You have to be joking

by Moonlit Path

First published

When Celestia goes missing, Six ponies must find her and fast. The only problem, One has P.T.S.D, two about to go crazy, and then there is Pinkie Pie.

Six ponies must find Celestia and fast, while also on a mass search for a runaway changeling. The only problem, One has P.T.S.D, two about to go crazy, and then there is Pinkie Pie . Knowing that a missing princess would only cause chaos, they must keep it secret, but they never could have predicted the outcome. Can Luna hold everypony together long enough for her sister to come home safe?

It can't be true

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"Get her!" Shining Armor yelled running down the hallway at the Canterlot castle. Shining Armor, Cadence, Twilight, and the rest of the mane 6 had been invited to the castle for a small party with Celestia and Luna. Unfortunately only Shining Armor, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were the only ones able to make it.

"Wait! It's not what you think" The changeling called out

"What did you do with the Princess!"

"If you would listen to me for a moment without trying to rip my head off!" The changeling yelled back. It was then a squad of Royal Guard ponies blocked off the hallway and tackled the changeling to the ground.

"Take her to a holding cell" Shining Commanded. Without a word, Shining put a a sedation spell on her and she was taken to a holding cell. Shining ran over to Twilight who was in the corner crying and holding Celestias crown like it was Mr. Smarty pants. "It ok, we will find her. I pinkie promise." He told her calmly while holding his sister. A moment later the others came in. Without saying a word the girls ran up to comfort Twilight. A few minutes later, she was finally calmed down enough to try to talk.

"What happened?" Rainbow asked trying to make heads and tails of the destroyed bedroom and hall

"Princess Celestia is missing." Shining said. He knew if Twilight started talking about it, then she was going to have a mental breakdown again. Can you blame her though? Her hero, teacher, and basically mother has gone missing, and she couldn't do anything.

After the shock of what he just said had gone by Rarity had been the first to speak up. "Start from the beginning darling, Whatever happened, and where did the princess go?"

Deciding that honesty would be best he didn't even second guess what he was going to say. "I'm not exactly sure. I was walking down the hall and heard Twiley screaming. I ran into the room and saw a changeling hovering above her, and Twilight was in the corner crying; holding Celestias crown. Her horn was somehow broken before I go here, so I don't think she could fight back, or If she did, it wasn't very long. I think she is in shock, she hasn't said anything yet."

"What happened in the room and hallway then?" Rainbow asked looking around at the destruction.

Twilight finally tried to speak. "A, a, a cha-changeling had" and with that she started hyperventilating again. Shining hugged her again and with help of some light rocking and soothing, she started calming down again. "Prince-prince-princess is, we, we have to, I have to"

"Don't try to talk, let's go see Luna and see if she can help." Shining suggested. Twilight nodded her head in agreement, but he noticed she was having trouble standing. He used his magic to lift her onto his back so he could carry her.

"If you want surgarcube, I could carry her. You're injured and I don't want you hurtin yerself further." Applejack explained before they could start walking. Shining didn't even notice his injury but sure enough it was there. His side had been cut open by a piece of debris from the destroyed bedroom. Looking a little pale as soon as he saw it (He doesn't do good with blood, or anything like that), A.j decided to just take Twilight, much to Shining's appreciation. The adrenaline and shock had started to wear off and he started feeling the cut which stung badly.

Luna jumped a little when a knock came at her door. "Enter" she called.

"Princess, We need your help" Rainbow Dash said quickly. She had flown ahead of the others because they didn't want to waste any time.

"What happened?" It was then she noticed the others walking. Applejack carrying a still slightly hysterical Twilight, and Shining Armor limping in pain from his injury, the cut was bleeding badly staining his coat, and making him dizzy. He had cast a spell around it to stop any blood from getting everywhere, and to try and stop the bleeding slightly, but other then preventing a mess, it just wore out his stamina. Pinkie Pie and Rarity had already left to start looking for Celestia in secret. Not wanting to waste time, she teliported everypony to her bedroom. She started a healing spell on Shining before turning to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "What happened?"

