head up, moaning in delight. CP laughed speeding up and Charcoal began to pant. “S-stop!” He begged in a rather pitiful voice. “Why you’re enjoying it aren’t you?” CP asked with a grin. “O-Of course I’m not! You’re raping me for your amusement.” Charcoal accused. “Rape implies I am forcing you.” CP stated. “That’s what you’re doing, idiot!” Charcoal cried, in an irritated and heated voice as CP kept up the steady beating of Charcoal’s penis… Something was pushing against the coil ring burning within, desiring to get out. “Then if you really don’t want me to do this, why don’t you fight back?” CP asked as Charcoal let out another moan. “Because…” Then it hit Charcoal and his head raised up, eyes opening. He hadn’t been under the paralysis’ effect since CP started this… Torture. Charcoal blushed as he debated whether or not it had been torture to him… It was… Well it wasn’t bad if he thought about it but… It was still humiliating to be played with like he was. Charcoal looked back at CP, her pumping now a steady slow beat. Charcoal easily tugged one of his hooves free from the puppet hold and dropped down onto his own hooves, pulling the other free. Charcoal looked at CP to see if she was going to trick him but she simply tilted her head, her coily tube tightening making Charcoal gasp in surprise, much to his embarrassment. Charcoal reached down and gripped the tube, pulling it off and pushed it at CP, who giggled at the stallion’s angry embarrassment. Charcoal then reached down for the ring, the sensation of something bubbling and bulging behind it in his body was rather strong right now… And he was breathing very heavily, the soft breeze felt like he had someponies mouth hovering close, he was so sensitive now. “I wouldn’t take that off if I was you.” CP advised and Charcoal looked up “You’re ready to orgasm… Maybe more than once by the looks of you, the way it’s twitching, jumping as if trying to empty, your reaction just to the air… Yes you’re ripe for picking… Can you stand it if you take it off?” Charcoal turned deep red and just stared at the ring for a second. Charcoal only moved when he heard a soft sliding sound behind him and a pair of hooves wrapping around his waist, one hoof curling down to stroke his blood filled penis slowly. Charcoal had been mentally blocking most of the pleasure before, but, his guard lowered, this hit him in full force. Even this tiny little bit of teasing made the stallion shake as if he were being electrocuted, Charcoal moaned to the point of almost shouting and then wriggled in CP’s hold, trying to fight CP off. “Hold it, I’m trying to help.” CP whispered. “H-Help me? You’ve d-done enough of t-that!” Charcoal groaned, his body reflexes not responding to his wishes, making Charcoal thrust slightly into CP’s pumping hoof. CP giggled softly “You want me to let go huh? Would you be able to stand it, this is just teasing… And you’re really pent up you might squeal it’ll feel so good.” CP cooed. “I wouldn’t make such a sound.” Charcoal muttered, but there was obvious worry, fear… And anticipation in his voice… Could it feel that good? As Charcoal thought this over, CP began to run her hoof up and down as fast as she could, a soft slap sound emitting from the motion each time CP’s hoof hit the base of Charcoal’s penis. CP then, even so slightly, loosened the coil ring around Charcoal’s penis before snapping it taunt again, but it was enough. In an instant thick globs began to dribble from Charcoal’s penis head and the stallion made a noise that, had his mind been able to function around the pleasure, he would have wished to drop dead than make it again. But Charcoal didn’t care how he sounded. When CP loosened her tail and let just that sliver of pleasure hit him, every nerve in his body melted. There was no other word for it, the pleasure just burnt through Charcoal in a dominant wave and as the pleasure faded, the drops of semen falling as Charcoal’s penis desperately jumped, trying to empty itself more, Charcoal realised he wanted more. He wanted to feel all of the pleasure that ring was holding back, like the water held back by a dam. “Take it off!” Charcoal begged. “Take what off?” CP asked with a smile. “The ring, please CP this is torture!” Charcoal cried. “Is it now… How lovely. But I can make it worse.” CP hissed removing her hoof, her coils dropped over Charcoal’s head, holding his front hooves down and lifting him up into the air. The lamia slid around into Charcoal’s view, her head inches from his waist, her breath playing over Charcoal’s burning penis. “P-please CP.” Charcoal whimpered “Not that too.” “A bit of advice… Don’t cum on my face, or you will be punished.” CP warned grinning evilly up at Charcoal. CP leaned forward, curling her tongue under Charcoal’s penis head, before pulling it into her mouth, her agile tongue curling in a spiral over the head. Charcoal screamed to the heavens, mouth hanging open, all dignity and pride just sank under the pleasure as CP toyed with him, and the stallion knew she was just teasing him, he knew she could do so much more! “CP! P-PLEASE!!!” Charcoal howled, his whole body thrashing, trying to thrust into CP’s mouth, the only anchor, but more coils curled up to hold him helplessly still. CP didn’t answer, Charcoal didn’t know whether she had answered with a no by not stopping or she simply didn’t care what Charcoal said, and she would do as she pleased. Likely the latter. Charcoal began to whimper, pleading softly for CP to let him cum as his body built up more and more, it was almost painful, but in an amazing way. CP glanced up at Charcoal and winked at him. The lamia backed up and let her forked tongue wave up and down in front of Charcoal’s penis. The fact she was now doing nothing to him felt even worse than when she was torturing him with pleasure, but CP didn’t leave him without the torture for long. In an instant CP’s tongue darted forward, hitting Charcoal’s head, before curling towards something. CP reached up holding Charcoal’s jumping penis still with her hooves… Then she let one of the long forks in her tongue force its way inside Charcoal’s penis. The messages Charcoal’s mind was attacked with were just not something anypony had ever experienced in their existence, so Charcoal probably held up rather well. Charcoal turned completely silent for half a second as his brain paused to