> The Zenith of Artemis > by Marshal Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meridian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince Artemis of Equestria walked down the hallway of the West Wing of Canterlot Castle. Night Court had just ended, signaled by the first rays of the sun creeping through the windows of the throne room. His duties accounted for, Artemis was free to relax in his quarters before sleeping through the day. All told, it had been uneventful. His less mature self might have found it boring, but since returning from the moon Artemis had come to appreciate the simplicity of a normal day. Solaris had once told him that it was a sign of his growing maturity. Discord had offered to make things more interesting if Artemis ever found himself bored during Court. Artemis had found both remarks equally irritating. He neared the corner, the door to his chambers in the hallway around it. Before he reached it, he paused in his steps when he heard something unusual. “Oh come on, just a little movement?” a familiar voice pleaded. “How can you possibly not budge a single inch all night?” No reply, which told Artemis all he needed to know. Rather irritated, Artemis closed his eyes and concentrated, transforming himself into a starry black mist. He crept forward, his now weightless body making no noise on the cold stone floor. He merged seamlessly into the shadow of a nearby bust, set on an onyx pillar of Artemis's own choosing. Invisible within the shadow, Artemis watched the spectacle before him. As expected, Discord was speaking to one of the prince’s night guards, who stood stoically before the entrance to Artemis's chambers. Currently, Discord was waving a talon in front of the guard’s face, looking rather exasperated. Artemis would have scowled if he had a tangible mouth at the moment. Ever since Discord and Solaris had become romantically involved, the draconequus had spent a lot more time around the castle. And, as best Artemis could tell, he used most of that time to stir up trouble or screw his brother. Artemis felt a pang in his chest. He tried not to think about the familiar feeling. It was the same emotion that had driven him to madness a thousand years ago. He liked to think he could control those feelings, but at the same time, he could not deny how it affected his thinking. He’d already distrusted Discord, but ever since he and Solaris had gotten together, it had evolved into outright loathing. Purely out of concern for his brother, of course. Artemis heard a pop, which returned his attention to the scene before him. Discord now held a cup of steaming hot cocoa in a paw. He wafted the scent toward the guard. “Mmm, it’s been a cold evening,” Discord said, smiling at the guard. “You look like you could use a nice cuppa.” The guard didn’t so much as twitch. Another puff of smoke, replacing it with a glass mug. “Cider?” No response. Artemis swelled with pride at the pony’s resolve. Discord’s smirk fell off his face and shattered on the floor. A new mouth appeared in its stead, set in a scowl. “If that’s how you want to play it…” The mug disappeared, replaced by a plain glass filled with a clear substance. The odor of vinegar filled the hall as Discord swept the glass back and forth under the guard’s nose. Artemis growled quietly. Annoying his guard was bad enough, but polluting his hall with a foul stench was too much. He rose from the shadow and retook the shape of a pony. “Discord,” he said, his voice a cold baritone. Discord vanished the glass and his head turned around to face Artemis, joined a moment later by the rest of him. He already had a grin on his face. “Artemis. Have you considered hiring an orchestra to play dramatic music whenever you enter a room?” Artemis ignored the barb. “Cease this now. My guards are not your playthings.” Discord huffed. “You never let me have any fun.” Artemis walked forward, his silver-encased hooves clacking against the stone floor as he approached his chamber. He directed a glare at Discord and motioned with his head. Discord rolled his eyes, though thankfully they remained in his head. The portion of the floor under Discord lifted him up, supported by spidery legs. The platform scurried a few feet to the left, then merged back down into the floor. Ignoring Discord’s antics, Artemis stood before his guard. “Sir Morningstar, correct?” The guard bowed to Artemis, exposing the midnight-blue frill on his helmet. “Yes, Your Majesty.” Artemis nodded. “Your composure is commendable. I will take note of it.” The guard smiled, exposing a fang at the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, sir.” Artemis gave him a small smile in turn. “You may take the rest of your shift off. Have your commander send a replacement for the day shift.” The guard bowed one more time. “Understood. I hope you have a pleasant day, Your Majesty.” He made a rigid right-face and marched down the hall and out of sight, leaving Artemis alone with Discord. “Pfft. What a suckup.” Artemis turned to glare at Discord again. “I greatly prefer the company of those who conduct themselves with dignity.” Discord snapped his fingers, instantly dressing himself in a monocle, top hat, and finely tailored suit. “I’ll have you know that I am quite dignified when I want to be.” Discord turned his nose up and huffed. “I can even wear two monocles, if one isn’t classy enough for you!” Artemis did not smile. “Do not annoy my guards again. I won’t repeat myself.” The fancy clothing disappeared and Discord smirked at Artemis. “I make no promises.” Artemis narrowed his eyes. “It’s not as though I trust your promises in the first place.” Discord blinked owlishly. “Excuse me, I believe something incredibly paranoid just flew into my ear.” He reached into his ear and pulled out a live mouse. The creature squirmed and squeaked in terror before Discord knelt and placed it on the floor, allowing it to scurry away to parts unknown. He stood back up and faced Artemis. “Are you suggesting what I think you are?” “Indeed.” That dark emotion rose within Artemis once again, only for him to shove it back down into the pit in his stomach. “I don’t trust you. Even if you are docile for now, I believe that will end the moment Butterscotch no longer holds your leash.” A shadow passed over Discord’s face as he drew himself up, extending his height a full three feet as he stared down at Artemis. “You believe me to be a traitor.” “A future one, at any rate,” Artemis said. He kept his tone calm, yet cold. “Good ponies need a reason to turn evil. You needed a reason to become good. It is clear which is more trustworthy.” Discord bore his teeth, briefly replacing them with a set of vicious canines. “That’s a remarkably convenient way for you to look at it, all things considered.” Artemis's eyes widened briefly as the jab sank in. He scowled at the creature before him, dark memories rising to the surface of his mind. “It isn’t the same.” “It never is,” Discord said, his tone light. He shrugged. “But, whatever helps you sleep at night. Or day, rather.” Artemis ground his teeth together. “You know nothing.” “Don’t I?” Discord asked, feigning hurt. He transformed, turning his tuft of beard into a full one that went down to his stomach. Discord hunched over, propping himself up with a cane to give the impression of a feeble old man. “I wasn’t born last millennium, you know.” Discord shook his cane at Artemis. “I’d like to think that if I betray anyone, I’ll actually plan on it.” “I had a similar line of thinking.” That actually gave Discord pause, momentary doubt in his oaken features. Much as it satisfied Artemis to see that, it passed quickly. He transformed back to normal with a pop, then waved a finger at Artemis. “Touché. But you forget something.” A massive framed oil painting, over eight feet tall and five wide, appeared out of thin air between Discord’s mismatched hands. It depicted Prince Solaris suspended in the sky, back to the sun with an expression of utmost serenity. And a handlebar mustache crudely doodled on his face. Artemis craned his neck to look up at the top of the painting, where Discord looked down at him despite the fact his feet had never left the floor. “Your brother is plenty of reason, if I do say so myself,” Discord said. “Not just because he has the Elements of Harmony on standby, but because I actually like him!” Artemis opened his mouth to retort, but Discord cut him off. “And unlike dear Butterscotch, Solaris isn’t going to be kicking the bucket in the foreseeable future.” The painting vanished, leaving Discord to lean forward and grin at Artemis. “Even if you’re correct in your paranoia, it’ll be at least a few thousand years before I start thinking about betraying anyone.” “Assuming that you even remain with him.” Artemis couldn’t keep a small amount of resentment out of his voice. “I have doubts about that.” Annoyance flickered across Discord’s features. “Nothing would please you, would it?” Artemis gave Discord a vicious smirk. “You were a fine statue.” Discord barked in laughter, causing Artemis to take a step back in surprise. “Oh, very nice,” Discord said. “As twisted as that is, it’s the nearest to a compliment I’ve ever gotten from you.” He snapped his fingers and created a stone statue of himself. Artemis recognized it as granite, the same material that had encased Discord after his pair of defeats. However, rather than a form frozen in terror, it portrayed Discord sitting on a stone pedestal with a hand under his chin and a ponderous expression. “For your chambers,” Discord said, giving Artemis a mocking bow. Artemis growled low in his throat. “What is your interest in my brother? I want the truth!” Discord’s expression went from jovial to thunderous. Artemis actually saw lightning flash in his eyes. Despite the knowledge that Discord was untouchable, Artemis refused to be intimidated. “Because he’s so different,” Discord declared. “Do you have any idea how stale it gets playing with ponies? Do you have any idea how interesting it is to have a pony that I can speak with as an equal without him hating my very existence?” Bitterness crept into Discord’s tone. Artemis had to quash a rather unwelcome rush of sympathy. Discord crossed his arms. “Let me put it this way. I like him. He likes me. And that should be enough for you.” Artemis warred against himself. His turbulent emotions fought against each other, and yet both sides of it were still in defiance of reason. “I am only concerned that—” Discord held up a claw, and for whatever reason it caused Artemis to trail off. “No, you aren’t. You’re not concerned because you’re jealous.” Artemis stared as though he’d been slapped across the face. “That’s not true.” Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh for the love of—” He lunged forward and grabbed Artemis. With a massive puff of smoke he dragged them both through reality and left them standing on a white marble floor in a brightly lit bathroom. Before Artemis could turn and yell at Discord, a shout of surprise and water splashing caused him to look in another direction. He blinked when he saw his brother soaking wet in his massive bathtub, colorful mane damp and heavy with water. Solaris stared at them both, blinking a few times before sighing wearily. “What is it this time?” “Arty is jealous,” Discord said, practically hopping in place. The intimidating creature from before had been all but replaced by Discord’s usual self. “Should we try to fix that, or just skip straight to the banishing?” Artemis growled, gritting his teeth as the fury rose within him. Each time Discord hinted to his past, the memories assaulted him as though to punish him. “The word you’re looking for is ‘envious’, Discord,” Solaris said calmly. Discord stared at him in disbelief. “Really? You’re correcting my grammar at a time like this?” “Teacher’s habit,” Solaris replied. He stood, warm water trailing off his fur. Artemis looked away, feeling a slight flush on his cheeks, while Discord summoned a camera and blatantly took pictures. Solaris ignored them both, pulling the plug out of the drain and then stepping out of the bathtub. He levitated a towel over to himself and began drying himself off. Once he was finished, he set the towel aside. With a flash of magic, he dried his mane and set it back to its usual, billowing state. “Come.” Solaris walked past them and out into his quarters. Discord went first, while Artemis attempted to burn a hole through the back of his head with his stare. Discord’s head turned backwards to look at Artemis and give him a quick wink. Solaris's chambers were more brightly decorated than his brother’s. Artemis looked disapprovingly at the cheerful décor before focusing on Solaris. The white stallion sat on the couch in the center of the chamber. He glanced toward Discord and Artemis, then nodded to the couch opposite the tea table. Artemis walked over and sat first, spreading his wings to take up the entirety of the couch. Solaris gave him an exasperated look, but Discord didn’t seem to mind. He just plopped down next to Artemis anyway, leaning back against his wing as though it were a cushion for his scaly back. Artemis scowled, but he didn’t withdraw the wing. That would mean losing, even if it essentially meant he was giving Discord a wing-hug. “Now, Artemis, what is Discord talking about?” Solaris poured himself a cup of tea and leaned back to sip it. “I don’t know,” Artemis replied. “We were having a dispute over his antics, then he said something about jealousy and dragged me to you.” “I see.” Solaris looked at Discord, who drank tea from his own cup through a silly straw. “And your side?” “Artemis secretly resents our relationship and has somehow concluded that it makes me a future traitor,” Discord said. Solaris looked at Artemis. “Would you like to explain yourself?” Artemis blinked, taken off guard and rather stung. “You accept his word over mine?” “He didn’t contradict you,” Solaris said. “He simply added to what you said. Are you disagreeing?” Artemis stared. His first instinct was to deny it, but then he remembered one of the first things Solaris had told him once they’d arrived at the castle after he’d been purged of the Nightmare. “I forgive you for what happened, but we cannot let this happen again. Please, Artemis. Come to me the next time you feel that way. I am your brother. I’ll always listen to what you say, and I’ll always help you.” The words echoed through his mind. The resentment faded, replaced by resignation and something else he couldn’t identify. “He is not wrong.” Solaris hummed, taking another sip of his tea. “Why do you resent our relationship?” Artemis winced. “It’s not like that. I am happy for you.” He turned to glare at Discord. “But I do not like him.” Discord snickered. “You’re convinced of that, but it’s obviously not the real reason.” Artemis snarled and addressed Solaris. “Why do you even like him? He has brought this world to its knees on two occasions! We cannot trust him!” Discord rolled his eyes. “You’re just sore because I was better at it.” Artemis stood and whirled around to glare at Discord, wearing an expression of absolute rage. “You will silence yourself, you abomination, lest I turn you to glass!” Discord stared back at him, unimpressed. “Ignoring that it wouldn’t even harm me, your brother would not stand for it. And, if my ancient history is up to par, he tends to win those little squabbles.” A chill entered the room as Artemis turned very cold. His eyes flared brightly with magic, his horn crackling with lightning as his every instinct demanded he smite the creature before him. “Enough!” The temperature abruptly increased by ten degrees, surprising Artemis and causing him to drop his own magic. Solaris stood, expression hard as he looked at them both. “Artemis, you are a Prince of Equestria. History is not kind to rulers who control a throne but not their emotions. You will restrain yourself.” Artemis sagged, sinking back into the seat and feeling as though he’d been whipped and thrown to the dogs. Of course he sides with him over me. “Discord,” Solaris said, causing them both to look up in surprise. Solaris had fixed the draconequus with a look of restrained fury, his eyes reminiscent of a summer wildfire. “You will not provoke my brother,” Solaris said, an edge to his voice. “While I do love you, with all my heart, I will not hesitate to turn you back to granite should you ever again taunt him with that terrible mistake he once made." Discord’s jaw dropped, clattering to the floor. He picked it up and reattached it before speaking. “But he constantly judges me for what I’ve done!” “Those things were—and remain—your idea of entertainment,” Solaris spoke calmly, the anger receding. “Artemis felt nothing but darkness and torment. You will not taunt him with that again, even if he does the same to you.” Discord’s expression became rather sour. He rudely spat a lemon out of his mouth. “Am I at least allowed to make fun of him for being ridiculously gothic?” “Yes.” Solaris sat back down, looking satisfied. Artemis, for his part, perked up a little. His brother would strive to be fair. He should not have expected otherwise. “Artemis,” Solaris said. “I do not wish to dismiss your feelings, but I cannot end my relationship with Discord because of this. I enjoy his company and he makes my life interesting.” Solaris turned to smile a Discord, who blushed and squirmed in a rather exaggerated manner. “I love him.” Artemis shifted in his seat, looking down at the floor and unable to face his brother. The guilt welled up inside him, adding itself to the rest of his stormy emotions. “However, I am open to other suggestions.” Discord cut in. “We could always include him!” Artemis turned to stare at Discord, jaw agape. Solaris arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” Discord facepalmed. There was a pop, and a flashing neon sign appeared floating overhead. The upper half was emblazoned with rainbow-colored letters spelling “let’s have a threesome!” while underneath was an animation of a pony pinned between a stallion and a draconequus and rather obviously getting the rutting of his life. Solaris sputtered at the sight, while Artemis blushed fiercely and looked away, trying not to entertain himself with the thoughts. Discord vanished the sign. “Come on, it’s the most obvious solution ever! You ponies are just too prudish.” “Discord, honestly!” Solaris sounded rather irritated. “Even if that was a good idea, there is no way Artemis would agree!” Artemis looked up at Solaris. “Do not assume that so readily.” Solaris stared, rather taken aback, while Discord barked in laughter. “See? He admits it!” Discord produced a tape recorder and rewound it, then played Artemis's words back to the room. To his embarrassment, Artemis could indeed hear a small amount of excitement in his own voice. Solaris was at a loss on what to say, while Artemis blushed fiercely and couldn’t decide what to do with himself. “So that settles it!” Discord said. He nodded to Solaris. “Unless you object, of course.” Solaris chewed his lower lip, considering the idea. A few moments passed before he looked