Picky Eater

by LostWill

First published

Applejack pays a visit to Fluttershy, finding that she needs a little help gathering ingredients.

Fluttershy is in need of help to gather some very specific ingredients for Angel, the very picky eater of the group. She asks Applejack to come over at noon to help her, since she is the most special to Fluttershy.

Contains Gore/violence and is not really for the light hearted or squeamish.

Again, not for the light hearted or squeamish. Please do not read if you do not like violence/gore.

Chapter 1

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That afternoon in Ponyville was one of the best they have had yet. Everypony was out and about, fillies chasing each other around while the grown-ups watched. No pony was alone, no pony except for Fluttershy. She had asked that Applejack came over at noon, but there was still no sign of her coming. She was constantly looking out of her cottage window to look for her hat and orange coat. Sooner than anticipated, it was near bed time when Applejack knocked on the cottage door furiously. Fluttershy quickly opened the door after rubbing her tired eyes for a second. If Aj hadn’t heard the door open, Fluttershy would have gotten a hoof to the face.

“Applejack! Thank goodness, you came. I didn’t think you were going to remember to come. After all, it has been about, oh I don’t know, 7 hours?” She spoke in her whisper-like voice.

“Aw, Fluttershy, I’m sorry! It’s just, somethin’ came up over at Sweet Apple Acres that took just a little while longer to take care of than we thought. But, hey, I’m here now! What’d you need me for, sugar cube?” Aj asked, a sincere and apologetic look placing itself on her face. Motioning her in, Fluttershy stepped aside as Aj walked into the cottage.

“I need some help getting supplies for my precious animals. You see, I’ve run out of the ingredients to make Angel’s special dinners.” Fluttershy responded, a small and innocent smile crossing over her lips. “Oh, I’m sorry Applejack; do you want something to drink? You must have had such a long day.” She asked apologetically, tilting her head at Aj.

“Sure, sugar cube, I’d like a drink of some water. Boy, you don’t have any idea what I had to go through today just to get Big Mac off of my back so I could come here!” She told her story as Fluttershy was in the kitchen preparing the water.

“…And then he had me buck 40 apple trees right after I finished that!” She finished with an exhausted huff.

“Wow, Applejack, I didn’t know you had to go through so much just to get here!” She said, her whispery voice barely audible. Fluttershy looked as though she were admiring Aj. Soon after taking her first sip of water, Applejack fell asleep.

Applejack awoke on a clear table in the middle of a dark room. She felt straps dig into her hooves and forelegs as she tried in a very horrid attempt to free herself.

“Fluttershy?! Fluttershy!” She called in cries for help. A few seconds later, lights up above her flickered on and she gazed around the room, attempting to turn her head only to get her forehead cut. It looked as though she were in a kitchen, a very bright and uplifting kitchen. There were a few streamers and party balloons in each corner of the medium-sized room, and she wondered if Pinkie Pie had anything to do with this.

“Oh, goody, you’re awake! How did your water taste? I made it myself! I call it, ‘l’eau qui a empoisonné’. Do you know what that means, Aj?” She asked, using Applejack’s nickname. Aj was too frightened and startled to ask as she looked around the room, glancing at all of the cupboards and counters, only stopping her search when she saw an odd looking table that had scalpels and syringes on it.

“It means ‘water that’s poisoned!’” She answered herself, her whispery voice not changing its cheerful tone. “Do you know why you’re here to help me, Applejack? Oh, of course you do! I told you earlier, remember? Yes, yes, it’s to help me gather up some important ingredients for Angel’s meals! And I only use the finest ingredients. Angel is very, very picky, you know! And that’s why you’re here, Applejack. Your perfect coat isn’t filthy like the others. And Angel just loves apples! I’m sure you taste like them, Applejack. Care for a small sample of Angel’s special meal from yesterday?” She asked, reaching over to the table with sharp objects. Sitting on the table was a plastic sample cup with white things in it. It appeared to be radishes.

