> My Dear Silver > by Loxart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge: Wait... Its tonight?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you want? Do you want a story where the hero defeats the villain? A story where one man climbs a mountain to find medicine for his deadly infection? Or how about a story of action and adventure? Well, I can't promise you any of that. But I can tell you something much more heartwarming. A story of 2 souls, so perfect for each other, nothing could separate them. Their bond was tighter than diamond chains and they were always happy together, but apart they couldn't see a smile on either of their faces. This story will show that love passes all obstacles and problems in the way just so it can be shared between 2 special people... err... ponies. This is the story.... of how I met... the most perfect filly in all of Equestria. Our story begins on the outskirts of Ponyville, In a small cottage belonging to a shy yellow pegasus. Ever since I got here I had lived with her. She took me in even when I told her I would be fine sleeping in a field or something. But, as she loves all animals, and the fact that to her that is exactly what I am... I had no choice but to accept her offer (It was either that or the purple unicorns library. Ugh, I did NOT want to spend my days surrounded by books!). I have been living in her cottage for about 6 months now and she had warmed up to me considerably. Whenever she had a problem she would come to me with it and we would solve it together. Sometimes she would run into my bedroom, crying from a nightmare. She would jump into my lap and I would comfort her until she fell asleep. Today though, she seemed different. She was dressed up all fancy as I walked into her room. When she noticed me she walked up to me and showed off her golden dress. "How do I look?" Fluttershy asked as she blushed enough to make her face go red. "You look gorgeous Flutters!" I responded with a smile, "But whats the occasion?" Fluttershy looked at me confused. Did I forget something again? If I did I was NOT gonna hear the end of it! She simply giggled and looked at me with a loving smile. "Tonights Hearts and Hooves day!" she said, flying in a loop excited. "Wait... is that like valentines day?" I asked, dumbstruck. "Sorta, but its for ponies." she replied, letting out a quick chuckle. Greeeeeaaattt. I just LOVE valentines day! The romance in the air, the cute couples out and about. And lets not forget my favorite part of Valentin- Ugh, Hearts and Hooves day... The fact I'm always alone for these kinds of things. Seriously, it's kinda pathetic on my end. Maybe this year will be different. "Wait..." I thought "... That mean my little Flutters here got herself a-" She squealed in delight and cut me off mid sentence. "I GOT A DATE!" Fluttershy jumped into the air with such joy. "Oh my gosh Flutters, I am SOO proud of you!" I say as I pull her in for a hug. "What about you though?" Fluttershy asks. As soon as I hear that question, I put her down and my smile fades. I was going to be alone. I mean, I could try to think of some ponies who would want to go with me... well, of the main group I hang out with, I don't think any of them would be interested. Applejack is going to be working tonight. Same with Rarity, but lets face it... that pony is a stuck up bitch sometimes. Twilight has stated she doesn't want to date someone she sees as a 'Potential Research Creature' which really hit me hard in the ego but I got over it. That left Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie is nice and all but its like she is constantly on cocaine! Rainbow Dash is chill, Maybe I will go ask her to accompany me tonight. I mean, what are the odds she has a date for tonight? "I think I'll go for a walk Flutters" I say softly, "I will be back soon..." "O-oh..." She stutters, "Ok." I honestly doubt rainbow would be seeing someone tonight. Maybe I will get lucky and she will say yes! I open the front door and exit Flutters cottage. I start down the path to set myself up for Hearts and Hooves day! I walked through the town square like I normally do but today was a very different scenario. I had my head down so I didn't have to look at any other pony, reason being they were in pairs! I honestly didn't want to see all this romance right now. It would throw me off. As I walked past a bunch of pony couples, I bumped into a filly. "Watch it!" A little female voice snapped at me. Oh, I knew this one all to well. Ladies and gentlemen, THE BITCH! Diamond tiara is a monster. All she does is pick on other colts and fillies for not being her. Seriously I wish i bumped into bulk biceps at this point but as it stands... I'm face to face with this asshole! "Honestly diamond, piss off." I tell her, "I'm not in the mood for your shit today. Maybe tomorrow." I slowly walk away when she bolts in front of me again. "Wait!" She says, "I actually want to ask you a favor..." Did she ju- but she nev- how can sh- "You know what?" I kneel down, "Go ahead" She walks up and hugs me. I was in a state of shock until I hear what she has to say. "I need a babysitter... daddy is going out of town and I need someone I can trust. I know I give you shit but I really don't wanna be home alone." Mother of god... Diamonds being respectful... I can't say no... but then again... "Listen, I gotta go to rainbows to ask her a question. If I am turned down by her, I will gladly babysit you, ok?" She is smiling bigger than ever. "Thank you, Anon!" "Don't mention it, Diamond." I finish and walk off towards rainbows place. > Chapter 1: Words of Hurt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, what is happening today? First Fluttershy, the most shy pony in Equestria, had a DATE for Hearts and Hooves day and now Diamond Tiara is asking for my HELP?! The Diamond thing is not as confusing but FLUTTERSHY?! DATE?! Wow she is really improving. Note to self: 'Meet stallion she is going out with tonight and make sure he is good enough'. Don't want Flutters to be heartbroken. As for Diamond Tiara... well, let me explain. 2 MONTHS AGO I was strolling through Ponyville and making sure everyone was at peace. That was sort of my job around here. If ponies broke into a fight, I had to stop it. Mind you I'm usually left in bruises but its worth it to see smiles on their faces in the end. But she was another case. I saw 3 fillies backed against a wall (A unicorn, pegasus and earth pony) and I went up to talk to them and see what was wrong. From the looks of it, tears were flowing down their cheeks and straight onto the ground where to no surprise, there was a puddle. But as soon as I closed the distance between me and the fillies, another one showed up. And let me tell you, she was pisssssed! We stood there staring at each other until I spoke up. "Who are you?" "Diamond Tiara, daughter of Filthy Rich" She said in a snooty tone. Oh no. I have encountered Filthy before. He always spoke highly about his daughter but he and I both knew she was trouble. Why today of all days when NOTHING was going wrong did she have to show up? Celestia... if you can hear me... h-help! "Well could you please move, I need to-" I was cut off "Back off! Were playing a game and we don't need you bothering us!" She snapped. "Doesn't look like it," I said, approaching her, "Now step out of my way!" She jumped a bit at the last part. But nonetheless she just continued standing there. What is wrong with this filly? Is she always this way? Either way, it's time to finish this. "Why don't you ju-" She tries to say before being silenced with my hand. "Walk. Away!" I yell. As if for one split second anything I said wasn't going in one ear and out the other, she started walking off with her head down. Did I hurt her? No time to ask. I walk over to the 3 little ones against the wall. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask, sincerity in my voice as they look up. It seemed they were hurt really bad. The white unicorn had cuts up and down her legs and a gash right in her side. The orange pegasus seemed to have broken a wing and had a black eye. The yellow earth pony was the worst. She had her front hoof sprained and cuts all over. And to top it all off, she seemed to have bruises all over her head. "Y-yea" The unicorn filly spoke up first, "Thanks... uhh..." "Anonymous. Most people just call me Anon." I speak in a sorrowed voice, "Who are you three?" As the unicorn and pegasus stand up, they help the earth filly to her legs and held her up. "I'm Sweetie Belle..." The unicorn starts "...I'm Scootaloo..." Next the pegasus "... And I'm Apple Bloom!" The earth filly finishes, "And together we are!" Nothing could prepare my ears for the rupture they were about to have. "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!!" They boom at the top of their lungs. ... Ow, my ears... "Well, you're welcome guys. Why don't you head on home." I say with a smile "Alright." Apple bloom says, thankful, "Thank ya kindly for helpin' us out there!" "Don't mention it." I wave them off. As they head their separate directions, I head over to the cafe. All that problem solving makes me hungry. I hope its not to crowded today, otherwise I'm not gonna get a seat. As I reach the pavilion holding the cafe, I notice that filly again... Diamond Tiara. S-shes crying? I honestly do not want to do this but... "Hey..." I say to her. She looks up at me. Tears still filling her eyes. Is it just me or did she get sadder when I appeared? "W-w-what do you want?" She says, stuttering to get her words out, "Just leave me alone..." As much as I wanted to take that offer and stroll right outta there... my gut just sat there. Sometimes I hate it when my helpful side takes control. Kill me now... "Not until you tell me what's wrong!" I say. She may be a bully but she still has feelings (Though at first she only showed anger) "Dad left me home alone without a word. Then when I went out I lost my temper... I didn't meant to, I swear!" She said, sincerity in her voice, "Then you showed up and made me feel like a complete jerk... so I left." Oh... My... God... How is this a thing? How is she showing emotion other than anger or joy for herself?! Could it be shes just lonely? I know she has one friend but seriously, this can't be the Diamond Tiara I was told about. Was it? "Come on." I get up and gesture for her to come. "W-what?" She asks, still stuttering. "I'm watching you until your father comes home." I say as I force a smile on my face. She doesn't seem to be upset anymore. She seems almost... happy! She leads me to her home and immediately I think to myself 'Wow... you got flutters beat house wise'. As we enter the house she gestures she is hungry. I go and fix her up a nice sandwich and she eats it pretty quickly. Time went on and she seemed to warm up to me. I guess she isn't such a bad filly after all. As night falls I put her to bed and head downstairs. I took a seat on the couch and started dosing off. 5 minutes later I feel something curl up in my lap. Diamond must have quietly made her way down here without me noticing... clever girl. But to this day she makes me insult her or swear every time we meet (She had a 'Reputation to keep') and when the coast is clear from other ponies, she comes up and talks to me. PRESENT TIME All my thinking about my first encounter with Diamond kept me busy enough to make it to the shadow under Rainbow's house. I whistled out to her and almost instantly I see her burst out the door. She sees me and lifts me up to her house, gently putting me down on the cloud (Twilight helped me with that one). "Hey Anon, what's up?" She says, cheerful. "Nothing much, what's up with you dash?" "Just getting ready for tonight." She says, blushing. And just as those words settle in my mind, I know that I'm babysitting tonight. But, knowing my sheer stupidity, I ask anyways. "You got a date?" I mumble. "Uhhh... yea." She asks, worried, "Why?" "Oh it's nothing." I say, a bit disappointed, "Have fun." She took that as the sign to bring me back down to the ground. Head low to the ground, I start off back into town, as a single thought flies through my mind: "I'm watching a kid for Hearts and Hooves day...." I walk through town and notice that most of the stalls are closed except one. I walk over to it, still a bit down after what happened. I remembered I had a small amount of bits in my pocket and maybe there was something here to cheer me up. "Good day, Sir" The stallion behind the stall spoke up, "How may I assist you." I look around his stall and notice something that catches my eye. It was a beautiful spoon with a purple gemstone placed in the tip. For some reason, this made me a bit happier. As I point to it, I speak up. "How much for it?" I ask, confident I had enough. "35 bits." I reach into my pocket and pull out my bit pouch. I place 35 bits onto the counter and he gives me the spoon and a nice box to put it in. A smirk comes across his face. "Is this for your special somepony?" He asks, slyly. "N-no... I don't have one..." I respond, head down again. I continue walking into town, depressed at what he had asked. I guess I just had to get used to the fact that I would be single for a while. As I approached the mansion Diamond Tiara lived in, I thought about asking someone else. But as soon as the thought came it was gone again. I placed 3 loud knocks onto the mansions front door. A cheerful little filly was there to answer the door. "Come on in, Anon!" She said, merrily. > Chapter 2: Filly Sitting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we go again. Another Hearts and Hooves day (Screw calling it valentines day) to be spent single, depressed and to no surprise to all the pathetic details just listed, I am stuck filly sitting. You know that old saying 'Things couldn't possibly get worse'? That statement is a bunch of crap, end of story! At least Diamond Tiara seems to enjoy my company. It's only evening time and I'm already bored. Maybe I should leave while I still have the chance. I mean... Diamond will be fine on her own... WHAT AM I THINKING! There is no way I'm leaving this filly for my own desperation. Maybe I can have some time to myself here. Wait a second... GASP "Light bulb" I say out loud. "What was that?" Diamond Tiara perks her head up to face me. Stupid, stupid Anon! I had forgotten she was right in front of me, laying on the floor. And from the looks of it, she was in the middle of reading and I distracted her. "I was wondering, how many friends have you got?" I ask, recovering from my rookie mistake. She puts a hoof to her chin. This should buy me a few seconds of her forgetting how I just said light bulb in front of her. She probably thinks I'm the biggest wierdo in all o- . "A few" She says, smiling as if it was an accomplishment. "Why don't you invite someone over to play?" I ask, slyly. "Are you sure? I mean, I know I am trouble enough but can you handle me and someone else?" She asks, now up from the spot she was previously laying comfortably on. "I'm sure it wouldn't be any trouble." I reply. "Yay! Thank you!" She says as she heads for the door. I catch her before she walks out the door. She looks up at me confused. "Stay safe, ok?" I ask, hoping that she will do just that. "Of course." She says, as she walks out into the front yard, out the gate and off into town. As I close the door, I decide I will take a break and relax. I lay comfortably on the couch and start to doze off. It had been a stressful day so far. I wish that for one valentines day or Heart and Hooves day or whatever it is called, I wouldn't be single. I guess fate had other plans for me. It's plans were to keep me single until I learned a lesson or time stopped. And honestly, knowing my luck, it was probably option 2. Maybe tonight I will get lucky and someone will come looking for me to be my special somepony! I can only hope. Until then, nap time. I had awoken about 23 minutes later. I was being poked in the face by a small hoof, belonging to none other than Diamond Tiara. All I wanted was a nap Diamond... whyyyyyy?! "Wake up, Anon." She said, as she kept poking. "Diamond" I say, half asleep, "For the love of go- Celestia, please stop poking my cheek." "Good your awake!" She says, happily, "Me and my friend will be upstairs playing if you need us, ok?" I nodded as she ran upstairs to rejoin with her friend. I'm glad she has at least one. As long as they are quiet, her friend is ok in my book. I start to doze off again to continue my nap. This time, I only got about 7 minutes until another hoof started poking my face. This one feeling almost the same size. I didn't bother to open my eyes. "Yes? What do you need?" I ask, tired out of my mind. "Umm... I was wondering if I could get something to eat?" A female filly voice says. Must be Diamonds friend. I point to where I assume the kitchen is. "Help yourself. Just don't eat to much." I say, not bothering to open my eyes still. "T-thank you" She says as I hear her walk away. Finally, peace and quiet. I can finally rest for hopefully and hour and a half and wake up feeling nice an- "Whats this?" That voice says again. Oh for the love of sun-butt Celestia why can I not get any sleep today?! I open my eyes and turn to the filly. My jaw almost dropped as I saw her. She had a shimmering silver coat which seemed to radiate as she stood there. Around her neck was a string of pearls that complemented her perfect deep magenta eyes. Atop her muzzle sat a pair of blue designer glasses that just made her look all the more beautiful. Her mane was the same as her coat but a bit lighter with a line of whitish silver down the middle. For a filly... she was stunning! "W-who are you?" I ask, dumbstruck from the filly. "Me?" She questions me, "I'm Silver Spoon. Pleased to meet you" She extended a hoof as I carefully held out my hand. As we exchanged greetings, I felt my heart flutter. Sweet Celestia she was perfect. "Umm... You're Anon, right?" "Y-yea." I reply, still stuttering from the sight of her. "Well, could you answer my previous question?" She asks, confused, "What's this?" You look to see her pointing at the box you had purchased before arriving at the mansion. You pick up the box and seat yourself on a nearby chair. Silver pulls up one beside you as you open the box. You see her hoofs cover her mouth in awe of the treasure inside. "I-its beautiful." She says, amazed at the sight. "Do you like it?" I ask, intrigued she is so interested in it. "Yea! It looks exactly like my cutie mark!" She says, pointing to her flank. She was right. The spoon matched her cutie mark completely. Parallel to every last detail. Then a thought popped into my mind. "Would you like to have it?" I ask. I knew I was never going to use it let alone keep it out. "Really?!" She looked excited. "Sure, here." I say while handing over the box, placing it in her hoofs. "Oh my gosh, thank you!!" She squeals, as she rushes back upstairs to tell her friend. Silver Spoon. That name was a perfect fit for her. A beautiful name for a beautiful filly. Maybe this night wont be so bad after all. I mean, Tiaras happy, Spoons happy, I'm happy... Oh... Wait a second... "Light bulb" I said, grinning like an idiot. Maybe I'll be single for Hearts and Hooves day... But seeing how she was to hurt. Somepony as beautiful as her needed to be noticed on this day. I should go take them to the celebration and let them have fun. It would be nice to get out and I'm sure the girls would love it. As I headed upstairs, I walked towards Diamond's room. As I opened the door, the 2 fillies looked up at me, smiling. "What do you need Anon?" Diamond asked. "How would you two like to go to the Hearts and Hooves Celebration. I'll take you if you want. It gets kinda boring in the mansion so how about it. My treat?" They both gasped and nodded their heads in my direction. If that wasn't a yes I don't know what is! I told them to get dressed in something nice and they darted into Diamonds walk in closet (Surprisingly bigger than her room -_-). As they got changed, I headed downstairs and got ready to go. We were going to have to stop at my place to pick up my tux that Rarity made for me. Tonight will go well, I know so! > Chapter 3: Oh look, Sun-Butt is here -_- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I waited on