Darkness Of Our Souls

by Mekhanori

First published

Everypony holds hatred in their hearts, one way or other. What happens when the hatred rises?

Everypony holds hatred in their hearts, one way or other. What happens when the hatred decides to take over? How can you stop your own feelings against yourself? Who can you trust now?

Light-shippings, Sad, Dark, Adventure fic.


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Twilight's Library- Now

Nopony should be late! Twilight though as she paced nervously around the library, each hoofstep in timing with the ticking off the clock. That didn't help her to stay cool. Her friends promised to met with her almost an hour ago and there was still no sign of anypony, not even Spike was in here!

The unicorn stopped dead in her tracks as the though came up. Spike wasn't in the house either. She didn't considered that at first, she was too occupied arranging the details for the picnic that she didn't bother to check over at the young dragon. She let out a weary sigh as she plopped down on her bed and began to scan over the room. Her eyes caught the instrument she was looking for, she was tired of pacing over and over her room hence she wasn´t in a mood to walk over there nor even wanting to teleport for the sake of standing up once again for something that didn't required to stand up, so with a low effort she reluctantly snatched the phone from its base using her magic.

She frowned at the object between her hooves. The telephone wasn't something new in Equestria but not everypony was granted with it until a few months back. With another endeavor of her magic she picked up the agenda over the nightstand and searched for her friend's phone numbers. Maybe they were still at home or maybe they just got some issues in their way here, after all it’s not like something really bad could happen in a pacific place as Ponyville, right? ...never mind... If they indeed got some trouble she at least had something to do with them and not be tucked inside her house doing nothing productive...


No responses. Nopony answered the calls. The unicorn grew anxious and slightly fearful at the lack of communication as she hung up at her last contact, Rarity. Her friends didn't answered her calls, or in other cases, not even the relatives that were supposed to live with them and Spike hasn't arrived yet from whatever he had gone out in the first place!.

As she rolled onto her back she fell down with a loud thud as she had reached the bed's limit, she got up fastly and dusted her coat off in case she felt over or broke something, nothing thankfully. Just in time a knock was heard down the stairways. "That must be Spike, Finally somebody is alive at least!" The unicorn said rather a bit loudly and with a certain tone of mockery about the situation. As she made her way down toward the door the knocking became louder and, if it could be said, sounded anxious just as the voice that called the unicorn's name, "Twilight!, Twi~! Is somepony there? Open the door please!” Twilight recognized the boyish tone and indeed as she predicted it was just Spike; Twilight opened the front door of the library with her magic letting the baby dragon inside the house. As he entered, he quickly shut the door closed and laid his back at the door keeping it closed panting slightly. The unicorn just stared at the young dragon as he remained immobile still panting and pressing his back against the door.

When the panting subsided and he let himself slide down sitting in the floor as the enemy -as he though- was gone, Twilight took a step forward and decided to ask what happened, but before being able to open her mouth to interrogate the young dragon interrupted first, "Twi, what? Uhh, are you okay? I though you wouldn't be here when I remembered about your picnic and I- uhh I... ahh~!" the young dragon slapped his forehead at his lack of words and stuttering, something Twilight found a bit hilarious, but he continued, "Ohh yeah, I remember now!" He snapped his fingers as he took a scroll and handed it to the unicorn, "I need you to sign this! don't ask why, just do it so I can-" Twilight snatched the scroll Spike's claws before finishing and read trough it, puzzled expression in her face, "If you only need this, then why did you come as if a giant meteor is falling at you?" Twilight smirked waving the scroll as trying to make a graphic explanation; Spike just glared at her but kept his mood and replied, "Ohh, hehe I just got in some trouble with the crusaders... now they are after my head..." Scratching the back of his head he turned to take a look at the other side of the door, "hehe, I lost them back at Sugarcube corner", Twilight suppressed an eye roll and signed Spike's mysterious scroll but before handing it back she scolded, "This is the last time I'm signing this, ok?, I mean, it’s the fifth time this week and-!" before Twilight continued with the scolding she grabbed Spike before he could take a step outside. Lifting him in the air she asked, "Do you have any idea where is everypony? I have call their numbers but no one replies, I'm getting kind of worried now" he dragon just shrugged, "Sorry Twi, I though you would be with them actually,", unsatisfied with the answer she seated him back on the ground and turned over to grab her saddlebag, "Maybe Applebloom, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo know something, but I ain't gonna take that risk, they are still mad at me...", "Well, maybe I should go ask them or look at their homes, they can't just disappear without trace, thanks anyway Spike" Twilight smiled at him "You're welcome!, well see you later then" Spike waved at her and turned back outside.

