> Defense of a New World > by Dark Dienen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- YGGDRASIL is the worlds most popular Full Dive MMORPG and after seven long wonderful years of service it was announced that the game will be shutting down. Thomas, Shaun and Sparky are the leaders and the last active members of the guild 'The Dark Claw'. On this the last day of the game, they find themselves in game having a party. On the middle floor, in the meeting hall of their base 'The Dark Flame Keep', these three friends were having the time of their lives. Shaun is a six foot nine inch tall thestral that went by the name of Night Blade. He is a walking wall of muscle, with a perfectly defined figure. He has dark brown fur, with a short silver mane and tail, and has big purple cat like eyes. He is a battle mage, a front line tank that specializes in defensive and holy magic. When not found on the front lines he could be found at the forge crafting beautiful pieces of armor and mighty weapons, or in his little chapel. As intimidating as he looks, he is just a great big softy until you do something to truly piss him off. He is a very quite man choosing to let his actions speak for themselves. Due to a betrayal by an old friend of his whenever he is around others he does not trust he has a cloth mask on or, if he is in his armor, his full helm. Thomas is a five foot eleven inch tall lycan that went by the name of Venrus Nightingale. He has an average build with noticeable muscle. He has midnight blue fur, with a long ash gray mane and tail that end with red tips. Because he is blind, he covered his eyes with an old worn cloth splattered with blood. He is a demonic magic archer, an archer that specializes in long range spell infused arrows and demonology. When not watching his friends backs he can be found in his library/lab. He is the guild's chief herbologist, alchemist, runesmith and enchanter. He is, in every sense of the word, a recluse. Sparky is a six foot tall human with a monkey tail that went by the name of Brights. He has a small frame with well defined muscles. He has baby blue hair and tail, with purple eyes. He is a summoner rogue, a stealthy killer and thief of the night that can summon insects to aid him in battle. When not out on the field with his friends he can be found wondering around making sure the area is secure, or tending to the gardens and his insects. He tries to be the funny man of their little group. "Man can you believe it's been seven years now since we started playing this game." said Night. "I know what you mean. We've put so much time and effort into this game, it's sad to see it go. We made a lot of memories and good friends here." replied Brights. "Aye dat we did, dat we did. I think I will miss da children da most. We each spent countless hours perfecting deir programing after making dem to be deir own beings." spoke Venrus as he looked at the two NPCs he had personally made to be like his daughters in game. "Well enough with the gloom and doom guys, this is supposed to be a party!" Brights shouted jumping up onto the table, lifting his pint of ale high in the air. "So I say we party hard and make this last day here the best and stay till the end." "Here, Here!" everyone shouted with glee raising their pints high and chugging them down in one go. As the hours went by one of the maids refilled their drinks as they talked and partook of the food Venrus and his two children had made together. Night looked up to him as he spoke to his kids. Even though they could not understand him and only follow simple commands Venrus really did treat them as if they were really his own. "Hey Venrus, you helped do most of the coding for all the beings we made to help with the Keep and out in the field, and yet you only made two for yourself. What I want to know is why?" "Me too dude. I mean if it weren't for you my partner wouldn't be as good as she is and I wouldn't have as many summons as I do." said Brights. "Aye it does seem weird doesn't it. Well da thing is I wanted dem to be like my girls from da real world." He looked to them and rubbed the head of one. "I know I can never replace dem after dat horrible car crash but it brought me some joy to bring dese two into da world. I just couldn't find it in myself to make any more after dese two." The maid that had been serving them their drinks came over, bowed and a message appeared above her head. "Master I am sorry but we are out of ale. Would you like anything else to drink?" "Ya know that still bugs me. HA, bugs!" said Brights. "Yes, we get it, you're funny, you know as well as I do that they couldn't make everything in the game realistic. We talk through a voice chat system that's why our mouths move but she is just a NPC. They wouldn't take the time to do it for them as well with how big this game is." moaned Night. "Yes I know, it still bugs me." Brights looked to the maid "Do we have any other alcohol?" "No Master." was the new message. "AAHH!" Brights slammed his cup on the table "Why is the rum always gone? Ah well, Night gear up we're going to the closest town. Can't have a party without booze." he said as he was standing to leave. "What? Why the hell do I got to go with you to get it? Why not take Venrus with you?" Night demanded as he took his feet off the table and looked at his friend. Brights turned back and pointed a finger at him "One, because you're the guy that takes the hits. Since we moved the Keep last year we are in an area where the monsters are the same level as us and that is max level. Two, we need someone to stay and watch the Keep since it's just us three here now. The NPCs can only do so much on their own and for as long as we've know him, no one has ever made it past Venrus's bow." "Well you do make a good point. You can dish out the hits but you can't take them. Plus there are still other players in the game raiding abandoned strong holds before the game is over. What say you Venrus?" "Dat be fine with me. I've stayed to keep da Keep safe from harm many times. Plus da nearest town don't like my kind much if I remember right. Just hurry on back, we got not but two hours before da end." Night and Brights looked to their in game clocks and saw Venrus was right. "Okay, we will be quick about it. Brights stop copying me. By the Gods I swear I will smite you. I said to stop that!" Venrus gave a hardy laugh "Oh ya two be fighting worse den brodas. Off with ya or we wont be sharing dat last drink as da clock runs down." They all left the meeting hall and slowly made their way to the armory were they dawned their gear for what was to come. Brights was the first one done, he wore a sleeveless leather coat over his shirt, it had a fur caller and the hood was up. With a metal neck guard and one pauldron on his right shoulder. His right hand had a metal gauntlet on it while his left sported a fingerless leather glove. He wore metal greaves and had a tightly bound belt around his waist holding his black leather pants up. He had a cloth mask pulled up over his nose to hide the lower half of his face. Slung over his back was his black drakling bow and arrow. On his sides were his twin elemental dragon daggers. In his hands was his twin bladed skull scythe. Venrus was the next to step out of the armory. He wore a dark purple cloak with the hood up. On his face was a bone mask with purple magic running through it, and the eyes were glowing. He had on full bone mail over his midsection with a piece of purple cloth running from the chest to the waist. He wore a bone belt with a purple and blue sash around his waist holding his purple leather pants up. He had bone greaves and gauntlets on that had the same purple magic running through them as his mask. At his waist was a big scimitar with an ornate design on it. In his hands was his demon great bow. The black scaled living weapon looked around through its one eye as he left the armory. Night was the last to leave as his armor was the biggest and the heaviest. He wore full plate mail covering him from head to toe. It was a master piece of his. A golden armor with blue gems set into it with a matching helm that hid his face. In his left hand was a black and gold shield that had the same blue gems as his armor set into it. In his right was his greatest weapon he had forged so far. A beautiful golden blade with an ornate wing design that shown with a light from within. What made this weapon special was that it could turn into a spear of pure light. "Still hiding your ugly mug I see." Brights said as he looked to Night. A slap to the head was all he got from Venrus, "Ya know as well as I do dat he don't trust anyone wid his identity dat he cant call broda or sisda. His last guild hurt him too bad, it took months for him to even show us his face." They all walked away from the armory down a narrow corridor till they came to a door where Venrus stopped. "I will go raise da gate and will stay on da battlements till yer return. Be well my brodas." They gave him a small nod as he left. As they continued on their way, there was tension in the air around them, which was broken by Brights "The new gear looks good on him. Makes him look more... well more." "Yes I made it to his specifications but I hate why I had to make it." "I do too, but if he hadn't made the deal with that cursed bow we both would have died and lost everything we had got that day. You know as well as I do that since he lost his family in that car crash he throws his life to the wind to save others in IRL and in this game. Hell it's one of the reasons we had so many players join us." "Yes but that does not change the fact that he is blind because he saved us. The game is a lot harder for him now unless he is holding that damn thing or using magic." "I may be blind but I'm not deaf ya know!" Brights and Night looked up to see they were in the courtyard and Venrus was waving to them from the battlements. "I chose to take da deal dis thing gave me, and it has made things harder but a lot more fun for me. Now get yer asses moving before it's too late." He walked into the building above the gate and a minute later it began to move. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High on the parapets, Venrus stood and waved down to his friends as they went on their way. "Teara, come here." Slowly one of the maids of the Keep came out of the shadows and a message appeared above her head. "Yes Master." "Bring me one of my chilled bottles of mountain pine raspberry tea." "Right away Master." was the message he read before she began to walk away. She soon returned and silently handed him the drink. Now with drink in hand he waited. Stretching his magic past the open field and into the forest beyond he looked for danger. All he could feel was a pack of wolves as they cornered an elk and a patrol of lizard men. Though their route would not bring them close to the Keep. Pulling back his magic Venrus looked to the sky. "Such a beautiful night." A gentle breeze was blowing through and he could feel the moonlight that shined upon him giving him strength. As he bathed in the moonlight he lifted his voice in song. There were no words but the howling was beautiful all the same. As he sang out his daughters soon joined him and in that moment the world couldn't be more peaceful. As the minutes ticked by nothing happened at the Keep and Venrus grew tired but held his vigil. What he did not see was that there was less then a minute before the game was to shutdown for good. As the clock struck zero his world turned black. Venrus was awoken by the sound of hushed speaking, it sounded like two small girls and one older man. He could not make out what they were saying but it sounded like they were worried. As he sat up he opened his eyes to great the morning and he saw nothing. As he thought about this he knew he was not blind IRL. Then it hit him he had never logged out of the game last night before shut down. He looked to were the clock should be on his HUD but it was not there and when he tried to bring up the menu he was met with the same. "Master, are you ok?" asked the male voice. Venrus thought about it for a moment and remembered they had a few male servants but only one ever really talked. "I don't truly know Darthus. What happened to me?" The voice he heard was not Darthus' but that of a child. "We were singing with daddy on da battlements," Then a different child's voice cut in for the other "when ya passed out all of a sudden. We went and got," "Darthus to take ya to bed." the first voice finished. "Asha, Mellia is dat you my girls?" The only reply he got was two tiny forms slamming into him, giving him tight hugs that he gladly returned with tears in his eyes. "Darthus do ya know what might have made me black out like dat? I didn't feel any enemies with my magic and da bow did not worn me of an attack. What time is it?" "I am sorry master, I do not know. The only thing that occurred this evening was a shift of the Keeps location. It is late in the afternoon of the day after you blacked out." "What! Bring me my bow, I need to see dis!" the girls quickly got off him as he stood from his bed. "Here you are sir." Darthus stood next to the window with the bow. Venrus gripped it and pointed it out the window "By our pact I call upon ya to awaken, Eligos!" The eye on the bow shot open and began to franticly look around. "Eligos I command ya give me use of yer eye!" the eye on the bow came out and buried itself in the forehead on his mask. Dark magic ran from the eye to the purple glowing eyes on the mask and they turned black. After a few minutes he could see but it caused him pain like no other. As Darthus said, the Keep had shifted to a new location. "End focus." with that the eye returned to the bow. "A potion for the pain Sir." Darthus held it out to him. Venrus quickly drank it "Has anything come near da Keep?" "A manticore and some strange wolves made of wood papa." Asha stated. "We saw some normal animals like rabbits, birds and dear as well." Mellia chimed in. Venrus put his hand to his chin in thought. "Darthus put da Keep on high alert. We are in a new and unknown area, I don't want anything sneaking up on us." He bowed and left "Right away Sir." "Girls why don't ya go play with Uncle Brights insects, daddy needs to think somedings over okay." "Yes daddy." they said together and ran off. Venrus sat in the chair next to the window and began to think to himself "Okay ya need to keep calm. First ya are now stuck in yer character in da game. Second ya are now blind because of a pact with a demon weapon." He then stretched his magic out into the woods to see if he still could and it worked. "Okay so ya still have full use of yer magic. Ya are in an unknown location and ya don't know if yer friends got sent here too or not. Okay we need to keep the Keep safe since my magic still works like it did in game. I should be able to fight just fine." Just then his stomach informed him it was time to eat. He walked over, picked up Eligos and headed for the dinning hall. As he walked he looked to the bow "I hate ya so much." "And here I thought we were such good friends." a women's voice replied. "Holy rabies! Who said dat?" he stopped, raised the bow and notched an arrow. "What do you mean who said that it was........Wait you can finally hear me?" Venrus looked to Eligos and saw the eye staring at him "Eligos was dat ya just now?" Eligos eye widened as she screamed "Yes, Yes, Yes! You can finally hear me! Oh thank the Dark Lords our pact has become strong enough for you to hear me." "Ok and dis is a good thing because?" "Because now I can talk to you. Do you know how lonely it is not being able to talk or move even though you are sentient. Plus we get to do more with the pact now then ever." "Like what?" "Well for starters when you use my sight it wont hurt for at least an hour now. Also I wont have to put my eye in your armor anymore, I can just flout around you. You can leave the bow anywhere and so long as my eye is with you I can bring it to you. The best part is you can active a new type of possession and we will fuse together becoming something more for a short time." "Ok well dat gives me something ta think about. Right now though I want food." with that Venrus entered the dinning hall and made his way to the kitchen. With the help of the butler and maid assigned to the kitchen he began to prepare a meal, then was struck with a brilliant idea. Not long after he had a meal fit for his family. He used the telepathic link to all the maids, butlers and his girls to call them all to the dinning hall for a big meal like they used to do. After the meal was done and cleaned he went to sleep and posted some guards with orders to wake him should anything come too close to the keep. As he entered his room Asha and Mellia ran past jumping onto his bed. "Daddy can we sleep with ya tonight?" they said together. "Sure my little ones lets go to bed." he climbed in and got comfortable with his little girls sleeping together next to his right and soon they drifted off. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brights and Night Blade were now far from the Keep. Deep within the part of the forest known as Dagger Fell Grove. All the trees were covered in thick dagger like thorns that would stab and cut you as you past the trees or they fell off. This part of the forest had the lowest level monsters in it but they tended to gang up on wayward travelers. Plus the constant damage from the trees themselves was always a problem. "Brights, this part of the forest gets really dark, could you give us some light?" Night said looking over his shoulder as he took lead going through the grove. "Why, afraid of the dark as well? One would think with your head always in that helm it wouldn't be a problem." Night turned, looked at Brights and rushed him, bringing down a strong over hand swing of his sword. Brights dodged to the left and turned to see a goblin's head split clean in two. "No, I am not. I would like to be able to see when something is sneaking up on us." "Ok, Ok! Give me a minute!" Brights looked up into the darkness of the forest as he lifted his hands. Magic circles formed over them "Come little ones that flutter by moonlight and make this gloom shine with starlight. Starlit Moths!" As he finished, thousands of little moths fluttered out of the magic circles and into the air, illuminating the forest around them. In the darkness the moths looked like twinkling stars of the night sky. "You know Brights it never ceases to amaze me the creatures you find to help you." "Well Night all you have to do is look and you could find wonders in this world you never thought." Thanks to the light of the moths none of the smaller monster could sneak up on the pair and those that tried were quickly cut down even if they attacked in groups. "Brights does it seem too quiet here now?" "Ya and I don't like quiet." A stick snapped drawing the duos attention and they did not like what lay before them, a heard of minotaurs. A foot or so bigger than even Night Blade himself, dull, dimwitted creatures possessing immense strength. "There are like twenty of the fucking things, really. Just our luck to run into a heard of one of the strongest monsters in the whole forest. What a loud of bull." Brights elbowed Night "Get it, bull?" A quick punch to the jaw was all he got. "Get with it, we don't got time for your bad jokes. Strength up, Defense up, Block up!" As Night called out his skills he flashed red, gold, and silver. "Shield Rush!" In the blink of an eye Night slammed into the enemy ranks nocking a few down to the ground and pushing the others back a bit. He quickly brought his blade down onto one of the fallen minotaur's head, killing it instantly. Raising his shield just in time to block the war hammer sung at him, Night was sent hurling into the air. He quickly speared his wings to land on his feet. Quickly drawing his scythe and using it to jump over Night, Brights sored through the air. "Strength up, Agility up, Speed up!" He flashed red, green and then blue as he sailed to the minotaurs landing in the middle of the group. "Full axle!" A blood red wave came off the scythe as he spun in a full circle, felling the closest of the monsters and hurting some of the others. Jumping up and stabbing the handle of the scythe into the ground, Brights sat on top of it as a great sword passed where he was. "Guardian's Roar!" as the sound attack hit the minotaurs they turned to look at Night and began to charge. "Honor Guard!" A shield of light formed in front of his shield as he anchored himself, taking the hit from the charging minotaurs. "Force Blast!" the energy from the hit the minotaurs caused was sent back to them as a shockwave, staggering them. "Charger and Blood Crescent!" Brights rushed at the enemies backs, his scythe held high as a crimson light flashed three times, getting bigger with each flash. As soon as he reached them he stopped hard throwing all his weight into his attack splitting two minotaurs clean in half. He nicked a third, hurting it. Pulling the blood from the enemies and forming it into a ball below the second skull. The minotaur quickly turned, bringing it's great axe down in an over head swing, only to have it bounce off a shield and find a sword buried in its chest. "Your lucky Guardians Roar is still in affect or that would have put you out of the fight till you healed." "Take it easy Night, I was just letting you get in on the fun. After all, that Full Counter of yours always activates when one of the monsters you agroed changes targets before Guardians Roar wears off." he swung at the closest minotaur caching it in the neck taking its head off. "Well at least I know you paid attention when I told you about my skills. There is still about 13 of them left. I say we hit them hard, go at them, let me charge so I can hit them with my super tier spell." Stabbing his sword into the ground he took a knee and magic circles began to slowly form around him. "I love it when you use that spell at night. You got it, I'll buy as much time as I can." Brights threw his scythe toward the now advancing minotaurs. "Buzz Blade!" the scythe spun faster and faster looking like a whirling saw blade as it ripped into the enemy ranks doing a lot of damage. What surprised the minotaurs the most was when the spinning blade curved and started to head back to Brights, taking all the blood it pulled out of the enemies with it. "Very nice, looks like Blood Crescent is fully charged." He turned to look at Night and saw that the magic circles were half way done forming. "Well than I best keep wor......" one of the minotaurs got close enough and punched him hard, sending him flying into a tree where one of the dagger thorns pierced his left shoulder. "AAAAAAHHHHHH! Damn that hurts and its going to get worse." Jerking himself free just in time to avoid an axe to the face, Brights rolled away but left a gapping hole in his shoulder. "Everfight!" glowing, the damage to his shoulder closed and stopped the bleeding but didn't heal fully. "You idiots want to play hard, fine lets play hard 'Hide Sight'!" He then became invisible and quickly made his way around the minotaurs. "Blood Moon Blade Edge!" The blood taken form the fallen circled the minotaurs and slowly began to close in. Any that tried to get out got cut adding more blood to the attack. "Time to end this. Brights get behind me." Doing as he was told Brights quickly got behind Night just as the magic circles finished forming. "Armor Brand!" a blue dome covered Night and Brights as he rose from his knees. "Lunar god of the night, aid me and smite my foes. Super tier magic Luna Blade!" The canopy of the forest was smashed open and a pale blue blade came crashing down from the heavens and struck the caged minotaurs killing the rest in one go. After using the spell, Night hit the ground, panting hard. Brights walked over and helped him to his feet making sure to keep him away from his hurt shoulder. "Come on old man don't die on me now." "Shut up you idiot. Lets go over there to that cave to rest." Night pointed to a cave through a group of trees using his sword. Brights nodded and started to slowly walk over. Once inside, Night leaned against the cave wall to rest. While Brights took out a potion to heal himself up. "You know I'm so glad that Venrus knows how to make these but I hate that all he makes is God's Blood." Uncorking the bottle and chugging it down with a sigh. As he finished it, it worked its wonders. "May look like blood but tastes like cherries." As they rested to finish their quest they failed to notice that the in game clock hit zero. They then blacked out unaware of their fate. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brights awoke with a start. Stretching as he stood, he heard several satisfying pops. He normally didn't sleep on the floor but with how he tossed and turned at night he knew he could have fallen out of bed. What he did not understand was why his room was so hot. He normally kept it at a rather cool temperature. Once he opened his eyes the first thing that caught his attention was the fact he was staring at a cave wall. Quickly turning around he saw a desert not but nine feet away. "Bloody hell! What happened to me last night?" He wondered aloud, scratching his head with his tail as he thought about what could have happened. Then he realized he was scratching his head without his hands. Quickly he reached behind himself and pulled a blue tail into his vision and he did the only thing he could think of, scream. This was not a scream of fear but a scream of joy. "Yes, by the gods I have a tail! Thank you, thank you! Oh what fun you and I shall have once I figure out where we are?" "Well, I can tell you we aren't in our world or the game by the looks of it." "Night, is that you?! How are you her..... Holy shit man why are you a fucking thestral?!" "Because I'm inside the body of my avatar just like you. How are you not freaked out by this? I know I was when I first woke up." "Because I always wanted a tail! I mean think of all the good it will do." He gave the best shit eating grin he could at the thought of it all. "Though I must say I'm quite jealous. You got wings man, wings!" "Well as least your still human I'm a fucking anthropomorphic horse!" "With wings." Night was a very hard man to anger but when you push his buttons too much he can get pretty nasty. Balling up his fist, he swung for Brights' head, only for him to duck at the last second. His fist hit the wall sending out a spider web of cracks from the impact. "Wow, I mean just wow! That could have been my face just now. How did you not hurt your hand doing that?" Brights stared wide eyed at the wall. "Because I did a little research while you were still asleep. Even though we are not in the game we still have all our powers and items. Things even still work like in the game. We can't use the menu and the HUD is gone but other then that it's business as usual." Just to emphasize his point he slowly reached forward and his hand disappeared into a black, purplish fog. A couple of seconds later he pulled out an amulet. "Well that's good we should be able to take care of ourselves the......." At that moment Brights paled and a look of horror took his face. "Dude we got a problem, a big , big problem." "What are you talking about?" "Venrus! Man if this happened to him as well he's going to be so fucking pissed! You know how he gets once he's angry at something! He will be blind and it's our fault! How do you think he will take that if we meet up some time in the future?" "Well he was cool with it before maybe..." "Cool with it! Cool with it! He blew a gasket when it happened and slaughtered a dragon on his own, a DRAGON! We aren't in game anymore and now he's blind for real! WE ARE SO DEAD!" Brights dropped to the floor in the fetal position rocking and screamed "We're Dead! We're Dead, we're dead, we're dead!" Night picked him up and gave him a good smack "Stop that you idiot! We will be fine. Venrus is more analytical about things then we are. If I know him he will more then likely be trying to figure things out and see if he can find us or give us a clue to find him. He was in the keep, so he's more then likely still with it, if it came here as well. He would not just leave our home and all those in it. He will take charge and wait for us." "Ya, I guess you're right." Brights looked down and then to Night "You can put me down now, I'm good." Once his feet were on the ground he went over to a big rock at the mouth of the cave and sat on it. "So find anything out there?" "Not much. I didn't go far from you." Night was now at the cave entrance looking out at the desert with his arms crossed. "Only thing I found were some minotaur tracks but they were heavier then normal." "Well that's just great, more minotaurs! We are going to need to be careful since we don't know what's out there and get some info." "Already working on it." Night lifted the amulet up. The main body of the amulet was a gray stone, with two silver blades in an 'x'. The top had a big emerald on it. "I summoned my scout titan and sent him out to take a look. He should be back soon." "Oh is that one of the guardian spirits I missed out on getting? What's it called and what does it look like?" "His name is Jirwolf. He is a celestial wolf so most of his body looks like the night sky but he does have grey-blue fur on some of him. He is part of the Gaia-Titan class and he is a scout. He is three feet eight inches tall. His ability 'Sixth Sense' gives him awareness of space and time. He can take on an astral form that lets him channel blasts through reality itself. He can twist the space around his enemies by using a sonic growl to disorient them. He can also freeze his opponents. He is also extremely speedy. In other words, he's the perfect partner for me." Brights looked at him with a scowl "Man, looks like I really missed out. So you got any others on you?" "Well your not really missing out on anything. I can only call on him once a day and if he takes too much damage he go's back to his amulet. Besides you got your insects you can call to help you." "Well ya you do got a point there. I got a lot more that I can call to help me. Though you still didn't answer my question." Nights looked up and smiled "Yes, I got two more on me but that will have to wait." Pointing out of the cave "Here comes Jirwolf." Brights turned and just like Night had said a celestial wolf slowly made its way into the cave. Jirwolf walked over to Night, sat down and looked at him. Night leaned down and started to pet him "So my friend, fined anything out there?" Brights kept looking back and forth between the two as they were saying nothing. "Is he going to tell you anything?" "He is, titans cant talk like me and you, they have a telepathic bond with the one that holds the amulet." Night gave Brights a sly smirk "What he found is where the minotaurs are but he says they are very friendly. Walked right up to the village and sat there. Some came over and pet him even gave him some food. These minotaurs have much bigger muscles and are top heavy but once they start running don't get in the way. According to him if we walk at night in the cool air and rest in the day it will take two nights to get there." "TWO NIGHTS! How far did he go out there?" "In his astral form Jirwolf can cover great distances very quickly." Night sat down and leand on the wall " Best get some rest we leave at night fall." After their short, rest as soon as twilight hit, they were off following Jirwolf to the location of the minotaur village. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asha and Mellia awoke before their father and, through the heavy drawn curtains, could tell the sun was just starting to rise. Seeing this they ran off down the hall. "Hey Mellia lets go make daddy some breakfast and take it to him." Asha was four foot eleven inches tall. Her fur, mane and tail were white as snow. With her mane and tail ending in red tips like her fathers. What made her stand out was her bright sky blue eyes but what made them really pop was the fact the whites of her eyes were blood red. "Well what are we going to make him den Asha? I think he would like dat slow grilled bacon wrapped fruit." Mellia's colors were the opposite of her sister and she was the same height. With the majority of her being a bright red with her mane and tail ending in white tips. Unlike her sister the whites of her eyes were black and shimmering gold was the color of her eyes. "Oh ya. Daddy really did enjoy dose." Looking to her sister in thought "We could make eggs as well and toast with daddy's home made apple-butter." Before any replay could be given a maid walked out from around the corner but before they collided the girls jumped over her. They kept on running as the maid yelled at them. "Sorry for almost hitting ya Nova!" They then looked to each other with big toothy grins before taking off even faster. Sliding to a stop in front of the kitchen door they peaked inside "Do ya see anyone Mellia?" "No Asha, looks like we are all good." High fiving they made their way in and began to make breakfast for them and their father. By the time they were done the kitchen was a wreck. The maids and butlers assigned to the kitchen staff that day, upon seeing the state of their work place, did the only thing they could... call Darthus. "Young masters, I know you enjoy making food for your father. He has been teaching you to cook and you're getting quit good at it. Though I've said this before and I know I will need to say it again. You are not to work in here without some of the staff present. You always make such a huge mess. For crying out loud you got biscuit dough on the ceiling. How is that even......you know what I don't even want to know." Mellia and Asha did the only thing they could do in this situation. They gave him the biggest and cutest puppy dog eyes you ever saw. "We're sorry Darthus." Quickly closing his eyes he picked up the tray with the food on it. "It is quite all right but I will talk to your father and have him do something about this. Now shall we be going then? It's about time to wake him is it not?" The three made their way to Venrus' room. ................................................................................................................................................................................ Venrus loved his sleep, that much is true and that easily showed by how his room was dark as night even though the sun was up. So when someone started to shake him he was a little annoyed. Stretching as he sat up he stretched out his magic into the room so he could see. To Venrus having his eyes stolen by the demon was problematic to say the least. For the next few days after it happened he fought hard to find a new way to see and he did. By stretching his magic into the air everything was covered in his mana and if he used mana sense he could view the world around him. There were only two colors: black was what everything looked like and white was the out line but he could see. So when he turned and saw his girls next to him he smiled and hugged them. "Good morning master." Looking over to the doorway he could see Darthus with a tray of food. "Good morning to ya as well. What did ya make dis morning?" "Not me sir, the young masters made breakfast for you. Which is why I am here. They made quit the mess out of your kitchen sir." "I see, dank ya girls but ya know ya should wait for someones help. After we eat yer going to go clean yer mess." "Aaawww, but Daddy!" "Don't 'aw but daddy' me. If ya want to go exploring with me ya will clean da mess, am I understood?" "Yes Daddy." Once they had finished their food and the girls cleaned their mess, they dawned their gear and set out into the forest. ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Day in Ponyville was beautiful but not all was well inside the castle of Equestria's newest Princess. Twilight and her sister Barb had gotten into a big fight. After months of searching, Barb had found another dragon willing to talk to her and fill her in on somethings she wanted to know about her race. There was just one catch, she had to go to were the dragon was. She neglected to inform her sister who now had forbade her from going. Not only would Barb have to go far away but into one of the most dangerous places, the Badlands. The birds were singing and ponies were going about their day as if all was right with the world, that was till a very pissed off dragon through open the castle doors causing a loud bang. Barb stormed out of the castle, trails of smoke coming out of her nose as she stomped her way through town. Twilight came running out of the castle looking just as mad as her sister. "Come back here we aren't done talking about this!" "Oh yes we are! I'm going for a walk to clear my head and let us cool down so don't follow me!" She kept on going till Twilight could see she was going for the Everfree Forest. Twilight knew she didn't need to worry about Barb going in there, not much messed with her since her growth spurt. Just as she was going back into the castle some of her friends showed up asking what was going on. So she led them inside and began to tell them everything. Barb was now stomping her way through the forest completely unaware of what was going on around her or the lack there of. After an hour of walking and going over everything trying to figure out how to change Twilight's mind a roar broke her from her thoughts. Quickly ducking behind a tree and slowly peaking out to see what was going on, she saw a manticore limping into the small clearing in front of her hiding spot. As she looked upon it she couldn't help but feel sorry for it. From what she could tell it was bleeding badly. Moving from tree to tree she got as close as she could and then she saw it. There were some kind of strange arrows sticking out of it from its front right leg and had some gashes running down its side and back leg. The stinger was barely hanging on and one of its wings were missing. A twig snapped and the beast began to look around franticly and she could smell the fear. Not much could scare a manticore this badly other than bigger monsters but this beast was attacked. Then across the small clearing three ponies walked out with a big silver cat. The biggest of the three readied its bow and before the manticore could run it was thrown off its feet two feet away from were it had been. When it landed on its side Bard could see an arrow sticking out of its ribs but the manticore was not moving. It wasn't even making any noise but she could see it breathing. The strange creatures slowly moved over to the manticore. Once they were close enough she could tell they were not ponies, in fact they looked like strange diamond-dogs to her. She watched on as the big one took something off his neck. "Dank ya for yer help Silver Hunter, get some rest" Then, like it was never even there, the cat turned into a silver light and flew into the item in the big ones hand. "Okay girls, finish it off and take what we need. I will keep watch." The two small ones killed the manticore. They skinned it, took the meat, claws, teeth, wing and the stinger leaving the rest just laying there, all while the big one watched. "Daddy, we're done." they said happily. They just killed and desecrated the manticore's corpse like this was normal. She could not understand how these two sweet girls could do that or how their father could tell them to do it. The father walked over and hugged the girls looking toward where she was. "Good job, now come on we need to head home. We've done enough for da day." With that they turned back toward the way they came. Her first thought was to run. Run back to Ponyville and her sister and tell her all she saw, but then she got a very bad idea. If she followed and learned about these creatures maybe she could trade the info to Twilight and use it to get her to let her go see that dragon. So, going against her better judgment, she followed. As she followed, she was marking trees so she could fine her way back. She followed for what felt like hours. Through the trees she could see they were approaching the base of one of the mountains in the forest. Once she reached the edge of the tree line, across the huge clearing was a castle she had never seen before made into the side of the mountain. A great wall blocked most of the view but towers could be seen standing tall behind. The wall was cracked and broken all over giving it a battle harden look. The top of the wall had huge spikes coming off it. The whole thing gave off this dark light in the shadow of the mountain. As far as she could see the only way in was through the only gate or try to scale the cliff up to the chapel. "Well I'm not going to be getting in there without somepony seeing me. Ah well guess I'll go home for now. Twilight has cooled down by now." "So little lizard, why are ya sneaking through da woods following me and my daughters?" Barb jumped out of her skin, quickly spinning around to see that the father had some how snuck up on her. "I...I....I am s...sorry p...pl...please don't hurt me." Venrus gave a hardy chuckle. "Oh don't ya be worrying none now, I wont hurt ya. Just wanting to know why yer being so sneaky for. We don't bite.....much. Though I thought ya lizard folks don't go around oders unless ya have to." Now Barb was pissed. "Hey I am not a lizard I am a dragon get it right." Venrus drew back a little "Oh ya be one of dose draconians den." "No I am a dragon!" she was now shaking with anger. Venrus crossed his arms "Sorry lass but ya don't look like any dragon I've seen. Though ya do look like da draconian race. Why don't ya come in. I'm new here and would like to ask ya some questions and I can show ya da books I got on dragons and draconians. What say ya?" Barb looked to the sky "Well its not too late in the day I could stay for a bit. Plus if he is telling the truth I could get the info I need without going to the Badlands. I can learn more about him and anything else he may have in there. I wont be able to stay long though, even I don't like to get caught out here at night. Plus, if I do stay too long, Twilight will get worried and may even come looking for me." Barb wanted to leave, this screamed bad news, but the slight chance she could get info on herself was too great. She looked to Venrus and smiled "Sure I can stay for a little bit." He smiled at her "Good, follow me I'll show ya da way. Oh by da way my name is Venrus Nightingale and the little two are my daughters Asha and Mellia. Da white one is Asha and the red one is Mellia." Slowly they all made their way inside as the gate closed behind them. Barb looked to it "Well its too late to go back now." > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barb was amazed at what she saw. Behind that great big eyrie looking wall was a beautiful courtyard. A stone walk way led from the gate to the castle door and at the steps branched off going around to who knows where. On each side of the walk way was a fountain with flowers growing around them. Tall flowering hedges with vines growing over top them on a stand gave shade to some benches on the left. While on the right sat a huge gazebo that had rose bushes around it. She stood there looking at it in aw, mouth hanging open. She was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Venrus' children. "Daddy who is she?" The girls asked together. "Dis little ones is a local I invited in so I can learn about da area and give her some knowledge in return. As for her name I don't think it was given." The three of them turned to look at her. "Oh, I'm so sorry, my name is Barbara Sparkle but everypony just calls me Barb." "Well it's very nice to meet ya. Girls go tell da Kitchen staff to start making dinner den go play while I speak with our guest." "Yes Daddy!" the girls went sprinting through the doors waving as they did. Barb followed on Venrus' heel as he stepped through the great door to his castle. She jumped a little as two maids called out as soon as they entered. "Welcome home Master. Do you need anything for you or your guest?" What shocked her was that one of them was a Cat women and the other was a human. "Yes I need some meat stored in da locker and an animal skin taken to Night's forge in da chapel." His hand sunk into a black-purple mist and he pulled out the manticore pelt and the meat which was in a basket, handing it over to them. "I would also like some Black Rose Tea taken up to da library. Would ya like someding to eat or drink Barb?" He look over his shoulder. "Just the tea, sounds neat." "Very well, it will be along shortly." They bowed and left while Venrus headed for a door to the side of the hallway. Griping the nob tightly he shouted "Gate open, location Library" Then after he pulled the door open there was a library on the other side. After they entered, they sat in some very comfortable arm chairs with a table between them. "So why did you yell like that?" "Oh da door we were going through leads to a cleaning supply closet. I use da gate spell to open it to da library instead. Normally it would take a lot longer to get here as we are on da fourth floor of da middle tower on da cliff. Ya did say ya couldn't stay long right?" All Barb could do was sit there and look like a fool. "There is no way I did not feel like I teleported and you shouldn't be able to do magic you don't have a horn." "Where I'm from if ya want to learn magic ya learn it. If ya don't believe me den look da doors to da library are much bigger den da one we went through. Plus if ya look out dat window ya will be able to look down to da lower halls, court yard and gate." Looking at the doors she saw he was right but she just could not believe it. She rushed over to the window and low and behold he was right. She could see the lower halls of the castle, the court yard and gate she just went through. "Bu....How.....It's just...This shouldn't be possible!" He just gave her a sly smile "And yet ya have all da proof ya need. Now will ya come sit down we ain't got all day." She was still shocked but he was right they needed to get this done. After sitting back down she thought it was best to start. "Okay so what do you want to know?" "Well what sentient species live here? Where am I and are dere any towns close by?" "There are carnivore and herbivore races. Carnivores consist of several species of griffons and dragons. Then there are the arachne, lamia, and the diamond-dogs. The herbivore races are ponies, deer, minotaurs, buffalo, donkeys, yaks, and zebras. As to where you are, you are on the continent of Equestria. More specifically you are in the Everfree Forest, one of the most dangerous places we know of. As for near by towns there is Ponyville were I come from but you may be met with mixed feelings at first." "Why is dat?" "Well we have had issues with diamond-dogs in the past which you kinda look like. That and some of the carnivore races pray on the herbivore races. What are you anyway, I have never seen a diamond-dog like you before. For that matter I've never seen anything like that cat maid." "Well I'm not a diamond-dog I'm a Lycan or werewolf if ya prefer. As for da maid she is a werecat." "Are you talking about me master? Only good things I hope." Venrus and Barb turned to see the werecat bringing in the tea. "Aye Nova only good things. Barb here was just wondering what ya were. Dere ain't any of our races on dis planet." Nova set down two cups and pored some tea into each then sat a cup of sugar cubes and a container of cream down. "Oh my! So the keep was moved through dimensions, that is quit odd. Shall I inform the others master?" "No dere wont be a need. It would just cause a panic and put dem on edge. If anyone asks about it send dem to me. Ya may go." He stated waving his hand in a dismissive manner. "Yes master and dinner will be ready in a hour and a half." She bowed and left the room. "Now I got one last question for ya den ya may ask what ya like. What is yer money like here because all I got are dese gold pieces from my home." He took out a gold coin and set it on the table next to her. Then added some cream and three cubes of sugar to his tea. She took it and looked it over. There was nothing special about it. Just a gold coin with nothing on it. "We call them bits here and they are made of gold as well." She fished around in her pants pocket till she pulled one out and compared it to his. "Yours is a bit bigger but there shouldn't be a problem. If you give me this I can have it looked at and see what it is worth here if you like?" "Go a head dat would be a big help. Now what would ya like to know?" He asked taking a sip of his tea. "What did you mean when you said I don't look like a dragon?" she asked as she took a sip of her tea. Venrus got up from his seat, made his way over to a book shelf and started to run his hands over the spines. "I have fought many a dragon great and small and dey always had a few things in common. Dey do not walk on two legs at least not for long, all dragons have wings from deir time of birth. Dey can talk but dey can not use magic. Dey are savage beasts dat live alone and kill anything dat enters deir territory. Because ya don't have wings and because ya got mana flowing through ya is da reason I say yer not a dragon." He took two books down and handed them over to her. "Da top one is all da species of dragon I know of and a little about dem. If ya like to learn more about da different species den I can show ya books on each one. Da oder book is on da draconian race." "You keep saying that but what do you mean draconians I've never heard of them." "Da draconians are a race of half dragons. Dere are two types dat I know of. Dere are da magic type like yerself and da flyers. Dragons are purest so dey don't like it when deir blood mixes with oder species. Dey kill dem on sight so da draconians live in secret. Dat book will tell ya how to tell ya if yer a draconian, a bit about deir history and da two different species I know of. If ya want to know more I got books on each of da two races. I even got my hand on some of da magic training tombs for da draconian mages if ya ever feel like learning." Barb handed him back the book on dragons "I wont need this I don't really care about them anyway but I would like to borrow this if I can?" He just smiled at her "I don't mind one bit, just take good are of it. Dat dere is one of a kind." Venrus held his hand over his ear for a minute "It is getting late I'll show ya to da edge of da forest." Barb quickly looked out the window to see it was nearly twilight "Oh no I couldn't ask but I do need to go, my sister will kill me if I get home too late." "I didn't ask ya I said I would, besides I need to do something at da edge of da forest any how." With that they left, it took a bit to get there and was starting to get dark. Once they got to the forest edge Venrus pulled out a crystal dagger and Barb gasp and jumped away. "Don't worry dis ain't for ya it's for da tree." He quickly drove the dagger into the tree. Then it sank further into the tree till it vanished and slowly a crystal rune formed on the tree. He then held his hand out to her and a wisp of black and purple flame shot out of his hand leaving a ring in its place. He then turned and held it out for her to take. "What is that for?" she asked as she took the ring. "When yer done wid da book or ya want to visit, just put da ring on and touch it to dis rune. Den a portal will open dat will put ya right in front of da keep." "Thank you Venrus I'll be sure to bring the book back and visit from time to time." He smiled "Well den goodbye for now and good night." with that he disappeared in a blur of motion. She put the ring on as she headed into town and held the book close to her chest, squishing her breasts. "I finally got some info on my race and I wont let it go but it will be dark by the time I make it home. Twilight will be mad and there is no way I'm going to be able to sneak a new book past her. I wonder if I should tell the others about Venrus and his people. You can't see his castle from here because of the mountain." She lost herself in thought till she saw she was right in front of the castle doors. "No I will keep him and the others to myself, for now anyway." With that she opened the door and prepared for her fate. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say Twilight was worried would be an understatement. After Barb had stormed off Twilight had sat down and talked with her friends and now saw why Barb was so mad at her. It was true that the Badlands were dangerous but pony kind had little to no knowledge on dragons. Barb had found a dragon willing to tell her what she had wanted to know and she flat out forbade Barb from going. The hurt in Barb's eyes was clear and now it was dark. Sure she and Barb had fights every now and again but she never stayed out this late before. She did not know what she was going to do and so, being Twilight, she began to do what she does best, blow things out of proportion. Rarity and Fluttershy stayed with Twilight while the others left to take care of their jobs. Even doing their best to console and keep their friend calm she was slowly wearing a grove in the floor with her passing. Twilight was muttering to herself about what she could have done better or trying to figure out what Barb was doing. Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting on cushions in the foyer of the castle were Twilight was passing because she refused to move till Barb came home. "Twilight darling you need to calm down. I'm sure Barb is fine and has not run off, she is a well mannered lady. Now please sit down and drink the tea Fluttershy made before it gets cold." Rarity took a sip of hers "I'm sure Bard will walk through that door any minute now." "She's right Twilight Barb is a grown mare.....dragon now, she will be fine." Fluttershy said taking a drink of her tea. Twilight turned to them and was about to say something when the doors began to open and in walked Barb. She didn't even make it a few feet before she was trapped in a hug by her sister. "Where were you Barb, I was so worried about you. I thought you might have ran off again. I'm so sorry Barb I should have thought about how you felt. I just wanted to keep you safe but I know you know that you need to do this to learn about yourself." She pulled back a bit to look Barb in the eye with tears in her own. "I'm sorry too sis, we were both acting silly weren't we?" "Yes we were." Twilight pulled Barb in for another hug. Barb didn't notice the other two in the room but one of them noticed what she had. Rarity noticed that when Twilight hugged Barb and she returned it she quickly moved her hands and their contents behind Twilight's back. Like she was trying to hid them. In her hand was a very old tomb that Rarity had never seen. After helping the sisters reorganize the library in the castle more then once and coming to get books to read she knew she'd never seen that one. What really caught her eye was the beautifully crafted ring on Barb's left middle finger. It was a very ornate gold ring with a ruby in it. As she got closer to get a better look at it she saw the ruby had a dragon in it holding fire. "You know Bard I could talk to Celestia and Luna, see if they could send some guards. That way you could go talk to that dragon you found." Twilight smiled at her as she pulled back from the hug. Barb began to fidget and looked away from Twilight. "Thank you Twilight but I though about it and you were right it's just too dangerous." She quickly put her hands behind her back and spun around Twilight so she couldn't see the book or ring. "Thank you but I wouldn't want to be a bother and if somepony got hurt helping me I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Well I'm going to bed been a long day." Slowly she backed down the hall doing her best to hid the book and ring. Now she was sure Barb was trying to hide them from Twilight and she wanted to know why so she did the only thing she could think of. Rarity walked up behind Barb as she backed down the hall. "Barb darling why are you trying to hide those from Twilight?" Barb jumped out of her skin at being snuck up on but what was worse was Rarity told Twilight she was hiding something from her. "It's nothing, nothing at all." She clutched the book to her breast and tore off down the hall going for her room. Twilight quickly teleported in front of her sister to see Rarity was right. In Barb's hands was a book Twilight had never seen and on her finger was a very strange but beautiful ring that held great magic in it. "Barb what are those and why were you trying to hid them from me?" "The book is a friends and the ring was a gift. I was hiding them because you wanted to stop me from getting the information I needed and now that I found a way I didn't want you to try again." She ran past Twilight heading for her door only to have her sister appear in front of her again. "Where did you get those Barb? I know you couldn't have made it to the Badlands let alone make it back in the time you were gone it's just not possible. So where did you get a book on dragons?" "Please Twilight just let this go. I know what I'm doing." She closed her eyes and started to cry. "No Barb you went out into the Everfree Forest and came back with a book on dragons. Not only that but a ring that has powerful magic I've never seen before. What if who gave you those means you harm and is just trying to get to you." "Venrus wouldn't hurt me! If he meant me harm he would have done it when he found me following him to where he lives or when we went into his home!" Barb's eyes shot open and a hand covered her mouth. "Venrus, I don't know anypony by that name. I thought Zecora was the only one who lived in the forest? You are not going to see him again till I know its safe! Now give me those and tell me where I can find him right now!" She reached out to take the book and ring. She was mad to say the least, Barb, her sister, was hiding things from her. Now there was somepony she didn't know out in the Everfree that just happened to have information on dragons and very strong magic from what she could feel from the ring. It was too big a risk to take, she wanted to keep her sister safe. "NO!" Barb could not believe this. Twilight was willing to let her go to the badlands to get the info she wanted but not from somepony new. She smacked Twilight's hand and ran for the door shoving Twilight to the side. Slamming the door shut and locking it as she went through, she threw herself to her bed and began to cry. Twilight got up and made for the door only to be stopped by her friends. "Twilight please calm down. If you wouldn't mind that is?" Fluttershy had her around the waist. "Twilight darling Barb is fine and doing this is not going to help. Obviously we need to find out who this Venrus is but yelling at her and taking what she was given is no way to go about it. I mean listen you made your sister cry Twilight." Rarity was in front of her, hands on her shoulders. Rarity was right Barb could be heard crying through the door and she was the cause. "I'm sorry girls it's just this is too convenient. Barb goes off after a fight about getting information on dragons and goes into the Everfree forest. Finds somepony we don't know and just happens to have what she needs. He even gave her a ring that has very powerful magic in it I have never seen. I just worry you know, I just want to keep her safe." Twilight fell to her knees and broke down right there. Fluttershy hugged her tightly "It's okay Twilight. We know you mean well. If you like we can stay with you and help with Barb in the morning. Only if you want that is?" "Really?" "Of course darling now come on lets get you cleaned up and off to bed it's late and has been a very trying day." Rarity held out her hands to help them off the floor. "Thanks girls, what would I ever do without you?" Twilight smiled hugging them both. After a quick shower the three of them soon drifted of to the land of dreams. What was to come the next morning weighing heavily on Twilight's and Barb's mind. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Twilight awoke at her normal early hour and sleepily made her way to the kitchen only not to find the smell of great food being made. She came to remember the fight she and Barb had the night before as she slowly looked around the kitchen. Slowly she walked to her sister's room trying to think of something to say but she could not find anything. In her mind what she did was right she was just looking out for her little sister. Everything was just too much of a coincidence and that scared her, not to mention that whom ever Barb spoke to had powerful magic at their disposal. Finally she came to her sisters room and hoped she would listen to reason. She knocked on Barb's door and got no reply, so she knocked again meeting with the same results. Twilight took hold of the door nob and slowly turned it to find it was not locked. As she entered the sight of her sister on the floor, ring still on her finger, book clutched tight agent her breast and a empty mega jug of raspberry sapphire ice cream next to her. Twilight kneeled down to wake her but as she did Barb curled in on herself as she got closer. Now she could see tears stained barb's cheeks, no doubt from a full night of crying. Light caught her eye and she saw it came from the ring slowly she reached out to take it and the book only to have Barb role over mumbling. Thanks to that Twilight could now read the title on the spine 'Draconians a Brief Intro' and now she was even more confused then before. Before she could do anything else she now found herself looking into very pissed off emerald green eyes. "What do you think your doing Twilight?" Barb said with a great amount of venom in her voice. Twilight recoiled a bit at her harsh tone. "You weren't down stairs so I came to wake you. I wanted to talk about last night." Barb sniffed the air to smell something cooking. "Did you start to make something and leave the stove on again?" "No! It's more likely Rarity and Fluttershy they stayed over last night. They want to help us talk about this and they were worried about you as well." Barb quickly stood keeping the book close "Well lets go eat then we can talk." With that she and Twilight quickly left for the kitchen to see Rarity at the table drinking coffee, reading the paper while picking at an omelet. Fluttershy was at the stove cooking away. Rarity looked up from the paper to them with a raised eye brow. "Good morning darlings how are you two feeling this morning?" Barb sat down next to her glaring at Twilight. "Lousy, I fell asleep on the floor after eating all my ice cream while reading this book because I was so upset." "Oh you poor dear I am so sorry to hear that." Rarity leaned over and hugged her. "But you know you can hardly blame Twilight she just wants to keep you safe." "Keeping me safe and not letting me learn about what I am are two different things Rarity." Barb mouthed a thank you to Fluttershy as she sat down an omelet in front of her. "There are no books on what I am here or in Canterlot. Yet every time I manage to find a source Twilight either wont let me go and I lose the lead or she takes it and I never see it again. It's like she does not want me to know." Twilight jumped up slamming her hands on the table making Fluttershy jump and almost drop the plate of eggs she had. "That's because every time a dragon is willing to tell you they ask you to go to them! The last time you ran into a dragon and it's territory he tried to kill you! The information I took from you was mostly lies! The books and scrolls you bought or was given had hypnosis spells on them to put the reader under the casters control and two of them were just curses! Barb you are the only dragon living peacefully with ponies and some bad ponies will try to take advantage of you. Can you not see I do this to keep you safe?" "Um Twilight yelling at her wont help. It's just going to cause another fight. So...um...maybe you should calm down...just a little. If you don't mind that is?" "She is right darling yelling will get you no where. Plus had you informed Barb of why she never saw the books or scrolls again she may not have thought you were trying to keep her in the dark about dragons." "I'm still mad but I wont hold it against her. Especially now that I know I'm not even a dragon." All three quickly snapped their attention on to Barb and blurted out loudly "What do you mean your not a dragon?" Barb pulled the book out from behind her and sat it on the table. "According to this book I am a half dragon the name of my race is Draconian. Almost every species of dragon has wings from their time of birth. Not only that but even though they are intelligent, and I use the word loosely, dragons are primarily beast. I'm eighteen if I were a true dragon then by now I would be the size of a two story house at least. Also dragons do not have an internal source of magic yet I do." Twilight was writing like a mad mare but then quickly jumped to her feet. "You have an internal source of magic, like unicorns, how did you find this out?" "Their are two species of draconians, flyers and mages, that are known. If I were a flyer then my wings would have grown in on my twelfth birthday. Which means I am a mage and all draconian mages have classes of magic they can use. To find this out you use a gem that matches the schools of magic and breath a stream of fire onto them. If you are a mage the gems of the schools of magic you can learn will lift themselves into the air and will glow. I didn't get to try this last night." Rarity looked quite amused and very happy. "I'm so glad you have found something out Barb. Perhaps you could tell us what gem stands for what school and show us what schools you can learn from?" "Ya sure just let me go get my gems." Barb quickly scarfed down her food and ran off. "Oh I'm just so happy for her I could scream." Fluttershy was looking down the hall barb took off down. "I know darling this has been a long time coming. Plus it looks like Barb isn't the only one excited about this." Rarity pointed over to where Twilight was as she wrote away in a notebook. Fluttershy could only giggle at the sight. "What I can't help is this is new knowledge Equestria has never known. I am still mad she got it from somepony we don't know that lives in the Everfree. I mean even Zecora doesn't know him but it helps her and I haven't seen her this happy since Shiny got married. I just hope she will take us to meet this Venrus Nightingale so I know it's safe." "Oh don't try to fool me darling I know you want to meet him to see what he may know that you don't." "Can you blame me he has a book on a species that no Equestrian had knowledge of. Plus the ring he gave Barb was made by magic and has a spell on it." "Well next time I talk to him I'll see if I can bring you to meet him or if he and his people will come meet us here." Twilight jumped and screamed as Barb snuck up on her and surprised her. "Don't do that sis and what do you mean his people?" "Oh, Venrus lives in this huge Keep made into the side of one of the mountains in Everfree. He lives there with his two daughters and his servants. Of the few I saw there are different species I've never seen before." "A keep you say and he has servants too. I'm sure we would have seen that out in the Everfree or at least seen it being built if it is new." "Oh it is. He invited me inside so we could talk and the questions he asked told me he was not from around here. I think he even told his maid they moved into a new dimension." Twilights eyes lit up. "Are you sure he said that Barb, I need you to be very clear. He said they came from a different dimension?" "Yes he did how else do you think a Lycan, a Werecat and a human could get here. That's not even telling what others he may have brought with him." Twilight was jumping at the prospect. "Oh this is so exciting, new species and new knowledge no pony has ever seen and it's just in that accursed forest. Wait what if he is a threat we should tell Celestia and Luna about this." Rarity grabbed Twilight in her magic before she could rush off. "Twilight darling you need to calm down. Now if Venrus will meet us or let us go to him and after we have talked then you can judge him. You are a princess yourself you don't need to run to Celestia and Luna every time something comes up. If you feel you need to talk with them after meeting him then by all means do but wait and show them you can do things on your own. Now if I put you down will you not run off, Barb still needs to show us how this gem thing works and you may miss it." She looked to Twilight with a sly smile. Twilight was sweating, on one hand she thought she should tell the other Princesses about these new and possible threats. On the other, a chance to witness an unknown races magic at work. "Fine I'll stay but the moment I feel this is getting out of hand I'm calling for Celestia and Luna." "Deal." Rarity quickly let Twilight go over a chair causing her to fall right in. "Now that Twilight is ready will you please explain the different schools of magic and then show us which ones you can learn Barb." Barb sat a bag on the table and reached in beginning to pull out gems. "Sure the emerald is the stone for the school of life. This school of magic focuses on healing magic." She placed the gem down and took another "The ruby is for the school of fire, sapphire is for water, citrine is for earth, blue topaz is for air, amethyst is for magic itself. This school lets you learn things like making shields, teleporting or blasts. I don't much like the last two. Red jasper is for blood magic and obsidian is for shadow magic." All three looked to Barb with horrified expressions. "Sis you mean your race can use two of the most illegal types of magic known to Equestria?" Barb sighed. "Yes, but to draconians they aren't illegal. Mages that can learn Blood or Shadow magic are some of our greatest protectors and are highly valued. Now I'll show you what magic schools I can learn from." She inhaled as much as she could before letting lose a stream of fire over the gems. After she let up all the gems were glowing from the heat but slowly the glow died on all but three as they lifted into the air. Emerald, ruby and amethyst were the ones to rise. "Oh my!" "Oh my is right darling. You can learn three of the schools Barb that's so wonderful." Rarity rushed over and hugged her. "Ya it is. Though they all make sense really." Barb smiled down at the floating stones. "Why what ever do you mean darling?" "Well a draconians fire tells what magic they will be best at, mine is emerald green so life, it is a rare magic for draconians to learn. Fire is extremely common so I thought I might have it. I mean like only one out of every thirty draconians don't have fire magic according to the book. Magic itself is not rare but its not common either but given that Twilight is the one that hatched me I was sure to get it." "Why is that sis?" "Well the book says that life changing events can affect what magic a draconian can learn. According to Celestia my egg was a dormant dragon egg. When Twilight had that big surge of magic and I hatched I was given her dna along with my dragon dna. That is pretty much how draconians are born besides the extremely rare dragons mating with something else. There is also the natural way of two Draconians mating or them mating with something else. Because Twilight is the element of magic some of that passed to me." "Oh I get it because I hatched you and am good at magic you will be to." "Yup thats pretty much it." Barb racked the gems into her bag and grabbed the book and made for the door. "Barb where are you going?" Twilight quickly caught her by the wrist. "Well I can't learn anything else from this book and I can't learn about my magic without the spell books from Venrus. Before I can go see him I need to do something for him he asked of me." "And that is?" "OH he gave me one of his gold coins he has and asked if it was good here, I said I would check." barb pulled the coin out of her pocket and showed them. Then quickly left the house. Twilight quickly turned to her friends and had that look on her face. "Twilight darling I know what your thinking and I'm going to say right now that......" "I'm going to follow her!" Twilight quickly tore out of the house before anything else could be said. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barb knew that from the moment she left the house her sister would give chase in a chance to find out where Venrus lived. Too bad for her because Twilight lacked the one thing she would need to follow, the ring she was given. She took her time as she made her way through town till she came to the doors to the bank. Barb looked about to see Twilight dive behind a building with Rarity and Fluttershy not far behind. Barb made her way inside the bank and she saw one of the few ponies she liked to talk to. Dally Rum was as old as Granny Smith and still did his part for the bank. His skin wrinkled and dulled to a very light brown. He had no mane to speak of and his glasses made his eyes look too big for his head. Despite his age Dally was a hard worker that always had a smile on his face and was one of the kindest earth ponies you could ever meet. "Well my oh my, what have we here?" Dally took his glasses off, cleaned them and put them back on, moving them like he was adjusting them. "Well now if it isn't Barb. I ain't seen you in a good while dear. What brings you to the bank today? After some of your gems ya got locked up are you?" Dally leaned over the counter and gave Barb a hug once she was close enough. "It's good to see you too Dally but no I'm not her for any of my gems. I need your help if you can give it?" "Well of course I can dear just tell old Dally what you need and I'll see what I can do." Barb pulled out the gold coin Venrus gave her and put it down in front of Dally. Dally picked it up and began to look it over. "Dally a friend just got here and this is all the money he has. I told him I would have it looked at to see what it is worth." "Oh ok then. I'll do what I can but I ain't seen a coin like this before." Dally pulled out a scale and sat the coin on one side causing it to tip. He then place a bit on the other side till both were even. "Well the coin you gave me Barb weighs the same as two bits, but I'll need to have a unicorn go over it to make sure the gold is of the same quality." "Do what you need to Dally I know you will only do what you need to." Dally gave her a bright smile as he slid off his chair and tootled off into the back. He soon came back with one of the female unicorn bankers. "The big coins the one I need you to look at Star. It has the weight of two bits but I need to know if the gold is as equal." Dally said as he hefted himself back into his chair with a tired old grunt. Star quickly picked it up in her magic and began to run tests on it while Dally put his scale away. After a few minutes she sat the coin down in front of Barb. "Well as far as I can tell the coin there is worth two maybe three bits with the quality of the gold alone. Since it weighs the same as two bits I say we tell him that is what they are worth. Does this sound fair to you Dally?" Star then turned and left. Dally had his hand to his chin in thought. "I feel that would be best. Having it be worth two bits will make using it easier on him. Ok Barb there you have it, the coins your friend has can be used in town and its worth two bits." Dally took out a piece of paper and began to write on it. Once he was done and stamped it with the banks seal he past it to Barb. "Tell him to keep this on him at all times. When ever he tries to buy something if somepony takes issue with the coin tell him to show them this and all will be well." Barb leaned over and gave Dally another hug. "Thanks Dally now I can give my friend the good news. I'll be sure to come by and see you again real soon." "You do that now, I miss seeing you if your gone for too long. Not a lot of ponies trust Old Dally anymore. Say I'm too old but if there is one thing I know it's I'll die working this here bank. I was one of the first ponies to work it and the last of the original staff. I wont leave her till I'm dead and gone." Dally held a hand to Barb's cheek and gave her one of those smiles that just screams tired old stallion. "Don't worry I will Dally and I know you will be here for a long time yet." Barb waved as she left. As soon as she walked out the door from the corner of her eye Barb could see Twilight duck into the bush next to the window to the left of the door. Barb just shrugged and went about her day. She swung by the market to see if anypony needed any help and then stopped and got a box of cupcakes from Pinkie. After leaving Sugar Cube Corner she looked around and saw Twilight still tailing her with Rarity and Fluttershy following Twilight. Barb laughed as she headed for the tree Venrus marked. What made this funny was that there was little to no cover for Twilight to hide in around the area and every time she would turn around Twilight would try her best to hide. Barb made her way over to the tree line walking up and down till she found the right tree. Once she did she placed the ring to the crystal rune and the air in front of her cracked and tortured screams could be heard as it formed. .................................................................................................................................. Twilight was scared far worse then she ever was before. There in front of her sister the air cracked and screams unlike any she ever heard filled the air as the crack formed. Once the crack was as big as Barb it ripped open, on the inside was a swirling vortex of red, purple, black and silver. The screams grew louder as it opened wide enough for Barb to enter. Twilight got up running calling for Barb but she could not be heard. Barb walked through just as Twilight made it to her and the portal closed. Twilight stood stunned never before had she felt such dark magic. Even the magic Sombra had used did not feel this evil. In her mind there was only one thing to do. Twilight teleported to the train station and got a ticket for Canterlot. ........................................................................................................................................................... Barb found herself on the other side of the portal and looked back to see the gate through that scary wall. This was so much different then the one she went through to get to the human world. It was instant, just a step and she was there no falling through the dark but colorful portal, no being thrown out of it in a heap on the ground just a simple little step. Though the screaming was creepy. After the portal closed she turned around to see a maid bowing to her just outside the doors to the main hall. "Hello are you the one Master calls Barb?" The maid stood and looked at her and to barb she looked like another Draconian. "Yes I am I came to return the book I was given and tell him about the money he has." Barb studied the maid trying to see if she was Draconian but she looked nothing like herself. "I'm sorry but are you by chance a Draconian?" "No I am not but I am a cousin to them. I am of the Lizard men species. We are failed attempts at trying to make a new Draconian race." She gave another bow turned and waved for barb to follow. "Now if you follow me I will show you to the library. You can wait for Master there or take what you need and leave a message for him. Master said if you were to show to treat you as an honored guest and let you take one book of your choosing with you so long as you brought that one back." "Thank you uh.... I don't think I got your name?" "Oh my how rude of me I am Morgana one of the Battle Maids that defend the Keep in Masters absence." Morgana said as she looked over her shoulder. "Thank you Morgana. Can I ask you some questions?" "Yes of course it will be quit the walk to the library I do not see why it should be taken in silence." "Ok then why dose everypony call it a Keep is this not a Castle?" "No, Master and his brothers built this place as a staging point for their battles and raids across the land so they gave it the name 'The Dark Flame Keep'. It also is based on its appearance being dark and foreboding and the fact that all the fire in the Keep is dark flames." Morgana pointed to a torch that had beautiful black and blue flames dancing on the end of it. "Oh wow that is so beautiful, I've never seen flames like these. So you said Venrus had brothers. How come I have not met them yet? Are they Lycans as well?" "No they are not lycans as master Venrus is. Master Night Blade is a Thestral and Master Brights is a human with a monkeys tail." "Well if they are brothers how come they are different species, where they adopted or something?" "No they were just friends and the very best of friends. They fought together to gain power and fame and as they fought their bond grew till they did not see friends but brothers. That was when they built this place and created the guild they called home. With their bare hands they laid this place down to make a home for themselves and for others. They Invited the strong and the weak to make this place home and in time their enemies gave them the name 'The Dark Claw'. The guild grew and so did their power but then everyone began to leave till only the Masters remained." "So why do you call those three master?" "They were the ones to create the Keep and the guild so they were the ones in charge. Plus they were the ones to make us." "Wait they made you?" "Yes all the maids and butlers were made by the Masters. Anyway that will have to do for now we are here." Morgana stopped as she opened the door to the library. "Now I will put this away for you. Will you be staying till Master comes home or will you be leaving?" Morgana took the book from barb and made her way to where it belonged. "I think I will just take one of the magic training tombs and go. Where is some paper and ink so I can write a message?" Morgana pointed to a desk at the far side above the windows on the second level of the library. "over there Barb. Now what tomb do you want exactly?" Barb looked at her as she made her way up the stairs. "The Draconian's magic training tomb of healing magic please." She sat down and wrote out all she was told by Dally and that her sister, the Princess of Magic, would like to meet him and his people one day very soon and thanked him for the use of the books. After that she left and made it home by dark only to find Twilight not there. She went to bed and could not wait for the next day so she could tear through the book and learn about her strongest magic. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brights' and Night's first night in the desert was very uneventful so they spent most of their time talking and figuring out what still worked from the game. Pretty much everything from the game still worked save for a few select items that had special requirements. They found out that their Keep had to be somewhere on this planet because Brights' could still summon his insects. Night is an avid star gazer, he came to the conclusion they had to be on a different world because none of the stars matched the charts he made from the games night sky. Their first night they could not find a cave to sleep in once dawn came so Brights summoned his Crag Scavenger. This insect has a big upper body supported by two strong fore arms, with razor sharp claws for tearing into the earth. Its body comes down to a point where the back half is supported by centipede like legs. The creature is blind and relies on a strong sense of smell to get around as well as feeling vibrations in the ground. It could also spew acid from its mouth. Thanks to its help they had a place to sleep on that first morning in the desert. It was now night again and they found themselves in an uncomfortable silence as they followed Jirwolf to the minotaur village for something felt wrong this night. The air was heavy with the sent of blood and death which only grew as they kept following Jirwolf. They moved at a quickened pace weapons at the ready, and eyes peeled for any sign of danger. As they followed Jirwolf, soon fires could be seen in the distance. They thought them to be campfires but as they drew closer they could see the fire spreading and the sounds of battle being waged. Jirwolf disappeared into his amulet because he was out of energy. Night quickly took to the air and Brights run with all his might. Once Night was over the village, he could see Jirwolf was right they looked like minotaurs but not the ones he was used too. Most wore tribal clothing and fought with matching weapons. Some wore more western style cloths. They were being set upon by coyotes made from sand and dust. They chased down the minotaurs young and old with burning, soulless red eyes. Night watched as the minotaurs put up a valiant effort against the coyotes but every time they would destroy one it would soon return. He saw a young female fall and two of the coyotes pounce. He could no longer watch, he had to act. "Shield Crash!" He dove out of the sky with the force of a cannon smashing into one of the coyotes destroying it. He quickly turned to the other and slashed through its face. Sheathing his sword he held out his hand to the young cow. "Are you all right miss?" Little Strongheart looked to this armor clad titan in fear. He fell from the sky stopping her death but she knew nothing about him. She slowly reached out to him only to see the coyotes reform behind him. "Behind you, watch out!" She quickly jumped up and tackled him to the ground as the two coyotes flew over head. Night got up and quickly charged the coyotes that had grown in number a few feet from them. He stopped and swung his blade hard. "Shatter Wave!" a crescent blade flew from his sword into the group destroying a few. The blade then shattered sending tiny shards into more of the coyotes, destroying them but they soon reformed . He looked over his shoulder at the girl "What are they and how do I stop them?" He soon jumped into the fray again destroying them left and right. Little Strongheart could not believe what she was seeing. This stranger was not only keeping her safe from multiple enemies but fighting them to a stand still. She soon snapped out of her aw as a second one showed up flying over a tipi as he yelled "surprise", a wicked scythe in hand. He waved his weapon and called out "blade Wave" sending out a wave of energy destroying some coyotes and stopping at the side of the armored figure. "About damn time you got here Brights! What kept you?" Night snapped as he struck down another coyote only to watch it reform. "These things attacked me before I could get close so I had to fight my way here. No matter what skill I use or even my weapons ability they wont stay down. Doesn't look like your faring any better, so don't yell at me you Neanderthal." Now they were surrounded with the girl between them. The ring of coyotes jumped at them. "Night down, Buzz Guard!" Brights through his scythe causing it to spin like a saw in a circle around him taking out the attacking coyotes. Little Strongheart watched on as the two figures fought side by side keeping her safe and making it look like a cake walk. Any coyote that dared to come too close weather by itself or in a group was soon cut down. They fought like monsters and used attacks she thought only the strongest of worriers could use, even some her tribe could. Night looked around the village and saw most of the minotaurs were in the middle and faring far better them him and his brother. "Brights lets go to the middle there are more minotaurs there and they are holding better then we are." He took the girl by the arm yanking her to her hooves making her follow. Brights quickly passed Night taking point only to see a lot of the enemy stood in their way. He drew his scythe back and threw it "Buzz Ripper!" The scythe spun like a saw blade and rotated counter clockwise through the enemy clearing a small path before it stuck into the ground near the other minotaurs. "Speed Up, Agility Up!" Brights flashed green and then blue as he drew out his twin daggers. As they ran he did a series of flips and spins sending out waves of energy from his daggers keeping the way cleared as they drew closer to the center of the village. Chief Thunderhooves was looking round franticly for his daughter. Everyone knew once the coyotes attacked you had to get to the center of the village for safety. He and his warriors kept the coyotes at bay while the young, old and the cows were kept safe in the circle. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something flying toward them. It was a spinning blue blade and it ripped through the coyotes with ease. It stuck into the ground near him and his warriors and he saw it to be a wicked looking scythe. From the same way he could see someone running through the gap in the enemies to them destroying more as they went. This strange creature soon slid by the scythe placing it upon his back daggers in hand sliding into the circle and taking a side by one of his worriers. Another clad in formidable looking armor dragged his daughter into the circle and took his place next to the other creature. "Thank you for saving my daughter strangers. When this nightmare is over we will have words at the celebration." Thunderhooves look down to the two strangers. "Now is not the time for ideal chatter we need to keep these beast at bay. Shatter Wave!" Night said sending out a wave into the enemy destroying a few. Thunderhooves was surprised this stranger could use one of the marshal skills but now was not the time for chatter they had an enemy to hold. "How do we get rid of these things they wont die?" Brights yelled as he stabbed one in the head. "They are shadows, spirits of rage and hate brought to life by a dark force only the light of dawn will see them gone from this land for a time." one of the worriers yelled. "For a time, how often do they attack?" Brights asked the worrier to his right. "Twice a week at most but only at night. Once day breaks they will vanish." Thunderhooves said slamming his war club down on two of the coyotes. Brights smiled and laughed aloud "You hear that Night they hate the light! What say you give them a bath brother these dogs stink!" He then destroyed two more coyotes. "This is no time to joke my friend dawn is still a long ways away!" Thunderhooves yelled. "Just watch I got this!" Night slowly strode forward igniting in golden fire. "By the light of the radiant dawn I cast you back into shadow!" The coyotes began to cower in fear and back away. He pointed his sword into the air and all the flames flew off him and began to spin around gathering into an orb above the tip. "Solar Radiance!" The flames burst outward washing over the whole village making a shimmering dome of light. As the light spread it healed the injured. As soon as it hit the coyotes they howled in pain cracking, shadows flying forth till they shattered just like when the sun rose. Some had the right idea and tried to run but the light spread too quickly and soon not a single coyote was left. Night fell to one knee stabbing his blade into the ground to help keep himself up. Bright ran over and grabbed him helping him to his feet with a bit of effort for he was worn-out as well just not as bad as Night. "You did well brother take it easy I'll deal with the minotaurs. I got to say big guy you give a whole new meaning to blinded by the light." Night could not help but laugh at Brights he was too worn-out to do anything else. Cheers erupted behind them as the minotaurs ran over giving thanks and praise. Brights and Night nearly fell if not for a few of the cows caching them. Night saw the one he saved to his right while an old cow took his left from Brights. Brights was held up by two young cows. Now that both were steady on their feet Thunderhooves approached. "Thank you friends you not only saved the life of my daughter Little Strongheart," he held his hand out to her showing who she was "but also sent away the dreaded spirits saving us from a long hard fight till dawn. I am Chief Thunderhooves leader of the buffalo tribes of these plains and I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Thunderhooves took to one knee and placed a hand over his heart bowing his head. Soon after all but the four holding them were in the same position. Thunderhooves stood looking to them with a worm smile. "Come we will give you a place to lay your heads. Once everyone is well rested we feast in celebration for our victory and in remembrance of those who have fallen!" Everyone gave out a victory cry and soon made their way to their tipis. Night and Brights were put into the same tipi and left to rest. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not but two hours after dawn the village was a buzz with cows and calves. Those that were old enough helped make food and prepare everything for the evenings festivities. While the warriors slept to recover from last nights hard fight and those too young to help, played. There was one tipi in the village that had the calves attention. As they looked on at the sleeping forms of the strangers that helped to save them, they gaped in aw. Soon the armor clad worrier began to stir, they watched as he stood, stretched and as soon as he was done he kick the creature they had never seen before. The other stood and stretched and then grabbed his tail and yanked on it. A series of loud cracks could be heard before they started to dawn their gear and made their way to the entrance. Night and Brights had a smile on their faces as they watched the calves scramble as they made their way out. "So Night what are you going to do?" Brights folded his arms behind his head and leaned back supporting himself with his tale. "I'm going to see the Chief if I can. Get some info on where we are and see if there are any clues about our brother or our home. What about you?" He slightly turned to Brights. "Me? Well I think I'll just mess around with the yokels. See what's what and have some fun." Night fully turned to Brights towering over him "We need their help Brights don't go and mess this up with your shenanigans, got it!" Brights gave him a cocky smile "You know me bro, always out for the fun." Night slugged him in the shoulder "Just keep out of trouble ok? I don't want to have to bail you out again like last time." Brights turned and waved as he walked off "Don't worry so much ok, it will give you a gray mane." Night started to turn and began to walk before he was looking where he was going. He bumped into Little Strongheart nearly knocking her off her hooves. He quickly thrust out his hand grabbing her around her waist, pulling her up on her hooves and into his chest. A blush quickly took Little Strongheart's face and she backed away. "The little ones came and told me you and your friend were awake so I came to get you. My father, the Chief, wishes to speak to you." Little Strongheart looked around and then checked the tent. "May I ask where your friend went?" "Brights is a buffoon and is ill suited for what I believe your father wishes to speak of, so he took leave and is roaming around your village." She held her hand to her chin in thought. "I see, very well then I shale lead you to my father, please follow me." With that she turned and began to walk off with Night soon hot on her heels. From what he could tell as they walked Little Strongheart was leading him to the center of the village. They soon came upon a very impressive tipi which looked big enough to house at least ten to thirteen buffalo. Little Strongheart stopped just outside and held a hand up telling him to wait. She entered steam seeping from the opening before it closed and after a few minutes a deep gruff voice beckoned him in. It was hard to see at first with all the steam but soon he could make out the Chief and Little Strongheart sitting across a pit filled with smoldering logs. The Chief slowly reached over to a ladle in a tub of water and splashed some on to the logs making them give off more steam. "I am sorry stranger for asking you to come in here while it is like this, it must be uncomfortable for you as you've never been in this tradition before. After a hard battle it is customary to go through this right to heal the body and soul." Night just sat across from them and waved a hand. "It is quite all right Chief Thunderhooves. My brother enchanted my armor to be immune to heat or cold. I could fight on the top of a volcano ready to blow and would not feel its heat." Thunderhooves Smile grew a bit. "Your brother has done well then to make sure you are safe from harm, though he does not strike me as a skilled magi." Night just burst out laughing "I....I'm so sorry but....but do you mean Brights. Oh that is a good one. No sorry Brights is only skilled at summoning magic. No I mean our brother Venrus Nightingale, whom is the subject I would like to approach you on." "Go a head my friend ask what you will and I will tell all I can but I will hope for the same in return. For starters what is your name?" "Oh please forgive my rudeness I am Night Blade one of three leaders of the Dark Claw guild. Me and my brother Brights were out on a mission and some how ended up in this desert. If you can, have you heard anything about a strange Keep or creatures of unknown origins appearing in the area?" "I am afraid I have not. What of you my daughter have you heard anything from Appaloosa when you last went?" "No father I can not say I have but I am do to make a trip there tomorrow, perhaps I can take Night and Brights with me. They could ask around while I get supplies. If they don't learn anything they could take the train to one of the other pony cities and look there." "That is a great idea daughter. What say you Night?" "I don't see why not but it may be Brights that does all the talking I am a bit imposing in my armor." Thunderhooves smirked an tilted his head. "Then why not remove your armor or at the very least your helm? I have to say I would like to see whom I speak with." "I can not!" Night trembled in his armor as his memories flooded his mind. All that pain, all that suffering and it was all his doing. "I am sorry but I can not. When I was just starting out I was young and naïve. I join a guild I thought would help me make it to the top but in the end they were my downfall. They used and abused me to no end and blacked mailed me to keep me on a leash. It was not till my brothers found and saved me did I truly find a home. I am sorry but I will not show my face to anyone I do not trust with my life." "You fought by my side, I give you shelter and invite you to our feast and you think me unworthy of your trust!" Thunderhooves clenched his fist and was about to stand but was stopped by Little Strongheart. "Father he has just met us and is new to this land by what he told us. He is well within his rights to not show us who he is. He did save my life after all." Thunderhooves grunted and gave a small bow. "Please excuse my outburst. Now let us get on to other matters." ................................................................................................................................................................ Brights was sitting on top a tipi watching as everyone went about there business. The cows were happily at work and calves were running around. He was starting to get very board until a group of calves started to call to him. He jumped down from the tipi into the middle of the small group before they even saw what happened. They all jumped and spun to the middle where he was standing. "Wow mister you sure are fast. How did you do that?" Brights gave them a big smile before he crossed his legs and sat on his tail using it as a chair to sit in the air. "The how does not matter little one but what does is what you need with me." A few began to marvel at how he could just sit three feet off the ground on his tail but a few were still determined to talk to the new creature. "We want to know how you did that. All there is to do is clime the cliffs or go to the cave or the cannon. Every time we try to get to the top on the tipis they come apart and if we do get up there the poles move causing it to fall." "Well you see what I'm doing now right, well its the same thing. All I did was jump up on top and kept my weight even with the poles to make sure it didn't fall. You just got to practice is all." Bright laid back on his tail without falling over making a few of the calves mad. "We do, the cows do there job and we bulls train to be warriors but I've never seen anyone do what you have." "Well I am not a warrior, I don't rely on strength to beat my opponents like you do. I am a rouge, I use speed and agility to take down my enemies." "Oh we met someone like that once. He wanted to fight some of the bulls and beat them by getting around their attacks and going for their weak points." "Yes that is exactly what I do. So now that you got your answer is there anything else?" A female calf walked up to him with a cute innocent smile. "Yes there is. Tag your it." She then gave him a big shove nocking him to the ground and the calves ran off. Some of the cows that saw what happened moved to help him but stopped when they saw his face. It was not one of anger but one of mirth and glee. A huge smile threatened to split his face in two as he got on to all fours his tail lashing in the air like an anger cobra. What the cows saw looked like a wild beast ready for a fight. "So that's how you want to play it. Well ready or not here I come." He pushed off to the left and in a blur of motion he was gone. Only a little push of kicked up dust moving in the same direction was any indication he was ever even there. For the rest of the day till it was time for the festival the mirthful screams of the calves could be heard throughout the village. Right as the festival was to start Brights walked by and happened to see Night, the Chief and Little Strongheart leaving a tipi. "So how did everything go Night, get any useful info from the Chief here?" "Yes but nothing on Venrus or the Dark Flame Keep. Tomorrow we will go with Little Strongheart here to a nearby settlement and see what we can find. Depending on what we get, there is a train we can take to other cities to gather more info." "I see, that is a problem. I hope we can find him soon he cant take care of the garden if his life depended on it and the servants can only do so much." Thunderhooves threw an arm over their shoulders pulling them close. "That is for tomorrow my friends but for now we party!" The festival went on well into the night and everyone had a blast. The food, music and drink set the perfect atmosphere. Brights and Night both had a good time but slipped off to get a early rest for the trip a head. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been two days since Twilight left for Canterlot to meet with Celestia and Luna. Now that she was back she had work to do. After talking to the other princesses of what she knew and had seen they were very concerned for the safety of their little ponies. It had been agreed that since Twilight did not see him cast the spell to make the dark portal and he was unfamiliar with their laws being from a different dimension not to mention an unknown species. She was to meet with him and his own to assess if they were a threat or not. If she felt even the slightest bit of doubt she was to convince him to go to Canterlot where he could be dealt with by all three of them together. First things first, she had to find the one draconian that knew where to find him. After she had gotten off the train she made her way to her home to find it empty. She went around to where she thought she could find her friends to see if they knew where to find her sister. Pinkie and Applejack were of no help but then she ran into Fluttershy who said Barb was at the hospital helping out so she could practice her healing magic. Twilight flew as fast as her wings could take her and quickly touched down in front of the hospital. After walking in she spotted Nurse Redheart and made a beeline right for her. "Nurse Redheart where is Barb, I need to see her right away!" "Oh Princess it is so nice to see you. Your sister is in one of the rooms down the hall tending to patients we send her way. If you'll follow me I will show you to her." Nurse Redheart then began to look over a clipboard before looking into the waiting room. "Carrot Top if you would follow me we can get that gash seen too." Carrot Top walked over and from what Twilight could tell it would need stiches and a good healing spell to fix. Both of them followed Nurse Redheart down the hall till they came to an open door wherein sat Barb. "Hey Redheart what do you got for me this time?" "Well Barb, Carrot Top has a gash on her arm from her farm tools. It is not too bad so we would like you to take care of it. Also your sister is here for you." She waved them in and Carrot Top took the seat in front of Barb while Twilight just stood there. "I'll talk to you when I'm done with Carrot Top here, Okay Twilight. Also she will be the last one I will see today Redheart this new spell I'm trying really takes a lot out of me." "That's quite all right Barb we are just happy for the help. Plus we have been able to get threw a lot more patients since you asked if you could practice your healing magic to help ponies. Now why don't we get this done so Carrot Top can be on her way and you can talk with your sister." Barb gave a quick two fingered salute "Will do! Now I need you to hold your arm up and as still as you can for me okay Carrot Top?" "Sure thing Barb. Uhh this isn't going to hurt is it?" she asked as she lifted her arm. "It will only sting a bit I promise." Barb then blew a small wisp of her fire out onto her hand and made it expand till it was the size of a baseball but was nearly see threw. Carrot Top quickly withdrew her arm out of fright. Barb slowly laid her free hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be okay I promise this is just how my magic works. Now give me your arm and I'll fix you right up." Carrot Top slowly held out her arm again but this time it was trembling, so Barb grabbed it with her free hand to help steady it. She then slowly ran the flame up and down the gash. To everyponies surprise, save for Nurse Redheart and Barb, the flames did not burn and as soon as they hit the gash it slowly began to close. It started on both ends of the gash working its way to the middle. As it closed it let off tiny wisps of smoke and the gash soon looked like a small, thin, red hot line on Carrot Top's arm. Once it was closed barb pulled the flame away to reveal that not only was it healed but the scar was so tiny that one could say it was not even there. Even the fur that had been removed before hand to get a better look at the injury and to clean it had grown back already. Barb gave her a joyous smile "See there was nothing to worry about." she huffed a little out of breath. Carrot Top quickly hugged her giving thanks before she left with Nurse Redheart. Twilight stood there mouth agape at what she had seen. Her sister had healed a very serious looking wound without the aid of stiches or painkillers as most unicorns would without being a very high level healer. But before she could get a word out about anything she was abruptly slapped up side the head. "Ow! What was that for?" she yelled while holding the side of her head. "That was for making us worry! You left so suddenly with no note or any indication on where you were going! You were gone for two days Twilight, two whole days! You did not tell our friends or me, your own sister!" Barb just glared at her with her arms crossed. With shock plastered on her face Twilight quickly began to leave the hospital not wanting anypony else to hear them fighting. "I had to go see Celestia and Luna it was very important but that does not matter right now. Were you able to talk to your friend Venrus about us meeting?" "Well seeing as he spent the last two days helping with my healing magic since my sister whom I wanted to help me was gone, yes I was able to talk to him. He did not like the idea at first but I was able to talk him into it with the help of his daughters. He will host a party for us at his Keep he just wants some notice before hand. Seeing as it is just a little past noon I'm sure he would be able to get it together for today if I tell him now." "That's great Barb but don't you think a party for two is a little much?" Twilight asked as she opened the castle doors. "No not at all since he said I could bring anypony I wanted to. So I thought that our friends could come and the CMC as well. I think they would make great friends for his daughters, they are the same age. I also wanted to take Vinyl and Tavi since he has some good taste in music I think they would have a lot to talk about. Also it will be a party that requires formal wear. All the cloths he and his people have are really old fashion so we thought formal wear would be a good choose so they don't stand out so much. That is one thing I think Rarity will like the most." The more she talked the more Barb seemed to glow to Twilight, as if this Venrus was beginning to mean more to her, but that couldn't be right they only just met. "Well that is great sis why don't you pop over and see if he can do it and I will round everypony up so you can give us the news as soon as you get back okay?" "That's great sis thanks!" Barb ran up and hugged her. "I'll be back as fast as I can!" she yelled as she tore off. Twilight spent the next twenty minutes looking for everypony luckily she ran into the CMC and they agreed to help round everypony up. After about forty minutes everypony was now in the castle's foyer. Twilight explained why they were there and what was going on and told them barb would have more information upon her return. Twilight then took the next five minutes explaining to her friends where she had been and what she was asked to do, in return they offered their help in the endeavor. Barb soon strode in through the doors and explained that the party would be from six till everypony was ready to leave. She also said that there will be food, music and a performance. Seeing as it was now close to two in the afternoon Rarity shrieked about not having enough time to get ready. While everypony else asked a few question and agreed to go. The CMC's sisters were a bit hesitant at first but agreed only because it was summer break and they were seventeen now. Once everypony was in agreement it was decided that they would meet at Rarity's because her house was closest to the portal and she could make any needed adjustments to anyponies outfits. Everypony quickly took off to go get what they need, all but Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Twilight stopped and turned to them before going to her room. "Rarity, Sweetie why aren't you leaving to go get ready?" "Because darling we wanted to walk with you it is not that far. Plus I need to make sure Barb does not go and get anything I have a surprise for her at the boutique." She was tightly gripping one of her arms to emphasize the point. "Now go get what you need and we shall be off." She stated waving her hand dismissively. Twilight soon came back with her dress inside one of those bags you hang but can see through and a pare of midnight blue high heel shoes. They took off down the street and soon came to Rarity's. She unlocked the door and showed them in. She quickly went into the back room and came back with a box handing it to Barb. "Here darling this was going to be a birthday present but I feel tonight would be a good night to use it. Now you two get changed while we run upstairs and get something for ourselves. Once I'm back I will make any needed adjustments." Sweetie and Rarity then dashed up the stairs. Twilight and Barb went into the changing booths and Twilight was the first out. Twilight came out in a form fitting midnight blue dress. The dress was covered with crystals to make it look like the night sky. An ornate silver band sat just below her breasts that went front to back. The dress was open between her breasts and came up to her neck where it was held in place by a silver collar. Her arms and shoulders were free as was her back save for two silver bands that helped hold the dress in place leaving plenty of room for her wings. Barb came out wearing knee high boots with white pants. A fiery orange came down to her ankles open in the front and right side to show off her legs. The top was white with red trim with the same fiery orange coming out of the end of the sleeves. There were three metal bands on each shoulder and on her right side. Two metal rings hung off of each arm from just below the shoulders. She walked out and spun in front of one of the mirrors to get a look at herself before turning to Twilight. "I love it Twilight, Rarity really out did herself this time." Stopping and holding out her arms "So what do you think?" "It looks good on you Barb it really does." "Well I am so happy you like it darling I was not sure it was to your tastes." They both turned and saw Rarity standing on the stares in a very stunning dress. It was a black form fitting sleeveless dress. A v cam down from her neck to her mid section bordered by white frills. The dress was open from the middle of her thigh down to make it easier to walk and let her show off her legs. "Wow Rarity I don't ever remember seeing you wear that, when did you make it?" Barb asked as Rarity came down. "Oh I have had this for a while now. I made it for a date I was to go on but he never showed up. I will not let a dress go unworn I just didn't have the right place to wear it to but now I do." "So what did you make for Sweetie Belle to wear Rarity, it must be good." Twilight asked. "Well Twilight I didn't make what Sweetie will be wearing she made it herself. She has gotten quite good helping me do work around the shop." "Well I'm glad you think so sis but I need to see what you all think first." They all turned to see Sweetie making her way down the stairs. She wore a red dress held to her by two straps with most the back open. The skirt stopped just above her ankles and had tiny holes in it letting her white fur shine through. It was open in front of both legs and she was in black heels. "Well Sweetie dear it is a very unique design I will give you that but don't you think it is a bit......" Rarity started. "Much. I mean it looks good on you and is well made but it's a bit showy." Twilight smiled sheepishly. Barb walked up and hugged Sweetie because she began to look glum and was rubbing her right arm. "Now don't you listen to them Sweets. It's a great dress and you look hot in it. Plus your turning eighteen soon so start doing things you want to." "Thanks Barb your a great friend." Sweetie hugged her back. They were interrupted by a nock at the door. Twilight opened it with her magic to see Rainbow and Scootaloo all ready in their outfits and Pinkie behind them with her dress on her shoulders. Pinkie ran in and dragged Rarity into one of the changing booths. Scootaloo came in wearing a beautiful outfit Rainbow had got her from over seas. It had red cloth bracers with gold bracelets. A red and white dress shirt with gold trimming. She had black pants with a gold design on the sides. Rainbow strode in after in a tiny red and black dress she got from over seas. It had a short skirt and around her waist was a rope belt that hung low with gold orbs at each end. The mid section was black with two gold bands around it. The upper portion was backless and was tide behind her neck to hold the whole thing up. From her elbows sprouted two ornate gold spikes that held her sleeves in place. She wore two black boots were the right one went up above her knee and the left stopped just below. "Wow Rainbow those look so beautiful. When you said you had gotten some good cloths from your over seas trip you weren't kidding, these are awesome." Barb said while circling the two. "Next time you and the Wonderbolts go over seas pick me something up please?" "Barb cut that out." Twilight gave her a swat on the head messing up her green hair. "She is right though Rainbow those are beautiful." "Thanks girls so who are we still missing?" Rainbow said looking around. "Vinyl, Octavia, Fluttershy, Applejack and Apple Bloom I believe are the ones we are waiting on." Twilight said while Barb, Scootaloo and Sweetie talked by themselves. "Few, thanks Rarity I don't think I could have gotten into that by myself. I love the dress you made for me but it's a little hard to get into." The girls all turned to see Pinkie coming out of the booth wearing a dazzling dress. The dress was strapless but hugged Pinkies curves tightly so as not to fall. The whole gown was pink and blue with the bottom being really poofy having a lot of ruffles. The chest portion was decorated with tiny gemstones . With a line of them running from Pinkies bust to her waist where the gems went around to make a band above the ruffles. All they could do was stare in stunned silence. Pinkie through her arms up and wined "What?" "Nothing Pinkie it's just that looks gorgeous on you." Twilight said walking around her friend. "When did Rarity make this for you Pinks?" Rainbow asked. "Oh she made it for a date I went on with Cheese Sandwich. I only ever wore it once so I thought I would wear it again." Pinkie just smiled. Rarity's door quickly opened and Applejack came in. "Howdy there Rarity, Bloom and I are gonna need some help here." Applejack was in a older outfit, she wore knee high boots with leggings that came up over her knees. She had on a tiny brown skirt with a white under skirt, held to her by a black belt. Her white blouse was hidden on her mid section by the black corset. To finish it off she had on a brown long sleeve shoulder coat and her Stetson. "Why darling what ever would you need help with? Looks like everything is in order to me." Rarity said looking at her. "I cant close the blouse all the way and Apple Bloom lased the corset too tight." Applejack moved out of the way to let her sister in while Rarity tried to help her friend. Apple Bloom came in wearing brown boots and fingerless gloves tide to her arms. The top was velvet and hugged her figure thanks to the three belts acrossed her middle. The Middle of the top was striped and her bust was hidden under a golden laced design. The skirt was the same material as the shirt with a white trim. The skirt was hiked up a little by two belts showing the frilly black under skirt. She quickly went over to Rarity and told her what needed fixing on her outfit. Before anypony could get a word in about how they looked or where they got the outfits they heard a bit of arguing outside. A little after Vinyl and Octavia soon stepped through the door way. Octavia was in a simple purple drees that had flower and feather designs on the right side. Vinyl was in a white and red dress, that had music notes on it. The sleeves were long and had a black core running around the right one with a red strip going down both. The front of the skirt was short with the back being longer. She wore white boots and a pair of headphones around her neck. Two lightning bolts hung from her ears to the back of her head and she had on her trademarked glasses. Everypony was helping each other do their manes and makeup while Rarity fixed anything needed on their outfits. After a while there was a light knock on the door. Barb walked over an opened it to reveal Fluttershy in a slim green dress. The whole thing was held up by a bead strap that went between her breasts over her left shoulder and around her mid section. There was a see through veil that was around the dress from her mid section down that was blowing in the slight breeze. It had taken them awhile but now with everyponies mane, makeup and dresses fixed they had twenty minutes before the party started. Rarity was fussing over the fact that they had to walk to the portal in their dresses but it had not rained in a week so the ground was dry and there was nothing on the path to the portal that would ruin them. It did not take them long to reach the portal and Barb explained how it worked. Even with her explanation they were still freaked out by the screaming. Barb was the last through and the portal closed behind her. Barb could not help but laugh at the faces her friends and sister were making. Cloaked in darkness from the shadow of the mountain the blue glow from the dark fire did nothing to hinder the imposing wall before them. The gate stood open with a friendly glow and sweet music that was playing made it seem so inviting. Barb quickly strode in front of her friends turning to them throwing her arms open. "Welcome my friends to The Dark Flame Keep." She turned and started to lead them into the Keep. Most of the girls were talking about how frightening this place was while some were talking about how cool it look. Everypony stopped in their tracks once they got through the gate into the courtyard. The beautiful gardens were cast in the soft glowing light of the Starlit Moths. Accompanied by the music coming from the main doors gave the garden a serein feel to it. Barb gave her friends time to admire the gardens. Rarity was gushing over how beautiful it looked while Twilight and Fluttershy were talking about the new species of moth that they had at the Keep. Their attention was drawn to the doors as a male with a deep voice cleared his throat. Darthus stood there with Morgana both of which were in newer nicer cloths. Both wore the normal cloths you would see maids and butlers wear but they looked better and newer to Barb. "Barb it is good to see you and I must say you and your guests look lovely this evening." Darthus gave a bow. Darthus was an older man but he aged well. His long white hair was tide back into a ponytail that reached the back of his knees. His bangs came down and covered his left eye and he had a well kept mustache and beard. "Barb a pleasure as always." Morgana gave a curtsy. "Now on behalf of our Master we welcome you our guests." They both bowed off to the side of the doors one hand over their hearts the other pointing to the doors. Darthus went through the doors first. Barb followed with the girls hot on her heels with Morgana bringing up the rear. As they walked down the corridor the polished gold and marble shown in the beautiful blue glow given off by the dark fire torches lining the hall. They past some stairs on their way and soon the long hallway opened up to a glorious ball room. The ceiling was high enough to fit at least one dragon and was held up by glowing crystal pillars. From the pillars hung tide up silk curtains, beyond the pillars was the blue glow of the dark fire. That is before it changed color and as it turn so did the color of the crystal pillars. The main portion of the room was lit by three crystal chandeliers that floated in the air. Food was on the left side of the room and on the right was a stage where some of the maids and butlers were playing the music. At the far end of the room was a huge red banner with gold trim, at its center was the same dragon emblem in Barb's ring. In front of the banner was three thrones. The one on the left had different insects carved into its back. The one on the right had a floating light above it and the back was carved to look like bat wings. The middle throne had a giant wolfs head crave into the top and leaning back in the seat with his head on his fist resting on the arm of the chair was Venrus. As they walked toword him Barb could hear the others talking about him. Some was of intrigue and some was of fear. Barb had to admit that he did look good. Venrus had taken off his old blood stained cloth he used to cover his eyes and had on a bright purple silk one instead. He had on a red puffy shirt that stuck out through his black dress coat at the chest and at the end of the sleeves. He had on a simple pair of dress pants. Venrus stood, walked down the three steps of the platform the thrones sat on and slashed his hand through the air. In that instance all the noise from talking maids and butlers and the music from the band was cut off. "I welcome ya to dis little party. I am yer host for dis evening, I am Venrus Nightingale." He gave them a low bow. "Those of my staff dat can perform will be providing music for da evening unless ya would like to change da music dat is being played. As ya can see we have quite da spread laid out so help yerself. Ya are free to talk to anyone ya like. Later on my daughters would like to give ya all a small performance. As to dat note I would now like for ya to meet them. Asha please come forward." Twilight and the gang watched as Asha came out from behind one of the crystal pillars and walked in front of the group. Her beautiful white fur shown brightly in the light in contrast to her dress. It was a beautiful black velvet dress where the inside of the sleeves and the middle of the dress was a red floral pattern. The dress was tightly laced around her mid section and she wore a dazzling necklace. She gave a small curtsy. "Nice to meet ya I am Asha Nightingale." She then took her place at her fathers side. "Mellia come forward please." From behind the same pillar came Mellia and she stopped in front of the group. Her black dress went beautifully with her red fur. It was a strapless dress, held tight to her by the corset like top section of the dress. the bottom was a two layer piece with the inside being frilly. she wore long black silk gloves and had on an impressive necklace. She then curtsied to them. "A pleasure I am Mellia Nightingale." she then took the opposite side from her sister by their father. Venrus held out his hand and smiled "Though dey are family my maids and butlers are too numerous for introduction. Dey can do so when ya speak with dem. Now I believe it is yer turn." Barb stepped forward "These are my friends Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and last but not least my sister Twilight Sparkle." Barb pointed to each one as she said their names. Pinkie then jumped out of the line they were in and yelled out "Lets get this party started!" before jumping into the air and rushing off to the food table. Two of the band members began to play while the rest took a small break. Octavia made her way over to the band and was talking shop while most of them were on break. Vinyl and Applejack joined Pinkie at the food table. Rarity, Sweetie and Apple Bloom were asked to dance. Scootaloo and Rainbow were talking to some of the maids and butlers that had wings. After saying high to Barb the twins asked for a couple of butlers to dance. Twilight was off to the side sipping at punch while talking with Barb and Venrus about the training they were doing to help Barb with her healing magic. After their break the band struck up another song. With the new song playing Venrus took Barb to the floor for a dance. Applejack went to the floor as well and Rarity stopped by the table for something to drink. Twilight joined her friends that were at the food table and was surprised most of the foods were normal things that anyone could eat but once she saw the meat she was shocked. He was a high level mage Twilight could tell that from when she first laid eyes on him. He and a lot of his people were predators. That in and of itself was not enough to get him to go to Canterlot where he could be dealt with. Even more so since everyone was so kind and showed no hostility to them even though they were herbivores. Twilight knew something was wrong though. Venrus was only twenty four and the magic laced throughout his Keep would take more years to place or more power then he possessed. Not to mention she could feel dark magic in the Keep as well but without finding it she could not take him to Canterlot. Then she felt it, a very weak pull to a place of great dark magical power. Twilight slowly began to follow the pull away from the party. She went far and high into the keep till she came to a huge chamber with but a single door and the closer she got the more dark power she could feel. Twilight walked over and opened the door but what she saw on the other side she just could not believe. Instead of a room Twilight found another world all together. From the door she looked upon a ravaged land locked in an endless storm. Every time the lighting flashed she could glimpse the dark world before her. A huge broken wall circled the area, from the holes a foul fog rolled in. The middle had a huge hole blown into it and some form of glowing lake sat in the middle. Stone floated in mid air and screams could be heard throughout the land. Off in the distance Twilight could see three towers. One of which was broken in two with the top half floating in the air. "Ya know it is not polite to go snooping in someone else's home, let alone deir private area." someone from behind her said in a hostile tone. Twilight screamed and jumped out of her skin as she fell back into the new area. Venrus was standing in the doorway. "If ya wanted a tour of da Keep all ya had to do was ask, but dis area is off limits without me present." Venrus held out a hand to Twilight. "Sorry but I felt a pull to dark magic and followed it. What is this place?" She was shacking badly from the scare and his hostile tone. "Dis is my work shop. I keep my private library here as well as my tools for making potions and rune crafting. It is also where I test new spells and let my broda test his weapons." "What do you test them on and how is this place even possible? You have a whole other area inside one room in a small tower of your Keep." "Dis place is possible through trans dimensional magic. I took dis room placed a pocket dimension into it and built dis place to suit my needs. We test our spells and weapon on our resurrected enemies. Da lake you see in da middle is a soul well and enemies we bring here and kill has its soul taken and placed within. From dat point on we can take da soul out place it into a fake body and fight da enemy as much as we like. We also use dem for training because da soul will act as it did when alive dey give better combat training." Here she was looking around for the proof she needed to get him to Canterlot and have him dealt with and he handed her all she needed. Necromancy was one of the worst dark magics anypony could use and he was talking about it as if using it was a normal part of every day life. She had to get him to Canterlot and fast before this syco kills anypony. "Would you be able to come with me tomorrow to meet the other Princess?" Twilight asked shaking like a leaf. "I don't see why not. I will meet ya by da portal at say noon but for now we must go." "Why?" "Because my daughters are almost done with deir performance and it looks like yer friends are almost ready to go." He started to walk away and before Twilight could take a step he turned and look out to the shattered realm. "Ya know dere's a romance in darkness, it draws out ones curiosity and beckons a desire to taste da unknown." With a wave of his hand the door closed as he walked away. Twilight caught one last glimpse into that forsaken realm before the door closed. She lingered but a moment listening to the cries of wayward souls before following after Venrus. It was not but an hour longer before the party drew to an end. Twilight told her friends of what she had found and they were scared, but agreed to go with her tomorrow incase their friendship power was needed. Soon everypony went their separate ways and got ready for the day a head. Twilight sent Celestia a very shaky letter before falling into a horrible nights sleep. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a little past noon Twilight and her friends were waiting for Barb to show up with Venrus at the train station. Twilight was getting nervous because the next train to Canterlot would be here in ten minutes and they had yet to show. She turned to the stairs when she heard them coming. They were talking about starting her magic school training so she could learn some spells for self defense or get her a weapon. Twilight grew very concerned when she saw him, decked head to toe in some strange armor with a huge scimitar and some weird looking stick that seamed to be made of black scales. Over all he looked like a warrior ready for battle but what unnerved her most was the evil she felt from that strange stick. "Is it really necessary for you to have all of that?" Twilight asked. "Aye it is. I never leave anywhere without my gear. Never hurts to be prepared." Venrus said as he patted the swords pummel. "I don't think they'll let ya take yer sword with ya on the train partner." Applejack stated looking a bit cross. "Well den tell me where Canterlot is and I'll get dere my own way." he looked to her as he folded his arms. Before anything else could be said the train blew its whistle as it pulled into the station. Quite a few ponies got off the train and were given quite the start upon seeing Venrus. Some even rushed back into the train at the sight of him. Venrus then went to the ticket counter bought a ticket then gave it to the teller and asked about an empty car. Barb and the others followed him into the empty car and took there seats. Barb took the seat acrossed from him while the others sat around him, watching carefully. About thirty minutes into the trip Twilight watched in awe as he stuck his hand into a fog and pulled out a crystal cube. "What is that?" Twilight asked drawing the attention of her friends. " Oh, dis?" He let go of it but instead of falling to the ground it hovered there. "Dis is a beats cube. It lets me store music and play it later." "Oh my, that is beautiful darling. How does it work? I've never seen a crystal like that before and I know my gems." Rarity said looking over the seat from behind him. "It's called melody crystal. If ya play music ya own near da cube it records it as a wave in da crystal. When ya turn da crystal on light runs from da center out. When it hits da wave ya want to play da light coming from da center makes da wave vibrate and plays da music stored in da wave." Venrus reached forward tapping the crystal with a claw and a brilliant light shown from within. He then began to move his claw around and the light kept on changing till he stopped and tapped it again. All of a sudden this sad but beautiful song began to play. "Ya that song was okay don't you got something with edge?" Rainbow said sitting down next to Venrus. "Edge? Ya I can do edge." he then began to move his claw on the crystal again till he tapped it. After about forty minutes of playing songs that the girls requested the light in the cube died. Twilight watched as he put it away into that strange fog but instead of just his hand coming out he pulled a bottle. He pulled the quark and took a big drink before he realized they were staring. "What? Do ya want some cause I got more." "No Venrus I think they are more concerned with what it is you are doing." Barb smirked at them. "It's just a simple storage spell." He looked out the window. "Ya see wear I'm from everyone..." "You mean everypony." Twilight corrected. "No I mean everyone, dere are more den just ponies living here isn't dere? Saying everypony when dere are more den just ponies living near ya is racist." He scratched his ear before looking at her. "Oh I never looked at it like that. We were just brought up like that its only been here recently that other races have started to move into Equestria." Twilight gave a sheepish smile. "I see, well dat's a bit of useful news. So how long do dese train rides normally take to get to..... Canterlot was it?" "Not much longer. you can see the base of the mountain now so I would say another half hour." "Must be quite da sight I wager." Venrus smirked. "Oh it is darling, I mean if you look up through the window you can see Canterlot sitting on the mountain side shining in the sun." Rarity pointed out the window. Venrus gave a sigh "Oh if only. I will have to take yer word for it." "Well there is no need for that you can just look for yourself dear." Rarity tipped his head. Venrus clenched his fist and was about to speak up but Barb placed her hand on his. "Rarity that's enough! Venrus cant see it, he's blind." All the girls gasped but Rainbow. She grabbed one of the apples Applejack had brought for the ride and threw it at him. Venrus quickly shot his hand up and grabbed the apple before it hit him. "Oh ya if he's blind how can he do that!" She yelled pointing a finger at him. "Because I don't see like ya do. I'm sure yer unicorn friends can tell ya dat." He smirked at her. "What are you talking about I don't know how you see." Twilight looked at him questionably. "I am afraid I don't know either darling." Rarity shrugged. "Well den let me show ya." Venrus then clapped his hands together and a small orb formed. "Spell Gift." A ball flew to each girl and was connected to the one in his hand by a small thread. "Mana Sight." All of a sudden the air around them shimmered like a rainbow. "It's so beautiful." Rarity gasped. "Okay what in sam hell is goin on. This just ain't natural." Applejack grabbed the arm rest. "Well it is for me. Ya see dis is my mana or magical force. I push it out into da air around me and use da skill I just used on ya to see it but I have to use another to help it. Ya see Mana Sight and Mana Sense let me see da world around me even though I am blind. My mana coats everything it touches. Mana Sense makes me more sensitive to it. Mana Sight shows me what my mana touches, but its all in black and white. I can see no colors, I never know if it's day or night and I can only see as for as I can push my mana." "Can I ask how you lost your sight?" Twilight asked. "No I am sorry it's not something I like to talk about." He looked to her. "Well then can we see your eyes?" All the girls gasped and looked to Pinkie "What? I've never seen blind eyes before." "It's fine. I may not like to talk about how it happened but it did. Besides my eyes are very different from normal blind creatures." Venrus slowly pulled back his hood to show that his bone mask was held in place by a bone plate that ran from the top of the mask to the back of his head. He slid the whole thing off and slowly opened his eyes. All the girls gasped as they looked upon his black souless eyes. You could not see anything. no iris or pupil, just black. He then put everything back on as they started to ascend the mountains side. The rest of the trip was taken in silence and once they reached the stations they got off drawing looks to Venrus. Their attention was drawn to a squad of approaching guards. "Princess Twilight we are to escort you and your guest to the gardens where your brother and the Princesses are waiting. Please follow us." They turned and began to walk away. Venrus listened to Twilight and Rarity as they took turns going on about the things they passed in the city as they followed the guards. So far the only things that caught his eye was the doughnut shop and some clothes and jewelry stores. Soon they came up to a very impressive castle that glittered in the light. Venrus noticed the looks he was getting from the guards as they went through the gates and a aura of danger. He pushed his mana further out around him and then he saw it, the closer they got to the gardens the more guards he spotted and all of them were looking at him. He even saw some that were trying to hide from him. Soon they rounded a corner and Venrus got quite the shock when he saw the magical auras the other two princesses were giving off. From what he new from Barb all the princesses were alicorns, yet the aura he saw around Twilight was nothing like these two. Lost in his thought he didn't even notice the girls had stopped walking. He looked back to see them holding Barb back and then it happened, all the guards rushed him. They had him surrounded spears leveled for a killing blow should he try to make a move. He gripped his sword tightly "What is da meaning of dis?" Shining Armor stepped forward "You are under arrest for the use of illegal magic. Drop your weapons and stand down or we will use force to detain you." Venrus snarled at him drawing his sword "Not on yer life pup. I ain't done a thing wrong and if ya attack me I will defend myself." Shining drew his own sword an boy was it a sword. The entire blade was made from blue crystal and had golden ruins imbedded into it. "Don't lie to me dog. Princess Twilight saw the necromancy that you said you use often." "Necromancy is a common magic and is used by many I know. I'm friends with a Lich for moons sake." Venrus then turned to Twilight "Dis is yer doing, why? I've been nothing but friendly and even showed yer sister what she truly is. I've been helping her with her magic." He then looked to Barb "Did ya know of dis?" Barb was trying her hardest to get free but Applejack and Rainbow were too much for her. "No I swear Venrus I had no idea this was going to happen. You've done so much for me I would never betray you like this." "Enough of this take him!" Shining barked to the guards. The guards that had him surrounded with spears rushed him but he jumped over them at the last possible chance "Spectral Blade." He swung his sword down at the spears as they connected and several rainbow hewed slashes ripped through the air destroying the spears. As he landed he kicked all the spear heads into the air stretching out his arms "Aura Burst." A shell of black and red energy expanded off of him launching the spears