at Artemis, who still avoided his gaze. “Artemis? Is that what you want?” Artemis shifted in discomfort, unable to find the words. It wasn’t until Discord elbowed him that he found the motivation. “Fine, yes. It could be worth a try.” He nodded toward Discord. “But it was his idea. Not mine.” Discord scoffed. “I saw you acting squeamish while Sunbutt was in the tub.” Artemis bristled. He never would have admitted it, but he’d always had certain thoughts about his brother, even before Discord had come along. Discord snapped his fingers, summoning a photo of Solaris soaked in water and giving the camera a flirty look. He dangled the picture in front of Artemis. Artemis looked away, biting his lower lip. However, Discord leaned over and kept the photo in his face. “Stop that!” Artemis shouted, closing his eyes. Even so, the picture didn’t leave his mind’s eye. “Just admit it!” Artemis heard a snap and the picture became superimposed over his vision, even with his eyes shut. “There’s nothing wrong with admitting you want your brother to take you for a spin!” “Discord, enough!” Solaris snapped. The image vanished, and Artemis dared to open his eyes. “If Artemis would like to say something, he can do it with his own voice.” Artemis squirmed as both Discord and Solaris looked to him expectantly. He rubbed his thighs together, thankful that nothing untoward had happened yet. Still, he couldn’t deny that with the thoughts now persisting in his mind, he felt a bit… bolder. “He... may be right,” Artemis said, internally cringing at the admission. “I wouldn’t object to… certain acts with you.” “Such as having steamy incestuous sex while I watch?” Discord asked. Artemis winced but he forced himself to nod. “Yes.” Discord squealed. “Finally!” He looked at Solaris. “Come on, look at this guy! How can you turn that down?” Feeling vulnerable, Artemis sought Solaris's magenta eyes, askance in his gaze. Solaris bit his lip. “I had always assumed you wouldn’t be interested.” Artemis stared, eyes wide as that sank in. “All this time…?” “Presumably, as long as you,” Solaris said. “Nothing… romantic, per se. But no small amount of tension.” Artemis felt dazed. To think that all he’d have needed to do was ask. Before he could dwell on that too long, Discord distracted him. “So it’s settled then!” “The bedroom, I suppose.” Solaris's cheeks were still tinged pink as he stood, turning to walk toward the white doors with golden trim set in one wall of the room. No longer ashamed, Artemis let his eyes wander to Solaris's rump. His multi-colored tail rustled in the nonexistent breeze, and Artemis spotted a notable sway in those white hips that Solaris normally lacked. Below that, Artemis could catch the briefest glimpse of dark flesh. He felt something stir between his hind legs. Discord gave Artemis a nudge, tearing his eyes away from that tempting rear. “Just so you know, I tap that all the time.” “How fortunate for you,” Artemis said, grudging admiration in his voice. “And Solaris as well,” Discord added, giving Artemis a rather smoky look. The prince coughed and waved the fumes out of his face. “But you’ll learn that soon enough.” Artemis had to suppress a shiver. Not in a thousand years could he have imagined this happening, but now that it was it seemed as though it had always been inevitable. The three of them entered Solaris's bedroom. It was smaller than the main room, and a bit cooler with less vibrant décor. As Artemis looked around, he noticed that Discord had left his own mark on the room. Against one wall was a statue of Solaris sitting on a throne with Discord curled around him and attempting to tickle his nose with a feather. Along the walls were various framed pictures, most depicting Discord trying to annoy Solaris, yet the few that dug up those turbulent emotions inside Artemis consisted of the more romantic side of things. Discord and Solaris having dinner one quiet evening. Another of them cuddling on the couch (even though it was ruined somewhat by Discord quietly dropping a tablet in Solaris's teacup). For all his mischief, Discord did seem to have a softer side that he hid away from ponies like Artemis. Artemis turned his head, scanning the plethora of memories preserved in ink that adorned the room. That pit in his stomach swelled, and even he couldn’t figure out what he felt. “I really do love him, you know.” Artemis looked to his right, seeing Discord standing next to him and also looking at the pictures. He gave a hesitant nod. “I believe you.” They both quieted down when Solaris turned to face them, having not overheard their brief exchange. “Do either of you have any suggestions?” Solaris asked. Despite the slight flush on his face, he still seemed oddly professional about the whole ordeal. Artemis hoped that he could break that composure a bit, given enough time and thrusts. Discord grinned. “Plenty! Have you tried sending Blueblood to—” “About the matter at hoof,” Solaris said, giving Discord a stern look. Discord rolled his eyes. “Fiiiine. I guess Arty and I will make out while you watch.” Artemis turned to stare at Discord, surprised and slightly appalled. “I did not agree to that!” Rather than reply immediately, Discord poked his serpentine tongue out of his mouth and licked his lips in a rather exaggerated fashion. Despite himself, Artemis couldn’t help but squirm at the sight. Discord smirked. “Come on, you know you want to!” Artemis growled low in his throat, but that damnable tongue lingered in his thoughts. He’d always had a thing for tongue, to say nothing of what Discord might be able to do with his. It didn’t help that he’d been a bit pent up in the first place. Artemis sighed. “Very well.” Discord didn’t hesitate. He immediately leaned in and pressed his lips to Artemis’s. The prince tensed briefly, overcome by an instinctive urge to resist. It faded quickly, buried in a sudden rush of desire that caught him by surprise. Artemis closed his eyes and groaned softly. He found Discord’s lips to be surprisingly soft, and excepting the fang that pressed against his mouth, also rather smooth. Discord pulled back, giving Artemis a wicked grin. With a pop, a picture appeared nearby, depicting Artemis’s expression in a rather obvious daze. The sight caused him to blush. “Stop that!” Discord rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He banished the picture, and grinned at Artemis. “But only if you kiss me.” Artemis didn’t need incentive. He leaned forward and firmly pressed his lips against Discord’s. This time, he took control and set the pace, his motions somewhat clumsy as he massaged their lips together. However, Discord seized control. He poked that serpentine tongue against Artemis’s mouth, and with only slight hesitation the night prince parted his lips and allowed it inside. He groaned into Discord’s mouth as he felt that dexterous tongue dart around. It moved swiftly, without hesitation as it poked and prodded at all corners of his mouth. Artemis found himself wondering if there was any part of his mouth Discord couldn’t reach. When Discord poked at his own tongue, Artemis responded. He pushed back, aggressively trying to pin it down. Discord’s tongue easily evaded his own, always dancing just out of reach except for the briefest moments of contact. Determined to win this little game, Artemis pressed forward, taking a step and closing the distance further. Ignoring Discord’s tongue for now, Artemis thrust his own forward, in between Discord’s open lips and into his mouth. It felt different from a pony’s, he noticed. He ran his tongue over the teeth, finding them to be irregular. Some were canine, others flat. He could swear he even felt a fang back there somewhere. His tongue easily poked against bare skin at the back, Discord’s throat further up rather than level with his mouth. And, strangely enough, Artemis could taste a very odd mix of flavors. Toffee, butterscotch, and vanilla? Artemis wondered. Fascinated with the mystery, Artemis continued to work his tongue around in Discord’s mouth, meaning to taste every bit of it and identify that cocktail of flavor. Chocolate, blueberry, and faint hints of smoke. Was it because of his diet, or did Discord somehow taste like this naturally? It was then that Discord’s tongue reappeared. This time, rather than evade, it caressed and stroked Artemis’s tongue. It carried the flavor of grape, adding yet another layer to the already complex taste on Artemis’s tongue. Eventually, Artemis had to pull back, panting for breath as he looked into Discord’s mismatched eyes. The draconequus breathed a little heavily himself, his smirk having faded into something closer to a smile. “Out of curiosity, what did you taste?” Artemis looked toward Solaris, who sat on his haunches. To his amusement, Solaris’s cheeks were noticeably pink, and his wings twitched a little erratically. Despite his attempts to maintain his composure, it was clear to Artemis that he enjoyed the sight. Artemis pondered the question, then repeated all he’d identified. Solaris hummed, looking thoughtful. “How strange. I taste coffee, red velvet cake, jasmine tea, and caramel, among others. Perhaps it is different for everypony?” The two of them both looked at Discord, who only smirked and offered no answers. “Well, as pleasant as that was, I imagine we will be doing more,” Artemis said, looking between Discord and Solaris. Discord gave Artemis a nudge. “You might have noticed that I’m quite good with my tongue, and Sunbutt has a really sensitive ponut. Think you can outdo me?” “Discord!” Solaris gasped, a fiery blush