> Hypnotic melody > by Nova_Wings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Changing Melody (updated) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia came home closing the door with a frustrated slam, it was the same thing day in and day out, the orchestra would work her to death and then she was expected to do the same the next day. But after years of this, she was used to it, they all were, this was the Canterlot orchestra, after all, perfection was a requirement. Still, it seemed to be getting harder every day to keep up with the demand, even more so that her closest friend in the orchestra left about a year ago. Lyra had left Canterlot and moved to Manehattan, according to the last few letters she had gotten she was living happily with her marefriend Bonbon and working in the local orchestra. It was a shame she felt, she was a rather talented musician, to leave the prestige of Canterlot, it was a shame. Octavia walked into the living room and set her cello down, the heavy instrument rested on its stand near the entryway, she would get up early every morning to tune, polish, and replace the strings if needed. She loved her work, loved music, even if it was getting rather stale in the day to day routine. Get up. Polish and tune. Quick breakfast. Practice all day (with a single break for lunch). Come home. Listen to Vinyl. Dinner, Bed. Repeat. It was the same, and it had been for so long she almost didn't know how to do anything else. Speaking of Vinyl, her roommate was unusually quiet right now, normally there would be some crime against classical music coming from her room, but tonight it was quiet, odd. Looking around Octavia noticed a folded piece of paper on the dining room table, trotting over she picked it up and read: Tavi, Had an all-night gig today, big opening of a new club in Fillydelphia. I had to take a train this afternoon and won't be back till late afternoon tomorrow. I know it was my turn to cook today so I left something for ya in the oven, just let it cook for 30min and it will be ready. ~DJ-PON3 Well at least she remembered that it was her night to cook, Vinyl was a rather nice roommate, even if her taste in 'music' wasn't. How anypony could enjoy such noise was beyond her, but as clubs and music stores could tell you, they did. Stepping over to the oven Octavia noticed the temperature and timer had already been set, with a flick of her hoof she turned the oven on and waited. The oven dinged and she opened it up to reveal a very nice looking veggie lasagna, when Vinyl had first moved in she was surprised as any pony to find she was a rather good cook, Vinyl had even said once that she thought that she might get a cutie mark in cooking. Taking the lasagna out and helping herself to a decent portion, Octavia sat at the table and ate in silence. It was a bit odd eating alone, despite their schedule the two roommates always ate dinner together. Octavia quietly finished eating and put away the dishes and leftovers, taking a quick shower she turned in for the night, she would be up at dawn tomorrow to start her routine once again. ~o~0~o~ Octavia awoke the next morning right in time with Celestia's sun, she cleaned and tuned her cello, ate a breakfast of warm oatmeal, and hurried off to rehearsal. She got to the consort hall early, as usual, the only ponies here before her were the cleaning crew (who were actually just leaving), and the conductor. The conductor was a unicorn stallion named Crescendo, his brown coat and black mane had just a few bits of gray here and there. As always he wore a frown, Octavia just ignored it and took her seat, second chair. As the other members began to make their way onto the stage, the looks they were giving her seemed to be harder than yesterday. Another long day, she thought coldly, at least she was where she wanted to be, right? Vinyl sluggishly made her way into the apartment that she and Octavia shared (train ride followed by an all-night gig, with another train ride after really took a lot out of a mare, but it would SO be worth it). the apartment was nice, small but cozy at the same time. Looking around she saw no sign of her roommate, not that she expected her to be home at this hour, the orchestra worked her hard all day, almost every day. But all that comes to an end, she thought as she levitated a small box out of her saddlebag, she might struggle at first, but that makes it all that much more fun. Octavia entered the apartment to hear the low thud of bass, Vinyl was home. At least tomorrow was Sunday and it was her one day to relax, Vinyl at least had the courtesy to keep most of her 'music' confined to her room. Setting her cello down she walked over to her roommate's door and knocked hard enough to be heard. Vinyl opened the door to her room reveling her signature purple shades along with a pair of electric blue headphones around her neck. “Hey, Tavi! How you doing.” Vinyl asked with a big grin. “Same as always, I see you opened for a club last night?” “Man did I ever, the whole place was bouncing off the walls! I did so well, in fact, I got a sweet bonus! Ca-ching!” Octavia gave her friend a smile. “Well I'm glad things went well for you, its been a rather long week for me, *yawn* I hope you don't mind if I turn in early, I know it's my turn to cook and all...” “Hey no biggie, I still got leftovers from last night.” “Thank you Vinyl, I promise I'll make it up to you.” Bingo! “Actually if you want you can make it up right now, it won't take long I promise.” Octavia seemed to mull this over for a minute. “Well I guess, what did you have in mind?” Too easy Tavi “Just listen to this one song I have, I want your opinion on it, its something I've been working on for a while, I think it will bring a whole new side into the night clubs.” “Well, I guess, just one song then?” “Yep, one song. Give me your thoughts and then off to bed, that's it.” “Well that's responsible I guess.” “Great!!” Vinyl almost squeed in delight. Walking into the DJ's room Octavia found it a bit cleaner then she expected, but that was Vinyl always with the surprise. Vinyl levitated out a second set of headphones and placed them on Octavia, Vinyl then plugged the other end into the stereo system. After a moment music began to fill her ears, she recognized it immediately as one of the many pieces she knew and played by hart, soon enough bass and other elements of dubstep began to work their way into the music. At first, she was taken back, how could Vinyl do this to such good music? To infect it with such noise! Vinyl adjusted a dial labeled speed and moved it to 1.25, the music took on a different feel to it, now it was reasonable even to her standers. As the song ended, Vinyl looked at her with a waiting expression, Octavia mulled over her thoughts about the music. “Well?” “It was rather dreadful at first, but when you increased the speed it became... nice” The last word surprised her a bit. “Would you like to hear it again, when it's faster?” “...sure I guess it was enjoyable enough.” Got ya. The little pony in Vinyl's head bounced around, so far so good, phase one complete. The music started up again now at the faster pace, it was only a matter of time now. ~o~0~o~ Octavia woke the next morning feeling stiff, she always did when she let herself sleep in a bit. She could hear music coming from somewhere else in the house, the tune was familiar, it was the same song Vinyl had played last night. I guess she must really like it. She thought as she slowly crawled out of bed, opening the window in her room she could see the sun was high in the sky, somewhere between mid-morning and noon. Octavia just shrugged and made her way into the rest of the house, Vinyl was in the kitchen running her dubstep powered dishwasher, or 'dish-WUB-er' as Vinyl had named it. The music was coming from the dishwasher, which was odd, as she never heard it play anything but the one dreadful song, over and over again. “Morning Tavi!” Vinyl greeted with her normal goofy grin. “Is it still morning?” Vinyl glanced at the clock. “Well it's not noon yet so I guess that counts.” “I suppose, I didn't realize that you could change the 'music' in that thing.” “Ya, but it only works with dubstep, so don't get any funny ideas about changing it to some of your boring classical stuff.” “You are truly insufferable some days.” “Easy Tavi, you know how I feel about words with that many syllables.” Vinyl said jokingly. Octavia just rolled her eyes and opened the cupboard, she pulled out a canister of oatmeal and set about making her breakfast. As the two moved about the small kitchen, Vinyl brushed up against Octavia a few more times than was necessary, Octavia was about to scold her roommate, when her eyes found their way to her flank. For a moment Octavia just looked, she didn't know why but she found her friend... attractive. Where did that come from? Octavia wondered she had never looked at Vinyl in that sort of way, nor any pony if she was being honest. Still, she does have a nice flank. Wait! I'm not a fillyfooler, right? Truth be told Octavia had nether looked at mares or stallions in a romantic way, still, it was strange that she was having these thoughts out of no where. “Like what you see?” Vinyl's voice snapped Octavia out of her thoughts, how long had she been staring? Her face lite up like it was on fire. “I.. um... n-no I was just lost in thought for a moment.” “And you just happen to get lost staring at my flank.” Vinyl's voice was teasing and playful. “N-no, I was just thinking and-” “It's cool Tavi, ponies look at my flank all the time when I'm Dj-ing.” “Really?” “Yep, and they all have to pay to get in to see it, and you get it free everyday.” Vinyl's voice had changed from playful, to sultry but Octavia either hadn't noticed or didn't mind. “Lucky you.” Ya lucky me. Octavia was lost in her own little world for a moment, she never noticed that Vinyl was now muzzle to muzzle with her. “Vin-” Octavia's words were cut off as Vinyl kissed her deeply, her eyes went wide but she didn't break the contact, it felt... nice. The kiss lasted only a few moments, but it left Octavia with a warm fuzzy feeling. Vinyl leaned back and grinned at Octavia, her stunned look with a hint of want was more then she could have asked for. Levitating off her glasses, Vinyl just continued to enjoy Octavia's expression. “I take it you liked that.” “Uhhhhh” Was all Octavia could muster. She was so lost in what had just happened that she didn't notice Vinyl's horn light up, somewhere in the back of her mind Octavia could hear a little voice whispering to her. You liked that, admit it. I-I'm not sure, it felt kinda nice... Why don't you see what else 'feels nice' with Vinyl? W-what! No, I can't do that! Why not? I'm not like that? Like what? You've never taken an interest in any pony. But she's... a mare. And? Octavia didn't have a response, her best friend aside from Vinyl was a fillyfooler, so she didn't have a problem with it like a lot of the nobility did. But that didn't mean she was one too. So what's holding you back? I don't know? “Was I really that stunning?” Vinyl said