> The New Slaanesh > by AzureDreamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Actually relatively tame, all things considered. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spike, could you please go get the door? I'm kind of busy." Spike sighed, but complied without complaint. Twilight had been consistently swamped with paperwork since becoming a princess, and tonight was no exception. Suddenly ascending to demigoddesshood out of nowhere tended to create a lot in the way of paperwork – they'd been swimming in it for weeks now, and the coronation hadn't even properly happened yet. Visitors to the library had to deal with Spike for now, especially since it was almost certainly not one of their friends (any one of them would have known that Twilight was too busy to hang out.) Still, turning away library patrons and/or door-to-door salseponies over and over got tiring after a while. He opened the door robotically, with the practised ease of someone who had done this many, many times in the past few weeks. “Sorry, Twilight can't come to the door right. Um.” “Hello! My name's Kevin, and I'm a tentacle monster!” “You sure are.” Indeed, the thing that was behind the door was less any kind of being and more a gigantic, olive green mass of writhing, fleshy tendrils, glistening with fluids Spike decided he wasn't going to contemplate the nature of any further. One of them held out what appeared to be a 3.5-by-2 inch rectangle of very-slightly-off-white paper, with embossed text in a tasteful embossed font. It was also covered in unidentified mucous that Spike gingerly did his best to avoid touching as he took the card, an awkward smile on his face. “I'm here to speak to a Mister Spike D. Dragon?” “Um. That's me? I think?” It was difficult to speak to Kevin, what with the fact that he had no visible eyes. Or, indeed, anything to his body aside from tentacles and slime that really was probably cum, much as Spike really didn't want to acknowledge to himself. “Ah, excellent! That should expedite things quite a bit.” He(? Spike assumed that Kevin was a he. He had a masculine name, and a masculine voice, and was literally made of penises, so it was probably a safe assumption, but Spike actually couldn't see what he looked like under all those tentacles, so who the fuck knew) writhed vaguely about in a manner that Spike couldn't even remotely begin to interpret. One of his tentacles spurted a white fluid slightly to the left of Spike. “I'm here as a representative of Chaos. I'm happy to report that you've met our qualifications and landed the position! Congratulations, Mr. Dragon!” “what.” “Oh, you weren't aware? That's quite all right.” More vague writhing. “You see, one of the primal embodiments of Chaos, the Prince of Pleasure, the Mistress of Excess, She who Thirsts, the Great Slaanesh has unfortunately gone.” “Gone?” Spike had many more questions – Who are you? Who is Slaanesh? Why me? What the fuck? – but all of them dried up on the tip of his tongue. All he could do was blurt out the brief, woefully inadequate query. “Yes. Gone. We believe that she might be dead? Honestly it's somewhat hard to tell with Chaos gods, especially when you bring alternate dimensions and such into the picture. But, suffice to say, your local branch of reality's Slaanesh is no longer here.” A tentacle shot out wildly to Spike's right, spasming slightly as it shot a pale blue fluid in an arc behind him. “The bad news is that this has left a rather large hole in reality that, if left unchecked, could result in this entire plane of existence collapsing in on itself and ceasing to be, quite possibly dragging other nearby realities down with it. The good news is that you, Mr. Dragon, happened to be in the immediate vicinity of the hole when it formed.” “Wait, do you mean chaos like as in Discord?” Spike frowned. “Discord, if this is one of your pranks, it can wait. Twilight's really busy and she needs my help!” “Oh, no, no, Discord and Chaos are two entirely different and mostly unrelated primal forces. An easy mistake to make, really, but I assure you that Mr Discord is entirely uninvolved in this situation. I assure you.” He jerked slightly forward. “Oh, my, forgive me for that. It appears that your ascension is approaching a tad more rapidly than I had anticipated.” “My what now?” “Hnnnnnnnnn, sorry, but I have to be brief for now, Mr. Dragon. Time is rather of the essence, so your questions shall have to wait. You see, Slaanesh, being an entity of pure chaos from a higher plane of reality, vanished, and you happened to be occupying the closest relative space to where She was in your lower plane of reality and as a result you've come to occupy the hole left behind when She ceased to be.” Kevin convulsed, and then his tentacles rapidly retracted into his central mass, compacting in upon itself until all that was left was a large orb of writhing, flowing tendrils, very slightly larger than Spike's head. “Oh dear, it appears we're out of time.” “What do you mea-” There was a feeling, deep inside of Spike's gut. A searing heat, almost