> Twilight's new lesson > by agron989 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Big Surprise- Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright and beautiful day in Ponyvile, the sun was shinning the birds were singing and the wind was blowing nicely it was a perfect day to be outside having a picnic,tend to your garden, and play some games, and fly a kite as well. And just on the outside of town was the school that the fillies go to, were Ms. Cheerliee was teaching her class a lesson all about numbers like 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4, and when she came to 2 + 3 = a box she asked her class what's the answer. "So class who can tell me what the answer is to this one hmm?" She asked her class, she looked around to see who could answer her then she notice two hooves waving in the air it was Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon waving there hooves waiting for Ms. Cheerliee to pick one of them. "Oooh, oooh pick me Ms. Cheerliee." said Sweetie Belle." "No, no, no pick me." Said Silver Spoon they were both anxious to answer her, but she could only pick one of them. "Um Sweetie Belle can you tell me the answer?" She asked Sweetie Belle was very happy that she could answer her. "The answer is 5." She said "correct Sweetie Belle, I'm very proud of you." She said then she picked up a chalk in her muzzle, and wrote it on the chalk board in the box then she started writing the next problem for her class to solve 2 + 4 + = a box. "Silver Spoon can you answer this problem?" She asked now Silver Spoon was happy that she could answer the question. "6." She answered. "Very good Silver Spoon that's the correct answer, I'm proud of you to." she said then she wrote the answer in the box. "Now then class, who can tell me what type of problems were learning?" she asked her class but then the bell started ringing, meaning it was the end of school and it was time to go home. As the fillies were beginning to pack their saddle bags. "Okay class will resume this lesson tomorrow, and don't forget your homework assignments for tonight and I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she trotted over to the doorway to say good bye to her classmates till tomorrow, each filly that went past her waved a hoof and said bye Ms. Cheerliee see you tomorrow. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle (AKA) the Cutie Mark Crusaders were taking their time packing things up in their saddle bags, cause they were excited about Twilight time cause Twilight said she had something special planned for the three fillies. "I wander what she has in store for us, today?" Asked Apple Bloom. "I don't know Apple Bloom will just have to get over there and find out, after we drop off our saddle bags at home." Said Scootaloo. "Yeah this will be good she said that it's the most important lesson, that we ever had to learn." Said Sweetie Belle once their saddle bags were packed, they put them on their backs and went to get ready for Twilight time. "Bye Ms. Cheerliee see you tomorrow." Said the three fillies as they waved their hooves as they went past by her. "Bye girls see you tomorrow." Said Ms. Cheerliee as she waved back at them, the three of them were traveling down the road admiring the sunshine, the birds singing, they spotted some butterflies going to some flowers, and they notice some of their classmates playing in the playground having a lot of fun but they knew they were in for some fun at Twilight time today. "Well, I guess will go home and meet at Twilight's new castle." Said Scootaloo which made the others smile the biggest smile they could make. "Oh yeah that's right this is our first Twilight time at her new castle, since the Golden Oak Library got destroyed." said Apple Bloom then they got a little sad remembering when they heard Twilight's old home was blown up when Tirek came to Ponyvile to steal her magic. And it was sad cause they had a lot of good memories at Twilight's old home, but now they can make new ones at her new home as well. "Oh I can't wait to get started, I wander what she's gonna teach us?" Asked Scootaloo as she jumped and floated in the air, for a little bit. "Who knows, but we can be sure it'll be great as always." Said Apple Bloom. "Yep it's always exciting, what Twilight teaches us as well right?" Asked Sweetie Belle. "RIGHT!" Yelled Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. So once they came to a fork in the road, they waved good bye too each other for now and went to their homes to put their saddle bags away and they would meet a Twilight's new castle. Apple Bloom had reached her farm, and went inside to greet her apple family. "Hey every pony I'm home." Said Apple Bloom. "Hey Apple Bloom, welcome home how was school?" Asked Applejack. "It was good Applejack, we went over math problems today but Twilight said she had something big planned for us at Twilight time, and I can't wait to see what it is. Oh hey where's Big Mac, and Granny Smith?