at the guard. Those that some were quick enough to dodge the spear heads but those that weren't got hit in dangerous places. All but a few were put onto there back when they got hit by the energy shell. Venrus then flipped his blade into a reverse grip and crouched low to the ground till he was resting on his three remaining limbs, sword held over his back. "I'll say dis one last time. I have done nothing wrong, continue to attack me and I may end up killing some of ya. Very few of ya here have da power or skill to challenge me. Terror Form." He growled at them. Some of the guards were shacking in their armor and did their best to stand their ground. The one they were supposed to detain was strong and now just looking at him was terrifying. Some how dark energies began to seep out of him, casting him in a dark glow to the point he blended together into a dark beast. Only the purple glow from his armor shown through. As he growled at them they no longer saw a sentient being but a beast from the very pits of Tartarus waiting to steal their very souls. Princess Celestia and Luna knew Twilight would never lie to them and they could feel dark magic come from Venrus but he showed no signs of it. From what they knew all dark magic corrupts the user and drives them mad and some dark magics do worse. Necromancy rotted the flesh and twisted the soul slowly turning the user into an undead but there were no signs. Venrus himself even admitted to knowing a Lich the end result of using Necromancy. Twice now he had used magic they had not seen in a long time and what he said was true he was far stronger then all their guard. Shining Armor might stand a chance and there was no clue who would win a drawn out battle. The problem was no pony knew the extent of Venrus' power. Before any orders could be given more of the guard drew their swords and rushed Venrus. "Blazing Furry Slash No.9" All of a sudden he was gone then flaming lines formed on the ground as guards were cut down left and right. One lost an arm, two lost a leg and the rest had either their back or chest cut open. All of them fell next to or inside the flaming line and at the end of a line he sat hand in the fire. From above one could see the flames were not random but made into a magic circle. "Rising Tempest, fusion magic Greater Flame Twister." a tornado formed above the flames pulling them up and around the fallen guard into a firry inferno. If not for the fast acting of some unicorns using high level water spells those guards would have been killed. Healers rushed out to remove and tend to the injured. Mean while Venrus was being held at bay by pegasus archers but he was not shaken in the slightest. Venrus was calmly weaving between the arrows and those he could not dodge he struck away with his sword. "Smash: Thousand Needles." his sword glowed green and sent out a energy wave that smashed the arrows. Then it broke apart launching green energy needles at the pegasus but they easily avoided them. The Princesses watched on as their guard tried, and failed, to deal with Venrus and were wondering if Shining Armor would ever step in and then they felt it. A great evil power was coming form Venrus and it was getting stronger. They watched as he back flipped away from some arrows and took the strange looking black stick from his shoulder and that's when they truly felt it. All that evil was coming from the stick flowing into Venrus and then going back into the stick. It felt like the monsters from the lowest levels of Tartarus. "Eligos by our pact I command ya awaken!" Suddenly a green eye burst open from the center looking around wildly till it rested on the pegasus about to attack Venrus. A sickening cracking came from the stick and it grew till it was taller then Venrus himself. Then a black goo fell from the top point to the lower till it became a thin string and that's when it became clear this was a bow. Venrus then reached up and plucked out a hair from his head. Black energy began to fill it till it turned into a huge arrow. He loaded the arrow and drew it back while dancing through the fire from the pegasi "Dark Thorn Cage." He loosed the arrow toward the pegasi and it ripped through the air as if fired from a cannon, cracking the ground where he stood. The arrow looked as if it wouldn't hit any of them till it unfurled into dozens of black ribbons, before anything could be done most of the pegasi were caught in the ribbon like cage that surrounded them. The few that got out in time tried to get the others out but weather it was from the outside or in anypony that got too close to the ribbons was attacked by thorns. "Eagle Eye Assault." The four Pegasus guards not caught by the cage were hit by a small light and it left a symbol where it hit them. "Magnum Accelerator." A sparkling blue circle formed in front of his bow where an arrow rested. "Elemental Barrage." When he loosed his arrow it shot off just like before leaving cracks where he stood from dodging the other guards attacks but this time was worse. Once the arrow hit the circle in front of his bow it created a sonic boom blowing him back a few feet and destroying the ground. The arrow then split into four all in different colors red, white, blue and yellow. Red and yellow missed but white and blue hit their targets. The white arrow on impact with the mark on the guards shoulder shot out air like a blade cutting her arm and wing off and the force of the impact sent her hurdling into the city. The blue arrow knocked the guard into a tailspin but he quickly pulled out of it but all of a sudden he began to plummet out of the sky. The mark was on his hip and when the arrow hit him he though he was fine but now ice was quickly encasing his body. He was very high up before he started to fall and now with him being completely encased he shattered into dust on the ground. One thing that was truly shocking was that the red and yellow arrows were still chasing their targets. The female guard being chased by the red arrow flew just right causing the arrow to hit the castle wall. When it did it burst into a firry inferno. The guard being chased by the yellow arrow was not as lucky and when he was struck by it he was electrocuted and crashed into a tree. All the while Venrus was on the ground dealing with the sword wielding guards. Venrus had masterfully dodged, parried or just taken the guards out. Most had deep wounds they could recover from but a few laid dead. Shining Armor had enough, the guards he trained were being beat back as if they were childern and as they fell his anger rose. With his sword in hand, he charged into the fray. Venrus turned blocking Shining's attack, their blades sparking as they clashed. "You face me now monster." Shining looked to the guard "All of you back off tend to the wounded. He is mine!" > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As their blades clashed Venrus just smiled. This new fighter was strong judging by how much force he was able to put into a dash strike. Plus, just by looking at him, Venrus could see Shining's mana pool was very extensive thanks to his mana sight. Shining caught Venrus' smile and growled "What are you smiling for monster?" "I be smilin' because a fighter wid some real talent decided to finally face me." Venrus then disappeared popping up right behind Shining, slashing him acrossed the back. The blow pushed Shining forward and threw him to the ground while Venrus just stood their waging a finger. "Ya got a mighty fine weapon and some descent armor but ya don't have any real combat experience." Shining roared and charged bringing his sword down in an over head swing but Venrus just knocked the blow to the side and slashed Shining acrossed the back again. "Yer too wrapped up in yer anger boy and will get you killed on da battle field. Ya need to calm yerself and come at me with yer best otherwise dis fight wont be any fun." "You think this is fun! You have dark magic in you, I can feel it from here. We are trying to stop you and help by taking it away because it is illegal. You fight us and kill and hurt many of the guard and you think this is fun?" Shining began to channel his magic into his sword. "Ah but ya see dere in lies the problem, I'm not from dis world. I was sent here and have no idea how or why. So let me ask ya what makes ya think I would know yer laws and customs. Where I'm from dark magic is used by dose dat want to. We fight monsters from da wilds, dragons from da mountains, both demons and angles from both heaven and hell. When we weren't doing dose we were helping villages by completing quests dey gave us for gold and supplies. Our lives were a daily struggle against others like us just to survive. In a world like dat it was power equaled strength and with strength ya lived. Dere were no rules, ya did what ya had to so ya could survive. In a world like dat it's hard to stay sane so I became a fighter. I live for it and I stood at the top with my brodas and sistas as one of the strongest guilds in da land. So yes I find dis very amusing." Twilight had told them that he was from a different world but Shining could not believe it and now here he is talking about a life so harsh one could and would do anything to live another day. Shining felt bad and could not fathom what such a life could lead to but here it was a different story and he had to uphold the law. "Be that as it may you are in our land now and we do not allow the use of dark magic here, it is forbidden with good reason. Just stand down and let use help you. If not then we must do this the hard way. "Shining leveled his sword at Venrus once more the blade now pulsing with power. "Ya can not free me from dis burden even if though I want to be free from it. So we fight and let the victor decide what is right and wrong." Venrus sighed and then vanished. Shining threw up a force field and Venrus' strike hit it instead, and much to his surprise the strike left a grove in the shield. Shining then shot a blast through the shield at Venrus only to watch as he used his cape to block the attack. The magic used from his failed attack hung in the air till it was drawn into Venrus' cape. "How are you able to do this, my shields are the strongest in the land besides the Princesses and that was a fifth tier magic blast." "My blade is call Mountain Heart, it was forged by a master smith wid da very metal dat forms around da heart of a dead titan class metal dragon. I also made runes and had dem laid into da blade as it was forged making it very strong against magic. My armor is made from dragon bone and scales making it very strong against physical blows. Da purple cloth ya see was made from arcane shrouds taken from Fallen Angles and infused wid Mana Wraith dust. Doing dis makes it resistant to tier six and lower magic and if it does get hit by dem it blocks da spell and absorbs da mana used adding it to my own mana pool." Venrus stated as he and Shining traded blows. "That is impossible, there are no spells higher then tier six!" Shining teleported behind Venrus and slashed him acrossed his back making him howl in pain. Venrus quickly rolled forward to avoid Shining's next blow and turned to him. "Oh really den it looks like I got da upper hand. Here let me show ya some tier eight magic." Shining quickly threw up his city protection spell and condensed it around himself. " I will call your bluff Venrus this is my city shielding spell that I can hold for days while it is being attack and I condensed it making it many times stronger." Venrus just gave a deep throated laugh. "Triple Maximize Magic! Reality Slash!" A harsh magical aura formed around him till it was all pushed into his hand. He then he swung it, sending a wave of pure magic at Shining. Shining held his ground believing this to be an act but he was not ready for when the attack passed right threw his shield as if it was wet paper. The attack ripped threw his left shoulder and pauldron and then out the back of the shield with the same resistance, none. Shining dropped to the ground screaming as his pauldron fell away and blood gushed into the air from the wound. Venrus walked over to Shining and knelt down. "Ya see boy dere are dings out dere in the world even ya don't know. Magic levels go all da way up to tier ten and dere are even some very rare Super tier magic spells I know. Plus dere are things beyond dose. World Class items! Dings so powerful dey change da reality of the world wid dere use." Shining stabbed Venrus in the gut and looked up to him with pure rage as his eyes glowed white. "Well then I guess I better kill you before you can use such things." Venrus jumped away and looked to Shining as he stood up, his wound closing as he did. "Heal!" Placing his hand over his gut closing his own wound. "Dat was a dirty trick boy but dat's fine if ya want to play dat way lets play." Shining teleported next to Venrus and slashed at him but he teleported away. Shining looked for Venrus and found him next to the castle walls. "Greater Speed Up! Greater Agility Up! Strength Up! Dark Punishment!" Venrus flashed blue, green, red, and then a dark aura formed around him. "Lets go whelp." The battle was on and it was a fierce thing to behold. The warriors teleported about slashing and clashing their blades. The only way anypony could tell where they were was because of the sparks and shock waves that were being sent out as they did so. Powerful and mighty spells were being traded from both sides and it took the three Princesses present to hold up a shield strong enough to not let the innocent get caught up in the furry that was raging before their eyes. Venrus was a master on the battle field, using everything in his book to combat Shining Armor even going as far as to use very potent dark magic. His every movement was as graceful as it was precise. Though Shining did not have Venrus' years of battle experience he was doing great against his foe. The harsh training and dedication was what lead him to be Captain of the Royal Guard, but now thanks to his rage shift he was able to match Venrus blow for blow both physical and magic. Shining's magic was now even able to get threw Venrus' defenses thanks to the added power. Though there was a problem, from the moment Shining landed his first hit against Venrus, the dark aura that was around him moved to Shining and now every time Shining scores a hit he receives the same. Shining's rage was finally pushed far enough to were he was able to break the dark aura. Though he nearly lost his life twice to the Hell Fire Venrus had released which still burned on as they kept fighting. The fierce battle had gone on for awhile now. Venrus used a light spell to blind everypony, when the light faded it was apparent that he and Shining had healed themselves though they still looked horrible and exhausted . Deep cuts and gashes riddled their forms, as well as burns and all manner of other wounds caused by the spells they were using. But now, just before the sun was to begin to set, Shining had done it. In a stupid and desperate move Shining had let Venrus pierce his side and took hold of his blade. Before anything else could be done Shining slashed him acrossed the chest and released the pent up magic in his blade leaving a gaping wound on his foe. Venrus sat on his knees as blood pored from his wound and Shining stood there panting looking upon the greatest foe he ever faced. "Any....last words.....be....before I end this." Shining then lifted his blade high into the air as he tried to catch his breath. Barb was trashing and screaming like a mad mare trying to get free. Everypony watched on as Venrus coughed up a huge amount of blood as he spoke. "By our pact I call on ya to save my life!" Shining looked at him in confusion lowering his sword. "We hold no pact." Venrus just picked up his bow and it shrank to its smaller from. "With my blood I break yer seals and wid my flesh I play yer host! Wid a clear mind and a dying heart I beg for yer mercy and forgiveness as I give way to possession!" Venrus then raised the bow high and thrust it into his chest. Shining jumped back and everypony gasped at this, everypony but Barb. She cried out and let loose a magical blast throwing Rainbow Dash and Applejack off her. She ran to the edge of the shield and cried out. Then their shock turned to fear as Venrus began to laugh like a mad stallion, all the while coughing up blood. "May the moon have mercy on your souls!" Shining went to strike the finishing blow but stopped and had to flee as the hell fire that lingered on the field was drawn into Venrus. His form quickly consumed by the dark and unforgiving flame. A deep and terrible voice filled the air with a dark and wicked laugh as the flames danced and pulsed wildly. Then they grew and began to take form. The flames looked to be a great wolf that stood on its hind legs twice as tell as Shining himself. Though the tail looked to be like that of a serpent and horns spouted from its head. The flaming form lifted its head and laughed into the air with the same terrible bone chilling laugh they heard before. The flames then began to fall and fly away into the air looking like black rose petals revealing flesh and bone. True to the flaming visage granted to them, this was a true monster that stood before them. Fur darker then the night covered its form. A long black serpent like tail with a blade at the end whipped wildly behind it. Long lanky arms were lifted into the air as it roared and one great green eye could be seen on its face. Darkness fell from the beast in waves and a sickly miasma filled the air as it breathed. Hell Fire ran off the top of its head and down its back like a mane. The same flames sat on its shoulders, wrists and ankles as well. It turned and looked to the ponies and they knew that the thing that now stood before them was a true beast of the darkness, a monster from the pits themselves. A deep baritone voice rumbled from its chest as it spoke in a voice that was Venrus' mixed with whatever this thing was. "I thank you all for your help." it bowed to them moving one of its lanky arms over its chest. "In all the years since that fool found my bow and made the pact with me he has never used his dark powers I granted him more then he has today unless he was fighting a dragon on his own. He has never once in his life ever aloud me out and now after all these years he finally lets me out to play. So again I thank you." Celestia could not stand it, this beast of darkness mocked and thanked them. "How are you here foul creature, your kind should be locked in the pits where you belong. Where is Venrus and what have you done to him." "Me, I have done nothing." The creature put a hand on its chest and gave a look of being hurt. "It is you that drove him to set me free. He has done nothing but help you and be as friendly as possible. You attack and call him monster just because of what I did to him." "Speak plainly you abomination!" Luna roared. "I am Eligos the great demon general, guardian of the Forbidden City and keeper of the hell flame. I am Venrus and Venrus is me. Though I am sure the little draconian girl can tell you what is going on. After all her and Venrus have been getting really close what with him being her teacher and what not." Eligos stated pointing at Barb. "Barb what does this creature mean you know why it's here?" Celestia walked over and put a hand on Barb's shoulder to get her attention, but never took her eyes off the monster as it moved its body about. "What that thing is deals with why Venrus is blind and has dark magic. We have gotten very close because of all the time he spends teaching me and I got him to tell me what happened. Venrus lost his wife and daughters to a horrible accident and swore never to let another fall while he had the power to do something about it. Well one day while exploring a cave with his brothers they ran into a dragon. They tried to reason with it and leave but it attacked. No matter what they did they could not hurt it because it was corrupted by demonic magic. Only the power of a stronger demon or angle could harm the beast. When all hope seemed lost and they were about to meet their end. Venrus was thrown into the dragons hoard. Where he found...." "Me!" Everypony turn to Eligos. "You see I made my way to the surface world once and was attacked and imprisoned in that bow by mortals. The dragon killed them took me and threatened to hold me forever if I did not teach it my ways so it could become stronger. While they fought the dragon I did all I could to call out to them but nothing worked. Then he landed on me. I told him I could give him the power needed to slay the beast and save his family, all it would cost him was his eyes." He lifted a hand to his face covering his eye and laughing to the heavens. "He took my deal and I flooded him with my power ripping his vision from him and told him he could never have them back till he found a way to truly free me from my prison. Ever since then he has made it his personal mission to wipe dragons from the face of existence. You know he actually hates me and the gift I gave him. He never uses them unless he has to or he's fighting a dragon. Yet here you all are calling a hero to millions a monster, and criminal just because he holds me." Everypony gasped "Oh yes that's right, Venrus is innocent. The only thing dark about him is me and now you have caused him to give his body up to me so I can save him." Before anything else could be done a young earth pony guard rushed the demon and with his great sword slashed its side. The blade stopped moving once it was half way into the demons side. Then to their horror hell fire burst from the wound and it began to close forcing the blade back out. Eligos looked to the young guard and smiled sadistically "Stupid mortal you don't have the power to kill me!" Then he smack him with the back of his hand, just a simple smack. It destroyed the side of the guards helm and sent him flying where he impacted the castle wall head first with a sickening crunching sound. Eligos then looked around the battle field and his great eye landed on Shining Armor. "So your the mortal that wounded my charge so? I must commend you boy, Venrus has never had to use possession against a mortal before, let alone this stage two form. Well done , well done indeed!" He clapped his hands and smiled sweetly at Shining. Then his expression took a dark turn "So for that you will be the next to die!" Before Shining could so much as blink Eligos was behind him. He slashed at Shining's armored back, tearing it to pieces as he sent him flying. Shining hit the ground some yards away, rolling to a stop. Eligos slowly approached him as he tried to stand. Before the demon took his fourth step the ten remaining guards jumped between them. Eligos just smirked "Leave children I have no business with you. Just him and the fools that ordered this attack. Stand aside and I will spare you." The guards said nothing but stood their ground. "Fine! He will hate me more for this but I will end you since you wish to die so badly." Eligos held his hands out to the side and a ball of hell fire formed in each hand. " Crimson-black rage, king of shadow realms though I abandon the laws of nature. I am the shadow of destruction incarnate, in accordance with the principles of all creation let the blade of darkness descend unto me! Hell Fire Cannon!" Balls of hell fire continued to form as he spoke till an arch went from one hand to the other. Thrusting his hands forward all the fire merged into one large ball, then blasted forward into a beam. It hit home throwing up a lot of dust and once it settled only burned husks remained. Eligos walked over and picked up the former Captain of the Guard as he spoke. "You will pay for this and Venrus will be put to the executioner's axe for his part in this." He just smiled at Shining "Well then its a good thing I'm going to kill you all then, isn't it?" Twilight, try as she might, could not get threw the force field made by Celestia and Luna. All she could do is watch as her brother was held in the air by his mane as the sun set behind them giving a shadowy view of what was to come. Eligos let Shining fall only to impale him on his arm threw the chest. Twilight screamed in pain and rage as her brother screamed, coughing up blood as it gushed out in a torrent around the demons arm. Then his form went limp, Eligos looked to the ponies and threw Shining at them blood splattering on the force field once he hit it. His lifeless form landed in front of Twilight. As she looked into his lifeless eyes she could not help by cry out "What have I done?" Then she heard Eligos laughing and she looked to the demon in pure rage. "NO, What have you done!" A pulse of magic was sent out from her as she screamed shattering the barrier. She rose into the air magic forces swirled around her and with a mighty scream she unleashed a beam of pure white hot magic. "So your next then?" Eligos lifted his hand as it was coated in dark flames "Spell Break!" He swung his hand just as the beam was to reach him. Once his hand met the beam they fought for control till the beam froze mid air. Dark cracks raced from where his hand was up to Twilight's horn and he smirked. The beam began to shatter and fall to the ground like glass and then he spoke "Dark Punishment!" All the shards of Twilight's spell formed into a ball of dark magic and slammed into her. Knocking her from the air as she screamed. Celestia and Luna ran to her only to find her well as she began to sit up. Luna pulled Twilight close and held her, but they saw a crack running down the length of Twilights horn making the use of magic impossible till it was healed. Celestia let loose a beam of her own as she roared "You will pay for harming my student!" Eligos was ready for this and loosed another Hell Fire Cannon. The two beams fought for power but then Luna fired her beam as well, screaming "You will pay for harming my love!" Very quickly their two beams together began to push back Eligos'. "Blood Call!" very quickly all the blood from the battle field pooled into an orb in Eligos' hand "Power Drain!" The blood ran into the demon making it grow a bit and then he poured more power into his spell halting the Princesses beam. "Ya know there's a romance in darkness, it draws out ones curiosity and beckons a desire to taste the unknown. I will now show you that darkness!" Eligos's beam began to push the Princesses back and they did the one thing they have not done since they fought Discord without the Elements of Harmony. They called upon the power of their forces of nature giving them greater strength. It took the Princesses no time to over power the demon. Once his beam was push back he bellowed "I'll be back, you haven't seen the last of me!" then he blew up flaming embers drifted in the air. As the smoke from the explosion settled a groan was heard. Everypony turned to see Venrus sitting in the hole caused by the blast with his armor torn apart. As the Princesses readied another blast barb quickly threw herself onto him making him groan more as she hugged him tightly. "Barb get away from him, he is dangerous!" Twilight howled. "No, you all are trying to kill an innocent man that has done no wrong! I will not stand for it!" Green flames covered her hands as she began to heal his wounds that the demon did not. "He killed our brother does that mean nothing to you?" Twilight screamed. "Of course it does but you left him no choice in the matter. Had you sat down and talked with him you would know that. Besides Venrus can fix this." Barb looked to him questionably "Can't you?" "Aye I can but I need all da bodies and injured in one place and da missing limbs will need to be reattached first." Venrus heaved as he struggled to form words. Celestia stepped forward drawing her claymore. "We will not allow you to turn them into undead, that is no life!" Venrus rose to his feet and roared "I don't know necromancy. What I intend to do is fix yer mess. I will not have the blood of countless innocent on my hands because of yer foully." "Barb move away from him now!" Luna drew her scythe. "No if you intend to harm him further you will have to hurt me too." Barb stood next to Venrus and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Then so be it! I will not suffer this monster to live!" Everypony looked to her in shock as she readied a beam. Hi in the sky Luna's moon sat, darkened by her anger. With out anypony seeing it all the darkness pulled into one spot and fired a beam down to earth. The beam hit not but two feet away from Luna. Everypony looked to see the beam coming from her moon and was shocked. "It is not possible I did not do that!" "No, ya didn't, I did." Venrus held out a small black orb and it slowly turn white as the darkness faded from the moon. "Dis is da Dark Moon Jewel. When da moon is at its darkest I can fire it as a beam of pure dark magic danks to this world class item." Venrus looked to them with pleading eyes and in a sad voice spoke "please let me fix this I don't want deir blood on my hands I can help dem." "Please mom let him do this. Enough blood has been spilt because you all acted without first knowing what was truly going on." Barb look to Celestia. "Fine I will do as he asks but if I sense anything wrong I will end him and wipe your mind of everything from when you first met." Celestia then began to voice her commands. All the while Venrus was talking to Barb with his back turned to everypony else. Not long after, all the injured were on one side of the ravaged land and the dead with their missing limbs reattached on the other. Venrus slowly walked over to them and reached into the dark fog like so many times before and drew out two staffs. The first he pushed into the ground looked to be an extremely old tree branch and gave off a green energy. The other was made of light crystal and had a huge wing on the top as it gave off a soft golden glow. "Dis is da branch of an elder tree, it can heal any wound received regardless of how bad it is." He pointed to the first staff. "And dis is da Staff of Revival, given to dose whom have done a great service for da Angle of Death himself. Forged from Heaven Crystal and one of Deaths wings." Venrus then took both staffs in his hands and began to pour the last of his mana into them. A dome of green and golden light soon covered the area. Those that were injured were soon fully healed and those that were dead soon began to rise. Shining armor was the last to rise and once he did the dome disappeared. Everypony looked on in awe at the sight before them and then heard a thump. They turned to see Venrus passed out on the ground. "Sees him this instant!" Luna Bellowed. "No!" Barb yelled getting to Venrus first and taking him into her arms. "I will not let you have him!" She quickly pulled out a stone and smashed it on the ground. Behind them a portal appeared and they all new where it led because of the horrible screaming coming from it. Barb quickly walked into it with Venrus before anypony could get to them and the portal closed. Twilight and Shining both bore a face of sadness. While Celestia felt like she had lost her daughter. "Shining Armor how do you feel?" Shining began to move around "I feel fine, tired but fine." "I say we should take those artifacts in for study to see if their power can be replicated." Luna said. "I'm awful sorry Princess but that wont be happenin'." Applejack stated while pointing. Where the staffs stood there was only a small sapling left and the other was fading out of existence. Luna growled in anger "Fine then what are our loses." The guard quickly looked around before one spoke "There is only one Princess the young pegasus that was shattered after being turned to ice. His name was Storm Race." Everypony felt bad not only had they hurt and misjudged Venrus without getting all the facts, but he had beat them at their own game going as far as to save the lives of all whom was forced against him. And now because of them a young stallion was cut down in the prime of his life and they had lost not just one of their own but a potential ally that shown he could do the impossible. "AAAHHHHH! I can't take this. Not only did he get away but he showed us up. In the end he was not even at fault for what he is and now I feel like crap." Rainbow stood there panting. "Better?" Pinkie asked as she gave her friend a hug. "Yes, I am. But now there is something I want to know." She turned to Twilight and Luna whom were holding each other. "When did you two hook up?" Both the Princesses grew a mighty blush before teleporting away. The girls gave chase and the guard slowly left leaving a very stunned Shining Armor and Celestia by themselves. Celestia was the first to recover and patted Shining on the back. "Go home to your wife Shining and rest. I'm sure she will want to hear the news." "You know we will need to do something about this. We were wrong and have hurt someone powerful enough to rival any of you. He could turn out to be the tipping point in any war be it with or agents us. Plus he has family and servants that are just like him." Shining stated as he looked around the once lush garden. "Yes, I know. But we must give them time. I'm sure one day he will forgive us but I fear I have lost my daughter for good." Before anything else could be said Celestia teleported way. Shining sighed and began to walk to the train station. Deep within the Everfree Forest Barb and Venrus were dropped into the Keeps throne room. Soon everyone cam rushing over asking what happened. Barb explained as best she could and soon order was restored by Darthus. They took Venrus to his room to rest after Darthus forced him to drink a healing potion. His daughters and Darthus were the only ones present as Barb explained everything to them. Once she was done she and his daughters crawled into bed and held him close. Darthus left to explain what happened to the rest of the staff. To say they were pissed would be an understatement, some were even calling for a siege on the city for what was done to their master. Darthus however would not let them do a thing until Venrus was awake and gave them orders. The only thing he allowed was the Keeps defenses to be brought online and everyone dressed in their armor with guard patrols to take shifts. > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days earlier. Night awoke early the next morning, set up a little shrine not far from the village and began his prayers to the light. Not long after he started Brights and Little Strongheart showed up to get him. The young cow blushing slightly as she finally saw his face, which he quickly hid. After gathering a few supplies they set out toward Appaloosa. It did not take them long to get there and soon they began to gather information. Though the locals had not heard a thing about their brother or home. Night traded for a map and asked about some general things and because he was not sure if their money was good here he talked Bright into summoning a bug for them to ride. Because they did not want to cause a panic Brights told them he was not going to use a flying insect and had summoned his Akurbia. This was a giant crystalline scorpion that was just big enough for the three of them. Little Strongheart screamed and hid behind Night at the sight of it. After a bit of coaxing she warmed up to the big beast. Sticking to the countryside they made their way to the next city. After a day of travel they