> And the Rest Is Silence > by Optilestia_Guy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Words > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl Scratch pleasantly trotted through the center of Ponyville, as always, wearing her sunglasses and headphones. It was her anniversary today, so she decided to go out and buy Octavia something nice. She carried two bags with her magic, one with a new bow, and the other with a bottle of chardonnay. At a restaurant, Doctor Whooves and Derpy sat and talked. She leapt out of her seat, grabbing the Doctor’s face, and pushing their noses together. Vinyl couldn’t help but chuckle. Then, she passed Lyra and Bon Bon sitting on a park bench. Lyra was laying her head in Bon Bon’s lap, crying as her friend stroked her mane. She couldn’t hear what Bon Bon was saying, but it seemed to help lyra. The green unicorn sat up, sniffing, whipping the tears from her eyes, and enveloping Bon Bon in a hug. Vinyl had to wonder what she’d said to change Lyra’s mood so quickly. Funny how big an effect words can have on people. Then, she passed the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The three foals stood next to a broken wagon, its peculiar content spilled across the street. She had to wonder why they needed three cans of baked beans, a blowdryer, six nine-volt batteries, and a roll of chicken wire. Applebloom and Scootaloo shouted at each other, bickering and squabbling as Sweetie Belle tried to fix the broken vehicle. She couldn’t help but shake her head at the waist of breath. She was half tempted to stop, but realized it would have been pointless. Words really are a peculiar thing. Suddenly, she slammed into a wall of meat, dropping her bags. Her headphones fell to her neck, and her glasses landed on the ground. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” Vinyl looked up to see a pair of yellow eyes and menacing horns bearing down on her. She quickly made a few motions with her hooves, cringing as she slowly backed up. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?! Well, Ironwill demands an apology, and he demands it now” Ironwill questioned, his tone becoming increasingly aggressive. Vinyl covered her ears, as her heart began to quicken. She made more signs with her hooves. “Oh, Ironwill sees how it is! You don’t think Ironwill’s worth talking to! Well, I’ll show-ow!” A tin can hit Ironwill over the head. He turned toward the direction of the projectile, only to be struck by a hair dryer. “Ouch! Hey! What gives!” he shouted, shielding his face with his hands. “Stay away from Derpy, ‘ya vermin’” Applebloom yelled. “Yeah!” Sweetie Belle agreed. “Get away from her, you...monster” Scootaloo shouted, throwing one of the nine-volt batteries. The barrage forced Ironwill to retreat, leaving Vinyl alone in the street. The Crusaders ran towards her, but she ran away before they could talk to her. “Vinyl, wait!” Scootaloo called, though her words fell on deaf ears. Vinyl ran, and she didn’t stop running. The ran, and ran, and ran. It was all she could think to do. Finally, she reached her home, bursting through the door. She ran to her side, collapsing by the bed as she panted. She looked at one of her drawers, as tears welled up. Slowly, she opened the drawer, revealing three items. The first was a small shard of green glass in a small container. She never could figure out why the doctors decided to frame it. They told her she was lucky to survive. She reached her hoof to her neck, feeling the scar. She only wished she could have said: thank you. The second item was an old photograph. It showed her at one of her old concerts before she became a D.J. She sang into the microphone as the crowd applauded, colorful lights and smoke surrounding the stage. Octavia had taken the picture the day they met. Vinyl’s music had always been her guilty pleasure. She held the photo on one hoof, then withdrew the last item: a newspaper clipping. Its headline read: POP-STAR’S CAREER CUT TRAGICALLY SHORT BY CARRIAGE ACCIDENT. Her driver had apologized about a thousand times, though she didn’t blame him. There was no way he could have avoided the street lamp that fell on them. Still, she couldn’t help but feel angry. Her life was ruined, and there was no reason for it. No pony to blame. No natural force. Not even a monster. In a fit of rage, the there the picture to the other side of the room, shattering its frame, before crumpling up the newspaper and throwing it to the ground. She collapsed in a heap next to her bed sobbing uncontrollably. A pair of hooves trotted through the door. “Vinyl, why did you leave the door open? Vinyl?” Octavia rounded the corner, finding Vinyl lying in a ball. Vinyl gripped her back, crying furiously. Vinyl leapt to her hooves, pushing past Octavia. She ran outside, into the woods. Behind her she could hear Octavia chasing her, but she didn’t care. She ran, and ran, and ran, galloping as fast as she could. She had to get away. She wasn’t sure what she was running away from, but she had to get away. Finally, after what felt like hours, she ran out of breath. She surrender, giving into whatever she had tried so desperatly to escape from. She collapsed in a patch of grass, sobbing. Octavia caught up with her, laying down next to her in the grass. She wrapped her hooves around her, pulling her twitching body towards her. Vinyl latched onto her marefriend, balling into her chest.There was no escape. “Shhh. Shhh. It’s alright Vinyl. No Matter what anypony else says, I can still hear you” she said, stroking her mane. Vinyl shot forward, kissing Octavia on the lips as her tears rolled down onto her brown coat. Octavia pulled her closer, enveloping Vinyl. Words really are a powerful thing. Maybe we shouldn’t take them for granted.