on his face. Artemis scowled at the draconequus, but he was surprised to find that he had no heart for it. He found it hard to be truly furious at Discord at this stage. “What?” Discord asked. “I’m just saying that ponies rate themselves by being able to tie a cherry stem in a knot with their tongue.” He smirked. “I can tie one into a series of knots.” He poked his tongue out, licking his lips with the rather serpentine organ. Solaris and Artemis both squirmed at the sight. “Very well, I’ll do it,” Artemis said, nodding at Solaris. “What do modern ponies call it? A wheeljob?” Discord snerked and even Solaris had to cover his laugh. “Rimjob, Arty,” Discord said. “Rimjob then,” Artemis said, pronouncing the word carefully. “What a strange term.” He glanced at his brother and nodded toward the bed. “Solaris?” “Err, right.” The white stallion stood, stretching before turning and climbing up onto the bed. He put his rear toward Discord and Artemis, staying at the edge of the bed. He kept his rump up in the air, while lowering his front half. Artemis walked forward with purpose in his step, hooves thudding softly against the thickly carpeted floor. Solaris looked back at him, flushed but composed. “You needn’t worry about going fast. Just try to get used to—OH!” Artemis buried his muzzle beneath Solaris’s tail, already dragging his tongue across that tight ring of muscle. To his delight, he felt Solaris shiver at the sensation, his hind legs spreading on instinct even as he lifted his tail aside. The sheer heat surprised Artemis, far greater than he’d imagined it to be. The skin itself tasted bitter, but it didn’t matter to him. The sweetness of Solaris’s reaction overcame all else. He placed both forehooves on Solaris’s large flanks, firmly kneading the soft fur and appreciating the surprisingly toned texture of the muscle. Artemis whirled his tongue in a circle, and he heard Solaris give a muffled moan of approval. Smirking to himself, Artemis repeated the motion, delighting in the little shakes and quivers he elicited from his brother as a result. Artemis’s own stallionhood began to emerge from its sheath, ignored for now, but nonetheless a sign of his growing arousal. To see his brother reduced to such a state, and by his actions, felt utterly intoxicating. He moved one hoof to Solaris’s tail, taking interest in the unusual texture as he so often did. He found it warm and soothing, like a breeze on a summer day. It felt somewhat solid, and yet whenever he tried to grip it, it would slip through his hold like water. It seemed simultaneously tangible and intangible, and Artemis found it endlessly fascinating. He continued to lap at that tight ring of muscle, massaging Solaris’s flank with one hoof and playing in his tail with the other. He alternated between tracing the contour with his tongue and prodding at the center. Solaris reacted to both differently. The circling earned Artemis moans and quivers, while the prodding caused him to tense and gasp. Either of them caused Artemis to feel eager twitches of arousal between his hind legs. He felt the ring loosen slightly, tempting him to prod at the center yet again. He moved one hoof from Solaris’s flank and caressed his back, hugging his rump as he pressed harder against the tight entrance. Desire came over him, desire to please this stallion and desire to experience more of him in equal measure. “Artemis.” Solaris groaned, panting heavily. Artemis responded with another fierce lick, causing Solaris to gasp in delight. “Brother, stop!” Solaris cried, causing him to stop and pull back in alarm. “What is it?” Artemis asked in a panic. “Did I hurt you?” “No, no,” Solaris said. He rose back up, standing shakily on all fours. As he turned around, Artemis noted with pride and no small amount of arousal that Solaris was now as visibly aroused as himself. “Then what is it?” Artemis asked. “I can only handle so much.” Solaris sat on his haunches, his cock jutting out proudly between his hind legs, forgotten by him for the moment. Artemis paused, then smirked at his brother, causing him to blush. “Cut!” They both looked toward the sound, seeing Discord wearing a director’s clothing complete with the matching chair. “Excellent show, you two! Bravo!” Artemis rolled his eyes. “You weren’t embellishing when you said he was sensitive.” Discord smirked. “You should hear how he sounds when I do it.” “No!” Solaris blurted. “Not now. It’s too much.” Artemis and Discord snickered. “Well then, have you another suggestion?” Artemis asked. “I do!” Discord disappeared with a pop and reappeared right next to the brothers. “You could always flip him over!” Artemis paused, then looked between Solaris’s hind legs. The twinge of arousal he felt told him all he needed to know. “And yourself?” Solaris asked Discord. He showed his teeth. His clothing disappeared, and the two brothers had their attention drawn by what Discord sported between his legs. Artemis found himself fascinated, more than anything. It was light pink in color, tapered at the tip with a slightly bulbous, arrow-shaped head. Below that the shaft narrowed, then thickened gradually to the base, which consisted of a slight knot. It wasn’t as large as what a stallion would have, but Artemis gave an approving nod all the same. Discord blushed and fanned himself. “Oh, you two flatter me.” He cocked an eyebrow at Artemis. “Do you suppose you can tend to your brother and I at the same time?” Artemis’s ears flicked at the thought. “I will certainly attempt it.” He gave Discord a competitive smirk. Discord beamed and nodded at Solaris. “Make room, would you?” Solaris did so, moving to lean back against the wrought golden headboard. He settled down, back against the pillow. He spread his hind legs to present himself to his pair of lovers, both of whom drank it in quite eagerly. Artemis climbed up onto the enormous, soft bed. He grinned and walked forward, front low and stance downright predatory as he approached his brother. Solaris smiled at him in response, but despite the warmth in his expression Artemis could see a glimmer of mischief in those magenta eyes. He stopped just in front of Solaris. Artemis made a show of licking his lips, looking down his muzzle at Solaris. Despite Solaris normally towering over him, something about having him laid out before him like this made Artemis feel exceptionally powerful. Artemis sat on his haunches, putting him level with that hard-on. His eyes roved over it hungrily, drinking it all in for the first time. It was solid black in color, rather similar to his own. He licked his lips, instinctively this time as his eyes began at the head. The shape was familiar to him, of course; rounded at the tip with a small ridge around it. His eyes trailed further down. The flesh was all smooth until that medial ring over halfway down, and finally it remained featureless once more until he reached the heavy pair of balls just below. “As flattering as this is, I would appreciate something more physical,” Solaris said. He winked at Artemis when his brother glanced up, causing him to smirk. “As you say.” Artemis reached up with a hoof, curling it around the base and holding Solaris firm. He then leaned in and licked the head, tasting it for the first time. Solaris tensed, giving a surprised grunt. Artemis paused, looking up in confusion. "What's wrong?" Solaris blushed. "Your mouth is so cold." Artemis chuckled and leaned in, giving Solaris another lick. The older stallion gasped again, but it soon became a quiet coo of appreciation. It went ignored by Artemis, who found himself more interested in the taste. Fleshy and slightly bitter, yet there was something else to it he couldn’t as easily describe. The unique taste of stallion, and something else that he could only assume was particular to Solaris. He placed his free hoof on Solaris’s thigh, caressing it affectionately. He used his other to slowly stroke his cock up and down, flicking his tail restlessly. Artemis opened his mouth wider and took the head into his mouth, determined to hear more of Solaris’s moans. The ridge slipped past his lips as he closed them around it. Solaris exhaled at the feeling, and Artemis smiled internally knowing he’d shaken his brother’s resolve, even if only slightly. Artemis gave a quiet moan in appreciation. He swirled his tongue around the few inches he held in his muzzle. It wasn’t a very strong flavor, but in a way that made it even more appealing. It gave Artemis a sense that he had to work for it, to lick harder and more insistently to taste more. Solaris’s masculine moans were music to Artemis’s ears as he suckled eagerly on the head, his deft tongue showing its skill. He pumped Solaris’s cock firmly with one hoof, and continued to knead that firm flank with the other. He also spread his hind legs, lowering his rear so he could grind his own length against the smooth fabric in an attempt to satisfy that ache even a little. A new taste caught Artemis’s attention. A salty one that reminded him faintly of almonds when he licked across the tip. He suckled hungrily, recognizing it as Solaris’s precum, and with a mental grin he took that as his cue to move further. He lowered his head, taking more of that thick length into his muzzle. He moaned as his jaw spread, mouth filled rather nicely. Solaris panted as inch after inch disappeared into that welcoming mouth, tongue lavishing it in affection all the while. Artemis gave a muffled grunt of appreciation, pressing his hooves to Solaris’s thighs as silent insistence that he keep his legs spread for him. Artemis