“Why, are those radishes?” Applejack mustered out, laughing nervously. “I just love radishes, Fluttershy!” She smiled, her eye twitching a bit.

“She sure does look like radishes, doesn’t she Applejack! You’re so silly, Aj. Remember that one day Rarity had me model some clothes for her? And that odd looking mare took photos of me. How embarrassing! But, boy oh boy did I show Rarity.” She smiled as she pried open Applejack’s mouth and dumped the white stuff into it. It wasn’t liquid, and it wasn’t a solid either. “How does she taste? Don’t spit that out, either! I made it special, just for you. I knew you were next, so I just had to make some extra. It’s part of her stomach. I saved the best part, just for you!” Fluttershy rambled on and on about how special Applejack was to her. Applejack just cried a little as she swallowed the guts and skin of Rarity, nearly gagging and puking it back up.

“See, I knew you would like it!” Squealed Fluttershy as she picked up a scalpel from the table. “I even placed mirrors around us so you could watch the show from a different perspective, Applejack! That’s shows you just how special you are.” Fluttershy grinned, looking back at one of the mirrors. Then, she turned her focus back on Applejack. Placing the scalpel on her collarbone, she made a very precise incision and, beginning to trail the scalpel to the middle of the orange mare’s stomach, abruptly came to a stop when Aj let out a long scream.

“Applejack, I didn’t put anything on your mouth because I thought you would be the one to tough it out! Even Apple Bloom was more cooperative. I’m ashamed, Applejack.” She sighed, but continued where she left off anyway. She didn’t feel like going all the way upstairs to go get the muzzle. It’s not like she couldn’t make her be quiet anyway. “You should probably be quieter, or you might just end up doing something you’ll regret in the end. Now remember if you pass out, I’m going to have to make you wake up. I can only use one adrenaline shot, Applejack. Any more then that and Angel can taste it.” She carried on, Applejack’s screams echoing throughout the kitchen. Eventually reaching the middle of Applejack’s stomach, Fluttershy stopped for a moment to let Applejack rest a little. She deserved at least that, she supposed. “Well, it looks like you managed not to thrash around too much. Too bad that was only step one!” Fluttershy said in a voice filled with so much happiness it was sickening.

“Fluttershy, please stop! I-I could help you make food for Angel but cuttin’ up somepony else! It’s t-that easy! I swear I won’t tell anypony what it is you’re up to!” Applejack stuttered out, smiling awkwardly at Fluttershy.

“Oh, Applejack, don’t be so silly. Don’t you know how long I’ve been doing this for?” Fluttershy questioned, taking out a butcher’s knife as she spoke. “I mean, it’s not like anypony will miss you. They don’t even notice Rainbow Dash is gone!” She exclaimed in a serious tone, as if she were announcing it to all of Equestria. That surely shut Applejack up, for the time being. “Now, on to the second step! Goodness, I think I’ll time how long you stay awake. I think Sweetie Belle has you beat, though. There’s no way you can last through the whole thing!” She said ecstatically, very excited to time Applejack’s moments of torture. She reached over and tapped a button with her hoof, causing a timer to pop up, and then started programming it for Applejack. It only took a matter of seconds for her to program it. “Has the pain gone away yet, Applejack?” She asked nicely, as if she really cared. Applejack thought about it for a moment. Actually, it still hurt. In fact, the pain was growing increasingly worse the more they waited. “Yes, i-it still hurts.” Applejack mumbled, taking a glance at Fluttershy. Her right hoof had blood on it, probably from petting Applejack’s stomach. “Good!” Fluttershy exclaimed, her smile growing wider. Fluttershy took the butcher’s knife and, with a smooth sweep of her hoof, removed Applejack’s tail. She had a pan waiting on the ground for the soft tail hair, and she watched as it dropped gracefully into it. “Your mane will probably take a little bit longer, but that’s okay!” Fluttershy mumbled, petting Applejack’s long mane. She then replaced the butcher’s knife with the scalpel once more and started cutting away at Applejack’s stomach again. This time she made four cuts, one going to the left of where she had stopped in the middle of Applejack’s stomach and one to the right. Next she made one from where she had started going to the right and one to the left. Gingerly, Fluttershy peeled open the two flaps of skin to reveal Applejack’s ribcage. “Aha! Just what I was looking for!” She smiled and took out a hacksaw, placing it on one of the bones. “Me and Pinkie Pie were wondering, why do they call this a hacksaw? I mean, it doesn’t hack anything.” She murmured, focusing on cutting the ribcage open to get to the goodies. Applejack let out a earsplitting cry of pain and threw her head back, causing the strap across her forehead to go over her eyes and dig in to her muzzle. She thrashed around, trying to get Fluttershy to stop. She didn’t though; she just kept sawing away at Applejack’s strong hard ribcage. Then, she fainted.

