> 1000 years ago, Equestrian history > by Karapony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sun and Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna, a beautiful dark blue pony with wings folded to her side and a horn as long as her head, walks over to Starswirl the bearded, who was an older looking unicorn with a gray coat and a white beard, with a angry in her eyes. She flipped her short light blue hair off to the said and opened her wings. "I do not understand why we can not go and help the Ponies. We just hide away day after day waiting. I am tired of it, if we are to be the Princesses that you taught us to be then why can we not go and take our places now." Celestia, a white pony with white wings and a soft light pink mane that had a white horn almost double the length of Luna horn, turned her head from reading and watched. "Luna, we have been over this a hundred times, those ponies have to break the Windigo curse before you can take control. If you simply show up and take control of the sun and moon the curse will still be upon the ponies, they will still fight and there will still be less and less food each and every day. They must learn to care for each other or you and Celestia will be put into situations where they will want you to pick sides, and that dear child will lead to more fighting among them." Starswril started to walk towards the door, "Now there is something i must go and handle in the south of the land, Please stay here till I return." Luna huffed, "I still think..." Before she could finish Starswril look sternly at Luna "Not another word about this Luna. I do not want to talk about this again. When the ponies out there break the Curse, you may take your place then and only then, not a day sooner." Starswril left and Luna walked over and laid down near Celestia. "Why do you never take my side sister?" Celestia sighed, "Luna, I trust Starswril. He says it will be better in the long run for the ponies and our rule if we wait, so we should wait." Luna stood up and glared at Celestia, they rushed to her room. She laid on her bed and watch out the window as the moon shakes to set and the sun shakes to rise. "Those Ponies can not do this on their own, I wish I could help them." After a few weeks, Celestia noticed while she was out gathering food that the snow in the north was starting to melt. She dropped everything and ran into the stone castle to get Luna. "LUNA!" Celestia yelled in excitement. "LUNA, COME LOOK I THINK THE PONIES BROKE THE CURSE!" Luna and Celestia both ran outside and watch as the snow melted. "I can not believe they did it, the ponies must have broken the curse, but how?" Luna asked while they both stared as the clouds were now disappearing. "It is because they finally learned to care for each other." Starswril bells jingled from ends of his dark blue star covered hat and cape as he walked toward the sister. "One of my students, Clover the Clever, told me that the 3 leaders and their assistants were all trapped in a cave that was freezing over. Once the leaders were frozen, due to them fighting, Clover, Smart Cookie, and Private Pansy grouped together and expressed that they did not hate each other. Clover explained that her magic shot forth and creating a warming heart that started to thaw the once frozen ponies. This is now being called the Fire of Friendship." Starswril looked at Luna, "Now that the 3 tribes are working together and helping each other, you 2 may take your place." Starswril started to walked towards the door, " Tomorrow, the 2 of you will go towards the mountain where the unicorn's gather to raise the sun and lower the moon. Before they use their magic I want the both of you to take your place and raise the sun and lower the moon, so that the unicorn's can watch." Starswril and the 2 sister gathered together near the fireplace. "You must show them kindness and answer any question they ask of you except, if they ask where you can from. " "I assume this is because you don't want them to think ill of you for hiding us from them." Luna said in a rude tone. Starswril signed. "I found you girls as little fillies, I knew you were destined to help this land grow and become great but I also knew that the ponies were not ready for you and would try to take advantage of you, so yes I did keep you hidden in this castle to keep you both safe." Starswril laid down, "I know it has been tough and I knew once you girls got your cutie marks that I was right about your destiny, I could not take the risk of letting greedy ponies changing who you are. Greed is a powerfully thing and they need to brake from that greed for them to be ready." Luna laid down next to Starswril, "I understand, I truly do, but I still think we could have helped them sooner." "Luna you do have a kind heart. Tomorrow, you can help all of the ponies. Tomorrow you will be the newest Princess of the land." The next day, Celestia and Luna both flew towards the mountain, keeping and eye out for the unicorn's. "There." Celestia Pointed, as they both flew down and landed in front of the group of exhausted unicorn's. "Please do not be afraid my friends, We saw you from a distance, you look very tired, but you may now rest and me and my sister will help guide the sun and moon into place." Celestia's horn glowed a soft yellow color as she move the sun up in the sky with such ease, and Luna horn glowed a soft blue she stood by her sisters side and move the moon down for the day. The Unicorns all stared the 