> Moonshine > by Emperor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Which There Is Much Cheese > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Shine awoke to a heavy feeling laid out over his body. After taking a second to calm down his panicking evolutionary herd instincts that no, he was not in fact being strangled by his blanket, his keen senses, developed from years of obsession over neatness and organisation, started to pick up on other details. The closed bedroom window curtains, even though he was certain they had been open when he had went to bed. The faint smell of lavender. The breathing and beating heart of a creature other than himself, even though Spike was away on duties for his mentor. Dusk Shine grinned. He knew now exactly what was going on. However, vision was always a powerful sense, and with the faintest application of magical energy, his horn glowed, casting a light as pale as the moon across the room. The sight of the blue-furred pony that had crawled into bed with him overnight and formed an impromptu cuddle was always a titillating experience. He paused, taking a look at the mare’s face. She was a handful when awake, a spitfire in unicorn form, but by night all the arrogance left her, deflating the nomadic pony as surely as a balloon without air. Given the stray drops of water clinging to her fur, Dusk Shine guessed she must have only recently dozed off, right after stealing into his home and using his shower. The newly-ascended alicorn could have kept his gaze on her sleeping form for an untold time, but he was hungry. Knowing where all her ticklish spots were, he teasingly prodded right at the junction between her rear limb and body, “Wake up, Trixie.” Her limb twitched, and even as her forehooves tightened their grip around him, she mumbled quietly, “Don’t wanna.” Dusk smirked, knowing it was time to break out the big guns. Finding her exposed ear, he started to gently on it, ‘nomnomnom’ onomatopoeia playing itself out in his head over and over. “Trixie had a long walk, you know,” She spoke, apparently at last fully cognizant, but lacking the energy to bring a hoof up to swat his muzzle. “Trixie performed in Baltimare last night, then made her way to Canterlot to drop off her caravan before coming here.” In response to that, he stopped his nibbling, instead bringing his nose to rest against hers and lightly nuzzling it, “And I’m thankful you did.” The two stayed silent in their cuddling positions, giving Dusk Shine time to reflect on how he had met this wonderful mare, Trixie Lulamoon. In their first meeting, she had told him off when he didn’t want to show off on-stage, only to be upended by his performance that night in removing an Ursa Minor from town (he often liked to tease her about how their coats were the same colour as a Major and Minor, and that the more powerful of the two had purple fur. She would scowl at him and bop his nose in an adorable manner). Then she had come back, only to banish him from the town and take over Ponyville. While the incident with the Ursa Minor had been mostly brushed aside after a week, her rule of the town during a dark few days had soured the majority of ponies to her. Because of this, their relationship was secret, with only two others in Ponyville. One of them Dusk’s friend and fellow Element of Harmony, who had been relatively unaffected by Trixie’s two public appearances in the area and thus bore no hostility towards her. As a result, Trixie often left her wagon out by the animal-loving pegasus’ cottage before making her way to see Dusk Shine. As for the other? Well, let’s just say that Spike was the best wingdragon a pony could ask for. “So…” At last the silence was broken off by Trixie, who momentarily trailed off before resuming, “Trixie notices that you have wings now. It is a shame she missed your coronation, but Trixie was too far away at the time to make it.” Dusk Shine winced slightly, wondering when she would bring that up. He had once declared to his childhood foalsitter that he was just a regular old unicorn, only to get told he was so much more than that. He had crunched the numbers and gave eighty twenty odds that his ascension would only inflate Trixie’s head further, “Yes, I do. I completed an old spell of Starswirl’s. When I finished it, I was thinking of you.” It was partially true. He had been thinking of all his closest friends, and that included his marefriend, even if theirs was less a platonic and more a secret romantic love. Trixie leaned in closer, an impressive task considering how she had already buried her head in his neck, and whispered conspiratorially, “Trixie thinks you deserve a reward for becoming the kingdom’s newest Prince, then.” Dusk’s lavender fur coloured slightly red, but he gave her as much as he got with the teasing, “Something more than what we normally do, you mean?” He smirked, “How about socks?” She shook her head, “Maybe if you have a hard time getting it