"Where not entirely sure what happened, but Celestia is missing. Something about a changeling, Shining armor came in just long enough to catch her, but has no idea what happened. When he found her, Twilight was already like this, holding the Princeses crown. We came in after he captured the changeling." Rainbow explained. Luna took a deep breath trying to figure out what to do. She looked over to Applejack who was trying despritly to calm Twilight who was still holding the crown.

"You said that Shining Armor managed to capture the changeling?"

"Yes" The farmer confirmed.

"I wish to talk to her. Where is Pinkie Pie, and Rarity?"

"They started searching for Celestia. They swore to not let anypony know what was going on." Rainbow explained looking out the window with hope of seeing anything.

"Why don't you and Applejack join them? I will take care of these two." Luna told them. She could see they were worried about the Princess, and she couldn't let them see how worried she was about her sister, (even though she knew she could take care of herself), so she hoped that having them join the search would help calm everypony slightly. After all helping is better then doing not doing anything.

"Thank you" R.D and A.J chorused. Applejack laid Twilight on the bed and gave her a big hug telling her that they will find her before running off.

After Luna finished healing Shining Armor, she turned her attention to Twilight. "Shining Armor, go down and see if you can get that bug to talk." She camanded him. "I need to help Twilight, then I will join you."

"Are you sure Princess? I would feel better if I could stay here, just in case there are more of them."

"I can protect myself, but we can not be wasting time. Our number one priority is to find Celestia before ponys notice her missing, and start panicking."

"Yes princess." and with that Shining was gone.

Looking at Twilight Luna touched her horn to hers and started casting a healing spell and a advanced calming spell that would make even Pinkie Pie look like Maud. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you princess." Even with the calming spell twilight still looked like she was ready to start crying again. It must have been bad, she had never seen Twilight like this before. If the Calming spell can't hold her, the next step would be sedation before she ended up hurting herself.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Luna asked gently wrapping a wing around Twilight.

"A-a change-changeling came and cast a spell on us. The princess casted a barrier spell around me, and-and a white light blinded us. I was knocked unconscious for a moment and when I woke up, I saw that thing, that changeling covered in blo-blood where the prince-princess was, and her regalia on the floor. I-I don't know what happened, then when she started flying towards me, I tried casting a spell, but my-my horn had cracked, so I ended up just screaming. A minute late Shining had, Shining found me, and he called the guards who arrested her." With that Twilight broke down crying again. "I'm sorry, If I had noticed her sooner, I could have prevented everything. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Twilight just kept repeating I'm sorry over and over again while starting to hyperventilate. Luna reached out to try and calm her, but she only backed up and fell off the bed; hitting her horn and breaking it further, almost breaking it off.

"Twilight you need to calm down." The moon princess asserted in a calm and soothing tone

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Scared that Twilight was going to hurt herself further, and knowing that her horn had to be fixed she saw no other choice, Luna levitated Twilight in the air, and casted a sedation spell on the petrified unicorn. After Twilight was fast asleep, Luna took the crown from her and put it in her safe so she could make sure that nothing happened to it. She then brought her down to the castle hospital where the doctors could help her.

"What happened to her?" The doctor asked running up to Luna. She wasn't even inside before they noticed Twilight on Lunas back, unconscious.

"She was in hysteria, and her horn is broken. I cast a sedation spell, because she was just breaking through my calming spell; I didn't want her hurting herself further. I wish to preform a spell to fix her horn, but I will be hard on her body, so I will need help. She is already asleep, but she will need to be watched for a few hours after she wakes up to make sure that the spell worked correctly, and didn't harm her further. I just used mild sedation so she should be awake in less then a hour." Luna explained to the doctor, making sure to not let it slip why she was in hysteria in the first place.