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Oh Big Mac is out bucking some apples, and Granny is upstairs taking a nap. Did Twilight tell you what your gonna learn?" Asked Applejack. "No she didn't say, all she said was it's gonna be a big surprise." Said Apple Bloom as she trotted quickly up stairs too her room, ran in dropped her saddle bag on the floor then ran back down stairs towards the door, to head to Twilight's castle. "Well I'm sure you'll have a hooting time, with Twilight and your friends." Said Applejack. "Me too, oh speaking of Twilight I gotta go see you later sis." Said Apple Bloom. The she quickly trotted out the door, to meet the others at Twilight's castle. "Bye Applejack I'll see you later." said Apple Bloom. "Okay Apple Bloom, you take care and have fun." Said Applejack as she waved a hoof to her sister, as she watched her run off in the horizon. Sweetie Belle had just reach the boutique, and with her magic opened the door and her sister Rarity heard the bell ring and looked to see it was her sister. "Ah Sweetie Belle my darling sister, welcome home how was school?" Asked Rarity she trotted up too her sister, and gave her a hug and nuzzled her cheeks. "It was good Rarity, we learned about math today and now I'm about to go for Twilight time, cause Twilight said there's a important lesson for us today." Said Sweetie Belle she went up stairs, too her room she opened the door and using her magic that she practice so hard on at Twilight time, was able to levitated her saddle bag to her bed. "Oh my well then, you don't want to miss out on that huh darling?" Asked Rarity. "No way Rarity, I better be going I'll see you later." Said Sweetie Belle as she quickly trotted out the door, to get to Twilight's castle to meet Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. "Okay darling, I'll see you when you come home okay." Said Rarity while she waved a hoof, and watch her sister run off in the horizon. "Okay Rarity bye." Said Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo had just reached her house, and went inside once she got in she was greeted by her mom. "Oh Scootaloo, how are you my little filly?" Asked Scootaloo's Mom. she ran up, to see her daughter. "Mom I'm not so little any more, I'm getting bigger." Said Scootaloo. She gave her mom a very big hug. "Ah but you'll always be my little filly, okay." Said Scootaloo's Mom she squeezed her daughter tighter, in their big hug. "Yes mom. Any way school was good, but I'm about too be off too Twilight's castle for a important lesson that she has for us." Said Scootaloo. As she went up stairs too her room, and put her saddle bag down on her bed."Ah well the you'd better be off, you don't want to miss that." Said Scootaloo's Mom she went up to her and gave her a hug, and they rubbed there noses together before seeing her run out the door. "I'll see you later mom, bye." Said Scootaloo. "Bye my little filly, have a great time at Princess Twilight's castle." Said Scootaloo's Mom, as she waved a hoof while watching her little filly running off in the horizon to Twilight's castle. As the Cutie Mark Crusaders met each other along the way, they had made their way to Twilight's castle. "Oooh this is gonna be so exciting, I wander what she has planned for us?" asked Scootaloo as they just arrived at Twilight's castle. They have been in her castle a couple of times before, but this is the first time they had Twilight time here though they went inside to see where Twilight was, they went down the hallway they first looked in the dinner but she wasn't there they looked in her kitchen but she was not there either so they tried the throne room and there she was. "Ah Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo welcome back to my castle how are you?" Asked Twilight as she got off her chair and went to greet them, they all ran up to Twilight to give a group hug that almost knocked her down on the floor she sprouted her wings out for a little bit. The girls hugged her really tightly, they were really happy to see her. "Were doing good Twilight." Said Apple Bloom as she and her friends let go of her in their group hug, and stood back to wait and see what there gonna learn today. "Okay so as you know, I had something planned for you in today's lesson. But first you all have to promise me something." Said Twilight the Crusaders looked at each other, then they looked up to Twilight. "What?" Asked the Crusaders. "I need you guys to promise me that you won't tell any pony of what your about to learn, this is something very important that's gonna help you when you get older so please promise me that you won't tell any pony. I've talked to all your family's about this and they agreed, that it was the right time for you three to learn this so do you promise?" Asked Twilight. The Crusaders looked again at each other with worried looks on their muzzles, they wandered what is that's so important that even there family's already knew before they did but Twilight is a good friend of there's they would never break a promise to her, so they smiled and nodded in agreement and looked at Twilight. "We promise we won't say a word, cross our hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes." said the Crusaders as they did the pinkie promise. (Which as we know never break the pinkie promise.) "well