Sapphire's Story

by Sapphire Eclipse

First published

An in depth look into 'Sapphy', 'Sparky' and 'Stormy'.

I was inspired to write this when RP'ing with two friends.
This is my first fic (And first time making a story in over 2 years) so please don't hate.
However, feel free to be a critic, as the more I hear, the more I learn.

Sapphire Eclipse fell out of the sky, into the land of Equestria.
She has no idea where she came from, or anything about her past.
Being mute, she needs to write on a peice of paper to communicate.
Lightning Spark takes her to his house to be looked after.

As time goes by, feelings will be expressed and new friends made.
The only thing that wont change, however, is the whole is Sapphy's heart.

Prologue - I'm Falling.

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Written for Abody and DJV0RT3X. My two awesome friends.

We all have nightmares from time to time, but this was no ordinary nightmare.
I was falling, and it was real, I had no idea how I got there, no idea where I was and no memory of anything before that moment.
The only thing I did know, was that there was a hole in my heart. A massive black hole consuming all the light within me.
They say that in this land, there is only three Alicorns, but the story I have to tell, will show you two more.
I'm not sure if you guessed it or not, but I'm one of them.
I suppose I'm lucky to have wings, I may not know how to use them, but they made me fall a little slower.
To be honest, I might have just died without them.
I was, however, knocked out cold by the impact.
That's when I felt something new. Pain.

Chapter 1 - I don't remember anything.

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A light breeze was trailing through the air as I awoke in my small crater, I didn't know how I got to this place nor could I really care at the time.
I was in too much pain to care about anything at all, so I just watched the sky, the clouds floating freely without a care.
As I watched the clouds going about their own buisiness, I was reminded of the hole in my heart. A sense of longing, but not knowing what I longed for.
I was lying in a small crater, made by my impact. Even now I still ponder how I survived.
It was a sound of trotting that made me jump.
As I sat up, I noticed this blue pony, he seemed rather carefree, much like the clouds themselves. He was an Alicorn, like me. That's what everyone calls it anyways. Apparantly, it's rare to have a horn and wings at the same time.

"Hello there, are you ok?" He greeted me with a rather smooth (And slightly alluring) voice. I opened my mouth to speak, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make a sound.
So I resorted to just staring at the ground, a slight depression swelling inside me.
"Can't talk? Not a problem. Here, try these." He handed me a quill and paper.
It's strange, I can comprehend words, recognise every day things, and write fluently, but why can't I remember anything?
I pushed this thought aside for the time being as I wrote my reply.
"Hello." I wrote in big childish letters. Back then, I wasn't as good at writing.
"I'm Lightning Spark, but you can call me Sparky." He smiled as he told me his name.
His name, was really interesting; It sounded exciting, adventurous and maybe perhaps warm.

When he asked for my name, I felt a strange shiver pass through my body. Words echoed through my mind, shouting 'Sapphire Eclipse'.
This seemed like a name to me, so I wrote it down for him to read.
"Sapphire Eclipse, huh? I think I'll call you Sapphy." His smile sent this warm feeling through me, that completely emptied my heart of all it's problems.
"So, what are you doing in Everfree Forest anyways? More importantly, what were you doing in a crater?" He questioned. Now, as I said, I don't know this land, so I simply wrote;
"I don't know where I am."
Sparky seemed surprised by this, as if it's the strangest thing he's ever heard.
"Well, how would you like to live with me in my castle?" He asked warmly.
Well, I had nowhere else to go, and I'd die for sure out here on my own, so I politely accepted his offer.
He motioned for me to fly with him, but I don't know how to fly. After pointing this out using my quill and paper, he lifted me onto his back and started flying.

Everything was becoming a blur and the breeze on my face was slightly unbearable.
Was he mad? What if I fell? I held on tightly, but it seems I was worrying too much, as we were already at his castle.

Quite a polite pony, he is, holding the door open for me.

Chapter 2 - My new home.

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This place is huge, and when I say huge, I really mean it. So many hallways and doors, I swear I'd become lost here.
Sparky showed me to the master bedroom.
"You can sleep here, I'll sleep on the floor." He told me as we walked in.
I understood that he wished to be polite and all.. but to sleep on the floor for my sake? He truly is crazy.
I quickly wrote a note to him;
"You can't possibly sleep on the floor."
"Yes, but I don't want to embarrass you by sleeping in the same bed as you." He explained to me.
"Just share the bed with me, ok?" I wrote promptly. Well, I wasn't just going to let him sleep on the cold, hard floor now, was I?
It was already pretty dark, the sun was retiring from it's work, the sky turning a warm peach colour. As I watched the sun sink into the horizon, I realised how lucky I was that he came along when he did. I'd go crazy out in that forest alone.