breaking the silence in the room. “Um... it's... just, I've...” “Whoa! Was that your first kiss, like ever?” “Maybe...” Octavia's voice was little more than a mumble. “Well then,” Vinyl said moving closer again. “That means the second one has a lot to live up to.” “What do yo-” Once again Vinyl cut Octavia off, but this time Octavia responded, closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss. She had no idea why she was doing this, maybe it was the little voice in her head, the music still in the room, or maybe it was just the heat of the moment, but right now she didn't care. The kiss continued for what felt like hours to Octavia, it was warm, soft and somehow just felt right. Eventually, the kiss ended leaving behind a very breathless Octavia, opening her eyes she found herself looking into crimson orbs. Somehow she found herself getting lost in those eyes, it was as if her roommate hid a whole different side behind those purple shades, and it was a world she found herself wanting to explore. “Why don't we get more comfortable?” Octavia only nodded in response, she was almost afraid that if she spoke she might break whatever spell was over them, and right now she didn't want this to end. With very little effort Vinyl led Octavia back into her room and onto the bed, nudging the cellist onto her back Vinyl moved over her and kissed her again, this time more passionately. Octavia returned the kiss with equal passion, she had never been in such a situation before, and she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Just do what feels natural, like when you play your music. The voice was back, if only for a moment. It was right, when she played she hardly ever read the music, she simply let the music flow from her cello. Do what feels natural... Octavia let her hoofs move to Vinyl's sides, she explored the mare above her. Her coat was much softer then she expected given her normally unkempt state, or was that by design? Feeling how well kept and soft her fur was, Octavia began to think that might be the case. Vinyl was laying on Octavia now, still kissing her deeply. But she felt it was time to turn up the heat a little more, Octavia felt Vinyl's tongue asking for entrance, she hesitated for a moment, what feel's natural. The words repeated in her head, with a little hesitation she let Vinyl in. Vinyl wasted no time, her tongue darted forward playing with Octavia's, electing a small moan from the gray mare. By comparison, Octavia was far more timid than the snow-white mare currently above her, but she fought back in their little battle none the less. After several minutes Vinyl finally drew back allowing them both to breathe, they were both panting now but Vinyl knew this was merely the opening act. “Not bad Tavi, but I think we can do a bit better.” Octavia didn't have a chance to respond before Vinyl dove into her neck, Octavia leaned her head back giving Vinyl better access while her hoofs wrapped themselves around her lover on their own. Vinyl started off with soft kisses and licks, before throwing in a few nips here and there. Where her licks would bring out soft moans, each nip was rewarded with a gasp and small shutter. Just like my music, you gotta throw in some bass, or bites, to really get things going. Coming to the clef of her neck Vinyl bit down just enough to leave a little mark, Octavia moaned loudly the feeling was like nothing she had experienced before, and she found herself liking it. Taking it a bit farther Vinyl left a trail of bite marks all the way up Octavia's neck, before reaching up and taking the tip of her ear in her mouth and nibbling on it gently. Octavia griped Vinyl's fur, nopony had ever given her feeling like this before, vaguely she wondered why she had never tried this before. Before she could question herself further she felt Vinyl begin licking her way down her chest, over her belly and towards... “Vinyl! Wha-?” “Don't worry Tavi, you're gonna love this.” Without waiting for her to respond Vinyl went for her prize, with a quick flick of her tongue she licked Octavia's marehood tasting her for the first time. She tasted a bit like morning dew mixed with honey, Vinyl knew she was going to enjoy this taste for a very long time. Octavia's head fell back into the pillow, her marehood suddenly felt warm and moist, whatever Vinyl was doing she didn't want her to stop, and Vinyl had no intention of stopping. Spreading her soft peddles Vinyl found the sensitive little nub she was looking for, she rolled her tongue over the sensitive flesh electing more and deeper moans from the pony beneath her. Octavia could feel something building within her, it was like a spring winding up, becoming tenser with each passing second. She felt like she was going to release, but release what she didn't know, and she didn't want to ruin the moment either. “V-Vinyl, I'm... I'm...” Let it happen. “But, what is?” Don't worry, it will feel really good. Octavia had little choice in the matter, Vinyl's assault was bringing her closer and closer to whatever end was in store for her. Just as she felt like she was going to explode, Vinyl moved down just a bit and buried her muzzle into Octavia's snatch licking for all she was worth. It was too much, Octavia arched her back and let out a passionate scream as she came hard into Vinyl's mouth, where she licked up every single drop of the sweet nectar. Panting and out of breath Octavia just lay where she was as she came down from her first orgasm, she felt Vinyl slowly crawl up her until they were muzzle to muzzle again. Vinyl leaned in and kissed her sliding her tongue into Octavia's mouth. Octavia was taken back at first, but she eased into the kiss tasting herself off of Vinyl's tong. Vinyl pulled back and looked down at Octavia, her eyes were half-closed and her main was a mess, but she had one last act in store for her. “I hope your not too tired, cuz we still have the 'encore' yet.” Octavia seriously doubted she could last another round with Vinyl, but it would seem she didn't have a choice as Vinyl slowly began to rub their nethers together. It felt much different than before, but Octavia had to admit it still felt just as good. She wanted to help Vinyl feel as good as she had made her feel, she couldn't hope to do the same as Vinyl just had, but maybe something else? What felt natural right now? Letting instinct take over Octavia leaned up and bit into Vinyl's neck, she was rewarded with a loud moan as Vinyl began thrusting harder. Octavia released only to bite down again in a slightly different spot, the loud moans coming from the white mare told her what she was doing was right. Octavia could already feel the sensation from before building once again, she knew she wasn't going to last much longer, luckily nether was Vinyl. “Oh fuck! Octavia, I'm gonna cum!” Grabbing onto Vinyl Octavia bit down one last time, much harder than before, this only served to push Vinyl over the edge. Octavia felt herself release at the same time, the room was filled with the sounds of climax, only Octavia's was slightly muffled by Vinyl's neck in her mouth. The two mares collapsed onto the bed exhausted, Octavia loosened her grip on Vinyl but refused to fully let go. Vinyl wrapped her hooves around Octavia pulling her close, the two just lay there in silence for a time before Octavia broke the silence. “That was... amazing.” “Ya it was wasn't it.” Vinyl grinned. “Maybe we can do it again?” “Sure,” Octavia replied already half-asleep, even though it was still early in the day. Vinyl couldn't help herself, she nuzzled into Octavia's soft black mane smiling widely. With a pulse of her magic music started playing through the house, it was the same song that she had Octavia listen to the other night. Octavia hardly stirred in her embrace, but she could see her ears flick towards the music. Just a little bit longer Tavi, just a little bit longer. > Changing Tracks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia woke feeling groggy, groggy but not tired, which was a pleasant change for once. Looking around she saw her clock showed it was five-thirty in the morning, a half an hour before her alarm would go off. Octavia went to get up but found herself held down by a pair of white hoofs. For a moment Octavia was puzzled as to why her roommate was cuddling with her, then last night's events came back to her as the last fog of sleep lifted from her mind. Laying back down, Octavia just let herself enjoy the feeling of another pony sleeping next to her. To have somepony else close to you when you wake up, to feel their warmth next to you, this was a feeling Octavia could get very use to. Vinyl stirred in her sleep, before pulling Octavia closer, whether she was doing this on purpose or not Octavia didn't know, but it felt nice. Perhaps, she thought. Vinyl would be open to this a bit more? She shook the thought from her head, Vinyl worked nights and came home only a few hours before Octavia would be getting up. As she continued with her internal debate her alarm went off, reaching as best she could she tried to turn the alarm off. Before she could reach it through the alarm was enveloped in a blue aura, Octavia turned to see a sleepy Vinyl looking back at her. “Ugh, why do you get up at six? I thought you practiced at nine?” Vinyl asked with a yawn. “I get there at eight-thirty, I like to be early.” “How long do you take to get ready?” “About an hour and a half, I need to tune my cello before I leave.” “Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to do that at practice?” “Yes, but no pony worth their weight in salt waits until they get to practice to get ready.” “Does anypony else there show up as ready as you?” “Except for the newer members, yes, all of them.” Wow, and I thought Lyra was exaggerating on how tough they were on ponies there, I think I need to be ready sooner rather than later. “Anyway,” Octavia continued finally getting up. “I really do need to be getting ready.” Octavia moved out of the room and headed into the bathroom, once Vinyl heard the water running she hurried into her room. She pulled the track she had been working on the day before and headed into the kitchen, she popped the track into the dish-Wub-er and set it to play, little did Octavia know that it also was a regular stereo as well as a dishwasher. Pulling a few things out of the cupboards with her magic Vinyl set about making breakfast, simple pancakes, but if Vinyl's hunch was right Octavia probably didn't have more than oatmeal or cereal in the morning. A helping hoof here, a bit of music there, and then you'll be all mine Tavi. It's for your own good. Just as the first of the breakfast treats were ready, Vinyl could hear the water in the shower stop. With a flick of her magic the dish-Wub-er started playing, it was a new track, not dubstep but something more relaxed, hopefully, it would work. Octavia came into the kitchen, hearing the music as well as her roommate, she was rather surprised to see her making breakfast. “What's this?” “Just a little something I thought I'd do to help you out and all.” “Well I really do appreciate