the couch for what seemed to be an eternity, some things crossed my mind. What if these 2 fillies cause a problem at the festivities? What if people laugh at me for having to watch fillies on a day of romance. What if- ENOUGH! I know tonight will go smoothly. I mean, they seem to have behaved themselves today (I think... sleep allured me...) so this should go well. If it doesn't well then that's their problem. Speaking of which where are those 2? "Diamond, Silver!" I call up the stairs to get their attention "We will just be a bit longer" I hear Diamond call down to me. Great, more waiting. Why is it when these ponies wear things they take forever to get ready. Its kind of ridiculous in my opinion. But, if it means my day will end in making not one but two ponies happy... then I'll be glad to wait. I don't really care if I'm depressed, I always am. But when someone else is happy, that cheers me up a bit. I guess today, I'm lucky to be happy. I think I know why as well... Silver Spoon. She is just amazing. Her eyes, her mane, her fur... She is an angel. I still find the fact that she is a filly a bit weird noting she is still in school but I remember Applejack telling me that love bypasses age in this world (She said that while looking at spike so... gonna hold her against that one) so it is less weird. But, if I ever want to see her with me, I am going to need to get to know this filly first. Maybe I can talk to her tonight about being frien- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "SWEET CELESTIA SUNBU-" I start to state angerly, opening the door. "What was that?" The alicorn at the door chuckled lightly. LADIES AND GENTLEMAN BOYS AND GIRLS WELCOME TO RUN FROM CELESTIA! Seriously the only time this princess tries to find me is if she is pissed or is ready to troll my sorry ass. And seeing as she hunted me down to the household of Filthy Rich, she means business! I start to make a run to her left so I can bolt out of there as fast as I can. But she extends a hoof in that direction and stops me. This is gonna hurt... "Hello Anon" She says sweetly. ... She didn't yell and I'm not upside down... this is serious. "Hello Sun-butt" I respond, laughing at my comment She rolls her eyes and walks into the house. She seats herself on the couch and looks at me. "What are you doing here? It's hearts and hooves day!" She explains, "Why aren't you out with your special somepony? "Don't got one" I reply, "So i decided to watch Diamond Tiara. I'm actually taking her and Silver Spoon to the festivities!" She looks at me, blushing hard. "C-can I join you?" She asks, nervously. "Don't you have a special somepony Celestia?" I question back, confused. "No... I've lived for over a thousand years and never found one." Ok, I will admit it. I do not like Celestia. For all the times she has pranked me or yelled at me or annoyed me or broke through Fluttershy's cottage wall (Flutters was scared like hell and even angel couldn't cheer her up. Way to go Sun-butt). But seeing as it is hearts and hooves day and I DO owe her one for... sorta... blowing up her cake stash... "Celestia, if you promise to stop trolling me and stop annoying me so much and actually ATTEMPT to be my friend properly" I start, "Then I will be your special somepony for tonight only." She instantly brightens up at the deal. "Really?" She asks, happier then ever. "Shake on it." I extend my hand to her as she places her hoof firmly in it. As soon as we finish out hand/hoofshake, Diamond and Silver come slowly down the stairs. "We're ready" They say in sync. Ah! I remember seeing Diamond in that dress before. It was at her cute ceanera. It really looked good on her. And Silver Spoon looked gorgeous in her dress. It was a red laced white dress that extended from her neck to her flank, covering her cutie mark. Upon her hoof she had 4 red dress shoes with emerald engraved in the heels. Divine! "Wait... is that?" Diamond asks, shocked. I nod my head. "Pleasure to meet you girls." Celestia says, smiling. They both bow to the princess. Is she really THAT important? "No need to bow girls, I'm not here formally" She states as the fillies get back to their hoofs, "I'm Anon's special somepony for tonight." Both their mouths gape in awe. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "A-anon... you are... going out with Celestia?!" Silver Spoon asks, shocked. "Only for tonight" I say, "Right Sun-butt?" She chuckles a bit. She knows she likes that nickname. "Yes, sadly that is the case" She says sweetly, "Now, lets head to Fluttershy's cottage to pick up Anon's outfit." "Ok." We all say together. So off we go. Just the 4 of us walking to Flutters place. The trip is mostly quiet with the occasional question the fillies would ask Celestia. They seemed so fascinated by the princess that it felt like they forgot I existed (Which kind of hurt!), but I knew that they would be like this on the way there. As we approached the bridge leading to her cottage, the 3 ponies stopped. "Go on ahead" Celestia said, "we will wait." I nodded and headed inside. I rushed to my room and started to get changed. As I was getting into my tux and fixing my tie, my door opened and Flutters walked in. We exchanged a heartfelt hug and she trotted off. After this morning, I think I would want her to keep happy instead of having to worry about me. I slip into my dress shoes and head to the front door. As I open it, I see the 3 ponies, still on the bridge, looking at me with jaws to the ground. "W-wow..." Celestia says "Anon, y-you look amazing!" Diamond says. "You r-really do..." Silver says, hiding a blush. Ok, this has got to be a dream. But even if it is, I will take it. I walk up to hug Celestia. If she and I are going to be special someponies tonight then I'm going to treat her right. We started off to the town when suddenly, I felt a bunch of little hooves over my back and on my shoulders. Diamond and Silver hopped up and asked if they could have a ride on my back. I nodded and they held on tight. 'This could be a good night' I thought to myself. As we approached the town's outskirts, Celestia held out her hoof. "Ready, Anon?" She asks, looking like she is going to burst with joy at any second. "Ready!" I respond the same way. Tonight is going to be fun! > Chapter 4: Hearts an- HOLY CRAP PINKIE NO! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So here I am. Town square, Ponyville. The decorations are everywhere. Couples trotting around, holding hooves and occasionally hugging one another. The sun had just recently set (Luna was in charge tonight because Celestia was with me) so the full mood really made this the perfect romantic night. Honestly, I don't know what could go wrong tonight! Everything seems perfectly normal around here. As Celestia heads over to mingle a little, I lay down some rules for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: 1. No being rude 2. Don't raise your voice in anger 3. No hitting 4. If you have a problem, talk to me. They nodded in acceptance with these rules and walked off to be with Sun-butt. I swear, they treat her like a god. I look over to the town hall and see it was turned into a reception area. I decided to go check it out while the 3 I came here with are off chatting. As I walk in I notice ponies are dancing and talking on the sidelines. I start traversing the crowd to get to the sidelines of the dance area. I ended up bumping into a booth selling different treats. As I looked up to see who was selling these delicacies, I noticed a orange mare with a blonde mane and cowgirl hat on. Well, I'll be darned! "Applejack?" I asked, surprised but happy. "Oh, hey Anon" She looked as if the feeling was mutual, "Wanna buy something?" Business was all she did at these kinds of events. Even at the Grand Galloping Gala she was trying to sell her treats! But I am kinda hungry... "I'll take and apple pie..." I thought about Celestia and the fillies, "A cinnamon apple cake and a dozen apple fritters please!" Her jaw dropped at the huge order I had placed. A few seconds later, it was replaced with a huge smile. "Sounds like you got Celestia and 2 hungry fillies with you!" She laughs. "Wha- how did you know?" I asked, sincerely. She points a hoof to somewhere behind me. As I turn, there was; as if on queue; 2 fillies and a cake hungry alicorn. "Make that 2 apple cinnamon cakes, please!" She said, giggling. "Alright, that will be 32 bits." As I go to pull out my bit sack, Celestia stops me and places hers instead. "But, I was going to p-" I was stopped when a hoof went over my mouth "No need Anon" Celestia said with a warming smile, "Tonight is on me!" We exchanged a hug and the fillies joined in as well. You know, I'm really enjoying myself tonight. I don't anything wil- "ANON!" I look over to where my name was called. A enraged Pinkie Pie was looking around for me. Was she expecting me to ask her to Hearts and Hooves day? Well I only have one thing to say.... I'm fucked. "ANON! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Pinkie shouted. All the ponies moved out of the way, revealing me, curled up in a ball on the floor. As I heard her stomping towards me, I started shivering. I felt myself being lifted. As I looked down, I saw Pinkie carrying me outside. She put me down on the bridge and starting talking fast. "ohmygodAnonwhydidn'tyoutellmethatyouandCelestiawerespecialsomeponiesImean..." "Pinkie." Nothing. "...Ican'tbelieveyoudidn'ttellmesoonerIwouldhavethrownapartyforyoutwo..." "Pinkie!" Louder but still nothing. "...Andthenyoucouldhavehadyourfirstdateatsugarcubecor-" "PINKIE PIE!" That worked. "What?" She asked, confused. "It's only for tonight" I explain, "I'm here because Diamond and Silver wanted to go." "Ohhhhh." She understands, good. "Well, I'm gonna stay out here for a bit, it's nice out. You go have fun Pinkie." I gesture her to go back inside. "Okie dokie loki!" She cheerfully says and bounces off. She sure is something, I'll give you that. I was outside for nearly an hour without even noticing. As I stared into the river, I thought of Silver Spoon. What was it about her that I was so attracted to? She was amazing sure, but so was Diamond. So what could it be? "H-hey Anon..." I hear a voice to my side. Speak of the frigging devil look who it is. Silver Spoon is shyly standing there, making circles with her left forehoof. It looks like she has something to say. "Hey Silver. Whats wrong?" I ask, kneeling down to her. She seems to be crying. Who did this to her?! WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO HER?! WHERE IS SH- woah... Batman on the mind... "Oh my gosh, what happend?!" I try to ask but get no response. As she looks up, she seems to be smiling. Not just that, but crying at the same time. Whats going on he- WOAH. Is she... hugging me? "T-thank you so much for taking us out tonight Anon" She says, her tiny hooves wrapped around me. "It was nothing, Silver." I reply "IT WASN'T NOTHING!" She yelled I jumped "Me and Diamond are treated like dirt for how we act... we don't mean to be like that... we are only that way because our parents are almost never around" She starts hugging me tighter, "You treat us so nicely... and that spoon you gave me... I loved it so much... It was the only gift I have ever received from someone who wasn't my mom!" Oh my god... I feel so bad for them... I knew Diamond didn't have many friends... but now knowing her father is almost never around and that Silver is experiencing the same thing... It makes me start crying... "Calm down Silver, it's ok!" I try to stop her tears. After a couple of minutes, Diamond walks out in the same condition. She runs up to me and joins the hug. Man... All over town I hear stories about Diamond being a monster... but she isn't a monster at all... neither is Silver... they are just misunderstood.. After another minute, we all let go. It seemed like the fillies had stopped crying, which was a good sign. They both wore smiles on their faces. I gave them both a scratch behind the ear and they were ok again. "You two run along back inside now" I say, merrily, "And Silver." "Yea?" "We're friends." This made her even happier. She nodded and joined her friend back in the town hall. I just stood there, feeling so happy for what I just did. I felt a tear running down my cheek. Before I started to break down, Celestia had her wings wrapped around me. "You're a good pon- person, Anon." She said, motherly. "Thank you... Sun-butt" I playfully ruffle her mane. "I like that nickname" She giggles, "I hate formal names." We both share in a laugh and eventually look out into the river together. "You think they are going to enjoy the rest of their night?" I ask, worried. "Why wouldn't they" She looks right at me, "They have been shown kindness which other ponies dare not give them." "Yea" I smile, "You're right!" She puts her hoof over my shoulder. "Thank you for being my special somepony tonight as well... It means alot to me." She says, blushing. "Hey, no problem" I peck her on the cheek, which turns her more red, "now lets go back inside, shall we?" She nods and we head back for the town hall. So far so good! But we still have alot of night left to spend, so lets get this party started! As soon as I think that, Pinkie is right beside me. "Party?!" Pinkie shouts. "PINKIE, STOP IT! NO FOURTH WALL BREAKING! THAT'S MY JOB!" "awww..." She frowns and walks off. As I was saying, lets get this party started! > Chapter 5: Hello Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the night was simply divine. Celestia was happy all night after the peck on the cheek, Silver and Diamond were behaving themselves and Me, well, I had the time of my life. We all got to dance together, and then me and Celestia danced when the slow song came on. It seemed Diamond and some unknown colt were hitting it off pretty well. It's nice to see Diamond starting to get along with others! But alas, the night had to come to an end. I bowed to Celestia as she flew off into the night, leaving me and two tired fillies. I decided to carry them home since they were so little. I scooped up Diamond in my left arm and Silver in my right. As we walked home, I noticed something. They were starting to cuddle into me like they were about to fall asleep. I managed to keep them awake until we got home. I thought this was finally the time I could get some well deserved rest after a long tiring day but then, Diamond spoke up before I could lay down. "Hey Anon?" She tried to get my attention. I turned around with a half smile on my face. "Yes?" I asked, mentally dead. "Can Silver sleep over?" She asks, giving the big eyes. "Sure, why not?" I reply as fast as I can so I can get to sleep. "Thank you!!!" She squeaks and runs upstairs. Finally, I can get some sleep. As I lay down on the couch, thoughts of the festivities flow through my mind. Tonight was one of the best nights ever and for once, no one was depressed! I started to doze off and eventually pass out. I ended up dreaming about the dance me and Celestia shared, only, Silver asked me to dance afterwards. As I held her in my arms, we danced slowly. I always love to dance, probably because as a child, I couldn't stop moving around. As the end of the dance approached I realized the dream would end soon. It was so good though. No, I don't wanna wake up. This dream was perfect. Why did it have to end... 'I wish it would last longer but...' I think to myself. After the dance finished, a bright light flashed, and I thought I had awoken. Boy was I wrong. I found myself still dreaming but in front of me stood a castle made of celestial star bricks. It almost resembled a constellation. Then I finally realized where I was. This place was where Luna rested during her dream searching. As I opened the rather large front doors, I noticed that Luna wasn't where she usually was. As I was thinking where she could be, I heard a munching sound from the kitchen. As I approached the doorway leading into the starry kitchen, I noticed a certain Moon-flanked alicorn standing over the counter, gorging herself on apple treats she bought and transported into the dream. I clear my throat and her head shoots up. Slowly turning her head towards me, she smiles widely. "HUMAN!!!" I start backing up but she rushes at me, tackling me into a hug. Yea, she remembered me. I was one of her, and I quote, 'Favorite things to see in her castle at night'. The hug lasts for about 30 seconds and then she lets go of me, still smiling. "Hey Luna!" I say with a huge smile as well. "What brings thou to out sanctuary of the night?" She asked in her normal voice. "A dream of mine finished and I was brought here." I answered. She soon realized why he was here. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she met him. "Ah, thou had a 'Blessed dream' and arrived here." She explained. "A blessed what?" I asked, puzzled. She explained to me that a Blessed dream is a dream that allows the host to see what they most desire at that time. If the Blessed dream can be made real over time, then they will be given assistance from another. The assistant is chosen at random but is usually a close friend. Seeing as the dream chose Luna, this could only go well. "So, what did thou dream about to require our assistance." Luna questions. I then explain to her the dream I had about Silver Spoon. She seems to keep a straight face. "We see... thy seems to come equip with an admiration for this filly." She says, trying to hide a smile. "Yea, a little, but what do I do." I ask, making that smile pop out. "Gain the little one's trust, human" She starts, "Put effort into thy friendship and in time, thou shall be rewarded with the dream in reality." Everything starts to fade, I can only ask one more question. "Hey Luna?" "Yes?" Help me... "Learn to speak normally." "Never." She smiles. As I start to awaken, I noticed the sun was going to rise in about 2 minutes. I got up and headed to the kitchen. I started making pancakes and waffles (Diamond loves those things.) and set the table. After its all set and the food is on the table, I hear small hooves coming down the stairs. I call out to them to let them know where I am and they call back. As they entered the kitchen, their mouths gaped at the stacks of pancakes and waffles that towered on the table. As they rushed to their seats, I took their orders. Silver asked for 2 waffles, a pancake and some orange juice. Diamond asked for 3 of each and some milk. I placed the food down and got both their drinks. I let them chow down on what they would call a morning feast while I started on some eggs. After I sat down with my eggs, they both placed another order. Man these 2 were hungry. They ordered the same as their previous so I got them just that. As we finished up, we all did the dishes. Since it was a Saturday I decided to ask Diamond and Silver what they wanted to do. It seems they both wanted to go to the park so I guess I was to oblige. We started off to the park before most of Ponyville awoke. Today seemed peaceful, despite the fact that I'm pretty sure half of the town banged last night so they are all sleeping in. As we arrived at the park, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were already there, and from the looks of it, trying to get medieval catapult cutie marks. They saw Diamond and Silver and started shaking. I explained to them all that things were different. They didn't believe be and catapulted off. I looked off in the distance to see how far they went then examined their flanks. No cutie marks. Gonna be brutally honest here but they suck at this! Diamond and Silver were sorrowed by what just happened. I decided to scratch behind their ears and that cheered them right back up. It seems that is like every pony's weakness around here. Not complaining because it can get me outta tight situations, but it makes this stuff to easy! I sent them off to play, sat down on the ground and watched them for a while. I gathered my thoughts about the dream I had and thought maybe Luna was right. I should try to better acquaint myself with Silver Spoon. I mean, she thinks of me as a friend but we don't really know each other. Maybe I should spend the next month or so trying to get closer to her and spend some time with her. Starting tomorrow, I will become great friend with Silver Spoon! > Chapter 6: Silver, My friend! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time we all spent at the park was really enjoyable. They had their fun and I had my relaxation. But, eventually it was time for Silver to go home. She waved goodbye as Diamond came over to see me. She seem to nod her head in the direction of home. I instantly got the message and took her back to the mansion. The rest of the day was planning out how I would become friends with Silver Spoon starting tomorrow. I had a quill, an inkwell and paper in front of me and I was ready to plan this out when I realized that I don't know where to start. Then it hit me. Maybe Diamond can help me with this. I mean, those 2 seem really close and I know that she trusts me with Silver. I decided to go up to her room and ask her for a bit of help. Before I got there, her door was open and it smelt like makeup and hair product... Oh god not again! I walk in slowly and see she has been playing fashionista again... greaaat -_- ! "Hey Anon" She greets me cheerfully, "What's up?" "Ok, I'll level with you" I respond, nervously, "I wanna become friends with Silver Spoon..." "Alright, I'll help. Sit." She gestures for you to sit on the bed. She sat along side me and looked at me with the most serious expression this side of Equestria. She explained a lot about Silver, what her likes and dislikes were, how she acted, how she liked to be treated, how I could gain her trust and so on. I decided to write all this down so I wouldn't forget it later. Then it hit her. "Wait" She looked at me puzzled, "Why do you want to befriend her?" "Oh, well" I stare into that puzzled face, nervous, "I just wanna make a new friend is all!" She shrugged it off and continued talking about Silver for about 10 minutes before she yawned at the topic. "Anon" She started, "Go try some things I suggested. I'll be fine on my own for a little bit." "I'll try in the morning when its easier." "Alright." I decided to fall asleep in her bed and wait till morning. She curled up on my chest in a little ball and after about a minute she was knocked out cold. It was a peaceful night to say the least. By dawns light, she arose to see she was sleeping on me. She constantly apologized for keeping me stuck their all night. I simply giggled and lifted her off me and on to the ground. I walked downstairs with her as her stomach growled. As she headed towards the kitchen, I headed out the front door and into the yard. As I crossed the grassy yard, I thought to myself 'I don't know where she lives'. I shrugged and decided its about time I searched. As I headed into town, I came across a peculiar shop that caught my eye. The sign hanging over the door had a silver bell and the door and windows were the same shape. Bingo. As I walked in, I saw that no one was around, not even the store owner. I looked around at the various things they had on display. Bells, chinaware, silverware, reigns and even some dress shoes. All of the objects seemed to be hand crafted and to perfection. As I walked over to the counter, I noticed a small tap bell and hit it a few times. As I stopped, I heard hooves coming down the stairs behind the counter. "Hello there, sir" She greeted warmly, "welcome to Silver Bell Gifts!" Yea, this the place. This mare looks almost Identical to Silver Spoon, only way older and much taller. "Hi." You reply. "What can I help you with today?" She smiles and tilts her head. "Well, I'm looking for something special. Very special." I give her a look that she almost instantly understands. "Ahh, so you're the one who took her out last night?" She asks, slyly. "Depends on who were talking about here." I lean on the counter. "Were you possibly looking for a spoon?" She whispers in my ear. "Yep, that's her." I say, smiling. She chuckles slightly at the comment and nods her head. She walks upstairs and from the distance I can hear a door open. As the door closes again, the mare does not come back down. Instead, in her place, a filly walks down the stairs, looking towards the ground, not noticing its me. "Hello" She says, head still down, "how may I help you..." I felt like picking her up and hugging her, but I decided to wait until she knew it was me. I changed my voice slightly so she wouldn't know it was me. "I would like to get your opinion on some silverware." I say in a deeper tone. "Right this way sir..." She leads me over to a glass case. I look over all the silverware encased inside. It was all so beautiful. Did she help hand craft all these things? I couldn't wait any longer. I had to say something. "I'll take this one." I say pointing towards her. She looks at the case to see what you are gesturing at and realizes your pointing towards her. When she doesn't see a hoof, she looks up to see you smiling at her. Silver almost immediately returns the warming smile. "Anon!" She squeaks. As I go to scratch her, she instead jumps up to hug me. I return the gesture and by the time I let go, she didn't. I took her off me and put her back on the ground. "Hey Silver." I say, still smiling. "What brings you to the store?" Her puzzled look gets me. "I was wondering if you wanted to go do something?" I ask "What, with me, you, and Diamond?" She questions. "No, just me and you" I explain, "I thought we could get to know each other." "Alright, let me just pack a few things." I nod as she walks back upstairs. Step one complete. Now that I have got her attention and have asked her to hang out, I can commence friendship making. I mean, If everyone else can do it so well, then so can I! I look over the list I wrote at Diamonds and memorized it so I didn't have to risk pulling it out again. Right, so, how hard can this be! She comes back down the stairs and walks towards the door. "Ready!" She says, merrily. I head over to her and open the door. As she walks out, I stop to think how well this was going for a complex plan. "Come on!" She gets my attention as I follow her. Our day went smoothly. Our first stop was to the Ponyville Cafe for some morning tea. I asked her some things about herself and she was more than happy to talk about any question I threw at her. She seemed to have done a lot despite being a filly, which fascinated me. After our morning tea, I took her to the park. She loved it there, though her mother rarely brought her there and she needed a supervisor to watch over her. As she played away, I sat back in the spot I was in yesterday. I watched her play for a while when I saw Applejack and Apple Bloom approaching. "Howdy Anon" She tips her hat, "What brings y'all here this morning?" "I'm spending time with Silver spoon." I told her. "Mind if ah sit with ya?" She asked politely. I nodded and she fell beside me, trying to copy the way I was sitting. She eventually gave up and just leaned on me instead. I looked over as Silver and I couldn't believe my eyes. Apple Bloom was getting along with her! I smiled as the both waved over towards me and AJ. We returned the gesture and they went back to playing. As it approached noon, we all headed towards Sweet Apple Acres for some lunch courtesy of the Apple family. After we filled up on apples and apple juice, we all went into the field and AJ, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh showed us how to buck apples. Silver Spoon tried it out and almost knocked the tree down. Everyone dropped their jaw as Silver laughed. 'Note to self: Do NOT piss her off.' I then tried by getting into a crawling position and kicking my legs against the tree. One apple.... I am pathetic. They were all laughing as I just glared angrily at a tree. A few seconds later I was up that bad boy and grabbing apples by the arm load. Evening rolled around and we had to say goodbye to Sweet Apple Acres for the day. As me and Silver walked back to the shop, I noticed something flying above us. Wait a second... "SILVER GET DOWN!" I push her to the side as a lightning bolt strikes me. This has happened countless times before. I have gotten used to it because its not that strong due to it being pony-made and not natural. I looked over to Silver laughing her ass off at me. Looking up, the rainbow maned pegasus was doing the same. Time for payback. "Hey rainbow!" I grab an apple from outta my pocket and chuck it at her. "Yea Ano-" She doesn't even finish before getting bonked on the head with the rapid flying apple, making her fall of the cloud and land on the ground. I walk over to where she is as she looks up at me. "Duck." I smile mischievously. Silver and I head back on the road home as rainbow starts off to her home as well. As we arrive at the Silver Bell, we both walk in. The mare was still at the counter. I gestured for Silver Spoon to go to her and I headed out the door. I made my way back to the mansion thinking about how great today was. I could honestly say today was one of the best days I have ever had. A friendship was blooming, and I was happy for it! > Chapter 7: Confusion (Silver Spoon POV) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't wanna get up mom!" I say, making excuses to be left alone for the day I honestly don't wanna be bothered today. Ever since Hearts and Hooves day I've been feeling really crappy. I wish it went smoother than it did. I mean, not only did I walk out on Diamond and a PRINCESS, but I ended up crying in front of Anon. He probably thinks I'm a total wimp. I wish I could confront him and say how sorry I am for crying on him, but I don't know where he is right now. "Come on Silver, Breakfast is ready!" Mom calls up to me. "FINE!" I yell down. Ugh, why is she so annoying at times. As I slowly get out of bed, I swear I hear the pillow calling to me. As much as I wanted to go back to feel its angelic softness against my face, I was already up and off the bed. I hate this part of the morning. I head over to the dresser and grab my glasses and pearls. I carefully place the glasses over my eyes and string the pearls back around my neck. As I walk over to the mirror, I notice my hair is a complete mess. Eh, screw it, I'll let it slide for now. I start walking down the hall towards the stairs and slowly make my way down to the second floor of the house (Since my bedroom and all other sleeping quarters were up on the third) and walked into the kitchen. I took a whiff of the air and that's when I felt it. It was the feeling of smelling fresh cut Hay-Bacon. I walked over to the table and took my seat. My mother walked over with with my plate in her mouth. As she set it down in front of me, she gasped. "Silver" She said, shocked, "What happened to your mane?!" "Oh come on mom" I rolled my eyes at her, "Not everyone can wake up with a perfect mane like you!" She furiously shook her head. "But you can at least make the effort to try to!" She said. Yea, I don't think my mother was the smartest pony, especially with comments like that. I mean, does she actually believe people CHOOSE to wake up with bad hair? That is just. so. stupid! "If I comb out my mane will it make you feel be-" I was cut off by the feeling of my hair being brushed. "No need sweetie" She said, cheerfully, "I got you covered!" I swear to Celestia, she may be annoying and relentless, but she does know how to style a mane! I looked at her and forced a smile onto my face. I ate quickly so I could get back upstairs quickly. After gobbling down the contents of my plate, I placed in the sink. Before I could leave, mom stopped me and pointed towards the table. I forgot about the spoon anon gave me. I brought it upstairs with me, case and all. As I entered back into my room, I placed the case on the floor and opened it. I still can't believe he gave it to me. He hardly knew me! It was the most kind gesture anyone has ever done for me! Maybe there is more to him then meets the eye? I decided to get another half-hour of sleep before I had to wake up and start helping mom with work for today. I woke up about 43 minutes later, still partially tired. I started to walk down the stairs and made my way into the living room. I sat down on the couch and picked up a book I had been reading. It was titled "Thoughts of an alicorn" and, of course the author was Luna. It made the book slightly tough to read due to the way she wrote. But, for the most part, I understood what she was trying to say. I knew I had time to kill before mother needed me downstairs to help run the store. So I decided to read a few pages while I waited. Not even a page in I hear the main door open. Wow, someone came in this early? Wow, that's impressive. I went back to my book. A couple of paragraphs later, I heard the bell ring on the counter and saw mother walking down the hall. I waved to her as she descended down the stairs. As I stuck my nose back in the book, I heard her coming back up the stairs. Wow, that must have been the quickest customer ever! She walked into the living room. "Silver" Mom tried to get my attention, "Someone is here to see you." "Do I have to?" I respond, a bit agitated. "Yes, now go see the visitor." She seemed a bit angry at my comment. I placed the bookmark to save my page and place the book back on the table where I found it. As I got up, mom watched me till I was out the door to make sure I went to see the visitor. I kept my head down and carefully walked down the stairs. As I got to the counter, I kept my head low, making sure not to see who it was for the fact I genuinely did not care. "Hello" I say, sorta annoyed, "how may I help you..." "I would like to get your opinion on some silverware." The unknown visitor stated. It was definitely a stallion because his voice was very deep. I guess he heard about my name and thought I could help him. A little insulting but it was my job. "Right this way sir..." I said, making sure my head was down while we walked over to the encased silverware. I wait while he presumably looks over the silverware to decide which one he will choose. "I'll take this one." He says. That voice. Could it be? Better make sure. I look to the glass case, and to my surprise, no hooves or fingers pointing at anything. Then I look to my side to see a finger pointing towards me. I instantly smile as I see who is attached to that finger. "Anon!" I squeaked. Damn... embarrassing He was about to scratch me but I thought he could do better than that. I jumped up into his arms and wrapped him in a hug. He quickly returned the gesture. I LOVED hugs. They were the best feeling in the whole wide land of Equestria. As he put me down, I was still smiling like and idiot from his embrace. "Hey Silver." He said, returning the smile. "What brings you to the store?" I give him my signature puzzled look. He explained that he wanted to do something with me. I got instantly excited because it was fun hanging out with him and Diamond last time, I'm sure it would be great this time to! I asked him if Diamond was going to be joining us like last time but he said he just wanted it to be us this time. It was confusing at first but my guess was he wanted to get to know me better. So, I agreed and ran up to grab some things from my room. I grabbed some bits, my glasses cleaner, the book and the spoon. I grabbed the spoon because it was very special to me and I didn't want it to just sit there. I descended the stairs once again and I walked out the door. I only took about 7 steps before I turned and saw Anon standing in the doorway, smiling like an idiot. I called out to him and we went off. I'm honestly surprised he wants to spend time with me! I mean, doesn't he think I'm a wimp? Maybe there is more to this then I thought. I shook it off as we approached our first destination. We had arrived at the Ponyville Cafe. Anon pulled out a chair for me as I sat down and he sat straight across from me. The waited came to take our orders. Since I already had breakfast and Anon really wasn't that hungry, we both ordered some tea. As they prepared it, Anon asked me a lot about myself. I answered every question he asked me in full detail because its not often someone wants to spend time with you then proceeds to learn more about you. As the waiter came back with our beverages, we took our time to enjoy them. Between sips, he continued to ask me questions. The bill came and before I could raise a hoof to pay my half, he had already placed the bits. There was enough there to pay for me and him plus the tip. He smiled at me warmly and I returned the same smile. As we started walking again, I started to wonder why he is being so kind to me! Our next destination was the park. I loved this place so much. But since I need an adult to watch me so I don't get hurt, I can't come here all that often. I quickly ran over to the swings and started playing. Anon just sat there and watched me. It was so nice of him to bring me here. As I was swinging, I noticed something in the distance. It was Applejack and Apple Bloom. Uh oh... Apple Bloom is probably mad at me! I saw Applejack let her sister play in the park as she herself went to go sit with Anon. Bloom slowly approached me. "Please don't hurt me" I said, scared, "I'm sorry!" "For what?" Apple Bloom questions. Huh? She is talking to me normally. I can't believe it. This could be my chance to make peace with her. "Listen... Apple Bloom..." I start, "I'm sorry for everything me and Diamond ever did to the CMC. We honestly don't like what we do... It's just our parents are always busy and we are usually alone and-" "Shhh" Apple Bloom said, "It's alright, ah forgive ya!" She forgives me! Sweet Celestia she forgives me. I wrap her into a hug and thank her about 30 times. After the hug broke, we started playing together on the swings. After a good couple of minutes, we hopped off and saw Applejack and Anon looking at us. We waved towards them and they returned the gesture. It was then my stomach started to growl. It was around lunch time and I was hungry. Anon must be a mind reader because as soon as the growl started, Applejack invited us to have lunch over in Sweet Apple Acres. I nodded and we headed over to the orchard. We had a nice lunch on the farm. Mind you it consisted of apples and apple juice but they grew the best apples anyone has ever tasted. After lunch, me and anon asked if they needed any help on the farm. The nodded to themselves then to us. We headed out to the North field where Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh showed us how to buck apples. I went over to a tree, bashed it with my back legs and the apples fell... and the tree almost split in half. I looked around to dropped jaws and I giggled a bit. I had a few anger issues. It was now Anon's turn. He got on his hands and knees and bucked the tree as hard as he could. The tree shook and down fell... one apple. We were all on the ground laughing as hard as we could. I heard him growl at the tree as he climbed it and started picking apples faster than pinkie could run! I was impressed! After a evening of work, play and more work, it was time for us to head back to the store for the night. We waved the Apple family off as we started off. We were half way to Ponyville with no incidents yet. Until I felt Anon push me as he got struck by lightning. I gasped and saw rainbow had shocked him. I saw Anon get up and chuck an apple at Rainbow Dash, knocking her off the cloud. We started off to Ponyville once more. When we arrived, he opened the door for me. Mom was waiting at the counter and I went to go hug her. Before I could thank Anon, he was gone. "How was today sweetheart?" Mom asked "It was amazing mom" I said, happier than ever, "I had so much fun!" "I'm glad to hear" she said, "Now why don't you go read your book while I close up for the night?" "Alright." I nodded and went upstairs. I can't believe Anon did all those things for me today. I mean, I hardly know him yet he is acting like a great friend. Maybe I should surprise him... I'll think about that later! Right now, I just want to read. > Chapter 8: Fluttershy, who is that? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dropping Silver off at her place, I decided to head back to the mansion. I wonder how Diamond was doing home alone. I mean, she is alone a lot of the time but leaving her in charge of the house... scares the crap outta me. As I approach the front gate, I notice Diamond is in the front yard, napping on a bench her father had installed not to long ago. I walked over to her and scooped her up into my arms. As we entered the house and walked upstairs, her tail started to flick me. 