then, follow me to the library." Said Twilight as she led the crusaders to the library, which was down another hallway a couple doors till they reached it they went inside and the Crusaders were surprised at what they saw. There in front of them was a bed, some wired objects that they never seen before, and there was a book that Twilight had out called "learning about sex 101" and there was a picture with that had a stallion trying to climb on the mare from behind. "Uh what is this stuff?" Asked Scootaloo. That got their curiosity real fast, they had never seen anything like that in there lives before. "Uh Twilight, what is this stuff that were gonna learn about?" Asked Sweetie Belle as she looked at Twilight, with a concerned look on her muzzle. "That's a good question Sweetie Belle." Said Twilight as she trotted over to where the bed, the books, and the other stuff too that she was gonna use to help them learn. "What we have here, are very important things indeed they will help with are lesson about sex." Said Twilight. "sex what is that?" Asked the Crusaders, which Twilight expected that they would ask so with a smile on her face she answered them. "Well then take a seat little ones, and I'll explain." Said Twilight and so they did just that, and then she explained. "Ahem Sex is a very important part of how we came to be here, you see it's where two ponies who are in love with each other very deeply, that sometimes they will do other things besides kiss. They would get in bed together, and do things that only your supposed to do when your older. You see when a mare is in heat, she ask her stallion to mate with her, and that's how we bring fillies like you three into this world or if not they would take necessary precautions to make it a safe for both of them." Said Twilight. The Crusaders paid very close attention, to what Twilight was saying to them they were beginning to understand why there family's agreed that Twilight would be the one teach them, the importance's of mating not a single one of them took there attention off Twilight they knew they had to learn this very important lesson for when they get older and fine their special some pony. "What were the precautions, that they would take if they didn't want fillies?" Asked Apple bloom as she leaned her head to left a little bit, with a puzzled looked on her muzzle. "That's a very good question Apple Bloom, the stallions would wear these." Said Twilight as she lifted a box of condoms, in the air with her magic. "These are called condoms, and if the mares, or the stallions didn't want fillies the stallion would put them on their penis and that way the mare won't get pregnant. Now the way the mare would aroused the stallion, is she would turn around and show her private areas to him which is as you know is our marehood, and flankhole." Said Twilight. "How would us showing our private ares, help a stallion I thought they weren't supposed to look there?" Asked Scootaloo while she took her right hoof, and scratch her head wandering how that would as Twilight said "aroused" a stallion. "That is also a very good question, as well Scootaloo. You see the heat that we would give off, our marehood would let the stallion know that were ready to have sex with him, so we'd show him our personal area and he'd would lower he's head to see and we would give a kind of aroma smell, that they can't resists. And that would make their penis grow, and then the mare would help them out a little more." said Twilight. This made Sweetie Belle's ears, perk up a bit she was really intrigue with how that happened. "How did mares do that Twilight, what would we do to help stallions penis get bigger?" Asked Sweetie Belle putting her hoof, on her chin waiting to hear the answer to her question. "Wow all three of you, are fast learners, that makes me happy to know that your taking this seriously. Now to answer your question Sweetie Belle, the way we satisfy a stallion is we take their penis into our mouths we give them a lick, then we suck on them too we also lick and suck their sack to it takes awhile to get use too the taste but it's worth it. The stallions also do the same thing to us, they put their muzzle in our marehood and they lick them too, they will also nibble on our clit to to pleasure us more." said twilight The Crusaders were learning a lot from what Twilight was telling them so far, the more Twilight explained the more understanding of it they were getting. "Now that I've explained it too you, the best I could I want you three to read the book I have out for you it'll also tell you more about it too, and it will also tell you about how mares are into mares or vice versa with stallion into stallion okay and let me know if you need help understanding okay?" Asked Twilight. "Okay thanks Twilight." Said the Crusaders as Twilight went to catch up on her reading, the Crusaders went to take a look at the book she suggested they read so they opened it up and took a look at what it was about. They were fascinated about what they saw, there was some mentioning about what Twilight had told them just a few moments ago about how a mare and a stallion have sex