paused briefly when he felt the head reach the back of his throat. His tail twitched in annoyance and he chose to pull back rather than go further. Instead he bobbed his head in Solaris’s lap, his cock passing between his tight lips seamlessly. Solaris squirmed needily as Artemis lapped and suckled on that flesh all the while, tasting more of that tempting precum as his constant reward. He continued to bob his head, keeping his lips tight around the shaft as he licked and suckled. He loved every quiet moan, all the subtle shivers, and each responsive twitch that he got from Solaris with his motions. His brother may have stubbornly clung to his mask, but Artemis could see the cracks forming already. He paused when the bed listed to one side. Artemis pulled Solaris’s cock out of his mouth, stroking it slowly with a hoof as he watched Discord climb up. He sat down, spreading his legs for Artemis and gestured, giving him a wicked smirk. Artemis considered that, a sly smile on his lips as he decided to give Discord a taste. Still stroking Solaris’s cock, Artemis turned and took the head of Discord’s vaguely draconic length into his mouth. The taste wasn’t nearly so exotic as his mouth had been; it was not unlike Solaris’s. Although, as Artemis drew his tongue across that tapered tip, he caught a hint of blackberry mixed in with the slight taste of salt. Artemis moaned faintly as he swirled his tongue around the head, then eagerly moved down, swallowing another few inches until he’d taken a full half of that length. “Oh, very nice,” Discord breathed, a slight moan in his words. His pleasure satisfied Artemis, who gave Solaris a firmer stroke in response. The quiet gasp he heard from Solaris spurred him on in turn, causing him to take more of Discord’s length into his muzzle. The tip bumped against the back of Artemis’s throat, causing him to hesitate. “Do pace yourself, Arty,” Discord said, patting him on the head. “The day is young.” Artemis would have growled if not for his mouthful. He angled his head and forced himself down, taking the head of Discord’s cock into his throat. Discord gave a grunt of surprise, and Artemis felt a twitch between his own legs. He smirked to himself, knowing that even Discord couldn’t resist his ministrations. Meanwhile, Solaris leaked precum freely, dampening Artemis’s hoof as he continued to firmly pump the shaft. Artemis bobbed his head, expertly deepthroating Discord’s exotic member. He moaned at how easily the head slid into his throat, wings twitching with his pleasure. When he felt the knot bump against his lips, he pushed his tongue forward and lapped around it. When Discord gasped and involuntarily bucked his hips, Artemis gave a muffled snicker and repeated the motion, again earning himself a moan from Discord. “N-not fair!” Discord groaned, though he made no move to pull himself out. Artemis gave him another lick for good measure before removing him from his mouth. He smiled as he admired the sight of that throbbing length, utterly coated in his saliva. “Fair play is for fools,” Artemis said. He curled a hoof around Discord’s cock and began pumping it back and forth, at the same pace as his other hoof doing the same for Solaris. Discord barked in laughter, even as his own precum appeared at the tip of his cock. “I’m starting to like you, Arty!” “Artemis, a little more mouth, if you please?” Solaris asked, his voice rather strained. Artemis smirked at him before practically lunging for his cock, easily taking the first third into his mouth. Solaris exhaled sharply at the cool wetness that enveloped his length, the taste of his seed once again filling Artemis’s mouth. Artemis gave a muffled groan as he tasted his brother again, forcing his way further down. He rapidly licked and stroked that stallionhood with his tongue, little rhyme or reason in the motions besides an overpowering urge to please this stallion as much as he could. He again felt the head bump against the back of his throat, but unlike the last time he went further. Artemis had a more difficult time deepthroating Solaris, but he refused to back down. The head slid into his throat, Artemis struggling not to gag. He fought back the reflex and kept going, happily slurping and sucking on that hot length all the while. Solaris panted and bucked his hips restlessly as Artemis reached the base, his tongue poking out and lapping at the heavy balls beneath the base. Artemis himself groaned in satisfaction, throat completely filled by that hot, twitching flesh. However, he knew he had a job to do. He pulled back, licking and slurping at that cock all the while, and quickly swallowed it all back down. He continued to buck and grind his own length against the sheets, every little moan from Solaris or Discord spurring him on, and the taste of stallion utterly addicting. Artemis bobbed his head in Solaris’s lap, moaning right along with his brother. His precum flowed freely, and now that things were really underway Solaris began losing his composure. His moans grew louder, his hips bucking involuntarily. He needed to get more of his cock into that needy mouth and throat. At the same time Artemis continued to pump Discord’s cock. The draconequus held on to most of his composure, but nonetheless freely gave his sighs of pleasure. His length felt smooth to Artemis’s hoof, more so than Solaris’s, and he found it quite pleasant how easily it slid across the surface of that hot flesh. “B-brother, I need you on your back,” Solaris said, barely able to get the words out. Artemis looked up in confusion, that length still buried in his throat. “He gets rather dominant at times,” Discord said, his own face flushed with need. He wore a wicked smirk. “Trust you can handle it?” Artemis grinned to himself. He pulled Solaris’s cock out of his mouth, giving it a firm kiss before moving away. He released Discord’s length as well, then lay back with his hind legs spread and his own shaft sticking proudly into the air. Without pause Solaris got up and stood over Artemis, turning around and lining his length up with Artemis’s mouth. Artemis parted his lips and stuck his tongue out in invitation. Solaris wasted no time, thrusting back inside in a long, smooth motion. Artemis gagged as Solaris rather quickly hilted himself in his mouth. He again fought the reflex down and reached up with his forelegs to curl them around Solaris’s hips, encouraging his constant, needy thrusts. Solaris cried out in delight, grinding against Artemis’s face as the stallion swallowed hungrily around that length. He pulled back, then thrust back inside, his balls smacking against Artemis’s muzzle as he hilted himself again. He felt warm flesh nudging against his hoof. Recognizing it, Artemis moved one hoof to Discord’s cock, rapidly stroking it back and forth, as fast as Solaris rutting his throat as though it were his personal fleshlight. Artemis groaned in delight around that cock in his mouth, loving the feeling of his brother rutting him so readily. He kicked restlessly with his hind legs, flicking his ears, wings and tail all at once, needing some form of release even with his cock left unattended. Solaris’s incredibly hot breaths spilled across his aching need, but never once did the dominant stallion so much as lick it. It drove Artemis mad with lust. Artemis tightened his hold around Solaris’s rump, not quite able to decide just which part he wanted to touch the most. He kept his tongue busy all the while, licking around the shaft even as he gulped and swallowed around it. Saliva ran out of the corners of his mouth, wet noises filling his ears as Solaris lost his composure entirely. From the way he could feel Discord bucking his own hips into Artemis’s grip, he knew that the both of them were rather close. “Hnng… Sunbutt, shall we show Arty what an easel feels like?” Discord gasped, bucking his hips fiercely even as Artemis pumped his cock with just as much enthusiasm. “A-agreed!” Solaris grunted. Artemis’s eyes widened as he caught on, but Solaris wiped any doubt from his mind when he shifted pace. He gave Artemis short, rapid thrusts, never pulling out more than halfway. Artemis moaned, squirming as that stallion so easily made him his. Solaris’s balls slapped repeatedly against his muzzle, flooding his nose with the scent of that powerful musk. Discord was the first to give in. With a pleasured groan, he bucked his hips and held them forward. Artemis shivered as a shot of warm cum caught him directly on the face, soaking into his dark fur. Artemis meant to aim, but Discord pulled himself free and shifted, moving to aim lower. Artemis squirmed, moaning quietly as spurt after spurt of Discord’s sticky cum landed all over his side. To his surprise, he heard a pop and a second Discord appeared to his left, mirroring the first and aiming to coat his other side. Solaris gave a loud cry and thrust hard, burying himself in Artemis’s throat. The darker stallion groaned as he felt the first spurts of hot cum go straight down, but Solaris quickly pulled out, grinding the head of his cock against Artemis’s face as he continued to cum. Artemis closed his eyes as Solaris’s thick spunk drenched his face, far warmer than Discord’s. Artemis moaned in ecstasy as his fur became heavy with the stallion’s lust. It ran down his face in white rivulets, starting at his muzzle and flowing down to coat his chin, forehead, cheeks, and even his neck. At his sides he felt strand after strand of Discord’s release painting his fur, coating his midsection in the creamy strands before both of them shifted to aim at his