'Aggressive dream' I thought. As I put her in her bed, she seemed to smile and snuggled up when the blanket covered her. I turned out the light and shut the door. It was late. Maybe her nap would turn into bedtime. I decided I may stay the night again and started getting the couch ready just in case. As I was setting the blankets up, Filthy Rich walks through the door and into the living room. He sees me and smiles. He knows that if he is away I would usually take care of his daughter. Honestly, Filthy was a very kind stallion, he just can't express it properly. "Was she any trouble Anon?" He asks, quietly. "No, not at all! She was an angel this weekend!" I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm glad to hear that" He returns the smile, "How much do I owe you?" "No need, Mr. Rich" I shake my head, "You know I like spending time watching your daughter!" He smiles and chuckles a bit. "You Anon are a true gentlecolt" He bows his head. "Gentleman." I correct We both share in a laugh. "Well, I should be going" I say, "Fluttershy worries if I'm gone to long." Without another word, Filthy nods his head and waves me off. I make my way out the door, through the yard, out the gate and down the path leading home. On my way home, I wonder what Flutters did for Hearts and Hooves day. I hadn't really seen her since our hug and I'm super curious. I'll defiantly ask her when I get back. "Bacon!" My head stiffens up at the smell of the delicious food. As I sniff around for it, the smell becomes more clear. I follow the aroma all the way down the path. Bacon is super hard to come by around here. I mean, griffons eat meat and all, but bacon is rare. As I follow the scent, it leads me to a plate of warm, crispy bacon... right outside fluttershy's front door... where she is in the window with a net labeled 'Anon'... looking right at me... angrily... I'm fucked. When she put bacon out for me as a trap, I knew I was in trouble. This wasn't even the extreme. I remember one time I stole Angels carrot by mistake. Angel told Fluttershy and long story short I slept on the roof for a week. Like its one damn carrot! Get a grip! I decide to play along but using my rules! I know she can't out-speed me so I devised a plan. Near the house was a hole that I deemed 'Pegasus Proof' just in case Flutters tried to kill me. What I'm gonna do is grab that plate of bacon and run my ass of till I get to the hole. Wait, somethings missing... ANNOUNCER!!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO BACON RUSH!!!! Much better! Alright, time to do this. I see Fluttershy staring my down, pissed. I mischievously grin at her and look at the bacon. She knows what time it is. 3...2...1... GO! I make a leftwards dash towards it. Fluttershy comes flying out the door swinging the net furiously to try and capture me. I manage to avoid her everytime and close in on the bacon. I grab the plate and dash again. I was halfway to the hole. Come on Anon, keep it going, almos- *Poof* "Hello there" A strange creature appears in front of me, "You must be An-" "WHAT THE-" I run into him at full speed. As we both tumble to the ground, I struggle to get up again. If I'm lucky, I can make it to the- to late. I'm netted... "Discord!" Fluttershy yells. "What my little Fluttershy?" A halo appears above his head. Oh... So this guy is one of THOSE people... Greattttt... "Why did you get in the way?!" She asks, still pissed. "Because I was bored!" He stated, proudly. I get up. "Umm, Fluttershy, What is this?" "NO!" Me and Discord yell at the same time. Apparently this is the guy Fluttershy went to Hearts and Hooves day with. As for what he is doing in the cottage with me... well Fluttershy and Discord are in a relationship and she wants him to stay with her, since he doesn't have a place to stay. The reason I said no is because I know what he is going to be like and I don't want to deal with that! The reason he said it was basically the same reason, only vice versa. "Both of you, stop it!" She states, getting annoyed. "But Flutt-" "NO! MAKE UP! NOW!" She screams. We have found common ground: We are both scared shitless when Fluttershy is angry. We shook hands... er... paw and hand. She nodded in relief knowing we wouldn't cause each other any problems... for now at least. "Now, try again Discord." She pointed towards me. He clears his throat. "Hello there" He begins, "You must be Anon. Fluttershy has told me so much about you." You raise an eyebrow in Fluttershy's direction. She shrugs as Discord starts to sweat. She whispers something in his ear and he nods. "I want to make a promise that I will be of no trouble while I am around and will be there if you ever need anything. It is my..." He starts to break down, "I can't do this... it's to hard!" I grab his paw. "Keep going." I give him my full attention. He looks at me and straightens up. "It is my responsibility to make sure Fluttershy and her creatures and friends are happy. I will not cause you any chaos while you are in this household." "Thank you." I smile. "Oh Discord I am so proud of you." Fluttershy wraps him in a hug. Ok then? I sneak off to my room and lay down. It's nice to relax in my own bed again. Then I noticed that there was a longer bed beside mine... oh god he is sleeping in the same room as me. This could end badly... > Chapter 9: Silver, meet draconequus. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I woke up the next morning, comfy in my pajamas. I looked over to the bed next to me. Empty. Good! Now I can relax know that Discord is... on the ceiling? What on earth is he doing up there. I pick up one of his pillows and throw it at him. He doesn't budge. Another pillow. Still nothing! How does he even do that? I mean, isn't he defying the laws of gravity and phys- Ohhh wait... magic. I guess my brain is just not in the mood to process these things this morning. As I slowly crawl out of my bed, I wonder if the creature above would end up falling on me. I shook that thought off with ease and headed out the bedroom door. Time for breakfast. I head over to the kitchen and start preparing my morning meal. Eggs, toast, carrots and juice, same as every morning here. As I take my plate to the table, I seat myself and dig in. I know Fluttershy is awake because it's the animal's feeding time. I don't understand how she can do this every morning. Nonetheless everyday I give her praise for such hard work. Maybe I'll get her breakfast this morning. Lets see... she likes salad! I look around and start listing the ingredients. "Lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, Discord" I stop and turn to the draconequus, "Uhhh..." He is laying on the counter, facing me with the prettiest face he could... Still needs improvement. "Oh, I don't think I want to be salad" He stats, sarcastically, "Maybe soup, but deferentially not salad." "Really?" I ask, annoyed. "Well maybe not soup either bu-" I cut him off. "What do you want, Discord?" I ask, looking away from him. "Look, I'll level with you" He says (Oh, this is gonna be funny), "Fluttershy wants us to be friends. So we are gonna spend some time together and get to know one another." I look back at him with a crazy smile. I let loose a chuckle. It turns into giggling... then into laughter and straight to the floor. "Flutter-Fluttershy is forcing you to- HAHAHAHA!!!" I couldn't stop laughing. He was taking orders from Fluttershy! I mean, anyone else I see the reason why but HIM?! This is priceless! "Yes, yes I laughed to" He rolls his eyes, "It's funny how someone so shy can be so... commanding!" "Ok! I'll spend time with you just stop making me laugh like this." I'm still rolling on the floor. I start to get up so I can meet him at eye level. He still towers over me, so he bends over and looks at me face to face. "Right, so I've planned a day for us to spend together an-" I cut him off again. "Wait... do you mind if I bring someone? I promise she is nice and will like you!" I ask, in a begging tone. He put his claw to his chin, then started humming. After a brief moment of thought, he put a paw on my shoulder and smiled. "The fact you can trust me with the task of meeting with one of your friends" He says, excited,"proves that you trust me. Alright." I do a few mental fist pumps and thank him. He waves it off as if saying it was no problem. I head in the room and change into my room to change out of my night wear. I slip on my jeans, t-shirt and running shoes and head back out to the living room. I looked around for Discord again and he seems to have disappeared. Wait a minute. I look up to see a smiling draconequus. I gesture him to follow me and without another word, he follows me out the door and on the road. As we head into town, a lot of the ponies seem to be nervous seeing Discord around town like this. I guess they still are unsure about him after all that he has done, but since I don't know exactly WHAT he has done, I think I can deal with him. We start closing in on the 'Silver Bell' gift shop and Discord gives me a puzzled look. I just gave him a 'Trust me' look and he nodded with a smile. I walked inside to see the same mare I saw the other day. She looked up from the counter where she was polishing a nice silver collar bell. She placed it in a box marked 'To Carousel Boutique' and pushed it to the side. She gave me a hoof/hand shake and pointed her hoof upwards. I nodded and she smiled. As she walked upstairs, I looked over at Discord outside the window. He had no idea what I was doing. A minute later I heard small hooves trotting down the stairs. Here comes Silver. They stop as I see an adorable muzzle look around the corner to see if it was me. She smiled and ran the rest of the way down. As she leaped at me, I embraced the little filly in a heartwarming hug. I put her down to notice she is already packed for the day. "You knew I was coming?" I asked. "Yep" She smiled and nodded, "I saw you and him out the window upstairs." She pointed towards Discord as he hid behind the wall. We both giggled and walked out to greet him. "Discord, Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon, Discord." I smile between them. He hold out his claw and Silver was more than happy to return the gesture with her hoof. As they shook, I decided to start walking to see if they would follow me. They didn't notice I was gone until I hid around the corner. They were both calling out my name trying to find me. I dashed and grabbed Silver and hid again, putting finger over my lip to signal her to stay quiet. She nodded and smiled to let me know she understood. Discord was flying around to find me, panicking. I laughed a bit which led me to my demise. I felt myself disappear again and when I blinked, I saw a smug draconequus looking right at me. Silver was so excited, she started bouncing around me in joy. I stopped her and gave her a small scratch behind her ear. She gave me a little coo to signal she was enjoying it. Discord had explained to us that we were going into the Everfree forest so he could use his chaos freely. Silver shook a bit but I picked he up and comforted her to let her know that It would be alright. She took a deep breath and nodded, as Discord smiled. With all our fear out of the way, we slowly made our way to the forest. As we started to leave Ponyville, Silver hopped up onto my back and held on tight. I didn't mind carrying her since she was so light. I turned my head to talk to her. "You gonna be alright, Sil?" I asked. She seemed to blush at the nickname I gave her. She shook it off and nodded with a smile. I returned the gesture and turned back to look at Discord. "If she gets hurt, I'm telling Flutters!" I strictly tell the draconequus. "She will be safe." He replies. This seems to ease some of the tension between us. I'm honestly glad for it to. For the first time in my life, I can say I have befriended a beautiful girl and a mixed demigod. In every way, this was freaking awesome! > Chapter 10: Close Call (Part 1 of 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello. My name is Laurence Maxwell. Not many people know me and the few that do just don't bother to call me by my real name. They labeled me as anonymous, Anon for short. I am just an ordinary man. I live my day to day life working at a local convenience store to make a living. I'll admit, my life isn't the best, but it is the only one I got. That all changed when I got transported to Equestria. I couldn't believe what was in front of me as I awoke in this land for the first time... Talking ponies! Ever since coming to this place, my life still hasn't been going anywhere... that was to say until I met Silver Spoon. It was when I was babysitting Diamond Tiara for the weekend. She invited her over and things just got better from there. But it was so early in our friendship to think that this was going to happen... My name is Laurence Maxwell... or... Anon to most... And this is the story... of how I cheated death. I could say it was an average day, but I would be completely lying if I said that. I was walking down a solid dirt path with a filly more stunning than gemstones and the lord of chaos. Any other time if you were to ask me what the hell I was doing with such odd creatures, I would explain. But today, I choose not to question it and just enjoy it. I find that days that make no sense whatsoever are the best days to enjoy. As we were walking, we would occasionally break the ice with a random topic. My personal favorite was when we discussed what flavor ice cream was best. I always went with strawberry because it was always so flavorful. Sil said vanilla because it was calm and delicious. Discord said chocolate because he loved sweets. By the end of it, Discord summoned up 3 cones with neapolitan ice cream on them. We all enjoyed a nice treat on the way to our destination. After about an hour of walking and talking, we reached the edge of the Everfree forest. I saw the fear in Silver's eyes and went to comfort her. As i scratched behind her ear, a few soft coo's came from her. She was freaking adorable! She looked up at me with a smile and assured me she was ready to enter the forest. As Discord led us in, I carried her on my shoulders to protect her if harm came our way. As we traversed the trees, it seemed we were going in circles. I shrugged it off, assuming it was just the fact everything in this forest looks the exact same. We came across a clearing and decided to start our day there. As Discord snapped his fingers, a small dining area appeared alongside a marvelous buffet. I saw Silver's mouth water at the sight of it. I giggled a bit and put her down. Her and Discord rushed over and piled food on their plate. I was laughing a bit to much and they noticed. After looking to their plates and back at me, they joined in the laughter. A good 18 minutes of eating later, we were all stuffed. Discord snapped away all the food and the dining area. Another snap had revealed a life-sized chess game. I saw Sil jumping for joy. She must really enjoy chess to be this excited about it. We played until we knocked out everything but Discord's King. He was in full panic mode! Sil and I just couldn't hold in the laughter! He rolled his eyes and made the board disappear. We decided to rest under a shady tree for a bit where we struck the conversation up again. "Hey Anon" Discord spoke up first, "do you ever want to go back to your world?" I started laughing at that. "Are you kidding?" I started, "No way! I love it here to much. Plus my life is improving here so I don't see and upside in going back home!" This comment made but Discord and Silver smile. They seemed to enjoy my company, as I did theirs. "What about just Canterlot?" Silver was next to speak up, "I heard Diamond say you stayed their for a week before deciding to stay with Fluttershy." This was true. The minute I arrived here the princesses were all over me with questions. They told me that I was welcome in the castle as long as I didn't mind their constant questioning of me. I got used to it but eventually wanted to have a change of scenery. They thought this was a good idea and sent me to Ponyville. I tried all sorts of places and out of all of them, Flutters place seemed to be the most comforting. I picked up Sil and held her in the air. "Nah" I say, keeping my cool but also smiling super hard, "if it meant leaving you 2 behind, they would have to drag me back." "THAT CAN EASILY BE ARRANGED ANON!" I hear Celestia yell from the castle, loud enough to be heard from the Everfree. "Wow" Discord said, shocked, "and I thought I pissed her off!" "Discord," I start, "Me and her are best friends. But she is still super pissed about the blowing up cake stash incident." He straightens up and his jaw drops to the ground. He was in utter terror when I said that. "How much of it did you-" I cut him off "Every. Last. Crumb." I smile devilishly, thinking about it. He applauds. "You just earned my respect!" Discord smiled, which made my smile bigger. You know, it was quite peaceful for a forest that was supposed to be filled with monsters and angry demon things. Surprising honestly. As we relaxed for a bit, Discord thought we should go deeper. Me and Sil both agreed as she hopped up onto my shoulders once again. As we headed deeper, we all thought about what we may find out here. Well whatever it is, hopefully it wont be to bad. I should have cut my trail of thought over before that... As we approached a darker area of the forest, we heard a strange growling. Now, I know my animals, here and in Equestria, so let me take my time here. It is either: A: Bear B: Manticore C: Discord poking fun or... oh lord please say that it isn't D... "Anon?" Discord asks, looking into the forest depths. "Do not say it!" I request of him. He knows what was coming as well as I did. "Run..." He states softly and he takes off in the opposite direction. Between the trees, 3 sets of glowing eyes emerged from the darkness. I took a whiff of the air. It smelt more rotten than skunk spray mixed with flaming crap. But what really scared me was the aftersmell... ...Wood... "TIMBERWOLVES!" I scream and bolt. I look to see if Silver is alright, just to see she isn't on my shoulders. She is meters ahead of me. I run to keep up with her but end up tripping on a root, landing on my leg. I heard my bone shatter as I screamed in pain. Silver and Discord saw me and tried to help me up, but after I tripped, I got my leg lodged in the root. Discords magic was weak after all he did today and only had the power to teleport him and one other of his choice back to Ponyville. "ANON! COME ON!" I hear Silver screaming, as the timberwolves start closing the gap. No... I can't... I'm trapped... Only one thing to do. "GET HER OUT OF HER DISCORD!" I yell. He hovers over to me. "What about you?" He asks, worried. "I'll be fine. She wont!" I gesture towards Sil. "But Fluttershy told me to protect you as well as befriend you! I can't disobey orders!" He looks at me firmly. "My order overtakes hers. As ally to Princess Celestia, I dismiss you from your current orders and give you your new orders. GO!" I yell again. I swear he was about to speak until he realized I was right. He nodded to me and snapped his fingers, teleporting him and Silver out of the forest. "Keep her safe..." I whisper. Just outside the forest, a very upset Silver was being held by Discord. She was struggling to get out of his grasp to run back into the forest to find me. He refused to let go even though he wanted to go find me to. I had only been with her for a few days, Discord even less... but they were already my friends... I could see that now. "LET ME GO!" She yelled, kicking and screaming. "Calm down!" He raises his voice to her, "He will be ok... I hope." Silver smacks him. "SHUT UP! HE WILL BE OK! NOT YOU HOPE OR YOU WISH, YOU KNOW!" She was louder. "Why do you care so much for him anyways?" Discord asks. "BECAUSE-" She stops yelling, "Because he is the only one that truly listens. Not even my mom listens to me properly. All she cares about is work and herself. Anon took the time the other day to make sure I was happy and took me out for a while. He treated me to a morning tea and took me to the park where I made