Twilight sighed, now she was really worried her friends weren't at home she knew already or otherwise they must have replied to her calls, and if she asked to the CMC and they didn't knew either she was going to make them worry and that wasn't gonna be very helpful…*RING* “uhh?” before thinking further, Twilight’s thoughts were cut down by a loud noise, “The phone!” Twilight strode back to her room looking desperately for the device as it kept ringing, Twilight answered just before the last ringing, she didn't got time to check who it was but recognized it after the few words that were spoken, rather loudly, "TWILIGHT?! TWILIGHT!", said unicorn turned away from the earpiece due to the loud noise but replied, a bit shocked, "Fluttershy? what happened? what's going on?!" she waited for the response, at the lack of it she strained her ears to catch any sound that could come

She heard noise indeed. Ripping and crashing noises and steady breaths accompanied by a hurried panting that resolved into a pained mumbling "What are you?" and then a wail," Wait! No, no, no, please leave him! Please..." Fluttershy's nervous cries resounded in Twilight's ears and replied before thinking, "YOU! WHOEVER YOU ARE, LEAVE HER ALONE!" Twilight snarled at the invisible enemy at the other side of the line, before she realized her mistake, a loud thump was heard on the other side and a smirk was also heard as it mumbled onto the phone, "Problem solved", it was Fluttershy's voice, but sounded, different?.

Before the unicorn could ask who was once again, a crash was heard and the line went dead. Twilight dropped the phone away and made her way towards Fluttershy's cottage ignoring as the passing ponies that greeted her on the way. Something was definitely wrong.

Indeed, something was really wrong now...

Fluttershy's Cottage- 1 Hour before

Fluttershy´s POV

Today we are having a picnic with my friends once again, Ohh it always lovely to spend time with them but... Ultimately our dating are being disturbed by different, umm, circumstances, and we don't get to have a good amount of time together as we plan. But I'm not angry about it, I understand there is always going to be some, problems, but, I just wish those didn't happen at all, I hate it, NO!, I shook my head at that word. I don't hate, I just dislike it, yeah! I just dislike it, maybe if there weren't so many issues that required our help, that would be nice, and we could spend more time together, more time with Rarity... That though makes me smile, Rarity has always been so nice with me, she supports me when I'm in doubt or in trouble she was one of the first ponies I met, after Rainbow Dash of course. She is, a special friend for me, everypony is a special friend for me, but, she has something else...

As I finish my tasks for today, Angel and I return to our home to get ready for the picnic. We still have an hour to get ready, but it’s always easier when we don't procrastinate and leave everything for the last minute.

I pick up some the recently prepared salads and some beverages and set them inside the basket. Though I'm in charge for half of the food this time, there is not so much to do actually we spend more time in talking about our happenings, sometimes a few food competitions and pranks with the food, in which I don't like to participate in of course, not at all.... So, umm, I will start with the rest of the lunch better... I let out a soft sigh as my cheeks redden a bit at the memory. Ohh Celestia that was embarassing...

Some minutes later, maybe a half hour - I don't have a really good sense of time- I decide to take a brief walk before leaving, maybe check out some of my friends and see if they are ready too, but, something is wrong. As I open the door something its a little odd, I start to feel some uneasyness with what I'm seeing. A pony, thats looks as a copy of myself, at first I thought it was a changeling -I mean they are the only ones I know who can make exact copies of a pony- but as I inspected its body and reached the eyes I saw something completely different, the only distinction mark between us are the eyes, its eyes... are red, but not a soft poppy red or a bold carmine red as I have seen. This are different, a sick, deadly crimson, blood red eyes, they burn my soul by just staring at them for long but also feel so cold it gives me chills...

I turn my head back a little, not taking my eyes off the body but avoiding contact with those eyes, the replica looks at me almost in the same way but instead of wearing a nervous glance as me it wears a sinful smirk. It scares me, a lot. I'm unable to speak the words in my mind and somehing inside me tells me -or in other words, pleads me- to don't say anything so as the remaining option I step back ín cowardice and bring myself to just close the door shut, but as I move backwards it takes a step forward until it corners me to the nearest edge of my home still looking at me with those burning yet freezing eyes, the smirk doesn't leaves its face, instead it grows bigger and watches down at me as a predator watches down at its prey, I feel so cornered as if there is no more ways to go, but there is plenty!. I could fly over it at rush to get help from my friends but my wings -no, all my body- its full paralyzed in place, as the only vital part of my body -my eyes- look hurriedly over the place. I try to calm my vision down shutting my eyes closed.