it, but I don't think I have time. I still have to take care of my cello...” “That's why I'm making it, besides it’s ready right now.” Vinyl said levitating over a plate of pancakes. “Well, I suppose if they are ready now, I would have time.” “That's more like it.” Vinyl said with a huge grin. Octavia sat down and began to eat, not bothering with anything on them. Vinyl was tending to the stove where a few more were cooking, looking up from her meal Octavia regarded her friend. It was rather nice of her to make these, to take time out just for me. You know, she might be willing to help you more often. The voice was back, but it seemed less detracting now than before like she was used to it now. Perhaps, Octavia mused, not fully realizing the internal conversation. But I can't ask it of her, she's a busy mare like me, it wouldn't be appropriate. Why not? If she's willing to help. What did I just say about... wait, am I arguing with myself? So? lots of ponies do it. How would... never mind. That's not the point, she's busy, I'm busy, just no. Just keep an open mind, 'opportunity knocks but once'. Octavia regarded the words in her head, only now did she notice she had finished her food and was more or less staring at an empty plate. “If you're still hunger all you had to do was say so.” Vinyl's voice broke Octavia out of her stupor just in time to see two more pancakes float over. “No I was just thinking, you should go back to sleep after I leave, you still have to work and it’s bad to throw off your sleep scheduled.” Octavia said. “No worries, the club is closed this week for remodeling. I got the whole week off if you like I could do this for a while if it helps ya.” Knocks but once. The words played over in her head. “Yes that would be nice,” she said looking at the clock, she was running ten minutes behind her normal scheduled, she would have to forgo polishing her cello today. “But I'm afraid we will need to discuss this latter, I need to tune my cello and head out.” With that Octavia excused herself and set about the rest of her morning, albeit without polishing her prized instrument. Once finished she headed back into the kitchen to make lunch for her, only to find Vinyl had beaten her to it. “Here ya go Tavi.” Vinyl was levitating a brown lunch bag towards Octavia, with her trademark grin. “Um... why thank you Vinyl.” “No problem.” With one last grin Octavia walked out of the apartment and off to practices, the apartment was still for a moment, the music coming from the dish-WUB-er was the only sound. She never seemed to notice the music, just as it was supposed to be. Hold on just a little longer Tavi, it won't be long now. ~o0o~ Vinyl went about her day like any other day, mixed new music, napped, found something greasy for lunch. It was now as the day was starting to wind down, that Octavia came home. Her mood was just as bad as every other day, it seems that a Vinyl charged morning had done little to help keep Octavia positive throughout the day. Vinyl offered to make dinner for them, followed by some (non-sexual) relaxing, all of which Octavia accepted gratefully, all the while music played unnoticed by Octavia. The next few days played out like this, and each day Vinyl couldn't help but notice that no matter what she did to help Octavia, her mood and overall spirit seemed to just get lower and lower each day. Finally Vinyl had enough after Octavia had left for practice, Vinyl went about setting up for the evening, preparing music she knew Octavia would respond to, a few other items, as well as 'Plan B' just in case. It was late in the evening now, a bit later than normal for Octavia. The conductor had held them over for a few announcements, including new chair assignments. Octavia had been all but crushed that she had been passed over for first chair, again. She truly didn't know what she was doing wrong, she did everything right, played perfect, came in early, stayed late, practiced longer, what was she doing wrong? She trudged into the apartment, in the back of her mind she hoped Vinyl's generosity would still be offered tonight, more than ever. As she closed the door she noticed that orchestral music was playing in the apartment, odd Vinyl didn't normally play this sort of thing, it was all her dubstep. Looking around she didn't see the DJ at first, then she noticed the light from Vinyl's room. You should say 'hi', she's probably wondering where you've been. I doubt she's that concerned, but I should let her know I'm home. Octavia walked towards the door and pushed it open slightly, inside was Vinyl sitting over her set mixing music in her headphones. Walking over to her Octavia tapped her friend on the shoulder, Vinyl turned around on the spot and looked right at Octavia. “I was starting to wonder about you Tavi.” She said sliding off her headphones. “Yes sorry about that, the conductor was assigning new chairs to ponies after practice.” Vinyl gave a half confused look, she knew that the seating arrangement in an orchestra was important, she just never really knew why. “What chair you sit in reflects your skill level.” Octavia elaborated. “So your 'first chair' then?” Vinyl probed, hoping she got the term right. Octavia didn't answer she just looked down at her hooves, Vinyl put two and two together, either she had been moved down or, not gotten first chair. “Did they move you?” Vinyl asked probing. “No, I stayed in the same spot, again.” That was it, Vinyl knew she had been passed over, just like getting your time slot at the club cut short or given to another DJ, this might work in her favor Vinyl thought. But she needs to do this right, plan B wasn't her first choice, though more fun, but it would work just as well. “I'm sorry to hear that.” Vinyl said with sincere sadness in her voice. Octavia didn't say anything for a moment. “Come here Tavi.” Vinyl said pulling the gray mare into a tight hug. Octavia just stood there in the embrace for a long moment, the stress of the day slowly ebbing away. It seems like you could use some more stress relief, perhaps- Oh just shut up, all I want is to go to bed and have this day over with. Damn it Tavi, I'm just... uh-oh. Octavia's eyes shot open, she broke contact with Vinyl reeling back. “IT WAS YOU!” She shouted pointing an accusing hoof at Vinyl. “Look Tavi just let me-” “LET YOU WHAT? Try to, to, CONTROL ME!” Octavia was almost shrieking at this point. “LISTEN! Tavi I know you're mad, ok that might be an understatement.” “Your bucking right for once.” Octavia's voice was a bit lower but still filled with rage. “I was doing this for your own good!” “I fail to see how controlling me is for my own good.” “Because you can't see what you are doing to yourself, but I can, and it's terrible.” “And just what am I doing that's so terrible?” “You're making yourself miserable with that orchestra.” “No, I am not!” Octavia insisted. “Yes, you are. And I'm putting a stop to it.” “Vinyl what are you-?” Octavia heard the door behind her lock, turning she could see a magic deadbolt was now in place of the regular doorknob, these were designed only to be opened only with a unicorn's magic. Octavia was now effectively trapped, turning back to the unicorn in question, Vinyl was now over by the stereo, her magic sliding a CD into one of the slots. “I didn't want it to be like this, at least not entirely, but you leave me no choice now, one day you'll thank me.” “Vinyl what do you think your-” Octavia was cut off again, this time with the sound of the classical dubstep, the same song that seemed to have started all of this, it dawned on Octavia that just might be the case. As the music began to play, something felt different now. Sit. Octavia just glared at Vinyl, did she think the same trick would work now that she knew? Then why was she smiling like that? Looking down Octavia noticed that she was sitting, wasn't she standing a moment ago? Down. To Octavia's horror she obeyed, she was now laying on the floor, her own body listened to Vinyl rather than herself. Vinyl walked over to Octavia and laid down on top of her, she took the tip of Octavia's ear into her mouth nibbling gently. Octavia gave a small whimper, but she suppressed it a moment later, she wasn't going to let Vinyl control her outright. “Right now I might have your body Tavi,” She whispered into Octavia's ear. “But I want your mind too.” “N-never, I won't let you control me.” “You say that now Tavi.” The tone in Vinyl's voice sent a shiver through Octavia, she wasn't sure if it was out of fear or, pleasure. But why did she feel that way? Vinyl stopped with one ear only to start on the other, Octavia's response was the same, a whimper stopped as soon as she could. This pattern continued a few times, Octavia braced when she felt Vinyl leave her ear again expecting the same, only to feel her bite down on her neck. Octavia made a noise between a moan and a whimper, this time she was unable to stop herself. Vinyl got up and moved in front of Octavia, she lifted her head to hers and kissed Octavia deeply. Part of Octavia wanted to be disgusted, but she found herself melting into the kiss, she tried to tell herself it was whatever Vinyl was doing to her, but another part of her didn't believe that. Stand Once again Octavia obeyed, she was starting to get annoyed at her own body. Come Octavia unwillingly followed Vinyl, she led them to her bed. It was larger than Octavia expected, not to mention cleaner, still, she didn't like where this was going. Lay down Vinyl pointed to the center of the bed, annoyingly Octavia's body obeyed, but her mind was still her own. “I'll never forgive you for this Vinyl, I thought we were friends, I trusted you!” “I'm sorry Tavi, but if it comes down to you being miserable and trusting me, or being happy and hating me, then I'll choose the second option.” “I am happy Vinyl, I have a career that most musicians would die for.” Vinyl was quiet for a moment. “But do you have to be dead to have it?” “What are you talking-” “When was the last time you did something for yourself Tavi? Goddesses I don't remember the last time I saw you smile, you might be in the Canterlot Orchestra but do you have to be dead inside for it?” Now it was Octavia's turn to be silent. “It’s not like that Vinyl, you have to work hard to be the best, and that's-” “Oh horseapples, you can't even see past your snout can you.” “What are you taAAHHH!” Without another word, Vinyl bit the opposite side of Octavia's neck than before, adding in a bit of licking. Octavia squirmed under Vinyl's attention, she felt a warm sensation building up in her nethers, as much as she hated this her body was starting to get turned on now. Without warning Vinyl flipped Octavia over and pulled her into a deep kiss, Octavia resisted as much as she could, but as her pleasure seemed to slowly grow, so did her willingness. Vinyl broke the kiss before she started trailing kisses along her cheek, neck, and over her barrel. Small gasps began to escape Octavia's mouth, each kiss was starting to send little sparks of electricity through her, the music in the room was still playing, but the sound seemed to