Twilight's Exile

by RTSgamer18

First published

Abandoned and forsaken by all but her number 1 assistant. Twilight must find a new way of life in the strange world she has found herself in...Tamriel

After being wrongly accused of murder Twilight Sparkle and her number 1 assistant Spike are both banished to the world of Tamriel and appear in front of none other than the dragonborn himself, Ma'Dat the first Khajiit to ever be given the honor of being Dohvakin. (I will not write out the sex scenes because I don't yet feel confident in my skills as a writer to do such a thing. but the sex will be mentioned the day after and in little flashbacks. Also there will be some dawww moments as well as some humerus moments.) (Here's a pic of Ma'Dat)
(Cover art found using Google)

Chapter 1: Goodbye Equestria, Hello Tamriel

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“Twilight Sparkle, you stand here today accused of murder and have been found guilty. I am so very disappointed in you.”

Twilight was in tears at this point, she knows she is innocent but nopony will believe her. The only one that does believe her is Spike. Celestia’s horn glows a brilliant gold and in a flash of light, both Twilight and Spike are teleported to a strange new world…

[On the road to Winterhold]

Talos take me! The thrice-damned wolfs are attacking me again. Just as I was about to defend myself a bright light flashed that scared the wolfs away and when it was gone I beheld a strange sight, A small, purple horse and a small, purple and green dragon are in front of me in my shock I am frozen to the spot. After a few seconds and nothing happening I begin to notice that the purple horse is crying and by the sounds its making I can tell that it is female and it also appeared to have a horn on its head and to my surprise, the dragon says,

“It’s OK Twilight, we will manage to survive without them. If they refused to believe you when you said you were innocent or at least give you the benefit of the doubt then they weren’t truly your friends.”

As I heard this I reflect upon my arrival here in Skyrim and realize that at least she wasn’t going to be executed. So I decide to voice my thoughts,

“Um, excuse miss but not trying to sound rude or inconsiderate or anything but, He is right if they refused to stand by you when you needed them the most then they are not worthy of your friendship. Besides, your arrival here is better than mine because I was supposed to be executed just because I was found with some criminals. Hell, the only reason I’m alive is because a dragon attacked the town I was in.”

After hearing my voice they both turn around in shock and just like a switch had been thrown this ‘Twilight’ starts jumping up and down in excitement and starts asking questions like what am I, who am I, as well as other questions that I couldn’t quite catch. At that point I turn to the small dragon and ask,

“Is this normal for her to be this excited to meet a new person?”

The dragon replies,

“Only if they are different species then pony.”

After Twilight realizes what she is doing she blushes and says sorry before clearing her throat and saying,

“Greetings. My name is Twilight Sparkle and the dragon is my number one assistant, or at least he was. Now he is just my adopted son.”

I could see how towards the end there she was starting to look sad and I don’t know what possessed me to do it but before I could stop myself, I was hugging her and telling her everything was going to be OK. Before I could pull away I found myself wrapped up in two soft furry hooves and her head on my chest as she was silently crying. After some time spent like this, the dragon came up to us and joined the hug. When we separated he introduced himself as Spike and I introduced myself,

“Well it’s nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle and Spike. My name is Ma’Dat. As to what I am, I am a Kahjiit and I hail from the province Elsweyr. Now from where do you two hail from?”

Twilight answers with,

“We came from a country called Equestria on the planet Equis. I was banished because I was wrongly accused of murder and they never gave me the chance to prove my innocence I was supposed to go alone but Spike here stayed by my side no matter what. I would actually say he is more loyal then Rainbow Dash who was supposed to be the element of loyalty. Guess the elements made a mistake when they chose us.”

Confused I looked at her and asked,

“What do mean by elements?”

She looks over at me and says,

"The elements of harmony are six powerful gems that were wielded by me and five other mares whom I thought were my friends. The elements are Laughter, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, and finally the one that completes the set, Magic. I was the element of magic, I say ‘was’ because I doubt the element will work for me.”

After some time thinking about this, I put my hand on her head and ruffled her mane a bit and said,

“Well I was going to go to Winterhold to see if there are any jobs available, but I suppose we can head back to the house I built near Falkreath to get you two settled in.”

Twilight gives me a grateful smile and I begin to feel my heart pound a little faster. ‘What is this feeling I have?’ I think. ‘Oh well, I’m sure it’s nothing.’ I later found out how wrong I was.

We were a week from Lakeview Manor when we were suddenly attack by 3 bandits. Without even thinking I screamed,


after the fire dissipated I went for the kill by rushing forward and decapitating the first band, using flames to finish the second and gripping the third one by the shirt and screaming,


which knocked his head off in a spray of blood. After that I looted all 3 of them and found nothing of use to me. It wasn’t until I heard a frightened whimper from behind me that I remembered that I had company. So I turned around and saw both Twilight and Spike looking at me with fear in their eyes and it was then that I remembered that on the way she told me that Equestria was a relatively peaceful land and to her I had probably overreacted. I slowly walked over and kneeled down in front of her. When she turned her head away I gently placed my hand on her cheek and said,

“I’m sorry you had to see that. But here, what I just did is a perfectly legal way to deal with bandits. Here, harmony and friendship is hard to come by. You could have just as easily landed in front of someone who would not have hesitated to kill and skin the both of you. You should be thankful that you landed in front of me instead of them. Anyway we have a week left to travel, when we reach Lakeview Manor you and Spike can have one of room on either the top or bottom floor.”

