Dearest Vinyl

by Muffin Derper

First published

Riichard and Vinyl have been dating for a while. Tension rises in the relationship. Octavia is there for a friend, but is it what Vinyl wants?

Richard and Vinyl have been dating for awhile. Tension rises in the relationship. Octavia is there for a friend in need, but is it what Vinyl wants?

This is not a clopfic. It is a romance story that has a few sex scene in it. And even then it's nothing to really clop too. You've been warned.

A big HUGH thank you to Darth Pon3 for all the help and letting me bounce ideas off of you. This story would not be complete if it wasn't for him.

Chapter 1

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The key slides into the door and clicks as it unlocks. The front door swings open as a man enters the house. He rolls his neck as his right hand reaches up to rub the base of the neck. He’s had a god awful kink there all day. Richard sets his stuff down and reach into the breast pocket of the shirt and produces a pack of cigarettes. I really should quit, but its the only thing that stops me from wanting to murder those idiotic co-workers. He pulls one out and lights it with a puff of smoke.

Richard makes his way down the hall and into the bathroom. With a flick of the switch the lights hum to life. Richard turns to the mirror, deep bags are under his hazel eyes from the lack of sleep lately. His dirty blonde hair is a mess, but he hardly cared. Richard takes a drag of the cigarette as he scratches the scruff on his cheek.

"Damn you look like shit Richard." He mumbled to himself as he turns around and bends over the tub and pull the knob out of the wall to turn on the faucet. After adjusting the temperature to his liking he turns to leave.

Richard walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen. Pulling open the fridge he peers inside. Fuck, no beer. With a sigh he shuts the door, and heads back to the bathroom.

The tub is near full and you shut the faucet off. Richard strips off the clothes from the day and lowers himself into the water. Reaching for his pants he pulls out an iPod, after some swaps of his fingers he finds the playlist he was looking for and clicks on it. Soon Red is the Rose fills the bathroom and Richard sinks into the water while trying to relax. Not long after he nods off and pass out from exhaustion.

Richards nap was cut short when somebody open the door.

"Figured you were out of beer so I stopped at the store and bought some." Richard looked up and saw Vinyl standing there holding a Bud Light Platinum in her hand. She sets it down next to the tub.

She was wearing her normal clothes that she always wore when she went to the studio. Plain white Tank top that was a low V cut. Which complemented on the Eighth Note pendant she never took off. Dark purple sunglasses, along with tight fitting skinny jeans. He still couldn't get over the fact of her bright blue hair with lighter blue highlights. But she somehow managed to pull it off.

Richard and Vinyl had been dating for six months. She hasn't moved in yet, but she might as well have. Most of the time he forgets to lock the door, but it wouldn't matter she has her own key to the place. She pretty much comes over anytime she wants and half the times she sleeps here anyway. It doesn’t really bug Richard all that much. He enjoys her company.

"Thanks babe. I've been wanting one." Richard picks up the beer and cracks it open while he slams it back. Pulling the can from his mouth he wipes away any foam from his lips. Richard sets the can down while pulling the plug and got out of the tub. He starts to gather up his things and heads to the bedroom.

"How was work today? Anything interesting happen." Vinyl just shrugs as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Eh, it was okay. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except, Octi stopped by the studio." That was strange. Yeah Octavia is Vinyl's best friend, but their taste in music was polar opposites.

"Why did she do that?" He fumbles with the light switch for a second until the right one was found. The lights flicker on. "I thought she hated your music." He looks over at Vinyl who starts to chuckle.

"Yeah I did too, but she want to calab on a song with me." Richards mouth drops to the ground. He turns around and looks Vinyl in the eyes.

“We are talking about Octavia, the Cellist who only like Classical music and despises dub step, right?” Vinyl nods her head as she pulls off her shirt revealing plain white bra underneath. She tosses the shirt aside and gets to work shimming out of her tight jeans.

“It striked me as odd at first too, until she talked out her idea.” With one final push she gets them off. “Oh, which reminds me I’m going to be up late tonight working on bass line samples to show to her.” The only face Richard could make was an ‘oh’ face. Vinyl never worked on music while she stayed over.