As we both climbed into bed, I felt a sudden exhaustion overcome my entire body. I suppose it's from that great fall, but who cares, I was just happy that my first night in this place would be in a warm bed.
I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep. Sparky, had already fallen asleep.
As I began to drift off, I felt a slight feeling of contentment.
This was ruined by the nightmare.
I found myself falling, like I did earlier today, but this time, into a pit of spikes, blood everywhere, it was horrifying.
I woke up a split second before hitting a spike, the image stayed in my eyes for a while longer, before finaly fading into nothing.
I didn't realise it at the time, but I had woke Sparky with my thrashing and heavey panting upon awaking.
"Sapphy, you alright?" He asked, concerned.
I nodded slightly and, without knowing why, grabbed him and hugged him tightly, not noticing that I was crying.
As he hugged me back, whispering into my ears that everything would be ok, I felt that he was right, because something about Sparky made all of the blackness inside me go away.

The sun was slowly rising, marking a new day. So, seeing no point in going back to sleep, we both clambered out of bed and went to get something to eat.

Chapter 3 - The walk, Sparky's confession, and Sapphy's feelings for him.

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After eating some simple toast, (I wasn't really hungry) I had the urge to go out for a walk, look around at my new homeland.
"I'll come with you then. Don't want somone as pretty as you getting lost."
It's not the first time he's said something like that. It's like he fancies me or something, either way, I do like him, a lot, but telling your true feelings to someone is a hard thing to do.
The grass danced lightly in the slow Summer breeze, it felt wonderful as we walked along.
Sparky showed me different parts of the town, all of the landmarks and we even took a look at the entrance to Everfree Forest.

After walking for what seemed like an hour, I spotted this wonderful tree to lay under.
As I lay there watching the clouds, Sparky came and lay down next to me. I looked deep into eyes for a few moments and he did the same, until I realised I was blushing, so I just smiled awkwardly and went back to nervously staring at the clouds.
As the wind started to pick itself up, I began to shiver. Feeling slightly cold, and without really noticing, I grabbed Sparky and cuddled up to him.
Now he's the one blushing.

After that rather nice hugging session, it started to rain lightly, so we got up and decided on going back home, it was starting to get slightly dark anyways. As we walked back, he decided to comment on my rear.. Repeatedly.
Upon glaring at him, he took on a look of hurt for a few moments, before confessing his love to me, then looking down in a slight shame.
"But I've only known you for a single day." I quickly wrote.
"Yes, but it's love at first sight, you are the most beautiful pony I've ever met." He proceeded to look at the ground again.

I couldn't hide it anymore, so I just wrote my heart out into this note;
"I love you too, Sparky. I feel safe around you." Yes, I know, not really 'pouring my heart into it', but why don't you try telling someone you love about your feelings.
At that, we entered another long hugging session, this one more passionate and filled with nuzzling, and eventually, kisses.
I'd never felt this way before, I was light in my stomach and completely filled with joy.

I knew I'd be happy staying with him, always.

Chapter 4 - Unexpected visitor and jealousy.

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Authors Note; I'd like to thank DJ V0RT3X for taking part with his OC; Stormy Shine.
Additional; Yes, this part contains sexual interactions, but because it's my first time writing a fic, I'm not going to really go in much detail.

It's quite surprising how fast the day has been going by. The sky a romantic crossover of orange and red..
I sat on Sparky's back as we made our way home, but something wasn't right.
"I think somepony is watching us." He hissed.
I, being a complete coward, held onto him and hid my face as Sparky looked around.
"I see you.." He muttered, looking up at a tail hanging from a cloud.
Without warning, he flew up to the cloud shouting.
"Who are you??"
"Why are you watching us??"
The other pony looked up and replied;
"My name is Stormy Shine, and I was watching you because you re both Alicorns. That is really strange."
"Tell me, where are you both from?" she added.
"I'm Lightning Spark, and this is Sapphire Eclipse." As Sparky pointed to me, I quickly hid my face again.
"And where are you both heading now?" Stormy asked quickly.
"Back to my castle." Sparky replied in an instant.
"Feel free to come with us." He added.
I hung on to Sparky as we flew back to the castle. It's really odd, flying with a high speed, everything around you becomes a blur, the wind on my face was nice though.

We all entered the castle, and for some reason, I started gaining a hatred for Stormy.
I kept thinking Sparky was looking at her in a certain way..
Maybe I was just being jealous. No, of course not, I'm better than that, right?
Either way, I couldn't stop myself glaring at her repeatedly.
Sparky made some food for all of us, including her, we ate without really speaking much. Well.. I wasn't speaking anyways.. After eating, something urged me to act flirty towards Sparky.