up with Apple Bloom. If it wasn't for him, then Diamond may of killed the Cutie Mark Crusaders! He only acts for others and that is why I see him as a great friend!" Discord was in tears. He had never heard someone speak with this much consideration before. Silver noticed him and joined him in tears. After a good 10 minutes of crying, Discord finally broke the tension by wiping away both their tears and looking out into the forest. "He will find a way to get out of this." Discord says with hope. > Chapter 11: Close Call (Part 2 of 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never in my life did I ever think that I would be stupid enough to go into the Everfree. But, I was with a Lord of Chaos and the most beautiful pony in this land... how could I say no to that? But to think I went into the forest without worry of getting myself into any danger just made me question my stupidity further. But here I was... trapped under the root of a tree... getting surrounded by these damn timber-wolves! Could this be the end for me? I have only been here for a short time but I had so many friends... what would happen if I was to just disappear? I hated the thought of seeing anyone or anypony cry because I went missing. These wolves wont be the death of me. I attempt to break free from the root with no success. Then I remembered that Fluttershy taught me how to escape a situation like this. It is gonna hurt a lot though. I shake the thought off as I push down on my foot hard, detaching it from the bone. I screeched in pain but soon it died down to a slight yell. I crawled into a bush, hoping the timber-wolves weren't paying much attention. They were... crap. Well time to kiss my sorry but goo- "Stop right there, wolves of trees" a voice yells, "now back down, and end this with ease!" A loud howl from the wolves is all it took. 2 seconds later I hear those wolves falling apart on the ground. Who ever this pony was, she knew what she was doing. "The foul beasts have been destroyed" she starts, "Now who is this one they claimed their toy?" I looked up to see some sort of zebra looking down at me. I couldn't speak due to the vast amounts of pain I was in, due to the fact I had to crawl into a THORN BUSH! I tried to speak but no words came out. "I see, pain has silenced you" here we go again, "I think I know just what to do." I look up to see she is holding some sort of beverage in her hoof. I knew she meant good so I decided not to decline and took a sip. As soon as the liquid was down my throat, I felt weak. A few moments later, I was out cold. 1 1/2 hours later Ugh... where am I? Last thing I remember was being attacked by timber-wolves... then a crazy kung-fu zebra comes to save me... and next thing I know I am out cold! This all has to be some sort of dream. Luna, wake me up... This isn't funny any more.......... Luna? This isn't a dream. I look up to see I have been moved to some sort of hut built into a tree. Is this that zebra's home or something? I hear the sound of hooves trotting in another room. I try to get up but notice that my legs are still completely asleep. I must have made enough noise though. As soon as I laid down again, that zebra came trotting up beside me. She was wearing a bit of jewelry by the looks of it and she seemed to have some sort of cutie mark equivalent on her flank. She looked at me with a smile and started talking. "Good, you have awoken. You will find no bones are broken." She was right. My foot was completely fixed. I don't know how she did it, but I don't want to question this land anymore! I feel my legs waking up as I sit up in the bed. "Now, my friend, where to begin? Why are you in this place of Sin?" I look at her with a blank expression. I sigh and start to confess why I was here. I told her every last detail of every last event so she could better understand my reasoning as to why I am in the Everfree of all places to be. She nods slowly as I speak. When my story draws to a close, she looks at me puzzled. "So you come here for a fillies heart? Tell me, how did this all start?" "Wait... Wha- Ho- Whe- HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" I snap. She lets out a little giggle. "Your emotions led you to this place. Love gave you a steady pace!" I sigh and hang my head in defeat. I don't know if I love the filly... I just find her alluring, that's all! I mean, sure, if it came down to it I would take her out on a date but I doubt that will ever happen! My main concern is how this zebra of all creatures knew about my emotions before even I did! I look around to see that she has moved. As I look over at the table, I see a happy zebra, gesturing me to come sit with her. I slowly walk over and take a seat. She pours tea for the 2 of us and starts to speak again. "So this filly who stole your heart... Does she play a special part?" "I guess" I state, "I mean... I don't really know her yet and I don't wanna rush into asking her out... for all I know she doesn't see me that way..." I look back at the zebra. "Who are you anyways?" "Curious about my name... Could you answer the same?" "Anon, now you." "Pleasure to meet you, Zecora is my name to you." Does she always talk this way? I don't know why but it isn't irritating at all. I kinda like it. "So how do you know about me liking Silver?" She chuckles again. "You speak as if she's just a friend... Don't you want more in the end?" Another sigh of defeat. "Yea, I guess. I mean, she is nice and fun to be around... She makes me smile and laugh... I wish I had known her sooner..." Zecora leaned over and put a hoof on my shoulder. "Trust me, my human friend," Ok, she knows what I am, "Things will all work out in the end." I felt my heart beat back to life after she said that. The way she said that made me feel like I may have a shot of being with Sil. I smiled to her and offered my hand to shake. She held her hoof out and completed the gesture with me. "Maybe you should stay the night, the sun no longer provides its light." I look out a small window and see it was indeed night. I nod my head and start walking towards the bed I was in earlier. She blows out the candles around her house and trots into what I assume is her room. This Zecora isn't half bad for a zebra who can read my thoughts. I don't know why she trusted me though. I mean, to her, I could have been another Everfree creature but she just took me in and helped me! I would need to question why she did this tomorrow. All I know is that if it wasn't for her... I wouldn't have been able to cheat death today. I look over to the corner to see its darker than usual. "Gotta work on sneaking up on me, Luna." I say, smiling. As I say that, Luna walks out of the dark spot, upset she didn't get to scare me. She always like to do that while I was sleeping to get the last laugh of the night. I slightly chuckled and gestured to come over to me. As she reached my bedside, I sat up and pulled her into a hug. Releasing her, she started speaking. "I guess you have had quite the day?" "You have NO idea Luna!" I laugh a bit. "I know what you did Anon. Putting Silver Spoon's life before yours... It was a noble act indeed" She smiles, "Is there anything you would like me to tell her in her dreams tonight?" "Let her and Discord know I'm fine. But don't tell Fluttershy that... I want to see Discord get yelled at by Flutters!" I couldn't hold in my laughter. Luna joined into the laughing. After about 2 minutes, we calmed down. She looked at me with a motherly smile. "I will relay the message Anon, pleasant dreams" "You too Luna!" I bid her farewell. A sudden flash of her horn and she was gone. I laid back down and rested my head on a small pillow provided to me. I am glad Luna took the time to see if I was ok. I know any of my friends would do the same but she always knows how to brighten my day... err.... night. I slowly drift off as sleep overtakes me. > Chapter 12: Wait... Silver did what now? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun started to rise, a few rays made it into the Everfree and just perfectly managed to shine straight into my face. I started getting up after a nice peaceful sleep and noticed there was no other sounds in the hut. I stand up and start walking around. As I wander the hut, I notice a lot of trinkets here and there, along with skulls and herbs. Was Zecora some sort of witch doctor? I shook that thought off and kept exploring. After a while I got bored and went over to the table. On the surface, a note was sitting there, addressed to me. I picked it up and started to read. Dear Anon, Hello again. I know I visited you last night but I would like to inform you that everything is fine with Silver Spoon and Discord. I went into both their dreams last night and to my surprise the dream that shocked me the most was Silvers. I had just opened the door to see how she was doing only to see your body laying there on the ground. Silver ran up to it and started tearing up. What really surprised me is that she kissed you. I went up to her and she looked quite embarrassed about the scenario. As for Discord... he only nodded at what I told him about you being fine and went on to dream about... I don't quite understand what he was dreaming about. I will be waiting for your arrival at Canterlot Castle where Celestia has requested your presence. -Luna I start thinking to myself: 'Oh thats nice. She decided to leave me a note to assure me everything was ok. Maybe I did frighten them a bit but they seem to be taking it well. I guess that everything worked out well in the end. Maybe I should try and find Zecora and tell her that everything has been settled and that I am ready to head back outside the forest once more. I know that Flutters is going to kill me for worrying her so much but it is a small price to pay to relax her. She always tenses up about these things. At the very least I will have to explain what happened during this whole experience and hope she takes the news that I almost lost my life gently. Well, I should take my mind off that for a bit. Does Zecora have bagels around here? I could really use some breakfast I mean I am starving this morning and I could really use a bagel. Where is the kitchen anyways, it has to be around here somewhere. I will look around for it an- WAIT A SECOND DID THE NOTE JUST SAY SILVER KISSED ME IN HER DREAM?! Woah woah woah! Why would she do that? What does it mean? How? When? Where? WHY IS THIS SO CONFUSING?!' "Human friend, are you alright? Has something here gave you the frights?" I hear Zecora walking in but I am to shocked to hear her talking. I stood there with a blank expression on my face. The information I just took in is to much to handle. Why would she kiss me in her dreams? Does she like me by chance? I mean, I remember Luna telling me that my dream of dancing with her may come true but is this leading up to it? I need to figure this out. "Anon, what is wrong? You have been quiet for long." Zecora says with a worried tone. That snaps me out of it. "Huh?" I dart my head in all directions before noticing the zebra in front of me. "Ah, good, you're fine!" Zecora didn't rhyme this time! "Umm, what happened to your rhyming?" I ask, puzzled. "Oh, I am not always this way. It is my mind that leads me astray." And back to square one. Maybe I should ask her more about what Luna saw in Silver's dream. Maybe not... "Hey Zecora, can you help me find my way back home?" She smiles and nods her head. As she gathers a few things, she heads for the door, gesturing me to follow. I don't hesitate to trail right behind her. I shut the door behind me and we start to make our way out of the forest. As we traversed our way through the seemingly endless forest, I kept my thoughts focused on what I was going to say to Silver. I need to know what this is all about before it kills me on the inside. I thought she saw me as just a friend. But friends don't kiss friends! Maybe she is confused on what to think as well. Does she know I have a slight crush on her? Does she feel the same way? Is she just pitying the fact that she saw me that way? I don't know! Wait a minute, didn't we pass that tree 10 times by now? I remember those 2 birds on it and I recall seeing them a lot during this walk. Either we are going in circles or those birds are stalking us. Both ways makes it sound like in the end we are lost! I try to shake it off but too many things are on my mind to try and take this off as well. Maybe I can discuss this with her mother and ask her how Silver has been acting lately. I'm sure that she would like to see me again and maybe I can pick up something for Diamond and Flutters while I'm there. But these are all thoughts for when I get out of this forest. Wait a minute... Those trees aren't big enough to provide THAT much shade... Unless. "Try again Lulu!" I call out. "BUCK!" Luna shouts, startling Zecora. "Come walk with us Luna." I smile to her. She returns the friendly smile and starts walking with us. I think Zecora finally meeting the princess face to face with no one but a human around has starstruck her a tiny bit. Luna can't help but laugh at Zecora's shocked expression while they walked. "So, Anon" Luna starts, "Did you get the note I sent you?" I start to blush a bit at the thought of it. How you may ask is beyond me. I barely blush! "Y-yeah" Great, stage 2, stuttering, "I did, and I am quite surprised about the... you know..." She nods her head and continues walking. It was mainly quiet for the rest of the trip. About 23 minutes later, I saw daylight between the trees and knew that we were close. I started running to get out of the forest as soon as possible. As I broke through the final layer of trees blocking my way, I looked around to see this is the same way that we went in through. As my head looks to a nearby stump, a saddened Silver Spoon is sitting there. She didn't seem to notice me coming out of the forest. Maybe I can surprise her. I walked over to her and cleared my throat the way Discord would. "Ugh... no Discord he hasn't come out yet..." She started, not even looking up to see it was me. Tears were running down her face, "I hope he is ok..." "What if I told you that I was right in front of you!" That got her attention as her head darted up. "A-ANON!" She squealed and hopped into my arms for a hug. She seemed to be crying more now, but this time it was tears of joy coming out and not tears of worry and pain. It seems Flutters and Discord heard her squeal and came outside. As soon as they saw me, they ran in and made it a group hug. I saw Luna and Zecora with their heads down. "Get in here you two!" Everyone nodded. Their expressions changed to happy as they both walked over to join the hug. It lasted a good minute and a half before it broke. No one spoke for a minute. Then, Luna decided to break the silence. "Well, I must return to the castle. Will I be seeing you there Anon?" "Only if Silver can come with me!" I say. Silver looked up at me. "Really!?" She asks excited. "Haha" Luna smiles, "alright Anon, she can come." We both smile and thank the princess before she teleports away. Flutters and Discord start to head inside and Zecora into town. I stop her and hand her 20 bits for helping me out with everything. She thanks me very much and goes back on her way. That leaves me and Silver. "Anon I was so worri-" I cut her off by bringing her in for another hug. "No need to worry anymore! I'm perfectly fine!" I smile. "I know, but you had me scared there and... I thought..." She started to look away. "I know, Silver. Luna told me about the dream" I state, "Would you like to discuss this over tea?" She blushes and slowly nods. I know this is going to be hard for her. I call out to Zecora. Me and Silver catch up to her as the 3 of us head back into Ponyville. It seems like today is gonna be confusing... > Chapter 13: You devious Pegasus, Flash! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we arrived at the market, I noticed that it seemed emptier than usual. There were fewer shops open and less shoppers at that. Zecora didn't seem to mind though. She just headed off to the shop she needed and waved me and Silver off. It seems that Sil is a bit nervous around me after the dream. I guess she didn't want me to figure out what she was dreaming about. I mean, if our roles were reversed... I would feel the same. As we walked towards the train station, Silver seemed to be extra nervous. The train ride to Canterlot takes a while so she will have time to think during the ride. I walk up to the booth and read the sign. PRICES Canterlot: 20 Bits Crystal Empire: 22 Bits Appleoosa: 15 Bits Manehatten: 25 Bits TRANSFER PRICES LOCATED AT TRANSFER STATION I reached into my back pocket and handed the stallion behind the glass 50 bits, enough for 2 tickets to Canterlot and a tip for his service. He looked up to me with a smile and handed me the tickets. Silver nudged me slightly. I looked down to see her holding her hoof out. I handed her a ticket and she refused. I was puzzled. I grabbed her hoof and she swung herself onto my back. She giggled slightly and snuggled in and dozed off with no more than a yawn. I didn't want to disturb her so I let her stay there. It was a tiring day for her and she seemed like she could use the rest. I took off my belt, making sure to tuck my shirt into my pants to support them. I wrapped it around me and silver and fastened it so she would be secured. I looked over my shoulder to see the smiling face of a sleeping filly. She was an angel when she slept. I heard them call for Canterlot passengers to board the train. As I walked over to the ticket master, I noticed that he looked familiar. As he looked up at me, it clicked. That orange coat, that blue mane, those shaky wings... it couldn't be! "Flash?!" I say, excited. "Hey Anon!" He speaks in the same tone I did. Flash Sentry is the first pony I felt a connection with. This guy was a bro. I remember the short time spend in the castle was spent in the barracks with him talking. He always has the best stories and can always make me feel better when I'm down. He must have heard that I was coming to Canterlot and snuck his way out to see me. Devious but awesome! "You knew I was taking this train, didn't you?" I asked in a happy tone. "Well duh" He playfully punched me, "anything to see my bro!" "Nice!" I held out my fist. It was tradition with us that whenever we saw each other, we had to brohoof. It was a sacred ritual that we shared and every time we did it, we felt like closer bros. "Ready to head to Canterlot?" he starts, jumping in excitement. "Whenever you are!" I respond with the same enthusiasm. We both smile and head on to the train. Since Flash was a close friend to Twilight, her brother; Shining armor; knew him very well. Since Shining was the captain of the royal guard, he provided Flash with a private train car, complete with beds, a luxury couch, a mini bar and fridge, and an arcade machine. Flash loved his games ever since I took him to an arcade. He proved himself to be amazing at video games when he managed to beat Button Mash; the Ponyville super gamer; at his favorite game. "Make yourself at home Anon an-" He stops as he notices the filly on my back, "Silver Spoon, I presume?" I go over to the bed that I would have been sleeping on and undo the belt around my chest, releasing Silver. I place her under the covers and tuck her in. I turn back to flash so I can respond only to find he is right beside me. "She is adorable" he looks at me, "So, you two dating yet?" That got my attention quick. "What? When? How did you know about me liking her?" I slap a hand over my mouth, realizing what I had just said. "Busted" He smiles, "I'm gonna bug ya about this tomorrow, it's really late. Night." He heads over to the other bed and just like that he is out like a light. I never understood fully how he was able to fall asleep at will and literally hibernate through the night. I will have to get him to teach me one day. Until then, I'm getting some wine. Tonight's special so why don't I treat myself. It was only 11:30 when the clouds finally moved. The night sky was beautiful tonight. I sat on the couch with a bottle of wine beside me and a glass of wine in my hand. I was to puzzled to sleep tonight. I couldn't deal with all the stupid emotions jumping around inside me. I sipped the glass of wine and looked back out the window. It was definitely a beautiful night tonight. I turn my head to look at the corner. "I'll talk to you later Luna" I laugh, hearing the alicorn whispering to herself, hidden, "Everyone is asleep." "You're no fun!" She whines and disappears again. Every night she does this and every night I catch her. Why is she not getting sick of this yet? I reach for the bottle again to notice it had been moved to the counter. I didn't wanna question how it got their, I just got up and grabbed it. Before I considered pouring, I put the cork back in and placed my glass down. If I am seeing things randomly move, I must be drunk already! I turn around and look on the couch. Silver is sitting there, looking straight at me. "H-hello." She says, nervous. I walk over to the couch and take a seat, turning my head to see her. "Did I wake you Sil?" I ask, worried. After asking that, she walked over to me and crawled into my lap. Curling up into a ball, she looked up at me with a nervous expression. "No, I just had a nightmare." She says, nervousness still showing in her words. I start gently stroking her mane to calm her down. She gives a few coos' and starts relaxing a tiny bit. After everything that has happened recently, It is only normal she would be having nightmares. I look down at her. "Do you want to talk about it?" She nods. Silver explains to me that the nightmare was about the night in the forest. Only this time, she had to watch what her imagination put before her. She saw my get torn apart by timber wolves right in front of her eyes. Then she blinked and the scene replayed itself. Every time she tried to wake up she just couldn't. It was only when she heard me shooing off Luna that she was able to leave. When she finished telling me, tears were running down her face. My face wasn't any dryer as I had started crying as well. This was not a scene a filly should be seeing in her nightmares! I wrap my arms around her and start whispering. "Silver, it's ok! I am safe and sound. I know that it was scary in the Everfree but I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Thats why I made discord teleport you out of the forest!" "I know... it's just... ever since my nightmare last night-" I put a finger over her muzzle. "I know. I have been thinking about it to. It really did shock me..." I say, looking away, "Do you really feel that way?" "I... I..." She sighs and uses her hoof to make me face her, "Yes... I do... Ever since you gave me that spoon I liked you a bit. I thought I was just confused until I saw you in danger... it made me think that it was to late... that if I did like you then I missed out..." "Wow..." I was at a loss of words. "Yeah..." Seems she was to. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to break the ice once more. "Silver, lets figure all this out when we get back to Ponyville. We have to meet the princesses and I want you to put the thoughts aside so they can meet the happiest little filly in Equestria." I say as I ruffle her mane a little. She giggles at this and nods. As she snuggles back into me, I wrap an arm around her. A few moments later and she was asleep. I scooped her up and walked over to the bed. As I lied down, I placed the Silver ball I had in my arm onto my chest. She seemed to adjust herself to get comfy and went back to her slumber. She seemed to be quite content in this current position. I decided it was about time to sleep as well. Hopefully tomorrow can be a bit better. But, for now... I need to take a nice long sleep to rest my weary mind. > Chapter 14: Trip to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke the next morning to see that Silver had not moved from her spot on my chest. I guess she had a sound sleep if she was still there. I poked her to see if she would wake up and she remained sound asleep. Looks like I wasn't going anywhere for a while. Might as well think to myself. Flash was very considerate to let us ride in his private car with him back to Canterlot. It's not everyday I get to see my bro! But the fact he went all out to make sure I was calm and collected before I got to see the princesses again was just too awesome of him. I should really consider getting him to come to Ponyville so I can throw him a party. As I think to myself, a yawning Flash Sentry walks over to the bed I was residing in. "Morning Bro..." He said, groggily. "Good morning frizzy head." I chuckle. His eyes start to look towards his forehead to see that his mane was completely frizzled. He took a minute to straighten it out then returned to our conversation. "So, whats the deal between you and her?" He asks, gesturing towards Silver. "We are friends" I start, "but it seems emotions are starting to blossom and it could turn into something more. "Ah, well good for you Anon!" He says, playfully punching my arm. "Yea..." I say, looking at the silver ball on my chest, "So, whats for breakfast?" "BREAKFAST?!" I jump to the volume of the voice that just arose. It seems that mentioning food got her up. "Well, good morning Silver!" I say, cheerfully. "Anon, no time!" She says, panicking, "I am super hungry! I need breakfast!" "Would you like me to make you some pancakes?" I ask. She nods her head frantically. I chuckle slightly at the gesture and head over to start mixing some pancake batter found in the cupboards of the train cart. As I gathered the ingredients, I started to hear a certain phrase in my head. 'Gain the little one's trust, human. Put effort into thy friendship and in time, thou shall be rewarded with the dream in reality'. Luna told me that a while ago, but I didn't know what it meant at first... but now. I shake off the thought and continue to work on the pancakes. I can see Silver's mouth drooling at the cooker as the pancakes sizzled. This only made me laugh more. As I finished cooking, I served Silver and Flash and started to clean up. They asked why I wasn't eating and I just shrugged and said I wasn't hungry. They dropped the subject and talked to each other about random things. "Hey guys" I grab their attention, "I'm gonna go bug Luna for a bit." They both nod as I head into bed again. I need to speak to Luna again before I reach Canterlot and speak to Celestia. There is too much on my mind to walk into the castle and not feel overwhelmed. Maybe she can help me clear my head a bit. So here we are again, back in front of Luna's dream castle. This place could honestly do with some decorating but thats for her to decide. Maybe I shouldn't bother her. I mean, she has been trying to get my attention lately and all I have done was ignore her or shoo her off. Wow... I have been a horrible friend to her, all because I wanted to try and befriend Sil... time to make things right. I slowly approach the castle doors and start to hear crying on the inside with what seemed to be Celestia trying to calm the crying down. "Sister, it's ok! Anon is probably stressed lately!" Celestia says, worried. "No, he is not! He is spending his time with that filly and ignoring us!" Luna sobbed, furiously. "But sister, he does show emotions for this Silver Spoon. Perhaps he is just confused and emotionally struggling right now..." Celestia starts to tear up. So, let's recap here. Over the course of a few weeks, I managed to babysit Diamond Tiara AND Silver Spoon, took both of them plus Celestia to Hearts and hooves day, befriended Silver, befriend a... a... a Discord, confessed my feeling to Luna and I managed to make everyone on that list; excluding Discord; tear up or down right cry their heart out in happiness or sorrow... Am I a monster? I slowly start to open the door. The princesses don't seem to notice me. I slowly move around them and lean against the wall. What have I done? I hurt Luna emotionally and it was more then a papercut. I gashed her emotions! This was unacceptable. I know that she is hurt but maybe she will accept my apology. If she doesn't well then... I lost a very good friend to my own stupidity. But I think I know how to ease her for now. I clear my throat and the princesses look up at me and tilt their heads. I slowly start to sing a song that she sung to me the first time we met. Fear is what I did possess of hurting all around me they could see the darkness in my eyes... They ran around the whole damn town While screaming out my name Thinking I would cause them all to die... Many weeks without a friend I thought that I was done Till you showed up and took that pain away... For that I am so grateful It brings me quite a joy A friend who makes it worth the while to stay... Luna stood up from where she was previously crying and started to walk slowly towards me. Every step was carful and delicate, as to not startle me by charging. When she finally reached me, she started crying once again. I took the chance to pull her into a hug and she returned it quickly. As she buried her face into my chest, she started to break down again. I looked up again to see Celestia in a state not much better than her sister. I beckoned her to come over and she rushed into the hug, wrapping her wings around us all. This was a moment that was very delicate, so I stayed silent and comforted the princesses. I have never seen them break down fully like this. I didn't know they were this fragile. After a good 10 minutes, Luna stopped crying and we released her from the hug. She looked up at me, tears still covering her face but no longer being produced. I put my hand on her head and started petting her to calm her down completely. It took about 3 minutes but she was finally able to stand up and speak again. "A-anon..." She said, shakily, "You remembered the song..." "Of course I do! You sang it to me, how could I forget it?" I said, giving her a warming smile. "Anon" Celestia speaks up, "We will explain all of this when you arrive. Know that since Silver Spoon is your friend, she will accompany you to the castle and join us in the discussion. On a further note, please inform Flash Sentry that Shining Armor is enraged at him for sneaking out." I honestly started laughing at the last part. I nodded and gave them a smile to assure them I understood. The bowed to me and woke me up. I was fully awake in the blink of an eye. I sat up and looked around to see if Flash and Silver were around. Sil seemed to have gone to check out more of the train, but Flash was at the game machine he had installed. I knew that I couldn't get his attention currently, so I whispered 'Jinx' to myself and sure enough, his game ended with him losing and raging at it. As I started to chuckle slightly, he jerked his head towards me, scowling. But as soon as he noticed I was up, he calmed down. "Morning sleepy." He mocks my earlier comment. "Hey." I say, nervously back. "Right, whats wrong?" He says, sitting down. That was another thing I couldn't understand about these ponies. No matter what, they could always figure out if you were upset or confused at something. Especially Flash and me. As soon as something is off about the other, we figure out what it is. But the fact he just jumped right into the topic makes it seem like he is in full worry about me. "Silver is joining me and the princesses during the meeting and I am super nervous because I think I have a very good idea what they want to tell me. About a week or two after settling into Fluttershy's cottage, Twilight came to check on me. I told her I was fine and asked her what else she was up to. She told me she and the princesses were trying to find a way to send me back. I kept begging them to hurry up but now... I regret it badly because I am starting to like it here. I mean, here I have a great life. I'd rather be here that living an average life back in my world. And my suspicions are telling me that they found a way to send me back and since Silver is my friend I'm bringing, Celestia probably thinks she is close enough to hear the news as it is stated in front of me as well." As soon as I finish my story, I look up and see he is in tears. Why am I so good at making these ponies cry? I get up and walk over to him. I start patting his head and he goes in for a full on hug. I comfort Flash, knowing that what I just said registered to him on an emotional level. What was I thinking, of COURSE Flash was going to take it hard! Me and him are bros and knowing there is a high chance I am leaving, this probably broke his mental barricade. After a good 10 minutes, he returns back to normal. I give him a smile and ruffle his mane. He chuckles a bit before speaking up. "You will know what to do when the time comes, Anon" He says, a neutral expression in his voice, "You always do. Now, I need to think of an excuse to tell Shinin-" I cut him off, "He already knows and is livid." I see flash give a horrified expression. Its the kind of look you would get if you told applejack that her apples tasted like crap... which I did... I was hospitalized for 3 days... "Flash?" I say, tilting my head. "I"M DOOOOOMMMEEEEDDDDDD!!!!!" he screams, collapsing to the floor of the train car. > Chapter 15: Silver, would you... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train started to come to a halt as we approached the Canterlot station. Silver was bouncing up and down in excitement while Flash was shaking in fear, imagining what Shining Armor would do to him after he stepped off the train and into the city. I honestly thought it would have taken longer to get to Canterlot, but then again I DID have a good long nap while conversing with the princesses so that took off a good chunk of the time spent wondering the soul question 'Are we there yet?'. As we got off the train, I noticed that around the train car was a group of royal guards, no doubt waiting for our arrival. I salute them with respect and they return the gesture with a small thanking smile. As me and Silver stood to the side, Flash stepped off the train. The guards were swarming him. I thought that they were about the pound him to oblivion but it turns out, he was being praised. It seems that him sneaking out for this long was a accomplishment. Who would of guessed doing the bad thing would be so rewarding! Flash started to walk over to us, gesturing with his head that he was going to hang out with the guards for a while and I just nodded and gave him a small smile, giving him permission. He returned a nod and went off with the rest of the guards. I looked down at Silver. She seemed to be thinking about something because she wasn't making an attempt to move or even blink. A couple of seconds later, her head looked down and she started shaking a bit. I poked her to get her attention and she returned to normal, looking at me with a sheepish smile. I gave a little giggle at this and gestured her to look in the distance. I could basically hear her jaw drop at the sight of Canterlot. She has been here before but that was when she was really young so she could never really see it the way she does now. It really was an astonishing city. I mean, the princesses put their castle in the side of a cliff! Can that get anymore awesome? Oh wait, it can because their is an ENTIRE CITY ATTACHED TO IT! "So Sil..." I try to break the ice, "We have a bit of time to kill before we can head to the castle. What do you want to do?" "Can we get something to eat? I'm starving!" She says, rubbing her belly. I chuckle slightly at that remark, "Yea, we can get a bite to eat. What are you in the mood for?" She looks down blushing, "I know this sounds weird but... Doughnuts?" "Sure, why not?" I laugh a bit harder. She perks up and points a tiny hoof over in the distance. Is that... is that a doughnut shop? I look down at her then back at the store she was gesturing at. I shrug it off and start walking. The sound of tiny hoofs beside me assures me that Silver is following me. As we walk into the store, I look around to see what the place looks like. It looks like a restaurant. Not a fancy one but a nice one all the same. It seems to be popular, because its pretty packed. Actually, I think I know most of these ponies. There's Berry Punch and her daughter, Doctor Whooves, That DJ with her 'Best Friend' Octavia (MAREFRIENDS!!!), Some of the weather team, the CMC, Looks like that's Fancy Pants over there. Haven't seen him... in... forever... Why are the CMC here? I thought I was imagining thing but there they were. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. This just raises more questions. Why are they here, what are they doing, are they here alone, how did they get there and WHY ARE THEY CHARGING AT ME AT FULL SPEED OH MY SWEET CELES- OOMPH Before I could finish my thoughts, I was tackled to the ground by the three smiling fillies. The only sound I could hear was Silver laughing harder than ever. I try to get up but when being pinned down by 3 ponies the size of a small boulder with almost the same weight between them, it makes doing any task impossible to accomplish... unless your goal in life is to prove how weak you are, and if it is, you're doing great, keep up the good work! I try my hardest to get up but it was no use. I just sigh and give in. As I wrap them all in a hug, they all coo in delight. I released them and they hopped off me one by one. I started to get up, brushing off my clothes. As I looked around, I saw that no one else was disturbed from this but me. I guess they were all to busy eating to care that I was just pinned down by 3 fillies. As I looked back at the CMC, they are all grinning in delight to see me here. "ANON!" Sweetie Belle squeaks. "What are ya doin' here?" Apple Bloom asks. "I'm here on official business with Princess Sun-Butt herself. But Silver and I have some time to spare and she was hungry so I brought her here for a bit to eat." I said, trying to sound as heroic as possible. "Cool!" Scootaloo says in delight. "Yea, but I gotta get Silver something to eat before she gets mad at me." I say, rubbing the back of my head. "Alright" The say in unison, "Bye Anon!" They all trot off back to where they were seated before and start munching on their doughnuts. I look down to see Silver making circles with her hoof, not noticing me beside her. I clear my throat and that causes her to jump a little. When I gesture to the counter, she shakily nods her head and walks over. She seems to be very nervous about something, but what? I shake the question off and follow her. As we take our orders, I start to pull out my bit purse, only to have the cashier say it was free of charge due to the 'Occasion". I asked what this was all about and he simply gasped and told me that I of all people should know. I just shrug and he nods his head. As he went to get our orders, I looked back at Silver to make sure she was ok. She was looking at me the whole time with a worried expression. Was something going on here that I was not aware of? I once again shake the thought off after I see the cashier returning with 2 boxes of doughnuts. This seems to confuse Silver but it only took me mouthing the words 'Sun-Butt' and nodding my head towards the top box for her to understand why I had so many doughnuts. We exited the store and headed off to the castle. As we walk towards the castle, all the ponies we pass seem to look at us with weird expressions and keep whispering to each other at the sight of me. All these ponies knew who I was so why were they acting so strange around me today? Something is defiantly going on. What could it be? I'm not forgetting anything important am I? Maybe I will ask the princesses about this. I'm just to confused. As we arrived at the gate, the two guards standing outside slowly approached me with something in each of their mouths. As I bent over to see what they were carrying, I noticed that in each of their mouths was an envelope with the name 'Anon' on it. I tilted my head and they nodded, signalling me to take them. One of them told me to only open it when I was meeting with the princesses. I shrugged and headed into the castle courtyard. As I walked around, I heard the birds singing for the rest of the animals outside today. It seemed that everything was in a state of peace today. Nonetheless I have two princesses that need my presence currently so I have no time to waste with the animals. As I slowly reach the main doors, I hear something running on the other side, heading towards the