> Flutters of Pony and Pet > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Initial Gift: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Pinkie Pie had learned the secret Fluttershy had been hiding. She knew she had to help her friend out. What was she to do in order to help her with the hidden problem? How. Of course she had to give her the bridge to the other side. It ended up being a necklace, not too different from the one of her element of kindness, the one she had been forced to give up. We had all given these elements up in order to save the tree of harmony. Incidentally, it would look more or less identical to her old one, with the butterfly on the front. The gem has the colour of her butterflies, though. The more surprising notion is; what would be the looks of the one for Angel. Would he even have a mark as a Pony, if and when he chose to wear his. Once she had managed to get her hooves on what she had in mind for her friend, she bounced off to Twilight Sparkle in order to have it enchanted. Twilight was the natural choice in this case, knowing her affinity with magic and enchantments. But alas, Twilight did help her friend, just as Pinkie Pie had foreseen. There could be no way around it. After thanking her friend, she was off, bouncing to the cottage, where she had to leave the gift and promise. The one home is Angel Bunny. What a surprise? he is almost always there, it is his home too, and he is the Pet. A Pet doesn’t leave his home unsupervised, after all. As I came home from town, I hear hooves from inside my home. The stallion opening the door looking curiously at me. “Greetings, Fluttershy. Welcome home!” Angel greeted me in a deep voice. “Hi..” I responded, peering at the stallion before me, not quite sure as to what to make out of it, or him. “Oh, sorry. I am Angel Bunny. Just not a little Bunny right now!” he responded in the same deep voice. “Angel? Is that truly you?” I responded as I closed the door behind me. “Look, Pinkie Pie came over with a gift for the two of us. She told me Twilly had enchanted it for her!” he pointed out, pointing his right fore hoof at the necklace, resembling the one I had given up in order to save the tree of harmony all these many a moon ago. “But, didn’t I give up my old element?” I responded. “Of course, and it is still with the tree where you and your friends left the elements. These are entirely new and utterly different. Try yours on, would you? She promised that it would fulfil one of your dreams!” Angel pointed out. “Okay!” I submitted, while I noticed his mark, a shimmering white ring, with equally shimmering wings. I accepted the necklace, and permitted him to help me putting it on. I felt a surprisingly comfortable and comforting feeling from the touch and wearing it. Initially it may just be a piece of jewelery crafted out of precious metal, but there is more than meets the eye in the included enchantments soon to reveal itself as he finalised the locking of the clasp behind my neck. A necklace worn like this. It looks like the element and the necklace the Princesses; Celestia and Luna are wearing every day. Only mine came with the butterfly, just like the once on my flank. “You look great, Fluttershy. Almost like a Princess!” Angel pronounced in a proud voice. “Thanks, Angel!” I responded. “If you place your hoof on the mark, you should be able to control the enchantment. Right hoof for Pony, and left hoof for Pet!” he then explained. “Now, isn’t that too simple a trick?” I inquired. “Yes, that is what I thought too. Yet, the actual trick is that no others could change it on you. This is yours, Fluttershy!” he responded. Then I looked past his face, only to see the mark on his flanks as well. His name is still Angel, even as a Pony. As Pony, he is now a large white Stallion, which I guess is logical, after all. I think I would have been more scared, had it changed him into a mare. Another detail I noticed is that his back is bare. He is an Earth Pony. Yet, as a Bunny, he never had wings, why would he have them now as a Pony? Just because he lives with me, a Pegasus? That wouldn’t make sense, at least not to me. Of course, it is natural that he could never be or become the element of Kindness. I am Kindness. Yet, that isn’t why. He simply is not inspiring it in others. Isn’t that the difference between being kind and being the element of kindness? “It will be strange to have a Pony and Stallion by my side to share my home with, Angel. I am used to having you with me, but you were always the Bunny before. Of course, there are numerous other issues to get used to!” I pointed out. “How do you think it feels like for me? I was used to being that Bunny, for you to care for me all day and every day. Now I can care for you equally. I can help you with things and stand up for you in the manner only a grown Stallion ever could!” he pointed out with a hint of a snicker on his voice. “Now, there is something to get used to. I think I can live with that, though. Maybe you could be the Stallion in my life, the one who stands up for me me like none ever did before!” I responded. “I could very well imagine that. Would be an honour for me to be there for you and protect you!” he responded. “Would I be a good pet for you, Angel? I hope I will. I would love to have you petting me, for a change!” I pointed out as a matter of fact. “I hope you will, but you need to change, before I could do that, you know!” he pointed out. With that, I placed my hoof on the mark in order to give it that one first whirl. Only to feel myself shrink down to the size of a Pet. I found myself in roughly the same size as my Bunny Angel had been before, only now he is the size of a fully grown Stallion. A large one at that. “You are smaller than a little filly like Scootaloo. So cute and adorable. I hope you will enjoy me petting you as much as you imagined from that dream!” he put forth. --- --- --- > Roles in