> Life, Love, & Death > by Deathwatch56 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another day in my life. I woke up stretched, and walked into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Little did I know my life was about to change for better and for worst. My name is Sarah and I'm 22. I live in a shitty little apartment in the middle of Nebraska. All of the rest is not important. Anyway I was sitting, sipping my coffee when my phone started to vibrate. I answered it and it was my friend Jennifer. "Hello?" "Hey did you just wake up or something, because we are waiting for you at the old park. Ready to go check into the campus at UNL." "Oh crap! I'm so sorry just give me 15 minutes." With that I hung up my phone and ran over to my bedroom throwing on a pair of faded blue jeans and a black, skin tight t-shirt, which really emphasized my B-cups. Then I ran into the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth. Then looked into the mirror to observe. My black/blue hair was up in a ponytail with a stray bang running down my left cheek. Which went great with my storm-grey eyes, and I really don't wear make-up. As I ran out the door, I grabbed my guitar and backpack (which contains "essentials"), and made my way to the park. Now I'm really athletic so I was running really fast and was not paying attention and everything went black. ~2 Hours Later~ "Twilight this tea is really good, where'd you get it?" asked Fluttershy "I got it while I was in Canterlot from a little corner-side tea shop that has amazing tea," Twilight replied. "Oh." "Well I think this tea could still be 20% cooler," Rainbow Dash stated. "Rainbow not everything is about yo...," BOOM, CRASH! "What in Equestria was that," cried Rarity. "I don't know but it was in the Library so that can't be good." Running into the Library all four mares gasped at the sight of the strange looking creature lying in a pile of books. "W-What is it?" asked Fluttershy. "I don't know but it looks hurt, we need to get it to the hospital. Spike! Write a letter to the princess!" yelled Twilight grabbing the creatures right arm while Rainbow got the left. They disappeared in a flash toward the hospital. > Chapter 2: Introducions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ugh, my head." Slowly I get my vision back. "Is this a hospital, how did I get here?" Ok, so there is a monitor, chair, cabinet, ponies... "Ponies!" I yelled, reeling back smacking my already aching head on the head board. "Ouch." "It's ok we aren't going to hurt you," said a white pony (with a tri-colored mane that flowed in an invisible breeze), "We only want to help you." "Where am I?" "You are in Equestria." "Ok, so what are you, who are you, did you probe me, and are my lady parts ok?" "We are ponies." "We are Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pi-" "HI I'M PINKIE PIE!" "AGH!" "And for your last questions, no," said a dark blue pony (with the same flowing mane as the white pony, but this one's looked like a night sky). "I am Princess Celestia and this is Princess Luna." "A pleasure," said Luna. "May we also ask you who you are, what you are, and where you are from?" asked Luna. "Sure. I'm Sarah, I'm a human, and I'm from Earth." "So do any of you know how I got here and I am going to get home?" When I asked that they all got sad looks on their faces. "No, we don't have the slightest clue as to how you got here, or how to send you back." "Ok, so what are you going to do with me until you do?" "Until we find a way to send you home, you will stay with Twilight Sparkle. Oh and I believe these are yours."\ Saying that Celestia levitated up my backpack, shoes, and guitar in front of her. "You may also need these," she levitated up a small pouch, "these are bits they are the current currency in Equestria." "Thanks, so am I free to go?" "Yes." "Awesome, ok lets go, Yeah."