together but there was also a paragraph about how they do it. It mention on a stallion, would put there penis in a mares marehood and how they also can do it in the flankhole too and that was an important thing for them to know to. Sweetie Belle couldn't help but wander, how it feels to have something like that in them it would probably hurt for a first timer so how does it work. She and the other Crusaders kept reading on through the book, till they figured it it's called lubrication which helps them out a lot it'll still hurt them a little bit but it does help when it's your first time having sex. "Wow this is some serious stuff, that were learning ya'll you have too admit it's an interesting thing to learn." Said Apple Bloom as they read the book some more, then they came to the chapter about mares, into mares and stallions, into stallions. The Crusaders were puzzled indeed, they didn't even though that mares or stallions could love on another but as they read the chapter more they realized that any pony can fine love. Weather your into different, or the same gender. "Wow this is amazing stuff." Said the crusaders "Laughing", Twilight heard and looked to see the Crusaders were laughing and smiling she was happy that were willing to, learn of something as important as this it was then that she realized that it might be time to actually for the next part of the lesson. End of chapter-1 > Chapter 2- Apple Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crusaders were still laughing a way, they were learning a lot from this special Twilight time but Twilight figures it's time to teach them the next part of the lesson. So she decided to go tell them, so she got up and went to tell them. "Okay my little ponies, now that you have read and learn from the book and what I have told you. Who wants to actually try it?" Asked Twilight as she trotted over to the Crusaders, she waited for them to respond at first they looked at each other wandering if their ready for this. But they knew they were in good hooves, with Princess Twilight so they looked at her and said. "Yes". Said the crusaders. "Then follow me to the bed, and lets do it." Said Twilight and they did just that. Once the four of them reached the bed, Twilight got on the bed first and laid on her stomach and waved her hoof letting the Crusaders to come towards the bed. The Crusaders obliged and came to the bed, but then Twilight had an idea. "Hold on a minute you three, i have an idea how about we do one at a time that way it'll be more fun and of a good learning experience for you too, so you would like to be first?" Asked Twilight as she looked to see who wants to volunteer to go first, the Crusaders looked at one another to see who will than Twilight got her answer. "I will go first Twilight, I don't mind at all." Said Apple Bloom as she trotted up to the bed, and got on it and waited for Twilight's instruction's. "Very well Apple Bloom, and just relax and it'll be okay alright." Said Twilight Apple Bloom gulped a little bit seeing as this was her first time, then nodded in agreement then Twilight motioned for Apple Bloom to crawl over to her and she did. Then to Apple Bloom's surprise, Twilight leaned in close to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek making her blush a little pink and hide behind her right hoof for a bit she'd never gotten a kiss on the cheek from another pony before let alone a different mare, Twilight chuckled a little she expected as much that they would be a little nervous about this but she removed her hoof from her face and looked at Twilight and nodded again. "Okay Apple Bloom, I'm gonna give you a kiss again only this time it's going to be on your lips okay." Said Twilight Apple Bloom was nervous, but she found her courage and allowed Twilight to go for it and she did she put a hoof on Apple Bloom's chin and she slowly pulled her into her first kiss on her lips. Apple Bloom was indeed very shocked, having her lips touched by Twilight's that made the blush on her cheeks even darker then had ever been before, she was a little scared of what was happening to her for the first time in her life she was actually kissing another mare and she was very surprise indeed of when Twilight pressed her lips on hers and she went along with it. Then Twilight deepened the kiss even more but not too much as to scare Apple Bloom, she eased into it when Apple Bloom was more comfortable now she put her hoof on Twilight's chin to pull her closer together and her tongue went deeper inside in Twilight's mouth, their tongues were swirling around with each other and Twilight could tell Apple Bloom was enjoying herself more, and more she got into but their was a lot more to teach her and the other Crusaders. They kept kissing for a little while longer, then Twilight decided it was time to move on to the next lesson she separated from the kiss leaving a trail of saliva between them then she had a smirk on her face which made Apple Bloom wander what she had planned for her. Then Twilight gently laid her down on her back, and she lowered her mouth and started to lick her neck it tickled Apple Bloom for a little. "Oooh, does