painful if it hadn't felt so damn good. It was like nothing Spike had ever felt before. An insatiable need. To fill, and to be filled, endlessly building upon itself. His cock surged to hardness with unprecedented speed, throbbing and leaking. No, leaking wasn't the right word. Spewing was more accurate. Translucent off-white fluid gushed from its tip in a wide, tall arc, reaching several feet above his head before cascading back down in front of him. “Your transformation has begun, Mr. Dragon. You see, even though you occupy the space Slaanesh once did, you don't really fit in it as you are now.” Spike cried wordlessly, his eyes rolling into the back of his skull and his tongue lolling out lazily as he came, hard. Cum shot in thick, powerful spurts above his head, one after another. “So either, as I said, reality gets pulled into the hole and is eradicated, starting with you. Or else you expand to fill the hole left behind. While you might not actually feel any larger right now, the part of you that occupies the higher reality that all Chaos Gods dwell in is rapidly growing in size and power. And potency,” he added as Spike's balls suddenly doubled in size, redoubling the force of his formerly dwindling orgasm. “As for me, I am but a manifestation of Her will. And, now, of your will.” There was a deep rumbling sound as the sphere of tentacles began to shake, and then slowly pulsed larger. “I represent your desires, as do all of my fellow demons of pleasure. And your desires are – huh. Interesting.” The orb surged in size, larger and larger until it was a head taller than Spike, and then two heads. And then the ball wasn't there anymore. Spike groaned, deeply and throatily as he came again just from the sight before him. The colours were wrong – her coat was a pale green, her mane the same dark shade of olive as Kevin's tentacles have been. But he would know that mare anywhere. “It seems you have a significantly more one-track mind compared to Lady Slaanesh,” said Rarity. “This is different to say the least. It seems like, for now, all of your desires focus on this one specific person.” She calmly groped herself, exploring her new form. “Only two breasts, no cock, no tentacles. Two arms, two legs, one head with two eyes, one nose, two ears. None of them have vaginas, that's somewhat disappointing. I do have a pussy, that's something. And I appear to be a unicorn. Quite an attractive one, if painfully vanilla.” She pouted. “Lord Spike, do you not have any sexual interests beyond this one mare? No fetishes to speak of?” Spike groaned. “Nothing? I find that exceedingly hard to believe, my Lord. You are a virgin at the height of your species' puberty. All those hormones swirling about in there, there must be something more interesting than a prepubescent crush.” She frowned, crossing her arms. Spike, for his part, continued to say nothing. His cock, now substantially larger and a deep, angry purple, pulsed and spewed semen wildly. Globules of the stuff coated the immediate area in front of the library, with more being added every second from his seemingly endless supply. Idly, Rarity stuck out her tongue, the thick, dark red muscle glistening with a sheen of saliva as it slithered down and down and down until it reached the ground, lapping up some of the viscous fluid before darting back into her mouth. “Oh, that was unexpected.” She grinned slyly. “That's more like it! Decidedly deviant. Now, let's just dig a little deeper...” She opened her mouth wide, letting her tongue spill out and out and out, foot after foot cascading down. It wrapped itself around her hefty breasts, and spiralled down her body, wrapping up her legs, before slithering along the ground like a snake until it darted back up and wrapped itself around Spike's now head-sized balls, giving them a firm squeeze that elicited another groan from the dragon. “Hess, his he huh ho hihoohehhi.” She frowned. “Haahoo hihihuh hoo heek though. Ah, yes. There we go. A second head. Interesting.” Rarity's second head grinned, licking her lips. “I believe I see the problem. You've been holding back, haven't you? Still mired in mortal social mores. Tsk, tsk, tsk, my Lord. You need to realize that you are beyond caring about such petty things as repressing your desires. But now that I have my tongue as a foothold, I can see everything. For example; you've spent your life surrounded by powerful women. And all of them so much bigger than you.” Her grin widened as her body jerked larger. “The smallest is still a good half foot taller than you. You thought maybe the Crusaders would be different, but when you met them they were so young. And now they're older and they're all taller than you. Apple Bloom could bench press ten of you, and Scootaloo is already as fast a flier as her idol and still nowhere near her prime. Mmmmm, and Sweetie Belle, well, she's not as beautiful as her sister, but one day last summer she had a three foot growth spurt. Six feet even and not showing any signs of being done growing.” She reached down with one of her hands and began to gently stroke her