"Of course princess. Give us a second to do a physical and set her up with a IV and on a monitor. She is dehydrated and depending on how long she was in hysteria, she might have low oxygen levels." Luna nodded in agreement, and they brought Twilight to a bed, and set up everything they needed. Luna stood by patiently and waited for her cue to preform the spell. It was ten minutes before she could do it safely, and she was trying not to let them see how worried she was. "You can preform your spell now, princess."

"Thank you doctor, for everything. I need you to hold her down please." With that the doctor held her head, and the nurses the rest of her body, although they weren't sure why. Luna touched her horn to Twilights and cast the spell. Almost immediately she started seizing rather violently while her horn slowly started repairing herself. It was a huge strain on everypony involved, and it only took about three -very long- minutes before she was finished, and in the end everpony fell on the floor exhausted, including Luna. (The repair spell was a very advanced technique that Star Swirl himself even had trouble with.)

"That's why you had us hold her." The doctor said finally catching his breath and chuckling slightly (not from it being funny, but the because of the situation in general and he was relieved it was over)

"Can you watch over her? She should be ok now, but just to be safe?"

"Of course princess" The doctor assured her

Luna thanked them all again and headed down to the holding cell, where she saw two sleeping guards, and a sleeping Shining Armor. "Where is the changeling?" Luna yelled in the royal Canterlot voice noticing the empty cell. The guards didn't budge. Casting a spell she noticed that they were under a sedation spell, and judging by the magic left over it was her sisters sedation spell. "Did Celestia free the changeling?" she asked herself, casting a reverse spell. The guards would wake up in about five minutes, she used her magic to write a quick note saying go straight to the barracks, before leaving to go back to the hospital. She has a million things going through her head, and none of them made since.

Talking to herself she could only manage two words "What happened?"

"Where am I?" Twilight asked waking up after two hours.

"The hospital" The doctor answered walking up to her "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes and no. I remember talking with Luna, and then I woke up here." She said scrunching her face into a rather adorable thinking expression.

"You were experiencing hysteria, so Luna put a mild sedation spell on you so that you wouldn't hurt yourself further. She then brought you here, and fixed your horn." The doctor explained looking over her to make sure there wasn't any other injuries.

"Thank you so much, but I really must get going. I have something important to do."

"Not yet Twilight Sparkle, you need to rest for a little longer." Luna walked through the door, and was relieved to see Twilight back to normal. Although she had a strange feeling the calming spell was still in effect.

"Has anypony found...."

"No, not yet. Everypony is still looking though. We will find her." Luna interrupted before the doctors and nurses found out Celestia was missing.

"And the"

"She managed to escape. Our main priority is finding you know who, then we will go after that bug."

"How did she escape?!"

" I do not know" She made a quick decision not to tell Twilight the truth with her uncertain of Twilights current mental status,." Rest now, we have a long night ahead of us." Giving her a quick nuzzle Luna turned to leave and try and find anything, and ask the others how the search is going. She opened the door and turned around to face Twilight "I'll come back and get you, until then you are to stay here. Doctor, she is NOT allowed to leave without me."

"Yes princess, we will not let her leave until your return." With that Luna finally left and the doctors exchanged worried glances wondering who was missing, and why wasn't Celestia here to help her student?

I'll be fine. I think

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A terrified changeling hid in Celestias bedroom knowing no one would look for her there. "Why won't they listen to me? I swear they are more stubborn then Rainbow and Applejack in a competition." she groaned to herself. "I can't stay here forever, I should try and get to Ponyville. Fluttershy should be able to help me." as she was lost in thought she didn't notice a neither changeling sneaking up behind her.

"Hi there."

The sudden voice caused her to jump five feet in the air. "Who are you, and what did you do?"

"I'm D13, as for what I did, you will find out soon enough" He explained grinning a little

"What do you want from me?"

"Just come with me." he gestured to the forest

"No" she asserted. There was no way was she going with him.

"Very well, hope you enjoy your life." and with that D13 left

"Whos in there!" A royal guard asked hearing the voices.

