> The Ties That Bind Us > by Regis-Th3-Lesser > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Dragon in Pony's Clothing In bed lay two ponies, a couple sound asleep in each other's comfort. They’ve been like this for over a month now. Coddled up together. Just them and no pony else, but one knows this can’t last forever. Twilight Sparkle has known for a few days now that her friends will come to see where her and her assistant have been. She woke as the first rays of light trickled through her window. She knew it was time to get up and greet the new day, but his fur was so soft and warm, it was like spooning a big purple cloud. She’ll miss waking up in her stallion’s hooves the mosy, but he couldn’t stay a pony. He was born a dragon, and it wasn’t right for him to be a pony. So she dragged herself off Spike and made her way downstairs. She searched through her bookshelves that hadn’t been organized in weeks, one major thing that causes her to itch. She looked for the book that contained the spell to turn Spike back to normal.  “No, no, no,” she tossed several books to the side. “Where in the world is it?” Several more books were shoved violently out of the way. “There you are!” She pulled out a small brown book. She flipped furiously through hundreds of pages before stopping. “Okay, all I have to do is do the spell in reverse, however that goes. Better practice, but I don't want to run the risk of waking Spike.” Twilight slowly trotted back to her room to find that Spike was still sleeping peacefully. She came up to his side and kissed him on the cheek. “You'll be back to yourself by the end of the day,” she whispered before leaving. A few hours later Spike woke to find that the bed was curiously empty. “Twilight?” he questioned, eyes still closed. He sat up, smacked his lips and looked around their room. She was nowhere to be found. He rose from his stone like slumber and lurched his way out the room. At the top of the steps he looked around, still no Twilight. He stepped forward, hearing a soft crinkle under his hoof. It was a note that read: I've gone out to get more food. Please wait until I come back... Twilight.  “Wait a second... ” he read over the note again. Something was wrong. Twilight would never go shopping without him. Of course, with his current state that wouldn’t be possible, but there'd be at least a list of what she was going to get coupled with random chores. He dropped the note and ran to the door, but the moment he opened it he was stopped by a shocked Rarity. She looked up at him as he looked down on her. “H-Hello sir. May I ask what you're doing in Twilight's home?” “I uh. I'm uh, I-I'm her cousin!” he said louder than what he had wished. Rarity looked him up and down. “Odd, she never mentioned a cousin before,” she skeptically noted. “Y-yeah, that's Twilight! Never wants to mention her family, heh...” he chuckled.          “Well, she didn't mention she had a brother. We only found out through his marriage to Princess Cadence. If you do happen to see her, tell her I need to talk to her. Oh and, do you perchance happen to know where Spike is?” He began to sweat bullets. Every promise he made to Rarity was broken because of the spell. He was supposed to help her manage repairs at the Boutique, now he's over a month late with no viable excuse. “N-no ma'am. I haven't!” he shakily answered. “If you do, you tell that little ditcher that he's going to get a decent piece of my mind,” she huffed. “Well, I'd best my on my way mister...?” “Oh! Uh, Flaming Quill. Call me Flaming Quill.” “Flaming Quill? Hm, that's a lovely name. It was nice to meet you Mr. Quill.” “See you soon Miss... Rarity right?” he faked. “Yes, see you later darling.” He watched her until she disappeared into the market. “Whew!” he sighed. She was still the same as he’s left her. Though it had only been about month, it felt like years had gone by. He wanted to follow and tell her what happened to Spike, well him. The only problem is that she thinks he's a no good no show who'd rather ditch somepony than fulfill a promise. He needn't worry about that though. Finding Twilight was his only concern. Later near sugar cube corner Spike sat exhausted on a bench. “Man, where could she be? I've been looking forever!” He had been walking in circles for hours “looking” for Twilight. He was fooling himself, using her absence as an excuse to get out of the house. “Hello! I haven't seen you here before,” a sweet energetic voice called. Instantly his heart pounded furiously as he began to sweat. “Please tell me that's not who I think it is!”  he turned to find Pinkie's snout touching his own. “AH!” he jumped. “AH! What is there something on me?!” she squealed. “No, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Spike gasped. “Oh, hehe. Sorry 'bout that. I'm Pinkie Pie!” “Spi-uh...” “darn what was that name I told Rarity?!” He could not remember the name for the life of him. It was simple, not too convoluted, but he still couldn’t get it. “Is your name Fire Writer?” she grasped his flank. “Ah, hey!” he wriggled out of her grasp. “It’s uh, Flaming Quill.” “That's a cool name!” “Thank y–” he was cut off by a blue streak landing in between him and Pinkie. “Hey Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash greeted. “Hiya Dashie, you're just in time to–” “Try out a new awesome flavor of cupcake?” she licked her lips greedily. “No silly,” she giggled. “In time to meet this cool new stallion I bumped into.” Spike was inches away from escaping. If she kept the conversation going for a second longer he would have made it. “Hi!” he grinned nervously. “Uh, hello?” “Flaming Quill.” Pinkie added. “Yeah, so. You're new around here, huh?” Rainbow circled him. “Yup, been here about a month now,” Spike nervously chuckled. “Mhm...” she looked deep into his eyes. “Whoa...” “W-what? What's wrong?” he shook, stricken with fear. “You have dragon eyes. Kinda reminds me of Spike... Oh, that's right!” she zipped back to Pinkie. “We have to keep looking for Twilight and Spike!” she demanded. “I know Dashie. There's only one problem though.” “What Pinkie?” She pulled out a map with X's covering it. “We've searched all over Ponyville!” “We'll have to look again. Those two will turn up sooner or later.” “I can, uh. I can help...” Spike said dismissively. “I know where they are.” “Oh yeah. How do you know?” Rainbow Dash spat. “Because I'm Twilight's cousin.” Meanwhile across town Twilight came back to find an empty library. She looked around, no pony other than her and a piece of paper on the floor. It was the note she left Spike. “Oh no...” she dashed out of the library, directly towards town square. She thought furiously about what reason Spike would leave after she told him to stay put over the duration of the spell. “Spike! Where are you!” she shouted, catching several odd glances from nearby ponies. “Spike!” she shouted in a fiercer tone. She was about to scream again when she felt a little nude from her side. “Twilight?” a little filly called. She looked down to see little red maned Applebloom wearing an apron.          “Oh... Hi Applebloom. What are you up to?” “Nothin', I gotta help Applejack with the cart,” she groaned. “That shouldn't be too bad,” Twilight reassured. “It's a form of punishment...” “What did you do?” Twilight asked. “Me and the crusaders tried to get our cutie marks in Law Enforcement,” she said flatly. “Oh wow, uh.” Twilight grimaced. “Long story short, I have one hundred hours of “family service”.” “Family service?” she asked. “How many hours have you finished?” “Three,” Applebloom growled. “It shouldn't be so bad. I need to ask, have you seen Spike?” “It's not even court official. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo barely got in trouble! How is Applejack gonna officially keep track of all my hours?!” she growled through clenched teeth. “About Spike, no. I haven't seen him in while. Actually come to think of it. Everypony is lookin' for you and him too. I'll go tell Applejack I found ya...” Applebloom ran back to Applejack's cart. Twilight couldn't make out what they were saying. Applebloom would point back to Twilight a few times then turn back to Applejack. After about a minute of conversation Applejack looked past Applebloom. “Oh no...”  Applejack slowly walked up to her, mouth agape. Twilight wanted to run, but that would only make her situation worse, so she stood as her friend looked on her as if she were a ghost. “Twilight?” Applejack asked as she approached. “Hi Appleja-ACK!” Applejack picked her up into a tight hug. The sound of crackling joints, rang in Twilight's ears, as she struggled to breath against the farm pony’s grip. “Well, I'd say you've been stiff for a while,” Applejack laughed as she set Twilight down. “Where've ya been?” “I was... was... I was In Canterlot! Yeah, I was in Canterlot.” Twilight said while rubbing her neck.          Applejack raised her brow. “You're acting pretty s`quirrelly.” “Sorry, I was just running. That and you nearly crushed me,” she chuckled half heartedly “Sorry ‘bout that,” she looked around. “Where's Spike? I figured he'd be next to ya or somethin'.” “Actually, that's who I'm looking for. Would you mind helping?” “I wish I could, but I gotta stay with the Applecart,” Applejack sighed. “I can watch over it sis,” Applebloom said as she hoofed a pony some Apples. “I dunno. Not after that stunt you pulled.” “I won't go anywhere. I can't...” Big Mac approached with a stern look. “So yeah, don't worry about nothin'.” “Come on Applejack,” Twilight called. “You got everything under control here brother?” “Applejack!” Twilight impatiently called. “R-right, here I come!” Near Town Hall, Spike, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash searched tirelessly for Twilight. “Ugh! We looked everywhere... Again!” Rainbow complained. “Where is she?” “I don't know. She's in Ponyville, she was with me this morning, but I don't know where she could have gone,” Spike replied. “Maybe we should put up lost fliers?” Pinkie Pie innocently suggested.          “That's a great idea... How about we put on it “fully grown unicorn missing. She's a freaking princess, you can't miss her!” “That is a great idea!” Pinkie cheered with a bounce.          “Look, we've been searching for over a month now. It's not like she's just gonna walk up to us,” Rainbow whipped her head around. “What did you do that for?” Spike asked in confusion. “It's like in books. When you say they won't pop up behind you they usually do. Y'know?” Spike and Pinkie stared silently. “I have no idea what you're talking about,” Pinkie giggled. “Forget it...” Rainbow sighed. “Let's just keep looking.” As they slowly walked off Spike was blindsided by something hard. He rubbed his throbbing ribs then looked to the assailant. “Hey watch where you're going! You almost killed me!” “Sorry about that partner.” She removed the towel that was covering her face. “I slipped on this little board doohickey and came tumblin' right into ya,” Applejack explained. “Pleased to meet you, My name's Applejack.” She looked Spike up and down. “You're not from around here, are you?” “Oh, I uh. No, no I'm new,” he grimaced. “Again, sorry for runnin' ya over,” she turned to Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. “Huh? What're y'all two up to?” “We were helping Twilight's cousin look for her,” Pinkie replied energetically. “Really? Well, I found Twilight and we were lookin' for Spike.” “Why are you looking for Spike? He's in Canterlot, right Flaming Quill?” Rainbow Dash skeptically questioned. He knew he was caught, it was only a matter of time before they found out that he was Spike. Maybe he could try to sneak away again, but seeing as he’s a stallion and not a little dragon anymore, slinking away just won’t cut it. Just as he was about to come up with an excuse Twilight came behind Applejack. “Applejack, are you okay? I saw what happened and –” she looked directly at Spike. “Spike?” “Spike?!” they all gasped. “Well, yeah. Who else could he be. Green mane, dragon eyes. Come on girls.” “Me and Rainbow Dash thought he was your cousin, Flaming Quill,” Pinkie added. “Cousin? My parents don't have any brothers or sisters,” Twilight along with the others looked down at Spike who had gone pale. “You have a lot of explaining to do.” So he did. Spike explained how he became a pony because of Twilight's deceit and as to why they had been missing for a month.He apologised for lying, and he apologised for leaving without permission. He expected them to lambast him for lying to everypony. “Look Spike, just tell the truth next time,” Twilight instructed. “This'll make an excellent letter to send to the princess, just to let her know what I've been up to of course. It's not like I'm still sending friendship reports, heh,” Twilight awkwardly stated. “Come on Spike, I still need you to deliver this letter.” “Uh, how?” “Can your still use your magic fire?” He strained and shot a small puff of green flame from his horn. “That’ll be okay, now come on. We'll see you guys later.” Twilight said before walking off with Spike.  “So, what do ya think of this Pinkie?” Applejack asked. “I like Spike as a pony. He's not as cute as he was as a wittle dwagon though,” she said in a babyish tone. “Hm, I still think he's pretty cute...” “Ooh, okay Applejack,” Pinkie looked playfully. “What?”          “Nothing,” Pinkie giggled. “What do you wanna do now?” “Pranks?” Applejack suggested. “Now you're talking my language!” Pinkie pulled a water balloon out of her mane. Dear Princess Celestia I had an, interesting day today. I finally left home for the first time in weeks. I forgot how good fresh grass feels under your hooves. My and Applejack had to bind down Spike because he found his way into some “Trouble”. But all is resolved now. I have a question though. Is it wrong to love somepony who isn't real? That's all princess, I hope to hear back soon. You're fellow Princess,  Twilight Sparkle “Okay Spike, send it away.” Spike enveloped the note in a burst of green flames, sending it away to Celestia. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies and the Curious Case of Pony Spike “So what do you want to do now?” Spike asked. “Actually, I want to reshelve these books. They’re starting to irk me a little,” Twilight responded. “You don’t have to help if you don’t want to.” “Really?” “Yeah. I’ll leave the library later, I want to finish this now so it won’t bother me in the future.” “Wow, well. Thanks.” Spike didn’t know what to say. Twilight never released him for doing anything chore related. So he gave his last goodbyes to Twilight and left the confinement of the treehouse. All that running around earlier almost made him forget how beautiful of a day it was. Sun shining bright and brilliantly, a cool late summer breeze flowing through. It was perfect. “I have absolutely nothing to do…” he sighed. Maybe being able to run around not doing anything that required his assistance wasn’t the most exciting thing, but he’ll make the best out of it somehow. “Maybe I’ll go see what Rarity is up to,” he said without so much as a second thought. “But wait. What if she’s still mad at me? I don’t think she knows about my lie. And when she does find out she’ll be twice as upset with me than before.” He debated over facing her right now with the truth and hoping she’ll understand his current situation, or just avoid her at all costs hopefully satisfying both parties. “Maybe I’ll go see what somepony else is up to.” Back in the library, Twilight joyfully shoved countless books off their shelves onto the floor. She collected them all into a big heap and began organizing them alphabetically. “Hmmmm, no. I want to try something different,” she said to herself. So she organized them according to size. “No, no. I’ll never be able to find anything.” So she decided to organize them according to content. “Ugh! I wish Spike were here, he always known how I like things,” she sighed. Happy thought of Spike began to fill her mind. Whenever she needed the smallest things he’d be there like her hero. *knock knock* “I wonder who’s there?” She carefully navigated around the heaping pile of knowledge. “Hello and welcome to the Golden Oaks library.” “Hello Twilight.” “Hey Rarity, what brings you by?” “I would like to talk to Spike,” she stated authoritatively. “He’s not here right now.” Rarity looked around her at the gigantic mess. “He left you to clean this chaos? And here I thought he was a gentlecolt.” “What? No, no, I let him go. He always helps me out. I thought he deserved a break.” “Mhm, I suppose,” she huffed in disbelief. “When do you think he’ll be back?” “I don’t know. I gave him the whole day off. He could come back at any time.” They stood in awkward silence. “Would you like to help?” Twilight asked. “Oh, of course. Maybe I can help you decorate too.” “Huh?” “Ever since I set foot in this library I’ve wanted to refurbish it.I mean look at this. All wood based. When we clean this mess I’ll head back to the boutique and get some supplies. If that’s alright with you?” “Classic Rarity/ I’d love for you to help me redecorate,” she snorted with a grin. “Thank you Twilight!” she pulled her into a tight hug. “Now let’s get started.” A whole hour of walking around and doing absolutely nothing. Who knew Ponyville was such a boring place. He would run around with all the fillies and colts but he was a full grown stallion. Wait, why was he a fully grown stallion? Maybe it was because he was a dragon? Questions for later, the most important task at hand was to- “Hello sir, you wanna buy some apples?” “What?” He looked down to Little Applebloom. “I asked if you’d like some sweet crispy apples sir. We have a new deal: Two for Two bits,” “That’s not a deal,” Spike protested. “Of course it is,” Applebloom defended. “You’re basically saying two apples for the price of two.” “Look guy, are ya interested in buyin’ apples or not?” “No Applebloom,” he sighed. “How do you know my name?” “Uh, I guessed heh,” he chuckled nervously, realizing it was too late to correct himself. “Have you been spying on me?” Applebloom asked in fear. “No! It’s not like that I ju-” “AAAAH!” she shrieked. “Help! Help! This pony is tryin’ to fillynap me!” She darted away screaming. Spike chased after her trying to get her to understand that he wasn’t a pedophile. Probably wasn’t a good Idea to run after a little filly repeatedly screaming “Stranger Danger!” But he persisted until he saw Applejack near her cart talking to Big Mac. “Applejack! Big Mac!” she gasped. “That crazy stallion is tryin’ to. What’s that word? It starts with an A.” “Abduct?” Applejack asked. “Yeah, yeah, that’s it!” Applejack looked up and saw Spike charging towards them. Big Mac was about to confront the mystery stallion, but she kept him at bay. “Apple!” he rasped. “Applejack! I wasn’t trying to do anything,” he gasped loudly. “I swear!” “It’s okay Spike. I think Applebloom just overreacted.” “Wait, that’s, Spike?” Applebloom’s surprise shone through her tone. Big Mac said nothing, but his jaw dropped open like a trapdoor. “How is that even possible? How are you a pony?” “You see I-” “He don’t have to answer that question if he doesn’t want to. Right Spike?” She winked. “Right,” he said with a goofy smile. “You been up to anything since your bid identity reveal?” Applejack asked casually. “What, oh. No just been walking around, bored.” “Just the words I wanted to hear,” she jeered. “Huh?” “You’re gonna come back and help me with some farm work, if you’re not busy of course.” “Wha- b-but I.” “Then again, we never gave you a decent punishment for lyin’ to us,” she said, backing him down. She stared straight into his eyes, daring him to make even the slightest sound. “Exactly, now c’mon big boy. We have a lot of work to do. Mac you stay with Applebloom.”   