Hearts in the Clouds

by Ink Script

First published

Vinyl Scratch has recently shaken off Discord's corruption, and while walking a mountain trail Synth Pop, the girl that helped her out of the pit, she cannot restain a most urgent gratitude.

Vinyl Scratch used to be the Element of Mockery, spreading belittlement, disorder and Chaos magic in the Human World for Discord, until she met Synth Pop, an aspiring DJ in her own right. Synth Pop changed Vinyl against the odds and the two began a relationship. In this story, Synth Pop has taken Vinyl to the higher parts of Mt. Canterlot, but has underestimated the length of the trail and worse, the weather. Soaking in the rain with her, Vinyl can't restrain a persistent urge to show a bit of her thankfulness.

Chapter 1

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Sure enough, Synth Pop was wrong. They had walked the winding trails of Mt. Canterlot for an hour, underbrush caressing the legs of their jeans, and then sure enough, a cloud rolled over the mountain, and in minutes, the cool grey of the afternoon filled with globs of rain all around, and when her guide realized, she turned and looked down behind her sunglasses. "V-Vinyl ... I am v-very sorry! I-I thought that the spring was m-much closer and -- "

"Hey, don't sweat it. I got my phone in a sandwich bag in my pocket and the rest of our stuffs in the car. Little rain isn't hurting anything, Synthy!"

"A-Are ... are you sure?"

"Eh, I guess we should turn back just in case! Can't exactly kick back with you if we're sick as dogs, or heck, we just won't have as much fun!" Sure enough, Synth Pop blushed, her hair straightening and clinging to her sunglasses in soaking strands. It was all kind of a tricky trip, but ... least she got that blush outta her ... maybe she could get more ...

Synth led them back down the trail, the whole seeming world around them filling with cold, tree-smelly water. It soaked through her sneakers in a minute, which wasn't the funnest feeling ... then it soaked through the shoulders of her hoodie. It may the air inside cold and damp even though her shirt and her stomach did a funny little twitch at the first seeping drops that made it to her. Definitely good they were headed back to Synth's old cop car, but hey, no worries. She watched Synth instead of thinking about herself. For once, Synth was in a pair of jeans, and wore Vinyl's red-plaid flannel jacket, which started to glisten and cling to her. A memory of their voices crept into Vinyl's thoughts.

'Vinyl ... w-why do you want me to wear this?'

'Rules of sex, sweetie ~ You go home wearing something of mine at this point, and I stay here wearing something of yours.'

'U-Um ... why?'

'Your shirt smells like that purple flower detergent and this little cute sweet scent you just happen to make ...'

Vinyl stumbled a little on a loose dead stick in the path and almost fell, but she didn't really bother to look at the ground. The jacket was heavy on Synth's narrower shoulders, contouring them exactly, the back of the collar gone heavy and revealing a strip of the girl's pale neck. Something in her head felt light, and it made her defenseless with the rain soaked through the thickest seams of her jeans and the cool damp reached her. For an innocent, absentminded moment, she thought about how annoying it was to peel off soaked socks and jeans, and her mind naturally thought about what the task would entail, then she immediately felt pressure at her chest and looked down. Her girlfriend's jeans were also clinging on, and she stared. Synth's butt wasn't bony, but it was a small little tush with just enough hip and shape that Vinyl could grab it just right and feel the ripple of surprise through the skin, the goosebumps. Maybe when we get back to her place, she thought, she could peel those jeans off ... maybe Synth's mom was out on the beat and she could make Synth get loud ... or they'd be too tired to do much of anything than dry off and go to bed ... that'd suck.

Synth gave a little stumble, and Vinyl stopped, at first to make sure she didn't need to get out the magic and keep her from tumbling, but then secondly to make sure she herself didn't stumble. The shoelaces on Synth's own sneakers got soaked, long, and floppy, and she walked to a tree at the side of the trail, and leaning against it with a palm, poked the laces into her shoe along the ankle and arch of her foot. Vinyl clenched her fist, nails digging a little into her palm, and strode forward, directly behind her, and put her soaked arms around her from behind, her hands trailing down and resting on the buckle of Synth's belt. "H-Hey ..." She could only get a trembling voice out as the rain peppered every leaf, rock, and patch of earth around them.

"I-I ... I need to take a break or something ..." ... Synth turned her head.

"Y-Yes ... this terrain could strain your ankle ..."

"N-Naww, not l-like that ... j-just ... um ... listen out for anybody coming with those ears of yours, and I-I'll keep an eye out."

"Wh-What? V-Vinyl, wh-what --" And as Vinyl pulled the collar back and kissed that patch of neck, she tasted the rain on it, the warmth, and Synth gasped. VInyl leaned and brought her hips against Synth's and as Synth leaned forward, she supported their weight on the tree.

After a minute of licking, kissing, and running her teeth over that soft pale, she looked over Synth's shoulder and kissed her cheek, again tasting the rain, tasting her skin. Vinyl looked down the length of the front of Synth, the flannel clinging up front as well. The shorter girl's breasts ... god those breasts, small but not a damn bigger than they needed to be, the curve of them ... how many nights did Vinyl wake up pull off the covers, and just caress the underside of them as softly as possible until Synth stirred. Once, she got lucky and Synth woke up and thinking Vinyl was asleep, started to touch herself right there, thinking she wasn't being heard, her voice impossibly soft and nervous ... touch ... Vinyl's heart began to hammer, and still with her eyes over Synth's shoulder, looked past those breasts to the flannel clinging to Synth's tummy ... she gasped at her own thought and what she was going to do next ... if somebody was around, they'd just have to get over it and walk along. She wasn't going to stop this for a cop, let alone some power-hiker bozo.