ended up in the city of Trottingham. After having a rest they began to search the city and just like before they came up with nothing. After trading for some supplies they were on their way yet again. This time they were heading for the capital to see if anything could be found there. It would be a six to seven day trip even with the help of Brights bug. They had traveled for three hours after it had gotten dark before stopping to set up camp. Little Strongheart sat close to Night and asked him all manner of questions about himself and his family. He answered as best he could and soon began to ask some of his own. He found out the Little Strongheart was of marring age and after his daring rescue she had fallen for him. He tried not to cause her harm and let her down gentle but she would not hear of it. Once she picked him she would follow him till he gave her a chance, to which he reluctantly agreed. They sat and talked for an hour more getting to know each other. Night gave his prays to the light before they went to bed with her sleeping not far from him. Night was up early again praying in a little glen not far from the camp when Little Strongheart found him asking what he was doing. After a lengthy explanation on his worship of the holly light she asked him to teach her not just his religion but his way of fighting. She told him how cows were not allowed to learn how to fight. Once she heard he had female servants that could fight she wanted to learn so she could protect those she cares for. He agreed and said they would begin the next day with prayer and meditation as a way to get her in touch with the light. Upon their return they saw Brights cleaning his Akurbia while it ate the leftover fire wood. After traveling till at leased five in the after noon, they stopped to rest the Akurbia and get something to eat. After an hour Night and Brights were packing up as Little Strongheart left to get water. Their plans were brought to a grinding halt as they heard her scream. Rushing to where she was they found her surrounded by insectoid ponies that were tying her up and talking about taking her away to feed the others. Night rushed in with "Shield Rush" and drew their attention with "Guardian's Call". Brights got to Strongheart and untied her while asking what these creatures were as Night held them off. After she told them what she knew of them and Night used the light to calm and heal them. They sat and talked for a spell. Not long after they started to pity for them. The changelings lead them to their camp and Night was horrified by what he saw. There was only fifteen of them in total, seven of which were kids. They looked to be nothing but skin and bones some being extremely sick. After hearing what they did, and what happened to them to put them in this horrible state of starvation, Night and Brights took it upon themselves to help them. They let them feed off them which left them very drained and so they tried to think of a different way to help them. All of a sudden Brights had an idea. He grew a rare and powerful plant for Venrus' potion reagents called love lotus. The best part was that it grew on the back of one of his bugs. He called it forth and plucked the fruit giving it to the changelings. After telling them what it was they tried it. After that first bite they devoured the fruit like there was no tomorrow. They began to look healthier and some of the holes in them began to close. Brights told them that if they helped him he would give them a place to live and all the fruit they could eat. Since it worked as a replacement for how they normally got love. After telling them they did not know where their home was and where they were going the changelings began to panic. After telling them they would not enter the city and that Little Strongheart would be with them the whole time they agreed. And so now they had fifteen new companions with them as they started to travel. The changelings sat in a wagon they had that was being pulled by the Akurbia. Not long after night fell they made camp. Bright an early the next morning, Night was teaching Strongheart about the light and even had one of the changelings he fought there as well. Not long after they were back on the road heading for the capital, only stopping twice to let the Akurbia rest now that it was carrying more weight. Near sunset a crystal popped up before Night and Brights and the sight of it frightened them. Soon they both became enraged as the crystal began to crack till it split clean in two, their rage being replace with sorrow. Everyone else just watched on in fear, not daring to get too close to them as the changelings could tell what they were feeling. Soon the two halves turned black and were shrouded by a red aura and began to form back together. This made Night and Brights scared and angry all at once. Not long after the crystal became clear again, they began to frantically look around. One of the changelings told them to look at the moon and it was then Brights and Night knew what had happened. As they watched, the darkness of the moon shot a beam that struck the capital. Night and Brights told everyone to get some sleep, they had to leave early and needed to get to the capital as soon as possible. Strongheart asked what was going on and Night, seeing the fear in her eyes, told them everything. The crystal was a Soulstone that was linked to their brother Venrus and that it would appear before them should he ever be in life threatening trouble. They too had one for each other. They told them that when the crystal broke it meant that their brother had died. When it turned black with the red aura that meant a demon had taken over their brother to save his life. That was why it was whole now. They told them that the moon shooting that beam was their brothers doing and they needed to get to him as soon as possible. Strongheart and the changelings said they would do all they could to help and everyone went right to sleep. The next morning they all set off with a purpose. They had four days left to get to the capital and find Venrus. Four days for Night and Brights rage to build as they set off. ............................................................................................................................................................... Celestia sat on her throne as she talked to her nephew Prince Blueblood. Two days after the incident with Venrus she had tried to send a small Guard unit with an ambassador. Sadly once they had gotten close enough to his keep they were attacked and sent back to Canterlot broken and bloody. What made this act worse was that her own daughter Barb was the one to attack them. The next day Blueblood had told his auntie he would go and talk to his cousin. Blueblood told her how when he got to the Keep Barb and Venrus were training. After waiting for them to finish he made himself known. Because he had nothing to do with the attack on Venrus, fore he was away on business, him and Barb agreed to talk to him. Blueblood told her of what he had seen of the Keep and, being a military buff, knew that because of the design and location of the Keep it would not easily be taken. Plus there were things they did not know about it such as defenses but the whole place was permeated with very strong and dense magic. Blueblood talked with them over a nice meal though he was shocked to find his cousin had given up her vegetarian life style. The conversation was nice and polite with him learning of all that happened. Though he knew it would not help much, he did apologize on behalf of the royal family. For their talk he was informed that unless Twilight, Luna and Celestia all came before him and apologize, while excepting his punishment for them, no form of peace would be reached and that anyone coming to the keep without his permission would be dealt with as if they were an enemy. He expressed that he had hoped to be allies and learn from each other as he had a vast amount of knowledge and rare items he was willing to trade but not anymore. Barb even said she would not see any of the bearers, Luna or Celestia until they all made amends. As of now only the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Zecora and himself were allowed at the keep. He informed them that Barb also said if anyone wanted to talk, either him or Zecora would need to take them to the Keep. Before he left Blueblood asked if they were together because after the meal was finished Barb had sat on Venrus' lap for the rest of the time. He congratulated his cousin on finding a lover and said he would visit again soon. "That is all I have to report on the matter auntie." Blueblood said Celestia sighed "Thank you nephew, it's good to know Barb is happy and safe but her relationship with Venrus is very unsettling." "How so auntie? He is a very nice and caring fellow. He is teaching her of who she really is and to fight. With what I saw, Barb has come a long way in that respect. As she stands now I'm sure Barb could take anypony in the guard bar the likes of cousin Shining." "That is the problem nephew. Venrus easily took out a large number of guard, including Shining Armor, as if it were child's play. As the fight unfolded I could tell he was holding himself back greatly. The wolf could take even me or Luna in a fight I fear and his magic was the likes of which I have not seen since before Discords rain. To top it off he is in possession of one of the great demons thought killed long ago." Celestia shuttered at the memory of the creature. "I understand auntie, but this was brought on by you three and he will see you three pay for your ignorance." Blueblood stated bluntly. "Yes you have said as much but what did he say was the punishment?" Celestia raised an eyebrow. "He did not say." Blueblood said flatly. "Thank you for all you have done nephew, you may go. I must talk with Luna and Twilight about all you have told me. Then we must prepare, we have guests coming tomorrow from a hidden Kingdom." "What do you mean auntie?" "Well yesterday I received a letter from the Draconian rulers. It states they wish to speak to us about getting help dealing with a dragon problem." "I see I will leave you to it then auntie." Blueblood turned and left. Not long after, Twilight and Luna entered and talked about what to do. As it stood they would not make amends till they new what his punishment would be. Celestia bid them farewell once night had fallen leaving the two newly discovered lovers to tend to the night. What they did not know was that Night Blade and Brights would soon be upon them ready to bring the full fury of their wrath upon them. Tomorrow was not going to be what they expected, not at all. .................................................................................................................... > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a little after four in the afternoon when a guard barged into the throne room to inform Celestia the Draconians were within sight of the castle. She dismissed him and told him to escort their guests in. She had a maid go fetch Twilight and Luna, along with the rest of Twilight's friends. Now all three Princesses stood at their thrones waiting for their guests and looked at their little ponies as they fussed over each other. Many of the Nobles lined the hall, wanting to see the rulers of the newly discovered kingdom. While others were looking to gain position over others with the new trade these new beings would bring with them. Everypony quieted down as the guards slowly opened the doors. Everypony gasped as what best could be described as a bird given anthro form stepped into the room. Fluttershy had to be held back by Applejack from fawning over to the new being. He was five feet five inches in height. He had beautiful green feathers and from his arms, long green white and yellow feathers made his wings. He wore a white suit with a gray vest. He bowed to the assembly and then spoke in the most beautiful voice that had to belong to a singer. "Greetings all I am Calleto and it is my honor to announce their royal highnesses, High Priestess Tezumi and her brother High Magus Zinyaltes!" He stepped to the side holding one arm in front of his chest and the other out to the side. Now these were clearly the ones they were waiting for. It was hard to swallow at first and, though they were different from Barb, they were definitely of the same species. Rarity nearly squealed at the sight of them. The first was female, if the dress and features were anything to go by. Her scales were a pale yellow that had pink highlights here and there. She had a long flowing purple mane that split into a pinkish purple half way down. She stood six feet in height and wore a beautiful dress of pink and white that had long tassels falling from the sleeves. It ended in a deep purple that hid her feet and drug on the ground behind her a little. She held a very unique umbrella over her shoulder but what really stood out about her was her eyes. They were solid black with glowing blue irises. She shown with a beauty all her own. As for her brother, he brought an air of strength as he strode in, hands held together in front of him. At an intimidating eight feet tall he looked about as peaceful as a box of Timerwolves. He had two horns coming from the top of his head giving him almost another foot to his height. His scales were a deep crimson and his eyes a blazing yellow. His massive wings held low to his sides as he walked, the tips tied tighter by a red sash going around his back. His long powerful whip like tail drug behind him. His robes were beautifully made of white and red. A collar of black and gold sat around his neck with massive tassels matching it hanging from each arm. His sleeves stopped at the elbow but on his wrist were matching cuffs. His whole outfit was adorned with strange markings. They both walked forward till they were but a few feet from the stairs to the thrones. They both bowed in their own way and greeted the Princesses. "Thank you for this chance and it is a pleasure to meet the Princesses of Equestria." "On behalf of our country we welcome you to Equestria. I am Princess Celestia, regent of the sun." she bowed in return. "I am Princess Luna, regent of the moon." Luna bowed. "And I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic." Twilight bowed. "We have brought gifts for you and proof of what we can offer in trade should everything goes as planed today. Your staff has taken it to storage but her are a few fruits you do not have." Zinyaltes said in a deep rumbling voice as he pulled out a basket from a purple mist in the air. "They are called passion fruit and are quite sweet." Tezumi said as she ate one. Each of the Princesses took one and then had the rest handed out to the nobles. "These are very good indeed but before we talk about an alliance and trade, me and my fellow Princesses have some questions that we would like answered. If that is all right?" Celestia said after she finish her fruit. "Of course, think nothing of it. After all we are rulers of a country and race not thought to be in existences." Tezumi smiled. "Where is your kingdom located?" Luna asked bluntly. "We reside on the large chain of islands some one thousand miles off your coast." Zinyaltes stated. "How have you kept hidden all this time?" Twilight inquired. "The first thing you must know is that dragons find our race to be a stain on their blood line and will do anything to try to kill us. Do to this we are a very secretive people. Like myself many of our water magic users use our power to keep ships away from our island home by changing the currents. While our storm bringers make it too harsh for air ships to come near." Tezumi said as she closed her umbrella and held it in front of herself. "Then why have you come to us for aid if your lands are so well hidden?" Luna raised an eyebrow. "A flight of dragons forced their way threw the storm, despite our best efforts to turn them away and landed on our shores. For what reason we have no clue but once they found out we live their they began to slaughter our people. Very few of us cling to the old ways of the warrior because of the long peace we have had. So our people were unprepared for an invasion. Me and my sister are among the strongest and even we have trouble with them, but their numbers have grown and they are determined to wipe us off the face of the planet." Zinyaltes growled as he clenched his fists. "We were named rulers because of our strength and knowledge. We came here to show how badly we are in need of aid against these brutes. Our people have fallen to the capital city and activated the great shield, it will hold for at least two more weeks. We need a proper force to drive out the dragons so we can train more in the old ways and make a proper force of our own." Tezumi laid a hand on her brother to calm him. Before anything else could be said, a group of guards burst into the throne room and slammed the doors, putting all their might into holding it closed. Blueblood rose from his seat at his aunts side and roared "What is the meaning of this, we're in the middle of talks with foreign rulers!" "Forgive us Prince Blueblood but two strange creatures have infiltrated the castle and are at the end of the hall to the throne room." One guard broke away from the others and kneeled before him. Soon screams could be heard from the other side of the doors and went quite not long after. "Then why were we not told sooner and what are the guard doing about it?" Blueblood growled. "The guard has been trying to stop them but are being thrown around like dolls sir and you yourself said that the meeting was not to be disturbed unless it was truly dire. We thought we could hold them but quickly found out other wise. We came as fast as we could to inform you." The guard said panting. Before the matter could be brought further a large explosion shook the doors to the hall, throwing the guards from the doors. All held their breath as they waited to see what happened. Some of the mares screamed as loud hard banging shook the doors. On the third hit the doors fell from the wall. The intruder strode onto the fallen doors clad in golden armor radiating a bright light. Stretching out his four wings, two with golden feathers giving off light and the others look to be that of a bat pony. A halo of golden fire hovered above his head. Pulling his shield to his chest and pointing a spear of pure light at the royal sisters he yelled in a voice that sounded as if two people spoke at once. "Where is our brother?" Celestia, Luna and Twilight dawned their armor and weapons, taking position between the armored titian and their scared little ponies that ran behind them. Zinyaltes and Tezumi stepped up next to them ready for a fight themselves if the growling was anything to go by. "I know not of what brother you speak but you harmed our guard and assaulted our castle on a day we are meeting with foreign royalty in hopes of making peace and giving aid. I will see you in the dungeon for this if you surrender, fight and you will not walk away from this!" Luna roared. From behind the intruders back another walked into the throne room brandishing a horrid looking scythe dripping blood. He looked to be a hairless monkey "We speak of our brother Venrus Nightingale!" He swung his scythe throwing the blood to the floor in front of the Princesses "and we will know what you have done with him!" Celestia, Luna and Twilight paled at the name and now new how much trouble they were in as the brothers of one of their strongest foes stood before them. The look on their face screamed buck me. Though they did not see it, Tezumi and Zinyaltes grew smiles that would have made Discord proud. ............................................................................................................................................. (Flash Back to One Hour Earlier) It had taken most of the morning but they had finally done it. Night and Brights scaled the mountain to the city doing their best not to be seen. Though they did have to take out a group of guards at an outpost on the path. From what they could see most of the populace was ponies going about their day with a few guards patrolling the area. Sticking to side streets and alleys they made their way through the city to the castle. About half way there they had to knock out an elderly stallion that stepped out of his house as they were cutting threw his yard. On their way they had another close call as a drunken mare walked out the door of a pub into the alley but she walked by like they weren't even there. Once they made it to the castle wall Night took up position cupping his hands together. Brights took off at him and as soon as he set foot on Night's hands Night used his great strength to through Brights as high as he could. Brights started to slow down and was about to fall back to the ground as he neared the top of the wall so he whipped out his scythe and used it to hook the edge of the wall and pull himself up. Crouching low he looked around for any guards seeing none he looked over the wall and whistled. Night spread his wings and quickly made it to the top of the wall going straight over it into the courtyard. As soon as he landed he drew the attention of a few guards. As they ran at him he pointed up causing them to look up and it was the last thing they saw as Brights came spinning in, bashing them all in the side of the head and throwing them a few feet away, knocking them out cold. "Brights cover me I'm going to call an angle and use Convergence with it. What ever stopped Venrus in his demon form must be strong so I'm going all out at the beginning." Night stated as he bowed and began to pray "Great warrior of the High Heavens descend unto me and grant me with the strength to stand up to my foes and serve them the punishment they deserve. Let my fury fuel you as we fight. Come forth Angel of Fury Rothrick!" Just then a blinding light shot from the sky and where it fell an explosion followed. The dust was swept away by a pair of massive wings leaving only Rothrick in its place. Rothrick held out a hand and pulled Night to his feet. Sensing the anger in him Rothrick smiled, Night was one of the lights most devoted servants. He had never called on him before and now he knew they would be good together. "Convergence!" Night held onto Rothrick's hand and soon the angel was pulled into him. Night gained a few more inches to his muscles while Rothrick's wings sprung from his back. His already donating armor was made even more so as Rothrick fused with his own. Once it was done, a halo of golden fire formed over his helm and his whole being glowed with holy power. "So do you want to get the door or should I?" "I got this." Brights smirked as he walked up to the door, leveling his scythe to his right. As he reached the door he gripped his scythe with both hands and gave a hard swing "Cross Slash!" quicker then one could blink an x shaped grove was carved into the door. Brights then gave it a little tap and it fell away into six pieces. On the other side stood five guards Brights just smiled and waved "Oh hi." After they saw Brights and Night one tore away from the group sounding out an alarm, While the last four rushed Brights. The two unicorns at the back were readying spells but Night got to them first. Rushing into them he threw a mare to the floor and slammed the stallion into the wall. He pulled his shield away but before the stallion could fall Night pinned him to the wall by thrusting his sword threw his shoulder. The mare got back up and rushed Night, sword in hand, only for him to take his shield in both hands and smash her a crossed the face, throwing her to the ground once more. Before she could recover Night stepped on her chest pinning, her to the floor. Then he punched her, knocking her out. He turned to look at how Brights was doing and could not help but laugh. Brights was battling an earth pony mare and a pegasus mare, if you could call it fighting that is. As they swung at him with daggers and a war hammer he simply weaved in-between their attacks causing them to hit each other. The pegasus was running up behind him as the earth pony swung for his head. He ducked and slid between the earth pony's legs as she smashed the pegasus a crossed the face with the war hammer, sending her into a wall out cold. Brights stood behind her as she roared in rage trying to turn to hit him. But as soon as she turned, Brights brought the back of his scythe down on her face, breaking her muzzle and knocking her out. They then turned to the unicorn stallion pinned to the well, crying out in pain as the blade pinning him cuts him as he moves around and burns the wound because of its flaming aura. "Do you know of Venrus Nightingale?" Night asked the guard. "Who?" The guard replied still trying to get the sword out. "A wolf man, he was here four days ago!" Night yelled as he grabbed the sword and wiggled it causing the stallion to cry out. "You mean that freak we tried to arrest for the use of dark magic?" the guard spat. Brights then punched him a crossed the muzzle "Watch who you call freak fool. Now where is he?" "He left after he fixed the mess the Princesses caused with Princess Celestia's daughter. I don't know where." He replied. "Would the Princesses be here today?" Night asked as he looked down the hall because he heard more guards coming. "Yes, they are meeting with foreign rulers and will be well guarded. Though I doubt you will make it to them." the guard smirked as more guards came running around the corner. "Thanks for the help." Night ripped his sword from the stallion's shoulder then punched him on the side of the head, throwing him down the hall and crashing into the incoming guards. "Brights, pull out your bow. I got the front." Night's sword turned into a ball of light in his hand before it quickly reformed into a spear of light. "Shield Rush! Sonic Wave!" Night rushed the guards slamming into the shield wall they made in his way. The moment he hit them a concussive wave blasted through them knocking those in front off their hooves and pushing the rest back. Brights drew back his bow and magic was pulled from the air by the bow to make its arrows. "Multishot! Stun Arrow!" Two blue arrows fired from the bow and flew threw the hole Night had made, hitting the floor and sending out waves of electricity, stunning those caught in the blast. Brights put away his bow and lifted his hands as magic circles formed above them. "Sleep Stingers come out to play and send these angered souls on their way to a land of nightmares." All of a sudden a swarm of glowing purple wasps flew from the circles and began to sting the downed guards causing them to black out and enter the nightmare realm were each and every one faced their worst fear. Night and Brights quickly went on their way, taking out any guards they crossed. Till they cornered a maid who quickly told them how to get to the throne room. Once they made it to the hall leading to the throne room doors they saw it was swarming with guards. Brights sent his wasps to do the job but a pair of unicorns sent out a plus of magic knocking the little pests from the air. Once they hit the ground all the guards prepared to kill them but Brights called them back just in the nick of time. "Fine, we will do this the hard way." Brights then pulled out his bow again with a manic grin. "Chains of Binding Arrow!" Brights leveled the arrow at the roof and the guards laughed thinking he had missed but that was cut short as five of them were lifted into the air by their necks as magic chains sprung from the arrows. Night tore off down the hall and stopped in front of the first guard. He hammered him in the side with enough force to send the pore stallion out one of the windows lining the hall. Seeing as they are on the third floor of the castle he was in for a world of hurt. Not losing any momentum Night spun with the swing, bringing his spear around and bashing a mare in the side of the face, throwing her into another guard and sending them both out another window. A guard rushed him, sword raised high, only to have Night's shield thrusted into his chest cracking his armor and taking the wind out of the stallion. Night then stabbed the stallion through the shoulder and held him out the broken window. He then quickly smashed the stallion face first into the window seal till he popped off the end on the spear and fell. Brights, while enjoying the show of pain his juggernaut of a brother could cause while enraged, had his own work to do. He had fired off another chain arrow and caught three guards, sticking them to the wall. He then fired off three stun arrows at the back of the group taking out nine guards. Three guards rushed Night as he tried to get the impaled guard off his spear. Brights quickly fired off freezer arrows and froze the guards hooves to the ground. Night saw what Brights had done and took hold of his spear in both hands ramming it into the guards necks and slamming them into the floor. Another group of five this time rushed him and he quickly took up a stance and thrust out his spear, making it look like there were hundreds of it "Rapid Tempo!" The guards fell to the floor bleeding profusely from stab wounds and slashes. The sight of some of the guards running behind the throne room doors, probably to barricade them, made him laugh. Two unicorns jumped in front of the door and made a shield barring the end of the hall just before the doors. Night looked to see there was no more then ten guards still standing between him and the door. Just then Night was hit with a very nasty idea for the eight guards that stood between him and the shield. "Hey Brights!" "Yes Night what's on your mind?" Brights asked as he walked up next to him. "How long do you think it has been since Venrus fed your Skin Crawlers?" Night asked as he made a shield of his own, blocking their end of the hall and leaving just enough room for Brights to get his hands through. Brights slipped his hands through the shield and let the magic circles formed "Devour all in a tide of blood and in your frenzy show them true terror! Skin Crawlers!" Thousands upon thousands of dark blue and green scarabs pored from the circles and rushed the ponies dead and living alike. Before they could realize they were even dead the scarabs had crawled up under the ponies skin and began to devourer them from the inside out. The sight of it was not the hard part, the hard part was listening to the screams. The pain caused by the scarabs was far worse then anything one could imagine but it lasted only a few seconds. In that time though, hell and all its tortures look laughable to those being eaten by the Skin Crawlers. After the scarabs had done their work Brights sent them away. Night lowered his shield and walked over to the shield the ponies were holding up in his way. He smashed his feet into the ground cracking it as he took a stance and held his spear in both hands high above his head. "Break Wall! Weaken Chain! Detect Weak Point! Greater Strength Up!" He then gave a mighty swing destroying the shield the unicorns had put up. They stumbled back from the shock of having their shield broken and looked up ready to cast it again. Both saw it just in time and moved their heads out of the way of the arrows Brights had shot at them. Both of them laughing like loons saying he missed but when they looked back Night had his golden shield up again. Brights smiled sweetly waging a finger back and forth drawing their attention "Tick, tick boom!" Both guards looked on confused until both arrows flashed yellow twice giving off a beep each time. Then it hit them, they had just enough time to utter the words buck me before both arrows blew. Night lowered the shield and walked over to the door and beat it with his fist hard three times as Brights stood behind him. On the third hit the doors fell forward into the throne room. ............................................................................................................................. (Present Time) It was quiet in the throne room as Night and Brights waited for their answer. While the Princesses waited to see what they would do. They shook in fear as they had no idea what these two were capable of doing and if they were anything like Venrus they new this was going to be an uphill battle. Though with Zinyaltes and Tezumi by their side they were positive they would stand a chance. That is till Tezumi acted before anyone else could and it was not in the way anyone would think. Tezumi closed the distance from her and Night in an instant and slammed him to the floor. "Night Blade!" she screamed as she did but it was not a scream of anger or rage but one of happiness. She quickly removed his helmet, looking into the eyes of his mask covered face. "Oh Night it is you my love." She pulled him into an acquired hug, pushing his face into her breast as she straddled his waist. To his credit it did not take Night long to figure out who this was. "Tezumi get off me women and I told you I'm not your lover." He stated as he looked at her from between her breasts. "And I told you I would have you one way or another my dear Night Blade!" She smiled sweetly at him. She slowly got off him and then pulled him to his feet. Night quickly put his helm back on before he looked to his brother to see him Talking to Zinyaltes as the large drake bellowed in laughter. He then looked to the stunned Princesses, then turned back to Tezumi "What are you doing her?" "Well, like you, we were still in when it went down. Us, along with our home and what few guild members were on ended up on an island chain off the coast with Draconians of this world......." Tezumi stopped as Night place a finger on her lips. "No I mean why are you here with them?!" He pointed at the Princesses. "Oh we came to get help, our home is being attacked..." then it dawned on her "Night please tell me you know where your brother is we need your help. Its dragons, we cant hold them!" Brights smiled as he placed a hand on Tezumi's shoulder "We will help you old friend but we don't know where the old dog is. That's why we're here because they do!" he spat as the four of them turned to look at the Princesses. Zinyaltes was the first to speak "Princes Celestia where is Venrus we need his aid if we are to have any true chance against these dragons that attack our home." Celestia finally snapped out if her daze "What is going on here, how do you know them and way would you want that monsters help. He should be locked away or put down, he is evil." Brights and Night moved to put Celestia in her place but was stopped by Tezumi and Zinyaltes. With a growl Zinyaltes stepped up to her and looked down, his eyes burning. "Watch whom you call a monster Celestia. Venrus is a dear friend and one of the kindest souls I know. He would give his life for those he calls friend and bring ruin to kingdoms for the ones he loves. Where we come from he has saved many souls and stopped wars from breaking out. He is a hero to many and I will not stand to have you drag his good name through the mud." "But his home holds necromancy, he himself uses the darks arts and has allied with a demon. How can you defend him from those crimes?" Twilight asked. "Magic my dear is not that black and white. Yes the spells Venrus knows are dark arts but they are not evil. It is how you use magic that makes it good or bad. You cannot fault him for using what he was forced into and in all the time I've known him he has not used his magic for evil." Tezumi said. "It matters little. That magic is against the law and he wont even talk to us till we accept the punishment he has for us. Which will not happen, ever." Luna said. "We are not of your world, how should we know your laws! Everything we have is from our world where everything is different, yet you would make us villains just because we are different from you!" Night roared, the light from him getting brighter. "Celestia, we are sorry, but it looks like we will not be able to form a peace with you after all." Tezumi said. The Princesses look shocked but Twilight was the one to speak. "Why not?" "Because some of our people use blood and shadow magic which as you know is dark arts. We cannot make peace with a country so closed off as to harm our people for being born with those gifts. Tell us where Venrus is, we will get the aid we need for our people from him." Zinyaltes said as he looked to the Princesses in pity. "But we can help them by cleansing those dark gifts from them." Twilight stated. "Oh you would kill them to make yourself fell better?" Zinyaltes look at her. "No I would ne..." Twilight started. "But that is what you just said to cleanse them of their gifts is to kill them! It would be the same as if we took away your cutie marks and passive magic that lets you do what you do as earth, unicorn or pegasus ponies!" Zinyaltes roared. Before anything else could be said a small voice cut them all off as it had come from no where. "Master Brights!" A very cheery and energetic voice came almost sounding like Pinkie Pie. "Oh Vava and Ezeroc it's so good to see you but what are you doing here?" Brights ask as everyone turned to look at him. There, hovering in front of his face, was a wasp, but not just any wasp a nine inch tall anthro wasp dressed in a blue suit and it had a rapier on its hip. Buzzing around his head was a bee but just like the wasp it was a five inch tall anthro bee dressed in baggy blue pants a black shirt and blue over coat with sleeves so long they hung over its hands by a few centimeters. "It's you, it's you! I missed you so much master!" The little female bee squeaked as it hugged Brights cheek if its voice was to go by. "I missed you too Vava." Brights said as he patted her "Now Ezeroc why are you here?" "We are here to inform the Princesses that a dragon is about to lay waist to Ponyville." Ezeroc said in a deep male voice. "The town has started to evacuate but will not be done in time. I was to tell them that after a price was set with Mayor Mare and at Mistress Barb's request Master Venrus is on his way to deal with the beast. He did not want these bitches to think he was the one attacking the town." Celestia turned to the guard "Go ready the troops, we leave now!" "Sister there is no time we must go and deal with it ourselves and hold it till the troops can get there." Luna stated. "No!" Tezumi roared. "Why not, that's my home about to get torched!