I open them again after a few seconds as my body loses some of the tension. I kept telling myself that everyhing was just an hallucination and everything was fine, it worked.

But it wasn't for long.

The eyes were still looking at me but I wasn't cornered anymore, I was just standing in front of the replica as I was just a few moments ago. After brief seconds I realized that I didn't moved at all. I decided to speak up now but before I began the replica just smirked at me and said "Ohhh you face was just as I imagined" with an amused tone.

There was something in the atmosphere, it felt wrong, something was going to happen and I didn't understood if it had something to do with this presence, the way it laughs at me or the burning yet bone-chilling eyes and the vision just a few moments ago. I can't look anymore at the replica so I take a step back and proceed to close the door -probably that way it will go away, thought I don't think it will be that easy...-, but as I move back it steps forward "Awww, are you scared Boss?" 'Boss'?, that's strange I don't know somepony that looks like me, and if it is a changeling it has no reason to talk to me as if I was it's boss, because Chrysalis is their leader, no?. "I don't know you" I reply with a shaky voice, my body is trembling with uneassyness and the strange feeling in the atmosphere worsens as if the temperature just fell a few degrees, it feels colder.

And as the temperature drops, the replica's smile also drops being replace with a frown, "You never acknowledge me you are just to ignorant to accept yourself. Accept me", each word helds a feeling of bitterness in them, it makes me feel terrible inside though I don't really know this being. It takes a step further so I take a step back shrinking at its gaze and adds with a snarl "Well ignorance is bliss after all, I can't blame you for that", I gulp at those words, Im starting to feel like in that vision. I want to push it away, I need to get out no matter what, that's what my brain tells -pleads, yells- me to do but my body refuses and just continues to retreat in fear.

"Listen here Boss" She speaks again, "If you just retreat this isn't going to be funny at all" It talks with a serious tone, I can't keep looking at it for more than mere seconds but I force myself to reply "What do yo want from me?", the smirks returns to its face, "I need...." it takes a step back, "YOU!" it jolts over at me with that devilish smile printed in her face. I react inmediatly and move away from the spot, just in time before it stomps me down. The sudden movement makes me stumble slightly but I take it for advantage and continue towards the door, now my body obeyed my brain!, the relief was short lived as its body shoveed me aside with an unnatural force that crashed me at the nearest wall, my body shuddered in pain as the back collided against the wall and the full weight of it fell over my left wing making a crushing noise, I'm not sure if it was from the wall or from myself or probably both. I stretch the wing to verify, Thanfully it isn't broken but still hurts to flutter it. So, flying is discarded now...

The replica looked unfazed at my condition as it brushes away some dust from the impact, it leers at me and prepares to charge again but this time I try to fight it away. I'm not too strong but that's the only thing I can do if I want to get away now that I´m cornered...

I take a step forward. Something arises inside me, I'm not too familiar -yet a bit known- with the feel nor I feel content with it. The rush of strength -maybe adrenaline- that takes my body in 'those' times. It makes me forget the danger, takes away the fear and replaces it with something I don't really want to take, yet it forces me to advance against the struggle in my mind.

Before I can shut the nagging feeling away I found myself pushing the replica away, my hooves against her shoulders and hers against mine. We remain like this for some time -I don't know nor care how much-. She pushes forward as I do, I take dominance now and then, but it's continuously non-durable. I clench my teeth as my body strains itself against the replica's force. Of course I'm overwhelmed, still hurt from the earlier impact and fearfull of what can happen, but still trying to battle away.

...I hate this feeling...

As I think that back, the replica seems to gain more strength and pushes strongly against me making me lose step and fall backwards, now it holds me down onto the floor. My back legs take the chance and unconsciously kick the replica away, it seems surprized as I am at the unforeseen movement.

I take the chance and get up as fast as possible. As I take a glance at the replica recovering from the attack I barely give a view at the clock hanging over the wall, 1 hour?! I have been fighting with this for so long that I forgot about Twilight and everypony else! How are they-. My mind is interrupted at the ringing sound of the phone over the table, I turn my head, but realized my mistake and turned back at the spot where the replica was supposed to be. It was gone!.