Every time I said or did something, Sparky would react in a slightly negative way. Is it because we had a visitor? Probably.
Either way, I followed his responses with more suggestive notes and continually cuddling up to him until he eventually gave in and asked our visitor if she could leave us for a while..
Stormy flew up to a nearby cloud and fell asleep on it. I couldn't help but laugh a little inside at how lazy she was.
Sparky closed the door, and instantly asked;
"You didn't.. really mean it.. did you?" The excitement in his voice was very clear, and it was obvious that he wasn't trying to hide it.
I'd never been with anyone before, in that way, but if it had to be someone, it would always be Sparky.
With my mind set, I promptly wrote;
"I meant it." I grabbed him and kissed him as soon as he read it.
After our kiss, he mounted me and asked;
"Are you completely sure you want to do this?" I nodded slowely and closed my eyes tight, waiting for it to happen.
It was painful at first, but I wiped the tears away, span round to face him, and hugged him tightly.
As I neared my first ever orgasm, I felt the hole in my heart growing smaller. Sparky is truly the only pony I'll love.
He wanted to continue afterwards, but I shook my head. I was exhausted from that, plus it was already dark outside.
I retired to the bed feeling happier than I've ever felt before.

To be continued in Part 2..

The Past #1

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Dark, dreary skies of red, grass made of stone, clouds raining blood..
Yep. That's how things are, and how they will be, always..
I suppose I shouldn't complain, it's my home after all..
I just wish things were different, more happy.
I shouldn't say that word. Mother says to think positively is to be a 'heretic' or something like that.
Today is my 'Blood Day', it means to become of mature age in this land, and to have to choose the pony to spend your life with.
Mother and Father always try to pair me up with different ponies, but I don't like any of them.
I let them go about their things, covering me with jewels, a robe to match my horns colour, bracelets too..
I stopped truly caring about anything a long time ago. This land drains you, drains you of life, happiness, everything.
That's what they want though. Mother and Father always did seem odd.
They never knew I would run, which is strange since running is the only thing I'm good for..
It happened during the main ceremony, they were about to pair me up with someone for definate, and I ran away.
I was sick of it, there was no other choice.
I dashed through Blood Forest with all the speed I could muster, eventually finding a cave to hide away in.
I don't know why I hid, nobody cared to look for me anyways.
Maybe it was so I could hide the shame of living there.

Chapter 5 - Stormy Shine's second visit. [Unfinished]]

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Authors Note; This is unfinished, I'm still turning chat logs into story. This early release is because Abody 'Lightning Spark' is bugging me to release new chapters.

No matter how are I tried, I just couldn't sleep. Twisting and turning in bed, falling out a few times accidently..
I gave up on trying to sleep as I heard Stormy Shine talking with Sparky. I went though to join in on the chatter.
As Sparky and Stormy were chatting idly, an idea came to me; I may not be able to talk, but I should be able to whisper, right?
I whispered 'Hello' to Sparky and he gave me a look of surprise.
" sound....Heavenly...Sapphy.."
I blushed as I whispered my reply;
'Why do you think that..? There's nothing heavenly about whispering..'
"Because everything about you is heavenly...And because a certain eavesdropping mare is near us....."
Stormy looked slightly confused as she replied;
"Standing here is eavesdropping?"
"Yes, cause your ugly, go away, Stormy."
I was slightly surprised when I heard Sparky say that.
Stormy stared angrily at Sparky for a few moments, then began walking out of the castle.
"I was kidding.....You're not that ugly...You look kinda nice."
I rolled my eyes at this comment.
Stormy turned round and started walking back towrds us.
"Well, er.. Thanks..?"
Sparky walked up to Stormy, looking at her in a seductive way..
"In fact..Very...Nice.."
I was filling with hatred as I heard him say that.
He turned around suddenly, walking up to me laughing.
"Hah! Got you!".
I facehoofed and gave him a light kick in one of his legs.

We spoke for a bit, shared some laughs, I ended up heading back to the bedroom, I finally felt tired.
Moments later, Sparky poked his head through the door.
"Sapphy.. You awake..?"
"Yes.. why..?"
I opened one eye to see the stallion holding an open box up to me.. containing a ring.
"Will you.. Marry me?"
My eyes widened as fragments of the past whizzed through my mind..
I pushed my thoughts aside for a moments to whisper my response..
"Yes.. I will."
We hugged for what seemed like hours, but I didn't care, being with him was the only thing I wanted.
As I began to fall asleep in his arms, he carefully laid me back on the bed and silently slipped out of the room to check on Stormy..

That night was the first night I had a nice dream instead of nightmares..

The Past #2

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Authors Note: I've been absent for quite a while, but I'm starting to pick up my work again.
I'm not sure how many days I slept in that cave. My kind don't get hungry, you see, so when you are hiding in a cave with nothing to do, it's pretty easy to lose track of time.
I decided I'd take a walk around, I'd be safe anyways, no-one was looking for me. Mother and Father just wanted me to marry someone rich.. It sickens me.
I climbed multiple hills, slipping here and there, crawled through the dark forests, constantly in fear.. At one point I almost fell off quite a height..
Who cares.. There's nothing to live for..
The thought kept whirling around my mind as I travelled. There must be something out there, something worth living for, I just have to find it.

I didn't even notice myself slipping as I let my thoughts take over..