Thinking quickly she changed herself into Princess Celestia. "Why didn't I think of this earlier?" she asked herself while mentally slapping herself. She went over and opened the door "Yes?"

"Princess! Where have you been? I was told if I saw you to have you report to princess Luna." The guard explained noticing something a little different. Her eyes had a hint of green in them. (After the invasion by Chrysalis all guards had been taught to notice little signs like that just in case.)

"Of course, I will find my sister in a moment."

"Who are you?" He asked pointing is staff at her.

"I am Celestia, your princess" She explained in as calm of tone as she could manage, while taking in her situation

"Changeling!" The guard yelled but before he could do anything, she was gone.

"SHE DID WHAT!" Luna yelled in the Royal Canterlot voice shaking the entire castle. She had put a sound barrier around them, so they could talk without any eavesdroppers hearing what happened. The result was ponies everywhere scrambling for cover.

"Earthquake!" One of the castle staff yelled followed by twenty others, running as if the castle was about to fall on them

Normally this would have amused Luna, but after hearing that the escaped changeling was impersonating her sister, she wasn't in the mood. "Do you have any idea where she could have gone?"

"No princess. Honestly that was a very smart place to hide. We had already searched it, and knowing she wasn't there, we wouldn't have given it a second thought. I only looked after hearing voices." The guard explained, he knew better then to do a rookie mistake like that, and physically hit the back of his head. "Stupid"

"Understandable, but I want a barrier around the castle, and every royal room that she could even try to hide in. My sisters, my own, Twilights old room, the observatory, and so on. If she is still in the castle we will find her. I doubt she can teleport very far."

"Yes princess!" with a sharp salute the guard was gone.

"Tia, where are you?"

The changeling slowly made her way outside the castle grounds disguised as a castle guard. "Hiya, have you seen princess Celestia around? I heard princess Luna was looking for her." A pink pony appeared in front of her.

"No, but we are on the look out." It was then Pinkie noticed that the guard was slightly different.

"Do I know you?"

"No" she replied almost immediately. Although in the back of her mind, she new that explaining her situation would fix everything, but Pinkie was to unpredictable.

"Okie Dokie Loki!" and with that Pinkie Pie disappeared.

"That was close."

"What was close?"

Freezing at the sound of the new voice she turned around. "It was nothing I assure you" accidently letting her way of speaking slip through.

Shining Armor squinted a little as if to see something.

"Are you alright Captain?"

"I think so, you just seem familiar."

"I'm not sure how, I joined after you left for the Crystal empire." She said without thinking. Normally she could think everything over for a moment, but she had to act normal.

"Let me know if you find anything."

'Yes Captain."

As Shining walked away he couldn't help but start a fight with himself. Between soldier and normal pony. "There was something off about her"

"She was just a normal guard."

"You saw that look, it wasn't the look of a soldier"

"Maybe she was just tired. Guards tend to get tired rather easily after long shifts."

"Not what I meant"

"There was nothing else there."

"There was something off with her any you know it."

"There was nothing off about her."

"Yes there was, now where is Celestia?"

"I don't know!"

"Think Captain think!"

"I don't want to be the Captain right now, I just want to find Celestia"

"You are the Captain"

"Not right now"

"You are the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Prince to the Crystal empire, now think Idiot!"

"JUST SHUT UP!" He accidently yelled out loud drawing concerned glances from passing by ponies.

"Shining Armor, are you alright?" Hearing the sound of Lunas voice he had to think of something quick

"Yes Princess, why do you ask?"

"You just yelled just shut up in your command voice." she deadpanned

"I'll be ok, I just need a break, and maybe some coffee."

"Are you sure? I know this whole situation as gotten everpony on edge. I am actually about to go get Twilight and see if I can get anymore information from her."

"I'm fine." and with that he started running away trying to ignore the princesses glaze on him and the argument starting up again in his head. "Just shut up." running and hiding in a storage closet he let himself fall to the ground and cry. "What is wrong with me? I should be out searching for Celestia but instead I'm acting like a colt again!" he yelled at himself.

"Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh! What's wrong!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Pinkie how did you? Where did you?" He stuttered quickly trying to dry his eyes.

"It will be ok, we will find Celestia. I know your super duper worried about her!" Giving him a big hug

"Thank you Pink....." Looking around he noticed the room empty. "How did she?"

"Did you find anything?" Luna asked. She gathered the others around in the castle gardens.

"No, and it has been 12 hours. Maybe we need to expand the search to near by towns?" Rainbow Suggested.

"I'm already ahead of you. Applejack went to search a nearby farm town, and Rarity is searching Ponyville, and to ask Zecora for help." Luna explained.

"Do we need to alert the rest of Canterlot of the missing princess?" Shining asked

"Not yet. Giver her 12 more hours, and then we will." she asserted. "Continue the search, and meet up again in six hours."

"Yes princess." and with that everypony was off again.

"Princess, I know you super duper worried, but why don't you go get some rest. You look sicky" Pinkie deadpanned looking the confused princess over

"I'll be fine." After receiving a infamous Pinkie stare (similar to Fluttershy's' but instead it tried to tell when somepony was lying. Luna waited as Pinkie left before she sighing and fighting with herself. Princess and worried sister

"They will find her"

"But what is she is dead?"

"She's not"


"She's not"

"Look at the situation."

"You make a good point"

"Your not allowed to agree with me!" She yelled at herself. The worried sister part of her brain was winning, and knowing she was useless at that moment she teleported to her bedroom and just broke down crying. "Now I know how Twilight felt. I wonder how Shining Armor is doing" she asked herself thinking back to his little incident earlier. "We will find her" she told herself. After a few minutes she went to her bathroom and washed her face and fixed her mane. She knew she couldn't let the others know she was on the edge of a mental break down. It was then she looked out the window and noticed something strange. A solar guard wondering the streets had glowed green and went from a unicorn to a Pegasus. "Found you!" she whispered not taking her eyes off the changeling

"I need to get to Ponyville. Fluttershy can hopefully help me, and if not plan B is to explain to spike and hope he can get Twilight to help." The changeling reminded herself. She slowly made her way to Ponyville, as Luna followed hoping she would lead her to Celestia. The changeling first went to Fluttershy's cottage, but to her disappointment she wasn't home. Sighing she then went to the golden oaks library.

"What is she doing there?" Luna asked herself.

Slipping inside she noticed spike sleeping on top of a book. She changed herself into Twilight so that the shock wouldn't be too bad. Walking up she gently shook him so she would scare the dragon.

"Spike. Spike wake up please"

"Oh hey Twi, I thought you weren't going to be back until tonight."

"Spike, I am going to show you something but you have to promise not to freak out until I explain."

"Did you mess up a spell again?"

"Spike you need to promise" She asserted

"Cross my hear and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" he recited with the hand movements. With that she closed the door and windows and reverted back to her changeling form. "Cha-cha-changeling!" he whispered as he started running for the door but she caught him.

"It's not what you think." With that she explained what happened and that she needed him to get a letter to Twilight and hope she could help. Agreeing Spike did as he was told and suggested she hide out in the Library until Twilight came back.

"Thank you so much for your help Spike"

"Where is my sister!" Luna yelled bursting through the front door and tackling the changeling to the ground. Before she even could start to explain Luna knocked her out

"What did you do that for!" Spike yelled at Luna "Sorry, princess I didn't mean for it to come out" he said apologetically while backing away from the conflicted princess.

"Celestia is missing, and she knows where she is." Luna explained looking over changeling

Spike groaned. "Where is Twilight?"

"She is in Canterlot."

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight appeared in front of them

"Twilight Sparkle didn't I tell you to stay until I came back?"

"Sorry" Twilight squeaked "Princess what are you doing here?"