“How you going to do that without your board?”

“I brought my laptop and it has a music software program on it. I'm only making a sample so I don’t really need my board.” She paused as she pulled a shirt out of Richards dresser. “Besides if I need help I can always just ask you.”

“Makes sense, I guess.” It's true Richard was a percussionist and had an understanding of music theory, but it had been a while since he actually picked up sticks to play, let alone write music. “Well I’m going to be on the couch watching the recorded hockey game if you need me.” With that Richard walked out of the room.

Vinyl grabbed her bag that was on Richards bed and pulled out her laptop. She jumped onto the bed and opened it up. After a few minutes her music program was launching and she started to work out a beat. But it didn’t take Vinyl long to start getting irritated.
Richard was enjoying the game. 2:04 left in the first period and the Arizona Coyotes were beating the San Jose Sharks 2 to 1. But from the back of his house he heard vinyl scream.

“UGGH! You fucking peice of shit!” Richard pause his game and got up. He made his way to his bedroom. When he walked in he noticed Vinyl’s hair was a mess and she looked like she wanted to snap her laptop in half.

“Whats wrong babe?” Vinyl shot him a dagger of a glare before she calmed down when she noticed it was him.

“The time signature is WHAT! Four/Eight? How am I supposed to work with that and with a 140 beats per minute?” Vinyl threw her hands into the air.

“Hold on, why are you working in Four/eight? And what’s wrong with 140? It's not that slow. You should be able to come up with a nice build up in a 140 speed.”

“Its what Octi wants. I know but the time signature is throwing me off.” Richard starts to Chuckle.

“You can always make a four/four sample and show it to her and see if a she likes it. Did you ever think of that?” Vinyl stares down Richard before grabbing an empty beer can and throwing it at him. This reminded Richard of when he first meet Vinyl six months ago.

Richard was sitting at the bar with a beer in his hand. Feeling pissed off for being dragged out of his house by Big Mac.

“You're not going to find anyone if you just sit there and pout like a sissy.” Even in the crazy loud atmosphere in the bar, Richard could still feel Big Mac’s voice boomed with bass in his chest.

“Yeah well, I didn’t ask for this Mac. You know I’d rather be home than,” Richard motioned his hand in a sweeping motion to the scene being played out behind them, “”

“Come on man, you know you’d be happy if you got laid tonight. Stop being a bitch.” Big Mac playfully punched Richard in the arm.Which Richard returned in kind.

“I’m find just sitting here drinking my beer. Go have fun Mac, I know you have your eye on somebody.” Mac look surprised at his remark.

“How di-” Richard cut him off before he could finish his thought.

“We grew up together, I think I know when my best friend has an eye on somebody across the room. Go have fun, I’m fine.” Big Mac hesitated for a bit, until Richard gave him a shove into the crowd. With Big Mac gone he turned back around and finished his beer. “Bar keep! Hit me up.”

“Holy hell Octavia, a few drinks isn’t going to kill you.” His new beer slid into his grasp when a bright haired girl walked up with and darker haired girl in tow. Great, now I got to listen to this shit.

“I-I don’t know Vinyl, I got practice early tomorrow. I don’t think it’s wise.”

“Let loose, gesh. Ok one beer, can you manage that?” Vinyl gave her friend a glare while she waited for her response.

“Y-yes I can do one beer.” A smile shot onto Vinyles face as she turned to the bar.

“Yo! One beer and a shot of whiskey.” Richard was already getting annoyed with the two going back and forth. So he decided it was a good time for a smoke break. As he got up to go outside the girl with the bright hair bumped into him spilling her shot of whiskey onto his shirt.

“Oh my- dude I’m so sorry. Totally my fault I wasn’t pa-” Richard cut her off.

“Don’t fucking worry about it. Now get out of my way.” He pushed past her and walked out the door. Pulling a cigarette to his lips he mulled over what just happened. Fuck, maybe I was a little harsh. Big Mac already had him in a fowl mood, and it wasn’t her fault. He let out a sigh along with a cloud of smoke.