Spike walked begrudgingly behind Applejack. Before they were out of sight he turned to Big Mac and mouthed “help me.” Mac didn’t budge, he was still surprised that pony was Spike, Or maybe he wasn’t. Whatever, that was a can of worms he’ll keep closed for now. “That was… odd,” Applebloom spoke. “Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed. “I have to go tell the others!” Applebloom excitedly stated. “We can get our marks in investigatin’.” “Hm?” Big Mac questioned. “You know, like spies,” Big Mac frowned down on her. “Or maybe private investigators?” she smiled nervously. “The only thing you’re invetigatin’ is how many more ponies are goin’ to buy apples in the next hour,” Big Mac authoritatively stated. “But, Big Mac…” Applebloom whined. “Nope,” Big Mac simply answered. “Pleeeeease…” she pouted. “You have work to do. Now get back to it,” he commanded. “Ugh, fine!” Applebloom groaned. “And there,” Rarity said, stepping back to admire her work. Instantly she cringed at the dull and bland color palette she chose. “I suppose tan, isn’t the best color for the library,” she chuckled, “Sorry Twilight…” “It’s okay, at least you did something different. It’s good to spend ti-” Twilight was interrupted by Spike standing in the doorway. He looked tired, dirty, and beaten. “Hey Twilight. I’m back, I was working with Applejack,” he sighed. He walked in eyes closed before he bumped into someone. He opened his eyes to find an angry Rarity looking up at him. “Uh, hey Rarity. What are you doing here?” “No reason, just have been looking for you for quite some time,” she huffed. Spike gulped audibly. “You should be nervous.” “I-I’m sorry I just-” “Oh, Twilight told me everything.” “She did?!” he looked over to Twilight “Yes she did, about how she turned you into this Stallion, and about how you lied about who you were!” she spat angrily. Spike had nothing to say, nothing he could say would make his situation better. “I… I just…” “I am not mad about your absence anymore, seeing as you have more than a decent alibi, but I will not tolerate lying!” “Rarity,” Twilight spoke up. “I know Spike lied, but he didn’t want to tell anyone because i told him not to. If anypony is at fault here it’s me.” Rarity looked back to Twilight, then back at Spike. “I suppose,” she sighed. “But I am still mad at you Mr. Flaming Quill. And as punishment I expect to see you tomorrow morning,” she stated. “Why does everypony want to punish me? First Applejack and now you,” he sighed heavily. “As long as Twilight says I can…” They both looked to Twilight. “It is… not okay with me.” “What?” Spike asked in disbelief. “I would like for Spike to stay with me tomorrow,” Twilight stated with more authority. “But he’s been with you for more than a month. I thought you’d let him out and get some fresh air.” “So fresh air is working with you inside all day while you make him run small errands?” “Isn’t that what you do?” Rarity shot back. “I don’t do that!” Twilight aggressively defended. “You keep him cooped up in this brab library cleaning and organizing while you go out saving the world and having great adventures. But that’s not my place so…” She looked back at SPike. He stood there shocked that two mares had just literally fought over him. “If you want to come over you can, that is if you are allowed,” she snootily stated. “Bye now.” After she left a cold silence settled in the air. Spike didn’t dare to move, one wrong step and he'd be staring down the business end of a highly chafed Twilight. Twilight, on the other end, was fuming internally almost cursing Rarity, matching her gaul with that of a disrespectful foal. “I can’t believe her!” Twilight scowled. “After having a perfectly nice day she decides to fight over a stallion. who by the way, is dating me! Can you believe that Spike?” “I cannot. Nope not at all…” he responded accordingly. “Ugh! I’m going to go read. If you cook tell me when dinner's ready!” she said before stomping up the stairs. Spike stood in the middle of the room processing what had just played out. Why was Rarity so keen on having him visit? And does Twilight feel threatened? Whatever it was, he hoped it would blow over and soon.   > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things... Turn Hello Princess, I need some… advice. I know that you received Twilight’s letter about a week ago about me being a pony now, and her trying to change me back to a dragon. I don’t mind being a pony, I get loads more respect than I did when I was a dragon, but it isn’t me. I just want to know: Is it right for me to be someone I’m not? Oh, and another thing. Twilight has been acting really strange… Ever since the others found out about me being a pony she’s been very defensive over me, especially when Rarity comes around. I don’t know what is causing her to act differently. I guess from a mare’s perspective, you could give me some advice. That’s all… Your little Dragon Spike   Spike sent the letter away. He sat there at Twilight’s desk, wondering what he should do next. For the last week he’s been chronically bored. Twilight doesn’t ask for his help, and he thought it best to stay away from Rarity given the tension between them. So he sits there, levitating pens and pencils. “Whoever thought having magic could be so boring… “ he sighed. “Twilight, are you sure I can’t try more difficult spells?” “No,” she said sternly. “But I want to learn cool spells like you do…” Spike whined. “Spike. One, you don’t know how truly difficult those spells are. You know I spend hours each day practicing spells. Two, I don’t want you doing something wrong and exploding while trying to change an orange into an apple or something. And three, stop whining. You’re a grown stallion.” “Mmm, fine,” Spike begrudgingly agreed. “Thank you, now I need your help.” “Really?!” Spike leapt up from the desk. “Whatever you need I’ll do it,” he said with a salute. “All I need is for you to move this bookcase over a few inches,” Twilight chuckled. “Oh…” Spike sighed in disappointment. Twilight saw his disappointment and kissed his cheek. “I know you want to do something to help like clean, organize, and chart, but now that you are your own pony you have the choice to do what you want to do.” “But, I don’t know. Usually when I make decisions by myself I mess them up… horribly…” “I’m not asking you to be a princess or king or something. Just go out and have fun. And I’ll be here when you come home,” she said in a low sultry voice. Spike blushed with a goofy smile. “Now go,” she urged. “Okay, I’ll go. But what are you going to do today?” “I don’t know. I think I’ll go visit Fluttershy. She’s the only one who hasn’t seen us.” Twilight explained. “You know what, I’ll leave now. Come on Spike,” she said before starting towards the door. Spike knew she meant well, but he wanted to spend every minute of every day with her. That is what lovers do, right? Twilight and Spike came upon Fluttershy’s cottage. She was relaxing in her yard with Angel and a few squirrels. “Fluttershy Hi!” Twilight shouted. Fluttershy jumped scaring away the little critters. Angel shot Twilight an annoyed gaze. “Sorry for startling you.” “Oh it’s okay Twilight,” she giggled. “How have you been. I haven’t seen you in weeks.” They shared a happy friendly hug. “I’ve been great. How about you?” Twilight asked excitedly.   “I’m okay.” she looked over to Spike who was having his ear gnawed off by angel. “Angel! You leave that Stallion alone!” she pulled the agitated bunny away from Spike. “I’m s-sorry sir…” she trembled. She backed away slowly and hid behind Twilight. “Who is that Twilight?” she whispered. “Fluttershy, it’s Spike,” Twilight said. Fluttershy peeked from behind Twilight. She approached Spike slowly and cautiously. “A-are you sure that he’s Spike?” she whimpered. “Of course he is, can’t you see the resemblance?” “Well Spike is small, and cute. He’s,” she gulped. “Big and Scary…” she inched closer while Spike stood as still as a statue. “Can you tell me something Spike would say?” “Uh… I love the Power Ponies? Ooh, and gems. I love gems. I doubt this pony body would be able to eat any though…” he pouted and looked to Twilight. “Twilight… I can’t eat gems anymore!” he cried. “There, there, uh Spike. Everything will be okay,” Fluttershy cautiously comforted. Spike continued to bawl and babble unintelligibly. He would whine with a random “so sweet and crunchy” mixed in. Then he belched up a letter. Twilight picked it up and was about to unravel it when she saw it was addressed to Spike and Spike only. “Huh… that’s new…” Twilight said in surprise. “What is it Twilight?” Fluttershy asked from Spike’s side. “Princess Celestia sent a letter for Spike,” she said in disbelief. “Oh really…” Fluttershy said. “What? Isn’t that weird?” Twilight exclaimed. “I don’t know, is it?” “Well, the letters are usually meant for me.” “Is it bad that Spike got a letter?” Fluttershy questioned. “No it’s just… new.” She gave Spike the letter. He read over it a couple times then folded it away. “Hm…” “What is it Spike?” Twilight asked. “Nothing, I asked Princess Celestia a few questions,” he said indifferently. “What questions?” Twilight questioned further. “They aren’t important. Just questions about being a pony.” “You told her you were a pony!?” Twilight shouted. “Y-yeah…” Spike nervously answered. Twilight began to pace around furiously. “Why would you tell her?!” she scolded. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to…” Spike said, barely above a whisper. “Do you know what she’ll do if she finds out I used a transformation spell without authorisation?!” she shouted with worry in her tone. She paced some more, took a few breaths, and looked to Fluttershy. “Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. I’ll be back with a solution to this problem,” she dashed away in blind fury, fear, and worry. Spike watched her run away, mentally cursing himself. “Damnit! Why did I tell Princess Celestia? She’s going to separate us or worse! Oh,why the Hell would I do something so stupid?!” He felt a soft nudge on his side. He looked down into her sympathetic eyes. “I know you’re sad and scared, but I know everything will be okay,” she said in a quiet soothing tone. “But I messed up. I could have gotten us into deep trouble… And now she’s mad at me…” he hung his head low. “We all mess up Spike. Nopony is perfect,” she lifted his head to eye level. “You two are going to be fine, now come in and relax.” Spike listened and followed her inside. He came in and sat on Discord’s loveseat. Fluttershy sat in her armchair and looked at him. He looked around her living room then back at her. “Why are you staring at me?” “Sorry. I’m trying to get used to you being a pony. I remember when I first saw you. You were the cutest little dragon I had ever seen,” she squealed. Spike slumped in his seat. “So you’d rather me be a dragon instead of a pony…?” “I don’t know. This is all new to me. Do our friends know?” “Yes, all of them..” “What did they say?” she leaned in closer. “Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbowdash are okay with it I guess, and Twilight and Rarity are butting heads for some reason…” he explained. “Why would they be fighting?” she asked. “It may be because Rarity thinks that Twilight keeps me all to herself.” Fluttershy raised a brow. “That’s strange, well. How did you end up as a pony anyway?” “Twilight changed me when I wasn’t looking,” Spike sighed. “Why did she do that?” Fluttershy lightly scoffed. “Because she let’s her scientific brain get in the way of her common sense,” Spike spat. “She would rather see the end result of an “experiment” than what could happen after!” The room was silent, all that could be heard was his deep voice echoing through the wood. Fluttershy cowered behind her chair while angel let loose a flurry of furry kicks on his leg. “I-I’m sorry…” Fluttershy peeked from behind the chair to see if he’d calmed down some. She saw him staring at the floor blankly while angel continued to attack him mercilessly. “Angel stop that,” Fluttershy whispered. Spike sat slumped over on the floor with a heavy sigh. Things haven’t been good lately. He didn’t mind being a pony, but the effects are almost too much to handle. “Spike? Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked. Spike said nothing. “Spike?” she came out from behind the chair. She came up to him and nudged his side. “Hey, it’s alright,” she soothed. “I know it is. I’m just scared of what might happen…” he said quietly. He prepared for hollow advice from her, but she was silent. He waited for her to say something. Just as he was about to speak she wrapped her arms around him. “Fluttershy what-” “Shush, you need a hug. It seems like it’s been awhile since somepony gave you a sincere one,” she said while rubbing his back. As much as he wanted to protest it, her hug was nice and warm. She always had a delicate way of dealing with problems, choosing kindness or a stern talking to for most problems. He hesitated some, looking to the door making sure Twilight wasn’t going to barge in, then embraced her tighter. The last time he shared a hug like this with somepony was when he and Twilight first- “What the heck am I doing?” A cascade of worry and fear crept into his heart. Was she trying to be romantic? Or was she being kind? There wasn't much he knew about relationships, but he did know mares didn't like it when you're with another mare. “Do you feel better?” Fluttershy asked softly. “Huh?” Spike lethargically answered. “Are you better now?” she asked again pulling away from his embrace. “Yeah, sorry I was thinking,” he chuckled. “Good,” Fluttershy smiled. “There isn't much to do here, so…” “Don't worry. If I know Twilight she’ll be here in less than a sec--” there was a frantic knock at the door. “Speak of the devil…” Spike sighed. Fluttershy opened the door showing a visibly flustered Twilight. She had her saddlebags on her side with a book in one pouch. “Sorry that took me so long guys,” Twilight gasped. “You were gone less than twenty minutes,” Fluttershy said patently. “How did you get back so fast?” “Well, after I ran out of the door I made it to town square before I got tired, so I teleported home and teleported back here,” Twilight explained. “Why do you look so tired?” Fluttershy questioned further. “I haven’t recovered from my sprint yet,” she cleared her throat. Spike, stand still.” “What? Why?” Spike asked in a lost tone. “Because I’m about to turn you back into a dragon,” Twilight answered indifferently. “What!” he jumped to his hooves. He looked at Twilight then to Fluttershy who looked as bewildered as he did. “I don’t want to run the Risk of Celestia coming to investigate the letter you sent. Besides, it’s for the best.” Those last few words pierced his heart like a spear. So all that time they spent in the library meant nothing? Was she lying every morning when she would kiss his cheek whispering “I love you”? That is how it's going to be then. She lied, and now she's trying to cover up the base of her lie: him being a pony. Just before he could protest a bright lavender-white beam of magic came barreling towards him. “It will be better off this way…” echoed through his mind as he felt the magic transforming and rearranging his body. As the light faded away, there he was looking up at Twilight and Fluttershy instead of looking down at them. He lifted his stubby claws, looking over them and the rest of his original dragon body. “Spike? Do you feel okay?” Twilight asked cautiously. “I-I feel… fine,” Spike sighed. “You don't feel weird or anything?” Twilight questioned further. “No, I feel like the old fire breathing, gem loving me,” Spike halfheartedly chuckled. “Great! Now come on, we have some work to do,” Twilight cheerily stated. “Work? Like what?” “I need to make sure you're really okay, like make sure your heart isn't in your head and stuff like that.” Spike said nothing but looked at her with a mix of nervousness, and “what-the-heck did she just say?”. “Don't worry, it'll be really quick. Come on.” Spike followed, but before he left he saw the sympathy in Fluttershy’s eyes. Then they were gone, headed home like everything was normal, but nothing would be the same again. Spike’s Journal I’ll start keeping this journal for now since it isn't a good idea to talk to Princess Celestia when it comes to mare advice. I’m a dragon again, I should be happy, but… I'm not. I loved being a pony, I felt important, ponies treated me with respect, and I was happy. Not that I'm not happy with being a dragon, but what's the point if you're one of a kind? All of this is moving too fast, I liked it better when me and Twilight would cuddle--when I was a pony of course--now that's gone. At least she said we'll get to have some “fun” tonight. That’s going to be a challenge… I’ll try my best. That's all, gotta go. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Fluttershy Well, here we are. Everything is back to the way it’s supposed to be. Everypony is happy and healthy, but not every dragon. Two days since he was last walking on hooves instead of stubby little paws. Ever since he was transformed back into his original dragon self, he felt small and trapped. There isn't much that he can do now other than wait for something good to happen. He choked back the flames rising in his throat until they exploded from his mouth. “Ugh, it's like heartburn every time. Twilight, you have a letter! “I do? From who?” she shouted from downstairs. “I don't know, it's dark up here!” Spike yelled back.  “Hold on, here I come!” Spike sat in his basket, listening to her hoofsteps clopping on the hardwood floors.   “Don't open the curtains, Please don't open the--” she threw the curtains  open letting in a flood of bright and sunny midday light. Spike threw his blanket over his head, mumbling swears. “Spike? Where's the letter?” she looked around frantically. “Here,” Spike groaned. She took the letter out of his claw. While she was reading Spike slowly came from under the covers. “Geez Celestia, why do you have to make the sun so bright?” he thought. “Spike get ready to go,” Twilight said while rolling the letter up.  “Go where?” Spike asked. “Canterlot, Princess Luna wants to speak with me.” “Does she only want to talk to you?” Spike asked. Twilight stopped, unrolled the letter and re-read it aloud. “Princess Twilight Sparkle. I know that you have been having troubles with your personal life as of late. If you'd like to speak with me come to Canterlot as soon as you possibly can. Your fellow, Princess Luna.” she flipped it over to the back, nothing. “It doesn't say anything about you coming.” “Really?” Spike said in false surprise. “I know, it's odd. Well, I'd still like for you to come. You need to get out of the bed.”  “Can't I stay here this time?” Spike whined. “Why? You usually complain if I don't take you with me,” Twilight questioned. “I just don't want to go, especially if you're going to barge talking to Luna about girly stuff, like dreams, and feelings, and--” “Okay Spike I get it,” Twilight giggled. “Stay out of trouble,” she kissed his cheek. As she went back downstairs he sighed in relief having dodged one heck of a bullet. He didn’t want to go to Canterlot with her because he needed Time away from her. He was still broken up about her changing him back into a dragon without considering his feelings in the matter. He even questioned if she loved him as a brother, friend, or coltfriend. Either way,  her being gone gave him all the room he needed to think. “Spike!” Twilight shouted. “Oh son of a--” “I ran into Fluttershy on my way to the train station. She said she'll keep you company until I get back.” “No, no, no. The opposite, alone quiet and peace,” he said to himself. After the door closed there was a clogging silence coming from downstairs. He wanted to go and see if she was gone, but he hesitated. He wasn’t sure of what to do. Everything was always so straightforward with Twilight: write, cook and clean, occasionally keep her from suffering a mental breakdown. Now he just, just… He doesn’t know what he wants, he wants everything to go back to normal. Before she changed him, before they “dated” in secrecy, before he came out and revealed “Flaming Quill”. Now nothing will be the same again, and it all started with just one act of curiosity. “I want to disappear…” he said quietly. He pulled his blanket back over his head and before he knew it, he was sound asleep. The train came screeching and squealing into the station. Twilight was escorted off by pegasi guards--not of her own choice--and headed for the castle high over the city. All the while endlessly pondering over why Luna would want to talk to her. The letter said that she had “troubles” with her personal life. Other than Spike being mad at her everything else was okay, or maybe-- “Hello Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Luna formally greeted. “Hello Princess Luna,” Twilight returned the gesture. “Why did you want me to come here?” “I want to have a word with you about your recent events involving Spike.” Twilight’s heart stopped, her breath became heavy, and her legs stiffened. She chose her words carefully. “What would you like to know?” she shaking asked. “Do you believe that you are doing what is right for him?” Luna asked. “Wait, what?” Twilight asked, expecting to be reprimanded to the fullest. “Do you think the choices you've made for him recently are beneficial for him?” “I… I don't understand…” “Come, we need to speak in privacy,” Luna softly ordered. Spike found himself in his little basket in the library where he had fallen asleep. That dream felt real, too real. He questioned if it actually happened or would happen. Then his stomach growled. “Right, I didn't have breakfast…” he mumbled to himself. As he left his bed the weight of his mind held him back. He wasn't used to this kind of mental girth, everything had always been simple, he liked simple. Complication felt like the weight of a train pushing on his brain. But there was nothing he could think of to release some of the pressure. The more he thought, the more his head hurt. “What the?” he felt