Into The Light

by birdyluv0

First published

Azure Radiance, a filly with a rare mutation, enters the world of school and bullying. Will she find a way to be happy again?

(The cover image will be added later today as I cannot seem to add it at the moment)

Azure Radiance, an earth pony filly with a rare genetic mutation that makes her look like an alicorn but without the ability to use magic and fly, is thrown into a world of bullies when she goes to school for the first time. Will she be able to find a way to be happy again?

Rated T for references to filly birth and possible suicide mentions later in the story.


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Blaring lights shine in Canary Song's eyes as she sits in the hospital room, waiting. Crimson Splash paces the room, occasionally turning to look at Canary Song.

"You're seven days overdue; I would've thought that it would come sooner!" he says as he paces. Canary Song looks at him.

"Crimson, you know that some fillies just need a little more time to develop. In fact, I think she might be coming any time-" she is cut off as she groans. "C-Crimson! Get the doc! Please!" she says as she pants.

"I'm on it!" yells Crimson Splash as he bolts out the door and down the hallway.

* * *

"Are you ready to come see your new filly?" asks Nurse Redheart.

"Yes!" replies Canary Song and Crimson Splash at the same time.

"Well then, follow me. I must warn you though; she appears to have a birth defect. We well be doing some research on her before you are allowed to take her home, if you allow us," says Nurse Redheart, waving her hoof as she walks out the door. Crimson Splash and Canary Song follow.

"A-A birth defect? Will her life be impacted in any way?" asks Canary Song nervously.

"We don't exactly know. Nothing like this has ever been seen before," replies Nurse Redheart. They enter the nursery, and Doctor Feelgood brings them to a bright pink bed.

"Here she is - your new filly," says Nurse Redheart. Canary Song and Crimson Splash look down at the bed.

A dark blue alicorn filly lies on the bed, asleep.

"A-an alicorn?" says Crimson Splash, astonished.

"We aren't sure yet. It wouldn't make any sense for her to be an alicorn, which is why it is suspected to be a birth defect. Also, her wings do not appear to be functional. As you can see, they are not properly folded up on her body. Will you allow us to do some research?" says Nurse Redheart.

"How long will it be before we can see our little filly again?" asks Canary Song.

"About one week to two weeks," replies Nurse Redheart.

"Then yes. But make sure she's okay, alright?" replies Canary Song.

"We will do our best to find out what ails her, and see if we can find a cure," replies Nurse Redheart. "Now, remember to get plenty of rest for the next week, and don't overexert yourself." Canary Song nods.

As they leave the hospital, Canary Song takes one last look at the filly and says, "Goodbye.... Azure Radiance."

* * *

Crimson Splash and Canary Song file into Nurse Redheart's office, where Nurse Redheart sits behind her desk.

"So... you've found out something?" asks Canary Song hopefully. Nurse Redheart nods her head.

"As we thought, she is not an alicorn. After doing some DNA testing, we found out that she has earth pony DNA. The horn and the wings were a result of a mutation in her genes. She cannot use magic or fly. She will also never be able to control her wings. This defect will not impact her life in any way; she is a very healthy filly," says Nurse Redheart as she flips through some papers in a folder on her desk.

"Are you absolutely positive that her health will not be impacted in any way?" asks Crimson Splash.

"Well, we aren't absolutely positive, as it is possible that she could develop health problems later in life. That isn't confirmed, though, as this has never happened before. The likelihood that she will develop health problems later on in life is about 0.1%, as it appears to be just cosmetic," replies Nurse Redheart.

"So something could happen?" asks Canary Song nervously. Nurse Redheart sighs.

"Yes, but the likelihood of that happening is so low, that we doubt that will ever happen," replies Nurse Redheart, slightly annoyed. "In fact, the likelihood that she will develop health problems later in life not related to this defect is very high, like it is for every pony. Anyways, we have finished our research, and you will be able to take your filly-"

"Azure Radiance," says Canary Song, cutting Nurse Redheart off.

"-Azure Radiance home today," finishes Nurse Redheart. A pony walks into the room, carrying a squirming little blue filly. She opens her mouth and a wail comes out, filling the room. Nurse Redheart grimaces. Canary Song rushes over to Azure Radiance.

"Oh, little Azure Radiance! Don't cry! Mommy's right here, mommy's right here," coos Canary Song, taking Azure Radiance into her hooves. Azure Radiance looks into Canary Song's eyes and her cries immediately cease. "That's right. Mommy won't hurt you; mommy is going to take care of you!"

"And daddy," says Crimson Splash, cutting in. Nurse Redheart watches the exchange between daughter and parents and feels a smile creeping on to her face. She always enjoys seeing parents united with their children.

"She knows you are her mom; she's happy to be with you. She hasn't been a happy little filly the whole time she has stayed with us," says Nurse Redheart.

"I can't wait to show you the world. Equestria is a great place; you'll love it here," continues Canary Song, not listening to Nurse Redheart. Nurse Redheart sighs again.

"I can tell that she can't wait to go home. If you have any more concerns or you feel that something is wrong, don't hesitate to come back," says Nurse Redheart. Crimson Splash nods his head.

"Let's get you home, Azure Radiance," says Canary Song. Nurse Redheart waves them a farewell as they walk out of the room, and sunlight falls onto Azure Radiance's face for the first time.