I didn't knew if this was a matter of relief or utter fear, until an ominous laugh was heard all over the place I tried to locate the source of the sound but I couldn't catch it until it was late...

The replica was hovering over me and before I could move away it moved downwards and stomped me burying my body with the same strength as the first impact, I shrieked in pain as it's weight pressed me down. The phone kept ringing and the replica kept pushing me deeper in the ground, I swear I could almost hear it's laughing at my pain and see it's face contorted in amusement. It feels like that for more until my body gives in and stops briefly due to the lack of energy.

I feel the replica's weight being lifted away from me and, with some of the few strength I have left I take a glance and watch intently as Angel fights the replica away. He is small so he can move faster and scratches the replica's face, the replica tries to fight him away but it seems it has a hard time doing so. A smile slips across my face at his attempts to help me.

I try to wake up but my body still aches and I'm not sure if I can take another blow from the replica's in this condition, then I remember about the phone, my condition wasn't at its best not even average, and I didn't knew for how much Angel could resist there. It was now or never!, just a swift movement and maybe I could reach the table, it was harder to do that say though, but with enough effort I managed to move at least a few inches. Not enough but at least something, I frown at my own meekness but put more effort again waking up this time.

The progress was slow and slightly painful but I'm able to reach the table in less time that I expected. But as how the events have turned on this day my relief was temporary once again, I glanced at the battling in front of me and see something, unexpected. The replica was still battling Angel away, just like before, but every hit it gets from him is quickly healed leaving no trace of injury; At first I thought that Angel wasn't hurting the replica so bad, but by experience I could say that his hits could be pretty hurtful and certainly left bruises that didn't fade so easy, it was strange.

I let it pass and focus again at the device, and start dialing worring little of everything else. The phone connects to the other line, one, two, three times and still-... Twilight!"TWILIGHT, TWILIGHT!" that became louder than I expectedand was a big mistake...

The replica turns at me, still struggling with Angel but, "ENOUGH!" as the words leave its mouth it headbutts with the back of its head and throws him away, with my eyes focused on his falling it charges at me but I skip it just in time and start with a low trot towards another room -the kitchen being the nearer one- supported with a flutter of my not-so-injured wing still with the device close to my chest. The replica chases after me now with a light of pure anger at me -I don't watch directly to the eye but it's feelings are too strong I can feel it in the shortened space between us- . Angel approaches just in time before it brings down another blow at me and their battling resumes.

I turn my head away just for seconds to reply at least properly but now both bodies colapse towards mine making our three bodies break the kitchen door in half, at the impact the phone slides out of my grip and my body is fully paralyzed by pain again, some tears make their way across my face as I can't stand for more injuries to be taken. I shot a glance at the remaining bodies, Angel's body is awfully wounded -probably got wooden remains stuck on his fur due to the impact- and doesn't move but the unsteady ups and down risings of his chest indicate that he is still alive, not dead. The same couldn't be said of the replica. It was on its feet in less than a minute, brushing away residues of wood from the door just as if nothing had happened!

It grabs Angel by the ears, his limp body hanging without reaction.

"What are you?" I can't take it anymore! its face -my face- its mocking smile -my... smile...- It makes me, dislike. It makes me hate. It makes me...


"No, no, no! please leave him, please!" My voice cracks as the tears flow down my face but I don't care anymore. This thing is hurting me, my chest burns with the growing of hatred towards it. I want it to stop, no mattter in which way I just want it to stop!. But doesn't seems to be a way to do it now. It's useless-

"YOU! WHOEVER YOU ARE, LEAVE HER ALONE!" Twilight's voice. She is angry too, even if she hasn't look at it's eyes, she knows -or at least hears- how I feel, but that doesn't help now. I needed help time ago, now its useless...

The replica glances at the phone besides me a frown is visible, it's not as fierce as before, but it's still cold yet burning -and it hurts...-. I'm too tired and wounded to at least turn away, too tired to even look as how it throws Angel away carelessly crashing his body in the process. I'm too tired now too actually care if it decides to kill me or not.

The last thing my conciousness lets me know is another crashing sound and some muffled words. With a last -I think it's the last one, I hope it is...- hit at my forehead, my body looses away the lasts bits of power in it, but it doesn't hurt anymore. Everything goes black, but I don't care anymore. There is no way I can-....


Everything went black.