something silky and soft in between his paws. Hair, light pink hair. Fluttershy lay sleep on one of Twilight’s old bedsheets. He stood there watching her one word crossing through his clouded mind: Peace. He couldn't stand how even when keeping up with being an element of harmony, and being the caregiver for dozens of animals, she could sleep so easy and peacefully. How she could be so bashful and shy, yet still be one of the strongest mares in Equestria. Watching her sleep strangely put him at ease. He went back upstairs and took his favorite blanket from his basket. He draped it over her looking on her with a small smile. “Sleep well Fluttershy…” he whispered. Maybe it was his imagination, or live fantasy. But he could have sworn he saw a smile. “So you know everything then…” Twilight sighed. She was in Luna’s Chambers in the sister towers of Canterlot Castle. “Only from what I've seen in you and Spike’s dreams, and from what you told me,” Luna replied. “Princess I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to--” “Twilight, you needn't apologize. I cannot interfere with what you do as a princess. I can only persuade you in certain situations.” “So, I'm not in trouble?” “Well, yes… but not with any authority.” She shifted in her seat. “How deep does your love for Spike go?” Twilight didn't answer immediately. Luna was right without even having to make a statement. She loved him as a coltfriend for a short time--when he was a pony of course--but now she loved him as a close friend nothing more or less. “It's alright Twilight Sparkle, your silence says all…” “How do I tell him?” Twilight sighed. “I do not know, I never had to turn away suitors. That would be my sister's knowledge. But what I can tell you is to always be wary of how your actions affect the Ponies around you.” “Thank you Princess Luna…” Twilight hung her head low. “Come, let's go get some lunch. I don’t think you're ready to face him,” Luna said sympathetically. “Thank you princess…” Spike sat next to Fluttershy crunching on his bowl of lapis and turquoise as quiet as he could while reading the latest edition of Power Ponies. This was the one he was waiting for. Somehow two doctors--Hoofstader and Coopter--have created a robot meant to rid the world of crime, making the Power Ponies obsolete. But they quickly lose control of their creation, and now it is on a quest for the extinction of the world. “So cool,” Spike giggled as he turned a page. As he read on, engrossed in his comic, Fluttershy began to stir behind him. She lethargically lifted her head. She looked around and saw Spike sitting next to her with his face buried in a book. “I guess he shares Twilight’s enthusiasm for reading,” she thought. He definitely was deep in the book, metaphorically and physically. She looked around the library, searching for a clock. One across the room reflected the bright afternoon light on the floor below it. “What?!” Spike shouted. Fluttershy jumped high enough to touch the ceiling. “No, no, no, no, no!” Spike shouted louder. “How could they do that to Fili Second?” Spike was so caught up in his disbelief that he didn't notice Fluttershy wasn't next to him anymore. “Fluttershy?” he lifted the blanket he gave her. “Fluttershy?” he called again. “O-Over here Spike.” Spike heard her but saw only a pile of books that had fallen from their shelf. “Fluttershy?” he asked, taking on a skeptical tone. Then the pile started to move and shuffle until Fluttershy popped her head out. “Oh no, here. I'll get you out,”Spike rushed over to her. He dug furiously at the pile, tossing book left and right. He kept his pace until his claw landed on something warm, soft, and furry. “Good, I've almost got you out.” He started to pull and yank at her, causing her to squirm and squeal. He didn’t think much about her noises until he looked up and saw that she was blushing furiously. He stopped, looked down at her half exposed hoof, then back to her. “Uh, Fluttershy… What was I touching?” “My thigh…” “What part of your thigh exactly…?” Fluttershy said nothing but her silence was all he needed to hear. “Oh my goodness,  I am so sorry!” “Spike, it's okay…” she said shakily. “I basically violated you!” he sounded more worried with every word. “Spike…” “What if Twilight finds out?” he started to bite his claws nervously. “Spike, please calm down,” she said soothingly. “You didn't mean to touch me *ahem* there. And if Twilight finds out I'll tell her myself what happened.” “Really? Thank you Fluttershy,” Spike sighed in relief. He continued to remove her from the pile, being a little more mindful of what he grabbed. “I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but. Why are you here?” “I was in the market buying some carrots for angel when I saw her walking by with some saddlebags. A short conversation later, I'm here babysitting, or dragonsitting.” That's right, before she left she said Fluttershy was there to “watch” over him until she came back. “So you're supposed to be watching over me then…” “Well yeah. That's what Twilight asked for me to do.” She was finally out from under the books. “I-Is that a problem?” “No, no, not at all,” Spike sarcastically scoffed. “I am totally not old nor responsible enough to take care of myself,” his voice rose in anger and intensity. “She used to ask owlowiscious to watch me! I'm a dragon, why do I need an owl to watch over me?!” “Oh dear…” Fluttershy said quietly. “It's no big deal, I like to have company every once in a while,” he said in a more collected tone. “I've been wondering, how old are you?” “I'll be eighteen my next birthday.” “Wait, you're seventeen?” Fluttershy’s surprise shone through in full. “Yeah… Why is that such a surprise?” “It's just… you're so small and, young. I thought you were at least twelve.” “You aren't the only one,” Spike sighed. “I'm a baby dragon. A baby dragon. Dragon's don't age like Ponies do. The reason why I'm so small is because compared to other dragons, yes I'm a little kid, but I'm old enough in pony years to live on my own.” “Wow, I never knew,” Fluttershy gasped in amazement. “No wonder why you haven't grown, except for that one time you got greedy.” “Yup…” “And why you weren't a colt when Twilight changed you into a pony.” “What do you mean? Spike asked, intrigued. “I don't know how magic works, but if you change somepony into something different it shouldn't change their age, right?” Spike scratched his head while the gears of conjugation began to turn in his head. He thought about how he was bigger than Twilight, and how he went through puberty in the time it took for him to transform. “I guess you're right,” he said with a smile. “Wow Fluttershy, I didn't know you were that smart.” “Thank you I--” she stopped realizing how much shade Spike just threw. “Did you just call me dumb?” she asked timidly. “Huh, wait. Nonononono, I didn't mean it like that! I just, I'm never around you a lot. So I don't get  to see how smart you really are,” he finished with a hopeful smile. “Nice save Spike. I know that you didn't mean it,” she said. “Thank you Fluttershy.” Just then Twilight came in with a heavy rush of air. “Spike, we need to talk…” > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s Remorse Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack walk in tandem on a gray cloudy day. “What exactly are we up to again?” Rainbow Dash asked with a bored yawn. “We’re checkin’ up on Twi. Make sure she’s okay,” Applejack answered. Two weeks have passed since Twilight told Spike how she really felt. Two weeks since she broke her best friend’s heart. No one has seen her since. “I hope she’s fine, and that she is learning her lesson,” Rarity implied. “What lesson is she s’posed to be learnin’?” Applejack asked with a raised tone. “You can’t change ponies into what you want them to be. You should just leave them be, but I do hope that she hasn’t caused any harm to herself,” Rarity worried. “Eh, you two are worrying too much,” Rainbow added. “This is Twilight. She’s probably reading or doing something an egghead would do.” “I hope you’re right,” Applejack sighed. As they came upon the library, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy and cold. There was a foul wind of depression and desperation flowing through it’s dark gray green leaves. Applejack knocked “Twi! Are ya there?” nothing but silence filled their ears. “Twilight!” she knocked again. “Go away…” a groan befitting of an old witch slowly whined. “Twilight, come on. We’re worried about you,” Applejack said with sympathy. “Go. Away!” Twilight groaned even louder. “Oh for the love of- Twilight! This is Rainbow Dash! Either you open this door, or we’re busting it down!” “Are you crazy?” Applejack whispered. “We’re tryin’ to help her, not come burstin’ in like law enforcement,” she turned her attention back to the door. “Twilight, Fluttershy sent us. She’s really worried about you, and so is Spike.” Twilight didn’t respond. A long clogging silence followed before the door’s locks began to rhythmically tick and click. “Twilight we need to talk- whoa nelly!” There she was, as elegant as a plushie that barely survived the dryer. Her hair was a spikey, curly mess, her fur was matted and clumped, and she had bags that looked like the rolling hills of the west plains. “What?” she obliviously asked. They all fixed the horrified looks on their faces. “Nothing, you look good,” Applejack said, choking on the lie. “Like a million bits,” Rainbow said with an exaggerated grin. “Very lovely,” Rarity added with a small gag. “I own several mirrors…” Twilight said blankly. “Not to be rude, but do you need anything? I'm kind of busy.” “You're ‘busy’?” Rainbow Dash skeptically questioned. “Yes, and I don't have time for distractions. If you don't need anything, I need to get back to work.” she was just about to close the door when Applejack spoke. “Twilight… Fluttershy told us what happened…” Twilight hung her head low as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want them to see her guilt. “What exactly did she tell you?” “That you and Spike had gotten into a horrible argument. She said that he ran out of the library crying,” Rarity answered. Twilight grinned a little thanking Celestia that Fluttershy didn't divulge too much information. Twilight knew that she couldn't keep dodging the obvious mistakes that she made, now was time to come clean. “It was a little more than just an argument… Come in.” As the three entered they saw books randomly strewn across the floor, and