go straight into her mind. She didn't seem to hear as much as feel the music, and each passing note seemed to make her relax, unknowingly breaking down her mental barrier. Vinyl was working over her stomach now, drawing her tongue along the soft fur. Vinyl took a moment to enjoy the scent of the mare beneath her, she had that smell of old polished wood, probably from the concert hall and her cello. Coming to Octavia's teats Vinyl latched on sucking gently on the sensitive nubs, Octavia squirmed under the attestation she was receiving, never before had her body felt this good. Vinyl switched teats, adding nips and long lick’s as she assaulted the sensitive flesh. Octavia gasped, managing to stifle herself with a hoof despite not having full control of her actions. “V-Vinyl HA, please s-stop.” Vinyl gave a cocky grin in response. “Too much for ya Tavi, don’t worry I’ll go nice and slow for you.” “N-no, stop a-all of this, please.” Vinyl paused, looking up at Octavia from her position. “Do you really want me to stop? You really don’t act like you want me to.” To drive her point home, Vinyl ran a hoof across Octavia’s dripping slit. Octavia gasped but managed to respond. “I d-don’t know what I-I did or said to you, but I’m s-sorry.” Vinyl was dumbfounded, this was definitely not the way things were supposed to go. “What are you talking about Tavi?” “If you're doing all this to me, I must have said or done something to make you mad, w-was it all the stuff I asked you to do the past week? Was it-” Octavia was cut off as Vinyl kissed her deeply, she didn’t resist this time, not realizing how much of her resistance was gone. Vinyl broke from the kiss, laying her horn on Octavia’s head, an intimate gesture for any unicorn. “I’m not mad at you Octy, I’m sad. I’m sad that you can’t even see what your doing to yourself, much less what's being done to you.” That was it, the music Vinyl had intended to use to make Octavia more open to her suggestions and advances had broken down the walls she had made. And with it all the pent up emotions Octavia had spilled out, she clutched onto Vinyl as she cried everything into her barrel. Vinyl rolled to one side and held the crying cellist, this wasn’t how she had wanted things to go, but if the results were better she wouldn’t complain. Octavia cried and ranted for Celestia knew how long before she passed out, with as little movement as she could, Vinyl levitated a blanket over them. They stayed pressed together the rest of the night, Octavia twitching and whimpering occasionally as Vinyl did her best to comfort her. The morning after was a quiet affair, breakfast was served as the two ate in silence. Vinyl tested and was pleased to find that the emotional release was exactly what was needed, afterward Vinyl told Octavia to quit the orchestra, which she did without question. It seemed that Vinyl's plan was going smoothly. For now... > Remix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl trotted through the streets of Canterlot, she had just finished her set and was heading home. As she went she couldn't help but keep the smile off her face, it had been six weeks since she had gotten Octavia out of that goddess damn orchestra, and the gray mare seemed all the better for it. Despite the obvious control Vinyl had seen Octavia smile more in the past month than she had in the past two years, all in all, Vinyl had to admit that things had turned out alright. Vinyl entered the ground floor to the apartment building, everything was just like it was every other day. Coming to the door to their apartment Vinyl couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was off, but she couldn’t place her hoof on it. The moment she opened the door she knew something was definitely wrong, there was music coming from inside the apartment, but it wasn’t Vinyl’s music nor was it anything from a disc, it was cello music being played by an extremely talented pony. Vinyl’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks, she had several reasons to be worried at this point; One, Tavi never before played at home, even when she was in the orchestra. Two, she also had yet to even listen to classical in the past six weeks. As quietly as she could Vinyl closed the door and made her way deeper into the apartment, there in the living room facing the full wall window was Octavia as she stood playing her cello. If she noticed Vinyl she didn’t make any indication of it, slowly Vinyl approached.   “Hello, Vinyl,” Octavia said without even looking.   “H-hey Tavi, workin’ the old bass?”   “Oh yes, I was rather afraid I had gotten out of practice over the past six weeks, but I guess when you're naturally talented at something it just stays with you.”   “Ya, I know how that goes, I could go for weeks without playing and jump right back onto the tables and be as good as ever.”   While Vinyl sounded confident and carefree, she was anything but.   Oh horseapples, six weeks? How much does she know? How long has she been off the beats?   “Is something the matter? Normally you're trying to get your hooves all over me once you get home.”   Oh not good. “Naw, just extra tired, we had a really rowdy crowd tonight, we must be bringing in ponies from all over, might need to invest in more security and bouncers.” Vinyl said casually.   “Even so, I’ve seen you walk in the door practically asleep and be more touchy than this.”   Octavia had turned and was looking right a Vinyl, both mares seemed as if they intended to star at each other the rest of the night.   “Are you sure there isn’t something you want to tell me Vinyl? Like why I quit the orchestra six weeks ago?” Octavia was on all four now stalking up to a rather nervous Vinyl, she might have been a unicorn, but to underestimate an angry earth pony was folly itself.   “Or how you’ve been attempting to control me with your music this whole time?”   Oh buck me. “U-um I-I can explain.”   “Oh I’m sure you can, and you will, you manipulative,” Octavia punctuated each word with a hoof to Vinyl's chest. “Conniving, tricking, brilliant, wonderful mare.”   Vinyl did a double-take at the last two. “Huh?”   Without warning, Octavia leaned forward and Kissed Vinyl.   “S-so your, not mad at me?”   “Oh no Vinyl, I’m furious at what you did, I worked for a long time to get into that place.” Slowly she let out a sigh. “But it wasn’t until I was under your ‘control’ and out of there that I actually had a chance to see what I was doing to myself.”   Octavia trotted over to a bookshelf and pulled out what looked like a day planner, she placed it down in front of Vinyl as she started flipping through some of the earlier entries.   “You know I go to the doctors about twice a year right?”   Vinyl nodded, not sure where this was going.   “Well as it turns out, I've been losing weight, a lot in fact since I’ve been playing with the orchestra, though I’ve simply ignored it.”   Octavia pointed to the first entry labeled ‘doctors’, it had a few notes scribbled down, the one she was pointing at was ‘Weight: 250Lb’. Vinyl nodded, that was about average for your typical non-farming earth pony, they always ran heavier than the other tribes thanks to their muscles. Octavia flipped to the next entry and pointed to the same line, this one now read ‘Wight: 238’.   Twenty two pounds in a year, that's not great.   Octavia continued to go through entries until she came to the last one, five months ago.   “I weighed myself the other week, as of right now I’m one hundred and sixty-four pounds, and yes I know that pushing the low end for a pegasus filly.”   Vinyl’s jaw dropped. “T-tavi, I-I had no idea, I mean I could see you weren’t as full as when we moved in, but I didn’t realize it was that bad.”   “Part of it is my coat, we had to keep up appearance for shows after all.”   Ok got me there. “Still, a hundred and sixty-four pounds? How did I not notice in bed all this time, or... wait, hold on. How long have you…”   “Not been under your ‘control’? Fully, about a month but I’ve been mostly aware of everything.”   “I-uhhhh you weren't supposed to be aware. I must have botched the spell somehow.”   “At this point, I hardly think it matters.”   “True… so a month then?” Octavia nodded. “And you mostly remember the two weeks before that?” Again another nod. “So… why are you still here?”   “I was wondering how long it was going to take you ask that, you see shortly after I came off the ‘music’ I guess you could say…”     One month ago.   Octavia looked at herself in the mirror, she didn’t recognize the mare looking back at her. Her mane was disheveled, her fur was a mess and she felt sore in places she should not feel sore. As she looked at herself the blurry memories of the past two weeks coming back to her or as much as she could remember. She remembered quitting the orchestra, neglecting her prized cello as well as the several nights with Vinyl. Why? What is happening? I’m so confused. I need to get out of here, at least for a little bit. She looked at her fur again. Ugh but first a shower.   As Octavia let the hot water pelt her fur, she tried to get her head sorted. She could remember thoughts and feelings, but they didn’t quite seem like hers, so why didn’t they feel wrong.   “Heeeeeeeeey Tavi, you planning on leaving me out hot stuff?”   Octavia froze at those words. “I-I'm just not feeling very well right now.” It was the truth. “Aw don’t worry, I can help a little with that.” Without further delay Vinyl jumped in.   “Vinyl wh-I’m…” Octavia didn’t get any farther as she felt Vinyl’s hooves on her back. They began to work her tight muscles, while she used her magic to work the shampoo into her mane. Octavia had to admit it did feel rather good.   “I’ll make us a nice hot breakfast and you’ll be good as new.”   Reluctantly Octavia had to admit that sounded good. Wait, why am I thinking ANY of this is good?   After their shower, breakfast consisted of banana pancakes and warm berries. Octavia had been reluctant at first picking at her food, but Vinyl made it clear that if she didn’t eat her food, then she would feed it to her, one way or another. Octavia didn’t like the sound of that, so she ate and had to admit she did feel much better.   “I’ve got to go out for a while, some stuff to take care of with work, you gonna be ok by yourself?”   What am I a foal? “Yes Vinyl, I’ll be just fine.” Just hurry up and go so I can leave as well.   “Alright, see ya later.” With that Vinyl left.   For a little while, Octavia just sat where she was, trying to get her head sorted out. She’s been controlling me for two weeks, now I have to leave, right? I mean it was nice when she rubbed my back, and she is a rather good cook, but what she has done to me is wrong! It will take me years to get back into the orchestra, much less back to second chair…   Octavia stopped for a moment, she replayed her last train of thought.   Years to get back to second chair.   Was she really going through all this for second fiddle? Octavia cringed at her metaphor, ‘Fiddle’ was such a lowbrow name for a violin. But the argument still stood, she was going to work years to get back to second chair.   