Reverse: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”Now, what does my little Fluttershy want for her dinner?” I asked. Of course, she would need to have oats, she needs her energy as a Pet. “Then you would of course need something to drink, so I will fix you a bottle of water right away!” I assured her with confidence. “Thank you, Angel!” she responded. “Kindness has to be reciprocated, yours more than most. You have already paid too high a price for being kind, Flutters!” I pointed out. She merely nodded and picked up the bottle I had given her, before slowly sipping. I poured her a bowl of oats as promised, before I poured up two more bottles of water and capped them carefully in order for the water to stay fresh and in reach, available to her as my pet. “I will have a few errands to run tomorrow, the things you usually did for me. The market can wait until tomorrow, so I can play with you most of the rest of the day!” I pointed out. I poured myself a salad and mixed the vegetables, before I started to chew down on my meal. This wasn’t so bad, after all. Yet, I guess I still will miss her pampering. On the other hoof, I will most likely enjoy the market now, just putting a hoof down on all these mean Ponies who tormented my dear Fluttershy. Just too bad I can’t follow this up in Cloudsdale. Maybe Twilight Sparkle could lend me a hoof on the matter, but I guess that could wait. On another matter, maybe I should go and see her parents as well, but that would also have to wait until I can actually go to Cloudsdale, unless they were co come over to Ponyville. How would her parents react on her living at the outskirts of Ponyville, basically an Earth Pony village and a garrison at the rim of the Everfree forest and the forces dwelling within that ghastly place. How were they to react on her choice of career, tending to the local wild-life and the abandoned Pets of Ponyville. Pets, such as I had been, right up until today; that is. Only thanks to Pinkie Pie, I can now help and protect my patron Pony. I hope I can be the Stallion by her side any time she may need one. I hope her parents are taking well to her having a Job, a home and a Stallion by her side. She has all she could wish for. As a Pet, Fluttershy was apparently enjoying her life this far. When I did not have anything more important on my hooves, I was happily tending her as she had been tending me, while I was a Bunny. Of course I had to care for and feed all her charges now as she is my Pet. I guess I can’t really complain. If I don’t like it, I could always try to make her pick up the burden, it had after all always been hers to carry. Only now, I had picked it up for her. She followed me around as I measured up the respective feeds for the critters, of which I once had been little more than one. Even if I guess I had been the special case. I had been reminding her of numerous things she had to take care of; meetings she was about to miss, errands she had to run and Pets she had to feed. Maybe I had been more than just a regular Pet; maybe I had been even more than a special Pet, even if I never could have rivalled Spike the Dragon who assisted Princess Twilight Sparkle in her Library and now her Castle. I don’t mind, why do I need to care? Once the Pets had been fed their dinner, I went back inside the cottage with Fluttershy hot on my heel. I closed the door just behind her, before I found the seat in which she used to sit. I guess I could get used to it. As long as she is my Pet, I have to be in her place. The seat isn’t that bad, for all I care. I then scooped her up and placed her in my lap, almost like she used to do for me. I then scratched her behind her ears and tickled her on the belly. I noticed how she enjoyed it. She apparently knew what she wanted and needed, even if not quite as adamantly as I had been. Yet, I had been the pet, the Bunny all my life and I am more of the assertive personality than she ever will be. I realized that I enjoy my new situation and position, even more than I had realized before. Maybe this is in part due to my more aggressive and assertive personality? On the other hoof, I have to take care of the Pony, now turned Pet as well as she cared for me. She always was kind and caring, even when I was a mean bastard to her and raised pointless and irresponsible demands to her. Like the time I made her prepare that Salad for me. Didn’t I know just how hard it was on her to make the Salad, when she needed to face all the Ponies at the market, and some of them clearly did take advantage of her and her timid nature. Thankfully her friends stood up for her and helped her out, when I couldn’t, due to being a mere Pet and Bunny. I filled up all the bottles for her before I went to bed and then even poured her a small pile of oats as well. She apparently chose to lie under the bed. The very bed in which she had been sleeping and now house me for the night. As the first light of Celestia’s newly risen sun hit my eyes through the window I woke up. I slipped out of bed, somewhat confused over my new form as a large Stallion as opposed to the male Bunny I had used to be all my life. I slowly gathered myself and poured up the feed for all the Critters, her charges. Only then I went back in and checked her water and the bowl in which I poured up more oats and a selection of vegetables she would enjoy. With the first order of business out of the way, I finally managed to prepare my own breakfast. As I had filled up on the salad, I slipped a saddle bag on my back, incidentally Fluttershy’s. Yet, I don’t have one of my own and I need the bags to carry the bits to the market, and the vegetables back home. I can’t go to the market and carry my funds in my hooves, just as I can’t carry the vegetables back home like that. As I reached the market, it hit me. I truly do need a saddle bag of my very own. With that I marched on to Rarity’s and knocked on her door.