"Spike, what is going on?" The two chorused

"Let her explain" he pointed to the changeling sprawled out on the floor

Twilight took one look at the changeling before her world went black.

Looking at the unconscious unicorn, Luna only managed to say one thing.

"And she is a element barer?"

"Where is Luna?" Rainbow asked impatiently. They were supposed to meet up for a report half a hour ago and, Luna was no where to be found.

"You don't think something super bad happened to her too! Do you?" Pinkie asked

The few royal guard ponies that were on the search team looked at each other nervously. "Both princess are missing. We need to find them and fast."

"You guys go continue the search, we need to remain here for Luna." Shining commanded them. After a sharp salute they were off "Ok, now that we are alone, what the buck is going on in here?" He asked very concerned that Luna could not be found. Even though she acted like a filly sometimes, she was always responsible with being on time.

Rainbow looked down at the ground not even capable of flying at the moment "I don't know but we can not let anyone know especially right now." she whispered

"Agreed. Maybe she is with Twilight?" Shining suggested

"I'll go check" and with that Pinkie was gone again.

"We have been searching Canterlot for almost 19 hours, and I know she didn't sleep the night before because she was so excited. How does she have as much energy as the CMC on espresso?"

"I don't know, but can we switch bodies?" Shining asked earning a laugh from Rainbow. "Wait how do you know what the CMC are like on espresso?"

"Twilights not there! Did Luna take her somewhere else?" Pinkie said so fast they almost couldn't understand her.

"What do you mean she's not there?" Shining asked half in shock.

"And how did you get there and back so fast?" Rainbow added in

"Guys, I'm getting super worried now." Her hair deflating allowed Rainbow to understand just how worried she actually was. It was a rare sight from Pinkie Pie to turn Pinkamena

"Me too" Shining said looking falling on his flank. Not knowing what to do, it took all of his will power not to cry again now that Luna and his sister were missing, along with Celestia

"They are just fine. I'm sure of it" The element of loyalty tried her best to give them hope, but it was hard when in the back of her mind she had a strange feeling something really bad happened to them

Shining sat up and looked at the other two before taking a deep breath "Let's continue the search. We can't afford to waste anymore time."


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"Why should we believe you?" Luna asked impatently

"Because I am telling you the truth." The cangeling snapped back.

"What happened?" Twilight asked trying to make sense of what was going on in front of her. A changeling was tied up, in the middle of her living room, Spike standing guard infront of her, and Luna getting angry, and she was on the other side of the room.

"You are finally awake Twilight Sparkle. I was worried the shock was too much." Luna told her finally calming down a little.

"What is going on?" Twilight looked at the changeling and spike, then to Luna and back at the changeling.

"I'll let her explain. I honestly still don't believe her, her story is just to out there." Luna addmited

"I was in my bedroom with Twilight when a changeling attacked us, and changed me into a changeling. I am Celestia." The bug explained as calmly as possible.

Thinking fast to make sure that she really was Celestia, she remembered something that only she they would know. "If you really are Celestia, then would you want a pet egg?"

"Only if it includes a cup of coffee" the changeling giggled

"It really is you!" Twilight ran up hugging her, letting tears run down her eyes. "I was so worried, I thought they had, you had" she started hyperventalating again.

"I am sorry Twilight, I would have explained it if I wasn't attacked." Twilight untied her, and Celestia hugged her back.

"If you really are Celestia, then how do we get you back to noraml?" Luna asked very confused

"I have a feeling that we need to find the Changeling hive."

Spike finally spoke up, "If there isn't any doubt she is the real princess, then what are we waiting for?"

"Where is the Changeling Hive?" Twilight asked

"That is the problem" Celestia admitted. "Wait there is one that called himself D13 and he offered to take me there. Maybe I should take him up on his offer?"

Everypony in the room looked at each other nevously at the idea. "Wouldn't it be risky? I mean, they would know something is up if you just ask to be taken to the hive." Twilight asked trying to get through the shock that it was even suggested.