I need some air     Octavia had just walked around Canterlot for some time, trying to find some answers among the city. It seems fate was watching.   “Octavia?”   Hearing her name she turned to see who had addressed her.   “Beauty Brass?” Octavia spotted the purple pony with her blue mane.   Beauty trotted up to her friend. “Octavia, where have you been hiding? A few of us were worried after you quit, and then no pony has seen you for weeks, we thought you might have done the same as Harpsichord.”   The name sounded familiar, but she couldn’ place it. “I’m sorry to worry you, um who is Harpsichord?”   “Oh, you didn’t know? She was a cello player as well, left not long before you joined, she.. um… well, she was found dead a few days after she quit.”   Octavia brought a hoof to her mouth with a gasp. “D-dead? Who would do such a thing?”   “No Octavia, no pony hurt her, she did it to herself. Hung herself with her own cello string…”   Octavia could only stare in shock. “A-and when I quit, then seemed to disappear…”   “We thought you had done something drastic as well.”   For a moment Octavia didn’t move, finally, she embraced her friend.   “I’m so sorry for making you fret over me, but I would never consider doing something like that.”   “I’m glad to hear that.” Beauty said wiping a tear. “I’m also proud of you for having the courage to leave as well.”   “What do you mean?”   Beauty shuffled her hooves. “It's rumored that the conductor discredits any musician who leaves so they can’t find work, but it’s never been proven.”   Octavia’s eyes went wide, she knew the conductor could be cruel, but she didn’t think he would be downright evil. Before she could say more Beauty glanced over and saw what time it was.   “Oh my, I must really get going or I’ll never get enough practice in tonight. It’s good to see you, Octavia.” And with that Beauty Brass hurried off.   Octavia just stood there, processing all she had been told. Then a single thought crossed her mind. I use to be like that.     Present   “So let me get this straight, that place had driven ponies to kill themselves?”   “In a nutshell, yes.”   Vinyl just sat here a moment, horrified at what that place could do to ponies, and even more glad she had gotten Tavi out of there.   “I came home after that and did a lot of thinking. I think I was finally able to see things how you were because I was seeing things from the outside for the first time.”   Vinyl smiled. “Well, I’m glad you were able to see that, even if it did take you a month to relize-”   “Oh no,” Octavia cut her off. “I realized that in a couple of days.”   Vinyl tilted her head. “So… why are you just bringing this up now?”   “Well, to be honest, I was a little scared and confused at first. I didn’t know what to do, after all getting into the orchestra was my life goal really. I didn’t know what next was, so I decided to contact the one pony I know who had left.”   It took a moment, but Vinyl realized there was only one pony Octavia knew who had left the orchestra, Lyra.   “I send a letter to Lyra, and we’ve been back and forth the past three weeks.” Octavia trotted over and pulled a few letters out of an end table. “Here.”   Vinyl took the letters in her magic, she read the postmarks and opened the oldest one.     Dear Octavia; I am SO glad to hear from you, and yes I was concerned you had done a Harpsichord on us. But you're out of there, and that's what counts. I am a little surprised Vinyl decided to go that route to get you out of there, but what's done is done. Now for your question, yes I am still playing. In fact, I am currently in the Manehatten Concert Orchestra, (we just call it MCO, calling it ‘the orchestra’ makes us sounds like that place), and I am loving every minute of it! We play for a lot of things, so we are kept busy, and a lot of us play at some side jobs as ‘practice’. I myself play at a dinner theater a few times a week. As for Vinyl, I’m not sure. Just approach her? I’m not very good at that part, I’m not the dominant on  Errr nevermind. You’ve known her for two years now, just talk to her like you normally would. Best of luck and don’t be a stranger. Lyra     Vinyl chuckled inwardly. Bonbon so has your flank. She skimmed the rest of the letters until she came to the last one, after skimming the first part she began to read very intently.     Octavia; And Vinyl as well since you’ll be reading this too, I gotta be honest I didn’t think you would take a turn like this. But I’m more than happy to hear it, I asked Silver Note our conductor, and I thought he was going to have a heart attack when I mentioned your name and that you wanted to come play for us in the same sentence. Needless to say, you have a place here waiting, you’ll have to ‘interview’ to determine what chair you’ll be, but I have a feeling I know where you’ll land. Even the other cello players are excited to have you join us, I had a few asking if you gave lessons. Mis Bonbon said she would be happy to help you and Vinyl find a place, she already has a few places in mind be would like to converse with Vinyl first. (She said she would wait until you talked to Vinyl first, so let us know right away) As always best of luck, your friend, Lyra.     Vinyl read the letter over again, making sure she had understood everything correctly. She looked up at Octavia, a surprised but happy look on her face.   “Tavi, you want to go to Manehatten?”   “Yes Vinyl, I love playing and I want to keep doing it, but I want to do it in a better place than this. I want to feel alive when I’m playing again, you were right, I was dead before and I realize that now.”   “I’m glad you can see that now, even if it takes some ‘convincing’ on my part.”   Octavia gave Vinyl a stern look. “If by ‘convincing’ you mean ‘hypnotizing’, then yes you did.”   Vinyl rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m not going to hear the end of that am I?”   Octavia smirked at Vinyl. “Nope, now you need to write Bonbon and we have some planning to do.”   Vinyl grinned, things had gone rather well, all things considered, there was just one last thing that needed to be taken care of.   Enjoy taking the lead, for now, Tavi, soon I’ll teach you who really tops in this relationship. > Lunchtime Interlude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train pulled into the Manehatten station, ponies of all kinds came and went on the busy platform. Two ponies, a gray earth pony, and a white unicorn made their way out past the crowd and into the busy street. Looking around, it didn’t take them long to find the ponies they were meeting, or rather it wasn’t hard to spot the minty green unicorn bouncing on her hind legs waving enthusiastically. “VINYL! OCTAVIA!” “Told you she would do that.” Vinyl said grinning. “I suppose it can’t be helped, she always has been incorrigible.” Vinyl just chuckled. I wonder why Bonbon isn’t raining her pet in? Octavia waved back, this seemed to prompt a cream color hoof to reach up and yank the excited unicorn back down to all fours. Ah, she was using her as a big neon sign, well done Bon. Octavia and Vinyl made their way through the sea of ponies until they met up with Lyra and Bonbon, Lyra was bouncing in place barely held down by an amused looking Bonbon. “I’m glad to see you two, it's been far too long.” Bonbon said with a smile. “Ya! I tried getting Octavia to come out here ages ago, but you're here now!” Vinyl chuckled. “Hey ya Bon, Lyra I see you're full of energy as always.” “Somepony got into my candy this morning, so she might be more hyper than normal.” Vinyl peered over her glasses. “You got into her candy, and she let you leave the house?” “She needed me to be a sign for you guys, I regret nothing.” “You say that now.” Both Vinyl and Bonbon said in unison, before laughing. Octavia scrunched up her nose in confusion, she felt she was missing some large piece of information here. “Vinyl, I know you said you knew Bonbon before she and Lyra moved out here, but you never told me how.” Bonbon gave Vinyl a raised eyebrow, Vinyl responded by pointing at Octavia, more precisely her neck. Octavia didn’t catch the implication, which made the knowing look Bonbon gave all the more confusing. “Ya me and Bon use to run in some of the same circles in Canterlot, we met there and have been buds ever since.” Octavia gave Vinyl a flat look, Vinyl new she was looking for more information than that, yet she was purposely leaving her in the dark. “Come on you two,” Bonbon spoke up. “Let's get some lunch and head to our place, you’re stuff will be here in the morning so you can crash with us.” Lyra seemed to have a knowing smile as well, it made Octavia all the more frustrated, she hated being in the dark. “Hey, can we go to that cafe near our place, I think they would really like it.” “You're asking for favors after you got into my candy?” “Add it to my tab.” “What are you two on about?” Both mares just grinned, that same cocky grin that Vinyl gave her every time she was hiding something, speaking of, Vinyl also had the same grin. What are these three hiding? The four friends headed out of the crowded downtown area, trotting into the northern part of town, where the tall skyscrapers changed over to short townhouses and small businesses. It was here they came to a pleasant-looking little cafe, it was a three-story building, painted in pastel colors giving it a warm feeling. The four friends were shown to a table, they placed their orders and began talking among themselves, or they were going to until Octavia gave all three of them a death glare. “Alright you lot, you all are hiding something, and I want to know what it is.” “Well, she at least waited until we got seated.” Lyra said poking Bonbon playfully. Bonbon nodded. “I’ll tell you Octavia, however, what version of the story depends on how much you want to know. Also, I’m surprised at you Vi, you haven't told her something so big.” Vinyl shrugged. “Priorities, making sure Tavi was safe was more important than telling her about our dominant preference.” “Alright, point. Now how much do you want to know Octavia?” “All of it.” Octavia said without hesitation. “Alright then, I’ll give you a few blanket statements to see how much you might know on your own, and fill in the gaps from there. Vinyl and I are dominants, that is to say, we are the mares ‘on top’ in our relationships.” Octavia nodded slightly. “I may not have had much time to myself in the last two years, but I have heard of such things, as well as reading a few novels. Although most of what I have read makes it sound like a strictly bedroom thing.” Lyra shook her head. “Mind if I put in my two bits?” “Go ahead.” “For some, they make it a bedroom only thing, for others like us it's more of a lifestyle.” Lyra pointed to the black collar around her neck. “What does this look like to you?” “It looks like a black choker.” Lyra nodded. “It meant to look like that, but it's really a collar, I’m Bonbon’s sub, or submissive. She takes the lead in everything really, not just the bedroom.” Octavia nodded in some understanding, though she had more questions. “So how does this all work