“Damnit, I need to find her and apologize. But Cigarette first.” He said quietly to himself

“Apology accepted.” Richard nearly gagged on the big harsh drag of smoke as the sudden voice startled him. He looked behind him to see the girl from earlier standing there. Her magenta eyes showed no sign of hurt or anger. But they were beautiful. She reached up and pulled down a pair of dark purple sunglasses. Wait a minute I’ve seen her before. It took a moment before it came to him.

“Y-you're not a DJ by any chance are you?” She nodded her head. “Let me guess, DJ Pon3?”

“Yup!” Great I was an asshole to a well known person. “Names Vinyl Scratch, hey could I get one of those from you?” She had extended her hand towards him. Richard reached out and shook it.

“Uh- oh yeah here.” Richard reached into his pack and pulled one out.

They ended up talking for hours about music and how some artist are starting to become repetitive with their new releases. Octavia had wondered out looking for Vinyl at some point and joined in on the conversation. Not too long after Octavia wondered out Richard saw Big Mac stumble out the door calling out Richard's name.

“Richard, you sum-bitch cummeer.” Big Mac almost tripped on a step

“God damnit Mac, I said have a good time not get shitfaced.”

“Ooooh lookie likes sum budy finally found summ unh.” Big Mac was a good few inches taller and heavier than Richard but he still leaned on him for support. “Ugh! sit down you big oofe. Hang on let me call your sister to come get us.” Richard coaxed Big Mac to the ground, once he did so he pulled out his phone.

“Hey Applejack, yeah it’s Richard. do you mind coming to get us- yeah Big Mac and I. No no nothing bad has happened, he just got shitfaced- yeah but I’ve had just one too many for it to be legal for me to drive. Huh- yeah same bar as always. Alright see you soon.” He hung up the phone and glared at Big Mac. He turned back to Vinyl and Octavia.

“I’m sorry girl’s I’ve had good time but I got to get this guy home.” Just has he finished he saw Applejacks car. Damn that was fast. He waved to her and she pulled up next to them.

“Come on big fella, let’s get ya in the car.” Richard helped Applejack get Big Mac into the car.

Big Mac was mumbling something as Richard turned around to say goodbye, but was taken by surprised as Vinyl tossed him an empty beer can. All it had was a number on it.

“You better call me.” Vinyl gave Richard a playful stare which cause him to blush.

“Hello? Richard are you with me here?” Vinyl was waving her hand in front of Richard’s face. He hadn’t realized he stopped talking.

“Um, oh yeah sorry was just thinking.” Vinyl raised a brow.

“About you, the first time we met.”
“Oh, yeah. Hey I never asked, why did it take you a freaking week to call back anyway?” Richard’s face grew red as he shuffled his feet.

“Well, honestly I kinda lost the can. After we got back to Big Mac’s place I helped his sister get him into his house. He’s a big guy, so when Applejack dropped me off at my house I forgot about the can and rushed inside so I could sleep. Five days later I get a call from Applejack about a random beer can in her car with a number on it.” Richard looked at Vinyl hoping she was satisfied with the answer.

“Ok, then why did you wait an extra two days after that to call me?” Apparently she wasn’t.

“Umm-.” Richard searched his brain for answer. “Um I guess I was just scared. I was trying to figure out why a girl like you, gave a guy like me her number. I had figured you forgot about me.” Vinyl started to laugh when he finished his sentence. She started to crawl over and wrapped her arms around him. She brought her face to his and plants a kiss.

“Now why would I forget about an handsome asshole like you?” Vinyl nuzzled her face into Richard’s neck before letting him go to get back to her laptop. “Hey what are you doing tomorrow?”

“I have the day off why?”

“I want you to come with me tomorrow when I head to the studio. I’d thought it be nice to have you around.”

“Liar, you just want to deepthroat me in the recording booth.” Vinyls cheeks turn red as a bit of shock set into her face.

“H-how did you know I wanted to do that?” Richard started to cuckle.