During my explanation she and Spike had calmed down enough for her to ask me,

“How where able to do that? And what did the words you used mean?”

I looked at her and said,

“I am known as a Dragon Born or ‘Dovahkin’. It means that I have the soul of a dragon and dragon blood flows through my veins. As for what the words I used mean, the first three mean ‘Fire’, ‘Inferno’, ‘Sun’ in that order and the second three mean ‘Force’, ‘Balance’, ‘Push’ in that order. And in case you are wonder what language I was speaking in, it was the language of dragons.”

After this we walked in silence until arriving at the Manor. After I unlock the door and opened it I said,

“Welcome Twilight Sparkle and Spike, to your new home for the foreseeable future. Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. Dinner will be ready shortly.”

Chapter 2: Dinner and the Start of a New Life

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“So Twilight, Spike, what would you like for dinner?”

After some time thinking she says,

“I’ll just have some vegetable soup please.”

Spike thinks a bit more and says,

“I'll have the same as well if you don't mind.”

After getting the necessary ingredients, I made three bowls of vegetable soup and set them on the table for us. During dinner, Twilight asked if it was possible for to learn the dragon language. When I told her it was possible she asked if I could and I told her that while I can learn Dovahzul, I am not qualified to teach it and that the right to do so goes to the Greybeards in High Harothgar. After that, she thought about what I said and asked,

“So, how about tomorrow we go to High Harothgar so I can meet the Greybeards to ask if they can teach me this “Dovahzul” as you call it.”

I look at her and think for a few seconds before nodding and say,

“Sure, after breakfast we will head over to High Harothgar to introduce you to the Greybeards. But we will stop at Whiterun to say hi to the Jarl and talk to some of my friends there.”

After that dinner proceeded without incident and then we all went to bed, me to my room and Twilight and Spike to their room.

After waking up I went to check on Twilight and Spike to see them still asleep with Twilight hugging Spike close to her like a stuffed bear. While I’ll admit the scene was adorable we did have planes for today. So I decided to wake them up gently, I walked over to Twilight and gently shook her awake only for her to let out a low ‘nooooo’ and try to swat my hand away before pulling the covers over herself. After that, I just carried her and Spike down to the table and made breakfast. Soon the smell of cooking woke both of them up and Twilight just sat there until I served breakfast after she had eaten she seemed to be more awake than before and went to the mirror to straighten up her mane. Once that was done I put on my armor and grabbed my favorite sword and crossbow before we headed out to Whiterun. On our way to Whiterun, we came across some deer grazing in the woods and a few rabbits hopping around. After some time, we came up to the entrance to Whiterun and the guards gave me a respectful nod while looking at Twilight and Spike in shock. Once inside we headed towards Breezhome and after we entered I called out,


After hearing the sound of rushing feet, my first housecarl and best friend, Lydia comes rushing down the stairs and with a bright smile on her face, hugs me and says,

“It’s good to see you again, my Thane. How have you been?”

I smile and say,

“Well, I met a lavender Alicorn ex-princess who was falsely accused of murder and her surrogate son who is a baby dragon who was the only one who believed her when was pleading her innocence. Other than that, not much of note has happened.”

Lydia looks at me like I’m high on Skooma and before she can say anything Twilight speaks up and says,

“Greetings Lydia, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my surrogate son, Spike Sparkle who is a baby dragon. It’s nice to meet one of Ma’Dat’s friends.”

Suddenly Lydia has Twilight in a Nordic hug and going on about how ‘cute and cuddly and adorable' Twilight is while I just stand there and smile. When Twilight looks to me for help I say,

“OK Lydia, time to put adorable pony down because we are just here so she can meet a few of my friends here before we head up to High Hrothgar to see if she can master the Way of the Voice.”

When Lydia puts her down with some reluctance I smirk and pick up Spike and say,

“Instead why don’t you cuddle with this baby dragon!”

Spike looks at me with betrayal while Lydia takes him form me and begins to cuddle him while Twilight and I start laughing at the expression on Spike’s face. After Lydia finally puts Spike down, we start walking towards Jorrvaskr in order to meet my fellow Companions. Once we enter the others are all alerted to Twilight and Spike because of how they smell. Once they notice me, Aela approaches us and says,

“Harbinger, who are these two strangers that you bring here?”

I look at her and say,

“These two are going to traveling with me to High Hrothgar to see if they can learn the Way of the Voice.”

Aela looks at me and asks,

“Will you be staying with them if they can learn?”

I tell her that I will not be staying with them because they will likely have to do massive amounts of studying and preparations so I will simply be checking on them from time to time. Aela looks relived that I won’t be staying while Twilight looks a little disappointed. I notice her look and say,

“Honestly, I don’t need to be around for you to learn Dovahzul. Since I’m Dragonborn, my dragon blood gives me an instant understanding of the dragon language meaning I can learn a new word for a shout just by looking at the word. You, on the other hand, are not of Dovahsos, dragon blood, therefore you must study and learn the meaning of the language before you can even begin to try ‘shouting’ or projecting your voice into a Thu’um.”

After hearing my reasons, she said OK but she still looked a little down so I told her that while I would like to stay with her during her time at High Hrothgar, I have responsibilities that I have to take care of. She said ok but still looked a little down Aela sees this and looks at me and says,

“Do not worry Harbinger. We manage just fine when you are out adventuring. We can handle ourselves until she is done with her training.”

I look at Aela and tell her 'thank you.' After stopping by Jarl Balgruuf to introduce him to Twilight we headed out to High Hrothgar.