then?” “Honestly it's a little different for each couple, or herd in some cases, for us it's more of I’ve said to Bonbon that I want her to reign me in when I get a little bit too excited, remember that time in college senior year I knocked over the school hoofball trophy, ya she keeps me from doing stuff like that.” “Ugh I remember that we spent the rest of our semester cleaning the hoofball equipment to pay for the repair.” Octavia said with an exasperated sigh. “So that's it? You wear a collar and Bonbon helps keep you in line?” Both Bonbon and Lyra chuckled at that. “Oh it's much more than that,” Bonbon began picking up the story. “Lyra has fully subbed to me, and while I don’t make her do anything bad or disruptive, I do insure she has certain things she gets done or errands she runs, that sort of thing.” Octavia tilted her head, somewhat confused. “Sounds odd, it seems like you're controlling her, no offense.” “In a way she is,” Lyra jumped back in. “But the flip side to things is that I give her that control, for ponies who are truly into the real lifestyle, it's all about trusting your dom, trust is a very important thing between us.” Octavia nodded after she had gotten off of the musical influence, she hadn’t trusted Vinyl, but over the following weeks along with her new viewpoint, she had been able to forgive and even trust Vinyl again. Knowing how important trust was between ponies was something she understood very well now. There was a lull in the conversation as their food was served, Octavia noticed that Lyra’s was rather different than how she remembered her friend eating before. “When did you take up eating walnut berry salad? You use to be all about the Hay Burger and such.” Lyra smiled and nodded. “I still like all that, but… Mistress had been making sure I eat healthier, a bit ironic since she makes candy for a living.” “Just means I know what goes into some of that stuff you eat, my pet.” Octavia had paused at the exchange, her food forgotten for the moment, she had a slight dusting of pink on her cheeks now. “This is normal for them Tavi.” Vinyl added as she continued to eat as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Then something Bonbon said came back and hit her like a fully loaded freight train. “Wait a second,” she said turning to Vinyl. “She said you were both into… whatever the correct term is.” she said gesturing her hoof in Lyra and Bonbon’s direction. Vinyl had that smirk again, that same one she had when she was up to something. “Yep Tavi, in fact, most ponies in here are, take a look at who’s all wearing collars, were just more subtle about it.” Octavia glanced around, and in fact, at least one pony at each table was wearing a collar or choker looking collar of some description, the saffire one a mare a few tables over seems a bit much to Octavia. Slowly looking back to Vinyl, she was met with what had to be the smuggest look Octavia had ever seen on Vinyl’s face. Octavia gave her a flat look for several moments, then the gears started turning in her head, leading up to one inescapable conclusion and one equal reaction, Uh Oh. “I think she is starting to figure it out Mistress Vi,” Lyra quipped in between bites. “Does this mean we're on to phase two?” “Well that's up to Tavi now isn’t it.” Vinyl said never looking away from Octavia, who had an expression somewhere between curiosity, shock, and trepidation. “Don’t worry, we won't do anything you're not comfortable with,” Bonbon added. “We’ll talk some more at home, for now, you should eat, you're going to need the energy.” Octavia mumbled something as she went back to her meal, her now persistent blush did not go unnoticed by the others at the table. > Warming Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra and Bonbon made their way back to their house with Vinyl and Octavia in tow, Octavia was still blushing brightly from lunch, the fact that Vinyl was making suggestive faces and remarks the entire trip didn’t help. The home Lyra and Bonbon owned turned out to be a townhouse duplex, Octavia briefly wondered why the two hadn’t mentioned this before, as they could possibly move in next door until she saw the other ponies already living there. Bonbon waved to the others, exchanging some chit chat before going in, Lyra explained that she and Bonbon owned the building and rented out the other half, she also helpfully pointed out how good the soundproofing was, Octavia found she could blush harder.  Inside the house felt cozy, all the furniture was made of soft dark fabric, the walls were painted in earthy tones, and a magically powered fireplace completed the room. Bonbon entered the room making Octavia shift nervously, she knew where they wanted things to go, the problem was did she want to? “Lyra go fetch us three ciders, and no you can’t have one you’ve had enough sugar today.” Bonbon said in a stern voice. “Awwwww…” Lyra replied in a mock dejected manner. “Uh, are we talking cider cider or special cider?” Vinyl asked with a tilt of her head. “The special kind.”  “Ya make that just two special and one regular, Tavi can’t hold her liquor all that well, cider might not be much but I’d rather her not be fuzzy tonight.” “Fair point.” Bonbon nodded. Octavia gave Vinyl a glare, since when did she get to say what she could and couldn’t do? Actually, now that she thought about it, Vinyl did seem to take the lead rather often.  “I know that look Tavi, tell me would you rather have a few drinks and maybe regret a choice you make in the morning, or would you rather have a clear head for tonight?” Octavia sighed. “No your right, like always it seems. Tell me again why you are so good at that?” Vinyl just giggled. “It’s, not some big mystery, it’s just thinking about you first.” Octavia blushed again at Vinyl’s words, somehow the white unicorn could almost make her do that on command. Lyra returned with three ciders and water for herself floating in her magic, she passed one cider to Vinyl, Bonbon, and Octavia who each took a quick drink. “So,” Vinyl said setting down her drink. “We should continue the conversation we started at lunch.” Octavia didn’t say anything, she just made little circles with her hooves not looking at any of the other ponies in the room. “I’ll be blunt Tavi, I want you to be my sub, but it’s not something I can force on you.” Octavia chucked. “Not like how you forced me to do things with that music of yours?” Vinyl scratched the back of her head. “Ok, I deserved that one, but it’s not like I was going to keep you like that.”  “I’m curious,” Bonbon started taking a sip of her drink. “What was your plan for all this?” “If nothing else,” Vinyl began. “Me and Tavi would part ways after I brought her off the music, she’d go on to have a more fulfilling career that wasn’t killing her, and I’d move to Manehatten, there are a lot of clubs here after all.” “That would have been it?” Octavia asked, a little surprised. “All that and you would have just let me go if I wanted?” Vinyl nodded. “I never wanted to control you, the music was a last resort.” Octavia went quiet for several moments, eventually, she looked up and met Vinel’s eyes. At that moment all the time the two spent together flashed in those eyes, even if she had gone about things in an unsavory manner, she still did so with the best of intentions. Thinking back there were both good and bad times in there unusual ‘relationship’, but good times far outweighed the bad. All the times Vinyl had been there for her after a hard day at the orchestra, all the effort she went through to get her out of said place when Octavia couldn’t see how much she was harming her self, despite the way she did it. And just all of the little day to day things she did for her, that showed that she cared in one way or another. Octavia was nervous about all this to be sure, but somehow she knew that Vinyl would never hurt her, even during the two weeks she had been completely under the unicorns control Vinyl had never once hurt her, sure she had been a bit rough in bed once in a while, but she had never hurt the cellist. “I’m not sure what all is involved with… whatever you call all this you want between us,” Octavia said nervously. “But I feel I’d be willing to find out.” Vinyl got a huge grin on her face, draping her foreleg around Octavia, Vinyl pulled her close kissing her on the forehead. “I’d like that Tavi, I should tell you, this always has to be something you choose to do, if you ever feel uncomfortable you let me know, and if you ever want to back out you can tell me, you should never feel forced into this.” Octavia gave a deadpan glair. “Like how you forced me to quit the orchestra?” Vinyl gave a nervous chuckle. “Well that was different, and not really related to this whole thing, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hopeful this might be the end result.” “Still Vinyl,” Bonbon added in. “You very lucky she forgave you, outright controlling her like that was more than a little low.” “You remember how Lyra told you it was, and Octavia couldn’t see what was happening to her.” Vinyl objected. Bonbon waved off Vinyl's defense. “Water under the bridge between you and me, that whole thing was between you two anyway. Now I believe we have other ‘business’ to attend to, yes?” Vinyl nodded before lighting her horn, she used her magic to pull out a long polished wooden box, inside was a midnight black collar. The outside of the collar was muted rather then refective material with an intricate lace pattern stenciled into the material, the center had a fabric hook that Octavia knew from years of experience with formal evening wear was meant to attach a bow. The inside of the collar was so soft Octavia was almost sure was silk, She eyed the pice with some level of trepidation, she looked back to Vinyl then back at the collar. “So you want me to ware this then?” Octavia questioned. “Yes, it means you belong to me, for as long as you choose to wear it.” Octavia paused for a moment. “What about if I need to wash?” All three other mares chuckled. “It’s not exactly an all or nothing thing Tavi, yes you can take it off if you need to.” Octavia took a deep breath before leaning into Vinyl’s shoulder. “Alright.” The collar quietly levitated around Octavia’s neck, it wrapped snugly fitting without being too tight. Octavia heard the click of a lock behind her as the collar was secured, a shiver ran down her spine. Vinyl leaned in and kissed Octavia on her neck just below the collar, adding a little nibble Octavia let out a quiet moan. The two remained in their own little world until Vinyl leaned back and kissed Octavia on the lips, the kiss lasted for a moment, but far too short for the two. As they broke apart Octavia seemed to remember that they were not alone, blushing she glanced over to the other two in the room, both of whom had wide horseapple eating grins. “Aww kinda reminds you of when we first got together mistress,” Lyra said from her position at Bonbon’s side on the couch. Octavia buried her face into Vinyl’s neck, hoping to hide her embarrassment. Vinyl just chuckled as she placed a hoof around her back. “Its ok Tavi, those