> A Diamond in the Rough > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To the Empire: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have bought a ticket for you from Ponyville to the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence will pick you up at the station!” Filthy Rich had pointed out, just a week before the summer break was due. Thank you, Father!” I responded, while a new smile was growing on my face. “You are quite welcome, Diamond. The time you are to spend with the Princess will do you some good!” he responded. Of course I still have several more days of school, before the semester is up. Yet, the pride and joy of his words still warms me up, shining through the smile on my face. He had made the announcement, just after I had gotten home from school the day before. Not that I had forgotten about it, but I had not mentioned it to any Pony just yet. I had intended to let on to my close friend, Silver Spoon the day before we were supposed to board the train, just after school I had imagined this would make the most out of it, giving the effect I had expected. To my surprise, Silver Spoon had not shown any sign of joy. She had not been told of the trip. On Thursday, she still was just as gloomy as usual, even if she was starting to warm up, but that was merely the summer she was looking forwards to. Whatever her father had planned for her. Her plans clashed with mine, but I was not yet told of it. “Silver Spoon, why are you so gloomy?” I had inquired as I sat down in my chair, before the first class of the Friday morning. “I have nothing to do. Every foal will leave the village, so I will be alone!” she muttered sourly. “I thought you were going to follow me on the ride to the Crystal Empire. Your father did not tell you?” I pondered distraught. “No. As a matter of fact, he told me that I was to stay in Ponyville!” she answered. She was looking down. First now, I realised what it all meant. I was to go alone. Silver Spoon was not to go with me, not even Filthy was going there. This did change everything. Yet, it was too late to protest, or refuse, I had promised him to go. Of course I had tried to console her, she is after all my friends. Thinking back, all these moments we had shared. All the fun we had had together. I can’t just forget all of it and leave her behind. Yet, when my father had told me I was to go to the Crystal Empire, I had promised him that I was going. I had been happy and looked forwards to it. I had thought I was to have my friend with me. School had been quiet, every Pony was looking forwards to the moment we were to head out and leave the building. Going out and play. The prospect of not having school to be back to for several weeks, the entire summer. I can’t blame them. It is what we all had been looking forwards to, for weeks now. Even if my mood had changed drastically, the last few days. I had rushed straight home from school and picked up my tickets and slipped my saddle bags on. I had been packing them from the day I was told of the trip. Slipping in what I had been told, or expected to need. Day by day, I had filled my saddle bags. Now they are filled up, ready to go. “I am going to the station!” I announced as I closed the door behind me, trotting along the street towards the station. The road is nice, we live in the better part of town, after all. It wasn’t all that far to the station. As I arrive, I could see the train waiting. As I enter the train, then sit down I realise it was going to stand still for a few more minutes. I present my ticket, just as the train starts to move. I feel the train pick up speed as I sit down comfortably, even if I am not quite as comfortable as I had been expected the last few days. Going alone, without my friend was taking its toll. The trip to the Empire is long, taking several hours. I had enjoyed a sandwich after about an hour. Then I had had enough time to have a burger and hay fries, before the train stopped at the station at the Crystal Empire. Just as I slipped off of the train, I could clearly see Cadence waiting for me. She had known exactly what door I was to exit and had been sitting comfortably, just a few steps away. She spotted me almost instantaneously, when I stepped off of the train, wearing my saddle bags and nothing more. Once I had arrived at her castle, I could change into something more fitting for the big city. Befitting Royalty, she had a cab awaiting, a mere minute from the station. “Greetings, Diamond Tiara, and welcome to the Crystal Empire!” she greeted me on the spot as she set eyes on me. “Greetings, Cadence. Nice to see you!” I responded. “Right this way. I know the trip has been long, so we can relax when you get to your room. Besides, I have prepared something for you to wear!” she continued, smiling back at me. Thanks!” I responded, trying on a