stomach, making sure it too was marked by the crisscrossing strands of off-white fluid. Finally, Solaris and Discord both came down from their highs, panting heavily with the sullied prince of the night lying slack on the bed, utterly drenched in their combined semen and shivering in pleasure. Despite his pride, Artemis couldn’t resist. He pressed his right hoof to his stomach, feeling that sticky spunk against his fur. Almost lazily he smeared it around, further rubbing it in. He’d never been glazed like this before, but the aching length between his legs was proof enough of the effect. “Arty has a fetish, Arty has a fetish!” Discord sang. Artemis turned and glared at the original Discord, though he imagined the effect was ruined somewhat by the fact his face was still coated in cum that rather starkly contrasted his dark fur. “Enough,” Artemis said, hoping the cum hid his blush. “This is something I allow, not enjoy!” Discord smirked knowingly. “Then why haven’t you magicked it away?” Artemis fumbled for an excuse. “Because I’m going to make sure you two get just as dirty!” He thought quickly. “And this will help.” Solaris rolled his eyes. Discord sniggered. “Whatever you say. Although…” Artemis gasped as Discord wrapped his paw around his length, smeared with his own precum, and began to firmly stroke it up and down. “I do believe you have something that needs tending to,” Discord purred. “And as much as you love listening to me talk, I can use my mouth for plenty of things.” Artemis panted. “P-please do. Anything to silence you.” He squirmed as Discord’s rather skillful ministrations milked more precum out of him. “And get rid of your puppet! One of you is irritating enough!” “Hey, I’m fully sentient!” the second Discord said. He crossed his arms and stuck his nose up in the air. “Sapient,” Solaris corrected, a bit absently. He seemed unable to take his lustful eyes off Discord’s paw as it stroked Artemis’s cock up and down. The clone blew a raspberry at him in response. Solaris deftly leaned aside and let it fly over his shoulder without even looking away from Artemis. “Oh, nevermind them.” Discord smirked at his copy, even as he continued to elicit moans from the stallion he tended to. “I do thank you for the assistance, old chum.” He made a shooing motion. “Now scurry along! I’m sure you can find somepony to pick on.” The copy saluted the original and waved, before disappearing in a pop. “Amusing as this is, I believe Artemis is getting needy,” Solaris said, a coy smile on his face as he watched Discord turn his brother into a moaning, twitching mess. “Right, right,” Discord said. He slid over to get between Artemis’s legs, leaning down and wrapping his lips around the head. Artemis gasped as he felt that warm wetness envelop the ridged head of his own length. His gasp quickly became a long moan as he felt that wonderful tongue wrap around him. Discord smirked up at him. To the stallion’s utter astonishment, Discord coiled his tongue around his cock, over and over all the way to the base. Before Artemis’s dazed eyes, Discord began to stroke it up and down, coating the entirety of it in his saliva without ever taking more than the head into his mouth. “Quite nice, isn’t it?” Solaris asked, a knowing smile on his face. Artemis could only groan in reply, squirming restlessly as Discord slurped and suckled on his cock. The tongue felt soft to Artemis as it slid against his hot flesh, only the slightest coarse texture adding any real friction. Discord’s heavy breaths against his exposed skin added the heat of his lust to Artemis’s own. Artemis looked around hazily, eyes falling on Solaris. His brother peered over Discord’s shoulder at him, a hungry look in his magenta eyes. Artemis could have sworn he saw fire burning in that gaze. He heard a pop, and another copy of Discord appeared next to Solaris. While the original continued to slurp and suckle on Artemis’s cock, keeping him moaning and writhing all the while, the second one spoke into Solaris’s ear. “I have two holes, you know,” he said, a glint in his yellow eyes. “Food for thought.” Solaris frowned. “I am not quite—” Both of the Discords snapped their fingers in sync. Solaris paused, his blush deepening as he looked down at himself. “Nevermind.” The clone vanished as the sun prince moved to stand behind Discord, who drew himself in and bent his flexible back into an S-shape until he was nearly doubled over. Artemis panted, barely able to follow along thanks to the increasing tension and constant waves of pleasure from between his legs as that damnable, glorious tongue continued to lap at him so eagerly. Solaris rose up, planting his forehooves on Discord’s scaly back as he worked his way forward. Mounting him looked awkward, but Artemis was pleased to see that Solaris seemed to have it worked out. He hugged his strong forelegs around Discord’s neck, molding his own body against the peak of Discord’s back as he lined up his hips. Solaris winked down at Artemis, the two able to see each other’s faces over Discord’s shoulder. With that, Solaris angled himself and pushed forward, an expression of intense concentration on his face. Discord purred around Artemis’s cock as Solaris popped the head inside, his exotic body easily accommodating the stallion’s pride. Solaris closed his eyes and exhaled sharply, Discord’s warm, welcoming depths nearly swallowing him up. As though he’d been waiting for this, Discord finally moved down, keeping his lips tight around Artemis’s aching need as he took more of him into his mouth. Artemis gasped and gripped helplessly at the sheets, struggling for purchase as that intense heat and incredible wetness enveloped him in full. Discord took all of Artemis’s length without difficulty, angling his head so it easily fit his unusually shaped muzzle. He looked up at Artemis, and though he could not smile, the night prince could see the smug smirk in his eyes. Solaris grunted and lurched forward, sinking more of his cock inside Discord. The creature shuddered and groaned around Artemis’s length, in turn earning another pleasured moan from the stallion beneath him. Whether due to his unique anatomy or simply a lot of practice, Discord had no trouble taking all of Solaris’s length. As Artemis watched, face flushed and eyes wide, it finally dawned on him that Discord had fully taken them both inside him. Discord grunted and squirmed, grinding his serpentine body back against Solaris. His tongue continued to lavish Artemis in affection, and the alicorn bit his lip in a desperate attempt to hold himself back. He resolved himself to not be the first to finish. “D-do hurry, Solaris,” Artemis panted, finding his brother’s eyes. Those pink eyes were clouded with lust, yet when Artemis looked into them he saw something more. An indiscernible emotion, hidden behind the fiery desire. He couldn’t quite identify it, but it gave Artemis a certain flutter in his chest. Solaris gave a wordless nod and drew back, groaning quietly as Discord’s inner walls clenched around him, as though demanding he stay. He then thrust back in, exhaling loudly even as Discord gave another groan of satisfaction. Solaris took on a steady pace after that, rutting Discord in familiar motions. At the same time, Discord finally began to bob his head. He rose up until he held only the tip of Artemis’s cock in his mouth, and he lingered just long enough to lap around the head another time before abruptly swallowing it back down. Artemis cried out at the sudden motion and bucked his hips wildly, a tightness in his loins as Discord pushed him dangerously close to his climax. He looked around, hoping to stall his release, but what could he focus on? When he closed his eyes, it only made him even more aware of that incredible sensation. The tight warmth around his cock, swallowing him down at a steady pace while that incredible tongue expertly worked him over. When he looked to Solaris, he saw his face locked in ecstasy. Gritted teeth, only parted by moans or gasps of pleasure with each firm thrust he gave Discord. His cheeks were flushed pink, beads of sweat on his brow, colorful mane billowing harshly around him as his magic flared with his lust. Increasingly desperate, Artemis looked to Discord. The draconequus looked up at him, a glint of mischief in his eyes. But, as with Solaris, Artemis saw something else there. It wasn’t quite the same emotion, yet it too made Artemis squirm under the look. He had no solace, no retreat from this. The pressure built inside him, more and more, as Discord sucked him off eagerly even as Solaris rutted him in reward, moaning and panting all the while. It soon became too much. Artemis tossed his head back, his mane billowing as though caught in a blizzard. He bucked his hips fiercely, driving his cock in and out of Discord’s muzzle as he tried to tip himself over the edge. Discord gave an approving moan and curled his arms around Artemis’s hips, hugging him close and stepping up his motions. He closed his eyes and his expression became one of determination, the mischief fading completely to be replaced by something so much more intimate. Artemis cried out as the pleasure overwhelmed him. He bucked his hips one final time, holding them in the air briefly as he came. He released the first strong spurt of cum in Discord’s mouth, the strand going straight down his throat without even touching his tongue. Discord gave an approving moan, letting Artemis’s hips fall to the bed as the prince continued to writhe and squirm. He shot spurt after spurt of his hot cum into Discord’s