two enjoy watching every now and then,” Vinyl leaned in closer and whispered. “And sometimes they like to join in.” Octavia felt her heart race faster, was Vinyl actually suggesting what she thought she was? “Mistress Vi, may I?” Octavia felt Vinyl nod, she could hear Lyra getting off the couch across from them and make their way over to them. “Hey remember what we said before, the three of us wouldn’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. I was where you are once, everything seemed scary at first, but once you get adjusted things get a lot more fun.” Octavia nodded, lifting her hoof to feel the collar around her neck, it gave Octavia a strange sort of calm wearing it. “Well if your new pet feels ok with it, why don’t we have a little bit of fun, or at least show her what she can expect to enjoy.” Bonbon suggested. Vinyl lifted Octavia’s head, forcing their eyes to meet. “What do you think? Feel like getting a privet show?” Octavia swallowed, on one hoof she had no idea what she was getting in to, on the other she had willingly signed up for this. “You won’t get too carried away?” Octavia asked sheepishly? “Promis.” Vinyl said kissing Octava on the forehead again. “Alright then.” > Crescendo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra and Bonbon grinned as they lead the other two mares farther into the house, the four entered into the gest room, only it wasn’t a guest room anymore. It had been converted into something out of one of the few novels Octavia had read since leaving the orchestra. The room was dominated by a low sitting horseshoe-shaped bed, along the back was a venerable mountain of pillows but Octavia could sware she could see other things poking out. The wall to there left held an impressive display of gags, chains, faux leather straps of various shapes and sizes, whips, blindfolds and other items Octavia didn’t even know what were meant for, she shied away from the intimidating display. On the other wall were proudly displayed a large collection of dildos in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and races, as well as several potions, oils and other lubricant looking items, it was all a bit much for Octavia to take in. “Hey don’t worry, we’re not going to use most of these tonight, I know you’re not as hardcore as these two.” Vinyl said pointing at Lyra and Bonbon. “She’s right,” Bonbon agreed. “Even back when we first met Vinyl would just sit and watch some of my, ‘wilder’ enjoyments.” Octavia looked over to Vinyl with a worried look, Vinyl leaned in and whispered “Neghponies tentacle hentai”, Octavia had to suppress a shudder. Bonbon didn’t notice the exchange, instead, she made her way over to the wall containing the various bondage toys. She picked up several straps and a blindfold returning to Lyra with her choices. She gave Vinyl and Octavia a knowing smile and wink, Vinyl noded leading Octavia over to a pile of cushions. Vinyl leaned back on to the soft mass, gesturing for Octavia to sit in front of her. Obediently she did so, laying with her head situated just below Vinyl’s chin. Octavia’s attention shifted back to Lyra and Bonbon, both of whom had moved onto the bed. Lyra had her muzzle on the sheets while Bonbon was currently leveraging her earth pony strength to tighten the straps around the green mare. The straps hooked around both of Lyra’s thighs, crossing between her now perky teats before crossing behind her back and crisscrossing over and over until the crossed over her barrel. Finally, the straps ended by attaching to her forelegs behind her back, they were attached to the opposed led keeping them pinned firmly no matter how much one might pull on them.  Octavia watched wide-eyed as a rope was attached somewhere on Lyra’s back before Bonbon hoisted her bound partner up forcing Lyra to stand on her hind hooves. While Lyra half stood half dangled in the center of the bed, Bonbon added the blindfold robing the unicorn of her sight. “Hmmm, you always look so good tied up like this.” Bonbon said in a husky voice. Vinyl whispered to Octavia. “It looks like she’s in a chatty mood, this will be good.” Bonbon trotted back to the shelves displaying various tools, she gathered up several that Octavia couldn’t see from her vantage point. Returning Bonbon added a horn suppressor, this gained a slight hum from the unicorn. She might have continued, but the ball gag inserted into her mouth silenced anything else. After securing the gag Bonbon stepped back to admire her work, seeming satisfied she picked up the last item she had retrieved, a riding crop. Bonbon trotted around her helpless partner, after several moments she brought the crop down directly on Lyra’s cutie mark. She was rewarded with a muffled squeal, Bonbon grinned gently sliding the crop up and down Lyra’s leg. “My my, we haven’t even started and your already dripping.” Bonbon stated as she pressed the flat of the crop to Lyra’s leaking slit. “Such a dirty filly.” Lyra moaned as loud as the gag would allow as Bonbon pressed her muzzle between Lyra’s legs, taking in the sent that was building there. “Lucky for you I like dirty fillies.” Bonbon said before bringing the crop down on the opposite cutie mark as before. Lyra squealed again, this time Bonbon didn’t hesitate in bringing the crop down again and again. The patterns of the strikes were varied and random, keeping Lyra guessing when the next strike would come. It wasn’t long until Lyra’s flank started to turn light pink, and the smell of arousal began to fill the room. Octava found her self breathing heavily, seeing the display before her, as well as the heavy,  sent filling the room was more than enough to arouse the cellist. Octavia jumped slightly feeling something rub at her own clit. Looking down she saw Vinyl’s blue aura probing her nethers before she could protest Vinyl wrapped her forelegs around her holding her close. The stimulation continued making Octavia hum in pleasure, her eyes drifted back to the display in front of them, finding Bonbon suckling on one of Lyra’s teats. Bonbon let go of the teat just before striking it with her riding crop. With practiced ease, Bonbon loosening the cord holding Lyra up, lowering it so that Lyra’s face was only a couple of hooves off the bed. Bonbon reached out of sight, picking up a bottle and downing the liquid inside quickly. Tossing the bottle away Bonbon shuttered before hissing slightly, her hiss turned into a moan and Octavia’s eyes went wide as she noticed a new addition growing in size beneath the earth pony. With a flick of her hoof, the ball gag fell out of Lyra’s mouth. Before she could say anything, the spot the gag had been was filled with the tip of Bonbon’s now hully hard cock. Bonbon fed her bound captive just the very tip her erection, humming appreciatively as Lyra lavished the end with attention. “It looks like somepony is eager, keep it up and I might consider allowing you to have some more.” Bonbon teased while her hoof gripped the minty mare’s mane. Lyra for her part was trying to bring more of the hard member into her mouth, she ran her tongue over every bit she could reach, she sucked attempting to bring more of Bonbon’s length into her warm inviting mouth. Then without warning Bonbon plowed her length into Lyra’s mouth, Bonbon hilted her self in one smooth thrust, not stopping until Lyra’s nose met her crotch. “Hmm yes, that’s a good pet.” Bonbon cooed. Lyra for her part gaged only a couple of times before adjusting to the length now invading her mouth. Now she sucked and bobbed her head on the rod now impaling her. Another moan drew Bonbon’s attention to the other occupants in the room, Octava shuttered as she climaxed still held in Vinyl’s hooves. Bonbon grinned before turning her attention back to her own pet. Octavia shuttered again as the aftershocks of her climax settled down after months Vinyl knew just the right spots to make her cum the hardest. After opening her eyes she could see Bonbon still throat fucking Lyra, idly she wondered what it must feel like to be filled like that. “You wanna know how that feels don’t you.” Vinyl teased with a nip to Octava’s sensitive ear. “M-maybe, I’m not sure I could do… that.” She gestured to the two mares in front of them. “That’s ok, I have an idea what we can do, but first.” Without warning, Octavia’s forelegs were lifted in Vinyl’d magic, she gasped at the sudden movement feeling like she was going to fall forward, she never had the chance. Quicker then she could react, Octavia’s forelegs were slid into a pair of padded cuffs that went from her fetlocks to almost her knees. The cuffs we tightened and another rope descended from the ceiling guided by Vinyl’s magic, the rope attached to Octavia’s cuffs before the magic holding both went out. Octavia found it easy to balance her weight with the binding, in fact, she could sit if she moved a little closer. A flicker of blue magic drew her attention, right into the bridle that floated onto her head. The bridle fit snugly, along with the saddle that was now being tightened to her back. “A lovely outfit for a lovely mare.” Vinyl commented. Octavia looked back at the saddle now on her back, it was black with silver buckles and lace around the edges, Octavia had to admit she did look rather appealing. She looked back to Vinyl just in time to see her drain the last contents of a familiar-looking bottle. Tossing the bottle away Vinyl reached between Octava’s legs rubbing her still soaking nethers. “Mmm still soaked, but I think I’ll need a little help first.” Vinyl’s magic took ahold of the bridle directing Octavia to turn around, once she managed to turn around Octava was greeted with the sight of Vinyl’s own erection. Pulling herself to her hind legs, Vinyl stood presenting her fully erect member to Octava. Octavia felt herself being guided towards the member in front of her, tentatively she opened her mouth accepting the head of Vinyl’s shaft into her mouth. Octavia’s tongue licked around the shaft in her mouth, she hadn’t been with a stallion since collage and she had very little experience with giving one oral, but with the moans Vinyl made, it was clear she was doing something right. Vinyl looked down at the gray mare servicing her, she could tell Octavia was inexperienced in this, but the effort made it all the more endearing. Vinyl felt herself building towards climax, she had always been a hair-trigger with her first-round whenever she used this potion. Reaching down, Vinyl stroked Octavia’s mane as her head bobbed on her shaft. Octavia managed to take a little more of the shaft in her mouth, bringing her lips to the medial ring. Octavia was just deep enough, and her mouth just warm enough that Vinyl couldn’t hold back any longer. With a loud moan Vinyl’s shaft twitched before unloading inside Octavia’s mouth. Octavia caught most of the first shot down her throat, the surprise caused her to gag and jerk back instinctively. She managed to pull back enough that Vinyl’s shaft slipped out, resulting in the rest of Vinyl’s load covered her muzzle. “Sorry,” Vinyl panted lightly. “Should have warned you I was about to cum.” Octavia