up. Neigh,” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “Trixie was thinking that, even though she is on her cycle now, that she won’t be using her contraceptive spell tonight.” Her stallion’s reaction was instant, as his wings sprung open. Not as visible, but still noticeable, was the poking sensation Trixie could feel just above her hind legs. This time it was her turn to smirk, “Ooooh, wing boner. Trixie demands cuddles with them later! Trixie sees they’re not the only thing on you hard right now.” The new Prince of Friendship was determined to get the better of the byplay between the two of them, even as he felt his head pounding in excitement. With an aggressive growl, he rolled her over so she was underneath him, “It might be hard on me now, but it’ll be in you soon if I hear about you being a naughty mare again.” “Trixie’s womb is the only thing able to bear something even more Great and Powerful than Trixie herself!” Dusk Shine made to respond, only to stop halfway through composing his retort, “Wait, what?” Trixie blushed heavily, “It was the first thing I, er, Trixie thought of, OK!” He pounced on it, “Of course, of course. Trixie is now the most powerful unicorn alive, after all.” “Sh-shut up!” Was all she had to say to that, sensing the implication behind his emphasis on her status as a unicorn. Dusk just rolled his eyes, before reclining his upper body up, exposing the mare splayed below him on his bed. Not the mare, his mare. He still got a brief power trip every time he thought those words. He took one last deep whiff of her before he would taint her and make her smell of him instead, enjoying the faint fragrance of lavender that always seemed to emanate from her. Moving a free hoof down her body, he stopped it between her rear legs, twirling on the fur around her nethers for several seconds before spreading her lower lips. “You’re no mare, you’re a bitch in heat, you’re so wet down here” He growled, knowing how turned on she got by dirty talk. “N-no!” She pleaded, hind legs trying to close together instinctively, but kept apart being currently wrapped around Dusk’s legs, “Trixie is a virtuous unicorn!” “Oh?” He demanded, “Is that why you take to stroking me with your tail all the time, and exposing yourself? I think you’re lying,” Dusk accused her, prodding at her pussy, the heat radiating from her core matching only the heat he was feeling in his blood, “I think you need to be punished.” “Tri-Trixie has repented, Trixie promises!” She squealed, doubling down on her illeism, “You would harm an innocent filly?” Even as she uttered such words, a mischievous gleam was growing in her eyes. Her tail made to come up from its resting position to cover her marehood in response to the earlier accusation, but Dusk Shine intercepted it with his remaining free hoof, and pinned it back against the bed. “Innocent?!” He snorted, “I bet you even now wish you had made me into your sex slave instead of banishing me from Ponyville that one time!” That got a blush out of her, and his heart nearly melted at how adorable the stage magician was when her blue cheeks turned red, and she drew in on herself, submissive. It only made him all the more aggressive, “But I won the rematch, so maybe you should call me master instead!” Her pussy clenched around his still-active hoof, and he knew he had struck paydirt with that line, even as Trixie continued to protest, “Never! Trixie is her own mare! She has her own hopes and dreams!” Dusk carefully considered his next few actions and words, not wanting to go overboard on teasing during their role-playing, discarding a few ideas before finally going with, “Oh yeah?! I bet you couldn’t even be the mother of my foal!” He dared her. “Oh please!” She rolled her eyes, defiant again, all while once more wiggling her eyebrows, “Try Trixie! The Great and Powerful Trixie’s eggs are more than a match for some Prince’s sperm!” Said Prince of Friendship took that as a cue to line himself up with his marefriend, before sliding his raging hard stallionhood into her waiting pussy with a grunt, “How’s that, Trixie Lulamoon?” Even as she let out a moan that she repressed partways, she still insisted on playing their game, “Pfft, is that all you got! Trixie has felt bigger and better!” Dusk Shine thought to himself that she knew precisely the right words to say to egg him on, and as he moved his front hooves down to pin her midsection in place and anchor himself, he pulled out slightly, before slamming back into her, getting a light ‘oof’ from her to his satisfaction. “I considered shutting you up,” He stated, “But I’d rather save it for my child you’re going to foal.” Trixie might not have realised it, but her comment about not using contraception had turned him on all too well. The self-proclaimed Great and Powerful magician opened her mouth to make another snarky comment, but all that came out was a moan as Dusk Shine shut her up with a well-timed thrust, before pulling out and slamming in again, slowly but