throne room. I open the doors and notice a shadowy figure bolting through the halls. I call out to it and start giving it a chase. It could be after the princesses! As I chase it through the halls, It seems to make small adjustments to its running patterns, almost like it knows this castle inside out. I finally manage to catch up to it, but not for long as it breaks into the throne room and shuts the door behind it. As I approach the doors, I can't help but imagine what horrors await me behind this do- hey wheres Silver? I look to the right and see a panting Silver Spoon trying to walk over to me. She must have chased me through the castle when I started running and ran out of breath about halfway through the chase. I wait for her to slowly reach my side and let her catch her breath a little before turning back to the doors. I slowly push them open, being careful not to make to much noise. The room is pitch black and it sounds like no one is in here. I slowly step through the door frame as Silver follows beside me. As I take step after step, I start hearing the doors close behind me. No going back now. "Hello? Who's there?" I call out "SURPRISE!" "WHAT THE HE-" I try to scream but end up getting pinned to the ground by none other than... "OhmygoshwereyousurprisedAnon?" Pinkie blurts out as fast as she can. "Let me check. Fast heart rate, no sign of knowing this would happen... Yep!" I say, smirking, "But whats this all for?" "Didn't you tell me when you first arrived that today was your birthday?" Celestia starts to walk up to me. Yo brain, thanks for reminding me about this. How did I forget my own birthday? I am so mad with myself for forgetting today of all days. Wait... Is that why those guards said to wait before I opened the envelopes? And why so many ponies were acting strange around me today? That literally explains everything! "I forgot... Whoopsie!" I say, playfully. "Well lets open your gifts first" Celestia giggles, "We have been waiting for you to claim them after all." "Ok!" I say, happily. One by one, I slowly unwrap each gift to preserve what I can of the wrapping paper. Each gift was so thoughtful and even though they didn't have the tags saying who they were from, I could tell who got me what. Luna got me a telescope and Celestia got me some lenses for it. Applejack got me a bottle of Cider from last season which was so thoughtful, knowing the price for a bottle like that. Rarity gave me a beautiful necklace and Flutters got me a nice stuffed bunny. Each gift seemed unique to the pony who gave it. I looked at everyone with my eyes starting to water in joy. But then I see Silver, looking down, crying. I run over to her and hold her tight. "What's wrong Sil?" I ask, concerned. "I d-didn't get you anything..." She says, breaking down. "It doesn't matter. You being here is enough!" I try to smile. "But you have done so much for me and I didn't even bother to find out that your birthday was today so I was able to get you a gift!" She is getting worse. "Well maybe you can give me the most special gift of all..." I say, nervously. "What is that?" Silver says, looking up at me with confusion. This is it. It's now or never. I am not going to screw this one up. Back on my old world, no one really liked me, and I was usually a loner but in this world... Equestria... I have found so many peo- erm... ponies who like me and one pony in particular who likes me more than that. Maybe for once in my life, I can make a good decision and let it be a lifelong decision of happiness. But as they say on earth, everything starts with a question. "Silver..." I say, starting to lose it. "Yea?" "Will you go out with me?" It has been 3 days since the party and I loved every minute of it. I never wanted it to end. The games, the cake, the dancing... It was all so amazing. They really did put alot of work into it. Now as I was sayin- "Anon, dear" Rarity calls, "Come on, we need to get you prepared!" "Coming!" I call out. Looks like I will have to finish this another time. Right now, I have to prepare for tonight, because tonight, I have got a date with an elegant Silver Spoon. > (PART 2) Chapter 16: Preperations (Part 1 of 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello again. I'm sorry for not writing for a long while, but Rarity had me trying on suits for tonight. She wants me to look my best for the occasion like she does any other time. Sometimes I think that she is holding me hostage to try on so many different ensembles so I start talking to her like she is an evil mastermind and she always giggles at this but plays along to the best of her ability. The reason I am writing in this memories journal is because tonight is a very important event in my lifetime. You see, the past while, things have been completely crazy and I am STILL trying to comprehend everything that has happened and I was there to witness it all. I'm pretty sure I made at least 5 ponies cry, almost died, got attacked by the CMC at a doughnut place, met up with Flash after a long while and managed to make both the princesses worry so much about me that they broke down. Maybe I AM a monster. But enough about all that. Tonight is gonna go amazingly, because I have a date with Silver Spoon. She is at Diamond Tiara's place getting ready for tonight while Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight and Applejack are helping me prepare for my first ever date with a pony. I don't think that this will be all to hard but this IS a new dating world for me so this could be so much different than what I am used to. Maybe I am overthinking things here. Anyways, time to go downstairs to talk to Rarity about my outfit tonight. As I descend the stairwell, I notice she is running around the room at lightning speed. It seems like she is trying to put all the suits into one so that I don't have to choose one. As I walk in front of her, she stops on a dime and stares right at me, confused. I point towards a simple black and white suit that resembles something I would have worn in my old world and she simply nodded and walked towards it, levitated it with her magic and gave it to me. I decided to get myself out of here the only way I knew how. I carefully put down the suit and pushed Rarity over to the mirror so that she can see the mess that was her mane. It took two seconds for her to scream and kick me and my newly made ensemble out the door so that she could straighten up. I simply laughed and started to walk over to Twilight's library. As I strolled through the streets of Ponyville, I noticed a few ponies asking me what the suit was for and I told them that it was for a special night tonight. The mares gave me the 'proud of you' look and the stallions simply awed at me, probably due to a lot of them being single and not having the first clue about the whole dating thing like me. Nonetheless it made me feel accomplished that I had a date tonight and that the lovely pony who I was going to dinner with was the most beautiful pony in this land. As I start to shake the thoughts off, blushing, I notice Twilight's library in the distance and rush over to it, eager to get some input from the know-it-all herself. As I reached the door of the library, I suddenly stopped in place, thinking that I had herd a sound from the bush near the entrance. As I look over to it, I notice a snake like tail sticking out and a hoof from another part of the bush. It took a little bit before I registered what exactly was in this bush. As I walked over to it, I poked at the hoof. In an instant, a flash of light appeared before my eyes and there IT was. The craziest thing in Equestria... "Discord, what the heck are you doing here?" I ask, genuinely confused. "Oh, I have simply come to talk to Twilight but I need someone to go in with or else she will think I'm trying to ruin her day. Can I go in with you Anon?" He asks, tilting his head. "Fine, but be on your best behavior!" I say, seriously. "Very well." He bows and gestures me to go in. I open the door to the library. As me and Discord walk in, I notice spike reading one of his comic books like he usually does when I come to this place. I hear Twilight call from the other room letting me know that she will be a minute before she can help me. As I take a seat, I grab the first book my hand touches and start to fake read it to have something to do. A few moments pass and the sound of hoofs trotting down the stairs signals me to look up and see the purple unicorn herself. "Hello Anon and... Discord?" She says, both annoyed and confused. "Hello Twilight!" Discord starts, "I was wondering if you have any books on dealing with... breakup..?" It seems he thought that I wouldn't hear him when he said that but I heard him loud and clear. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Fluttershy didn't think you were the one huh?" I ask, concerned. "Yeah..." Discord says sadly. "It's ok. Plenty more opportunities out there!" I say, attempting to cheer him up. He seems to brighten up at this statement and embraces me in a hug. This... Draconaqu... dragonique.... DISCORD... can be chaotic all he wants but he is nothing but a big softy once you get to know him. As he looks back to Twilight, she hands him a book that she thinks will help him deal with the emotions cycling through him currently. As he bows to her, he disappears in a flash, leaving the library void of life, other than a unicorn, a baby dragon and a human. Me and Twilight look at each other and nod. She gestures me to follow her upstairs so she can give me a few tips and pointers on dating here in Equestria and I am happy to follow. "Thanks again, Twilight!" I say, waving her off while leaving the library. Almost an HOUR later and she is finally done with her tips and pointers. I didn't know that she would have that much information on the subject in her head but as it stands, not once did she pull out a q-card or had notes in front of her. This must all be common knowledge for her. Well, in any case, I decide not to bug Fluttershy right now because of what Discord had told me so it seems like my next stop is going to be Sweet Apple Acres. As I walk through the remainder of Ponyville, I see the small dirt road heading off to the apple orchard and I start down the path to see Applejack once again. When I start to come upon the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres, I hear a loud thud from out in the field. I know that Applejack and Big Mac are strong but the only one I have ever seen come close to knocking down a tree was Silver Spoon. But, I know she wont be out here so it was probably an accident by one of the apples. As I look over to the barn, I see a familiar orange mare in a cowpony hat. I walk up to the barn so I don't alert her of my presence. I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for... "ANON!" Apple Bloom squeaks, giving me away. Applejack turns around, giving me a 'So Close yet So Far' grin and walks up to me. "Tryin' to sneak up on me?" Applejack says, slyly. "Trick question! You will tackle me either opti- OOMPH!" I was cut off by being tackled... CALLED IT! "Yep! Y'all shouldn't of tried sneakin' up on me!" She giggles, getting off me. I get up and brush the dirt off me. As I explain why I am here early, she understands and says we can start whenever I am ready. I gesture her to lead the way and we head over to the house where she will be teaching me how to talk to Silver on the date. Speaking of the filly, I wonder how she and Diamond Tiara are holding up. I hope they haven't driven themselves crazy yet... > Chapter 17: Preperations (Part 2 of 2) (Silver POV) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh my gosh what do I wear, how should I style my mane, should I wear my designer glasses, what about-" I try to continue but feel a hoof on my muzzle. "Silver, CALM DOWN!" Diamond Tiara snaps, "It's going to be fine!" So tonight was the night. Ever since Anon's birthday I have been nervous about today. It was on his birthday where he asked me out on a date and I happily accepted. Now I have no idea what to do. I have never been on a date with anypony.... err... one! What if he doesn't like me as much as I think. What if I screw up this date majorly. WHAT IF MY MANE IS RUFFLED BEFORE THE DATE AND HE THINKS IM UGLYYY! Oh my gosh this is bad! Maybe I should cancel... but what if he is serious about this and is nervous too? I mean, were friends, so he must be as nervous as I am. I don't even know where he is right now. He could be dead for all I know and wont show up. Maybe I shouldn't have accepted his offer and maybe I would be less freaked out right now. But he is so amazing... I don't want to miss an opportunity to be happy with him... but will he feel the same way? STOP IT! I need to focus. This will be a fine date and I know he will love it no matter what because he cares for me. I'm sure that everything will be just perfect because he is so nice and caring. Even if it goes wrong I know that we will still be friends. I just need to make sure that I am prepared for tonight no matter what. Luckily Diamond is helping me get ready and it really does help that were in my bedroom. This place always seems to calm me down no matter what. As I trot up to the mirror, I notice that my mane is all ruffled and in the corner of my eye I see Diamond trying not to laugh at the sight of me. I roll my eyes and she bursts out in laughter. I go to grab a brush and comb it out but it seems that she has already gone to get it, still laughing like crazy. After the giggling stops, I see Diamond coming towards me with a brush in her mouth. She starts to comb out my mane so it's completely straight. She then wets it and starts to style it. "Soooo, Anon huh?" She says, a mischievous grin finds a way onto her muzzle, "You are one lucky gal!" "T-thanks Tiara..." I say, blushing at the thought of him. "I think I understand now!" She says, putting a hoof to her chin. "Understand what." I turn and give her my puzzled look. "You see, when you left the mansion a while ago, he told me he wanted to befriend you. I was confused at first because I didn't understand his reasoning. No offense!" "None taken." I sarcastically say. "Anyways, he must have liked you before. Did he give you any signs beforehand?" Diamond asks. As soon as she asked, I slowly made my way over to my nightstand and opened the drawer. Inside was a box that Anon gave me. I put it on my back and closed the drawer once again. As I made my way over to Diamond, her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped, probably because she was thinking that it was a ring or something. I rolled my eyes once again and set the box down on the bed. Upon opening it, I noticed that Diamond's eyes shot back and forth between my cutie mark and the spoon inside the box. "He gave THIS to you?!" She said, shocked. "Yeah... why what's wrong?" I say, worried. "This is amazing!" She says, still struck with awe. I contently smile and put the box away in my nightstand and return to where I was previously. As Diamond finished styling my mane, I took a minute to admire her handiwork in my mirror and to no surprise, my mane looked perfect. Honestly, I had no doubt in her because she is such an amazing stylist. I have a feeling if she could choose her job, it would be a mane stylist. As I turn around to give her a hug, she returned a small smile and quickly returned the gesture. "Your mane is fixed up, so now we need to get you a fancy dress!" Diamond says, smiling. "Oh please, not her, ANYTHING BUT-" "-Rarity..." Out of all the ponies in Ponyville, I think that Rarity was one of the most annoying ones here! She is always going on and on about her latest creations and whenever me and mother come to Carousal Boutique, Rarity makes us try on so many dresses even though we know what we want to get! It truly does get on my last nerves. I wish that it would be as easy as a walk in, grab dress, walk out type of deal but whenever we arrive, it takes us about 3 hours to get out, and that's only if she is having an idea block! Today was not going to be an easy escape day. It seems that Rarity has a lot of ideas at this time. So that leaves me with three options to choose from. I can run away while I still have the chance and wear a normal dress to this date and nothing too fancy, I could knock out Diamond and drag her away so she thinks we were already there or I can cancel the da- "Hello~!" Rarity says as we walk through the door. Too late! "Hey Rarity! Silver here needs a dress for tonight. She has got a date with the local human lover boy!" Diamond says, playfully punching me in the shoulder. It was at this point I wanted to buck Diamond for laying me into this endless hell. She knows all too well that when this fashionista hears the word 'Date' she goes absolutely insane. With what she just said, I may be here till next spring! There is no way that Rarity would just make me try one thing on and let me go with it. "REALLY!!!" Rarity looks starstruck, "YOU HAVE A DATE WITH ANON?! Oh my stars, we must get you prepared. A date with one of the local celebrities is ju-" "Anon doesn't like being labeled as a celebrity..." Diamond says, glaring at Rarity. "Sorry darling" She continues, "but having a date with the local human is just so lucky. You must of begged him to let you have the honor!" "Actually h-he asked me..." I say, sheepishly grinning. "W-what? ANON ASKED YOU!" Rarity screamed in delight and fainted. Perfect... just what we needed. The one that is supposed to supply my dress fainting before date night. Is it so much to ask for me to know one normal pony?! At this rate I will never get to the date tonight. I quickly run over to the kitchen and grab a pot. I fill it with cold water and walk back over with it on my back. As I dump the water over Rarity, she quickly wakes up and dashed into the back of the store. Coming out with a rack of dresses, I place a hoof on my forehead in frustration. This is going to be a longgggg day... > Chapter 18: The Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "... And make sure y'all don't forget the roses an-" "I get it Applejack! You have been giving me tips for the past 2 hours!" I say, trying to stop her. "Oh... um.... whoops!" She blushes. I have been sitting in the Sweet Apple Acres household for the past 2 hours to learn about talking to Silver during our special evening. We covered basically everything you would need to know on a first date except for how to dress, which Rarity already covered. I was surprised about how much Applejack knew about this stuff. I guess she has been through one-to-many dates in her life and has learned everything she needed to know from them. Nonetheless I was very grateful for everything she had taught me today. As I glance over at the clock, I see that I still have another hour to get ready. That gives me time to get back to Ponyville and relax before the date. Maybe I can pop over to the spa and get a quick treatment from the sisters so my nerves are calm. Then after stop off at Diamond's mansion and pick up Silver. I guess the plans in place! As I leave the house, I wave off Applejack and head back on the dirt path leading into Ponyville. I took the time to think about everything that has happened to me lately. I mean, everything seems to be going so great lately. Sure, it started off bumpy, what with making so many ponies cry, meeting a... Screw it, calling him a Discord, and almost being killed by a wolf made of pure wood. But honestly, I think it was worth it in the end, and I wouldn't of had it any other way. But what of me... I'm just a simple human, dropped into a world of ponies... and all the odds were against me at all times... how did I live? Is there something special about me? No... before all this happened, I was nothing but a nobody and currently, I think I still am a nobody in this world. i mean, just because I am a different species and everything doesn't mean that I have a significant part to play in this world right..? Woah brain... going a bit deep there! Anyways, as I reach the outskirts of Ponyville, I start thinking about how long it has been since I saw the spa sisters and if they even remember me anymore. I mean it had been along time but maybe they would forget about the local human after so many other clients passing