just nodded, her senses were drowning in the musk that was now covering her muzzle. “Got to admit, you look kinda good like that.” Vinyl added. Octavia didn’t respond, she only looked up to Vinyl with half-lidded bedroom eyes. Seeing the smoldering look Octavia gave painted in her cum, Vinyl was almost instantly back to full mast. Grabbing her tail in her magic, Vinyl turned Octavia around. Sitting back down on the cushions, Vinyl grabbed Octavia’s flanks when they were in front of her. Pulling her back Vinyl guided the gray mare onto her shaft, Octavia felt Vinyl’s shaft just bearly poking at her dripping slit, her legs buckled forcing the flared head inside. Octavia gasped, feeling the warm intruder inside her, it brought a full feeling she hadn’t felt in years. Vinyl let out a sound between a sigh and a moan as her shaft was enveloped by Octavia’s warm depths. Still gripping her flanks, Vinyl gave a firm pull, impaling Octavia fully on her shaft. Octavia gave a wordless cry as she went from tip to completely filled, her legs gave out fully causing her rear to slam fully into Vinyl’s crotch. For a moment both mares just sat enjoying the sensation of each other, Vinyl, however, didn’t stay still for long. Using her hooves she pulled Octava’s flanks up, extracting her shaft till the medal ring popped out, before slamming them back down. Octava started moaning loudly, each time their hips met she squeaked as she was filled fully once again. “Bucking Celestia you feel amazing.” Vinyl grunted in between poundings. Octava could only moan and blush in response, she hadn’t been praised like this by any of the stallions she had been with in the past, something about it made Octava feel warmer inside. A squeal drew her attention, and she remembered the other two in the room. Bonbon had moved from Lyra’s mouth and was now having her way with the minty mares own pussy. The speed and power Bonbon was using, she was suddenly glad Vinyl was a unicorn. Any other thoughts evaporated as something clamped onto both of her teats, whatever it was had a weight that bounced and pulled each time she bounced on Vinyl’s shaft. Vinyl grinned as her magic released the teat clamps, a chain connecting the two with a wight in the center that pulled on both of Octavia’s sensitive teats. If Vinyl had to guess, she would say Octavia liked them if her tighter pussy and louder moans were any indications. Octavia continued to moan louder, she could feel her second climax building. Vinyl seemed to understand, thrusting harder into the gray mare. Her breath came in ragged pants, she felt the damn ready to burst. A hoof came down right on her cutie mark, another moan was her response, a second and third followed. When the hoof smacked her a fourth time, it sent her over the edge. Octavia cried out loudly as her body shuttered with her climax, her pussy clamped down on the shaft inside her. Vinyl hilted herself riding out Octavia’s orgasm, she felt the walls milking her, trying to coax her own orgasm out.  Octavia was breathing heavily, but the shaft inside her was still as hard as ever. Without warning she was lifted off Vinyl’s shaft, once again she was turned around, now facing Vinyl. She felt herself pulled forward, in her mind’s eye she could see herself being positioned over Vinyl’s shaft. She didn’t have to wait long for Vinyl to pull her back down onto her waiting shaft, Octavia moaned happily at the feeling of being filled up again. Vinyl didn’t pull her all the way down, instead stopping just before her medal ring slipped in. With her hooves holding Octavia firmly in place, Vinyl began thrusting up into the gray mare. Octavia could tell something was different, Vinyl’s thrust were more powerful, slamming harder into her. Octavia bounced with each thrust, the wight on the clamps tugging at her teats with each movement. She could feel another orgasm building fast, Vinyl’s flared head scraping her insides in just the right way to drive her mad. Octavia could do little more than moaning in pleasure as each time Vinyl bottomed out in her, her back arched as her orgasm built. Vinyl was thrusting like a made mare, as they both rushed towards their tipping point. “T-tavi!!” Vinyl grunted. She gave a few last deep thrusts, before hilting herself fully into the gray mare. Viny’s shaft twitched before releasing is load fully into Octavia’s waiting pussy. Octavia moaned at the feeling if Vinyl’s warm seed filling her up, the full warm sensation sent her over the edge. She cried out as her own orgasm washed over her, her pussy milking the shaft in her for every drop it was worth. The two stayed as they were for several long moments, Octavia simply hung limply from her binding in the afterglow. She felt Vinyl nuzzle into her barrel before planting lite kisses along her fur. “Love you Tavi.” Vinyl murmured. “By Luna’s flanks you too har hot.” Bonbon said in a hushed tone. Octavia couldn’t do much to respond, she was too spent. She could only twitch slightly as she felt Vinyl’s softening member slowly extract its self. After a minute or two the member slipped out with a wet plop, Octavia could feel the binding on her forelegs being released before she was lifted in Vinyl’s magic, Vinyl gently moved Octavia to the bed where an already lounging Bonbon and Lyra waited. Octavia was laid on the bed almost nose to nose with Lyra, said unicorn leaned in to lick the cum from Octavia’s muzzle, she was really too tired to protest. Once she had finished cleaning her fellow sub, Lyra curled in on herself as Bonbon cuddled from behind her. Octave could feel Vinyl doing the same, cuddling close to her. It wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep, in the hooves of the mare that, in her own way, cared for her. > Final > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia let the last notes from her cello fade out, she often played at home to relax when she didn’t have anything else to do. She chuckled to herself, a year ago any time she was playing her cello at home it was for practice, in that goddesses forsaken orchestra. Now she played for enjoyment, something that for a long time was alien to her. Placing her cello back on its stand, she checked the strings to ensure they were still in prime condition, if there was one thing that would never change, it was Octavia's dedication to her craft and her prized instrument.   After checking and replacing one of the strings that was a bit below her standards, Octavia walked to the kitchen looking for a snack. She returned munching an apple when her eyes came to rest on the shelf full of pictures. There were pictures of her and Vinyl, as well as Lyra and Bonbon. Most were just silly moments captured between the four of them, but there were several more of just her playing her cello with the symphony, she refused to call it an orchestra, Canterlot having made the word seem like an almost vile thing to speak. As she looked at each of the pictures, she remembered other pictures, currently in an album, with less pleasant memories.   On a whim she retrieved said album, pulling it out of a drawer. She set it down flipping through some of the pictures, it was all pictures of her time in Canterlot. She looked at the album and the pictures on the shelf and smiled to herself. In the album every picture of her she had the same expression on her face, stern, professional, unhappy. Now looking at the pictures on the shelf with her and the symphony, she was smiling, happy, alive.   I can’t believe I use to be like that, Vinyl was right, I really was dead back then.   As she continued looking back and forth, another detail popped out, one that made Octavia blush slightly. In each of the pictures, she wore a plain black collar, one that she admitted looked rather good when paired with her red bowtie and a black formal dress she wore for consorts. It was the implication of the collar that made her blush, VInly had made her wear it back when this all started, she was still getting used to the idea of wearing it in public at all times, even after nearly a year. Though on the other hoof she did feel rather naked without it.   Considering we don't normally wear clothes, I suppose that's a strange thought to have, but still, I don't feel quite right without it, stupid Vinyl.   In the center of all the photos was a large group photo of Octavia and the entire symphony, it was taken a week after she had started, she remembered that time fondly. She and the other cello players, of which there was five, had all ‘competed’ against each other to see who would fill each spot. Though competing might have been a bit strong, each of them had played the same piece, then the rest of the symphony had graded them. Octavia had, to her shock, been unanimously voted for first chair, even by the other cello players. One hundred and twenty-nine votes for her to be first chair, and zero against, it still staggered her. Shortly after the others had asked Octavia if she would join their practice group, saying they hoped to learn from her, the invitation was again a shock to her, but one she fully accepted.   In Canterlot we were always competing, against each other's throat. Here though we actually work together, I wish I had come here a long time ago.   The symphony had played a charity event a week later where the photo had been taken, each and every pony was happy with genuine smiles that showed in the picture. Something else that showed was the several other ponies with discrete collars on as well. Octavia had nearly fallen over on discovering that so many others ponies, both in and outside the symphony, lived the same kind of lifestyle she found herself in now.   Honestly is comforting that so many others are like me and Vinyl, granted I sort of got strong-hoofed into it, but considering how much better off things are, I can’t really complain, even if I give Vinyl a hard time now and again.   Octavia closed the old album putting it away, taking the old memories with it. The front door clicked open, admitting Vinyl to their high-rise home. Octavia trotted over, welcoming Vinyl with a kiss.   “Having a good day I see.” Vinyl chuckled.   “Just going over some old memories, reminding myself how things were and how they are now.”   “Any deep revelations?”   “Just that I’m happy.”   Vinyl grinned. “That's all that matters then. So my meeting went over, wanna see if Ly and Bon are free and get some dinner?”   Octavia razed an eyebrow, then pointed to the calendar. “Did you forget what day it was?”   “No?” Vinyl asked looking at the calendar, only to find it was a Wednesday. “Oh! Duh, they are busy Wednesday nights. Still, wanna grab some dinner just the two of us?”   “That sounds lovely.”   Vinyl tossed her overstuffed saddlebags into a nearby desk, before grabbing some less full ones and heading to the door with Octavia. As they walked out Octavia heard a faint tune coming from the DJ’s headphones, it was the same one that had started all this, the same song that had helped change her life so drastically for the better, and Octavia couldn’t help but think, that it was such a Hypnotic Melody.       The End