steadily increasing his pace each time as her slick nether region lubricated his cock. Stallion and mare traded grunts and moans as Trixie matched his plunges in turns, thrusting her own hips up against him every time he pushed in deeper and deeper. All the while, even as his balls churned and demanded release, he held it in, knowing the longer he lasted, the larger his load would be. At last, he slowed down, and Trixie, catching her breath after several deep pants that showed her chest visibly rising and falling several centimeters with every breath, taunted him, “What’s the matter, Prince? Afraid to cum inside?” “Hardly,” He snorted, “Merely changing positions.” With graceful hooves and an applied dose of telekinesis, he pulled out, then quickly flipped the blue unicorn around so she was face down on the bed. Trixie let out a cute ‘eep’, but otherwise complied with his action, pointing her rear up high into the air. Wings spread out again, he mounted her once more, this time in a position that made him feel far more dominant than before. “Give it all you’ve got, Prince!” Trixie yelled as he claimed her body once more for his own. “With pleasure!” He said as he sped up, moving even faster in a more mobile position, sweat beginning to drip down his muzzle now. “You! Will! Call! Me! Master!” He grunted as he wrapped his front hooves around her midsection, occasionally changing his angle of thrust to reach her deepest spots, intent on forcing her body to surrender to him. “Ne-Never!” Trixie gasped, her will clearly slipping even as she continued to bounce her hips up against him in return. His marefriend was being unusually feisty tonight, but Dusk Shine knew exactly how to set her off. With very careful learned manipulation of his newfound wings, he swat her on her asscheeks, prompting a startled twitch and a squeak. Dusk followed it up by bending his head down to just above her own. Breathing on her ears for a few seconds with his hot breath, he whispered, “You’re mine. Isn’t that right, the Humble and Apologetic Trixie?” Dusk knew he had won when her pussy tightened down hard on him again, with several contractions in the span of a few seconds. Trixie fell down limp on her front legs, panting hard once more, “Y-yes, M-Master Dusk!” He grunted in satisfaction, having felt her orgasm the same time as she had willingly surrendered. His conquest of her mind finished, he at last let the dam run free in his intended conquest of her body. As his balls slapped against her tummy with one last thrust, he felt a powerful orgasm ripple through his body, his cock spasming like crazy as stream after stream of cum invaded Trixie, intent on penetrating her innermost sanctum. Trixie’s own marehood betrayed her as it continued its contractions, pushing his seed up further and further. Many seconds later, his load fully shot out, Dusk Shine fell over on top of Trixie. Wrapping his hooves around her again, the two caught their breaths as they cuddled again, finding security and serenity wrapped up in one another’s bodies. Trixie was the one to break the silence once more, “That, was, amazing,” She declared, then saucily added, “Master,” as she turned to face him. Dusk just grunted in response. Trixie Lulamoon knew all the right buttons to push with him, however, as she winked and asked, “Want to do it again?” Dusk Shine grinned. His marefriend was definitely one of the best things to happen to him. He was still going to see her dressed in socks before she left though, no matter how much she insisted otherwise. It was quite some time later, with Dusk continuing to surprise himself at just how much his balls had contained, that the two lovers finally called it quits amidst a spectacle of sweat and other sticky fluids. Extinguishing their horn lights, the two stayed as one, knowing they would only have a short time like this together again before Trixie continued out on the road once more. The two were intent on spending as much of that short period in one another’s embrace until that time. Entwined in body and heart, their horns touched one another. As Trixie had demanded earlier, Dusk Shine had wrapped her in wings. The warm sensation he felt from it assured the Prince that he would be doing it a lot more often, along with the nuzzling of one another's muzzles that had been addicting in early days. Eventually, Dusk Shine had realised, their relationship would have to come out into the open. Only two of his closest friends in town knew, one of them somedragon he considered a brother in all but blood, along with his immediate family and mentor. The remaining close circle of ponies he called friends would no doubt be shocked at whom he had chosen as his marefriend, but they would understand. They were his friends, after all. Even as they drifted off to sleep in the dark room, the two idly wondered if Trixie’s ‘gift’ would result in something wonderful in nearly a year’s time, or if it would require many more sessions for it to take.