Applejack awoke to an upset Fluttershy staring her in the face. “Applejack, where are your manners! You can’t fall asleep at your host’s house! It’s rude.” She said in her angriest voice, which didn’t sound angry at all. “That’s okay though. While you were asleep I finished off your ribcage. Now you can watch me take out the goodies!” She exclaimed, her once anger turning into joy. Applejack didn’t fight her friend. She couldn’t feel her chest at all, everything just went numb. Looking over at the long-forgotten mirrors, she gazed at the image of Fluttershy removing her small intestines from her large ones and putting them into a pot. She also dug in there to get her liver and kidneys. Applejack was speechless as she stared at the image of her body being torn to shreds.

“Aren’t you glad you weren’t Granny Smith, Applejack? She was the first victim. She didn’t taste good, like you will. She was far too… aged. I tried fillies, as well, but their bodies are way too underdeveloped and they don’t have enough meat to satisfy all of my precious animals. Especially Angel; she’ll just love you to bits Applejack. You’ve always been her favorite. Do you know what I do with the skin of all of the ponies?” She asked, smiling deviously at the sudden question.

“N-no, Fluttershy, I don’t.” She managed to muster out, her voice weak and soft.

“I make them into bowls! I only use their flanks, though. I send the rest of the soft skin to Pinkie Pie. She does wonders with them! Don’t you just love the streamers and balloons she made for me?” She answered, briefly motioning to the corners of the room. Applejack glanced at them once more, then realized what exactly they were. The streamers were made out of the large and small intestines of deceased ponies. They were even painted different vibrant colors so they caught your eye. The balloons all had cutie marks on them. One was Granny Smith’s, and when Applejack realized that she began to cry.

“Oh, sweetie, don’t cry. You’re going to see all of your friends soon!” Fluttershy exclaimed joyously, looking down at the now sobbing orange pony. “And when you get there, you might even see your sister.” She finished, ripping out Applejack’s large intestines and stomach at the same time. She tore a small piece off and shoved it in Applejack’s mouth, blood coating her once dry lips.

“How does it taste?” Fluttershy asked in anticipation, waiting for a response. The meat squished around in Applejack’s mouth, making her want to gag. It tasted like metal and excrements, and she quickly swallowed it. It actually did leave an apple flavor in the back of her throat.

“It tastes like… apples…” Applejack muttered before passing out for the last time. She took her final breath as an upset Fluttershy stomped down on her lungs.

The next day, Fluttershy asked for Twilight Sparkle to come over for dinner.

“You’re going to love my fresh baked pie, Twilight!” Fluttershy squealed over the phone.

“I’ll be over as soon as I can, Fluttershy.” Twilight Sparkle assured her friend, hanging up soon after their short conversation. Fluttershy got everything ready as she waited for her friend, placing down the bowls and pots for her animal friends and then setting the table for her and Twilight.

“I can’t wait for her to try my l’eau qui a empoisonné.” She smiled, looking over at Angel as she poured her a nice hot bowl of Applejack soup.