cunt. Another two hands roughly grabbed her breasts and began to squeeze and grope them forcefully. “Of course, that's nothing compared to the princesses. When Twilight changed she doubled in size, and she's only ten feet tall! Compared to Princess Celestia, that's nothing! I can imagine what it's like to grow up around such a gigantic pony. She must be at least twenty feet tall! Twilight doesn't even come up to her cunt, and that's after growing a good five feet. And you grew up with her, always in the background of your every day life. The closest thing you had to a mother was a twenty-five foot tall sun goddess. Aaaaaaahhhhhh and, of course, like most sun deities, Celestia is also a fertility goddess.” Rarity's masturbation picked up its pace as her hips swelled and surged outwards. “Gnnnn, hips. Wide, child bearing hips. And that ass. Calling it colossal would be like calling the ocean wet. Of course, the real stars of the show are her tits. So round, perfectly firm, and big. Even considering how huge she is, they reach just above her navel. Nipples bigger than you are, leaking constantly. Of course, for somepony so massive, just spewing gallons of gallons of milk all over the place, clothing is out of the question.” She hefted one of her gigantic breasts with three of her six arms, her second head latching on to a massive nipple and sucking. Her third, central head picked up where she had left off. “Is it any wonder it left you with a complex? Oh, but I'm not done. Did you know that you're bisexual? Oh, but you would never admit that to yourself. You're too obsessed with the superficial idea of Rarity to admit to yourself how much hotter she'd be with a nice, thick, juicy, three foot long horsecock.” Of course, the now thirty foot tall Rarity's cock was significantly more than four feet long. “Or bigger. After all,” she said, giving her head a lick, “Even if it weren't for Celestia colouring your preferences, dragons are pre-disposed to like them big.” She lowered herself to her knees, and then lower, lying down so that she could be face-to-face with Spike – an impressive feat, considering the sheer mass of her breasts and cock, but her necks were so much longer now. “You've seen dragons. They're so big. Bigger than Celestia, even.” She grinned, wider and wider, her teeth lengthening and sharpening. Her snout stretched and narrowed, and with a blink her eyes were slitted like a cat's. “Celestia would have barely even come up to their calves. And they were just males.” Spike moaned again as he struggled to stroke his giant cock, his hands completely incapable of encircling its sheer girth. He dimly registered Rarity's words, and even more dimly recalled some of the things he had learned in his research on dragons. Adult male dragons, on average, grew to about a hundred feet tall. Maybe one fifty at most. Adult female dragons grew bigger. Much bigger. Much bigger. “I'm thinking a mile or so is a good starting point. What about you?” Rarity grew. Stretching and surging and growing, spreading across the landscape at an impossible rate. One hundred feet became one thousand became five thousand, and more. “Five thousand, two hundred and eighty feet. One mile. I could go much bigger just off of dragons, but I think you've gotten the point, haven't you, Spikey-wikey?” Spike panted, resting on his beanbag-sized nutsack. The pet name drew a weak whimper from him as Rarity's burning hot draconic breath buffeted his body, and the entire library, with the force of a hurricane. “Spike, could you please keep it down? I'm trying to do work.” “Mmmm, can you imagine what it would feel like? Of course you couldn't fuck me. You'd barely be able to fuck me if you were an adult. But that's not what you want, is it? No, see, you've grown up surrounded by big, powerful women. So much bigger than you that they could just gobble. You. Up.” Rarity's tongue, more than nine thousand feet long, encircled itself around Spike, slowly enveloping him in moist, comforting warmth. “You want to be in me. You want to be me. To be absorbed into my very being, and at the same time to overwhelm it with your own. You want to feel what it's like to be powerful, and to be big.” She closed her eyes, smiling as she retracted her tongue, slowly and sensually swallowing Spike whole. Her scales darkened, and her mane and spines lightened as leathery wings, miles and miles from end to end, unfurled from her back. And, when she opened her eyes, they were a bright green. Spike blinked several times, carefully pushing himself upright so he was sitting on his plush ass. Her titanic cock settled itself neatly in between her colossal tits. She looked down, across what was left of Ponyville – a good half of it had been crushed by her final growth spurt back when she had been Rarity's weird demonic double. “Welp.” She sat in silence, letting her new role as the physical embodiment of unrestrained lust and hedonism sink in for several minutes, ant-sized ponies running around in terror below her. “This is gonna make helping Twi' with paperwork really fucking awkward.”