mouth, Discord himself making sure to keep pumping him with his tongue, as though milking out every drop Artemis could spare for him. For Solaris, the sight of his brother writhing in the throes of ecstasy was the final straw. He gave a cry of his own and hilted himself inside Discord, eyes closed and teeth clenched as he came. Discord, for his part, gave a low groan of delight, relishing in being filled from both ends by hot alicorn spunk. He swallowed all Artemis gave him, as well as grinding back against Solaris to tempt it all out of him. By the time the two alicorns came down, they could do little more than pant for breath. Artemis lay limply on his back, eyes glazed over as he stared unseeingly at the ceiling with Discord lapping lazily at his softening member. Solaris, meanwhile, had slumped on Discord’s back, only staying on thanks to his loose grip around the creature’s neck. They both would have been content to stay like that if Discord hadn’t disappeared with a pop. Solaris gave a startled shout and flopped down on Artemis, who gave a slightly pained grunt as his brother landed on him. “Oops!” Discord said, appearing next to them as he surveyed them with a smirk. “Sorry, I forgot you two are affected by gravity.” “No, you didn’t,” Artemis groaned. Still, he couldn’t complain too much when he had Solaris lying on top of him. The cum still soaking his fur had now spread to Solaris, and the alicorn shifted in discomfort. Determined to keep him close, Artemis reached up with a foreleg and lazily wrapped it around Solaris, stilling his awkward fidgeting. Solaris relaxed, snuggling deeper into that embrace and smiling up at Artemis with an air of lazy contentedness. “You really did get messy.” Artemis chuckled. “I will have to return the favor sometime.” “Awww!” Discord squirmed in place, beaming at them. “You two are just precious!” “Oh hush,” Artemis said, rolling his eyes. His heart wasn’t really in it though; that kernel of fondness for Discord had only grown with his afterglow. “Did you finish?” Solaris asked, glancing sideways at Discord. He grinned. “Why, I’m glad you asked!” He teleported again, and Artemis felt the bed shift as Discord appeared behind them both. “What do you intend?” Artemis asked, a bit nervous. “Nothing too unusual.” Discord waved a hand dismissively. “I’m just going to rut you both.” Artemis blinked. “At the same time?” “Of course!” Discord looked affronted. “I can warp reality with less energy than it takes you to sneeze. I’m quite certain I can manage two penises.” Artemis bit his lip, feeling a twinge of arousal despite his already softened length. “One thing.” Discord grinned and leaned forward, propping his chin up on Solaris as he looked down at Artemis. “Yes?” Artemis returned his smile. “I would prefer to be on top of Solaris.” Discord snapped his fingers. The next time Artemis blinked, he and Solaris had swapped places, putting them face-to-face with Artemis on top. Before Artemis could process that, Solaris lifted his head and gave him a quick peck on the nose. “Enjoying yourself?” Solaris asked, a small glint of mischief in his eyes. He poked his tongue out, tasting the tiny amount of cum he’d gotten on his lips from Artemis’s drenched face. Artemis smiled, feeling that warm fondness in his chest. “Indeed.” Discord spoke next. “Now then…” Artemis shifted as he felt a presence behind him, something hard prodding against his tight, puckered entrance. From the squirm he felt beneath him, he assumed Solaris felt the same. However, rather than press inside, Discord angled himself and ground his hips forward, rubbing his twin shafts in between the two brother’s flanks. Artemis squirmed, feeling that hot flesh grinding against his entrance. The head of Discord’s cock pressed into his tail, no doubt dripping precum into the ethereal substance. Discord pulled back and kept bucking his hips, threading his cock between those cheeks, never once pressing inside or even lining himself up to do so. He panted with the motions, eliciting more precum from his cock to sully Artemis’s dark fur. “D-does he do this frequently?” Artemis asked, looking down at Solaris. Solaris cracked his eyes open, face red and expression strained with need. “Every time.” “Blasted tease,” Artemis grumbled. He was unable to resist moving any longer. Artemis worked his own hips, grinding against Solaris in sheer desire. Their softened lengths, both wet, rubbed together and caused the stallions to gasp at the sensation. Though soft, they were both still quite sensitive. Solaris returned the motions, matching Artemis’s pace and humping back against him. He looked into Artemis’s eyes, the fire of the eternal sun in his lustful gaze. It stole Artemis’s breath, making him feel so safe, and yet so small. All the while, Discord continued grind his cocks against them both, teasing them maddeningly even as he dampened their fur with his precum. Artemis grew hard again, his shaft lengthening right against Solaris’s. They managed to arouse each other in perfect sync, humping and grinding together, moaning in desire for one another all the while. They stilled, fully erect shafts pressed hard against each other. The two alicorns locked eyes, each looking intently into the other’s. The connection broke when Discord shifted, pressing the tapered tips of his pair of cocks against their tight entrances. “Lubricant, Discord,” Solaris said, not quite able to keep his voice steady. “Actual lubricant,” Artemis added, causing Solaris to grin. “Catching on, I see,” Discord said with a chuckle. Artemis felt the tip become coated in something wet and slippery, and he settled in and smiled down at his brother as he relaxed himself, fully ready for what was to come. Discord leaned over him, placing his hands on his back above his wings as he angled himself properly. Artemis tensed when Discord whispered directly in his ear. “Do feel free to use a lot of tongue.” To punctuate the remark, Discord slithered his own tongue over Artemis’s ear, causing it to twitch erratically as the stallion shuddered. With that, Discord rolled his hips, pushing the tapered end of his cock against Artemis’s tight, puckered entrance. The alicorn bit his lip, feeling the slightly uncomfortable pressure as Discord attempted to spread that strong muscle. “Hold still and relax yourself.” Solaris smiled up at Artemis. “He will be careful.” Artemis growled low in his throat. He rose his front half, pinning Solaris’s shoulders with his forehooves. He leaned down and hungrily kissed Solaris, the stallion tensing in surprise before relaxing with a pleased groan. Consumed by lust for Solaris, Artemis immediately pressed his tongue against those white lips. He’d have pried them open if they hadn’t parted willingly, and he plunged his tongue into Solaris’s mouth even as the stallion reached up with his forelegs and wrapped them around Artemis, uncaring of the cum that still covered him. Solaris had no exotic taste like Discord, but his mouth was far hotter than a normal stallion’s. It was as though his whole body contained a small inferno. Artemis traced his tongue over the teeth, amazed by how hot Solaris felt, and interrupted only by moaning into his mouth as Discord rolled his hips, filling them both with the first couple of inches of his length. The alicorns tensed and ground their cocks together once again, eliciting matching spurts of precum that sullied their fur. Though Artemis was still drenched in cum from earlier, Solaris would soon not be far behind. The brothers continued to hump and grind against each other, even as Discord thrust again. The both of them had loosened enough for him to sink a full half of his twin cocks into each. The fullness made Artemis quiver with lust. Discord’s length seemed perfectly shaped to enter him easily, and yet the girth still spread him nicely. Hungry for more, but with his mouth busy, Artemis expressed himself by grinding harder against Solaris, thrusting his hips back and forth as best he could. The ache between his legs grew constantly, even as he clumsily writhed his tongue around in Solaris’s mouth. His sudden dominant streak demanded that he mark every bit of Solaris’s heated mouth with his saliva. Discord finally bottomed out, panting at Artemis’s ear as his knot bumped against his stretched hole. While the thought made Artemis a little uneasy, Solaris kept him too distracted to worry. The white stallion’s tongue made its own appearance, poking and rubbing against Artemis’s own tongue. Discord pulled back, his length leaving the two brothers feeling achingly empty. As though hoping to fill the void, Artemis aggressively pushed against Solaris’s tongue with his own, trying to wrestle it into submission even as he continued to grind their hips together. Discord thrust back inside, filling them both in a single, smooth thrust. They moaned into each other’s mouths, the motion igniting that curious pleasurable pressure within them as Discord rubbed against those sweet spots inside. As Discord pulled back again, Solaris responded to Artemis’s aggression in kind. He ground his own hips hard against Artemis’s, pushing his tongue hard until their dance of tongues had moved into Artemis’s mouth. Artemis groaned as Discord grunted at his ear, bucking his hips and thrusting into them a third time. As though they had decided to prey on him together, Solaris took control of Artemis’s mouth, his tongue freely tracing along his flat, even teeth as Artemis’s own tongue prodded halfheartedly at Solaris’s in response. Discord’s next thrust was the hardest yet, causing the