brave smile, she had after all taken the time to see me from the station in person. Maybe this was something I could have expected from Twilight Sparkle, but since I don’t know Cadence well enough, I had not expected quite as much from her. I had no idea, as to what she had planned for me, what I was to be doing the entire summer. The ride from the station had been quiet, she had not asked me anything. I guess she saved it, to when we were safely at her castle, in privacy and quiet. I guess I do appreciate this, at least. --- --- --- > A Day with Cadence: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”I guess your attire made due, for a filly coming to the big city, but for a filly who is with a Princess of the Empire, you need something different!” I pointed out. “Does this mean you take me to the Royal tailor, Princess Cadence?” Diamond Tiara inquired with some hope to her voice and a weak smile on her face. “I am afraid that can not be helped my dear filly. Since you will be seen together with me, I need you to wear something appropriate, a suit befitting a young Princess, not a mere country filly, such as you are looking now!” I pointed out with a sly smile over my face. “I guess I can bear with it. It isn’t as if I see the actual tailor all that often, even if I may have a rather large wardrobe, back home!” she responded, looking up at me. “To see your tailor isn’t required, unless you actually need something new. Today, you do need to see him!” I prompted with a genuinely compassionate smile. “That sounds fair. I could fit a few more suits in that wardrobe, even if I would rarely use them, unless it is a very special occasion. Seeing a Princess should be more than enough special!” she returned. “There are just four of us, at this time!” I pondered, knocking the door to the tailor. “Enter!” came the deep male voice of a large stallion, the tailor I had promised. The door slowly opened before us, the stallion was inside, awaiting us. Of course I had expected it, I was giving away a set of suits for her as a small enticer in order for her to be more inspired and enthusiastic towards the lessons I had to give her. I just never let on before hand, or told her of it. For now, I felt it would be more effective if she did not know. Never lifting as much as an eyebrow to let on to indicated in either direction. Being special was fine and all; it would have been embarrassing, not to, just as she had said before. Yet, the radiance was fading now. Maybe it could have been just fine, if she had been just a little less special? She dared not utter a sound to indicate, or even complete the sentence of the thought in her head. This isn’t something sitting well with her, she wasn’t comfortable with it. Of course, some thoughts are never to be uttered or expressed in any manner. Dressing thoughts in word or actions made them no more real, but it drew consequences out of the dark corners of reality. If you don’t know that you are certain that you will enjoy and appreciate the consequences, you may as well stop the thought before you finish it, let alone word them or act upon them. These things one learns, just more acutely, if you are in the center of things and see yourself as special in any manner of ways. “When things depend on the presentation, you can as well dress for the part. Some Pony told me that you need some guidance!” I put forth. “That some Pony can only be one of very few Ponies. Let me guess. If it isn’t Celestia or Twilight Sparkle, there is just Pinkie Pie left!” she responded. “I do listen to my fellow Princesses. There are only three four of us, so that is easy. Apparently, Luna got a good glimpse into your dream a while back. Yes, Pinkie Pie did raise a flag on your behalf!” I pointed out. “Wait; when was that?” she responded in a confused and indignant tone. “I am sure you recall the dream when you saw Prince Big Macintosh. Oh, and your father Filthy rich was chasing the Temptess with his gold in order to prevent it to escape the dream!” I suggested. “Prince Big Macintosh?” she exclaimed. “A dream is a dream, but you can still see a trace of the dreamer and his true identity. There is no escaping it!” I explained. “Wait, you refer to that one dream, where Applejacks big brother sported wings and horn, like an Alicorn?” she responded, with a slight glimmer of recognition. “These are all the obvious visual signs of a true Prince. Besides, you do still recall the story Granny Smith told tour class on Family Appreciation Day a while back? Celestia conferred the land on which the orchard Sweet Apple Accres are on to them, while she was still a little filly. That is still in the archives to be read by any and all Ponies!” I explained. “Noble Earth Ponies, if that is what you just told me?” she inquired. “That is the ultimate implication of it. Even if that act has