some pony have a sensitive neck huh?" Asked Twilight Apple bloom laughed a little, knowing that Twilight had found her very sensitive spot. "Yes it is, sorry about that." Said Apple Bloom her cheeks blushed a little more brighter, she felt a little embarrassed about it. "Their's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's perfectly natural for us to have that very sensitive spot where we don't want any pony to touch." Said Twilight. that made Apple Bloom feel a lot better, knowing that Twilight understood what she was feeling it made her feel relieved indeed. "Thanks, for understanding Twilight." Said Apple Bloom that helped her get the inspiration she needed to continue on, she gave Twilight the approval that she was ready and she did Twilight continued licking her neck it did make her chuckle a little more again but she was able to fight it and eased into it, Twilight went from licking her neck to also do a little peck on her neck too it made Apple Bloom moan a little she was loving every moment of it. Twilight would evening move to the other side of her neck, and would do the same thing she nibbled on it which made Apple Bloom shudder a little she never had her neck nibbled on before it was definitely something very new to her, but when she notice that Twilight was going down a little to her chest she saw that Twilight's horn was just above her and she remembered a paragraph in the book that unicorns love it when their horns are played with so she went for it she brought a hoof up to her horn and gently started rubbing it. Twilight was really surprised, she gasp a little when Apple bloom was playing with her horn she did her best of keeping on task of loving on her chest but it got harder, and harder to do so especially when Apple Bloom took it up a notch and stuck her tongue out and started to lick the tip of it, Twilight was really proud of how much Apple Bloom was learning so far and was catching on real fast too she and the other Crusaders were learning faster than she was teaching it made her shed a little tear down her cheek she was really happy that she could teach them this important lesson when they get older that they'll be ready for it. Apple Bloom started to take in a little of Twilight's horn in her mouth, and sucked on it a little she swirled her tongue in circles this made Twilight moan into her chest as she continued to lick and suck on Apple Bloom's chest while her horn was being pleasured her cheeks were bright pink she was enjoying this very much she couldn't get enough of it she went a little lower to her stomach. Apple Bloom was sucking her horn in, and out in, and out she took on more in her mouth but was careful not to hurt her self on it and bob her head back and forth a little more faster, and faster. Twilight was getting really aroused of what Apple Bloom was doing with her horn, she was getting wetter, and wetter between her thighs the pleasure she was receiving was very enjoyable she was nibbling on Apple Bloom's stomach which made her wiggle a little bit and then Twilight went down to her very small teats she put her hooves on them and started rubbing them this made Apple Bloom open her eyes wide and she took her mouth off Twilight's horn and leaned her head back on the bed. "Oh Twilight that feels really good, please don't stop doing that". Said Apple Bloom "gasp" she couldn't get enough of Twilight rubbing her small teats, she was gasping, moaning, and groaning and even shuddered a little too but then she notice a very smug look on Twilight's face meaning she knew what was coming next. "Oh don't you worry Apple Bloom, as you know there's more coming". Said Twilight "chuckling" Apple Bloom would have ask what was coming next, but she already got her answer she saw Twilight puckered up her lips and leaned down and started to suck on her right teat this made Apple Bloom really squirm and she started to sweat a little, she was real excited on what was happening to her it was hard her to stay still with Twilight sucking her teat she could feel her precum from her marehood she could also tell she was close to cumming. Twilight knew she was close she could smell the precum from Apple Bloom's marehood, and was enjoying the smell of it she was licking small circles on her right teat then she would go to her left teat and nibbled on it sending shivers down Apple Bloom's spine she gave it a kiss then went back to her right teat and did the same thing, then she began to licking rapidly between her teats then went down to her target. She lifted her head up and looked down and she was admired on how Apple Bloom's marehood, and her flankhole looked and she could only imagine how much more beautiful on how her's, Scootaloo's, and Sweetie belle's will look when they get older. "Flip over on your stomach, Apple Bloom and lift your flank high in the air okay." Said Twilight she smirked and and patted on her left flank cheek, Apple Bloom nodded and did what she was told and flipped over on her on her stomach and lifted her flank high in the air to present her flank to Twilight she figured it was time to return the favor when Apple Bloom pleasured her horn