brothers to break their kiss as they moaned and flexed their backs in unison. Their lips were coated in their mixed saliva, swallowing forgotten in the sheer intensity of their kiss and mutual motions. They again looked into each other’s eyes, and Artemis felt that incredible feeling ignite in his belly as he saw that wonderful intensity burning in his brother's gaze. "The eye of the storm," Solaris breathed. Artemis blinked, breaking their connection. "What?" Solaris blushed. "Nothing. Just kiss me again." Artemis smirked and did just that, groaning as he rolled his hips again. The two of them leaked precum freely, their constant grinding smearing it into both of their coats, to say nothing of how Discord’s cum had now rubbed quite well into Solaris’s fur. As Artemis thrust his tongue into Solaris’s mouth, wanting, needing to taste him again, Discord moved more rapidly. His thrusts were inconsistent, alternating at random between short and fast or slow and long. Despite his lack of pacing, none of it failed to satisfy either of the stallions. The pressure within and without grew for Artemis. His hungry, desperate domination of Solaris’s heated mouth was all he could do to show his need beyond his urgent grinding. He shifted indecisively between that and bucking back against Discord, feeling that knot smacking against his entrance on every thrust, wondering how it would feel inside him. “Mmmf, I hope you two are close,” Discord said, grunting between words. He never slowed in his thrusting. “Because I am!” Artemis and Solaris both sped up in response, humping and grinding against each other with a new height of determination and shared need. They deepened the kiss, their tongues wrestling and writhing together as they pushed each other back and forth between their mouths, a constant battle for dominance between heat and cold that could only have victors. With a feral growl, Discord took on a new pace, giving them both short, quick thrusts to push himself over the edge. With a final cry of completion, Discord thrust hard, his knots pressing hard against the two brothers’s tight entrances. Artemis gave a muffled cry of alarm, but it was lost in Solaris’s mouth. He felt himself stretch even further, his eyes wide until, with a quiet pop, Discord’s knot slipped inside and firmly lodged in place. His surprise became ecstasy when he felt the first hot, thick spurt of cum inside him, Discord grunting in satisfaction as he came. Artemis continued to hump and grind against Solaris, still sloppily making out with him as they both took all Discord had to give them. The thick spunk filling him was enough to send Artemis into his second orgasm. With a muffled cry of delight he came once again, his own cock spurting his load between himself and Solaris. The warmth on his belly and inside him caused Solaris to follow suit, his own moans joining Artemis’s as they came together. Their stomachs became smeared with their mixed cum as they rode out their orgasms, Discord fully hilted inside them both all the while. Spurt after spurt of his cum spilled across their inner walls, thoroughly marking their deepest reaches in Discord’s rich spunk. The knotting ensured that every drop stayed inside them both, until finally Discord’s climax came to an end. The three collapsed in a pile, Artemis in the middle and Discord lying on top. Even the draconequus seemed spent, his seemingly infinite reserves of energy finally used up. They just lay there for a time in a messy, spent pile, panting for breath and enjoying the warmth of each other’s company. Eventually, Artemis lifted his head from Solaris’s chest, grinning lazily at his brother as he caught his eye again. The inferno in Solaris’s gaze had dimmed to embers, but Artemis had a feeling that it would never fade completely. “Feeling better now?” Solaris asked, giving Artemis a fond smile of his own. Artemis pondered for a moment, and nodded his head. “Indeed. I thank you both.” He tensed when Discord moved, and with no small amount of resistance he pulled himself free, the knot popping out and leaving the two stretched entrances to release a deluge of cum to drain down their thighs and onto the sheets. “No charge!” Discord said, patting Artemis on the head. He flopped down on his back, spreading his arms to take the center of the bed. Taking the hint, Artemis stood rather shakily, lying on his side and nestling up against Discord. The warm fur of his upper body felt quite soothing to Artemis, and Solaris as well as the white stallion got comfortable on Discord’s other side. They lay there quietly for a time, even Discord having nothing to say for once. However, Artemis still had something digging at the back of his mind, preventing him from resting easily. He cleared his throat, looking rather uncomfortable. "I believe that was a... pleasant experience." He winced at his rather lackluster words. Discord sniggered. "Yes, I suppose it was." Solaris shot Discord a mild glare before sitting up enough to see Artemis over Discord’s chest. "I agree. Although you seem troubled." Artemis nodded. "I must admit, I'd thought my feelings were born of envy. But I believe now that the reverse is true." Solaris hummed. "That makes sense. Are you suggesting—" "That you have the hots for Sunbutt and I?" Discord interrupted. “And not just our smoldering good looks?” Artemis sighed. Discord squeezed him softly, easing his doubts. "Yes, I do." "The both of us?" Solaris asked, looking a bit skeptical. "Even Discord," Artemis said. He turned his head to nuzzle Discord’s neck, earning a fond coo from him. His afterglow and sheer exhaustion had overpowered his hesitation to be affectionate. "It was hard for me to know for certain, envy being what it is.” He looked at Discord’s face, expression soft. “But there is something there." He smiled, true affection in his gaze. “I've seen a new side to him. One I would like to know better." Discord's grin turned into a fond smile. "And you, Arty." He gave him another fond squeeze with the arm around his shoulders. "What can I say? Solaris is lovely, but so boring. You're rather fun to be around, yet still smarter than the average fare. Just imagine the prank wars!" Solaris glared, while Artemis snickered. Discord smirked. "Honestly, I've just been waiting for you to ask." Artemis bristled, he and Solaris both turning to glare at Discord. “You knew about this?” Solaris asked. Discord held his hands up. “Don’t blame me! I had to time it correctly, or Arty would’ve denied it.” Solaris continued to glare, but soon sighed and looked back to Artemis. “And what of me, Brother? Why have you only recently begun to think of me this way?” Artemis shifted, chewing his lower lip. “I have lived for thousands of years, most of it by your side. The sole constant in all my millenia.” A note of pride entered his voice. “Together we united the tribes and forged a nation. We’ve overthrown demons and became their wardens. We’ve vanquished tyrants and safeguarded all of Creation.” “I’m right here, you know!” Discord sounded rather indignant. Artemis ignored him, looking Solaris in the eye as his voice became a whisper. “We are stronger together, Solaris. Two halves of a single whole.” Solaris’s expression became one of conflict, skepticism warring with desire. “But what of me, Artemis?” he asked. “Why do you want to be with me?” “You took him back when it mattered most,” Discord said, causing both stallions to look to him. For once, he looked very serious. “That was the important thing, I believe. The moment when Artemis realized that your love was unconditional—romantic or otherwise.” Solaris looked back to Artemis, who nodded. “He speaks true. You were the only pony who stood by my side, before and after the Nightmare. I took that for granted until I came back.” He smiled at his brother. “And now I understand how much it means.” Solaris bit his lip, struggling not to look away. “All my life, I have wondered.” “Wondered what?” Artemis asked, squirming anxiously. Solaris took a shuddering breath. “If certain thoughts were unique to me. If you could have ever looked at me the same way.” He shook his head, a sad smile on his face. “I’ve lived a life of restraint. Even around you.” He looked into Artemis’s eyes. Embers of affection flickered in his gaze, no longer tempered by lust. “With the two of you, I can relax. I can be myself.” He exhaled, and a true smile spread across his face. Not a polite one, as he was so used to, but one of pure happiness. “And now I understand how much it means.” Artemis beamed at his brother, the weight of his turmoil evaporating in an instant. The sheer relief was greater than any physical pleasure could have ever been. “You know, there are still the nobles to worry about,” Discord mused. “I imagine they won’t be too pleased with our arrangement.” “Irrelevant,” Solaris said. “If anypony objects, I will summon Bubble Berry to Canterlot and have him teach them the value of friendship.” Discord cringed. “And all I would have done is move their tongue to their anal cavity.” “Can we not do both?” Artemis asked. “Their skulls are rather thick, after all.” Solaris smirked and shook his head. “It was bad enough when there was only one of you.” Discord chuckled and pulled Solaris harder against him. “Get used to it, Sunbutt. We’ve all got a long time to learn to live with each other.” Artemis sighed in contentment and nestled up against Discord, the exhaustion of his long night combined with recent events finally taking their toll. “That we do,” he murmured, closing his eyes and resting easily at last.