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Venrus is on the move if you get in his way you will only make his job harder and get a lot of people hurt. Besides this will be good, you will see him at what he dose best and see how bad of an enemy you have made." Tezumi turned to leave "Come, we must find a place to watch so you can hopefully learn the error of your ways." "We will no sit ideal while our little ponies are attacked!" the three Princesses yelled together. "Yes you will or you will deal with us!" Night roared in their faces none even saw him move to them. "If anything happens to the ponies or the town the consequences are on your heads and I will find a way to beat you and send you to hell." Twilight said in a dark tone before the three Princesses teleported them and their six guests to a hill overlooking Ponyville. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group appeared on the hills outside of Ponyville. Celestia, Luna and Twilight along with her friends all gasped at the sight before them. The towns ponies were fleeing and hurting each other in the process and from what could be seen they were only half way out of the town. Some were not as lucky being thrown to the ground and trampled. The dragon was about a forth of the way into the town and everything around it was destroyed. Some ponies were even caught under some of the broken buildings. Some of which were on fire and the one spewing those flames was the green dragon Twilight had seen so long ago in the Everfree forest. As far as they could tell Venrus and his people were not here yet and the dragon seeing the fallen ponies began to move towards its easy meal. Just as the princesses were about to act a deafening roar shook the town. Those on the hill and the dragon turned to see Barb standing at the edge of the forest. She was in a beautifully crafted set of armor and took a fighting stance once the dragon turned to her. The dragon reared back about to let loose a torrent of flame at Barb but instead of running away from it she charged. A ball of green magic formed around her hand. Just as the flames left the dragons mouth she thrust out her fist lunching the magical sphere down the middle of the flame, making it bend back into its self causing the flames to blow up in the dragons face. It shook its head before glaring at Barb giving a deep throaty growl. The dragon charged and once it was close enough lifted its right claw high and struck at Barb, only to have it smacked away as Barb did a spinning heel kick to its palm. As the dragon recoiled from the sudden and great strength of its foe Barb used this to get up-close and deliver a powerful blow to the dragons chest pushing it back a little. As her fist made contact a dragon roar was heard but nether Barb nor the dragon in front of her had done it. Not wanting to let Barb get away, the dragon swung its right claw at her again only to have her flash green, blue and bright pink, then backflip over the swinging claw by just a few inches causing the dragon to claw its own chest open. As soon as she landed she let loose a torrent of arcane lighting at the dragon. Having its claws dug into its chest made the attack that much worse for the beast. As it roared in rage it ripped the claws from its chest and swung for Barb. Not having time for anything else she quickly put up a shield, only to have it smashed and her to be sent flying. After a good fifteen feet she finally hit the ground and rolled a few more feet. She breathed out a stream of green fire which coated her in a light aura and she began to stand slowly. Before she could even get to her knees the dragon was upon her, mouth wide open ready to devourer her. Celestia and Twilight screamed as they thought they were about to lose her forever and they never got to make amends. Just before it could close its jaws around her a shard of ice, red lightning shaped like a dragon, and a spear of lava smashed into its face making a big explosion and pushed the dragon way from Barb. ......................................................................................................................... Barb's point of view Barb new she had ran ahead against Venrus' order but she wanted to stop the dragon from doing more damage then it already had. She turned to see whom had just saved her and was glad she did not see a pissed off Venrus. "Your lucky we got here when we did mistress. I would not like to be on the end of Master Venrus' rage should that thing had kill you." Hrimthrus stated coldly as she stepped out of the forest. The ground froze and a fine mist hung in the air around her as she walked. "She is right Mistress, you were much too reckless." This time it was Nova the werecat that had walked out. The normally cute girl looked quite fierce with the glow the lava gave off as it floated around her. Next a fiery red head walked out of the woods, red lighting arcing around her staff as she did. She stopped and scoffed at Barb before walking passed her. "Red Dragon Lightning!" Another bolt flew from her staff striking the dragon causing it to roar out in pain. Nova held out a hand and helped Barb to her feet. "Don't mind Baba Yaga Barb she is just sore because master has not made any new beings since he made his daughters and she's been asking for a lover for quiet some time. Yet he made some to protect you." "I know Nova, though I still don't know why she acts like that, I told her I would talk to him for her." Barb dusted herself off "anyway, we don't have time for this, we got a dragon to kill. Where is Latrell, shouldn't he be with you?" Just then a colossal figure jump out of the forest and straight for the dragon, punching it in the head and nocking it away from Baba Yaga before it could snap at her. It was a male chimera almost as big as the dragon itself. He then turned and looked over his shoulder after punching the dragons head into the ground "Ladies, good to see your safe." "AH, Latrell?" Barb squeaked. "What?" Barb just pointed behind him. He turned to see a very pissed off dragon rearing up and then lung with both claws forward. Latrell, to his credit, acted just in time to catch the dragons claws and enter a power struggle but he quickly started to lose as the dragon was bigger and stronger then him. "Comet Fist!" Barb came soring over Latrell's shoulder decking the dragon in the face and burying the flame covered fist deep into his eye. The dragon was thrown to the ground by Latrell. However with Barb's burning fist still buried in its eye the dragon quickly got up and violently shook her off. Barb was thrown to the ground hard knocking the wind out of her but before the dragon could stomp on her Latrell pulled her away. The dragon glared at Latrell and barb with its one good eye, the other seeping blood and readied its fire breath. Before it could let it out a spear of ice, bolt of lava and more red dragon lightning blasted it in the side, blowing up but bigger this time. The blast tore off some scales and tore open the dragons side causing it to bleed. Some of the ponies that had been trample were now getting back up thanks to the help of the brave few that stayed to help them. But their screams drew the beast to them. Knowing he would not get a meal out of these fighters he began to run back for the town and fallen ponies, getting just into the edge of town it had yet to break. Baba Yaga flew into the dragons path, a large orb of red lightning at the end of her staff. While Hrimthrus slid in on a path of ice, an orb of ice forming in front of her mouth. Before they could launch their spells however the dragon grabbed a house, ripped it from the ground and threw it at them. Baba Yaga flew straight up and dodged the attack. Hrimthrus however was struck and knocked to the ground. The house kept going breaking down a few more houses before it stopped. A scream was heard and all looked to see Derpy and Dinky trapped under the frame of their door. The dragons eye locked on to them and charged. As it ran past Hrimthrus it swung its tail, smashing her in the and side sending her back to the woods where she hit a tree and screamed as bones could be heard breaking. Barb ran over to her and began to blow a steady stream of green fire over her. As she did her flames cut off and she was breathing heavy, but just then a new figure walked out of the forest. Barb looked up to see the faun maid she came to be good friends with. "Morna! Hrimthrus is hurt bad and I'm too low on mana to use my healing magic needed for this." "It's ok Barb I will deal with this, go to the others." Morna looked up and she had a shocked expression "and I believe they could really use your help." Barb turned to see Baba pulling herself out of a broken building while Latrell was once again in a power struggle with the dragon. He had the dragons right claw in his left hand and his right around the dragons throat But the dragon had its left claw dug into Latrell's side. Baba flew at the dragon, a blade of red hot plasma forming on the end of her staff and split the dragon's arm open causing it to through Latrell away. Latrell moved back to the girls as Baba flew high into the air. She then fell straight down with her plasma blade and was aiming for the dragons head. But right as she was to strike its head the blade broke apart. She stared up at the dragon in horror. The dragon then spun around, tail whipping Baba back to the group. Morna then took out her lute and began to play "Triple Maximize Widen Magic! Song of Resurgence!" As the sweet melody of the lute rung out over the field a soft glow surrounded the group. Their wounds began to close and their fighting force began to return. The dragon seeing this started to limp at them as fast as it could. Morna saw this and did not like it "Triple Maximize Magic! Double Spell! Melody Cannon!" She then struck some cords on her lute, launching a twin blast of music at the dragon, slamming into its chest. The blasts pushed the dragon back and forced a lot of blood out of the wounds from earlier. The dragon turned and saw Derpy still trapped under the door while Dinky tried to get her mother out. It took off after its pray as best it could on three legs. It was twenty or so feet from the mother and daughter before it tried to lung for them. Only to have its head slammed into the ground. Once it recovered it saw two new pegasi in front of it trying to free its meal. Derpy watched as Flitter and Cloudchaser dropped out of the sky hooves first onto the dragons head, stopping its attack. She screamed for them to take dinky and run. They would not, they tried to free her but stopped as they heard a deep menacing growl from behind. They turned to see the dragon more pissed then before, flames licking the sides of its mouth. "I am sick of all these weaklings getting in the way of my meal. I don't like the taste but you will burn then I will devour you." The dragon reared back and let lose a huge stream of flame. Not that they thought it would help much but Flitter and Cloudchaser grabbed some doors from some broken down houses and linked them together ten feet in front of Derpy and Dinky. They all closed their eyes and waited for the end. But it never came. Shocked beyond all belief that it worked because they could feel the heat but were not getting burned, the girls opened their eyes only to see the flames were not even near them. A head of Flitter and Cloudchaser by six feet was Night Blade. The flame parted around him with his shield raised high and a barrier in front of it. They were in awe at the being in front of them but then knew all was not well as the armor began to glow from the heat and the smell of burning flash and fur could be smelled. The flames stopped and the dragon smirked, thinking it had four crispy treats ready for eating but the smirk fell away as it saw them unharmed, all but the steaming one in the very front. The dragon quickly moved to eat the tasty mortal, thinking it to be dead only to have its jaws forcefully closed as the figure uppercut its chin. Night then flew into the air and round house kick the dragons head, snapping it away. As soon as he landed on the ground, he rushed it, slamming shoulder first into its chest knocking it away. The dragon roared in rage yet again but flared out its wings to make its self look bigger. It knew that its new enemy was not like the others, this one was something to be feared. Too bad the dragon did not know that this was what they were waiting for the whole time. A few seconds after spreading its wings three figures fell from the sky. The first, a fox with wings, ran a spear into its tail. The other two, one a falcon the other an owl, did the same to the dragons wings. Once the spears broke threw the wings and tail breaking into the ground, they twisted the spears, locking them into the ground as the heads branched out. The three quickly moved away and called out "Chains of Binding!" magical chains flew from their hands and connected to the spear handles then more chains shot from the shaft of the spear into the ground. As soon as that happened Barb and Latrell rushed the wings "Bone Shatter!" as soon as their fist met the part of the wing some three feet from the wing joint they heard the satisfying sound of breaking bones. Shortly after three more figures fell from the sky it was Venrus and his daughters. Asha's claymore was covered in an ash like aura and she cut off the left wing. Mellia's twin katanas had a bright purple glow as she cut off the right wing. Then came Venrus, the blade of his scimitar looked way too big for any mortal to wield but it looked to be made out of pure black flames as he cut the tail off the dragon. The dragon now, free from its bonds, turned to run back to were it came from but with only three legs and no tail, it was a hard battle. Seeing as it was not going to get very far it had but one thought left, to take as many as it could with it before it died. It picked the wrong target. Its one good eye fell on Barb, it lunged for her and as it fell over from not being balanced enough, its claws tore into her flash at an angle going from her right hip to her left shoulder tearing open her chest in two places and her stomach. It turned to the others and saw something that made its blood run cold. There in Venrus' place was a demon, a true dark one that all dragon kind feared. Venrus, at the sight of what happened to Barb, unleashed Eligos but it was not like before because this time, Venrus was in control. He looked to Night Blade and in a voice that oozed such hatred that the air filled with the scent of it. " Save her!" Night nodded and moved to Barb going to work with his healing light magic. Venrus turned to the dragon and the great eye spoke volumes to the bloodlust of the monster before him. Venrus ran at the dragon and, before it could make a move, found a fist in its face, launching it away. When it stood Venrus stabbed it in the shoulder of its only good front leg. "Dark Explosion!" As the blast went off so too did the dragons arm and with nothing to hold its front up, it fell to the ground. Venrus walked away and then looked back to the dragon and held up one hand as four magic circles formed in front of it. " I was going to make this quick but now you will die slowly like a dog .Triple Maximize Magic! True Dark!" A pillar of darkness flew from the air and smashed into the downed dragon. Slowly what was left of it turned pure black as it screamed in pain. After the magic stopped and Venrus walked toward it, the blackened corpse began to blow away in the wind and all that was left was a glowing stone. Venrus picked up the stone and walked back to Barb, turning back to normal as he did. Night had healed her well but the wounds were still there and would take more to heal better if not for what he had planed. "Eat this Barb, you will be healed and gain more power then you ever had before." Venrus said kneeling next to her as he held out the dragon stone. Barb quickly ate the stone and a great power surged through her. Her hair grew long, her muscles bulged out a bit and the claw wounds closed, leaving only faint scars. She then looked to Venrus "Lets go home." She, Venrus and the others began to leave. Night went back and lifted the fallen house parts off Derpy and as he turned to leave he was swormed by Flitter and Cloudchaser. He waved them off telling them he did not have time for this and left to catch up with his family, only to have them follow. As the group neared the edge of the forest, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and her friends teleported down behind them while Brights, Tezumi, Zinyaltes, and the three servants teleported to the edge of the woods. The three princesses ran to Barb and Venrus as they were at the back of the group only to have the owl and fox block their path. "That is as far as you go!" Otulissa and Gylfie said together. "Let us through, we need to see my daughter!" Celestia demanded. "It was Mistress that ordered us to keep you away from her." Gylfie said. "Barb, please speak to use, we are family." Twilight cried out. Barb stopped and looked back to them "Family does not lie and trick their own Twilight. Until you all make amends with Venrus, you all are dead to me!" and with that they walked into the portal going back to their keep. Twilight broke down crying before quickly flying back to her castle. Luna and Celestia had tears in their eyes but knew this was not the time. They looked over the now partially destroyed town and sighed. They had a lot of work ahead of them. > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not an hour had passed before Twilights Castle was swarmed with ponies trying to get answers on what caused the Dragon to go on a rampage after having lived near it peacefully for years. The Princesses could not tell them much because they did not know and could not talk to Twilight on the matter because she was busy finding rooms for the ponies that lost their homes. Once the castle was filled to capacity the owner of the local hotel put up as many as he could but that still left a lot of ponies out on the street. Celestia and Luna were trying their best to calm the ponies and assure them that they would be fine as they would be taken to Canterlot till their homes could be fixed. Twilight just emerged from her castle after getting the ponies settled, only to get startled by Venrus' portal opening. He began to walk to the ponies while dragging two by their tails. The Chimera soon followed carrying a big bag on his back and pulling a wagon full of gold and jewels. Mayor Mare, the Princesses and what was left of the now homeless ponies began to approach him. Celestia, none to pleased by the way he was treating her ponies, spoke out in an angry tone "What are you doing back here Venrus and why do you have those two?" Venrus threw the two at their feet and as soon as they look at them they found it was Snips and Snails. "I went to da dragons cave to clam my reword for killing da beast and found dese two looting da cave. I over heard deir conversion and thought ya would like to deal wit' dem yerself." Venrus then took a Beats Cube from his pocket and turned it on "Hey Snips, I don't think this is right man. We pissed that thing off and then led it home, it could kill someone" came Snails voice. "So what Snails, if we don't get the money we owe that stallion soon he will kill us and the only way to do that was by stealing from that dragon. Ya its bad that we led it to Ponyville like the Ursa Minor but now we got enough loot to do what we want." Venrus turned the cube off and put it back "As you heard for yerself dey are da cause of your towns misfortune. As agreed Mayor Mare, I took my share of da dragons hoard and da rest is yers to do with as you see fit. Latrell, leave da bag and follow da Mayor to where she needs da loot taken." After laying the big bag next to Venrus Latrell waved for the Mayor to follow "See you back home Boss Dog." The Princesses were very pissed off at the two but right now they had to deal with Venrus. Laughing drew their attention and they looked to see their ponies giggling at Venrus moving around in the comically sized bag and had to hold in their own giggles. Soon a bunch of white rolls and glowing red crystals fell from the bag and Venrus soon followed. "Ok, dose of ya without a place to stay listen up. Da rolls are self making tents, just pull da cord and throw it and ya'll have a place to stay till yer home is done. Da crystals are flame stones just tap dem twice and dey will give off heat to keep ya worm. Da tents are yers to do what ya see fit, Da crystals I want back got it?" Venrus stated holding up the items in question. The ponies quickly got the items and began to set up camp as it was well into the night now. The Princesses just stood there with their mouths open at the sight. What was said about him was true. Though Venrus held powerful dark magic he had a heart of gold. They quickly recovered as he began to do something else. He took four sky blue crystals and threw them into the air and they quickly began to race around the broken part of town. Quickly closing the distance they were going to stop him only to stare dumb founded as a map like the one in Twilight's castle began to form in front of him as he took four giant crystals from the bag. "What are you doing?" Twilight asked inquisitively. "Mapping Da damage to da town obviously." He replied with out looking at them as he fitted golden rings to the giant crystals causing them to float in the air. "Why do you need a map of the damaged area?" Luna asked. "So I know where I need to set up my stuff." He looked up to see the crystals he threw come back and placed them away and then poked four spots on the map. All of a sudden the giant crystals began to move on their own. Celestia grew tired of this game quickly "I demand to know what it is you are planning or I will make you leave!" "I don't got to do a damn thing ya say Sunbutt and if ya would shut yer gob for more den a few seconds ya would be able to see for yerself." Venrus turned away from them and began to walk into the broken part of town. As he did they watched him pull out a white crystal arch with gold inlays with floating crystals around it and set it up in the very middle. He walked back over to the map and watched it for a time. Once all the giant crystals were in place he tapped the icon for the arch. After that they watched as magic runes began to form from crystal to crystal. The glowing gray magic was a sight to behold but it did not tell them what he was doing. Moving a little closer to look at the map they saw the runes were forming a very complex network of magic circles. The Princesses looked on in wonder as the circle continued to form trying to see what it was going to do but none of them could make heads or tails of it. As soon as the last rune was in place the magic glowed brighter and began to lift into the air looking like tiny twinkling stars. Then their eyes bugged out as the damaged area began to slowly put itself back together. Venrus began to laugh, doubling over and holding his gut. "Oh yes dat was what I was waiting for! Ya should see yer faces!" The Princesses turn with shocked looks but Twilight was the first to speak. "What is that, I've never seen magic like this?" "Dat dere is Da Arch of Time, a world class item dat allows da user to turn back da flow of time so long as da mana needed to do so is freely given. I never really had a need for da thing before, till now." Venrus stated as he began to fold up the bag. "Where is the mana coming from, it's clear you aren't giving it." Twilight asked studying the circle for some time. "Ya I am just not directly. Da four giant crystals are crystalized mana dat I have stored up over da years to do with as I saw fit." "Then why use it to help us? You have to hate us or at the least not have a reason to do this." Luna stated. Venrus looked to her and she could feel his rage "I am not doing dis for ya, I am doing dis because Barb asked me to. I am doing dis for dem." He waved his hand to the tents set up in the field by the castle. "Shure deir homes can be rebuilt and da things dey lost can be bought again. But da memories and da heart dey all put into deir lives dere can not." The Princesses began to bow "Than....." Venrus lifted a hand to them "Enough I need no danks for dis. If I did I would get it from dose I have helped by doing so. Now this will take four to five days to finish. At dat time da golden rings and da arch with teleport back to me." Venrus then pulled out a nice size stack of papers "Will ya set dese up around town for Barb. I must be going I have much to do before I can leave for my friends home to kill dose dragons." Twilight took the papers "Sure we can do that. Can you tell her we are sorry and we miss her?" "Ya I can." Venrus began to turn and leave only to stop and look back to the Princesses "Ya know she hates doing dis. She cries every night over dis mess, but we love each other and she just cant bring herself to forgive ya after what ya pulled on us." In a blur of motion he was gone. A short time passed with the princesses standing there and contemplating over what Venrus told them. Then Twilight began to cry again "I'm going to apologize to Barb and Venrus and go with them to help the draconians. I don't care what he does to me as punishment, I cant take this anymore." Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight and knew they too could not stand much more of this bad blood. Not seeing Barb and her smiling face was tearing them up, more so Celestia. Luna walked up to Twilight and kissed her "As will I." Both of them looked to Celestia "So be it and may he have mercy on us. Now what did he give you exactly?" Twilight looked down to see they were fliers "Tomorrow night the Pulsing Ember will be hosting a party for the town. Free food and drink for all and there will be an open mic night so come ready to rock out." .................................................................................................................................. Pulsing Embers was jam packed with the denizens of Ponyville. All were going wild to the hard beat of the music, even the guards brought here by the Princesses were going nuts. Over in the back corner however, the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony were sitting by themselves, sipping at their drinks waiting for Barb and Venrus to show up as they were not here yet. "All right everypony, i am DJPon3 and the pulse in Pulsing Embers, while we wait for our Ember Princess to show up I'll keep you moving." Vinyl yelled out before starting a new track. After a few more songs had played the doors bust open as Barb threw them wide. A new song began to play as she walked in cutting off the one that was on. Barb and Venrus' daughters began to dance their way through the club, singing out. Barb even got some of the other ponies in on the song. The song got them jumping as they danced their way to the stage. Barb and the two girls were not just causing a scene with the song but also their choice of clothing, as it was not normally what you would see somepony wear. Barb was just wearing a black band around her sizable bust with a fishnet shirt, and a baggy pare of pants that hung low on her hips. Venrus' daughters had the same black band but both wore black jackets and matching skirts. Plus it wasn't just them, some of the ponies couldn't take their eyes off the rest of the group as they entered because of how they dressed. At the sight of the males a lot of mares grew deep blushes and tried but failed to look away. While the stallions were giving out cat calls and wolf whistles. It would still be a while before the open mic night portion of the night so most of the group did their own thing. After a while Vinyl joined Venrus' table and talked as she had her deck on auto play. Soon a song came on and Venrus really seamed to like it. "Brights, what do ya say we jack this place a bit?" Venrus said looking to his brother. "Oh you know i'm down for that, Lets go!" Brights said as he jumped up from his seat. Vinyl was about to say something till Barb put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head. The two boys made their way to the dance floor and slowly began to dance. Some of the ponies looked at them weirdly because it looked like they couldn't dance. Then all of a sudden they took off on a particulary hard beat. Punch to left, punch to right, jump and kick. Right palm strike to the left while left hand goes up then sweep right hand out in front. Turn to the right lean back with arms behind you and kick out. Left punch down to right knee while right hand goes over their head. Then Lean back to the left and kick out. Jump up and back flip land and sweep their left leg. Then repeat and all to the bass of the song. After the second repeat Barb, Vinyl, Night Blade, Tezumi, Zinyaltes and a few other ponies joined in. After the song had ended everyone split to do their own thing for a bit and having a blast. Open mic night went over very well with many getting up on stage to belt one out. After a few more hours of fun it was late into the night and everyone got ready to head back to their homes. The Princesses stopped Barb and Venrus, they would show tomorrow to take their punishment and to go with them to help the Draconians. Tomorrow, it would all begin. > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been one day since the party and the Princesses were being led to Venrus' keep by Blueblood. Instead of taking the portal with his ring that Venrus had given him, he was taking them threw the trail from Zecora's hut that leads to the Keep to give them time to think. Most of the comments they were making were them trying to think of what the punishment for them would be. Blueblood could not help but laugh as they left the forest and came into the clearing and finally came face to face with the Keep.The look on Celestia and Luna's face was too funny. The Princesses however were looking at the Keep from a military view and everything Blueblood had told them did not do it justice. If they had made any kind of attempt to try and storm the Keep it was going to be an up hill battle. The thing that they took notice of the most was that strong and very powerful magic was deeply ingrained into the very core of the Keep. Their breath was stolen from them after entering the gate however at the beauty of the courtyard. Their attention was quickly moved to the Keeps main doors as the groaning of the colossal beasts was hard to miss. Blueblood was a bit shocked to say the least for he was not expecting Barb to be the one to great them. Before anyone could get a word out Barb was in front of the alicorns and caught them all in a bone crashing hug tears streaming down her face. Crying about how she missed them and glad this would soon be over. After the Princesses calmed her down and dried her tears she began to lead them through the Keep to where Venrus was. They talked about everything that was going on with the ponies Barb had missed out on and Barb went over how her training had been going. As they passed by areas of interest on their way Barb explained what they were, even stopping to let them have a look. The first place they were allowed into was the garden as it was called. A huge field as far as the eye could see with a nice sized lake and some houses and crops growing. Off to the far left was a forest that the end of could not be seen and the trees grew taller then any the Princesses had seen before. To the far right a beach and what looked to be an ocean took up the last of the view. One thing the Princesses were shocked to see were the changelings working about and tending to the many different species of incests flittering about the place. Before they could do something stupid Barb quickly explained why they were there and how Night Blade and Brights came to meet them. The next room they were shown was the library and it took all four of the others to remove Twilight from the cornucopia of new knowledge. Once they were on their way again the part of the keep they were moving into began to grow darker and a strong source of dark magic could be felt. Soon they came to a big room with a lone door. As they drew near it opened of its own accord. The Princesses shook at the sight of the realm before them and the tortured screams that filled the air. Once they and Barb were in they looked back