decide what it was feeling… It decided on pleasure… And then brought back, in a single stroke, all it had been withholding from Charcoal. Charcoal cried out in a mixture of torment, enjoyment, longing, shame and pure adoration. In the distance several trees shook as its residents took to the sky fleeing the unfamiliar noise. Meanwhile Charcoal’s mind shattered like a pane of glass hitting a stone floor. “CP! PLEASE! NO MORE, TAKE THE RING OFF PLEASE! I’LL DO ANYTHING PLEASE!” Charcoal bowed his head quivering, crying out as tears of joy fell from his face. Finally the little shred of the stallion’s pride that, through all this, had held on crumbled and folded “MISTRESS I SUBMIT TO YOU! NOW PLEASE, LET ME CUM!” Charcoal cried out in something similar to a plea for someponies life. CP chuckled and the ring flew away instantly. The lamia backed her tongue away, waiting for the shot. Even CP was surprise by what happened next. The lamia was splattered in the face with a semen shotgun spray and CP backed up on reflex as Charcoal’s penis threw giant globs onto the ground before him. Charcoal cried out in relief, his voice trailing to a moan. His head flopped back so he was looking straight up, and his vision began to narrow and darken, as if he were falling into a well. Charcoal, after two minutes, or roughly eight orgasms straight, finally stopped shooting, but his penis kept throbbing occasional dripples rolling out. CP, now sure she wouldn’t get splattered in the face again, approach Charcoal, who was almost unconscious now. “You came on my face.” CP stated. This mattered little to the stallion at the time… But it would mean a lot later. But, as stated, Charcoal paid no heed and he then felt the sensation of falling, and he was gone. CP now held an unconscious and sexually spent stallion. Before all this her intention had been to eat him when she was finished… But now… She wanted to truly break him, make him become addicted to her and worship her like his personal god… She might even keep him as a toy if she ever got bored. The prospect made CP smile. So, wiping most of the gooey mess off her face, CP completed the cocoon around Charcoal, covering his head as well so it looked like a scaly mummy. CP lifted Charcoal over her head and set off the way she had come. CP, with the sleeping Charcoal, made steady progress through the upper canopy of the trees around her, curling and twisting making her way steadily back home. Within minutes of the rapid ease of travel from branch to branch, tree to tree, CP could soon see a large mansion like building looming before her. The whole building was made of a deep marble white stone with a black iron fence planted in brick roots surrounding the whole estate in a large rectangle space, there was a wide birth between the fence and the nearby trees, which all seemed to be growing away as if the building scared them. Except one massive tree that loomed over with its massive branches and leaves in the west garden. Many oddly coloured plants of various sizes, patterns and, sometimes, even shapes grew wildly grew below said tree. CP stopped on one of the last trees before the wide moat of open field to the estate, the lamia curled a couple thick coils between two branches suspending the coily sac containing Charcoal between. CP then constricted her tail and a low grunt of pain and then muffled panicking could be heard within. CP enjoyed Charcoal’s sleepy, drunken and weak struggles within her coils for a few seconds before she loosened her hold… But still held him tight to show who was in control right now. CP then let the coils over Charcoal’s face fall… When they did he was completely silent, staring straight up at the darkening red autumn leaves. Only his breathing and eyes gave away signs of life from the stallion. “Welcome back Charcoal.” CP said with a satisfied smirk, which wavered a little when Charcoal didn’t respond “Hay, I’m talking to you!” CP barked. Charcoal glanced at CP then back at the flecks of sky above. “Going to gloat before you kill me?” Charcoal asked in a low bitter voice… With a hint of defeat. He just wished for it to end already, before he was shamed more. CP was rather disappointed in Charcoal’s reaction, but chuckled softly “Aw is the little tough stallion surrendering? All the fight gone?” She asked in a whimpering mocking voice, before she tightened her tail so Charcoal’s breathing became laboured, the stallion coughed and began to struggle, his back legs kicking wildly trying to free himself. CP loosened her hold laughing triumphantly “I do love it when they still have a little fight left.” CP purred. “F-Fine! Kill me already, you won alright!? Just eat me already and be damned!” Charcoal shouted, ears folded against his head in submission. CP’s grin wavered… Was Charcoal crying? The stallion seemed to realise the same thing and looked away. CP gripped Charcoal’s head with a coil and turned it to face her. Yes, in the corners of his eyes, with his hooves bound he hadn’t been able to wipe them away, were small droplets of tears. CP was slightly conflicted, she was rather happy she had broken the stallion this much and had, essentially, won… And there was also a little bit of pain and pity for the stallion. CP groaned softly then leaned down, running her tongue along Charcoal’s cheek, it got most of the tears. “There… Now it’s just saliva.” CP said with a smile, which Charcoal actually returned. “Thank you.” He whispered under his breath. “I heard that.” CP said and Charcoal blushed looking away “Tell me Charcoal… Do you still wish to live?” CP asked. The stallion glanced away and CP wondered if there was more to the stallion’s desire to die than just her… Playing. Finally Charcoal looked back and gave a very small stiff nod “Well then, I have a proposition for you… See that building?” CP pointed to the estate and Charcoal glanced over “That’s where I live… And where you’ll be working for a little bit… Survive and at the end you can choose what you want to do next.” “What do you mean choose?” Charcoal asked. “Well you can choose to leave and go back to your old life…” CP said holding her chin and looking up, she then turned her gaze down to Charcoal and grinned and Charcoal gulped “Or you can carry on as my… Servicer.” CP cooed and she giggled softly “Welcome to the Pen estate Charcoal Ashes… Will you survive your time here?”