> marriage conundrum > by wheelie-wolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > problems arise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day at Canterlot high school, the main six human girls were spending some time, with their own worlds Twilight. “so how has your first day at Canterlot high been?” asked Sunset Shimmer. She was standing on one of the stairs leaning on the rails. “it’s been OK, though some of the students still hate what I did.” said Twilight fidgeting with her arms in a guilty manner. The other girls looked on in concern but understanding. Applejack was the first to say something. “now don’t you worry none, I’m sure everyone at C.H.S will forgive you. It’s not the first time we dealt with a magical demon student before.” giving Sunset a wry smirk and a wink. Letting Sunset know she was just playing around. Which sunset just rolled her eyes but nodded. “Applejack’s right, I’ve done the same mistake, and it took me a while. But now the schools forgiven me… they’ll forgive you too.” sunset said putting her hand on Twilight's shoulder. “Thanks guys… I don’t know what I’d do with out you guys helping me get settled in. But I’m also glad I still have my friends in Crystal prep high.” then it dawned on her. “speaking of my friends, I need to head out, we’ve been hanging at lemon zest’s club.” she grabbed her bag with spike following her. “Alright well we’ll see you some other time.” sunset said waving their new friend goodbye. When twilight got to the club, her crystal prep friends were already there. Neon was helping his girlfriend vinyl scratch, lemon was catering to the patrons at her club. Suri Polomare and upper crust were talking and giggling about something. Poky pierce was dancing with some girls on the floor, along with sour sweet and sunny flare. and indigo was at the table with Suri and upper crust, she seemed to have a cast on. Then only one of their group missing seemed to be jet set. So as twilight got to the table indigo noticed her and waved with her good arm. “Hey there you finally are!” she said giving twilight a pat on the back. “we were worried you forgot about us.” she continued. “Sorry guys, I was hanging out with sunset and the others. And I sort of lost track of time.” Twilight admitted blushing. “Eh it’s alright glad to see you anyway.” said lemon zest as she zipped on by on some roller skates. “One thing that I’m confused about though, where’s jet set?” twilight asked looking specifically to upper crust who was married to him. Upper Crust gave an irritated huff as she crossed her arms. “business is booming at the airlines, and he’s been away more then usual.” she said but there seemed to be a pained look even under the anger. She seemed to be missing him a lot. “oh! I’m sorry to hear that.” Twilight said genuinely concerned for one of the oldest girls in their group. To get away from the awkward tension twilight decided to ask Indigo what happened to her arm. “so indigo, what happened to your arm.” she asked, pointing to the cast. “what- this thing? Just a dirt bike accident. Some loser decided to use unconventional methods to win the race. The jerk decided he wanted to win so bad, he modified his bike, and made spikes come out of the wheels. Then he caused some of the other races to crash…. Lets just say I was lucky it was just a broken arm.” she said a hateful but sad look in her eyes. “O-k.” Twilight said awkwardly. She felt like she really should not have brought that up. So as the group settled down they started talking reminiscing and such. “So let me get this straight… that weird dude with the guitar thought you were that other twilight?” Sunny Flare asked twilight. “yeah he’s cute but sooo not my type. He’s just kind of dense really.” Twilight answered. “agreed. I mean if he likes this princess so much, you’d think he’d be able to tell the difference from another look a like.” Suri said with a small smirk. Twilight just gave a deadpan glance back to her. “I don’t know, I mean he was great none the less. It’s not really his fault not knowing that there was another me in this world.” “Well still he’s a bit of an idiot for not.” Suri remarked. As the day went on Jet Set finally showed up and sat beside Upper Crust. “Sorry I’m late everyone. Things were going haywire at the airport.” he said as he sat down exhaustedly. “it’s quit alright Jet.” said Twilight with a kind smile. “we’re just glad you’re here.” The mood seemed to soften for a while. Till Jet Set’s phone rang. And Upper Crust scowled irritated. She just wanted to spend time with her husband. “Can’t you turn that dang thing off?!” she asked with a angry snippet. Everyone seemed surprised by Upper Crust’s outburst. Even Jet Set seemed somewhat taken aback. “Excuse me dear, but it could be something important.” he said in his normally calm and almost disinterested voice. That probably was not a good idea to say that, and Upper Crust erupted right there. “AND WHAT ABOUT ME? AREN’T I ANYTHING IMPORTANT TO YOU ANYMORE? OR IS YOUR BUSINESS MORE IMPORTANT NOW?” she yelled at him. Standing up and panting with her rage. But as her anger subsided she seemed to break down and ran off to the girls bath room. “I’ll go after her.” said Indigo as she got up and went after their obviously distraught friend. “and someone needs to have a talk with you, Jet Set.” said Sugarcoat. So as the group separated to their own homes or to talk to one or the other of the troubled couple, things felt like they were about to get tripy. And not in a good sense of the word. But one thing was certain, or at least hoped, that the couple could stay together and get passed, whatever turmoil they faced.