through. There was always the possibility! After walking into town, I see the spa in the distance. On the way, I was greeted by the citizens throughout town and I took the time to wish them a good day so maybe Karma would treat me nice and not screw up the date tonight. As I reached the spa itself, I walked in and looked around. The lobby itself was relaxing enough due to the serenity of the entire place but one you started getting a massage from the sisters, you would forget all your problems. "Hello Anon!" I hear two voices speak in sync from behind the counter. I turn my head to see Lotus Blossom and Aloe standing there with huge smiles on their faces. As I walk towards them, I take in how lovely they look today. Aloe was a pink mare with a light blue mane and tail. Lotus Blossom was the exact same except in reverse, as she had a light blue coat and pink mane. They shared the same cutie mark: a pink lotus flower. "Hello ladies, it's been a while!" I say, cheerful. "Yes it has Anon. What brings you here today..." Aloe starts. "... and how are you doing?" Lotus finishes. "I'm doing fine, thanks ladies." I smile, afterwards turning my expression into a serious one, "but I need to unwind stat. I have a date tonight and I want to feel relaxed before hand... err... hoof." The both share a shocked gasp. "How much time is left?!" "One hour." Aloe faints, leaving Lotus standing with her jaw gaping. She shakes her head rapidly and picks her sister up off the ground. "We need to work fast! Aloe, prepare the speed treatment!" Aloe nodded and dashed off into the back of the building. I tilted my head, only to then feel Lotus tugging me further into the spa. I shrugged it off and just started walking in, saving her the trouble of having to pull me in there herself. I head into where Aloe ran into a few seconds ago and Lotus follows, closing a door behind us. While Anon gets his spa treatment, lets go see how Silver is dealing with Rarity! "NO MORE DRESSES! JUST THIS ONE!" Silver screams. "But come onnnn darling, I insist!" Rarity pleads. Ok, Scratch that. umm... Announcer? You there? Could you maybe... uhh... 20 MINUTES LATER "Ohhh, that was amazing. Thank you so much ladies!" I say, as I wave them off, leaving the spa. I got to had it to Aloe and Lotus. They really do know how to relax anyone they meet in little to no time flat. If it wasn't for them, I don't think I would have been calm enough to go out with Silver tonight. Speaking of which, I still have a little bit of time left. I better head on home and get dressed up nicely so that I will be ready when the time comes. As I head back to Fluttershy's cottage, I hum a cheery tune to myself as I walk, so that I can keep the mood as positive as possible. This also helps while walking because it helps me forget how long it takes to get there and it feels like I teleported there. Speaking of which, the humming and thinking to myself REALLY helped take the time out of that walk as Fluttershy's cottage is just in the distance. I pick up the pace a little so that I have time to get back to Ponyville afterwards. As I head inside, I make my way into my room and get changed into the same suit that I wore for hearts and hooves day. I carefully put on every piece of the outfit, making sure that everything is adjusted perfectly. As I look myself over in the mirror, I notice that one thing is missing from this ensemble. A rose! Whenever I went out in my suit, I always put a rose in my jacket's top pocket to add that extra bit of classiness. I slip on my dress shoes and walk out into the cottage's garden and head over to the little flower patch that Fluttershy had been growing. As I plucked a single rose from the ground, I brought it back inside and carefully de-thorned it and placed it in the little pocket sitting on the top left side of my jacket. As I walked back outside into the front yard of the house, I take a few deep breaths knowing that I am too far in to back out now. Slowly, as I nod my head, I head once more into Ponyville to meet up with Silver. Step by step, I start thinking to myself once more. The memory of the 'Blessed Dream' Luna had told me about was one of the only things on my mind. Could that possibly happen tonight? As I once again reach the outskirts of Ponyville, I stop for a moment to smell the rose currently sitting in my jacket. The smell fills me with hope and joy. This was enough to make me start walking through the streets of town and straight towards the 'Silver Bell Gift Shop'. As I reached the store, I opened it carefully, revealing the mother of Silver Spoon at the counter, busy with paperwork. "Hello... Welcome to Silver bell gift store... look around... ask if you need anything..." She was to busy focusing to realize that it was me. "Whats with all the paperwork?" I ask, confused. She perks her head up and sees that it's me. She smiles and pushes her paperwork aside. "Oh, just some orders from Canterlot, that's all. Are you here to pick up Silver Spoon?" I nod my head and blush a little bit. This causes the mare to laugh and smile brighter. After she finishes her giggling, she nodded and headed up the stairs to the second floor. While she is upstairs, I decide to take a look around the shop. I had forgotten to before when I was here so it seemed like the perfect time to take a closer glance at the objects they had for sale. Taking my time, I notice the purity of each object and how much work was put in to each. The silver was top grade premium straight from the refinery and right out of the polisher. The craftsmanship of each piece was sculpted to perfection. Every edge was smooth as silk and every gem was inserted just right. Truly each item was perfect in its own way. As I continued to look, I found something that caught my eye. A small row of silver bells, each of them about the same size as a pine cone. Each one of the bells had a pattern around the body which made it sparkle even more. Upon the handle, silver pearls were laced around, running down into the main chamber. I picked one up and shook it slightly. It echoed a beautiful, pure tone that resonated through the building. As I placed it down, I turned to see the mare who was previously down here. "Silver will be a minute." She said, before turning towards the bells, "You like them?" "Yes. They are quite beautiful!" I said, a smile smile crept onto my face. "Can I ask you something?" "Go ahead." "What is your name. I am about to go on a date with your daughter and I just realized that I have never asked your name." "Oh!" She blushed at the thought, "I am terribly sorry! Then please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Silver Shine." "Silver Shine huh?" She nods, "That is a beautiful name." "Thank you kindly, dear." "You make all these silver trinkets, don't you?" I look at her with a warming smile. "Yes, I must say I do." She starts, "and I love every minute of it. Taking the time to precisely craft each and every item into perfection is just simply marvelous!" "You do a fine job." I say, slowly applauding her. She takes a small bow. As she returns to height, Shine walks closer to the bells. Picking one up in her hoof, she hands it over to me. "Here Anon. A gentleco-" I clear my throat to grab her attention, "umm... Gentleman?" I nod, "Ah. Gentleman like you deserves a reward for being so kind to me and my daughter. Please accept this silver bell as a sign of my gratitude and may it bring you good luck tonight." I take the bell and inspect it closer now that I have it. I notice that the one she grabbed is an even higher quality than the rest. Compared to the rest of them, the others seemed basic. The edges were carved to sheer perfection, the kind of work that a master craftsman days to make. It looked like it was regularly polished and shined every day with careful precision. I decided to chime this one and as the note hit the air, I noticed that the pure note lasted longer than the other bell I had sounded before. I looked at her and tilted my head. "This bell was made for someone special. Someone who we lost before he could receive it." She looked down with watery eyes. "Is that why you're raising her alone?" I asked, concerned. "Yes..." That was all she managed to get out before she broke into tears. I wrapped her in my arms to comfort her. She quickly wrapped her front legs around me and started crying. Even though I was wearing my formal suit, I didn't mind getting my clothes a little wet due to tears. Besides, Shine seemed like she needed a cry like this for a very long time. As I held her, I felt her nuzzle into my chest and cry harder. I slowly ran my hand through her mane to try and calm her down. After a few minutes, she seemed to calm down slightly. I released her and she looked up to me with a small smile. "I'm sorry for your loss Silver Shine. I'm sure he was an amazing stallion and will be missed." "Thank you." She says, "You know... you remind me of him. He always was a true genlecolt." This comment makes me blush but I quickly shake it off before she notices. "I'm ready~!" A voice squeaks from the stairs. I turn towards the back of the store and my jaw almost dropped. Silver spoon was standing there in a perfect red and silver dress that cloaked her entire backside but stopped at her flank so her legs would have flexibility and room to move. Laced onto the edges were little stars that sparkled in the sunset gleaming through the windows. She slowly approached me and stood tall in front of me so she could show off a little. I got on my knee's and lifted her front left hoof. She tilted her head in confusion but soon straightened up again after I planted a kiss on it. As she placed it back on the ground, her face went bright red. I giggled a bit and gestured her to follow me. We left the store and headed towards our first destination. Our first stop tonight was going to be a fancy restaurant up in Canterlot. She kept asking how we were going to get there but I told her to just wait. As we walked through Ponyville, I saw everyone setting up for a surprise later, which raised even more questions from Silver. But my answer was always "you will see". As we reached the edge of Ponyville, we looked out into the clearing and Silver's eyes grew huge. On the pathway was a trail of flower petals leading up to a royal chariot. Two of the royal Pegasus guards were at the helm tonight and were waiting for us to get in. Silver squealed adorably and jumped in. As she got comfy in her seat, I pulled myself in and closed the side door. I leaned forward to whisper our destination to the guards. They nodded their heads and took off. The ride was smooth and calming. It also gave us some time to enjoy the sights. The sunset gave Equestria that magical glow that intrigued so many ponies. But something about tonight's sunset was just more special then ever. As we arrived in Canterlot, I thanked the guards and told them to meet us here afterwards. They nodded once more and flew off for a rest. We started walking through the streets, taking notice that the Canterlot folk were also setting up something. Silver started to wonder what I was planning but I shrugged it off like this was it. Little did she know, there was way more to come after dinner. After a short amount of walking, we arrived at the restaurant. The establishment was called "Salle divine" or Divine Dining. As we entered, we took in the sight of the place. It was a very elegant restaurant with large pillars, decorated and concealing lights inside. The chairs were very well designed and were made with a velvet backing. Two or Four of those chairs surrounded a beautiful dark wood table. As we stood at the podium, waiting to be greeted, I looked down at Silver who was still taking in all of this. She looked up at me with a dropped jaw and I took the opportunity to giggle slightly before dinner. We waited a few minutes but eventually, a bronze coated unicorn stallion came out and took a stand behind the podium. "Good evening, and welcome to Salle Divine. Do you have a reservation?" He asks, looking directly at me. "Yes, it should be under the name 'Anon'." I say, watching him check the book on the stand. "Ah, here you are and... Ahhhh, you reserved the special area!" He raises a brow at me, "Please, follow me." He doesn't waste any time and grabs two menus with his magic, signaling us to follow him. As we walk through the place, fancy ponies are looking at me with awe, thinking I am some celebrity. Truth be told I hate being thought as a celebrity and always correct ponies when they call me as such. We reach a red curtain in the back and pass on through it. On the other side was a sight that even I wasn't ready for. Their restaurant was on the edge of the mountain, so I knew that they probably had a cave dining area. But this was much more than I was expecting. The table sat on a marble tiled island which was surrounded by a moat. A divine glass bridge was all that connected the island to the restaurant. In the back was a small collection of waterfalls, flowing down into the moat below. As we crossed the bridge and reached the table, I pulled out Silver's seat. But she didn't hop up. It seems she had the same idea and pulled out my chair. We looked at each other and laughed a small bit. We each went to our designated chairs, thanking the other for the kind gesture put forward to the other. As we got comfortable, the bronze coated stallion from before laid the menus in front of us. "Your waiter will be with you shortly, sir and madam." He said. He then proceeded to bow and leave the room. After he had left, we noticed a sign on the bridge that we missed. It read: Don't be shy! Walk around! Enjoy the view! We looked at each other and nodded. As we got up, we took our menus with us so we could decide what we wanted while we enjoyed ourselves. The sight was absolutely magnificent! We walked around and took in all the features of the cavern. Silver went to look at the waterfalls while I headed to look at the walls. I noticed that there was a bit of writing on the walls. I leaned in closer and read it out loud. "This cavern is known as the 'Echo Room' as any sound in this room will resonate with complete purity. Usually, musicians practice in this room when not reserved so they can hear the purity of the room." This gave me an idea. I slowly took out the bell that Silver Shine had given me. I called Sil over and she asked why. When she saw the bell, she looked at me puzzled. I slowly lifted it up and brought it down with some force. The sound emitted throughout the entire cavern, traveling with a beautiful tone. Both me and Silver were in awe of the bell's pure sound. It was a magnificent noise that brought a tear to my eye. As I went to go back to the table, I noticed the waitress standing there, waiting for us with smile on her face. as we headed back over to the table, we took our seats as she cleared her throat. "Hello welcome to Salle Divine." The golden coat mare introduced, "My name is Golden Flavor and I will be your server tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?" "Silver, what would you like?" I ask. "Can I get an iced tea?" She asked so politely. "Certainly miss. And for you sir?" "Well done Silver!" I praised her, "I'll have the same if you don't mind." "Coming right up. Have you decided what you want to eat already?" "I'll have a garden salad with ranch dressing and some spaghetti please." "Of course miss. And for the gentle..?" "-Man." I inform her. "And for the gentleman?" Her smile receives a warming touch. "That actually does sound lovely. I would like the same!" "Right away. I will return." She trots off. As we get comfortable once again, we start talking a bit more about ourselves. Silver is more interested in where I came from and what it's like back on earth. I was more than happy to fill her in about it. She is completely stunned from how much our two worlds differ from each other but at the same time are alike. As we keep talking, the curtain opens once more to reveal a sight that Silver wasn't ready for. Walking in with our meals and drinks was Princesses Celestia and Luna. She gets up to bow, which sends them into a fit of laughter. "We are not here formally, dear Silver." Celestia says in her usual motherly tone, "We are just making your date with Anon as special as possible." "But did we have to wear the uniform, sister?" Luna struggles with the waitress outfit, "We find this to be quite irritating!" "You look lovely; both of you." I say, and then turn to Silver, "Actually... all THREE of you look lovely." With one compliment, I managed to make not just Silver blush, but both princesses as well. As they placed our trays, they rushed out before they got any redder. Me and Silver had a nice little chuckle and began to eat our meals. As we finished up eating, we headed back into the main restaurant. As Silver and Luna talked a little, I brought Celestia over to a private area. I asked her about the surprise and if it was set up in Ponyville. She simply nodded and pointed out the window, revealing two excited Pegasus guards attached to the chariot once more. I gave her a heartfelt hug and thanked her for what she did. As we returned to the talkative pair, I gave Luna a hug as well and thanked her the same. We waved them off and stepped outside of the restaurant to the first part of the surprise. Outside the restaurant, the citizens of Canterlot were lined up in two lines mirroring eachother, making a clear pathway for us to walk through. As we walked, some of the ponies were holding up memories of me and Silver that Twilight had pulled from my mind. This caused Silver to go into tears. I ran my hand through her mane and smiled at her. She returned the gesture and ran over to the chariot, hopping in again. I followed her and shut the side door. As we took off, the clapping of hooves from below caught our attention. Each pony held up a piece of a sign that when completed said "CONGRATULATIONS!" We both waved the city off as we headed towards Ponyville. Silver snuggled into me and cooed a little as I petted her. "Are you enjoying yourself so far, Sil?" I ask. "Yes! I haven't had this much fun in so long." "Well I have one more surprise." "You're kidding!" She squeaks. I smile and look out the side. I see Ponyville in the distance, darkened, but still bright enough to make out the lights that were not turned on but strung across the buildings. As we landed, Silver questioned why it was so dark. I shrugged and led her to the town square. Sure enough, there was no one there that was visible. As we sat on the edge of the fountain, she looked at me with sparkles in her eyes. "You ok, Silver?" I wonder. Before I get a verbal answer, I notice her leaning in for what looked like a kiss. I put my finger on her muzzle and told her to wait. She frowned and asked why. Just then, the lights activated and the Ponies revealed themselves on the balconies of the surrounding buildings. Behind the fountain, previously hidden, was the Royal Canterlot Orchestra. Silver gasped in surprise at this but then looked up at me once more. "May I have this dance?" I hold out my hand. She doesn't hesitate and places her hoof in my palm. I lift her up so her head is in front of mine at full height. I wrap an arm around her and keep the other around her hoof. The orchestra starts to play a slow waltz and I start the movement. As we take our time to dance, the sun finished setting and the moon entered the sky, letting the glow lay over the town. This allowed a more romantic atmosphere to befall us. As we look at each other, our smiles grew bigger. Tonight had been just perfect. Silver had enjoyed herself and so did I. And now I was here. The blessed dream had come true and I was loving every minute of it. "Anon..." Silver said softly. "Yea Sil?" "Thanks for everything tonight. I loved it so much." "Don't thank me. After all... if I hadn't met you... I would have never had my dream come true." I smile warmly once more. Once again, she leans in, hoping that this will be the moment. I don't stop her this time as I lean is as well. Tonight was perfect and now, it was about to end on the same note. As I stopped leaning in, I felt it. Her muzzle was pressed against me and our lips were pushed together. I closed my eyes to enjoy the perfect end to a perfect date.