“Babe, you talk in your sleep. And I’m guessing you have dreamt about it because that's how I heard you say it. But I thought Octavia was supposed to be there tomorrow as well.”

“She’ll be there, but we’re going to get there early.” Vinyl was staring at Richard with lustful eyes as one of her hands went under her shirt to play with her nipples. Richard reached out and grabbed her hand.

“Not now we can do that later, you still have a sample to finish.” Vinyl gave a disapproving pout but turned back to her laptop anyways.

“ *sigh* Fine, I guess I can get back to work.” Vinyl put her headphones back on and started clicking and typing away. Richard turned around and headed back to the living room to finish watching the hockey game.

The blaring alarm was a horrid sound to Richard’s ears this particular morning. A soft groping brought his attention to look down. Vinyl had her head resting on his chest with her right hand gripping his chest.

“Vinyl.” Vinyl stired for a second before settling down again. “Babe, gotta get up.” Vinyl groaned as Richard shook her. She looked up at him with sleepy eyes.

“Well goodmorning handsome.” She smiled as she leaned up to kiss him. “You ready for today?” Her smile turned into a grin.

“Hey, horndog slow down, we haven’t even gotten out of bed yet.” Vinyl stretched her arms with a yawn. She kicked off the sheets to revile she was only wearing a pair of panties. Even for their size her boobs were perky.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t wear a shirt.” Vinyl gave her boobs a good squeeze.

“What? Can wittle Richard not handle the sight of these babys?” She lefted each one as if she was weighing them.

“You know thats not what I mean.” Richard gave Vinyl a playful push. Vinyl leaped at Richard and wrapped her arms around his neck as she planted a soft kiss on his lips. Richard reached up and wrapped his arms in turn around his lover. Richard parted his lips from Vinyl.

“As much as I’d love to do this right now, we’ll be late if we don’t start getting ready.” Vinyl gave him a pouting face before she released him from her grip. She got up and started to walk down the hall.

“I’m not going anywhere before I’ve had at least one cup of coffee.” With that she turned the corner and was out of site. Richard got up and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out clothes for him and Vinyl and laid hers out on to the bed. He dressed himself and walked out of the room to the kitchen.

“I left you some clothes on the bed. Damn you look fine like that.” Vinyl was standing by the counter filling the coffee maker with water. Her breast bouncing slightly to every movement.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him.

Vinyl grabbed Richard's hand and rushed down the hallway. After several doors, she opened one on the right which lead into a studio. To the right of the door was a couch, and to the left was a long sound board with a glass panel above it. Next to the soundboard was another door. On the other side of the glass was a recording booth that was just large enough to fit a small stage.

Vinyl closed to the door to the studio and opened the other door, which lead into the recording booth. In the middle of the room was a Mic stand with a wooden stool behind it.

“Damn did you have this planned already?” Vinyl shook her head.

“No, Octavia is going to record some vocals today, but it will work nicely for what I have in mind.” A grin come across her face. She lead Richard up to the stool and motioned for him to sit down. Richard took his cue and sat down.

Vinyl wasted no time. She dropped down to her knees and began robbing Richards crotch with her hand. Richard felt a tingling sensation run from his thighs up to his spine. Blood began to rush to his member as he started to become aroused. She unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, which was almost fully erect. Her hand slowly stroked up in down in a lazy form.

She leaned forward and kissed the tip while she stroked faster. Richard looked down at Vinyl as she took him in full, but something caught his attention from the corner of his eye and he glanced up. Oh fuck. Octavia had walked into the studio and looked at him through the separation glass and sighed before finding a button on the sound board.

click. “Vinyl when your done in there can we please get started? Oh um hi Richard?” click. There was clear irritation in Octavia's voice. She rolled her eyes and turned to sit down on the couch. Richard looked down again thinking his fun was done, but vinyl hadn’t stopped.

“Vinyl, what the fuck? Octavia's here.” Vinyl pulled his cock out of her mouth with a wet plop before stroking the shaft.

“This isn’t the first time she’s walked in on us, and I’m not stopping until you cum so, no pressure.” Vinyl put Richards member back into her mouth as she let out a devilish grin.