She reached down, pressed her hand flat on her petite girlfriend's tummy, and Synth must've read her move, because she let out a sigh that Vinyl knew was nothing more than a moan the shy girl was pulling the leash on. Vinyl pulled the jacket a little up, pulled out the slack in Synth's belt and unbuckled it, and as Vinyl started to pinch the top button on Synth's jeans loose, the first little moan got free. "V-Vinyl ... ahh ..." Vinyl got the button undone and pinched the tiny handle on Synth's zipper, but kept still through a pause.

"Y-Yeah? U-Um ... th-this is okay, right? I p-promise I'm keeping a lookout." Synth didn't say anything more, just reached back behind her and between them, and with her hand shaking, desperately tugged and pinched at the button on Vinyl's jeans. Not yet! No, Vinyl was going to make sure that Synth's desperation got worse, even though she was warming and warming. She pulled down the zipper and looked down to the sight of Synth's panties ... black ... always black. Her pale tummy above twitched at the sudden air, the trickling of water streaming down and under the band of the underwear.

Vinyl felt her way under that band with her fingers and lifted outwards an inch. In the grey there was still enough of a soft glow to the world that she followed the trickles of water all the way down to where the rolled under Synth, along the softest, warmest parts of her. Synth continued to fumble, and as Vinyl pressed her lap into Synth's little shapely rear, Synth finally got the button free. Oh, not yet! Vinyl needed this to be her her lead, to be something she said to show Synth that maybe trails and hiking weren't her thing, but -damn- did she love that Synth chose her to bring. Vinyl's fingers stayed along the limits of the front of Synth's panties under her hand was under Synth. Synth yanked Vinyl's own zipper down.

Vinyl then gently curled her middle finger upwards, caressing the rain-cold, rain-damp petals clinging together. Synth took a dragging, deep gasp and spread her stance just a little, and the first hint of warmth radiating on Vinyl's fingertip. She gently curled her finger again, and this time, Synth parted for her, her petals as Spring-soft and Summer-warm as Vinyl had ever come to love about them, and Synth moaned out, forcing her rear hard against Vinyl's front. God, Vinyl thought. How did anybody -breathe- through this?! Taking half a dozen breaths, she massaged back and forth, and Synth just got softer and softer. On the ground, Synth's right heel raised and started twitching up and down in a fast beat, and before Synth could even begin to take the lead back, Vinyl eased her finger inside, and a shiver ran through her girlfriend's entire body, and she gave a little twist to her hip, squeezing on Vinyl. At the same time, Synth's own fingers quaked their way down Vinyl's own panties, and her touch was so cold and damn that Vinyl let our a shiver and gasp over her own, especially when she frantically started to rub Vinyl. "FFFFFuck, ah!"

I'm taking you! I'm taking you. Let me take you! Vinyl pushed her hips back into Synth's and still watching the watch stream down Synth's fragile, perfect, needing skin, brought her finger out and then slipped it in again, and again, and again, and when Synth kept restraining her herself, Vinyl took a gasp pulled Synth's chin up with her other hand, and started to carefully scrape her teeth over the skin, then suck on it hard. "Damn it I-I j-just ... half the time I want to fucking cry on you and the other half I AAAH!"

Trying to talk, trying to get the pounding of her heart out, Synth slipped herself in and with that pianist stretch of her hand, continued to rub Vinyl with her thunb. "V-Vinyl ... V-V-Vinyl ... j-just have me r-right now ... don't ... nnnnUGH! D-Don't stop!" In the back of her mind, Vinyl laughed. So this is what it took to make Synth use contractions in her talking ...

Why her? It was the answer she wanted more than anything in the damn world, and no matter how many times Synth told her, kissed the words into her, sung the words to her as they were intertwined in the dark, Vinyl just didn't get it. It didn't make her angry ... it never did. But if there was no fucking reason for their girl to love her, then it punched at Vinyl like the first beat of a salvo of bass. She loved sex ... fuck, it was amazing! But it wasn't just the growling she was letting out as something tightened more and more inside. It wasn't in the joy of putting the soaked flannel collar over Synth's shoulder to protect her before she bit down on it. It was just that she couldn't figure Synth out and for every time she looked to Vinyl with so much damn trust and held her close, for every time she had a dip back into the bad thinking and Synth woke and she cried too ... and the damn love that Vinyl got for no good reason. She had to do this. She had to make this angel call out to every heaven she could describe in that shy voice made to sing.

And then at once Synth Pop did sing out, her back arched against Vinyl as Vinyl kept herself inside as Synth rode her out through the waves, and as her own release came, she simply continued to bite and keep her quiet, trying not to focus on herself as she squeezed on Synth's limber hand with her thighs. And then she loosened her bite for a moment, the two only caught up in their breaths, still inside each other, but hands still. The rain rolled down from their eyes, cheeks, and dripped from their chins, and it rolled down both of them, turning into warm, soft dew. It wouldn't be a crying night or a crazy-sex night. They'd have a shower together, and hair damp, they'd flop on the bed. The tails would come free and curl around each other, and nothing, nothing would separate their skin under the covers. Synth would whisper poetics in her ear and Vinyl would end up focusing on their tummies presses together. In the rain, Vinyl let another piece of her regrets go, leaking from her eyes and in disguise of rain, streaking down her girlfriend's breast.