to see Blueblood waiting. "Nephew are you not coming with us?" Luna asked. "No aunty I am not. I wish to do some training while you speak with Venrus so I must wait here till Barb does what she needs to." Blueblood replied as he shut the door. Once the door shut a ghostly figure appeared before them and in a hollowed tone asked "What is your purpose here?" "We seek the master." Came Barbs reply. "By fight or by password." The figure asked as more began to appear. "By password," Barb sighed as she saw how the other three were acting "On high the pale blood moon rises giving the sign innocent blood shall be spilt this night." As soon as she finished, the ghostly figures vanished and a portal was left in their place. Barb quickly dragged the three through it before they could start questioning her about what had just happened. But she forgot what lay on the other side of the portal. Twilight squealed in delight at the sight before her, a room unlike anything she had ever seen. Off in one corner she rushed to was a table covered in notes on rune craft, with runes she had never seen before. Running to the other side was a huge set of glassed shelves full of what she thought could only be reagents "Monk's Bane, Blood of the Innocent, Dried Gecko, Phoenix Ashes, Phoenix Tears, Dragon Eye" Twilight quickly turned to ask Barb what all this was for but then she saw the alchemical table and a strange creature working at it. Twilight began to tremble "Barb why is there a demon here!" Barb turned to see what she was talking about "Oh that is Impet and he's not a demon, he is a titan. He is also Venrus' lab assistant. He is currently making potions for the fight to come please don't bother him. Now were could my loving wolfy be hiding at." Barb led them to a door near the back of the room and heard voices from within but before she could get close it opened and out walked Venrus and his dear friend Ainz Ooal Gown. The Princesses screamed at the sight of him but he simply walked by as if they were not even there. "Thank you my friend for all the help. I know it was a great hassle for you and you have your own work to tend to. Remember if you ever need anything just let me know." "We have been allies for a long time Venrus I would come to your aid anytime just as I know you would do for me." Ainz then quickly left. "Ok so that was an old friend, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown. He was just dropping off something I asked him for after I found out he was here." Venrus then fixed the Princesses with a hard glare making them flinch "Now on to your punishments, first Twilight you are the Princesses of Magic but you know nothing of the other side of the coin so you will be stripped of all magic you currently know and begin again. Once I feel you have learned your lesson the lost magic will be returned to you. Luna will be joining you for dark magic training. She has great dark magic already but because of Celestia she refuses to use it which caused it to build till it took over. Because of this Luna's punishment is to relive her worst mistakes until she over comes them and learns to do things for herself. Now Celestia I had Lord Ainz scour your realm for every misdeed you have ever made against another and you shall relive their pain caused by you. EVERY! SINGLE! ONE!" Venrus then sighed "But that will have to wait for now because I need you ready for the fight to come since you want to help and I know just the way for you to be useful." Venrus then went to the rune table and began to move quite a few runes into a large chest. Before any of them could ask how he planed to use them he cryed out. "Nova get your fluffy tail in here now!" Celestia and Luna wanted to squee over the cute girl as she came into the lab and gave a small bow "Yes Master?" "Take these to Night in his forge he needs them to make the weapons for the Draconians." He handed her the chest. She took it and left. "Now as for how you three will help I will teach you a simple spell that will allow you to give mana to others. I have no idea what combat magic you know or how to use it in the battle. But since you have a near inexhaustible source of mana you can keep everyone on the field in top form with this and will be a big help in the long run." He stated as he walked around the lad getting reagents off the shelves. After he sat the reagents on the table he reached into his storage which still earned odd looks from the Princesses and pulled out a scroll, he then threw it to them "Study that and be sure you can use it by the time we get to the Draconian lands. You have a few hours to get ready then come back here so we can leave, then it is a two day trip to the islands." He turned and began to work but he could feel them staring, he flicked his hand out in a dismissive meaner "Leave us!" Barb quickly began to push them from the room "Okay that's enough of that Vens got a lot a work to do still and very little time to do it in so time to go. Love you Ven see you later!" "Love you too!" was all she heard before the door shut. Barb quickly lead them out the way they came and once they were in the room outside the dark realm they found a wounded and bleeding Blueblood with two broken rapiers at his side. "Blueblood did your teacher kick your ass again?" Barb asked as she walked over and began to heal him. "Afraid so cousin but i got him good this time too. By the gods the man is brutal but I am improving at a great rate if he is to go by." Blueblood laughed. "That's good to hear now get these three home so they can get ready and have them back in three hours. That's when we will be leaving, don't be late or you will be left behind." Barb said as she pulled him to his hooves. "Will do cousin see you soon." Blueblood then lead the Princesses out. Time skip three hours The Princesses stared wide eyed at the beast before them. A giant insect that had a hollow in its back which had a few houses and a small field in it. It was sitting in the clearing outside the keep and everyone was rushing to get the last of the supplies loaded onto the monster. They were quickly put to work and in just a few minutes the loading was complete. Once everyone was on board the beast leaped into the air and began to move toward the Draconian lands with the help of Tezumi. In two days they would arrive at the Draconian lands which gave them just one day to plan out how to deal with the dragons before the shield would fall. > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As their trip through the sky went on the Princesses grew a bit angry. Not only were they left to train and not doing well on it, which was very strange, but they were left out of the planning for the fight. They were told that they knew what their job was and that was all they needed to know. When they were not planning or eating, Night Blade and Venrus were locked away in a small building making things for the battle to come. Beautiful weapons and armor of great power made from gold and obsidian forged with great runes of power from Venrus. Potions of red, orange, blue and green were pumped from the alchemical station. and gently carted away. On the second morning of their trip they had hit the shore of Equestria's coast. A little into the afternoon the Princesses finally got the hang of the spell Venrus wanted them to learn and in order for them to practice Barb and Blue Blood fought and used all manner of magic to try and kill one another. Princess Celestia was to give mana to Blue Blood so he could keep fighting, while Luna did the same for Barb. Twilight was giving mana to Tezumi who was healing the two fighters to keep them in top form for longer. After a couple hours of this each Princess was made to take turns giving mana to all three for an hour a piece for three different turns to help them become acquainted with giving mana to more then one person. For in the battle to come they will need to supply mana to a few thousand fighters which in and of itself is a very tall order. Close to six in the afternoon they heard cannon fire. Looking to the sea below they saw two ships locked in a fight one was sailing Equestrian colors and the other the Jolly Roger. Venrus upon being told this gave one simple answer "Sink the Pirates!" Brights moved to the bugs head and began to talk to it. Slowly it turned to regard the two ships and then spat a giant wad of goo at the Pirates' vessel. As soon as that happened the explosions from their own cannons set the goo aflame killing the crew and sending the ship to meet Davy Jones. At around one in the morning the Islands soon came into view. Thanks to how quiet the bug was they made it to the shield without waking any dragons and slipped inside. Now they had one day left till the shield would fall, one day to prepare for war. It was early in the morning when Venrus and the others were awakened by screaming but Tezumi and Zinyaltes quickly calmed their people down. In their absence the members of their guild that had come with them had down the best they could to bring as many of the others up to fighting speed. At the sight of all the supplies that their new allies had brought with them the Draconians were filled with hope and courage. After all the supplies were handed out Venrus began to go over the plan to rid the land of the dragon menace. Many did not see how it could work for they did not have the numbers of which he spoke of. He then told them that they had a way to get them and they would begin to call for them once the briefing was over. After the briefing was over a large area in the center plaza was cleared for Venrus. He came out wearing a robe similar to Zinyaltes' but the left half of his upper body was left uncovered. Tezumi followed behind him wearing a pure white set of robes that looked like her normal attire. Venrus began to quickly use his magic to etch a spell circle into the stone floor. Once it was done Tezumi walked into the middle of it, looked toward the sky and held her arms out to her sides. Venrus then pulled his sword from his hip and quickly slit her throat open. She stayed standing but the blood ran down her from turning her snow white robes red then her blood quickly began to pool at her feet. The others that did not know the purpose of this cried out in outrage trying to get to their Lady and her killer, but were held back but Zinyaltes and the rest of the guild mates. Tezumi soon lifted her head and rose into the sky a few feet and wailed like a banshee, her blood cleared from the flat ground and pushed into the groves carved into the floor and began to glow red with power, showing them the magic circle in greater detail. She was levitated over to Night Blade whom brought her back from the dead after healing her injury. Venrus then stepped up to the circle and began to chant in an unknown language, as he chanted he slowly brought he blade up under his left arm. Once the blade was agents his armpit he began to chant louder as he did wisps of purple magic began to form another circle over the red one. When the circle was half done he swiftly removed his own arm, blood gushing from the wound like a fountain. The arm was sent flying into the middle of the circle were it quickly began to dissolve finishing the circle. Cries of fear and shock rang out at his action. Barb had to be restrained to make sure she did not interfere with the ritual. There was no flinch of pain or change in his voice as he kept on chanting as the magic in the circle grew bright and began to stabilize with the one made before. He quickly began to start a new chant, a sickly green magic began to flow from him in wisps making a third circle. As this was going on bright pink flames burst from his wound slowly all boar witness as the bone of his arm began to grow as the flame moved away from him, then the muscle and veins, next the skin and finally the fur. Everyone's attention soon returned to what he was doing as the final circle began to stabilize with the first two as his chanting came to an end. Once all was said and done a stone with a hole in it grew from the circles. Venrus removed Eligos' eye from his bow and placed it into the hole. After he backed away a sickly looking portal opened over the stone. "Da gate has been opened by my pact with your master I call to ya demons of da Great Gate come forth into da world and do my bidding." "Well as much as we thank you for the way out, I don't have a master." came a male voice from the portal. A few minutes later a Someone came out wearing a heavy set of dark plate armor carrying a big two-handed sword. "This is new, now lets see." The figure held a hand to his chin as he looked around till he stopped on Venrus "Well I'll be damned Venrus is that you ya old dog?" he said as the figure quickly began to walk to Venrus. "No way Talmorian is dat ya, truly ya walking tin can?" Venrus quickly threw a hand out to catch Talmorian's by the fore arm. "I'll be, what were ya doin in Hell?" "Me and the guild were doing a raid in the lower levels trying to clear it before the game turned off since it was the last one we needed to have beat them all." Talmorian laughed out as he threw an arm around Venrus' shoulders. "Ya got da whole guild with ya, truly?" Venrus asked quisitively. "No not everyone, but my best. lets see there is Raziel, Celia, Tessa and I'm sure she is going to be so happy to see you. She still has a thing for you even though she left with the rest of us." Talmorian stated. "Oh dat is so not good, not one bit." Venrus sighed. "Now we also have Tilla and her brother Tallinn. Hey guys come on out it's all good, it's just Venrus and some friends!" Talmorian shouted into the portal. All of a sudden a shrill girlish scream of excitement came from the portal. A young girl with black cloths flew from the portal ripping Venrus from Talmorian's arm and nocked him to the ground. "Venny I'm so happy to see you!" the girl screamed. "I can see dat Tessa now get off me women." Venrus growled a little. Tessa put a finger to her chin making it look like she was thinking. "Ah no I think I'm fine right here." She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head into the soft fur of his face. However Tessa was quickly pulled from Venrus and pushed away by Barb as she pulled him to his feet and held him around the waist. "Venny who is this?" Tessa pointed a finger to Barb. "I'm his lover!" Barb glared at Tessa. Tessa quickly got up into Barbs face, "Really is that true?" "Yes, yes it is. I share his bed with him every night and sometime the girls sleep with us. They even call me mom from time to time. Ain't that right girls!" they turned to look at Venrus' twins and they quickly nodded their heads before going back to talking to the Draconian children. Tessa looked a little sad at that but then perked right up "That's so good that means I can have you both. After all you are really sexy." Tessa quickly grabbed Barbs ass and gave it a squeeze. Barb for her part handled it very well. She gently removed Tessa's hand and then looked to Venrus "Did she just hit on me and say she wanted to be with both of us?" Everyone that new Tessa replied at the same time "She's Bisexual." Barb turned and looked at Tessa who just smiled at her. Barb smiled back at her "Okay I'll give us three a shot." Tessa squealed again wrapping both Barb and Venrus into a tight hug. "Do I get a say in dis?" Venrus asked. "No!" was the girls reply. The only thing Venrus did was slap his hand over his eyes and groaned. While everyone else was having a laugh at Venrus' expense, they failed to notice the others of Talmorian's group show up. "Well not that that wasn't adorable but I think I should finish the introductions. The tall drink of water in black is our priestess Celia." The women gave a bow. "The spook in white is our rouge Raziel. " the man simply crossed his arms and looked away. "The brooding young man with the wings is one of our vampires Tallinn along with his sister Tilla." Talmorian had to do a double take since she was missing "......... okay where the hell did your sister go Tallinn." "Where do you think boss." Tallinn smirked as he pointed a finger. Off to the side Tilla and Tezumi each had one of Night Blade's arms and was trying to pull him away from the other while shouting insults at each other. Tallinn and Zinyaltes quickly went over and broke up the fight before it could get any worse. Venrus grabbed Talmorian's shoulder "Old friend I am glad to see ya and we could use some help. Tomorrow at dawn da shield over dis city will fall and a flight of dragons is waiting just beyond to lay waist to dis place and its people. Will ya aid us brother as ya once did before?" Talmorian grabbed Venrus by his shoulders "I once stood by your side as student and then when I left you did not take it as a betrayal. Once we came into our own you and Tezumi welcomed us as brothers in arms. What kind of brother would I be if I turned from you now. I will need one thing though, our home is lost, we tried everything but it was hopeless. Will you welcome us into yours once more." Brights and Night Blade both slapped him on the back smiling at him. Brights then spoke "We told you once before, though your path has drawn you away no matter how far you may roam, our guild will always be your home any time you may need it." Talmorian shock his head "Then to war!" Venrus then walked over to the portal and whistled into it. A deep many growls could be heard from the gate to hell and then the rumbling started. Quickly everyone backed away in fear since they did not know what would be coming. Suddenly twenty large, slim wolf like demons burst forth from the portal pushing everyone away from Venrus and the portal. They had black fur and silver scales. A glowing blue energy seeping from their bodies from cracks between their scales and slits down their backs. Their fearsome appearance was finished off by a long tail with a large blade at the end. Another wolf emerged bigger then the rest and quickly moved to Venrus. The large wolf slowly leaned its head down into Venrus' outstretched arms. Venrus placed his forehead to the wolfs as he pet it "It is so good to see ya after so long Borda how have ya and yer brodas been?" The wolf began to make different growling, barking and whining noises. "I see dat is good to hear and how are yer sisters dey are coming are dey not?" The wolf quickly replied. "Good take yer place with yer brodas and wait, I have much to tell ya." The lager wolf joined the others in the circle keeping everyone at bay. Not long after twenty other very beautiful wolf like demons came out and took their place in the circle. They were covered in super fluffy snow white fur with a light blue tint, their back and the upper part of their forelegs had scales. Their beauty was only highlighted by the light glittering off their crystal horn and wings, gleaming blue eyes and long whipping tail. Just as before a bigger one came out last and walked right up to Venrus. They placed their foreheads together and the wolf began to talk to him. "Good to see ya too girl and I'm glad to hear ya and yer sistas are doing fine." She quickly joined the other alpha wolf's side. "Now listen well all of ya, dose ya see around ya are our allies. A flight of dragons sits beyond da shield over dis keep and want to lay waist to all beneath it. I know ya will not like what I am about to say but it must be so. Ya now well Night Blade is a champion of da light, well he will be calling da Angelic Host to aid in da battle to come. We need to work togeder for we are too few to clam victory over the dragons. Ya are not to fight with the angels and are to aid them, is that clear." The wolves quickly went into a frenzy of angry growls, barks and snarls only to be made silent by the viscous roar Venrus let loose. "I said it will be so don't make me repeat myself, is that clear?" All the wolves quickly bowed their heads. Venrus walked over to the portal and removed Eligos' eye closing it for the time being. He then walked over to Night and patted him on the shoulder as he walked by. "It's yer turn now broda and I hope dat ya can make da Lords of da High Heavens see reason. We wont last long without deir aid." Unlike his brother Night Blade did not need as much fanfare to call on the aid of those he had as allies, though it would cost him one of his relics he had worked hard to get. He reached forward and from the fog pulled an ancient looking golden circlet. It was big, much too big to be worn by any mortal. Slowly Night filled the circlet with his holy light till it looked like a simmering golden disk and threw it high into the heavens. In a flash of light a tear formed across the sky, a golden dust filled fog began to roll over the side and into the world below. Soon six figures could be seen making their way to the ground below. Night Blade fell to one knee as did Little Strongheart whom had finally awoke and joined them. The figures now known to be angels landed before them and the biggest one stepped forward. The titan was clad in heavy plate mail that glistened in the light of the day and that of his golden flowing wings. The circlet now floated above his head and a mighty spear rested in his hand. "Rise our champion of the light you are a welcomed friend, their is no need to stand on ceremony with us. You would not have called unless your need be truly dire. Which begs the question have you gone soft Night Blade, these paltry few demons should be no match for the likes of you." he said as he reached out a hand. Night took the hand and was quickly pulled to his feet. "No Lord Imperius, Archangel of Valor these are of no threat to any you see here. They are trusted ally this day." Imperius took a step back "Sacrilege!" then he raised his spear. Night took a step forward "Please my Lord allow me to explain before you pass judgement!" Though he is smaller then Imperius by a bit the next angel in plate stepped forward holding his sword so the blade pointed to the ground. Using the hilt of the blade he lifted Imperius' spear away from Night. "Brother you know Night to be one of our most devout, he has even begun to bring more into the fold. We will hear what he has to say. Your crown was used to bring us here, he would not willingly use such a treasure unless he truly had to." Imperius nodded and lowered his spear. "Speak quickly then and pray your words fined favor before my blade seals your fate." "Thank you my Lords and to you most Tyrael, Archangel of Justice. As you can see and no doubt feel there are many here who are hurt and the fields beyond hold many dead. A flight of dragons seek to wipe these Draconians from the world for simply being. There was no time for a warning when they came. They slaughter with out reason or thought. These people's only saving grace was hiding behind the shield that now stands but it will soon fall. Most of these people are simple villagers and do not know the ways of combat. Their leaders and dear friends come to me and my brothers for aid because killing dragons is what we do. After seeing what we are up against Venrus called these demons here to aid in battle, but we are still too few even with the Mad Dog at our head. So I called unto you the strongest of Heavens might, the leaders of legions for aid. In their time of need would you not give these people hope, to show them the valor of the Heavens and what true justice is. Would you not seek to change their fate that has been laid before them. So I ask you oh great Archangels will you stand with us though demons guard our backs, will you fight by our side this day?" Night bellowed to those that stood above him. The angel in flowing robes and armor with a scroll in hand walked forward as he looked upon it "The scroll of fate does not bode well for them brother should our aid not be given." "I stand with Itherael, Imperius this needless slaughter can not stand those beasts must be brought to heel." The angel raged as he hefted his great scythe to his shoulder as he place the other hand on the Archangel of Fates' pauldron. Imperius looked to his fellow angel "be at ease Azrael as the angel of death I know how this makes you feel." The only female of the group floated forward "Night Blade you said your brother Venrus called these beasts to these peoples aid and that the Mad Dog himself plans to lead this fight. He was once Malthael's student so your battle should go well but tell me this. What assurances do we have that these demons wont attack us." "My lady Auriel, Archangel of Hope, I made dese demons and dey dare not go against my will." Venrus said as he walked up to her. "Ya know well that Eligos and her kind want no part in the Eternal Conflict but other demons attack to enslave them to bring their might to bare against ya. I made dese demons myself to help guard her people while she is imprisoned here. I have done many a serves for ya and yer broda's. Ya can trust when I say, ya have my word dey will work with ya then be sent home." Imperius strode up to him "I see no lies from you tainted one and as always you fight for those weaker then yourself without thought or reword." Imperius points his spear at Venrus, "Know this Mad Dog of war when you die we shall not let such a shinning soul fall to the Burning Hells, just as with your brother Night Blade I look forward to seeing you reborn from the Crystal Arch and to what kind of angel you both will become." Imperius slammed the pummel of his spear to the ground and a host of angels began to pore from the tear in the sky "Hear me, on this day Heaven shall stay with Hell as one! Let loose the dogs of war! Now before the shield falls we must make ready and train these weaklings into battle hardened soldiers. Venrus tell us of your strategy while the host deals with training." With that the leaders walked away to the large tent set up as the command center as the angel warriors began to train the Draconians in the art of warfare. > Chapter 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn was fast approaching. Thanks to the Angelic Host and Malthael, the Draconians at least knew what they were doing with their weapons. For those that had no aptitude for combat the Angles brought down holy light ballista for them to man. The siege weapons would be a great boon to the fight ahead. The Draconians grew scared as the flight of dragons soon began to beat against the shield once more. Venrus and the rest of the leaders walked up onto a slop over looking the army before them. The sun rising behind them. The light glittered of their armor and in that moment the forces drew strength from the sight stealing themselves for the fight ahead. Venrus stepped forward, a small magic circle forming before his snout. "A beast now stands at yer door licking its lips, savoring da meal dat is to come, a beast is at yer door! It is one of flesh and blood, it believes ya are weak and easy prey ready for da slaughter! But ya are a proud people with da blood of da mighty within ya! On dis day ya will fight and ya will die but not before we show dese bastards who they are messin' wit'! For everyone one of us dat fall we shall take two with us, we shall make dem work for every inch dey gain with blood and pain! In da end ya will travel da Road of Skulls with yer heads held high and ya will look yer ancestors in da eye with pride! For on dis day shields shall be splintered, swords shall be shattered and blood will flow in rivers! Da very heavens demselves will shake as we lift our voices in rage and bloodlust! A red dawn now blooms and glory awaits us. So I ask, are ya sheep waiting to be eaten or are ya a beast ready to fight and fall!" The army roared their response as they lifted their weapons high into the air. "Good now dis is how dis will go. Draconians as well as da battle maids will take da left flank, with the male demon wolves. Do as da battle maids say, dey are yer superiors. Da Arch Angels and da Angelic Host will cover da right flank and the air to make sure dese bastards don't get over us. Da guild leaders and our forces will take da middle, we will do all we can to make sure da dragons focus on us. Dose manning da light ballista as well as the female demon wolves will fire in the air just beyond the front lines. Dis is too thin deir numbers as well as keep dem out of da air. Now lets go meet our enemy and show dem deir doom. Move Out!" As they marched the veteran fighters began to boost themselves and the army while the alicorns supplied them with mana. "Blessing of Magic Caster, Magic Ward Elemental, Greater Full Potential, Paranormal Intuition, Greater Resistance, Indomitability, Greater Luck, Magic Boost, Draconic Power, Greater Hardening, Heavenly Aura, Penetrate Up, Greater Strength, Greater Agility, Sensor Boost, Blessing of Warrior, Greater Magic Shield, Reinforce Armor, Lion's Heart." were called out one after another and the army flashed threw different colors. As they march not toward their doom but to their future. Live or die they knew this day was theirs. As they marched some began to play music. It was light and warming but then became a war drum as the marching solders began to beat their weapons on the ground, theirs shields or themselves. Then the army lifted its voice in a ancient chant, one that spoke of glory for the living and the dead for war was to come. The dragons stopped their attack on the shield as the song hit their ears and it confused them. As the sun rose up over the hill so did the singing army. Gone was the scared prey they were promised by their leader and a mighty force now bared down on them. Though they would not say it or let it show, the coming tide before them scared them to their core. These meek, weak little blights upon their blood line now massed in force to stand for their lives. As the song come to an end the army had moved into position. The dragons cried out in rage at the gall of these prey and soon the shield began to fall. Once it was fully gone both sides looked upon each other waiting to see who would be the first to make a move. It was the casters of the army that did. Venrus, Night Blade, Tilla, Tallinn, Zinyaltes and Tezumi all began to activate the super tier spell, Fallen Down. The dragons, feeling the power of what was to come, charged not wanting to let the casters finish their spells. Some even tried to take to the air to get over the front line only for the whole charge to be halted by a volley of light ballista and great crystal ballista. A great portion of the front line of the dragon flight was injured and at least five lay dead. As the dragons tried to see where the attack came from the still rising sun blocked their vision. The Fallen Downs activated and landed in the middle of the dragon flight for maximum damage. The dragons looked on in fear as the spells had taken thirty of their brothers and sisters from them. The remaining one hundred and ten dragons turned and roared at the army before them only to be peppered by another volley of ballista. Horns sounded and the army charged into the ranks of the dragon flight. To say it was a slaughter would be like calling a child's tea party the Grand Galloping Gala. Scores of the lesser angels and the draconians were being wiped from the field despite the buff they were given and the healing being provided. Though just as Venrus had said they were making the dragons work their collective asses off for every kill. The fighting had only been going on for a half hour now and a total of fifty seven dragons now lay dead but they had lost one sixth of their forces. Tilla, seeing the draconians need help, sent her summons Rage and Speed to aid them. The dragons, seeing that the ones in the middle and right were not the ones they were after, started to move more towards the left. This prompted the Arch Angels and the top casters to hit the dragons hard to show them that they needed to keep focus on them. Each of the Arch Angels unleashed their special attacks while the top casters hit the flight with another Fallen Down, which they sped up using a cash shop item. This worked better then they had hoped as more of the dragons began to ignore the draconians and target them. With this break the healers began to go around and revive as many of the fallen as they could. Though they noticed the supply of mana was beginning to wane. Back at the ballista outpost, the Princesses were beginning to tire from the use of so much power. Even though their power was nearly limitless they had never had to use so much in all their long lives. The drain was straining and if the fighting did not end soon they would drop from exhaustion before long. The dragons had began to press the middle hard and the angels with the draconians began to flank the sides heavily do to the dragons need to remove the casters. The battle has been going on for a grueling two hours now, and it looked to be getting close to an end. Twilight and Luna had both dropped, no longer being able to help as Celestia fought now to keep up the mana of the forces. A small portion of the Angelic Host had been slain and well over half was greatly injured. The draconians had it the worst as they had lost over three fourths of their number. The main guild members were faring no better then the angels as they were badly beaten. But the dragons now numbered a mere fifty. The combined army now moved in for the next assault on the dragon flight, despite the numbering loses. They knew that if they did not finish this they would fall to the dragons. The desperation and rage caused the draconians to fight like a madman possessed. But all that changed as the loudest most vicious roar ever heard broke through the air. Behind the dragon lines the ground began to form a mound, moving the dead out of the way. Lava burst forth from the cracks as the roar continued. The ground violently tore open to reveal a massive dragon. The other dragons quickly moved out of the way in fear and bowed down to their alpha as he approached. "You have done well against my children small ones, but why do you fight only to fall. We have come here time and time again to cull your numbers and in the past you just lied down and accepted your fate. So why fight now so fervently." The alpha rumbled. "Ya are not but beast, you toy and play with da lives of others as if it were yer right. I hate yer kind more den anything in existence and I will see yer species wiped from da world. No more will innocent lives be lost because of ya and yers." Venrus yelled. "And who are you to deny me my right! These lesser are of my blood, my line, and I decide their fate!" The alpha hissed. "I am da bane of yer world and I will see yer head mounted upon my wall, but I will make ya a deal. Fight the six best of us and if ya win we will leave and never return. Allowing ya to carry on with dem as ya please. Should ya lose to us lessers yer flight will leave never to return. Or are ya scared to fight us after da slaughter we put yer flight through ya witless wyrm." Venrus said with a sly grin. The alpha lowered his head and roared a challenge in Venrus' face. "Go and recover, I will fight you at your best lesser. I will enjoy eating you and then I will take your breeder as my toy once this is over." The alpha turned away, scoring a heated grove into the ground before Venrus. But if he had waited he would have seen what made his flight so scared. The energy and pure hatred coming from Venrus was enormous. The alpha had hit a button he never should have and those that new Venrus palled for what was to come.