it was still lubricated so she decided to give Apple Bloom a nice surprise for her. Twilight slowly stuck her tongue out, and lowered her head to Apple Bloom's marehood she couldn't get enough of the lovely smell of the juices that were leaking out of her marehood. Then Apple Bloom gasp in complete shocked she lifted up her head, her eyes were very wide, she was breathing heave, and her heart was beating very fast when she felt Twilight's tongue touch her marehood for the first time in her life she was speechless she never realize how good it feels when a mare's private area being licked she was liking it very much there was nothing better compared to this wonderful feeling that she has and she didn't want it to end. Twilight was slowly licking up Apple Bloom's marehood, so she could enjoy the pleasure she was giving her the taste was even better than Twilight could ever imagine Apple Bloom was enjoying it more and more then her eyes widening when she felt something pointy and wet rubbing against her marehood when she turned her head to see what it was she was surprised what she saw. She saw Twilight with a smile on her face, was rubbing her horn up and down on her marehood it felt very weird to her she never had a horn rubbed up against her marehood before, it was taking a little to get use to it she also shed a couple of tears but she did the best she could to ease into it which Twilight understood so she was very careful as to not hurt her she she'd sometimes push the tip of her horn in and out of her marehood it would stretch it out a little to get her warmed up. Apple Bloom was beginning to enjoy it now so she decided to help Twilight, out she began to rub her flank in sync with Twilight's horn to get in the swing of things Twilight was happy that Apple Bloom was getting into it now she pushed her horn in a little deeper now she was enjoying the feeling of Apple Bloom's juices on her horn. Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were enjoying sitting on the floor and rubbing their marehood's, they were getting very excited watching Twilight and Apple Bloom having a good time and they just couldn't wait for their turns but they were patient and waited for their turn. Twilight pushed her horn a little more deeper in Apple Bloom's marehood, she pulled it in and out, in and out to give her such good pleasure she heard gasping, groaning , and moaning and seeing Apple bloom enjoying herself very much but it was about to come to an end. "Grunting ah Twilight I feel funny, like I'm about to cum." Said Apple Bloom she was getting very close, to her first cum that she ever had. "That's okay Apple Bloom, your doing a very good job just let it go moaning okay." Said Twilight. Apple Bloom nodded and did what Twilight said, with one last thrust she came on Twilight's horn she squirted a lot and it even landed on Twilight's face and she was able to catch some on her tongue as well. "Oh wow I'm very impress Apple Bloom, you did a very good job I'm so proud of you and it tastes good". Said Twilight, slowly and carefully taking her horn out of Apple Bloom's marehood. "Aww thanks Twilight but your the one me, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle have to thank you for teaching us this lesson to help us when we get older". Said Apple Bloom. "Well it's not over yet, there's still more to do". Said Twilight as she surprised Apple Bloom, by using her tongue to lick from the clit of her marehood up to her flankhole she heard a loud gasp from her letting her know that she really loved that, Apple Bloom began licking Twilight's stomach up and down to give her some pleasure as well she also nibbled a little bit as well. Twilight moaned in her flankhole, she loved the feeling of Apple Bloom pleasuring her stomach she pushed her tongue in deeper and swirled it around in circles, this made Apple Bloom gasp she lifted her head up real fast. Twilight really hit the spot on that one, she continued licking circles in Apple Bloom's flankhole, it was really tight which Twilight just loved then she started to bobed her head in and out, in and out Apple Bloom was doing the best she could to concentrate on Twilight's stomach, but it was getting very difficult to do that with her receiving so much good pleasure from twilight. "Oh Twilight that feels so good, please don't stop it feels too good." Said Apple bloom not wanting this to end, she love doing this so much but then she notice that Twilight pulled her tongue out. "I know you don't want it to end, but don't worry there's more to come but don't you think it's time for one of your friends turn." Said Twilight as she and Apple Bloom looked over to where Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were getting more anxious for there turn and that's when Apple bloom realized that Twilight was right it was time for their turn so she nodded in agreement and got off of Twilight and crawled over to the other side of the bed. "Good girl Apple bloom, so who wants to be next?" Asked Twilight, looking at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo on the floor to see who will volunteer to be next for her new lesson. End of chapter-2