even deeper implications on your case!” I conceded. “The first part seems promising, to a point. Yet, what do you mean, regarding me?” she continued. “Of course Princess Celestia had ulterior motives behind placing the Apples at the spot. Their orchard is directly on the rim of the Everfree forest, but it is also on trotting distance of their old castle. In effect, she built a garrison towards that forest. Yet, to you, the most important part would be in ennobling your entire type of Ponies. In Ponyville of all places, this does tie in with your history and heritage as well. Filthy has by any chance mentioned who supply the Sap-Apple Jam? It practically made his name!” I pointed out. “When you put it that way, I guess that does start to make sense. Are you telling me that I should be proud of being an Earth type Pony? Are we just as special as the Unicorns and Pegasi?” she continued. “Is there any better reason for your father to choose to live in Ponyville? Just look around, there are several very special Earth type Ponies in Ponyville. The more obvious would be the Apples, the Pies and the Cakes, even if the cakes are special in a very different way. Still, both the Apples and the Pies are openly special!” I added. “Wait, who can miss how special Pinkie Pie is? Even if I had to insist on her not exactly acting the part of an Earth type Pony!” she pointed out. “When you put it that way. I guess you could see a Changeling in her, in the way you never know which hoof she is to put onto the floor next. On that note, she is one of the few Earth type Ponies who actually does use any Earth magic openly. Even if she does use the other types as well. Twilight told me she went all the way to Yak Yakistan, just to pull something authentic back for a party, you realise the determination it takes to do that?” I suggested. “A Changeling? I did see one at the wedding in Ponyville, a while back. If I have neither wings nor horn, then how am I supposed to channel my magic?” she inquired. “How? You have a mane and a tail. I know you have seen the event, when Apple Bloom contracted the Cutie Pox. Take that for a hint!” I teased. “Every Pony has a mane and a tail, not just Earth type Ponies!” she responded in indignation. “Yes, we certainly do. Yet, only an Earth type can fly with her tail, or hold on to a flashlight with her mane, to the best of my knowledge!” I pointed out. “Actually, Nightmare Moon struck the guards with her mane!” she pointed out. “That is correct. Yet, an Alicorn retains the power from all three types, not just the Unicorn and the Pegasus!” I added. “There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself and your heritage. Not even for a little Earth type filly such as yourself!” I pointed out. “I think I can live with that!” she suggested. “Besides, you can be proud of living in Ponyville, not just for the good teacher you have in Cherilee, but for the great community it is. It has grown into the very spirit of the Hearth’s Warming Eve. Every type of Pony living side by side and contributing equally to the greater whole and to Equestria in general!” I pointed out. “Is that why the Crusaders got the honour to represent us, bearing our banner at the Equestria Games in the Empire?” she suggested bravely. “Can you deny that their union represent that spirit?” I prompted. She just got a dark shadow over her face as a memory hit her. “Then I would have represented the challenges our village has been facing to them?” she inquired. “A grim image of yourself, but I fear it does have some relevance in this case!” I pointed out. “In retrospect, I had more to envy her for, than just the waisted opportunity my Cutie Mark has been representing. As rich as we may be, but the Apples are both richer and more influential and powerful in the final analysis!” she offered. “They worked hard for what they have, and still do. If you go up against them, you would find the entire clan against you, with the combined weight and wealth of them all. Not even you should chance it. The wealth you have wouldn’t last, once the stores are void of their products!” I pondered. “I guess that is the problem with just forwarding products second hoof!” she chanced. “The Apples have very different priorities, compared to you. They are not really bothered with wealth. What they care about is the community they live in and their kin. This gives them a very special power!” I pointed out. “So, if I hurt one Apple, I hurt them all? If I make an enemy of one Apple, I get not just the Clan against me, but all their kin and the Communities in which they live and work?” she concluded. “If you cross them, it is just as dangerous as if you were to go up against Princess Celestia herself. In a sense, you could as well say that you did, considering how and why the Apples got to where they are!” I added. --- --- ---