Luna jumped a little as a idea came to her "Wait did you say D13?"

"Yes. That is what he called himself" Celestia confirmed.

Luna sighed in relief for a moment. "I've heard about him before. He is from a hive composed of complete idiots that Chrysalis didn't want. I think we will be safe."

"So, you have decided to join me?"

"D13 where did you come from?" Celestia asked catching her breath after the mini heart attack the changeling gave her

"I have been here the whole time. Do you really want to go to the hive? I am sure the Queen would be so happy!" D13 said jumping up and down like Pinkie Pie.

"On one condition" everypony looked at each other wondering what was going through Celestias head. "You have to reverse the spell and turn me back into a alicorn."

"Deal" He said quickly. It sounded like a good idea to him. In the mean time the others just smiled.

"He really is a idiot, isn't he?" Twilight whispered to Luna

"Yes, yes he is." Luna confirmed.

"Only you though, your friends can't go." The changeling asserted and Celestia nodded her head. She knew that even if they weren't invited they would still follow. They said a quick good bye and the two changelings left, and Spike went upstairs to take a nap.


"Yes Twilight?"

"Do you think we should follow her?" Twilight asked nervously

Luna looked at her curiously "Why wouldn't we?"

"Because D13 said only she was allowed" Twilight deadpanned looking down at the ground.


"Yes Luna?"

"Lets go." and with that Luna cast a invisability spell over them and they left to follow.

"Doesn't it fell like this is going by really fast?" Luna whispered from their hiding spot.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked curiously

"Today feels rushed. I mean in less then ten minutes we discovered who she was, found Celestia, found out what happened, figured out how to fix our situation, lost Celestia again, and now we are going to a changeling hive."

"When you put it that way, I supose it does. But compared to the the rest of the time since it happened it is a nice change of pace." Twilight admitted.

"So where are we going?"

"To the hive" D13 looked at her like she was crazy.

Celestia just gave him a 'are you serious?' look. "I mean, where is the hive?"

D13 finally understood. "The hive is in canterlot."

"You are more random then Pinkie Pie." Celestia said facehoofing

"I know Pinkie Pie!"


"Don't worry about it." D13 told her hopping away

"They are so alike. It is almost as if." Celestia shook her head clearing the though. "That is impossible. A lot of ponies or changelings in this case; are like her." She assured herself

"We are here!" The changeling announced

"Thank you. Now can you please change me back?" Celestia asked impatently

"Not quite yet. First we need to go inside!" and with that D13 cast a spell so Celestia couldn't see, and guided her inside. Sighing Celestia followed. This was her only hope of getting back to normal.

After a minute of walking she could feel herself teliport, luckly the teliportation caught Luna and Twilight also. "Where are we now?" Celestia asked

"You will see, I will be back."

"I just want to go back to normal, then go back, eat, take a bath, and go to bed." She groaned to herself.

"Follow me." The chagneling commanded and Celestia obliged

"We will turn you back on one condition."

"What is that?" Celestia asked curiously

"If you promise to have a little fun in the Future."

"What do you mean."

"She means you work to hard." a familiar voice laughed "and you too can drop you invisability"

"What are you doing here Discord. Where are we, why aren't we at the changeling hive?" Twilight asked with a mix of annoyed, frustrated, confused in her voice.

Discord snapped his tallons and everypony changed back to normal. Celestia returned to her white alicorn self, D13 turned into Pinkie Pie, and other changelings turned into the rest of the mane 6, Shining Armor, and Cadance. "What is going on?" Celestia growled

"You three work too hard. We thought it would be a nice change of pace" Shining Armor replied

"So this is a prank on us?" Luna deadpanned and everyponys smiles told them all they needed to know.

"Who's plan was this?" Twilight asked firmly

"That would be mine" Cadance smiled. "I planned it, got your freinds in on the plan, and Discord helped with the illusions and chagning Celestiainto a changeling." she explained


"Yes Luna?"