several bowls of food piping up in random places. “This is what you call busy?” Rainbow said before she stepped in what she hoped was an old bowl of cereal. “Rainbow, don't be so rude!” Rarity scorned. “The mess and smell-” she wrinkled her snout “-are obvious indicators that Twilight isn't well.” “No kiddin’,” Applejack agreed. “It's mighty ripe in here.” “Okay girls I get it! I haven't been taking care of my home or myself lately…” Twilight sat on a pile of books. “I've been in here for the last few days reading up on pony psychology.” “What for?” Rainbow asked as she wiped some mystery goop off her hoof. “I was trying to find why certain Ponies make questionable decisions in certain situations.” “So you were tryin’ to find why you had a lapse of judgment from a book?” Applejack asked in false surprise. Twilight sighed and nodded. “Twi you ain't perfect, no pony is. You're gonna make mistakes all the time.” “I know that, but what I did is more than just a simple mistake.” “Well, what did you do?” Rainbow asked. Twilight swallowed hard, and spoke with as much confidence as she could muster. “Spike and I were dating, and I broke his heart.” All odd their jaws dropped, Rainbow’s being the lowest. Twilight began to cower. “Y-you and Spike were?” Rarity  stuttered in anger. Twilight cowered more, hiding under her bangs. “And then you just toss him aside like yesterday’s trash??” Her voice became full of rage. “You accuse me of leading him on, yet you went full circle and then cut him off! He’s only a baby dragon you! You! Argh!” “Rarity I think you need to just calm-” “No Applejack, I will not calm down. She hurt Spike in the worst way imaginable, yet she would always accuse me of trying to do the same! How is it right for her to play out her twisted pedophilic fantasies out with a baby dragon. A baby dragon!” “That's it! You either cool you jets, or Celestia be damned I'll cool em for ya!” Rarity dared not to say another word. The intensity of  Applejack’s voice rocked her to her core, and the look she gave bode the same weight. “We ain't gonna sit here and make this poor mare feel even worse than what she already does. Now, ya either shut the hell up, or get out!” Rarity broke eye contact with Applejack and looked to a nearby window. Applejack sighed, fixed her hat and turned back to Twilight. Rainbow Dash stood on the sidelines bug eyed and stiff. She didn't expect the situation to blow up so fast. But one thing is for certain, Applejack is scary when she's mad. Applejack came up to Twilight’s side. “Do you wanna keep talkin’?” she asked. “I don't know. I haven't slept for days. All I've eaten are bowls of blueberry yogurt…” “Gross, is that what I stepped in?” Rainbow groaned. She looked at Applejack who shot daggers at her. “Sorry…” “Can you tell me why you've been cooped up in here?” Applejack asked with sincerity. “I thought Fluttershy told you,” Twilight grumbled. “You know Fluttershy. She may have left out some details,” Applejack gave her a friendly nudge. Twilight didn't loosen up like she hoped. “Twi, you can't keep beating yourself up over this. Yes, ya messed up bad, but that doesn't mean that the world is endin’.” “Way to make me feel better…” “Sorry sug’, I'm just trying to help you out.” “I know, and I appreciate that, but what's the point? He doesn’t want to see me… So it's best I stay in here.” “With all of these aging bowls of yogurt? Yeah, we're not letting you get away that easily Twilight,” Rainbow added. “You just have to fess up to what you did, that's all.” “That's easy for all of you to say! You didn't see the only living being in the world that you love run away in tears because you “thought it best” to separate!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash didn't say a word. “And to answer the Million Bit question, yes I love him! I’m just scared to…” “I can't fully understand how you feel, but I can try,” Rarity spoke up. “My sincerest apologies for my outburst. I wasn't thinking straight in my rag. Can you forgive me?” “Of course I can, you're my friend. I don't know if I can forgive myself…” Twilight gloomily sighed. “Oh please Darling, self loathing and depreciation is not the proper way to bolster your confidence! You need to know that you are better than-” she motioned to the mess around them “-this!” Twilight began to lighten up a little, smiling even more every second. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Tell Her who she is!” They shouted in unison “The Princess of friendship!” “Exactly!” she gave Twilight a hug. “You know that you're great, right?” “I… I do, and so does everyone else! I'm going to March over to Fluttershy’s cottage and get my Spike back!” “Hold yer horses,” Applejack interrupted. “No offense Twi, but you stink.” “Yeah, really bad too,” Rainbow said with her hoof to her nose. “I agree, though not as bluntly as they put it. You are in desperate need of a bath, and this Library could use more than a touch up.” “Forget touch up Rarity. This place needs some major TLC.” “Since you mentioned it, while she's bathing we can start.” “Wait, I… I didn't mean,” Rainbow stuttered. “Just do it, it'll be over before ya know it,” Applejack reassured. “If I step in another bowl of “yogurt” I'm leaving, got it.” Applejack nodded. Rainbow took Twilight away to shower as Rarity and Applejack began the laborious task of cleaning the library. “Hey Rarity?” “Yes Applejack?” “Sorry about threatening you.” “Don't fret about it. I was out of line, I am a little livid though. But I can look past it.” They started to clean and move book to their proper place. While at Fluttershy’s Spike was wallowing in sorrow… > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mutual Terms “How’s he doing?” Pinkie asked. “Not good, he won't leave the guest room, and I can't recall the last time he ate,” Fluttershy answered. “Wowee, it's that bad huh? Did she kick him out?” “No, she spoke with him in private and by the time they were done the poor little guy ran out of the library crying.” Pinkie quizzically stroked her chin. “Sounds like he needs a whole heap of happy. Good thing doctor Pinkie is always ready!” She pulled out a stethoscope made of red rope candy and super sized mints. “Come on Nurseshy!” she speedily dragged Fluttershy upstairs. “So that's Rarity and Twilight down…” Spike groaned. “Why can't there be another dragon like me? She’d probably reject me anyways…” he buried his face in the bed sheets. “Why does the world hate me…?” The more he thought about it, the more his questions stung. Why couldn't he find another dragon like him. Garble and his gang may have left a forever sour taste in his mouth, but not all dragons are alike. Just the dumb hormonal teenage ones. And why did it seem like his only place in life is to be screwed with? Are baby dragons less than a pony? Is that why he’s a doormat? “Doctor Pinkie is in the house, ready to turn that sour dim frown into a smile brighter than a hot Pink blouse!” “Ahh!!” Spike jumped. “Hey there Spikey, Fluttershy told me you were all sad and mopey and no fun. Luckily for you, you have the best merrymaker around.” “Pinkie, you almost gave me a heart attack!” Spike gasped with his claw to his chest. “Hehe I have that effect on ponies, oop. And dragons too,” she giggled. Spike wasn't too amused, but she did manage to get a smirk out of him. “So, what's gotcha down?” “Everything…” he sighed. “Then let’s do everything so you can counter that sadness,” Pinkie beamed. “Pinkie, I appreciate that you want to help but I'm not going to feel better because of candy balloons and cake… Honestly, I don’t know what will help right now…” Pinkie looked back to Fluttershy, then back to Spike. “Then it's time for drastic measures,” Pinkie announced. “Look, I-” The next thing he knew he was surrounded by pink fur. “Pinkie…” “Nope, no anything. You are in desperate need of hugs,” she held him closer. “Fluttershy join in, we need all of the hugs we can get!” Fluttershy climbed up on the bed and wrapped her arms around Pinkie. Spike was stuck in between two mares, not the worst place to be, for some. Really he just wanted to be left alone so he could ease his troubled mind in solitude. But hugs are always nice, especially if they're from Fluttershy. “Is that better?” Fluttershy asked. “A little,” Spike said, muffled by Pinkie’s fur. “See, everyone needs a hug every once in awhile,” Pinkie cooed as she snuggled Spike. Hugs from anypony are nice, and as much as he hated to admit it, they were working. “Uh oh…” Pinkie squealed. “Too much lemonade!”  she dashed away causing Fluttershy to fall on Spike. They looked each other directly in the eye, snouts inches from each other. Fluttershy was having a mini panic attack while Spike was mentally cursing Pinkie’s tiny bladder. He wanted to move but she froze on top of him. “ Note to self, don't drink five jars of lemonade in one go.” She saw them on the bed. “Ooh, you could have told me that you two wanted some alone time.” “Nonono! When you ran off to the bathroom she fell on me, honest!” Spike said in defense.   “Riiiight,” she said slyly. “Fluttershy?” Spike shook her. “Fluttershy!” she snapped out of her trance. “Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I lost my balance after Pinkie left! I didn't mean to fall on you!” “Don't worry Fluttershy, I'd you wanted to cheer him up all by yourself you could have just told me,” Pinkie said with a smile. “It wasn't like that at all.” “Okay okay, I'll stop teasing. But look, mission accomplished!” Pinkie said with a fanfare backing her. “What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked. “He may not be smiling, but I know a happy blush when I see it.” Spike was feeling much more better, and now he was embarrassed to admit that she was right. “As long as me and Fluttershy are around, you’ll never frown, hehe.” Spike couldn’t help but smile even though deep down he was still broken up. They were doing their best but he knows that he’ll never be completely happy again. Then loud knocks came from downstairs. “I got it!” Pinkie gayly trotted away. Fluttershy watched until she left, and Spike watched Fluttershy. He tried to focus on something else, but all he could think about is Fluttershy. He knew what was happening, and it is exactly what got him into this mess in the first place. He cannot jump to love immediately after getting to know somepony, it just isn't good for the heart. So, no matter how much he wanted to act on instinct, this time he needed to use his head. “Uh, Spike? Are you alright?” “Huh?” Spike shook his head. “Are you okay? You were staring at me.” Fluttershy reiterated. “Oh, s-sorry. I was thinking…” “About what?” “Nothing important,” Spike evaded. Pinkie came back up the stairs with a serious look. “Fluttershy, I need your help down there,” she said calmly. “What for?” Fluttershy asked. Pinkie whispered something into her ear, Spike couldn’t catch it. “Oh dear… I see. We'll be right back.” Spike watched them disappear around the corner, wondering what in the world would be able to reduce Pinkie’s smile to a near grimace. “Well… They didn't technically tell me to say up here, they just said that they'll be back.” So he hopped off the bed and began down the stairs, he stopped when he heard voices having a quiet yet heated debate. “Look, we're just here so she can talk to him!” one voice stated aggressively. “I know, I know, but he isn't really in a talking mood right now…” a softer voice explained. “He was crying for three days straight, we only just lightened him up a few minutes ago.” “Fluttershy, please let me talk to him.” a rather somber voice pleaded. “I don't know If he’s ready to talk to you Twilight.” Twilight?? Then he realized what was going on, he couldn't sit by and let everyone make decisions for him. He isn’t a little colt. “I'm ready to talk,” he announced as he came down the stairs. He tried to seem as serious as possible, but underneath he was sad, happy, and angry. Sad that he had to face the pony responsible for breaking his heart, happy to see said pony, and angry at what she did. “Come on, let's give them some privacy,” Rarity said as she escorted everyone out of the room. Spike looked up at her with a cold stare, unfortunately he knew that she could see right through it. “Spike,” she started.  “I know that you probably hate me for what I did… I want to let you know why I did what I did…” Spike said nothing. “I changed you at first because I wanted to satisfy my curiosity. Then it had been buzzing in my head for a while ‘If this spell works, what would he look like? What would it be like?’.” silence still. “When it worked, I was so happy because I was able to pull off this spell without any problems or side effects, even when you shot that incendiary spell I was still happy.” “That was an accident…” Spike added. “Still I was happy… Until you mentioned Rarity…” she hid under her bangs. “I don’t know why I got so jealous. Tell you the truth I had always been jealous… I know that you look up to me, and that you think that I’m amazing with magic, and you look to me for guidance. But for a long time, I wanted you to look at me the same way you look at Rarity…” Spike knew that her words were true and sincere, he wanted to stand as stoic and unforgiving but she softened his resolve to the point of mush. “Twilight, I did and still do…” “So you forgive me?” Twilight asked with hope. Spike froze, everything in him wanted to say yes, but he knew that wouldn’t fix everything that happened. He became frustrated and angry that he couldn’t let what she did go. It isn’t like Twilight wasn’t one to learn from her mistakes -well her more blatant ones- but he couldn’t. “No…” There was a loud collective gasp from the stairs followed by “I thought he would”. He could see the life drain from Twilight’s eyes. “I… I understand…” Twilight fought to keep her composure. A dead silence fell between the two until everyone came back down the stairs. “See that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Applejack said as she nudged Twilight. “N-no, it went okay. Looks like everything will get better from now on,” Twilight said with a forced smile. “I don’t know about all of you, but wow am I tired. I think I’m gonna head home and take a nap.” She turned towards the door. “I’ll walk with you darling. I have to get back to the boutique anyway,” Rarity followed behind. “Whatever, beats being here,” Rainbow said. After they were gone, all eyes fell on Spike. “You gonna be okay li’l buddy?” Applejack asked. “I think I will after some time… I need some fresh air…” Spike walked out the door with a heavy shuffle and a mind in a tumultuous storm of thoughts. Things will get better… hopefully... > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective Back in this journal… Things are bad right now. I don’t know how to feel right now. One side of me wants to forgive Twilight and go back to the way we were, before all of this. But my more rational side tells me that the problem won't be fixed if I do that… I’m glad that Fluttershy is letting me stay with her. She’s a great pony… I just want to erase the last few weeks, maybe I’m thinking too much. I need to clear my head… He closed the book. It’s a beautiful day and all he’s doing is moping like a bump on a log. It’s not like he had anything better to do. Most of his days would be spent staring aimlessly at a wood ceiling hoping for something exciting to happen. It would usually come in the form of Twilight asking him to take a note, help her organize some arbitrary thing that made her OCD trip. Now he can do what he wants, and quite frankly, it’s boring bordering depressing. Not even his comics can cheer him up like they used to. He wasn’t sad anymore, just drained and down. He clutched the book tight in his claws, feeling how they scratched along the cover. He patted his belly to a beat that was all his own. “Celestia I am bored…” he sighed, tossing the book away. He sat up slowly took the book and opened it, jotting down random ideas and scribbles. “Spike! Hey Spike!” and excited voice called. He whipped his head around looking for the source. He tilted his head to get a better read on where the voice was coming from. “Spike! Up here!” He immediately turned his attention to the sky where Rainbow Dash waved from a small cloud. “Can you see me?” “Uh, y-yeah. I can see you!” Spike shouted back. He placed the quill in his journal and stood up. “What’s up?” “Nothing much!” she said with a shrug. “Wanna see something cool?” Spike knew that even if he said no she would do her best to show him what she had been practicing, so he shouted back “Sure!” She disappeared behind the puff of cloud that she was resting on. Spike searched around for any trace of her, a blue streak or the sound of the air being torn in half usually accompanied one of Rainbow’s stunts. He could never complain though. She was the best flier and always put on a show whenever she could, and honestly he felt a little envy. Other dragons have wings, but he doesn’t. Maybe they’ll grow in when I hit puberty is what he always told himself, but he was seventeen years old and there were no signs of maturity. Then he heard it, the air whistling as Rainbow approached at colossal speed. She flew by leaving a fast jet of air in her wake that tore the grass like a parting sea. Then she climbed pushing against gravity with ease until he couldn’t make her out between the light blue sky. Until odd flashes of her rainbow mane would come and go at erratic intervals. She was spinning and flipping as she fell back towards earth. Spike watched in nervous anticipation. If he knew rainbow -and he knew her well- she would wait until the last possible second before considering breaking her fall let alone doing the act. He was right, she twisted and rolled until somehow she was able to break her fall and land safely all while keeping a cocky smile. “Show was that?” she said while pretending to check her hoof. “That was awesome! Even for you!” Spike said with an awestruck squeal. Rainbow turned her head and waved her hoof. “Just a typical day in the life of Rainbow Dash,” she let loose an arrogant laden chuckle. Spike could see through her facade, the odd beads of sweat throughout her fur, and her heavy breathing told that she taxed herself good. Guess I won’t be seeing anymore stunts anytime soon. “Anyways, somepony told me that you needed some cheering up.” She lowered her hoof and sat down on the cool grass. “Well, I saw how you looked yesterday.” So she put on her most sincere face and leaned forward. “What's bothering you?” Spine couldn't pinpoint just discrepancy. He was confused, hurt, annoyed, really, he was a walking amalgam of everything negative. Spike rubbed the back of his neck, plucking a few scales as his claws grazed over them. “ Everything…” he forced a smile. He could tell that Rainbow as uncomfortable too. She couldn't keep her eyes straight, and her “smile” was extremely forced, but she stayed the course and asked him more questions. “Anything specifically bothering you?” “I'm…” he paused choking back an explosion of pent up energy that Rainbow wouldn't be able to handle all in one dose. “I’m… confused.” He plopped down on the grass in front of her, shuddering at the cool picky fingers poking against his scales. “Why did Twilight fake a relationship with me if she only wanted to dump on me later?” “I'll tell you right now, that whatever it was you had, was not fake,” Rainbow chuckled at Spike's ignorance. She lied down on the ground. “Trust me, she was -and probably still is- a complete wreck after you left. I don't think she showered for at least two weeks.” She stuck her tongue out and gagged. “Wow, really?” Spike asked, trying to imagine a broken smelly Twilight who had no regard for herself. It was a hard thing to imagine. Even when she was at her lowest, Twilight would bounce back almost instantly and face the problem head on, only this time facing the problem head on meant facing him. . “What else happened?” “Well, Rarity accused Twilight of being a Pedophile,” Rainbow said with a nonchalant tussle of her bang. “That was awkward, and Applejack was gonna knock Rarity's lights out.” For some reason Spike had no problem imagining Applejack’s hoof knock a few teeth out of Rarity, but still he wondered why. “I didn’t what to do. I was going to step in, but It probably wouldn’t be a good Idea to fight Applejack -not like I wouldn’t win- but still.” Spike stared blankly trying to process what he just heard. “Okay, okay, so you guys went to go check on Twilight when?” “Yesterday.” “And Rarity accused Twilight of being a Pedophile…” he pinched the bridge of his snout and shook his head. “Rarity accused Twilight of being a Pedophile… A pedophile…” “I know, it was completely uncalled for. I mean even I know dragons don’t grow like ponies do,” Rainbow agreed. “Wait,” Spike looked up at her. “You know how old I am?” “No, but I know that you aren’t a kid.” Who would’ve thought that out of all of them Rainbow Dash would be the only one to realize that he is not as old as he looks, it made him wonder what else does she know. He fiddled with his claws, certain that the next question he was about to ask would make them both uncomfortable. “Would you date me…? he asked trembling with nervousness. Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she began to rub the back of her head. “Not that I like you like that, but-” “I know… I’m not into dating. Feelings aren't my strong suit, and being all cuddly and kissy just makes me barf. But you would be a consideration I guess…” Ouch. “Well that’s actually nice to know,” Spike sighed. Rainbow saw that didn’t help his mood in the least, if anything she made the poor little guy feel worse. “Look,” She put her hoof under his chin and looked him in the eye. “There’s nothing wrong with you Spike, trust me I’ve seen some real; scumbags in my time. You just can’t give up. So what if Twilight decides that she doesn’t want you, you have years to figure it out. You’re gonna live to be as old a Celestia!” She picked him up and placed him on her back. “I know you're gonna be a lady killer someday, just give it time.” Spike took her words to heart. Who said that he even had to date a pony, he’s a dragon, and he had hundreds of years worth of life left in him. But one thing was off. “Thanks Rainbow I needed that, but why did you put me on your back?” “Two words: Hold on!” She took to the air in one mighty bound with Spike hanging on for dear life. He never really flew that much, unless they were going to Canterlot, and even then they rode the train. Right now he preferred the ground. Rainbow’s erratic speedy flying was making him feel dizzy, nauseous, and downright terrified. Then she flew calm and straight. “Open your eyes, you’re missing one heck of a view.” He slowly opened his eyes to see that they were high above the clouds soaring over the earth. He clutched her sides tighter. “What’s the matter?” she chuckled. “I-I’ve never flown this high before!” “I know, I don’t go this high unless I need some major speed.” She looked back at the terrified dragon. “We could go lower if you want to.” “No this is fine. I’ll get used to it…” he trembled. “Let go…” “What!” “Let go. If you slip I’ll catch you.” Spike knew he could trust her, but the ground was so far away. One slip up and there he goes plummeting towards certain death. “I’m fine, thank you though.” “You’re gonna have wings of your own someday, besides if you can’t trust me now’ you’ll never be able to trust anypony in the future.”She was right. Of course one should be careful about who they trust, but one shouldn’t also shut those out who seek to gain their trust. If you can’t trust then you can’t live. So he slowly released his grip on her chest, and sat up. “Hey you did it. So, how’s the pegasus vision?” “It’s great,” he muttered. The view was unlike anything he had ever seen. Equestria was always round on a glob, but to actually see the curve in the horizon put in perspective just how small they were. How do Celestia and Luna keep a place so big in check? Even the mountains looked like hills from where they were. Feeling the wind through his scales he threw his arms, claws balled in a fist, and shouted “Hell Yeah!” Rainbow looked back at him with a raised brow, he quickly covered his mouth. “Sorry, I didn't meant to swear…” “Are you a kid?” “What?” “I asked if you’re a kid,” she repeated calmly. Spike shook his head. “Then you’re okay. Hell, I thought I had to watch my mouth around you. Thought  maybe Twilight didn’t let you express how you felt through vulgar language.” “She doesn’t though. I said the “S” word once when I fell off a ladder. She made me brush my teeth for ten minutes.” “Geez,” Rainbow cringed. “Then she made me say “I will never use my clean mouth to say dirty words again.” Rainbow snorted a little before stifling her laughter. Spike sat on her back with red cheeks full of embarrassment. “Lemme tell you something. Cuss words like , damn, ass, shit, and all of those, usually have more meaning than other words.” “What do you mean?” Spike asked with intrigue. “Like say I stubbed my hoof. Saying ouch makes it look like I only tapped it, but saying shit means that hurt like a bitch. Do you get what I’m saying?” “Yeah, I do. Like how saying hell yeah insinuates more enjoyment than saying woohoo?” “Exactly,” she said with a wink. “That doesn't mean that you go around saying what you want. You still have to be careful especially around Fluttershy.” “I will,” Spike replied with a happy chirp. He continued to look at the scenery around them. All of the farms and buildings looked so small from up here, he looked to his right and saw Canterlot sitting proudly upon the mountain. Even up here you felt humbled at how grand the city was. “Hey Spike?” Spike looked back to Rainbow. “I’m gonna do something that’s either gonna scare the living hell out of you, or give you the thrill of a lifetime, but I need to know if you want to go through with it.” Not like he had anything else to do. “Sure, you got me up here.” “Great, hold on as tight as you can!” Without so much as a warning she swooped into a steep dive with Spike heeding her suggestion heavily. As they fell he remembered what she said about trust. He slowly let her go again, nearly losing his balance. As soon as he was sure he was stable he threw his claws in the air and shouted into the wind. This is what he needed to clear his mind, something to break the ordinary, the mundane. Thanks to this amazing pegasus, he felt actual happiness for the first time in weeks, but that all soon went away when she decided to break their dive with an inverted loop. Spike lost his position and began plummeting towards the ground. Rainbow looked around for him, there! He was flailing violently and screaming at the top of his lungs. With a powerful beat of her wings she dive after him with immense speed. She beat her wings harder and harder, gaining more speed as she approached him. “Rainbow!” he screamed as loud as he could. She didn't respond, he knew the ground was close. He closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. “Gotcha!” he opened his eyes finding himself in Rainbow’s arms. “Are you alright?” “Yeah, I’m okay. A little shaken up but okay…” “Good, now why in the hell didn’t you listen?? I told you to hold on as tight as you could!” “Sorry, I just felt happy I guess…” She looked on him with sympathy. “Be more careful, I almost didn’t catch you.” “What do you mean? We’re like a hundred feet off the ground…” “Don't be a smartass,” she quipped. They shared a laugh and continued to fly on. Spike had a huge smile on his face, and more certainty about his future, thanks rainbow. The sun had just set and Fluttershy was sitting on her couch reading a book on Equetrian Flowers when she heard a knock at her door. “Who is it?” She called. “It’s Spike!” He immediately closed the book and flew to the door. She opened it to find a cheery little dragon with a book in his hand. “Well, don’t you look happy.” “Yeah, I had a good day.” He said with a bright toothy smile. Fluttershy giggled at how jovial he was. It was nice to see a turnaround from the melancholy creature that stayed locked up in the guest room. “What did you do? You were gone for hours.” “Me and rainbow Dash were hanging out.” “Really?” “Yeah,” he set his journal down on a nearby coffee table. “She let me ride on her back while she flew, and then we went to Applejack’s and played some games. It was just great.” “I’m glad to hear it.” In actuality she was a little jealous that she didn’t spend any time with him today or at all for that matter. He would either sit upstairs, or outside for hours and not say a word to her, this was the most he’s spoken to her in days. But she couldn’t complain, seeing his bright smile was more than enough. “Are you hungry?” “Starving.” “Well, I asked Twilight what your favorite gemstones were.” “You did?”  he asked, his curiosity showing. “Yeah, go and check in the kitchen.” Spike ran to the kitchen where a huge bowl of crisp red rubies were sitting on the counter. Instantly he began to drool and smack his lips. “They’re all yours.” Without a moment to waste, he picked a big bright one from the bowl and chomped it in half. The sound of the mineral cracking sent chills down Fluttershy's spine. If he could do that to a hardened crystal, imagine how bones would fare to his teeth. Spike saw her discomfort and slowed down his eating. “Sorry,” he said with a sheepish chuckle. “Don’t worry. They’re yours enjoy them.” he went back to eating, minding how loud he chewed. A few moments later Fluttershy went back to the couch and resumed her book, leaving Spike in the kitchen with his dinner. He looked at the bowl, then back to where she was standing. As fluttershy was reading she saw Spike carrying his gems up the stairs, she paid it no mind. Besides there was a really interesting fact about firelillies. She continued to read until she felt a depression on the couch. “What are you reading?” Spike asked. “Equestrian Botany. It has all of the known flowers in Equestria, Pinkie got it for me.” “That’s cool.” “Thanks, personally I just like to look at the pictures of the flowers. They’re so pretty…” “They really are.” Spike looked at Fluttershy until she noticed he was staring at her. He tried to play it off by turning his eyes back to the book. “So what’s that one?” he pointed to one. “Oh, that,” she looked at the picture and read aloud. “Ventus Ignis -commonly known as Dragon sneeze- are flowers usually found in temperate regions. That’s interesting.” “Okay, what about that one?” “That is a Lunar Blossom, they only bloom on the seventh full moon of every year.” And so they went on picking out flowers from all over Equestria. Back in this book again, but this time with a different attitude. I thought today would just be another day of me sulking in my feelings, wondering what’s wrong with me. But now I know that there isn’t anything wrong with me, I’m just me. Honesty, who knew Rainbow had good advice, even if it was hard to interpret. And she gave me a little insight on being an adult, even though swearing won’t come naturally to me. I’ve been with Twilight too long. And Speaking of Twilight I think I’ll go see her tomorrow… Clear up some stuff. Anyway, this was the best day I’ve had in a long time. I’m gonna see if Flutters will let me sleep with her tonight. (not in that way. I need a cuddle buddy) later!