2 sister. They were in aw of the white pony with both wings and a horn, standing almost double the size of them and her flowing pink mane. They then watch as the midnight blue pony with a short light blue mane opened her wings, while standing slightly shorter then the white one, but still a littler taller then themselves. Princess Platinum, a white unicorn with curly pink main under a purple and silver crown, walked over to the sister, "Please excuse me, but what are you and who are you?" she ask in the softest of tones. Celestia smiled kindly, "We are both alicorns, and my name is Princess Celestia." Luna stepped forward, "And I am her sister Princess Luna." Princess Platinum's jaw appeared to almost drop when Clover the Clever, a purple unicorn who's mane was hidden under a burlap hood and cape, walked over, "Welcome to Equestria Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I am Clover the Clever and this is Princess Platinum. Please come with us so that you may meet the other leader of Equestria." The four of them started to walk towards what appeared to be the start of a castle. "Please excuse the mess," Clover went on to say, "We are building a castle for the leaders to all live and help rule over the land." They entered through a doorway that was not quite complete. Standing around a table was four other ponies, 2 Pegasus ponies, and 2 Earth ponies. "Attention." Princess Platinum announced as she walked over to the other ponies. "I would like to introduce you to our new Sun and Moon Princesses." Princess Platinum then proceeded to look at Clover the Clever, who then rolled her eye's and stepped forward. "Yes, This is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They moved the sun and moon this morning with such ease." Luna stepped forward and opened her wings, "We both wish to stay here, and raise the moon and sun each day." Luna's tone was slightly assertive. Celestia added, "Of course if it is alright with you." Princess Platinum thought to herself 'this could be a great thing, now the Unicorn will not have to exhaust all their magic moving the sun and moon each day.' ''I believe that having them be apart of the court will help everyone with controlling this land. This will also allow the unicorn ponies to use their magic to help build Equestria up to becoming a great country. " Princess Platinum explained. Clover then turned towards the 2 sister and introduced the leaders and their assistance. "Allow me to introduce the other leader of Equestria. The leader of the Pegasus clan is Commander Hurricane and his assistant is Private Pansy. The leader of the Earth pony clan is Chancellor Puddinghead and her assistant Smart Cookie. And Princess Platinum is the leader of the Unicorn Clan and I am her assistant." Commander Hurricane, a light blue pegasus with a dark blue mane, looked at the 2 sister, "What are you?" He ask quite curious. "I have never seen a pony with both wing and a horn before." Private Pansy standing, almost hiding herself at her Commanders side was a yellow pegasus with an orange mane. Celestia smiled, "We are Alicorns, and we are the last 2 of our kind." She said as her ear pointed backwards. Chancellor Puddinghead, a pink earth pony with a red mane under a strange pudding like hat, walked up to Celestia and place a hoof on her shoulder. "I am so sorry to hear that." Smart Cookie took her hat off and bowed her head, she was a tan earth pony with a green mane. "Thank you." Celestia said softly. Princess Platinum stepped forward, "Let us vote, we need to decide if the Alicorns will take a place by our sides and help us rule Equestria." Starswril walked into the unfinished room. He stood away from the group and just watch, for he knew this was the moment that could change everything and help make Equestria Great. "Alright leaders, raise your hoof if the Alicorns can stay in the castle and help you rule over Equestria." Clover stated and looked as the 3 leaders started to raise their hoofs. "It appears that we are all in agreeance, now that you are apart of the court we will design you each with a room in this castle." Princess Platinum stated as she walked over to a paper with the castle design on it. Princess Platinum used her magic and added 2 towers to the castle design, "There, these will be your rooms." Celestia walked over and looked at the design. "It's perfect. Thank you." Luna seemed to have a sour attitude and was standing off to the side. Starswirl walked over to Luna and asked her to follow him. "What is on your mind Luna, I thought this was what you wanted?" Luna and Starswril stopped at an open area filled with flowers. Luna stat down and sighed. "This, I mean, I thought it was going to be just me and Celestia ruling over this land. Not us and 3 other ponies." "Did you really think that 3 ponies, who have ruled over their own clan for years, who have just meet you today, would hand over all power to you." Starswril asked Luna as he stat down next to her. "Well, I'm not sure." "Luna, you must give them time to see what you are capable of. Remember this, you and Celestia will out live all these ponies, but they do not know this yet. Give them time, let them earn your trust and one day you will show them that you and Celestia are all they need to keep Equestria safe, that the 2 of you will be able to make decisions for be best of all ponies." Luna's ear perked up and she smiled at Starswril, "Thank you." She said softly as they both watch the wind blow petals of the flowers away.